I am particularly interested in the bitcoin halving event which is gong to happen next year and after this, the mining rewards will get halved which can be a turning point for its price!
My focus is really on Hive and Leofinance. The external stuff isnt so important. I do keep an eye on the gov't foolishness when it comes to #crypto though.
No funny.
When one day your will part away with your $150K for a car, and next day you discover a new fresh dent on it's door - you will fully justify this
oooppppsss...my mistake. I should not give you this second boom. Why? Because your entry was missing the important part (TAG). Your were lucky enough to get 2x when you shouldn't.
Yeah, if nobody makes mistake, all 5 2x votes under 2 boombastic equals about 9.1 full power votes/day. Still leaves space for ~10 random 10% votes on other independent threads. Will see hw it goes. If needed, some adjustments will be done.
Got it. Actually, very few people knew about Bombastic. But if the tag becomes popular more will be able to have a complete idea of how it works. I think this new bonanza is heading in the right direction in the context of tag popularity.
Finally! Today was a very important day for me as it was the last day to finish both #lpud and #threads quests for the #leofinance campaign! Gladly, I just finished the threads one with a current threads count of 3012! Feeling so happy!
Lol everyone thinks Leofinance is a charity organisation. I thought there are already guidelines on how to get upvotes. So why are people complaining?
Do the work, get the reward.
The monetary system that people mostly use is controlled by commercial banks. It is their ledger and system. You log onto your bank and see your dollars there.
He who controls the ledger controls the money. It is their system.
Financial freedom is a desire for every one of us, but only a few actually work hard and stay on the right path to achieve it. I think we should focus on both saving & budgeting and also generate passive income sources to make it possible!
In the video, I highlighted several benefits of budgeting and saving. Firstly, they provide clarity and control over expenses, helping us avoid overspending and identify areas where we can cut costs.
Creating an emergency fund is another crucial aspect of budgeting and saving. It provides financial security and prevents disruption of our plans when unexpected situations like illness or expenses arise.
Debt can restrict our financial freedom. Budgeting and saving play a key role in eliminating debt by ensuring we live within our means and avoid unnecessary borrowing.
1nvesting in our future is vital for financial freedom. By being cost-effective and saving money, we can have funds to invest in various opportunities.
In summary, budgeting and saving are essential for achieving financial freedom. They provide clarity, control, and help identify areas for improvement.
I actually wrote some post about and did a video too. Its for our freedom financially. Those two concepts are related but distinct in the meaning. Great qualities to be held so as to be enriched.
I went to a govt. public school too and I had a great tension-free life with my friend which will remain unforgettable! Thanks for sharing that hilarious ghost story with us, I really laughed hard on it! Such memories are priceless indeed!
Right now we use oracle accounts + mine to vote on Threads content
We've tossed around the idea of using @leo.voter for maybe 1-5 threads per day to pick the top threads and send out a juicy #hive upvote. Maybe you have ideas on it?
Grecia es conocida como la cuna de la civilización occidental y ha tenido una gran influencia en la cultura, la literatura, la filosofía, el arte y la política.
La democracia, un sistema de gobierno en el que los ciudadanos tienen el poder de tomar decisiones políticas, se originó en la antigua Grecia, en particular en Atenas.
El antiguo teatro de Epidaurus, construido en el siglo IV a.C., es famoso por su acústica excepcional. Incluso desde la parte más alejada de la grada, se puede escuchar claramente lo que sucede en el escenario.
La filosofía griega ha tenido una influencia duradera en el pensamiento occidental. Filósofos como Sócrates, Platón y Aristóteles sentaron las bases de la filosofía occidental moderna.
El alfabeto griego es uno de los alfabetos más antiguos que aún se utilizan en la actualidad. Fue adoptado y adaptado por los romanos para crear el alfabeto latino.
El deporte es una parte importante de la cultura griega. Los Juegos Olímpicos modernos se inspiraron en los antiguos Juegos Olímpicos celebrados en Olimpia desde el año 776 a.C. hasta el 393 d.C.
La gastronomía griega es conocida por su diversidad y sabores frescos. Algunos platos populares incluyen la moussaka, el souvlaki, la ensalada griega y el yogur griego.
La danza tradicional griega, conocida como el baile folclórico o "hasapiko", es una parte importante de las celebraciones y eventos culturales en Grecia. Se caracteriza por movimientos enérgicos y el uso de pañuelos.
Grecia cuenta con una gran cantidad de sitios arqueológicos, incluidos el Templo de Apolo en Delfos, el Palacio de Knossos en Creta y el Teatro de Dionisio en Atenas.
El monte Athos, en la península de Calcídica, es un lugar sagrado para la Iglesia Ortodoxa Griega. Está habitado exclusivamente por monjes y es conocido por sus monasterios históricos.
La mitología griega es una parte fundamental de la cultura y el folclore griegos. Cuenta con dioses y diosas como Zeus, Hera, Afrodita y Poseidón, así como con héroes como Heracles (Hércules) y Odiseo (Ulises).
Grecia tiene una gran tradición vinícola que se remonta a miles de años. El vino griego es apreciado en todo el mundo, y regiones como Santorini y Nemea son conocidas por su producción vinícola.
El festival de Pascua griego, conocido como "Pascua Roja", es una de las celebraciones más importantes del país. Incluye misas de medianoche, fuegos artificiales y el rompimiento de huevos rojos como símbolo de renacimiento.
La ciudad de Tesalónica, en el norte de Grecia, es conocida por su animada vida nocturna y su rica historia. Alberga numerosos sitios arqueológicos y la Torre Blanca, un símbolo de la ciudad.
Grecia es el hogar de una gran cantidad de especies de plantas y animales, muchas de las cuales son endémicas. La flora incluye el olivo, la vid y el ciprés, mientras...
El Estrecho de Corinto, que separa la península del Peloponeso del resto de Grecia, es uno de los estrechos más estrechos del mundo y ha sido un importante punto de paso marítimo durante siglos.
