That's correct. Those people don't see the importance of users on Hive. And DApps are the things that brings in the users, which in my opinion are the real investors.
At some point I was wondering if yesterday was actually my birthday because it didn't felt that way that much but I'm grateful to those that gave me birthday wishes and gifts.
Un verdadero caldero en un estadio entre estos grandes de Argentina, en pocas ligas se siente lo que se vive en un partido así, concuerdo con la supremacía de River y un poco de cariño patriota al estar Salomón Rondón en sus filas 😁
Son dos equipos con mucha historia futbolera. Yo particularmente siempre fui de River, pero no soy un fanático en demasía. Solo soy un hincha mas del bonito futbol, que siempre caracterizo a River.
Both @edicted and @taskmaster4450 are opposed to lowering the APR on HBD savings (links below). What financial/economic/market analyst on Hive is more knowledgeable than these two? IMO, none. #hbd
I'd rather see more stats and proof that HBD at 20% is in fact providing more value to hive first. That's something I'm not seeing it's mainly speculation on all fronts.
Agree. It's mostly just theory (but well-reasoned and informed theory) at this point. The only numbers I've seen, from @dalz, show negligible impact on Hive inflation after over a year of 20%.
tired of hearing about HBD savings APR already. the people against it don't want Hive to grow because they're scared of losing their influence. pretty simple. 20% is attractive enough to bring in money but not too high to be an issue.
I'm for brining it down to something like 12% - 15% and then in a year or so depending on markets to 7%-8% and I don't have shit lol it just makes sense to me. People dump BILLIONS into 4% APRs all day long. 1/2
yeah, the APR is paid out in liquid HBD so theoretically it goes into liquid circulation. of course some people will just stake the earnings, but again... More going into circulation is a great thing for Hive.
@edicted weighed in on lowering the HBD interest rate (link in comment). Basically he says: "Bear market is the worst possible time for it; DON'T BE STUPID!" #hbd
I have been playing terracore game for over 2 months and I enjoy this game because it doesn't take long and there is possibility to earn rewards. I did follow a different strategy with this game.
I did follow a different strategy with this game and it seems that it worked for me. Here is my 3speak video in which I discussed the strategy I followed.
When the Leaderboard starts working it'll be nice to check out who are among the most active threaders. Now it seems to merely track votes and of course, that's not perhaps the best way to measure engagement. 😉
I get that. Like 'comments' and 'treadstorms'... just seems a bit quiet on that front when looking at all those zeros... 😀 But yeah, as I said, will be cool when it starts registering those as well.
I usually pick out the important ones. I'm terrible at collecting emails, I got start unsubscribing to a huge list of services I no longer need. Yawn! Imagine my small mailbox with a dumpster next to it.
Big weekend coming up for me it is my weekend off from work for a change and it is a weekend full of sport, pokemon go fest, last weekend of august, bank holiday weekend. Let there be carnage!
As a daily user, all of us already know about the $HBD savings feature built on the Hive chain which has an existing popularity with its interesting 20% APR offered on its stable coin Hive Backed Dollar aka HBD.
hahaha, literally I've not checked leaderboard in past couple of days..just saw your screenshot and thought to check than I got stuck there again !LOL.
It is imperative that threads starts to stress pageviews. Actually, this is all across Leo but threads is vital. We have to get those up as they tie to ad revenue.
People have lost money all year due to investing in volatile assets. They are tired. Stable investments are the only thing keeping many around. But you want to take that away because you want people to invest in volatile asset? I don’t get.
Oh now that I totally agree on for sure. The way the APRs and everything are setup though are those few accounts are just pulling in massive amounts 100x more then I ever could at my levels so there's no catching up. 1/2
Unless I invest a million or so bucks into hive. Perhaps as the hive stake grows more witnesses should be included so the top 30 or top 40? But still that's crazy centralized. 2/2
Hello Hello Threaders & Happy Weekend!
Help Choose The Silver Blogger of the Week 34
Vote now & help support Hive marketing!
