What I mean by unfair is that some people are only after the thread count, hence their constant thread on prices alone without adding more words to make it good enough.
Yes, I agree with that right now. People just wanna get their thread count up, but I believe in the long run that we will get more accounts that will be more interesting in different niches like Twitter. Or am I naive? :)
I feel you. I've been beating the drum on this one for a while. Bad stimulus... That's what caused all this mess. People come for the numbers and ranking more than they come for true interaction. I wonder when is this campaign over.
The best type of leader is a person that can take the lead and go in the front of a group without needed to be asked to do it. Lead by example, lead by doing.
That builds a bond between the group and the leader in my opinion
A leader is one who is able to have an influence on others. Since others are looking up to him, he must not fail them but be ready to make an impact on them in the best and most positive way.
Hello everyone, I would like to bring up a very important subject. We all know that bringing new Hivers into the ecosystem is very important, but are we doing our part?
When I say about doing our part, I'm not exactly saying that everyone needs to onboard someone to help Hive. I'm talking about helping people who arrive to stay active and not just create an account and never use it.
And how can we help new hivers? There are simple ways. The first is a good reception, if a new Hiver feels welcomed with many welcome comments on your post, the chance of him staying in the hive increases considerably, do you agree?
But in addition to a warm welcome, we can still do more for newcomers. Passing on knowledge is very important, since one of the main reasons for giving up and inactivity is the difficulty encountered at the beginning of the journey.
yep this really helps. One of the things that helped me when I signed up was how people were ready to help me each time I asked questions. If it’s like that then everyone will feel welcome here.
#homewednesday Les presento un billete de 100,000 pesos son $22 es el de mayor denominación, más tarde cuando salga el sol hay que ir a mercar #spanish
acá tenemos muy bajas denominaciones, el mayor es el de 1000 y la inflación sigue aumentado, pero obvio no hay papel para imprimir más denominaciones 😅
I am no pro photographer but I always enjoy nature landscapes and wildlife animal photos here posted by others! Thanks for sharing this amazing post with us!
Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. If you would like to receive your GM tokens, please register your WAX wallet on our site, unclaimed tokens are burned. You can find the site in our profile on @gmfrens.
Já que estamos falando de cultura vamos falar do que está em alta agora na atualidade. Vamos falar de cultura nerd e o evento que fez o nerd deixar de ser "o esquisito" pra se tornar moda "ser nerd". Vamos de curiosidade sobra a BGS.
7- A BGS tem uma programação diversificada, incluindo estandes de jogos, lançamentos exclusivos, competições, palestras e painéis com convidados especiais.
10- A cada edição, a BGS traz convidados internacionais renomados da indústria de games, como Hideo Kojima, criador de Metal Gear Solid, e Phil Spencer, chefe da divisão Xbox na Microsoft.
And plz don't expect me to explain everything in a 240 character strings.
Everything you need to know is on their web site. And Youtube, reddit, Medium, etc etc.. Just read, read, read...
There is something extra special about a dog’s love. No matter what, our dogs are always there for us. Who else will wait by the door and await our arrival as they wag their tails gleefully?
I was a die-hard marble collector in my junior school days and I had four jars full of them! Remembering old times if fun :) Thanks for sharing this awesome photo!
Let me share some facts about a confident woman just like me. I read this interesting book titled "The confident woman" by Joyce Meyer and I enjoyed it.
A confident woman does not live in fear as she strongly refuses it. She knows fear is not from God and so, it is the devil's tool to stop her from moving forward. So, she make sure to confront her fears.
A confident woman is always positive as she believes that confidence and negativity does not go together. Though being positive or negative is a choice, she only chooses positivity.
A confident woman recovers from setbacks. She knows that once she stops trying, she has failed already. So, she keep getting up when she falls down. She believes that mistakes trains one and not stopping her.
She avoids comparisons. Confidence is not possible as long as we compare ourselves with other people. She is always careful of this. She believes in being her best instead of struggling to strive to impress people.
Yeah, there is no help in showing yourself or proofing to people who you are, if you do what is right with confident, trust me that’s enough to proof to them your capability
She takes action. There are people who are naturally shy but they believe with God's help, they can overcome the shyness and become bold to express themselves anywhere.
Yeah, naturally some people are really shy of things and I would say I am one of them, but sometimes I have to remove the shy face and do certain things with confidence when the need arise.
The title looks tempting. Can men read it, either? Thank you for sharing, and I like women to be confident. No doubt modern-day woman knows how to empower themselves.
But you know that for the fact it is tagged confident woman, many men would not be interested. The books title already put a kind of limit to its aauaudaudienaudience
I agree to all these about a confident woman and you have all these charisma in you. You are the woman they are talking about in the book. But I also believe a confident man should try portraying these too.
Having a leader or becoming one is not an easy thing to do, but once you achieve it, you can do great things, such as leading an entire community in the right direction.
Nice and cool breakdown. I was thinking about something different in leadership while reading. But I realized create an awesome follower to lead upon us surely the way out on hive.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for the motivational words. We all do have the power to influence people at some scale and we should do so for good reasons as it benefits us all in the end.
And for the hive analogy, I think we are all leaderships in some way.
Indeed! That is very accurate. Positivity gives strength; you are a perfect example of it, living like a conqueror lion. So keep up, and you will be kept up.
Let me make is simp;e for you. What does a Leader need to lead? Yes, followers! Anyone following you on Hive? Yes? Then you are a Leader.
I know that is a very basic brake down. But that is were we should start, with the basics.
But as John Paul Warren goes on to say. To be a strong leader, to come into your own and really start to lead those following you you have to become your own power plant.
Don’t let the negativity get you down. I know it is hard, it has been hard for me. I still have my moments. But the positivity can bring you though. No doubt. Be your POWER plant and lead.
-End of Storm.
