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Hey frens, @anomadsoul and I will be live with @theycallmedan for an AMA on X Spaces to talk about the LEO DHF Proposal and growing the #hive ecosystem.

Time: 11am PST

Here's the #threadcast & be ready for some live Q&A @ 11AM 👇🏽👇🏽

would like to know what's the plan for the onboarding campaign in September and how existing stakeholders or users contribute to the marketing campaign.

by supporting the proposal but let us listen to what he has to say

Here's the list of soft milestones

I am curious now. These are new users coming into the ecosystem?

Users who come and stay, thousands more will come once and decide they don't like it and leave, normal user behaviour. We'll need to onboard a ton more to make 10k stay.

That is a loftier target. Make 10K users stay is not a joke.

It's going to be extremely challenging yes, looking forward (and not looking forward) to the next year hehehe

You can do it. We are all behind you.

this breakdown is interesting and shows that Leo team has done the home work before sharing the numbers. The team clearly have solid plan to make it happen

thanks for listing it here

The proposal situation shows how Leo has to make itself better known in terms of its HP that the community holds.

We need to keep stressing this.

Dan: As Leofinance is focused to bring more users to Hive. What's your thoughts on this?
Do you think Leofinance is heading on the right direction that can add more value to Hive?
Do you think brining more users is good for Hive?

With increase in Adoption... RC is going to become much more valuable and need for new users as well.

I hope we all have enough to spread those around.

Applications are going to drive that.

Leo, if it has 100K threaders, that is a lot of RC required.


Existing stakeholders+ applications than it becomes easy to spread RC b/w those 10k users.

Yes. The RC delegation makes life a lot easier.

I believe it is easy for any user to fall in love with Hive but my question how is leo going to maintain the consistency of the new users they onboard?

It's more about maintaining the users to keep using it and that is where the content comes in. If theres cool stuff posted people will interact and use I think.

Wonder if it's possible to make threadcasts update even faster than 5 seconds? 1 or 2 seconds would be cool.

it updates really fast i dont notice the 5 second update anymore.

QUESTION: Is offering to give back the DAO money worthwhile when naysayers will just accuse LEO of Sybil attacking their own network and making it look like they got the minimum amount of adoption?

The goal will be to have at least 9615 active users by the end of the campaign, that means they have to be posting, commenting or voting, not just that they signed up a month or a year ago.

Also naysayers will naysay

Indeed I heard that during the casting.
So then the accusation would be that AI was used.
Can't win XD

Can't win when the goalpoasts are moved, but that's why you set the goalpoasts

dan, I really want to know what's your point of view on HBD APR at 20%?

Are you in favor to keep it as it is or decrease it.?

He covered that in detail on the last #ctt broadcast.

Give it a listen. It was a good discussion.

They have their witness set at 12%.

he really did?

Cool.. I missed that one. Thank you for letting me know. Gonna listen!

lol anyone saying marketing isn't important in the bear market doesn't Know what they are saying. New crypto projects are going heavy on marketing.

I.e: friendtech.

Social media doesnt really follow economic conditions, at least in terms of users.

I think it is best to go against what's commonplace. If people aren't marketing we should be marketing to reach more people. It is cheaper now as Eric pointed out.

ha ha you guys created this new problem. Why did you make this app superfast?

Create the problem, provide the the hero.

Works for politicians so why not on Leo.

It's the only way, build the taco place, then build the diarrea specialized clinic in front of the taco place.

Circular economies, man

This is what is great about threads.

We get the Mexican spin on things.

we really really need a strong infrastructure to onboard someone like Garry Gensler..

He might crash it and declare it security.

Unless you are talking about a different Gensler family member.

I'm talkin about Gary the Gensler

Where are you?

I am LEO ;)

ha ha makes sense.

listening on PC

oh okay, that's the reason.

In the second column with the fifth row

good. That's the right spot :)

I'm on TV (screenshot)

Maaaaam I made it.

ha ha good job

Brazil making a presence

Exactly Eric, at some point I had that same question before but then I realized that those Dapps have their own benefits and as a true Hive user, at some point you will be needing all of these Dapps

Qs :one of the incentives to keep non leo users stick around with threads would be curation. to curate so much content we are going to need a lot of HP any plans to provision that kind of HP and how do we do that?