Grecia es conocida por sus baños termales naturales, que se cree que tienen propiedades terapéuticas. Algunos de los balnearios más famosos incluyen las Termas de Edipsos en la isla de Evia y las Termas de Pozar en Macedonia Central.
El Monte Athos, conocido como la "República Monástica de Athos", es un lugar sagrado para los cristianos ortodoxos. Solo los hombres pueden ingresar a la península, y se requiere un permiso especial para visitarla.
El monte Parnaso, en Grecia Central, es conocido como el hogar de las Musas, las diosas de las artes y las ciencias en la mitología griega. También es conocido por el famoso sitio arqueológico de Delfos.
Grecia tiene una rica tradición teatral que se remonta a la antigüedad. El teatro griego clásico se caracteriza por sus grandes escenarios al aire libre y sus obras trágicas y cómicas.
El Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas es uno de los museos más grandes y prestigiosos de Grecia. Alberga una vasta colección de artefactos antiguos, incluidas esculturas, cerámicas y joyas.
Grecia tiene una gran cantidad de cuevas impresionantes, muchas de las cuales son sitios arqueológicos. La cueva de Dikteon en Creta es considerada el lugar de nacimiento del dios Zeus según la mitología griega.
El Templo de Apolo Epicurio en Bassae, construido en el siglo V a.C., es un sitio del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y es conocido por su arquitectura y esculturas excepcionales.
Grecia tiene una amplia variedad de festivales tradicionales que celebran la música, el baile y la comida. Algunos de los festivales más conocidos incluyen...
La cocina griega es famosa por su enfoque en ingredientes frescos y sabrosos. Algunos platos populares incluyen el moussaka, la souvlaki, la spanakopita (pastel de espinacas) y el tzatziki.
Grecia es conocida por sus hermosas playas. Algunas de las más famosas incluyen Navagio en la isla de Zante, Elafonisi en Creta y Porto Katsiki en la isla de Lefkada.
El idioma griego es uno de los idiomas más antiguos que aún se hablan en la actualidad. Ha influido en muchos idiomas modernos, incluido el inglés, a través de préstamos de palabras.
La ciudad de Salónica es conocida por su vibrante escena cultural y su vida nocturna. Alberga numerosos museos, galerías de arte, teatros y festivales.
Grecia es hogar de algunos de los mejores productos lácteos del mundo. El queso feta, el yogur griego y el queso halloumi son ampliamente apreciados y consumidos tanto en Grecia como en todo el mundo.
El puente de Rion-Antirion, que conecta el Peloponeso con el continente, es uno de los puentes colgantes más largos y modernos del mundo. Fue inaugurado en 2004 para los Juegos Olímpicos de Atenas.
El monte Pindo, también conocido como "Monte de los Dioses", se encuentra en la región de Epiro y es famoso por sus paisajes impresionantes y sus rutas de senderismo.
Grecia es conocida por sus aceitunas y su aceite de oliva de alta calidad. El aceite de oliva griego es apreciado en todo el mundo y se utiliza ampliamente en la cocina mediterránea.
El Monumento a los Nikis en Salónica es uno de los arcos de triunfo más grandes y bien conservados del mundo, construido en el siglo II d.C. para conmemorar la victoria de Roma sobre Macedonia.
La isla de Creta es la isla más grande de Grecia y la quinta más grande del mar Mediterráneo. Cuenta con hermosas playas, impresionantes paisajes montañosos y el famoso palacio de Knossos.
El Templo de Hefesto, situado en la antigua Ágora de Atenas, es el templo mejor conservado de la antigua Grecia y es considerado un ejemplo perfecto de arquitectura dórica.
El Monte Parnaso es conocido por ser el lugar de inspiración de los antiguos poetas y artistas. Según la mitología, las Musas vivían en sus laderas y otorgaban dones artísticos a aquellos que las visitaban.
El Valle de los Templos en Agrigento, Sicilia, Italia, alberga una impresionante colección de templos griegos antiguos. Fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1997.
La antigua ciudad de Éfeso, en la actual Turquía, fue una vez una importante ciudad griega y luego una ciudad romana. Alberga el famoso Templo de Artemisa, una de las Siete Maravillas del Mundo Antiguo.
El antiguo poeta griego Homero es conocido por sus épicas obras literarias "La Ilíada" y "La Odisea", que siguen siendo estudiadas y admiradas en todo el mundo.
La isla de Delos es un sitio arqueológico importante y un lugar sagrado en la mitología griega. Según la leyenda, fue el lugar de nacimiento de Apolo y Artemisa.
La Iglesia de la Asunción de la Virgen María en la isla de Tinos es un importante lugar de peregrinación para los cristianos ortodoxos. Cada año, miles de fieles visitan la iglesia durante la festividad del 15 de agosto.
La danza tradicional griega más conocida es el sirtaki, popularizada en la película "Zorba el griego". Se baila en círculo mientras se realiza una serie de pasos y movimientos característicos.
La Biblioteca de Celso, en Éfeso, es una antigua biblioteca romana construida en el siglo II d.C. y es considerada una de las bibliotecas más impresionantes del mundo antiguo.
La península del Monte Athos, también conocida como "La Tierra Santa de Grecia", es un estado autónomo y monástico donde solo se permite la entrada a hombres y se prohíbe la presencia de mujeres.
La estatua de Zeus en el antiguo templo de Olimpia fue una de las Siete Maravillas del Mundo Antiguo. Desafortunadamente, la estatua fue destruida en un incendio en el siglo V d.C.
El Templo de Apolo en Dídima, cerca de la ciudad de Didim en Turquía, es uno de los templos mejor conservados del mundo antiguo y es famoso por su impresionante arquitectura y columnas.
El Monte Olimpo, la montaña más alta de Grecia, es conocido en la mitología griega como la morada de los dioses. Aunque escalar hasta la cima es un desafío, los senderistas pueden disfrutar de rutas escénicas y vistas impresionantes.