There are 100+ comments needed for my next milestone in the Hustler Quest... I admit I started too late, but I'm happy with what I achieved so far. !LUV
There's no time for my remaining threads. (Even if I had the time, I'd need more RC.)
#gmfrens on some art shenanigans this morning. Started today on a good note I must say. I will share my drawing soon. So far, this is the best-looking thing I have drawn in the last 3 weeks.
Following video is already 2+ years old. There is toxicity in the community. But GrapheneOS itself is great and I am thinking of installing it. I came across this information while doing my research.
Don't forget, this community account for #freecompliments is voting on every thread that mentions the #freecompliments tag! Even better if there's an actual compliment given to someone to make their day better. 😊 #hive #motivation #life
Apologies if I missed it! I check + manually vote the tag at minimum every 2 days, and usually once per day. If I don't give you a vote within 2 days, please tag me so I can see it. Sometimes a misspelling can cause me to miss a tag, too.
a lot of work Today, currently i am at the office, busy finishing my daily work, and preparing the task for my other job.
Sometimes organizing the tasks just won’t work
How would you organize your time if you’re very busy?
glad that you are working well in the office even while being under pressure! I would personally divide them into small tsks based on priority and it helps me to execute them properly and in time.
That's actually really cool and I think this number will just keep increase. Myself is looking to add more again to my savings account.
Do you utilize the savings account or?
You guys need to get a billion threads to hit your zealy target?
Why does nobody get creative in the way they hit those numbers?
A single thread with a price tag?
Come onnnn, be better!
Add some context.
Something. Anything. Happy?
You forgot your own cashtag spam.
WHY is it up?
Are you buying?
Does the chart look sexy?
You have noticed that too? It's quite unfair though.
What is unfair?
I don't think I've read a single person truly get creative.
Have you seen how sexy some of the Threads from genuine content creators on Twitter look?
What I mean by unfair is that some people are only after the thread count, hence their constant thread on prices alone without adding more words to make it good enough.
Sorry, I misunderstood you.
Yes, you're right.
It's no problem.
Don't you think we will get more "quality" when the userbase expands and when people will see that quality threads will get more votes/engagement?
Meanwhile we're flooded with spam.
Yes, I agree with that right now. People just wanna get their thread count up, but I believe in the long run that we will get more accounts that will be more interesting in different niches like Twitter. Or am I naive? :)
I dunno about that... All I know is I don't like this shit. I am on leofinance for almost three years and I don't like seeing it getting trashed.
I think it's a calculated risk they have taken in order to bring a larger audience onboard here.
Totally agree on this. If we did what they did, we probably could probably have more threads than taskmaster . I think~
I feel you. I've been beating the drum on this one for a while. Bad stimulus... That's what caused all this mess. People come for the numbers and ranking more than they come for true interaction. I wonder when is this campaign over.
Agreed. People should make a container at least to stop the main feed spam.
yeah, I usually do see that a lot here, and it’s really making threads boring most at times
yes, only a price tag thread is spam to me, but many of us are creative and bring good value to threads also!
I come on here and they make me want to leave. You scroll through so many and cant find any to reply to
do you claim candy in Coingecko? I claimed

used to do it, but have gotten bored with it since I never used it
I can understand
I used to, but decided I probably wouldn't use it. Nothing wrong with free tokens though.
yes, we just need to spend 1 min max, and maybe in the future it can be valuable or maybe not
Despite using Coingecko a lot to check $HIVE prices, I don't think I made an account on it yet.
What are the benefits of collecting Candies on CG?
nothing much as of now but you never if later it can be valuable..
Hmmmm... Nice to know they're there at least.
Candy how, how is that ddidone pls
Before I head to work. Random Lion: What is the best type of leader? Give me your reasons..
The best type of leader is a person that can take the lead and go in the front of a group without needed to be asked to do it. Lead by example, lead by doing.
That builds a bond between the group and the leader in my opinion
An honest one void of selfish ambition... spoiler... he doesn't exist ;)
A leader is one who is able to have an influence on others. Since others are looking up to him, he must not fail them but be ready to make an impact on them in the best and most positive way.
If You still don't understand what spamming actually means, the annoying price updates and endless motivation quotes on threads are clear examples
😀😀😀 I saw one who kept repeating the same thing as threadstorm last night.
JUst imagine
oh. This is extreme
It wasn't funny when I saw the user. Lol
Yeah, they really are
yes true, I am feeling bad seeing so many threads just with price tags, I am fine with valuable quotes and facts thou as they add some value.
Yeah you are right. Most of those quotes are very useful. Those price tags are just annoying
Are you waving yet?
#leofinance #ecency #hive #gosh #ecencywaves #aliveandthriving #ctp #liotes
Does Waves work like D.buzz or?
many must be waiting
Hello everyone, I would like to bring up a very important subject. We all know that bringing new Hivers into the ecosystem is very important, but are we doing our part?
Well I try to get people here. You can only try but I di get a few of them to sign up.
Doing onboarding is not easy due to the amount of things people need to learn simply to make a single post. But we keep trying...
but even if you don't onboard the other themes to keep the new hiver active are important!
yep retention is key. You don’t sign them and leave them stranded
For sure... it doesn't make sense to invite and leave so that the person ends up giving up due to lack of support!
When I say about doing our part, I'm not exactly saying that everyone needs to onboard someone to help Hive. I'm talking about helping people who arrive to stay active and not just create an account and never use it.
And how can we help new hivers? There are simple ways. The first is a good reception, if a new Hiver feels welcomed with many welcome comments on your post, the chance of him staying in the hive increases considerably, do you agree?
But in addition to a warm welcome, we can still do more for newcomers. Passing on knowledge is very important, since one of the main reasons for giving up and inactivity is the difficulty encountered at the beginning of the journey.
yep this really helps. One of the things that helped me when I signed up was how people were ready to help me each time I asked questions. If it’s like that then everyone will feel welcome here.
exactly thats my point!