Dan, can you discuss what benefits that Leo putting the token on SpkNetwork or VSC could have for the community?

I would like to help here with my project "NEO Talks Web3". I am doing Hive Video Tutorials so that can actually combine with LEO DHF and I can do topics that you're gonna need to make tutorials about.

Definitely, I'll get in touch Neo thanks!

Let's go :)

perfect, user retention depends on already existing users, the way we response, guide others and engage is the way to make user retention high!

Can't help but notice no one who opposes the proposal seems to be here.

They don't really oppose the proposal. It's sad it seems to be just about personal dislikes...

If we see whales and big Orcas coming to threads to post/dump and runwhat do you suggest we do to stop so many normal users just using threads as a link dumping ground?

It isnt the whales and orcas spamming links.

It is others.


And already no links below 80 rep directly on feed solved that.

Yes. I would vote for all links being at the second level with the exception of thread links.

Yeah I was not meaning links but more of the post and run without engaging, the 80 rep @idksamad78699 did solve the spamming of links on a top thread.

But yes what will be will be.

Ah now I see. Yea, some whales and orcas just drop thread and don't engage but well at least they dump a thread. :P

whales and orcas also do that? Damn. I've not seen tbh.

Dan: is there something that you think Leofinance is overlooking?

This is a great question

Always good to query those outside our own purview.

Do you think other hive communities can compete with Leo in the future?

I've always thought threads was the best way to grow HIVE's userbase. Can't hurt trying a different approach than the same "quality" blogs strat.

I dream for the day when I can share my hive account with my friends or relatives and not my twitter (x) or Facebook (all my known people should be here). That level of popularity might take time but will happen I believe.

looking up to that

What methodology will be applied to count active users? How are we going to know THESE are users onboarded via this program?

We will have referral codes to measure where users came from

Active users means = no matter when they sign up, that they remain active by the end of the campaign (posting, commenting, engaging).

Can we get to 1,500?

We still have more than 3 hours before the show. Fill up the threadcast gang.

Lets get a record here today.

not that far

talking about decentralized funding and proposal and why it is important to support some proposal

On a serious note. We need infrastructure. We need builders. We need users. And, we need curators. Engagement is key and conversations should be promoted on Leo threads.

Does AMA have special days for it? Or it comes at any given time?

Leo #ama is on Tuesday.

This is a special one.

today its a special one with Dan

20 listeners on X space listening live. This is good.

Need all 20 in the threaddcast. That will get us easily over 1,000 comments.

I am not sure if @onealfa.leo is threading live. he is listening.

He isnt much of a threader. Does drop in once in a while but not all the time.

Never saw hi in a threadcast that I can remember.

He should join us now

trying to think about what we can achieve in the first month after the proposal is fully funded

Does Dan think these numbers can be improved upon? 🤣🤣

for sure. he can.

Even Dan has created more threads on Leothreads than Garry Gensler.

I am not sure there is any comparison between Dan and Gary Gensler.

One believes in freedom, the other is into tyranny.

I will also have to figure out all the replies and messages. Does this autorefresh?

Yes by default.

That's a great feature

A lot of upgrades. Made it a viable part of the platform. Threadcasts are much better now.

You guys should have a blast with it during #epl matches.

For sure. This is great. I am glad that it is working and stable.

Very stable. And some bugs.

Oh I missed the call.

I hope you guys had an amazing time

You can check the recording on Dan's X profile!

Oh, that's great.
Thanks for the heads up

does Dan know about the live threadcast chat feature?!

who knows>?

Yes. They use threadcasts for #ctt.

ohh nice! didn't realize they had tested it, must have missed that

Used the latest version during Saturday's broadcast.

nice, love to see it getting more and more use

It is great. Every hive related broadcast should do a threadcast.

ha ha the auto refresh feature messes up with the replies. Need to keep up with this flow

Have to open the thread itself to reply.

okay. I was replying to one of the replies and it disappeared

Yes. That is a bug they have to fix. But open the thread and you will have no problem.