Grecia es conocida por sus hermosas artes y artesanías. Algunas de las más famosas son las cerámicas pintadas a mano, las joyas de plata y las tallas en madera.
El Museo de la Acrópolis en Atenas alberga una impresionante colección de artefactos antiguos, incluidas esculturas y objetos encontrados en el sitio de la Acrópolis.
El Ágora de Atenas, ubicada en el centro de la ciudad, era el corazón de la vida social y política en la antigua Grecia. Era un lugar de reunión, comercio y discusión pública.
El Archipiélago del Dodecaneso, en el sureste del Mar Egeo, está formado por 12 islas principales y numerosas islas más pequeñas. Entre las islas más famosas se encuentran Rodas, Kos y Patmos.
La ciudad de Corinto, en el Peloponeso, fue una de las ciudades más importantes de la antigua Grecia. Hoy en día, se pueden visitar las ruinas de antiguos templos y el Canal de Corinto.
El teatro antiguo de Epidauro, construido en el siglo IV a.C., es famoso por su acústica excepcional. Incluso un susurro en el escenario se puede escuchar claramente en las gradas más altas.
La Cueva de Dikteon, en la isla de Creta, es una cueva natural asociada con la mitología griega. Según la leyenda, fue el lugar de nacimiento de Zeus, el rey de los dioses.
El Templo de Afrodita en Cnido, en la costa suroeste de Turquía, fue famoso en la antigüedad por su estatua de la diosa Afrodita, creada por el escultor Praxíteles.
La ciudad de Nauplia, en el Peloponeso, fue la primera capital de Grecia después de la Guerra de Independencia. Sus calles empedradas, fortalezas y casas neoclásicas la convierten en un lugar encantador para visitar.
El Partenón, situado en la Acrópolis de Atenas, es uno de los monumentos más famosos de la antigua Grecia. Fue construido en el siglo V a.C. y es un ejemplo destacado de la arquitectura clásica griega.
El Monte Athos, también conocido como "La Montaña Sagrada", es un lugar de peregrinación y retiro espiritual. Es habitado exclusivamente por monjes y se prohíbe la entrada a las mujeres.
El antiguo teatro de Dionisos, situado al pie de la Acrópolis de Atenas, es considerado el teatro más antiguo de Grecia y uno de los más antiguos del mundo.
La ciudad de Micenas, en el Peloponeso, fue una importante ciudad en la Edad del Bronce y se considera uno de los principales centros de la civilización micénica.
El monasterio de Meteora, en el norte de Grecia, es conocido por sus monasterios construidos en la cima de altas formaciones rocosas. Es un sitio impresionante y declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
El estadio Panatenaico en Atenas fue el lugar de los primeros Juegos Olímpicos modernos en 1896. Es el único estadio del mundo construido enteramente de mármol.
El idioma griego ha sido un importante contribuyente al vocabulario científico y médico. Muchos términos científicos y médicos están basados en palabras griegas.
La isla de Rodas es famosa por su Coloso de Rodas, una de las Siete Maravillas del Mundo Antiguo. Aunque la estatua no existe hoy en día, la isla sigue siendo un destino turístico popular.
La ciudad de Olimpia fue el lugar de origen de los Juegos Olímpicos de la antigua Grecia. Cada cuatro años, atletas de toda Grecia competían en honor a Zeus.
La dieta mediterránea, con su énfasis en frutas, verduras, aceite de oliva y pescado, se originó en Grecia y es conocida por sus beneficios para la salud.
El Templo de Artemisa en Éfeso, cerca de la ciudad de Selçuk en Turquía, fue uno de los templos más grandes y magníficos del mundo antiguo. Fue destruido y reconstruido varias veces a lo largo de la historia.
El Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Atenas alberga una de las colecciones más importantes de artefactos antiguos de Grecia, incluida la máscara de oro del rey Agamenón.
El rito olímpico de encender la llama olímpica en Olimpia y llevarla a través de un relevo hasta el lugar de los Juegos Olímpicos modernos se originó en Grecia.
Grecia tiene una gran cantidad de yacimientos arqueológicos, incluidos los palacios minoicos de Cnosos y Festo en Creta, y el sitio arqueológico de Delfos.
La Batalla de Maratón, en el año 490 a.C., fue una victoria importante para los griegos sobre los persas y se considera un hito en la historia militar.
El Palacio de Knossos, en la isla de Creta, es uno de los destinos turísticos más populares de Grecia. Fue el centro de la civilización minoica y está asociado con el mito del Minotauro.
La Batalla de las Termópilas, en el año 480 a.C., fue un enfrentamiento clave entre los espartanos y los persas. Aunque los espartanos fueron derrotados, su valentía y sacrificio se convirtieron en un símbolo de resistencia.
La arquitectura griega clásica es famosa por sus columnas, frontones y proporciones equilibradas. El Partenón en Atenas es un ejemplo icónico de la arquitectura griega.
La siesta es una parte importante de la cultura griega, especialmente en las áreas rurales, donde las actividades diarias se ralentizan durante las horas más calurosas del día.
ask yourself what you've been doing wrong and what you've been helping to build in the community.
there are people with less than 1 year who have already profited more than that and still add to the community...
I think it's a good idea. Maybe implement polls to determine who gets what. Also maybe incorporate lion rankings. We need more upvotes on threads. After all, #Microearning is a unique feature that draws users.
I think it depends. I have a feeling that people might not think that a few sentences earning so much might hurt things. I don't know what to think about it.
well for me it should be encouraged, 1-10 threads per day, I know it’s a lot of work for the curators. Or maybe a separate account should be created for this course, upvoting quality, engaging #threads , #threadstorm!
It's 5 years long journey not remember everything because I saw so many ups and downs in these five years but I tried my best to treat everyone politely
#leaderboard #leodata #leostats
I'm holding steady at 85. At least I'm not dropping, but need to step up my game. @taskmaster4450le is getting close to that 10K🧵
Have a busy day so not today. But maybe next month. We had a lot of activity the latter half of the month so we can really get some stuff going.