In addition to these 2 ways to help, we can still value the content to encourage new quality content by giving our upvote in the introduction posts.
Love the expression. dont you ?
pic source- pixabay
the image is almost 90% gray for me bro and I cant see anything, check if you can see it from your side.
I can see it.. not sure if some issue at your end
Yubico gives me nothing for promoting their stuff.
I am just a happy user of YUBIKEY's.
Since 2011 or so.
I've got FOUR of them
Want to share what's is about#yubikey.
What is Yubikey? Is it a ledger or something else? Might be ignorant, but hey can maybe then learn something new =)
What is this yubico? hearing about them for the first time!
What’s Yubikey? 🤔
its a authentication device.. right ?
Yes. A modern, elegant 2 FA.
Tough as rock.
this sounds great
#homewednesday Les presento un billete de 100,000 pesos son $22 es el de mayor denominación, más tarde cuando salga el sol hay que ir a mercar #spanish
acá tenemos muy bajas denominaciones, el mayor es el de 1000 y la inflación sigue aumentado, pero obvio no hay papel para imprimir más denominaciones 😅
Enjoy 3 wildlife photographs!
Selected by @photofeed
If you are a #photography expert, you can participate!
#gosh #hive #alive
such professional photography
Yes. It looks that way.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(8/10)@be-alysha! to your account on behalf of @hafiz34.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
I am no pro photographer but I always enjoy nature landscapes and wildlife animal photos here posted by others! Thanks for sharing this amazing post with us!
Good morning everyone, I made a post and I will like everyone to read my post and feel comfortable
#gosh #gmfrens
let me check
Oh good, thanks for checking
welcome mate
Yeah, I would definitely check that out
thanks for sharing this
Thanks so much and I will appreciate your rewards as
Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. If you would like to receive your GM tokens, please register your WAX wallet on our site, unclaimed tokens are burned. You can find the site in our profile on @gmfrens.
Greetings everyone. Here's my participation for week164 on Hive Open Mic👇
#openmic #music #ocd
you're professional
Thank you @be-alysha for your visit here.
Am grateful
#cheers 🥂
You are welcome mate
thanks for sharing your participation post here with us
You're welcome and thanks too for visiting @abu78
Am grateful🤝
#Cheers 🥂
Good morning wiz and thanks for sharing your skills with us, you are a true musician!
Thank you so much sir for the visit @mango-juice
Am grateful🤝
#cheers 🥂
It's nice that we dream of widespread #crypto acceptance, but be careful of what you ask for!
wow, this would definitely be a great post, I would check that out asap
Já que estamos falando de cultura vamos falar do que está em alta agora na atualidade. Vamos falar de cultura nerd e o evento que fez o nerd deixar de ser "o esquisito" pra se tornar moda "ser nerd". Vamos de curiosidade sobra a BGS.
1-A primeira edição da BGS aconteceu em 2009, no Rio de Janeiro. E eu perdi porque nesse ano estava morando fora do Rio :(
kkkkk isso é triste mas tenho certeza que você aproveitou outras oportunidades
(e provavelmente a primeira foi péssima)
2- A partir de 2010, o evento passou a ser realizado em São Paulo. E em 2011 eu voltei a morar no Rio e continuei sem ir :(
OH FUCK kkkkkkkk
3- A BGS é considerada a maior feira de games da América Latina.
Deve ter muita coisa maneira para se admirar nos Stands
4-O evento já recebeu mais de 1,5 milhão de visitantes ao longo de suas edições.
5- A BGS possui uma área de exposição de mais de 50 mil metros quadrados.
O espaço é gigantesco
6- A feira é conhecida por reunir grandes empresas do setor de games, como Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo e Ubisoft.
7- A BGS tem uma programação diversificada, incluindo estandes de jogos, lançamentos exclusivos, competições, palestras e painéis com convidados especiais.
8- O evento é uma oportunidade para os fãs de games testarem jogos antes do lançamento oficial.
Eu só queria jogar um Bloodbornzinho, bem que podiam lançar pro PC audhasudh
9- Além dos estandes das empresas, a BGS conta com um espaço chamado "BGS Indie", destinado a desenvolvedores independentes brasileiros.
10- A cada edição, a BGS traz convidados internacionais renomados da indústria de games, como Hideo Kojima, criador de Metal Gear Solid, e Phil Spencer, chefe da divisão Xbox na Microsoft.
11- A primeira edição da BGS contou com a presença de Nolan Bushnell, fundador da Atari.
12- A feira já recebeu diversas celebridades, como Charles Martinet, dublador do Super Mario, e Yoshinori Ono, produtor da série Street Fighter.
Eu não reconheceria 99,9% deles lol
ng reconhece se nao falar o que fizeram..rs
13- A BGS também abrange outras áreas da cultura geek, como quadrinhos, filmes e séries.
14- Durante o evento, é possível encontrar cosplayers representando personagens famosos dos games.
São uma das partes mais legais (e as vezes cringe) desses eventos
é muito maneiro ver o empenho da galera em criar cosplays tão fodas
mano tem uma galera que vive pra isso. é top de mais!
15- A BGS já promoveu competições de eSports, com premiações em dinheiro.
16- A feira conta com um espaço chamado "BGS Meet & Greet", onde os fãs têm a oportunidade de conhecer pessoalmente seus ídolos da indústria de games.
17- Em 2019, a BGS comemorou sua 12ª edição.
18- A BGS recebeu o prêmio "Melhor Evento" no Brazilian Game Awards de 2017.
19- Em 2018, a BGS inaugurou o "BGS Summit", um congresso voltado para profissionais e empreendedores do mercado de games.
20- Em 2020, devido à pandemia de COVID-19, a BGS foi realizada de forma totalmente online, chamada de "BGS Online".
o Covid foi um baque enorme para todos os tipos de evento presenciais
alguns descobriram novas formas de lucrar com redução de custos!