I know but that means I have two extra clicks

Without a doubt. More clicks is very good.

Time to hit off the keystrokes and get all questions answered.

Guessing the Question by Dan.

Dan might ask- How Leofinance will ensure that what they are planning to do through the campaign will bring value to the hive as a whole and not just to the leo ecosystem.

The sound is clear and so cool to listen to Dan and the other guys there

how can we grow hive ecosystem more than usual?

Leo has come to stay indefinitely, it's going no where

The masses should have the power and that is a way to decentralize hive

Ahh, another AMA? Wow, happy to be present again . Expect some questions from my end.

Bringing more users to Hive is going to be more beneficial for everyone

It's never a competition but then all of them are working for the better experience of every user

Leo is on Hive blockchain. Leo user is hive user.

but Leo doesn't have hive in logo ~ according to pro hiver

Like Liketu, SPL and many others

we all with our efforts can really make a difference here in Leofinance

Our goal is hive users and not Leo users.


How much growth do the other apps have?

We have to be serious. It is pretty much flat across the board.

Is Peakd a dapp?

I would think so.

okay. I don't how we categorize dapps.

seems the auto-refresh is working

ha ha Eric- all of us are equal. Everything is significant :P

Glad i could make it for today's threadcast

Had too many tabs open and ended up via bookmarks to the week old AMA instead of this... :D I was just wondering why it doesn't refresh

So, FINANCE will be dropped and we will have LEO. Works for me.

Leo horoscope...

Yes. Forecasting at its best.

I have a special dream for myself which I have turn to goal. Yes, I wish I can have 25000 LP in the next one year. Please help me with ideas on how to achieve it.

Hello friends of AMA, let's make today's threadcast one of it's kind by reaching 1000 comments. Together we can do it.

So user retention on Hive is acollective responsibility.

Yes. That is why the numbers on threads is so important.

People will not stick around on dead sites.

At all. We want it fun, creative and making new users come

like Dan said! you can always unvote. support the proposal, give the team a chance, and unvote if you don't like the results.

Just dont unvote in two weeks because there arent immediate returns. Marketing is a process not a one hit.

Leocache is the best feature. I love how that feature helped threadcasts. I know how laggy it was before Leocache

It shows how important infrastructure is.

How will you get resources credit to 10thousand users?

That is no problem. That is only like 250K HP. That is floating around between the Leo accounts and other users here.

That isnt a major problem. 100K might be a different situation.

leo is like a rare gem hidden in plain sight you have to dig harder to find

Without a doubt. We are seeing something major happening right before our eyes.

Very clear can't wait to grab it

Could bear market ever be avoided?

No. Markets go up and they go down. To expect one without the other is no realstic.

At one point, people will not be able to stack much Hive.

Applications are going to stack them.

I am here for the tech.

And the promise of #boobs on threads.

wen moar boobs

Boobs is high tech.

more like high tit, unless they're saggy

Plastic stops that.

Which looks ridiculous when they are 70 and everything else sags but the tits, which stand at attention.

yeah i definitely appreciate the sag. fake tits are just weird

Soonish on the little ones.

The major jugs, that takes a while. Just like puberty.

I am here for I don't know what.

It is called avoiding the family.

ha ha ha I don't like you

That appears to be the norm.

I know but you are the only one

we're so early.

I didn't catch the early part of the show. Did Dan talk about Ragnarok? I've been reading the past comments but it's taking longer than I thought to catch up.

No this is solely about Leo and the DHF proposal.

not yet.

No one asked a question related to it..

This on leo and leo proposal

Where is that slacker @tokenizedsociety?

I was stuck in a silly work call but here I am!

I warned you about that work stuff.

I really worry about retention rates. Sometimes its more difficult than onboarding new users

That is true and that is our job. We are to make sure people are engaged.

Funny, it was Task who did those posts and I totally forgot

Guess the guy isn't so memorable 😜

In the era, never presume one is a guy...or girl.