So this would be the warm up exercise for the good things to come
Amazing work everyone. We still have some time.
Here's the full leaderboard
Ohmy goodness, I still have a Long way to go...
Thanks!! I thought I had made more progress but it seems I didn't get to where I thought I would, so let's keep going!
I dropped 2 places, it is hitting up here on #threads
you snooze you lose! That’s the game I here bro.
but you ain’t doing that bad tho!
Am holding on tight lol
Well done bro
Thanks and you too.
The last-hour rush is amazing, thread production is still on at an exponential scale.
Hmmmm, I moved a bit up the ladder but still not there yet!.
OMG I just need 300 threads. At what time does it end?
About 5 hours from now
run up the numbers ogranically, not with spam 🫡
5 hours more to go. Strategize yourself very well, you can easily achieve it
Set it and forget it..
What do you mean? You will leave that ladder there like that? ha ha
Not my ladder. My lead.
Okay. Makes sense.
why forget?
It was their (RONCO) marketing slogan
Hahaha not a wise thing to do
Very wise. I made $700 commission on this house
How can I forget it after seeing it.
That's one of my appointments getting signed to contract..
Whose eloping?
Lol. Is that still a thing..
What's the latest news you're excited about in the #crypto world?
I am particularly interested in the bitcoin halving event which is gong to happen next year and after this, the mining rewards will get halved which can be a turning point for its price!
That crypto funds the fentanyl trade.. accaccoaccording to Elizabeth Warren anyway
My focus is really on Hive and Leofinance. The external stuff isnt so important. I do keep an eye on the gov't foolishness when it comes to #crypto though.
Strength is never rushed... foundations matter... don't lose focus! #leofinance #leo #threads
Nice one. This one looks really crisp
That's the only way!
This logo looks great, i love it
True talk
very beautiful photo.
$LEO someday, mark my words, and bookmark the thread
Hey lion, you are wrong, it should be 'soon' 🤞
;( perdon me, please, mercy! 🤞
I hope it to be soon, very soon, in the leoverse
Leo will hit the boom mark soon
the cabooomm mark, send it to the moon, and not coming back
$1 loading
for sure
I have bookmarked this
good my bro, save it for the next $BTC halving 1 year, next year
lol, i am done with anything BTC.. i prefer the smaller coin as i can not a reasonable amount to get a reasonable amount of BTc
Just consider BTC as an indicator.
exactly.. thats all i see it as, nothing more nothing less
Bookmark my comment. $LEO 0.35 USD by Dec 2023(n0t financial advice)
done, no no! you said FINANCIAL ADVICE, haha thanks
Bookmarking is not risky, investing could be. So no worry, just bookmark it.
that’s some technical movement over there!
but we need $BTC to do his job
Let it burn. Congratz to these whales that are holding the top 10 spots~
increase in price will benefit whales.
um they will benefit if they get those land from the top 10
burn it all
how much did you burn ?
i was not aware of a burn day.. Just seeing a lot of people burn today. is their a burn day just like a hive powerup day
do you play Splinter lands tho ahha
i do not play splintersland
it's ok that's why you dont get it haha
Recently, I had the chance to Power Up some LEO to get me to LIONROAR 🦁 but also wanted to keep my 2023 #lpud streak going, so LFG! 💪🆙
you are on the right track, i have no rank yet
You will get there 👍 @lebey1
i hope so. Thanks for motivating me
will power up on #lpud
Let's Go! 💪🦁 @ziabutt3836 #lpud
Wow congrats for reaching that hight, my 2024 goal
Thank You @ijelady You Got This! #lpud #goals
Europa League Final Threadcast
Share your predictions. Provide your commentary and have fun :) thanks for the reminder @rubilu :) @garorant @pvmilache @abu78 @yahuzah @forexbrokr @peniel2010 @taskmaster4450le #football
I am rooting for Roma to win. Finally score 2-1 in favour of Roma
Roma all the way bro
Same. I am rooting for Roma to win the title #europa
man it will be soo hard for Sevilla to get a goal especially if Roma gets to score first😂. I hope they win though
True that. If Sevilla wants to win they have to score first or they will face the bus
Mehn the famous bus. The special one really makes it special
Yeah, I also do see that too
And there’s no penalty for Roma #europa
Goal Roma 1-0 Sevilla
And you know who Paulo Dybala opens the scoring for Roam with an exquisite finish #europa
Dybala making us proud
I was happy the ball went to him. I knew he’d hurry it #europa
Pretty sure Mourinho loved that 😅
he did but then he didn’t even celebrate 😂#europa
AS Roma to win the title. Come on #europa
If they get 2 now it’s over for them #europa
I am so pumped right now for mourinho ha ha #europa
Man he didn’t even seem to care when his team scored😂. The special one is soo cold#europa
Did you see Mourinho’s celebration😂
😅 I didn’t get catch that. Was celebrating here.
Good job Dybala #europa
Really good. He has made me proud
Why do fans gotta be like this. They are throwing thins at the opposing players #europa
It is Europe :P #europa
yep they’ll do what ever to help their team win.#europa
These fans are crazy in Spain and Italy #europe
I have no problem with that as far as they are not being racist #europa
Oh, that is unfair,
Fans will always be fans
Yep I guess😂. But they should say stuff not throw stuff.#europa
For sure
It’s almost time. I think the special one can pull this off. What do you think?
I think he should. I like him. His personality is ethereal :) #europa
I like him tooo. He’s the special one and doing this with the roam team will even make it feel more special.
It will be cool to see his celebration if they win tonight ha ha #europa
You know how crazy he is 😂#europa
I love this man. he is not likeable but a quirky one #europa
Yep, special one about to make history again
almost time for a special one. The special one will win this. Forza Roma
We need few Sevilla fan here today ha ha
Roma for the title #europa
😅 I think we all love Mourinho. Let’s find some Sevilla fans
Where is @garorant at? #europa
he should be here. Probably getting his jersey in 😅
hey man. Im waiting to taskmaster to start a live chat in twitter
what. We have a threadcast here. What live chat?