21- Durante a BGS, são realizados lançamentos de jogos e consoles no mercado brasileiro.
22- O evento já teve patrocínio de grandes marcas, como Subway, Oi, Itaú e Lenovo.
23- A BGS também conta com uma área chamada "BGS Retro", dedicada aos jogos clássicos e consoles antigos.
24- A BGS tem uma área de alimentação com diversas opções de comida e bebida.
25- A feira já teve edições especiais, como a BGS Tour Nordeste, que levou a experiência do evento para outras cidades do Brasil.
26- A BGS já recebeu o selo "Marca Brasileira de Games", uma certificação do governo brasileiro que reconhece a importância do evento para o setor.
27-O mascote oficial da BGS é o "Cosmonauta", um astronauta.
Isso só me lembra a skin do Teemo Astronauta
hah verdade!
28- A BGS já teve presença de celebridades do YouTube, como Felipe Neto e Zangado.
29-Durante o evento, são realizados torneios de jogos de luta, como Street Fighter e Tekken.
30- A BGS também oferece atrações para o público infantil, como espaços com jogos e atividades educativas.
31- A BGS já recebeu importantes desenvolvedoras de games indie, como a brasileira JoyMasher.
32- O evento conta com uma área de venda de produtos relacionados à cultura geek, como camisetas, action figures e acessórios.
33- A BGS já teve a participação de influenciadores digitais famosos, como BRKsEDU e Cellbit.
34- O evento recebe um grande número de imprensa nacional e internacional, que cobre as novidades e acontecimentos da feira.
35- A BGS já teve edições comemorativas, como a "BGS 10 anos", em 2018.
36- A feira também promove ações sociais, como campanhas de doação de alimentos e brinquedos.
37- Durante a BGS, são realizados painéis e palestras com profissionais da indústria, que compartilham seus conhecimentos e experiências.
38- O evento já teve presença de importantes influenciadores do segmento de games, como IGN Brasil e GameSpot.
39- A BGS recebeu o prêmio "Melhor Feira de Games do Mundo" pelo "Brasil eSports Award" em 2017.
40- A BGS tem parcerias com universidades e escolas de games, promovendo workshops e cursos durante o evento.
41- O evento já teve a presença de times de eSports renomados, como a INTZ e-Sports Club.
42- A BGS possui um espaço chamado "BGS Cosplay Outback", onde os cosplayers podem se reunir e participar de concursos.
43- Durante a BGS, são realizados encontros e sessões de autógrafos com desenvolvedores de jogos.
44- O evento já recebeu grandes estúdios de animação e dublagem, como a Disney e a Dubbing Company.
45- A BGS conta com um espaço dedicado aos jogos de realidade virtual, onde os visitantes podem experimentar essa tecnologia.
46- A BGS possui um aplicativo oficial, que oferece informações sobre a feira, programação e mapa do evento.
47- Durante a BGS, são realizadas atividades para fãs de diferentes gêneros de games, como RPG, ação, aventura e esportes.
48- O evento já teve participação de importantes desenvolvedores brasileiros, como a Behold Studios e a Hoplon.
49- A BGS tem um espaço chamado "BGS Talks", onde são realizadas palestras e debates sobre temas relevantes para a indústria de games.
50- A feira já teve edições temáticas, como a "BGS Cosplay", com foco nos fãs de cosplay e competições de caracterização.
A BGS sempre foi um evento muito grande aqui no Brasil, infelizmente nunca tive a oportunidade de ir
We need a live threads counter and also a mobile app for Leo Finance.
Both are very important.
need the mobile app first
no need laptop
That is quite a great idea and I also support this. Just hope it doesnt put too much pressure on the backend! #feedback
yeap right
oh I think the live thread counter is being added. As for the app there was one for the old UI. I don’t know if there is one now.
I didn't know that
oh yep TM has talked about it a couple times.
I agree .. it should be in place
yeah the mobile app is cool. And the counter should aid
Na ultima atualização tinha 20 pessoas acima dos 3k. Quantas será que vão finalizar o dia de hoje acime desses3k do boss final das threads?
Good morning to all the threaders
Have a nice wednesday.
Good Morning.
have a good day
good morning and thanks for the motivation may friend, I won't fall down or surrender until I beat the boss lion today!
Good Morning
GM to you as well.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
What is YubiKey ?
It is "something what you have" .
A modern, strong, elegant 2FA ( second-factor-authentication) device.
A "must have" in this digital age.
www.yubico.com I got my first #yubikey abt 10 years ago. I have them FOUR.
And plz don't expect me to explain everything in a 240 character strings.
Everything you need to know is on their web site. And Youtube, reddit, Medium, etc etc.. Just read, read, read...
Never heard of it so I will check it out. Thanks for sharing!
Need to get myself one of those.
At the heart of mankind
Existence is the desire
To be intimate and be loved by another.
Marriage is designed to meet that need for intimacy and love.
#bcpoets #love #life #thread
This is beautiful. Goodluck
Those feelings are inborn and marriage provides the best place to give and share them.
Those feelings are inborn and marriage provides the best place to give and share them.
most Africans don't get married for love
It's money they are after. With material possessions 😀
hmm, that’s a nice poem from you, would I also marry one day lol 😝
Why won´t you? Do you want to stay a bachelor forever? Lol
love is very important because it would be disgusting to live this life alone and be unconnected! I also love my wife so much!
I can see someone sending me her marriage invitation soon
#gmfrens ,
There is something extra special about a dog’s love. No matter what, our dogs are always there for us. Who else will wait by the door and await our arrival as they wag their tails gleefully?
The loyalty of dogs is just to the max. I wish human has suck kind of loyalty
Nice thinking.