Is there any plan to onboard some Devs to hive in this existing marketing compaign?

Threadcast is way better than discord for me.

Without a doubt.

and it is way faster

That is what is key. The speed is incredible.

This Threadcast is going to be a lot of fun when we go live. I'm expecting it to be even bigger than yesterday's #AMA where we had questions coming in live every few seconds

It was hard to keep up with chat. Let's run that back!

We need to get a big number on there before the show starts. That will really impress Dan considering that he knows comments dont load on Hive after about 50.

that will be great

I can listen to this live for a change. I am pumped.

When new users come, be there to welcome them, answer their questions, be nice and be a social human being.

I am here for the penis enlargement ads.

same, need those asap

The ads seem to work...not sure if the pills do though.

the ads definitely work lol

how muc?, askin for a Fren.

The price is per inch I believe.


Well, the feeling thathat I'm heard and loved by an invisible family makes me giggle.

My first rule on Leo: be nice and welcoming to new users

I also try to be nice to old ones

I am the Retention Czar.

It was a close election but I was able to pull it out in the end.

what is the important strategy we can develop to make leo be widely known

Banners, public shows and seminars could tell the world how important hive is

A way to get upvotes. Write long threads others do not understand. I vote them all the time :D

I guess I'm addicted to threading, paying little attention to the other aspects

Its like. I suspect so. But, do well to pay attention to long-form contents too. It's beneficial

Any users on Leo are required to have RC to write to the blockchain like every other users.

$HIVE value is going to be derived from the utility of being an access token.

If Khal mentioned leaving Hive, I would take a blowtorch to his hair.

leo we truly be recognized by all in little time to come

During bull market, who can guess what would be Leo's price?


i reject it. Hia, $1 pls

I so much appreciate leofi for introducing threads, truly I personally and most of us here has benefited greatly from it.

Thank you everyone! Thanks Dan for the format, happy to be on with you 🦁

my pleasure 🥰

labs . leofinance . io stopped to work here during last 15 minutes

Production UI works.

Labs intentionally is volatile. If you want the stable version of LEO, don't use it

YEa. Same here. Maybe, labs is under maintenance

already over 100 comments and the king of the jungle just joined

are you talking about me? :P


nah, not the bald guy lol

Typical prejudice against bald dudes.

wasn't there a saying... bald is better?

Telly Savalas' wife said that, before she divorced his ass and took his money. LOL

So I thought if hive could get a video channel on YouTube? Just thinking or is there one?

I do not know what we are talking about but I am pumped that I am listening it live after a long time :)

threadcast or discord?? I'll go for threadcast

I heard that we're now at the final days of bear market, please, when are we expecting bull market? Tho, what I need is bull run. HahahHahaha

I voted the proposal. I know it is not huge amount but who cares. I supported.

500 replies. Not sure if that's better than the last AMA. I missed that one.

I think a little short of the last AMA.


The difference is there were more than 125 before the show started with the regular AMA.

With this, there were like 15. That is the difference.

haha 50 Hive for thinking how Dan thinks :P

With Leo, my future is bright. All it requires from Me is consistency and commitment

Hive is the only one who can realistically combine social media and finance.

The major blockchains cannot do this due to the tx fees.

Really happy to join possibly the biggest team marketing projects ever

I think General Motos and McDonalds have much bigger marketing projects. LOL

Threads is driving a revolution in the social space unlike what we've ever known

Is 10k new users target too small or too

That's a massive one

Retained 10K is legitimate. That would be a doubling of the ecosystem traffic.

Sure. We have to make them stay.

We are right at 500 comments now.

Keep it up troops.

leo impression should be increased?

What do you mean by leo impression?

I'm here because shit keeps getting updated so I don't judge a product for what it is now but what it might turn into later on.

omg so many words :D


This is my level. Three letters.

damn, this was a super amazing!

Hopefully we'll see another one soon!

We need that pin feature for #epl threadcasts

We're live! Join us on Dan's Twitter Space ->

I hope pin 📌 threads feature is coming soon. it's much needed to pin main link on threadcast.