Nominated Posts are in the comments 1/🧵
#topauthors #silverbloggers #polls #poll #weeklytops
The Silver Blogger of the Week 34
@cosmictriage with Pickled Sweet & Spicy Green Beans?
#silverbloggers #gosh
The Silver Blogger of the Week 34
@ifarmgirl with Of Musings and Wishes
#silverbloggers #gosh
The Silver Blogger of the Week 34
@beeber with Who Knows What Tomorrow May Bring
#silverbloggers #gosh
The Silver Blogger of the Week 34
@joanstewart with Seasonal Change
#silverbloggers #gosh
Great posts, good luck to all the four #silverbloggers nommed this weekend
Good luck Silver's always interesting.
Awesome content, diverse in so many ways, have a wonderful day #Thread #SilverBloggers
Awesome Choice, as usual... Thanks Bro!
Should HBD have:
just lower it before it get out of hand
Whether it's lower or not will not make any difference in terms of bringing more investors to Hive.
It's rather a wrong notion that Hive needs investors. What it needs are more USERS and more useful DApps.
That's correct. Those people don't see the importance of users on Hive. And DApps are the things that brings in the users, which in my opinion are the real investors.
exactly, we should focus on something else
I think it is okay to lower the HBD APR. But the thing is, they are also proposing to decrease post rewards.
What should the HBD interest rate be?
Hey lions! I finally shared a post of how my birthday went and you won't believe how it went.
#outreach #threadstorm #birthday #grateful
At some point I was wondering if yesterday was actually my birthday because it didn't felt that way that much but I'm grateful to those that gave me birthday wishes and gifts.
#celebration #people #love #ladiesofhive
Happy Birthday, @hopestylist !!!
Thank you so much 🥰
My day was just like every other day but then little things made it feel okay. So do well to stop by and leave your birthday wishes ❤️.
#gosh #hivenaija
We finished another cycle of Brawls and we opened our well-deserved packs! #gmfrens #splinterlands #threadstorm
not the best haul but not bad either it all stacks up
Yep, keep piling up that's the plan! 👍
Are you interested in how the Terra.Sinkhole project is doing? #terracore
Ready to vote for poet of the week? Have at it!
#topauthors #weeklytops #bcpoets #blockchainpoets
go @kemmyb you got this
😄 thank you!
It's a pleasure ma'am
I don't understand what is wrong. When I click on the one I want to vote for, nothing happens. I have never been able to vote and I really want to.
It’s great to see so many people coming out to vote on this contest.
Hello threaders! We’re off for a walk with 5 #dogs ! What are you up to this weekend?
#freecompliments #ladiesofhive #liotes
I'm going to transplant a series of seedlings: watermelon, papaya, avocado, etc.
That sounds like a great plan for the weekend 😍 Make sure to show us some pictures with #hivegarden tag 💙
I know how that is! Have fun!!!
River no tiene rival en Argentina... pero bueno, debemos entretenernos 😅
Awante River toda la vida ⚽
Claro que si hermano.
Un verdadero caldero en un estadio entre estos grandes de Argentina, en pocas ligas se siente lo que se vive en un partido así, concuerdo con la supremacía de River y un poco de cariño patriota al estar Salomón Rondón en sus filas 😁
Son dos equipos con mucha historia futbolera. Yo particularmente siempre fui de River, pero no soy un fanático en demasía. Solo soy un hincha mas del bonito futbol, que siempre caracterizo a River.
Saludos amigo.
1/🧵 #outreach #threadstorm
Personal Financial Side Hustle: An Alternative To Main Finance
2/🧵 The most common type of jobs are physical, and most salary payment comes at the ending of every month.
Sadly, inflation has taken rise in almost every country in the world, where it has made lifes so difficult for many.
3/🧵 Prices of products in the market are no longer pocket friendly, and they aren't even rubbing shoulders with the salaries of people.
Having personal side hustle has become the only possible solution to surviving this ugly situation
what the heck is going on in the background of this picture... yikes
And what did you see ?, The photo was captured with a blurred background, if it wasn't good, then would have rejected it 🙌.