I don’t really like dogs. I prefer cats
Stablecoin issuer Trust Reserve's team detained by police in China: PANews
Oh, so probably that's the reason behind this dip.
China is back in news again
I want to share with everybody one of my favorite Crypto-Communicators, here's a nice slide about Bear Market:

Yea, good ol buy the top and sell the bottom pattern that most people can't break out
In theory super easy, until the human psychology break-in... why sell a token for 1$ if it could reach 100$ (maybe)?
That's so very true.
It is, he is a really nice Communicator, and most important thing he is objective not a "shiller".
Yeah, sounds like one.
Nothing can beat some old-school marble fun.
It reminds me of my childhood.
You are having fun with this good memories
I was a die-hard marble collector in my junior school days and I had four jars full of them! Remembering old times if fun :) Thanks for sharing this awesome photo!
hehe. I never played something like this before. How is ot played?
Oh, yes. Those were the days.
Those moments are always fun.
Let me share some facts about a confident woman just like me. I read this interesting book titled "The confident woman" by Joyce Meyer and I enjoyed it.
1/ 🧵
A confident woman knows that she is loved. She does not fear being unloved because she knows that God loves her unconditionally even if no one does.
2/ 🧵
yeah, she has the confidence of being loved
Exactly. We need to understand that too.
This is the bbebest point for me. Every human person should always know that that they are loved by God and so no fear being unloved by man
A confident woman does not live in fear as she strongly refuses it. She knows fear is not from God and so, it is the devil's tool to stop her from moving forward. So, she make sure to confront her fears.
3/ 🧵
wow, that’s so great to know
👏 Yes oo. Thanks for reading.
FEar is never good for anybody
A confident woman is always positive as she believes that confidence and negativity does not go together. Though being positive or negative is a choice, she only chooses positivity.
4/ 🧵
yeah, a confident person would always go on for positivity as negativity is never an option
A confident woman recovers from setbacks. She knows that once she stops trying, she has failed already. So, she keep getting up when she falls down. She believes that mistakes trains one and not stopping her.
5/ 🧵
yeah, being confident in yourself really counts a lot in your life, these are really some of the benefits
VerY necessary for those career women who thrive to make some imputation un life
Imagine if every woman knows these?
That book is enriched with great lessons to learn from. I learnt a lot!
I can see that. I wish my gf would read it but hmm
Get it for her as a gift. Lol
A great idea
SUre, it is 😊
THem go become president of Nigeria and transform naija
She avoids comparisons. Confidence is not possible as long as we compare ourselves with other people. She is always careful of this. She believes in being her best instead of struggling to strive to impress people.
6/ 🧵
Yeah, there is no help in showing yourself or proofing to people who you are, if you do what is right with confident, trust me that’s enough to proof to them your capability
But is there no positive comparison?
I guess I should have specified it is negative comparisons I am talking about here. Lol
Of course, there is a positive comparison which will make us grow and thrive successfully.
She takes action. There are people who are naturally shy but they believe with God's help, they can overcome the shyness and become bold to express themselves anywhere.
7/ 🧵
Yeah, naturally some people are really shy of things and I would say I am one of them, but sometimes I have to remove the shy face and do certain things with confidence when the need arise.
thanks for sharing such a wonderful piece of story, I really did enjoyed reading it
I believe that in life one just needs to be determined and decide on what to do and one will do it regardless of one's nature as shy
YOu are right. Determination is the key here.
let’s go I am following this boot to boot 🥾
OYa... Read am. I don stop 😀
sharp, commented on every threads here haha
I trust you 😀😀
HEhe, you na follower na,
lol, haha 😂
The title looks tempting. Can men read it, either? Thank you for sharing, and I like women to be confident. No doubt modern-day woman knows how to empower themselves.
Of course, men can read it too because I don't think it's only limited to women alone. Men can also get it for their women as gift.
But you know that for the fact it is tagged confident woman, many men would not be interested. The books title already put a kind of limit to its aauaudaudienaudience
Hehehe. But if men want, they can get it for their wives and girlfriends.
Gbam! That's true, modern day women now are breadwinner of the home
I agree to all these about a confident woman and you have all these charisma in you. You are the woman they are talking about in the book. But I also believe a confident man should try portraying these too.
Thanks for sharing
Omo shey no be toast you don dey toast this fine babe so ?? @princessbusayo watch o, hehe
lol. She is my babe and baby. So no big deal… not something new
I see you are an adventurous woman. It's good you love reading. Unlike me that is olodo, hehe
JOyce Meyer is one those authors with a difference. I love her books but i don't like reading, hehe
Thank you princess for this insight. You too much nne
I haven't read it yet but I will look for it. Sounds like something we should all read!
Thank you for commenting on this
A Floating Home
is an optional concept of living i could imagine to enjoy on #homewednesday 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼 #photography #houseboat
wow, that’s a cool place to live, serine environment
I love this. Kinda portable and cool
1/ #threadstorm from my Mr. Positive Quote of the Day.
Hello fellow LikeTu’ers and Hivians,
Some quotes just motivate me to write and talk about them. And of course this is one of them.
Having a leader or becoming one is not an easy thing to do, but once you achieve it, you can do great things, such as leading an entire community in the right direction.
Thanks for the motivational words.
You are so welcome 🙏
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@vikvitnik! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Bradley giving his daily dose of motivation. After reading you will be able to do anything that you want to try
You got that correct 😀
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/50)@shawnnft! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
O.O yes I'm still waiting for you to get rich so u can splash some money on us poor folks
Nice and cool breakdown. I was thinking about something different in leadership while reading. But I realized create an awesome follower to lead upon us surely the way out on hive.
Thanks for sharing
Any time 😉 you're welcome 😊
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(5/50)@abdul-qudus! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Thanks for the motivational words. We all do have the power to influence people at some scale and we should do so for good reasons as it benefits us all in the end.