Hell, yeah! Found that Spaces space. TweetHunter was blocking it. lol

Glad that you are here :)

Glad to be here. :)

fire your question to Dan and Khal and @anomandsoul

awesome looking forward to the event

super stoked for this!

Is the space live?

Yes but we are waiting on the link.

I am listening it live

Okay I am ready to test the #threadcast capacity on this one.

Happy to be here once again. Lets create history together

let's do it

Sure, progress is our culture

Leo culture

You got it!

Don't mind if I am replying to every other replies to this threadcast out there :D

Threadcasts is a powerful feature on Leofinance.

This is something that we can use as a basis for growth.

I think this is the single most important feature. Once we have live space feature on threads, we are hitting the ball outta park.

That will be impressive. Not sure how far off that is but it would change things a great deal.

I think so. #khal knows

Thinking how the bull market will affect our marketing projects when it does

Eric and Khal simplify it all. Leo is a perfect gateway

"A rising tide lifts all boats."

Is that from the Bible @anomadsoul? Or Seinfeld?

It sinks the holy ones though

Yeah seems that is the story.

No idea what Dan's question is but he is big into gamifaction.

That might be a line of thinking.

Do i need to refresh this threadcast? We don't even have 100 replies?

That number only shows the top line comments. When you refresh, you get the comments on comments.

oh okay. there are 83 top line replies then.

Yep. Another bug to work out.

yes. auto refresh stopped working for me.

Make sure the live update button is engaged. Press it. You can see the difference in dark mode. Also Labs has a disable notification on it of you want to check.

It's showing close to 200 for me

I refreshed and it updated.

2- Guess the Question by Dan.

Does Leofinance have any plan to do something on decentralized storage or integrate videos on spk network through leofinance?

Dan's question: If you end up getting more than 10k users, will your onboarding infrastructure carry that?

Now I realize how hard it is to keep up with all the replies on threadcast when all are chiming in. Great.

people are active on this

Super active to be honest

Is it started yet?

Listening it live.

I followed a link to Twitter but can't seem to find it there. You got a direct link to that?

Q to Khal: Wen GEYSER ?

It's scheduled in a block before the end of the month as normal

So if we onboard foodies, the food community has more of the job of retaining that niche group.

you got it right

Sure fren

where you'll be more focused to bring adoption on hive from?

Like from X (twitter) , reddit or is there any specific?

We need more users and we can do more with this proposal.

Is there anyone here from Canada or is that country still being pathetic?

what do you mean? I am here :P

i am now having full understanding on the proposal.

This is great

Nobody is going to stick around a dead site.

I second that. I don't want to talk to zombies

It will be good to have more users but user retention is also important and hope that we have plan to keep them active here.

Lets double hive users. Lets do more. More is better

Retention will depend on all of us, and not just the leo team

will it be possible for Leo to be equal to dollars in years to come?

I think its possible for LEO to reach that value but it's not pegged to dollar, not a stable coin if that what you meant?

marketing is the most important department of every business and I don't why Hive doesn't take it seriously

Leo threads alone should be able to retain most of the users.

I did them you meathead.

oh haha

I knew it was someone familiar

Ah well. I forgive you. The memory goes to shit once you hit 25.

So I've got a goal, that of makig newbies feel loved and comfortable here

Getting value is getting usage. And getting usage is getting users.

How about campaigning to promote hive? New users needed yunno

So I thought, maybe we could host a meetup, buh is that really possible?

Leo will really on the support of other dapps instead of compete with them.

How do you see competition on the (crypto) micro-blogging scene?
Can you name some of the competitors?

Ecency decks?

I obviously meant competition outside Hive

okay. that makes more sense.

The proposal is actually marketing all of hive.

412 replies to this threadcast. 500 incoming.

Not 1K but 500 is still impressive.

yes. even 500 is good.

It is rather impressive. Think back to how we were astonished by it before.

Now it is like meh.

exactly my point. 500 would be an achievement.

thanks Eric for answering it well. appreciate it.

