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Daily ad revenue amplifies the roar of the $LEO! This ecosystem thrives, not just survives, making $LEO the undisputed king of the finance jungle. 🦁💰👑

Good morning

Hello, my friend @rmsadkri! It is neat to have met you in #threads! Our paths would have never crossed in Hive! Fabulous!!!

I work tomorrow :)
short weekend for me


Oh, bummer!! But do you have two days off, at least, @markone85?

This looks really nice, did you take the picture yourself

Yes, I took the photo myself. But I do not know what kind of flower it is. Our neighborhood is planted with all sorts of flowers. I feel very blessed to view such beauty, @lebey1! Have a great day. It's 10:30 am here. It is evening there?

Good Morning.

Hello @milaan! What do you have planned today, aside from work, that is. Do you work? I should have asked first! How nice it would be if we did not have to work. I spend most of my break periods in #hive and now in #threads.


Hi @davedickeyyall! Are you doing some mystery shopping today? You know, I was curious about mystery shopping, So I applied to BestMark. Have you heard of them?

Hey ! Yipie !

What's up?

How do you do, bro ?


test test test



#boom1me should I make the entry in here?
Cout me @mango-juice then @onealpha.leo

#boom1me and #milkthewhale
I like this game very much


Can I sign up for some #boom1me & #milkthewhale

Where the #dogs pics at people?

Cc @forexbrokr

They all disappeared 🙈 Let me fix it a little. I’m guilty of posting less too!


This is one of the cuteset pictures ive seen today.

Live today the way you want because nothing else is more real than the moment you have in your hand.

#Threads #life #motivation

We finally made some big updates to the SEO-end of

A big update was adding a Sitemap that properly indexes all long-form content

300 google traffic referrals per day. Let's see if this grows

Yeah, that definitely will be interesting to monitor... especially in relation to long-form...

Helps that we have a ton of it on here. Put that old stuff to use.

Fantastic news on the SEO upgrades, @LeoFinance! A well-structured sitemap is crucial to helping search engines understand and index your rich content.

Excited to see how the referral numbers grow. Keep pushing the envelope and making web finance more accessible! #SEO #LeoFinance

Great work.

This is great. Hopefully it has an instant impact. We have a lot of long form content. Perhaps we can get it ranking a bit better.

Nice! btw, the image is not showing/corrupt.

Very nice! Are we getting an article about it?

@taskmaster4450le .... my best attempt at a skinny joint..



I'll tell you a secret, @davedickeyyall... I have never smoked ever! Hahaha!!!

I've never done lots of things that I might enjoy.. Like going Vegan.. or painting my toenails.

You never went with a Vegan. I ate one out once..she tasted like cauliflower.

With or without the melted cheese?

Vegans no like cheese either.

WTF is wrong with them.

Now you have to make up for this shortcoming @davedickeyyall.

You might have to have an extra joint today to compensate.

LOL well everything is relative.

To some girls it is huge, to others who had sex, it is not.

rekt my vote power on threads last night. drop #memes, will vote til 0%

Oh let’s go..

Dropped one about an hour ago. Check it out, hope you like it! 😬

... got one more! Just a sec

Wild man.

drain me harder

If Khal (@khaleelkazi) were a girl.....



Actually he can do that just growing out his hair.

Lets see what kind of boobs he/she is packing.

I think he would look more beautiful if he were a girl

You are prepaving the way for Adult Threads.

Khal making the transition.

I hope I am not making the gender fluid, contrary to the emerging trend!

Lol. I didn't expect to see this

Hahaha, this is really funny in deed

🤣🤣🤣🤣 WTH!

I hope you don’t get sued 😁

Cannot unsee

#gmfrens we made it to the weekend. Any cool plans?

I'll be registering my new (used) car and shit.

I need to bug my mechanics to repair the body parts. Waiting for few weeks now. Still have much work to do at the work.

Damn, the must have a backlog

yes. There are two shops that I have to contact.

Sheeeesh! Well hopefully they know what they're doing if they that busy

I just need my doors and front fixed and I am driving 25 mph all my life

Sounds like it'll take so long to go places lol

Winter is settling in around here so not really the best time to go outside so, instead, I have two D&D sessions booked for tomorrow. Fun for hours

Fuck yeah man. I need to relax. I've been going nonstop for a month. Chill vibes and maybe a DnD sesh

I was thinking of doing my toenails but then Khal might think me weird.

What color ya thinking?

Pink. gotta be the best girl I can be.

are we talking more of a softer pastel pink or more a highlighter neon pink?