And for the hive analogy, I think we are all leaderships in some way.
Thank you. And absolutely we are.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(8/50)@nonsowrites! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Thank you for the motivation. You have some very interesting ideas there.
Thanks so much. 😀
“The secret to strong leaders is that strong leaders are strong because they have been tempered by the negative.
Indeed! That is very accurate. Positivity gives strength; you are a perfect example of it, living like a conqueror lion. So keep up, and you will be kept up.
And thank you for those motivational words.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(7/50)@globetrottergcc! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
You are most welcome.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/50)@bradleyarrow! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @globetrottergcc.
They have discovered the secret of combining the negative and the positive to PRODUCED their very own POWER plant!”
― John Paul Warren
Hive. Yes Hive is the first thing that came to mind when reading this. You want to do awesome on Hive then I believe you have to become a leader.
I know the first thing some people are thinking is that either you don’t want to or you don’t have the skills.
Let me make is simp;e for you. What does a Leader need to lead? Yes, followers! Anyone following you on Hive? Yes? Then you are a Leader.
I know that is a very basic brake down. But that is were we should start, with the basics.
But as John Paul Warren goes on to say. To be a strong leader, to come into your own and really start to lead those following you you have to become your own power plant.
I talk a lot about negativity and positivity so I though this quote was right up my ally.
Don’t let the negativity get you down. I know it is hard, it has been hard for me. I still have my moments. But the positivity can bring you though. No doubt. Be your POWER plant and lead.
-End of Storm.
Its not easy to ignore the negativity around us but the willpower and diverting the mind to positive things helps a lot.
I agree, that is the reason I usually start my day #gmfrens post with a good motivational quote.
thanks for sharing these, fren. surely someone needed to hear at least one of them today.
#Bitcoin Price Shows Downside Correction, but Bulls Remain Active
Self-discipline starts in your head - control your thoughts to control your life.
#Threads #life #motivation
Self-control is important. I agree
To be a better person on your own, it starts from the mind and this is why we must be able to control our thoughts and mindsets.
And that's the hardest part.
not something so easy. But when done then the better.
My breakfast is set.
#foodie #gmfrens #nigeria
If this is breakfast, I wonder how heavy supper will be
Ah, u eat heavy supper?? I thought they say supper should be light
If its light, I wont be able to sleep
wow, I am yet to look for mine, enjoy
Hehe, you can join him.
Breakfast That Slaps Hard .
Omo u dey vex o. Ebay for morning??
enjoy the breakfast
oooh my Goodness!! This is fantabulous
#gmfrens, Just a friendly reminder-today is the last day for the Hustler quest set in #zealy. Have you almost completed your next Hustler quest?
In that case, you better hurry up & complete it today. I need 21 threads to do my 500 threads. 1 down 20 to go.
Still trying to complete one more. Still on my way to 1000
Great, go for it. You can do it.
Thank you
There are 100+ comments needed for my next milestone in the Hustler Quest... I admit I started too late, but I'm happy with what I achieved so far. !LUV
There's no time for my remaining threads. (Even if I had the time, I'd need more RC.)
(3/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
Well, take heart, there are still other quests you can complete.
Yup. I'll be focusing on those!!
Some of hese quests, I don't evenknow their names. PlPls wwhicwhicH iis husthustler, llolz
That one is for completing a certain number of threads.
Thanks for reminder
You are very welcome. My pleasure.
I am done with my hustler quest so I am just threading when I have time,
I know, you must have finished it long ago. I remember the Threadsathon.
During the last 6 hours, $CUB engaged in 4 transfers.

I hope CUB price improves
Same, have to wait long for its growth IMO.
big increase.
#gmfrens on some art shenanigans this morning. Started today on a good note I must say. I will share my drawing soon. So far, this is the best-looking thing I have drawn in the last 3 weeks.
I hope to come across them soon. Good morning, Nonso.
Morning Busayo. 🙃 hope your day is going well?
Yes, going fine. Almost achieving my 2k thread. It has been over 4hrs on thread trying to accomplish that.
Ah, that's a lot. Good job. Do you think you can get to 3k?
Haaa... that is 1k more before the end of today. No, I can't do it 😀😀 I haven't eaten 😕
I plan to achieve this before doing that.
The thread hustling is ending today. Hope you are aware?
Yeah I know. I reached my target two weeks ago to free up time for other things. Well 2k threads isn't bad. Well done.
did you draw a lion?! Or what what. Can’t wait to have a look or maybe I have seen it in your recent post.
I have been drawing lions ever since the contest started. This is another one 🥹
are you able to beat the final boss of artist??
No I have not. I don't even know what it is yet until I finish this piece I am working on.
I am there. And it asked for a lion that just defeated a boss or so. Just like in video games
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
xciting announcement! 📣
!The #3Speak Mobile app has been approved by @Apple and is now available on the @AppStore
You can record videos directly on your iPhone and share them on #Hive.
It's an amazing development
I see #3speak is growing,I love the fact of am app
This a good update for 3speak users..
Following video is already 2+ years old. There is toxicity in the community. But GrapheneOS itself is great and I am thinking of installing it. I came across this information while doing my research.
Don't forget, this community account for #freecompliments is voting on every thread that mentions the #freecompliments tag! Even better if there's an actual compliment given to someone to make their day better. 😊 #hive #motivation #life
Didn't know about this!
I'll try to use this tag when I see fit. Thank you, and keep sending #freecompliments to Hive users.
It would be very useful to help spread all those good vibes throughout Hive! Thank you so much. :)
Thanks for the reminder again. But I have not seen any reward from my past usage o
Apologies if I missed it! I check + manually vote the tag at minimum every 2 days, and usually once per day. If I don't give you a vote within 2 days, please tag me so I can see it. Sometimes a misspelling can cause me to miss a tag, too.