Why are we all supporting the special one #europa
Mourhino is my favorite manager of all time
Are you sure it’s not tt😂
😅 oh no. TT is number 2
Yeah, just less than an hour right?
Mourinho is always the controversial figure but I like him no matter what #europa
Sevilla are always the king of #europa but Mourinho can never be discounted
Never. Like he said, “finals aren’t about playing but wining”. We’re about to see some real defending
Nice quote. It is about winning no matter how you do it #europa
Yes, exactly
They live and breath for they trophy 😂#europa
They have this unique talent to win titles #sevilla #europa
Not trophies. Only the Europa league 😂#europa
ha ha #Europa is huge come on
AS Roma has been a force to reckon with be it #UCL or the Europa
We have the game now.
Oh, we go again, Sharp. #football
Let's go for it. Are you watching or following?
I am following for now, maybe would watch it later
Okay. That's fine. I am peeking :) #europa
that's nice #europa
5 minutes into the game and we can already see how Roma wanna play #europa
ha ha They want to win not play :) #europa
They are packing the bus but when they get the ball back they attack real quick #europa
That's the tactic. Win the counterattacks #europa
Mehn Roma almost got the opener #europa
they would definitely win this one man,
Well getting the chances don’t matter that much. It’s who takes it
@rubilu I thought you were rooting for Sevilla #europa
Nope am not rooting for Sevilla. I want Mourinho to win this one#europa
I'll be surprised if Sevilla ends victorious over Roma
Well I don’t want them to win but I won’t be surprised if they win. They literally own that competition #europa
I almost forgot United’s teles is on loan to Sevilla #europa
Sevilla is controlling the game so far, as expected #europa
yep but they have not been dangerous #europa
Hmmm, But do you believe he can change things for them in today's game
yep he’s a good player. Not just United’s standard in my opinion #europa
10 mins
No goals yet. No shots on target. Sevilla controlling the ball. #europa
First on target almost led to a goal.
Yes. Almost a goal. good move by #roma #europa
they finally got it
Both teams will wanna win this so they can play champions league next season #europa
ha ha so much at stake. #europa
Roma almost take the lead
Roma almost scored through some wonderfull play but Bono was up to the task. #europa
The first shot on target of the game. and that's Roma #europa
That’s a suprise there considering the possession Sevilla has had#europa
Bono is no joke.
but the ball was straight at him. If the player had put it in the corner Bono would have had no chance #europa
That maybe true but they’ve got the goal now
yep so it doesn’t matter if they go on to win#europa
haha see you.
A lot of possession from Sevilla but the threat is from Roma#europa
Matic gets the first card of the game#europa
Dybala is sooo good. When he has the ball he rarely looses it#europa
If Mourinho wins this he’ll become the most decorated manager in European football#europa
he’s simply the best
Looks like when Sevilla get the ball Roma gang up on thme to make them clueless#europa
That's the tactic tonight. Roma are pumped #europa
Yep and I like that they are following it#europa
There is a possible penalty check for a high boot on Tammy #europa
1-0 to Roma
The way they stole the ball back and went in was brilliant #europa
They are expected to do the same. Reply and react #europa
A copy book counterattack, as expected from Roma #mourinho #europa
They are soo quick. I love how they are playing #europa
Sevilla is frustrated now ha ha #europa
That’s exactly what Roma would have wanted to do. Score first so they commit more men forward#europa
They never saw this coming
What a chance for Sevilla
Fenando has free header but he couldn’t take his chance#europa
He wouldn’t be getting that again.
he couldn’t do much as he was falling #europa
I feel like you’re a Sevilla fan tonight #europa
How am I a Sevilla fan 😂. I’ve never liked them and I won’t snitch on the special one like that #europa
😂 you’re lying #europa
A yellow card for pelligrini after he dives #europa
These players never learn #europa
7 minutes of play added on for the first half#europa
Dybala got into the box and dribbled one two and 3 players. Passed the ball but his team mate didn’t do much with it #europa
What A strike. Sevilla change
Rakitic almost scores from outside the box with a sweet strike. Lucky tor Roma it only hits the post#europa
half time as roma were pinged back. It’s 1-0 now to Roma#europa
For me I think the first half was a game of will. Roma showed the will to defend, attack, steal the ball back and they got the reward
#europa the defending part didn’t surprise me
#europa and the kings of Europa league strike back 1-1
Goal Sevilla 1-1 Roma
And Sevilla gets their equaliser though manchini. #europa
come on Roma don’t be like this #europa
Roma almost take their lead back back bono gets to the ball#europa
I can’t find new threads in the thread cast
Have you lot gone into hiding
My notifications are all wanky at this point. i am not able to see any replies :(
Volpato on the bench for Roma 👀.
#uel #europa
Volpato didn't get on and Roma lose on penalties.
Lol, karma.
#uel #europa
"I'm Special"
haha, got eemm
very special.
lols this is funny and very expensive!
No funny.
When one day your will part away with your $150K for a car, and next day you discover a new fresh dent on it's door - you will fully justify this
I didn't imply it was right to vandalise people's properties, obviously I wouldn't like that. That said, the chalk here wasnt user on the car.
Nobody tell Taskmaster, I was never here
This looks like a work of a kid, lol
BOOMBASTIC goes 200%
Milk Me ! Moo...
I´m just here for the dancing! haha
oooppppsss...my mistake. I should not give you this second boom. Why? Because your entry was missing the important part (TAG). Your were lucky enough to get 2x when you shouldn't.
Oh, I didn´t know. Sorry. Is there a way to reverse it back? ☹️ I didn´t know the tag was necesair.