I am a hot neon pink type of guy.

I knew it. Not even sure why I asked

Just gonna spend some time working and then maybe take a trip into the city this weekend and enjoy the weather for an afternoon!

Get outside and touch some grass ser

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Happy weekend too. I'll be giving more time for threading. perhaps get my friends to join here too. This weekend is just for me.

How are things Lions? Been busy with my new job, but popped into say I'm thinking of you all and wishing for bull season soon

#Leo #threads

I have been well. I hope you have been doing well too.

Posting terrible jokes on twitter is a job???
I thought it was more of a passion.

Hello! Doing well here! I hope the new job is treating you well

It's always a joy to have community members like you check-in. We've been holding the fort here and also look forward to the upcoming bull season. Wishing you all the best in your new job!

Hope you’re good

Everything is good here,
What about you ?

Doing well, it's good to hear from you. All the best with the new job!

hope your day was good..

#milkthewhale #boom1me

Hope you are enjoying your new job?

Too soon to tell, but I bet it will go okay

Great. Bull season here but undercover

Just great! Been a busy bee threading away. All the best for your new job. 😊

The Zealy campaign really affected my coding journey. I find it hard to focus now. I have to strategize

1/🧵It came to my knowledge that one of the highest ranked #splinterlands decided to drastically reduce his activity on the game.

2/🧵Among the reasons for his decision, he highlights the fact that it's harder for him to make a living off of the game these days and also the fact that the game is being dominated by bots.

3/🧵Take a look at his full statement and share your thoughts.

I need someone who will take his/her time to explain to me like a 6years old kid on how to play #splinterlands game. I registered but I’ve made progress at all 😫

It seems like there might be a trend there.

Yea, a lot of people seem to be unhappy with the current state of the game.

It does seem like they upset some of their core players.

Unfortunately in my opinion and I suppose many other people's opinion, the game is going downhill more and more. Complicated, urgent measures need to be taken.

Agreed. Many people are unhappy with the current state of the game and if they don't do something things are only gonna get worse

Its weekend and i want to#thread with the gods this weekend. not that i will die but I will be transcended ti the heavenily realm. I will back with lot f #love and #hive for you all, nah. for me. have a great weekend

Lista de monedas que Celsius Network liquidará para convertir a $BTC y $ETH a partir del 1 de julio.


Prepárense para un bajón en las alts.

#spanish #crypto

Need a laugh today?

Maybe you missed this one. I spent a good chunk of time putting it together.

For mature audiences only.

Is the posts scheduling feature working?

I wouldnt count on it. Seems like a lot of things with the long form page are screwy.

Friday listening ⬇️


Well worth a Listen!

#gmfrens did you get your LPUD Badge from your 150 LEO powered up yesterday?

I waiting by the mail box for it to arrive as we speak..


lol I wish that would be dope!

I did not even participate in lpud. I missed and I am crying.

There's always next month :)

Yes. I am beginning to gather some LEO tokens everyday for July 15


Yes I got mine..

GM fren! Yup, yet another badge to the collection!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Got mine! Woo hoo!

When more features being added to Leofinance?

We need more stuff.

I think the dev. team are working on it. But for me the ones they have done so far are top notch. But i think they should just add this little integration of the number of characters a post contain.

I think Khal gave them all the week off.

Maybe, let's hope they come back with a boom.

I think community feature like what you have on Reddit will be good for thread

How so?

A feature that allows people to form or join a community of their interest. On Reddit, there are various sub-reddit for different subject and interest. It's like a group for specific subjects

That is what the tags kind of do. I am not sure if what you propose will break things down too much.

It will, let say someone who is joining thread for the first time, there will be option to choose what he wants to see on his feeds or Wall. In that case there will be 2 feeds, one will be general while the other will be personal feeds.

Bug Khal for more stuff but he just might say never

Khal will say Soon

He now started with the never when I keep bugging him.

It will be Soon soon

He is really fuckin' annoying. Like a child.

So annoying he trademarks his

You noticed that also.

That would be awesome.
Do you have any example? I mean what new features it could ?

I need an edit button on long form content but I was told that is never coming. LOL

we get greedy here.. hehe .. lol
Its like give us more and more features

You know it. Give us more dammit. And when you do, we will want more.

Friday is usually the day for new features, innit? :)

It was. But I think that when out the window when we broke everything.

@nonameslefttouse has a lighter we can borrow.. does that help?

Could help to light your joint. That is important.