Also, posts where you mention the FC community get upvoted as well, and will help us grow! Just find a post you like, compliment, mention FC, and let me know. 😊
I Got the worse of worse Luck Ever
First day of exams, doing objective paper done half of it exam invigilator arrived and half marks Gone without even doing it.
Then, at half of subjective paper same thing happened again
Screwed up.
Am confused as to why am invigilator will take your marks in the exam hall.🙂
He took my Paper sheet... So my marks are gone with it.
I get that but was it time or something you did made him take it.
ohh no, was the time ended already by then? you may focus on your writing speed buddy so that it won't happens to you again!
Trust me, I was already writing too fast.. but they've given short time and lengthy paper.
Lengthy paper with 2 and half hour time... Lol, even after writing like crazy still the main parts were left.
I wish I could sue them for this retarded act.
Done with this system and country.
Why did invigilator take away the marks? What wrong did you do?
They take away my paper (time ran out) so, marks gone without attempting..
From the next exam, keep your eyes on the time also, mate!
You should be more careful about the time
Oops, why that? Sorry to hear this man
Short time.
Oh sorry about that. hopefully, the next ones will be better
a lot of work Today, currently i am at the office, busy finishing my daily work, and preparing the task for my other job.
Sometimes organizing the tasks just won’t work
How would you organize your time if you’re very busy?
Focus on the ones with a clear deadline that is close by.
it exhausting but thanks man i will take it into consideration
Just do the ones that are most important for now. All the best to you in your office.
thanks my friend
I also mess up while I am super busy.
Hope that you can finish all your works.
thanks man, it’s not easy but we got to do it
I am still enjoying my vacation
oooh that’s cool, have lots of fun than
Hope you did all work nicely.
it’s like everyday’s work it’s exhausting, but we need to get used to if
just prioritize them and do them accordingly that would be of great help
glad that you are working well in the office even while being under pressure! I would personally divide them into small tsks based on priority and it helps me to execute them properly and in time.
Do you know that almost 16k #hive users store almost 7000000 $HBD in the savings! (snapshot on 21.5.23 by @arcange)
That's actually really cool and I think this number will just keep increase. Myself is looking to add more again to my savings account.
Do you utilize the savings account or?
I am not in that 16k hive user list :) I have my reason :)
The graph is only going up!!
nope but I do now
Great :)
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(6/10)@tengolotodo.leo! to your account on behalf of @hafiz34.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
wow, that’s huge, a lot of HBDs going into savings wow
Hmm. It's going into savings.
I also did it
Great :)
omg, that is an insane amount of HBD that they stored together! no doubt the 20% apr is so lucrative to invest in it.
GM frens!
hahaha, I love this meme #gmfrens
have a nice day bro
Good morning meme. Crypto moon is important. But Leo growth is more important
ArchonTribe News 89: Winners, Contests, And Rewards! #liotes #leofinance #gosh #featheredfriends #ladiesofhive https://ecency.com/hive-177956/@archonapp/archontribe-news-89-winners-contests-and-rewards
This person talk about the impact of subsidy removal on citizens and the way forward. It something we need to see
thanks for Sharing. I am eager to check it out with the present situation of our country.
Yeah you should check
*I hope you are not postingbthiposting this in suppppsupport of Tinubu's immediate policy immediately after his swearing in
Well I don't know anything about that I just like what he wrote
*OK *
Some Facts about the World.
As a multiethnic country, Nigeria has over 520 spoken languages among its residents.
Britain remains the world’s only country without a written constitution.
Uganda is home to the endangered mountain gorilla, particularly in the Ruwenzori Mountains.
In the Arabic language, the name of the country Sudan means ‘the land of the blacks.’
Pomelo, the largest citrus fruit on the planet, is endemic to Malaysia.
The largest contiguous irrigation system in the world is in Pakistan.
Bangladesh is home to the Earth’s largest river and largest mangrove.
Russia is the country that uses the most time zones at 11 until they reduced it to 9 in 2011.
Only one country voluntarily abandoned its nuclear weapons program – South Africa.
Colombia hosts the Iberoamericana, the largest theater festival in the world.
Saudi Arabia is the largest non-river country on the planet.
The world’s largest proven oil reserve hails from Venezuela.
Mozambique coastline has a rep for resident large marine animals like dolphins, whales, and whale sharks.
Outside the UN, Taiwan has the largest economy and most populous state among the rest.
Covering 2,653 miles, Chile is the world’s longest country from north to south.
Brazil shares borders with all South American countries except only for Chile and Ecuador.
More than 2,100 castles stand in Germany.
Iran touches borders with 10 countries including Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, and Pakistan.
Istanbul, Turkey is the only city bridging two continents with 3% in Europe and 97% in Asia.
Dreadlocks hairstyle traces its origins from the country Angola.
The flag of the USA has at least 13 versions.
Mexico stands over Tenochtitlán ruins, once a great Aztec city.
The Dominican Republic is the Breadbasket of the Caribbean due to the island’s rich soil.
Peru has the highest sand dune on the planet.
Guatemala is home to the first mixed UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Ecuador was the first country in the world to officially recognize nature rights.
The incredible nature of Puerto Rico earned the country the name ‘Island of Enchantment.’
Cuba makes the world’s finest cigars.
Costa Rica is the hummingbird capital of the world.
The largest salt flat in the world is found in Bolivia.
Argentina covers both the highest and lowest points in the whole of South America.
Canada is the country with the longest coastline on Earth at 125,000 miles.
The life expectancy in Zimbabwe is the lowest in the whole world.
Madagascar has a distinct red color that could not be seen anywhere else in the world.
Senegal is home to Africa’s tallest statue.
The Democratic Republic of Congo is the only habitat of the great apes.
Around 70 tribes with 30 various dialects reside in Kenya.
Tanzania has a sculptor lake.
Chad is branded as the Dead Heart of Africa.