5/🧵 If you are interested in reading more, please use the link below...
4/🧵 In this post, I explained how month salary income has limited so many people, and how side hustle can save the day.
I listed two main forms of personal side hustle which you should check out.
very crucial.
Both @edicted and @taskmaster4450 are opposed to lowering the APR on HBD savings (links below). What financial/economic/market analyst on Hive is more knowledgeable than these two? IMO, none. #hbd
I'd rather see more stats and proof that HBD at 20% is in fact providing more value to hive first. That's something I'm not seeing it's mainly speculation on all fronts.
Agree. It's mostly just theory (but well-reasoned and informed theory) at this point. The only numbers I've seen, from @dalz, show negligible impact on Hive inflation after over a year of 20%.
Both trusted $HIVE experts
Let's VOTE for the Ladies of Hive AUTHOR OF THE WEEK. The Poll ends on Sunday at 23:59 PST.
#leofinance #ladiesofhive #topauthors #threads #hive
dando mi voto por mi favorita
Best of luck ladies!
Done with love 💖
La flaca mandando.
la bella genio en la delantera
good luck ladies!
Done❤🥰 All the best
Good luck to the Ladies all entries are special.
He dado mi voto.
tired of hearing about HBD savings APR already. the people against it don't want Hive to grow because they're scared of losing their influence. pretty simple. 20% is attractive enough to bring in money but not too high to be an issue.
Change your witness votes already.
Everyone still votes for the current top 20 because they're leftover from when we needed to protect the chain from Justin Sun.
Time for changeeeeee!
changed em not long ago, but looks like it's time to reallocate
at 20% you'd think billions would be in HBD and hive by now right... wrong... so it's clearly not working very well. 2/2
I attribute this to a horrendous name choice and very, very poor marketing of the ecosystem. Hopefully this changes soon
bring on the downvotes 🚀
I'm for brining it down to something like 12% - 15% and then in a year or so depending on markets to 7%-8% and I don't have shit lol it just makes sense to me. People dump BILLIONS into 4% APRs all day long. 1/2
I don't really care, but the main problem is that there is simply not enough HBD in circulation. at least 20% gets more in circulation.
Is it really in circulation though or locked up in savings? I'd love to see a chart/data on that. Perhaps I'm wrong but only numbers will show that.
yeah, the APR is paid out in liquid HBD so theoretically it goes into liquid circulation. of course some people will just stake the earnings, but again... More going into circulation is a great thing for Hive.
@edicted weighed in on lowering the HBD interest rate (link in comment). Basically he says: "Bear market is the worst possible time for it; DON'T BE STUPID!" #hbd
It's #scholarandscribe Author of the Week 18
Links to the nominees' stories + reviews in the replies! 👇
This is @whywhy's Beyond Doubt: Whispers of the Unseen - Chapter 37
Here is @virgoxsy's Shattered Dreams and Mended Hearts
Read the reviews that inspired this week's picks!
This is @fermentedphil's Paralysis - A Philosophical Short Story
Here is @atyourservice's Run, Milly, Run
Whether at 12% or 20%, Wall Street would cream their pants for fixed returns like those…
Yes they would...
Someone ples invite those wall street wolfs.
Not sure if you've looked around but... we're a long way from Wall St... pretty sure the last Highway sign said Welcome to Albuquerque..
Ha yeah that's exactly what happened with UST.
Then they lost everything.
Compliments of @taskmaster4450le
Dont listen to that dipshit.
To late.. you should have let me know he is a dumbass before I started betting on it.
After all these years, it should be obvious to you. It is to others.
I'm slow.
I voted for Trump.
The only way to not look foolish on that one was to not vote.
Vote for your Favourite Artist for Afri-tunes Week 76
The replies to this thread will contain the links to the videos and writings of each artist
#topauthors #polls #afritunes
Artist 4
Bloody Samaritan @maryjacy
Artist 2
Bad influence @oluwadrey
Artist 1
More than gold @imasolo
Artist 3
Your Mata @sleemfit
Anyone doing the footballfantasy here? as A brit I am looking to give nfl fantasy a go for the first time
There are going to be threadcasts for #nfl games.