No need to reverse anything. This was MY mistake, not yours
Don't u think with two Boombastic events and with this double bonanza the VP will slide below the optimal level?
Yeah, if nobody makes mistake, all 5 2x votes under 2 boombastic equals about 9.1 full power votes/day. Still leaves space for ~10 random 10% votes on other independent threads. Will see hw it goes. If needed, some adjustments will be done.
Got it. Actually, very few people knew about Bombastic. But if the tag becomes popular more will be able to have a complete idea of how it works. I think this new bonanza is heading in the right direction in the context of tag popularity.
It had only 7 thread four hours ago
This is the first time I finally caught you! feeling so happy right now and my heart is doing boom boom from inside haha!
i dunno what this means but i saw the #boom1me tag so someone enlighten me
Say me fanstastic
Late comer is here
Sonic boom
I hope I am not late
Boom Bostic fantastic
Haha not sure if I dare to post this time xP
count me
Anyone in threads up for some refreshing morning mountain top views??
Always here to enjoy the beauty :)
How to get upvoted by @leo.voter:
thanks for the reminder!
Finally! Today was a very important day for me as it was the last day to finish both #lpud and #threads quests for the #leofinance campaign! Gladly, I just finished the threads one with a current threads count of 3012! Feeling so happy!
Congrats! You are doing amazing!
I did a bit of the lpud , did you finish the thread?
Yeh buddy I feel you 🙂. Am around 138 threads short now so I might as well get to it.
Will the LPUD quest end today too? I didn't know that 😬
Alnwick Castle (pronounced ann-ick), North East England
#travel #architecture #history #fun #leofinance #castles
looking nice.
#aliveandthriving #alive #gosh #liotes
A smooth wednesday...
Burned some DEC to participate
#splinterlands #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
This is nice. Everyone is burning one token or the other
“I hear and I forget, I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
should do.
Where is your name on this list? Did I miss it? How come you arent on here?
You dont thread a lot and most are to complain about rewards.
Lol everyone thinks Leofinance is a charity organisation. I thought there are already guidelines on how to get upvotes. So why are people complaining?
Do the work, get the reward.
People need to show consistent effort and I don't think complaining about rewards helps at all.
@taskmaster4450le I need your help immediately.
@taskmaster4450le I am not avare of this leaderboard I hope I will be In the list soon, I am not complaining about anything don't worry
Here is the #Threadcast for Money Talk With Taskmaster.
Drop all you questions in here and use this to comment during the show. It will start at 3 PM eastern time.
are we losing more control or gaining more control in the current monetary system? #money
The monetary system that people mostly use is controlled by commercial banks. It is their ledger and system. You log onto your bank and see your dollars there.
He who controls the ledger controls the money. It is their system.
Thanks for the knowledge @taskmaster4450le #money #spaces
Are you going to host the recording of the space on places such as 3speak?
Host on 3speak? It doesnt allow streaming.
I mean put the recording on 3speak
Not too clear from my end, anyone having same issue?
Bookmarking this
Here is the link to spaces.
Hey guys, let's go talk how to make money
there should be something like a rethread button because I felt like doing so!
Standing by!
Financial Freedom can be actualized through budgeting and Saving
By analyzing our spending patterns, we can determine where we've been spending money and make necessary adjustments
the best spending pattern is spending your time at work then coming home and not spending money lol
budgeting is an extremely important part of managing ones finances
It is important and it always involves cost optimization and reduction
Financial freedom is a desire for every one of us, but only a few actually work hard and stay on the right path to achieve it. I think we should focus on both saving & budgeting and also generate passive income sources to make it possible!
you are spot on.. to enjoy a dream life, you need to accomplish a financially debt-free life
Financial freedom is a common desire for everyone, allowing us to be free of debts and do the things we enjoy.
i created a video on 3speak explaining how budgeting and saving can help us achieve this financial freedom
In the video, I highlighted several benefits of budgeting and saving. Firstly, they provide clarity and control over expenses, helping us avoid overspending and identify areas where we can cut costs.
Budgeting and saving also help us identify areas for improvement.
This can lead to additional income and contribute to financial freedom.
Creating an emergency fund is another crucial aspect of budgeting and saving. It provides financial security and prevents disruption of our plans when unexpected situations like illness or expenses arise.
Debt can restrict our financial freedom. Budgeting and saving play a key role in eliminating debt by ensuring we live within our means and avoid unnecessary borrowing.
1nvesting in our future is vital for financial freedom. By being cost-effective and saving money, we can have funds to invest in various opportunities.
Having savings allows for flexibility and ensures a comfortable retirement
In summary, budgeting and saving are essential for achieving financial freedom. They provide clarity, control, and help identify areas for improvement.
They create emergency funds, eliminate debt, and contribute to long-term financial goals
I concluded in the Video by emphasizing the importance of budgeting and saving in anyone's pursuit of financial freedom.
Start today, take control of your finances, and work towards the life you desire. #TakeControl #FinancialFreedom
Remember, financial freedom is within reach.
With discipline, determination, and smart financial habits like budgeting and saving, you can take control of your financial future
Start budgeting and saving today and build the life you deserve
The quest for financial independence is long and arduous, but in the end it is always worth it.
watch me speak on it here: https://leofinance.io/posts/lebey1/ohdedgti
#gosh #FinancialFreedom
I actually wrote some post about and did a video too. Its for our freedom financially. Those two concepts are related but distinct in the meaning. Great qualities to be held so as to be enriched.
thats really nice. well, try and watch my video, i need the views
Excellent tips to start taking care of our personal economy. I will be supporting your video.