In Haiti, Voodoo became a legally established religion in 2001.
Cote d’Ivoire is the world’s biggest producer of cocoa.
Piracy by the Somalian coast has raised an international shipping threat.
Ethiopia gave birth to coffee, the worldwide favorite beverage.
Guinea is home to the wettest capital on the planet.
Cameroon is one of the only two countries where the world’s largest frog could be found.
Toothpaste originated from Ancient Egypt.
Niger carries the title ‘The Frying Pan in the World.’
Rwanda has a privately-owned Inema Arts Center.
76% of Djibouti’s population lives in its capital city, Djibouti City.
Tunisia once became rivals with Rome due to the ruins of Carthage.
A UNESCO World Heritage site in Mali was built completely of mud.
Morocco is one of the only three countries featuring both Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines.
In Burkina Faso, the Nazinga Reserve keeps the most number of elephants in West Africa.
Burundi keeps the world’s second-oldest freshwater lake.
The oldest European-built construction in Sub-Saharan Africa stands in Ghana.
Malawi is aptly labeled as ‘The Warm Heart of Africa.’
Benin is home to the largest remaining number of lions in West Africa.
In Algeria, numerous UFO sightings have been reported throughout the years.
The biggest man-made lake in the world could be found in Zambia.
Ancient Greece hosted the first-ever Olympics in 776 BCE.
A restaurant in Spain holds the record for being the oldest one still standing.
Halloween traces its origin to Ireland.
The heaviest building in the world is in Romania.
Phone company Nokia and the Linux kernel trace their roots in Finland.
The highway in Belgium is visible from the moon.
The world-famous toy blocks brand Lego originated from Denmark.
The Czech Republic carries the label of The Castle Capital of the World.
Two regions in Norway are out of natural sunlight for around 6 months.
Sweden introduced standardized time to the world.
The Netherlands is the Legal Capital of the World.
France is the origin point of the metric system.
Italy is the country with the highest number of UNESCO sites.
Luxembourg is the only remaining country that is a grand duchy.
Estonia has more than one capital city.
The world’s oldest bookstore is found in Portugal.
Ukraine suffered the greatest environmental catastrophe in the history of humanity.
The world’s heaviest land mammal and last ancient European forest is in Poland.
Sri Lanka has the oldest recorded living tree planted by a man.
Cambodia holds the unfortunate record of the largest population of landmine-caused amputees.
As a city-state, Singapore is an independent country with only one city.
Japan is the mother country of shibari or sexual bondage play in English.
Vietnam is the largest exporter of black pepper in the world.
The record-holder for the longest subterranean waterway on the planet used to be the Philippines.
Mongolia is home to the world’s oldest national park.
Myanmar holds the record of having the most number of Buddhist temples.
Thailand is among the top rice exporters in the world.
Iraq is responsible for the development of the oldest known writing system.
The largest slave population in the world resides in India.
Geologically speaking, Nepal is alive.
The largest archipelago on the planet is Indonesia.
In Yemen, the city of Shibam is the so-called ‘Manhattan of the Desert.’
North Korea practices the Juche government system.
Wireless speeds are the fastest in South Korea.
China keeps the oldest and longest continuous civilization in the world.
Uzbekistan is not just landlocked; it is doubly landlocked.
Of the opium supply across the world, 90% are from Afghanistan.
Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked country in the world.
Since WWII, the worst humanitarian crisis is the Syrian refugee crisis.
The standardization of time in Australia started in 1892.
$LEO #LEO maintains stability
Leo is doing just amazing since the UI and campaign launched, i am trying to buy some Leo but it is going beyond my hand!
I have buy orders and I check them out every now and then when they fill up it makes me happy.
i have got filled only a little bit considering my whole order, people are buying like crazy!
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Good advice. Unless one has confidence in himself it herself, no headway will be made.
This is why we must believe in what we can do, only then would we be able to achieve greatness.
yes appreciated
You are welcome.
I agree with you, lead a life being humble and let your abilities and qualities speak for you!
Yes exactly
thanks and glad that you liked my response, I am also trying to follow the same path :)
happiness lies within. No one will help you and make you happy.
$HIVE #Hive is falling this is very interesting
More opportunity to bag more Hive.
tomorrow is hpud
yes, very true
yeah, the influence of $BTC price again
oh damn, i though now it's time for hive to go up and catch the uptrend, this is sad tbh
The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.
Hehehe. I don't understand this. Lol
I have gotten you wrong.
yes very true, buy when others are selling like crazy and vice versa. that's how rich people gets richer!
Cryptography is an advanced mathematical algorithm which stores and transmits data in a particular form which is unrecognizable.
yes, khan, it is a very high-level technology to restorer unrecognizable data and is also used in blockchain systems.
So many things to learn
i would rather suggest to go for 1 thing and master it rather than learn all the things out there ;)
Please this is not Leodex, we're tired of the price spamming
It's getting too much. Perhaps when one do not know what to thread about, they start spamming. Lol
It's not getting better anytime soon. Just strive hard to reach your target and leave😂. Things will change after today
That is normal na 😀
Who would want to be left behind? Lol
No one for sure
Oh yeah. Its annoying
Agreed. Add some context at least so it doesn't seem like just prices.
hahaha, so many price tags with just 2 words threads, I am also starting to feel annoyed about them!
haha, you see🤣
I am craving Meat Pie and a chilled drink. It's been long I ate that snacks. Who is going to bless my day with it? 😀
#thread #snacks #web3
Damn you Prof now I want a meat pie!
Hahahaha. Go get it then 😀
Might get mine later today if I am chanced.
bless me too oh
Let's look for who to bless us then 🤨
God I love meat pie and in fact, anything with meat, and hope that a chilled drink is giving you an even better feeling! enjoy!
Now that you've mentioned it, i'm thinking about it too
Okay. Let's go satisfy our hunger. 😋