You might want to check with @jongolson, @davedickeyyall, and @tokenizedsociety. They are big football fans so they might know of some fantasy leagues.
thank you i will for sure check them out
I feel like there have been a few talks about it but not sure if anyone pulled it together yet
the threadcasts are always great it is gonna be carnage when nfl starts :)
i still find it difficult how they play the football fantasy
Entertaining game
quite entertaining
I have been playing terracore game for over 2 months and I enjoy this game because it doesn't take long and there is possibility to earn rewards. I did follow a different strategy with this game.
#outreach #threadstorm
I did follow a different strategy with this game and it seems that it worked for me. Here is my 3speak video in which I discussed the strategy I followed.
Here is the leofinance link-
#gosh #3speak
It is nice that people on Hive have options. Lots of different things for people to utilize.
its true and at hive there is something for everyone as per the interest. There are so many options.
It is starting to get that way.
Parked for the weekend!
Time to dive into a LOT of content tonight....And @taskmaster4450 post about the APR drama!!!!
Good time, enjoy the content, and have a great weekend! 🐸
yes, time to do some reading.
read edicted’s too. Super interesting as always
Nice, going to read it now.
fridge full of peaches
mind full of thoughts about
coming persimmons
#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday #threads
El arte para mí se ha convertido en mi mejor pasatiempo, una forma de buscar lo que me gusta, ver en que soy buena
Aggghh mistakenly clicked on my own post "heart aka upvote" button on thread and that's why now I turned off that auto vote.
Will adjust it manually..
I forgot how to stop it .
go to settings> set it to 0 and save changes.
When the Leaderboard starts working it'll be nice to check out who are among the most active threaders. Now it seems to merely track votes and of course, that's not perhaps the best way to measure engagement. 😉
It measures more than just votes. There are other things on the leaderboard.
I get that. Like 'comments' and 'treadstorms'... just seems a bit quiet on that front when looking at all those zeros... 😀 But yeah, as I said, will be cool when it starts registering those as well.
Yeah the voting bots. They should be excluded if you ask me.
But it does highlight how little engagement we truly have.
Yeah, agree.
But check this out, it doesn't make any sense, hard to believe none other than you have made comments! And how to get 'engagement' points?
Pick of the day..
Lions 🦁
Hear us ROAR
Hey buddy
At the Dr..
Oh, hope it isn't serious?
NAW... getting the ticker checked out
Lions are a good team.
We'll see later on today.. who's your team.. We'll bet on them tomorrow
Giants but not a huge fan.
They play Aaron and the #jets I believe.
Sounds like they're fixing to get sodomized.. let's bet $2 on it..
LOL go for it.
Sounds good 👍
Look how #Freindtech is turned into #Onlyfans 2.0
And they call it "Tokenized community" lol, do you think those Onlyfans Girls join #hive and the next day or in a week or so they'll be rich enough?
Nah, not gonna happen here. Can't milk
Nifty is hoping so.
He is leading the LeoFans charge.
I wanna know what kinda feet detector nifty use...
Askin for a Fren.
He might have built his own. He is very smart.
Thought about this having connected with some part of them some time ago. Was and still unsure how it may all come together and work out.
connected with some part of them?!
Oh, cool.
I've not tried yet.. but seeing it's becoming Onlyfans.
Guess who has 40,000 unread emails? Me! If only I could turn each to $1 😔
I see why you haven’t read my email 😩
lmao sorry
You should have told him you were sending a nude selfie.
Then he would have moved it to the top...and bookmarked it.
Oh yeah. Why am i just learning this from you? It’s a brilliant idea LOL
There might be a nigerian prince email or two in there.
lmao there definitely is 😂😂
You could be rich. It will only cost you $2,000 to get gazillions.
you seem to know how it works are you an African prince? 😂
No I got the emails.
Or sick millionaire . :p.
Fortunately I havent run across that one.