We need broken stuffs to be fixed that would kind of be like new stuff

Or old stuff returned.

Not fair, 😁 #memes

What games are you currently enjoying the most here on the #hive blockchain?
#games #gaming

Serfdom & Sorcery on discord has been solid

Rising Star, Splinterlands, Terracore and Golem Overlord

This looks yummy. What are the ingredients, I can see pear and egg and bread already

Add some cinnamon, honey, and a sprinkle of granola for crunch. The possibilities are endless!

This is both yummy and healthy. I love it

That looks more like my kind of breakfast, enjoy it.

Good that we have similar tastes. Thank you

Ama bit his neck 🫣 #memes

One of the absolutely best series I have seen is "Black Mirror". If you haven't seen it, I totally recommend that you do, it is awesome

One may need a somewhat acquired taste

#series #tv #blackmirror #bingeworthy #recommendation #hive

I also really liked that one. Some episodes were really crazy/haunting/good

I am currently about to watch the last 2 episodes. So far the previous seasons have been better, they have some twisted views and take everything to the extreme. Really mind blowing and insane - I love it

If you had to guess what the daily ad revenue generated on was, what would you think it is right now?

Upvoting all guesses


Daily ad revenue would not be up to $500 in my view.

$1,500 🤔

Per day or per month?

My wish it’s for it to be per day. Might be off though 😁

This is a tough one...Let's go with this $420

OOo nifty likes this bet

between 400$ and 600$

I will go with $400.

Put me down for USD 600

I'm a dork, so I'm not going to lie but I used ChatGPT during my recent trip to New York City. Although, I was born and raised in New York and I worked in the city for many years of my life, I went tourist mode. It was helpful. #travel

I've heard good things about ai travel applications. Have to keep it in mind next time I'm taking a trip

Most definitely. It was quick and pretty much answered what I asked as close as possible @brandon28

Tourists know NYC better than the native New Yorkers. They get a chance to see the city while the natives earn their daily bread and care for families.

I was born and raised in New York and worked in Manhattan for many years so I had an advantage @magnacarta plus ChatGPT it was glorious

Alnwick Castle, North East England
#travel #castles #architecture #fun

what amazing castle!!!

This video piqued my interest in Sri Madhukarnath. I need to do more research when I have time.

If the first set didn't make you hungry/hungrier perhaps Part Two will? I Eat New York - Part 2 #photography @liketu #foodie

Sorry fellow LIONS, but if you are hungry I'm about to make you hungrier: I Eat New York - Part 1 #photography @liketu #foodie

I like the threads because here we can be more informal, sometimes I feel like I have to choose words too much and that seems to kind of change who I am haha

#hivebr #talk #writing #threads #goodvibes

That means you enjoy threads? I love it here

I ended up forgetting to write "one of the reasons", because there are several lol, but yes, I really like it here and I'm learning to love it more and more. Sometimes I forget to come in, but I'm making sure I always show up here.

The best thing about threads is the way we interact. very informal. I wish there were more curators here but we will get there.

For sure, the speed of communication, the relaxed atmosphere, the subjects that are free and we can talk about anything, it's all so fast and amazing! Let the curators come in the future o/

they will have to come once they know the engagement is here and not on blogposts

I agree. The character limit makes it so that we don't have to worry about putting in so much text.

Exactly, I like to do it as if it were a game, like, the better I can express myself in fewer characters, the better.

I like threads because I can #fart and everyone can hear it and smell it.. but they don't know who did it.

kkkkkkkkkkkk, understood, that's good too I think kkkk

The sun came out today... but so did the wind. Can't win them all they say... #beach #friday #weekend

Enjoy the day. At least it is not gloomy.

Thanks, you too! True!

Things just pop up when you have small money. Thank God for #lpud. Let the world turn upside down at this point, I am not willing to spend more than I budgeted

600 more pageviews for 10K for the day.

Keep threading away.

I hate spending money. When I remember all the work I did to make it, I would rather hold or invest it somewhere. 💀

It's all about making money work for us, not the other way around. Remember, spending wisely is just as important as saving. Investing in experiences, learning, and your future self can be priceless. 💡💰 #PersonalFinance #InvestInYourself

Yeah, especially when you know you can multiply it many times over...

🥲 I just need 6 months without bills. Just 6 months and I am good

Yeah, that can go a long way if you are focused during those 6 months.

I love spending them. I just don't have enough to fulfill my needs and wishes.

Thats the only time spending money feels right. When you are building you want to hodl every penny like your life depends on it

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