I just remembered how my school days went back then in primary school
I went to public school just like any other child back then when there was no private school
My mom will send me to market or to the river to fetch water
Before going to school. One day something happened that stopped that
One day, on our way to the stream, we met white garment church people
They were going to the same stream for some sacrifice
At first we thought we hadseen ghost. And we ran and throw away our buckets
Reaching home I told my mom that we saw ghost today
She asked for my rubber and I told it has lost while we were running
The news about it was everywhere as each child has a story to tell
We all have stories from whe was kids and go to the school, nice to read yours
My mom made her enquiry and find out what happened, from that day, no more going to stream early morning
Did that stop me from too much work in the morning, not at all
One day, my teacher told my mother to send me those things in the evening after school
Since I am the first child, it wasn't easy for me. A lot of work to do in the house
That is how my stay in the village with my mother was until my father took me to where he is living to school there
Now am in primary 4 in another school with new teachers, different language entirely
Schooling in new environment was not small joke at all
But I worked hard until I understood the language and life goes on
Primary school was a lot of fun relatively speaking and a lot less stress
I went to a govt. public school too and I had a great tension-free life with my friend which will remain unforgettable! Thanks for sharing that hilarious ghost story with us, I really laughed hard on it! Such memories are priceless indeed!
@rmsadkri did you forget about the threadcast?
I did. Work front it was busy. let me set up right now :P
Oh ok waiting. But I might join in late. I have to run an errand.
that's fine. I will keep updating what I can
ok buddy have fun 🙂
is their a show today?
nope football. We normally have a threadcast for football.
Remember this?
Seems some threaders need to read the RULES of the GAME
What is rules please, I need RC delegation please
Just dropped to you 200b RC
Omg, am will forever be greatfull for this kindness from you and everyone on hive
Sir onealfa.leo , I need RC delegation. You can check my profile.
Thanks, sir.
I am a participant in zealy campaign and need to create 400 more threads today.
Read my post 4 hours ago. This:
I dont know what this means but just #boom1me
Total: 45 characters
"Right To F''' Me" 🤣🤣 is this what it stands for?
Joking btw!
Absolutely Right. Every thing should be done according rules.
I here
I don't know what is this
oh that’s this has ended :)
I am a dog person and cuddle them whenever I see one! But sadly, I don't own a dog myself. Maybe in the future when I have my own big house!
I love dogs too. .. especially baby dog,that's cub
Thats puppy I mean,I love puppies
Why does this look like that scary clown from that horror movie? 👀
you mean IT ? lol not at all!
i am also a dog person but i can not maintain one.. How do you create this nice images
Did you use Ai to make this
Hmmm I hope you get one soon, I'd love to have a dog as a pet soon
I feel Leo.votes big votes should spread over here too, or what do you think?
Right now we use oracle accounts + mine to vote on Threads content
We've tossed around the idea of using @leo.voter for maybe 1-5 threads per day to pick the top threads and send out a juicy #hive upvote. Maybe you have ideas on it?
well that’s a great start, I would see if it’s possible to explore other options!.
118 datos interesantes de Grecia
#threadstorm #spanish
Vaya gran cantidad de islas!
Donde gobernaba
Que magnífico!
Es cierto aún se utiliza!
cooll animation
Que interesante!
Esta si que me la sabia!
Que rica gastronomía!
Muy bonita!
Excelentes sitios para conocer la historia
Una mitología muy interesante
Que hermoso
Que interesante
Debe ser un lugar bello
wow man, I really like the gif, it's so artistic and unique! thanks for making such awesome photo art and sharing it with us!
... que la fauna incluye el lince de los Balcanes y la tortuga mediterránea.
Muy saludables.
Debe ser un lugar bello
... el Festival de Epidaurus, el Festival de Música de Atenas y el Carnaval de Patras.
Que nombres más extraños!
Debe ser hermosa
Que deliciosos!
Un lugar fantástico
Debe ser un lugar maravilloso!
Si, en España se utiliza mucho!
No me cabe duda, tan hermoso lugar lleno de historia
Una de las diosas que más me gustan!
Debe ser impresionante!
Que bonita historia
Que lugares más bellos en su epoca debieron ser
Existen muchos lugares sábados en Grecia.
Muy cierto, lo recuerdo!
Muy divertida!
Muy interesante!
Wao increíble
Muy bella cultura!
una gran cantidad de ruinas e historia
Lugares llenos de mitologia e historia!
La hermosa Diosa del Amor!
Un gran poeta!
Interente todo
Seguro es hermoso
Que bonito debe ser!
Que impresionante todo lo que tiene que ver con Grecia
Vaya, muy antiguo realmente!
Una estatua que debio haber sido impresionante!
Muy conocido por toodos en la actualidad.
Es una dieta muy beneficiosa!
Vaya debe ser un lugar maravilloso!
Seguro eran fantasticos festivales!
This is nice, aw did you create this ?
vamos pa grecia pues 🤣
@garorant se nos lanzó con un post sobre Finanzas ! well done!
#gosh #banking #spanish
Thanks for sharing Jane! 😘
por nada ale! esta vez si puse el gosh!!
Sí! Espero que te lleguen algunos tokens. Es importante para eso que tenga interacción el hilo donde compartes 😉
si ya vi que saliste hace un dia o dos como uno de los que más interaccion tuvo y recibio gosh
Tengo que leerlo, seguro esta genial!
si! en cuanto termine mis hilos voy para alla!
jaja, donde estan tus hilos, estoy ciega ya
jajajj me imagino! ni se como logras sacar tiempo !!
Earned $481.32 only in five years feeling demotivated can I still keep using @hiveio or @leofinance?
#Hive #web3
i guess you have to ask yourself... are you here for money or are you here to create great content and make connections?
Interesting answer but I am considering hive as a life changing opportunity
keep working hard mate
Cannot guarantee anything threads may help those who are not curated by superstar curators on Hive
ask yourself what you've been doing wrong and what you've been helping to build in the community.
there are people with less than 1 year who have already profited more than that and still add to the community...
Welcome to leofinance, you will earn more by blogging on leofinance
Have you considered changing up your content and the way you create it to see if you can make more doing something else?
@yecier lo intentó! 😂
is this a post or a quest?
is a quest, the path of the artist.
jajaja y mira que eso es todo un logro ajajaj
Is this a good idea?