I ran into a few Nigerian and non Nigerian prince on Discord, ended up blocking them, I got a feeling that there's a server full of them somewhere.
I wouldnt be surprised. They are where people is likely nothing more than a numbers game.
wut email ?
I usually pick out the important ones. I'm terrible at collecting emails, I got start unsubscribing to a huge list of services I no longer need. Yawn! Imagine my small mailbox with a dumpster next to it.
me and you 🤝😂
Same thing happen to me.
where can we sell them I want to sell
Site has been down the last few days...What is going on with @vimm?
Hard to say. Apps tend to disappear at times.
I guess they closed up shop? It's expensive to run a live streaming platform
Oh Damn, I didn't know this, I hope they get back online and they didn't had to shut down
#RunAds 🤣
I think I might be done with work for the week... hopefully nothing comes up in the next few minutes so I can finally crack a beer open and chill
That is good because your thread scores look rather sad.
"thread scores" becoming a "real thing" ... the power of a public leaderboard
If something comes up tell them to shove it you're done for the week :)
in the past 30 days, I received the equivalent of 88 Hive in Hive Engine tokens! Imagine this in just a few short years! #tokenization
It's huge for me. I don't check naturally hive engine token. It seems I need to check it also.
Sell them for the tokens you truly believe in.
It is a great way to get a few additional tokens for those things you prefer.
Yes, I also plan to do it but unfortunately, I wasn't doing it for my laziness. I will do it hopefully within a week.
The power of microearning.
In a few years, there will likely be a lot more tokens coming into your wallet each month.
Incredible, especially where most do not even pay attention. Numerous good tokens out there. Hoping that $PEPE may find it's way to fare well too.
@khaleelkazi the #threadcast was fun, getting many users together. I guess the chat room will be fun.
Big weekend coming up for me it is my weekend off from work for a change and it is a weekend full of sport, pokemon go fest, last weekend of august, bank holiday weekend. Let there be carnage!
I am definitely going to be using this weekend to rest to the maximum
Friend tech after they introduced "Photo" feature.
Wen #leofans?
Join my LeoFans page for daily #boobs
The leaderboard is back on the regular UI.
yea I really miss it 🥺
And I'm outside top 10 again.

Maybe I should stay outside again so @khaleelkazi won't remove it again 😅
Seem to have fallen to tenth. Have moar work to do.
Hehe it's a struggle to be in the top 10 :)
Yes, and no. When this started I started in third somehow, so been striving to stay up there most of the time. Guess I took some time off recently..
There is no such thing as time of as a Leo threader. Here is our life 🦁
Plenty of time to change that. LOL
I'm a little scared to break stuff again 😂
That's one awesome news! Thanks for letting us know sir 😃
No problem.
Yeah, it does that periodically. Don't blink or it may disappear again.
Ah ok.
I didnt realize it was a on again, off again situation. I hadnt looked.
one day i will pop up on the leaderboard... somewhere
An important discussion has suddenly emerged in the world of #hive #BLOCKCHAIN and in this blockchain-based decentralized platfrm
#outreach #threadstorm

As a daily user, all of us already know about the $HBD savings feature built on the Hive chain which has an existing popularity with its interesting 20% APR offered on its stable coin Hive Backed Dollar aka HBD.
If you are interested & want to know more about THIS $HIVE and $HBD APR proposal , Please read this blog post below!
Link -
I don't think it will really be great reducing the Apr on HBD savings
I have a feeling that September is going to be an awesome month for Leo.
any particular reason you say that?
LeoCache is going live and we are seeing some big things happening. Marketing, threadcast with autorefresh, etc...
Things are starting to come together.
I hope because we lost all the $ value in the token since the hype of threads launch. Oof
Markets are rarely reflective of value.
i am in agreement with you on that also
Why do you think it?
I have a feeling September will be bullish for the Crypto space generally which will affect Leo going up also
I hope the ad revenue sharing will start kicking in 👍
I have no idea on the plans with that in terms of going live.
The #angels are in New York to face the #mets.