They look like this:

They should highlight it as Hive blockchain

happy to be here again

FYI this is 2PM EST if you prefer that timezone!

What time does the show start in Hanoi?

I'll drop the link in here when the show starts. It will be on

okay m, we will be there

pump the tweet

~~~ embed:1696935469957959843?s=46&t=f3qY2xxYIegwgxWlYwko8g twitter metadata:dGhleWNhbGxtZWRhbl98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vdGhleWNhbGxtZWRhbl8vc3RhdHVzLzE2OTY5MzU0Njk5NTc5NTk4NDN8 ~~~

Lol beat me by a second

We can hit the thousand mark again

Going to take some effort to get there.

Sure, nothing great comes easy.

The threads are indexing fast and serious

It looks like it is working -auto refresh

it is

I am glad that it is working

a good one Boss

No question but a query. Why don't you thread more Dan?

Dan, what's your take on short-form video integration into Threads?

What short video integration? LOL

the one that is hopefully coming soon lol

I would tell you by reading the dev100 list but that hasnt been released either.

i was looking for this after that call, so i guess i'm not just dumb. maybe we see it next week.

Does next week = soon?

If so then yes.


delete it. If it's your keys.

Change it !

Why are you posting your key on the chain?

Was an honest mistake, trying to delete.

Not only delete but change your key. You cannot delete from the blockchain even if you delete the thread.

Go to peakd and use the change keys feature.

@anomadsoul is taking over the space. Good going Mr Boss.

150 hive would soon be up for grabs here

150? He just said 50.

Oh sorry dear. I got it wrong

I thought I missed something.

Dan's question will be on decentralized storage - crypto AWS

Dan is gonna ask about rebranding

Automatic refresh is still working good. For me anyways.

10k leo users - let's see let's hope

How is the rebrand going?

Holy, the UI is on superspeed now.

Updates are having an impact.

The biggest improvement so far.

Yeah. Shows how much things change when infrastructure is properly built.

We are building a whole new world here so I believe we need as many users as possible 😉

Leo is not coming to create rival dapps on hive.

So about the rebranding, still anticipating a decision from the leo team

This Threadcast generated 7 $LEO in ad revenue, how cool is that?

Very cool.

The revenue generated at yesterday's #ama was super cool.

I don't seem to see the Gifs Icon again, was it removed?


The gifs icon is still there :)

Not anywhere in my page

It's hiding from you, lol! I haven't checked on my mobile. Hope it comes back to you soon.

X acquires license for crypto payments !

Crypto payment gateway launch soon ?

#outreach #threadstorm


Elon Musk has been very positive about cryptocurrencies even before he took over Twitter and started to make the changes on the platform and the additions he has been making on the platform


There were very strong rumors about Elon launching his own token with the X branding but he himself dismissed all of these rumors by replying to a post about the rumor itself. But there were still speculations about a crypto gateway


Recently X has acquired license for crypto payments gateway which is indicating towards a potential feature on X with cryptocurrencies being integrated to it in more than one way, like storing, transferring and even exchanging.


Check out this article where I've shared more information on the same, do drop your thoughts below

Link -

🧵 1. Bank of England faces mounting losses on bond purchases, projected to be "materially higher until the middle of the decade," says Deutsche Bank. #finance

🧵 2. The central bank may need UK Treasury's support for £150 billion ($189 billion) in losses on its asset purchase facility.

🧵 3. Bank of England's program aimed to support the UK economy post-financial crisis by accumulating £895 billion worth of bonds.

🧵 4. However, the central bank began selling these bonds last year, and rising interest rates have led to sharp valuation losses.

🧵 5. Treasury has already transferred £30 billion to cover losses, which are expected to exceed government forecasts due to higher interest rates and falling gilt prices.

Fuel your potential & earn rewards with Actifit’s engaging exercises.💪🤑

#actifit #rewards #move2earn #lifestyle #AFIT

I always have my phone in my pocket when I do legwork just to scoop up extra steps. But sometimes it turns off my music lol

@cflclosers thanks for your comment, we’ll take this as an issue and check it up we don’t want you to exercise without music💪😁

The longest bear market in history. 490 days

Have you survived? What will you do to make the next bull run your best?

hive don't let me feel this bear as much because everyone is positive here