Oh yep I think it’s a good idea. Maybe the 1-5 could be expanded to maybe 1-10. This will motivate more people to make wonderful threads.
maybe 5-10 threads per day, based on trending? not sure. definitely don't want to encourage more shit posting lol
I think it's a good idea. Maybe implement polls to determine who gets what. Also maybe incorporate lion rankings. We need more upvotes on threads. After all, #Microearning is a unique feature that draws users.
Hmm that would be a lot of work for the curators and I think threads doesn't need that much votes... Except of course, a lesser percent is used
I think it depends. I have a feeling that people might not think that a few sentences earning so much might hurt things. I don't know what to think about it.
well for me it should be encouraged, 1-10 threads per day, I know it’s a lot of work for the curators. Or maybe a separate account should be created for this course, upvoting quality, engaging #threads , #threadstorm!
Yes, itit is a good idea
Hot water freezes faster than cold water.
wow, thats a cool fact to know, I knew that hot water when gets frozen makes clear crystal ice!
Yesh,I think I know about that.
you have great knowledge.
Thank you so much
can't possible
you can google,
let me check
Ok. check
For real! We learn new things everyday.
I am left with 25 threads to slay the final thread boss…. How many threads for you to go?
Great one there my man. Left with just 1.5K threads. Simple
oops, can you make it?
Well, I believe I can
that's great, today we got the Europa finals threadcast, you can join there and make the threads count man
Yeah, I am aware of it
Sharp, let's go man,
I got like 35 to cross 500 threads, really crazy tho how I came!
Good for you! 💪I started very late so at least I'm trying to reach 1K😅
Oh, you can hit that 1K threads, keep on pushing harder
almost there, I thought I had done it and when the list came out I was short 70 😅
haha, you need to fire the 70 threads remaining in the last hour
wow, congrats to you.. I am left with over 900 , can i slay the boss, lets see
Yh, let's hope for the best
you have crossed the finish line already.. I have a lot of post to creat, lol,.. tired and scared
Yh, same here I just left down my posts and used that time to finish the threads
you do not have to do much na, you have just 50 post left , so you are good
yeah, before reaching here I mean
400 thread left and have no RC
Oops, contact @onealfa.leo for RC Delegation
MIne is 800, do you think I will make it
Wow, that would be tough to make it happen though
Ei me de3, lemme just go and sleep
Ehhhh,my RC don finish o, who will delegate RC to me like this😔😔
Oh my bad, It's very painful
Someone delegated to me already.
Oh great.
Post on Leofinance discord you may get recharged.
Someone already did,thank you
what has demoralized you since you started threading/ be in the leofinance ecosystem.
The frequent updates and also offline duties
hmmmmm that’s wired! Updates are meant to improve the user experience, so it’s really not something we can run from!
they are some updates that makes me get tired of blogging although, i know the UI is great now but at times i get tired of blogging
Nothing. It's just a slow grind and I don't see anything wrong
that’s great, nice hearing your opinion on this!
listas actualizadas! vayan a verlas!!! recta final!
intentas llegar a 5000????
Si ponen un reto si, sino no
aparece que hay una respuesta pero no me sale el comentario 😅
sebass se cebó con los 101 datos de...
siii! 😅🤣
ya voy por 1550, próximamente desbloqueado siguiente nivel.
uyyy te falta menos... para que hora de nosotros es que acaba?
Shout out to all the Indian Youtubers out there making our lives less miserable 🫡
yeah big shout out to them!
haha big differance.
when it comes to It and Network, the network guys are great at IT
It can rain diamonds on other planets.
I think that is why Elon wants to go to mars. hahaha
That will make a lot of people happy
It can not must.
yeah, i agree
I am threading continuously and just now come to know I have not runt the Rising star mission form last few hours lol
haha, take me in with you as I am also lacking all other talks including the rising star missions and sl also.
I am also threading
keep doing it, you'll get there 💯
I need to create a 1k thread ,, is it possible, i hope so
I couldn't sleep last night because my thoughts were so loud in my head.
Can you share your thoughts with us?
My experience watching one of the most powerful internet companies in my country grow!
#hive #gosh
i just bookmarked this, i will surely check it out
Thank you so much! :3
You are welcome
I will even fly hehe
This is so hilarious , ahahaha
A beautiful walk on a cold spring afternoon.
#hive #gosh #photography #walking #wednesdaywalk
Taking a walk in a place like this will bring peace to you
It brings me a lot of peace, it's very relaxing. Thank you very much!
So it's #petwednesday
My favorite pet is dog. I just love dogs. I can see a dog on the way and will start calling it to come.
I guess I'm the only one who does this
good pet
I also love dog.
everyone seems to love dog but not everyone wants to own and take care of one
That's a pity. I can't keep any other pet except dogs
Sometimes I feel I am shadow banned by hive blockchain developers 😂
#funny #Hive #web3 #Threads
what is shadow banned?
Hiding a users content with out notify him
Haha what shows?
why do you think that ? have you done something questionable in the past or had a bad fight or something similar?
It's 5 years long journey not remember everything because I saw so many ups and downs in these five years but I tried my best to treat everyone politely
i doubt that, join a community and adhere to their guildlines
One Thousand and One Nights: The Story of the Hunchback
https://ecency.com/story/@vcelier/one-thousand-and-one-nights-the-story-of-the-hunchback-with-the-tailor-the-jew-the-christian-and-the-barber-of-baghdad-eighth- #gosh #hive #story
Is this fictional or it is real
Pain, sadness, suffering and anger lead to awareness...
#hive #leo #pain #sadness #suffering #anger #awareness #mindset #lifestyle #p1k4ppa10
hmmm, this seems like a post to read, i created a tag on it already
You can’t be strong all the time. Sometimes you just need to be alone and let your tears out.
thats true, lets go of your emotions and see how you come back stronger
What hurts you changes you.
I believe the greatest reason why a lot of people change is because of the hurt they have been through