Mike Trout is not available and #mlb found out that Otani has a torn UCL.
And yet the Mets still
Mets still what? Your thread was cut off.
With those 2 specific players out, the Mets have to win this series.
Bye bye leaderboard.
news, gossip, scandal???
The leaderboard was stolen.
Say it ain't so....We need it back!!!!
It will appear sooner or later.
already? lol like for good? waste of development time?
What happened to it?
Da data monsters may have been bored and hungry...
Lol, you sneezed... ha ha ha
Fuck yo leaderboard
I promise I was a sleep this time 💤🤞
crypto market price!!#gmfrens and let's quickly see the current
While BTC is rejecting to go any lower from 26k, looks like the decline has stopped, are you expecting green candles now?
Still a nice 1 trillion dollar market cap
still pretty cool
BTC is really dropping
facts I like this
My Fantasy Baseball team has completely collapsed the last three weeks....
Might not even make the playoffs
what might have caused i
Weekly leaderboard also working.
daily leaderboard is also working.
Tho, sometimes I get stuck at leaderboard and when I click to go back it doesn't redirect..
Dont do that anymore and then you wont have that problem. LOL
hahaha, literally I've not checked leaderboard in past couple of days..just saw your screenshot and thought to check than I got stuck there again !LOL.
He was a terrible conductor.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of idksamad78699
@taskmaster4450le, I sent you anI havent looked at it in a while either. I just clicked on it to see. Was surprised it was there.
haha, you still in top 3!
I was there before leaderboard went down..
Now almost back in top 10.
Keeping it real and natural.
It's back! See 🐸 in fifth too!
Good to know. Keep the activity up.
Trying. Thank you. #freecompliments
we’ve been having some issues with hiveSQL but working on more reliability
It is always something.
glory be to God it is coming to stability. I believe it must have been some slight issues
Soon, my name will get there. I know, hard work and persistence is all I need. And am out for it
It is good to have a goal.
man still at the top 😁
Glad to see the leaderboard back though
I might be dropping out soon from the top three because I am running out of resources credit to continue 😭
Hello Hello threaders!
What drama on the chain this week 🤐
Well, HBD APR is on the chopping block
Am intrigued what prompted this
Which one you think ? ;)
It is imperative that threads starts to stress pageviews. Actually, this is all across Leo but threads is vital. We have to get those up as they tie to ad revenue.
It all stems from there. This is ground zero.
Gud points as always! 🐸
It is the essential foundation of the Leo economy.
We need to keep adding to it wherever we can.
People have lost money all year due to investing in volatile assets. They are tired. Stable investments are the only thing keeping many around. But you want to take that away because you want people to invest in volatile asset? I don’t get.
Maybe the volatile asset need moar buyers. Yeah, we'll see what happens with the next wave.
it does no doubt. But we can as well stick to the reason Hbd was increased in the first place. Instead of flipping switch
Is your moar not volatile?
Moar may most certainly be more volatile, just simply by the basic virtue of "moar".
I and my colleagues did a great job today, I mean the stress no be here ehhhhnnnnn #mydiary
Well done 👍
Good job! 👍 🐸
Witnesses need to secure the network and stop trying to be backseat economists.
quote from AOC in .GIF
Those words are truer than she realizes.
Lol, the sole reason I chose it
The thing is that they are the ones who chooses what they want to do, the community's opinions are more or less meaningless.
Oh I know. It's one the reasons I don't care about blogging here or think much of Hive
Sort of centralized.
That's like saying the witnesses should even have the ability to set APR then on their nodes... I'd rather witnesses build shit that has value lol
21 people have way too much power on a network that likes to throw around the label 'decentralized'.
Oh now that I totally agree on for sure. The way the APRs and everything are setup though are those few accounts are just pulling in massive amounts 100x more then I ever could at my levels so there's no catching up. 1/2
Unless I invest a million or so bucks into hive. Perhaps as the hive stake grows more witnesses should be included so the top 30 or top 40? But still that's crazy centralized. 2/2
So true!!!