Bearely! Maybe Pepe can go defi and defy financial gravity! 🐸

Being active on HIVE and leothreads will just make the next bull market that much sweeter. Does kind of suck right now though, not gonna lie.

God and Hive has been graceful on me and being a fully dependent of hive earnings, I am still alive and fulfilling my basic needs while accumulating more assets :) But, stopped dreaming about buying and spending anything apart from that.

The future looks much brighter

Its been really rough but in all, WE MOVE!!!!

we must keep moving

I am still taking breaths😅😅. I am holding some good coins and tokens for the next bull run.

let us keep accumulating

Does that mean we will have the biggest bull market whenever it comes?? 👏

For your first question, yes i have survived until now and probably will survive in future as well. To make next bull run my best, I am simply diversifying my portfolio this time with some great projects coin.
Hope for the best !!!

I have a problem creating #threads, I create the first and the second one fine, but when I create the third one they disappear.


i think it should be resolved now?

In the main feed or replies?

When creating the threads, it gives an error, i have a screenshots, but i can't send them either, or at least you don't show them to me.

I'm writing you from Ecency.

Minified React error #300.


TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')

Hive is not there in the trustwallet. That's how we increase the adoption. I may approach dev in the forums, but anyone knows how to get HIve there?

wow, didnt know trust wallet don't have hive! we should get it listed ASAP!

It's strange that we are not there, now I'm wondering if it's Hive who doesn't want to be there.

I believe they have to integrate the blockchain.

that won’t add it. We must go decentralized route. They have no interest in adding Hive.

Obviously, I feel is either that way or Hive doesn't want to be there.

I wonder why they don't have Hive token there but I guess the devs are aware of that.

Increase the market cap by a lot, then maybe.

That seems like a really cool approach. I think we will find some of these people within the various devs on HIVE. After all we have ledger integration already.

What is the marketcap of Hive? That's why...

I also want to know.

#memes #liotes

keep it coming...

NICE! 🙇‍♂️ Indeed, keep them coming. I suspect infinite amoutns of hearts can be created, since the roll isn't becoming any smaller after knitting each heart 😆

How happy are we to be mothers and fathers?

I am happy with zero kids

Yes, why not. It was the same when I didn't have children. 👍

Zero kids means no responsibility

It's a shame, it's something incredible, I'd be lying if I said I was able to explain that feeling.

Allow me to explain..

Sometimes we must express some of what we feel, no matter how we do it.

Hahaha.. she got baby doll

why that face, cute

I don't really remember the reason for that face since that photo is about 2 or 3 years old.

that is a long time

is already 6 years old. In the picture she would be maybe 3.


that's trick photography :-)

The camera shooting angle changes everything.

beautiful snow

Potential source of photography/image/art plagiarism

The image you posted is the primary source of value for your post or you have posted an image in one of the photography/art curated tags without attribution or source. By doing so you are claiming to be the sole content creator and that the image is original to yourself.

Plagiarism is the copying & pasting of others' work without giving credit to the original author or artist. This includes manually reproducing the work of others.
Repeated plagiarism is considered fraud. Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.
Guide: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise

If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord.

Bitcoin Price should stay above major moving averages #hive #gosh #outreach #threadstorm 1/2

i believe it will stay above that moving average

technical analysis is important to know for the investors. Sharing a link of a post that would help you get insights into how creating content can be more rewarding

Using the Hive sports app actifit since 1 week and i can say its really fun. It's motivating me to do at least 10000 steps everyday, so its working for me. 😄

Great job. I love seeing people using what is here.

Awesome job friends.

ainer today.Let us talk #technology in this cont

Is that anything that interests you about tech and some things that could emerge in the next 5-10 years?

I just hope in the next 10 years, technology wouldn't be causing more harm than good as we are seeing it now in our present age

You think technology is causing more harm than good? How is that?

i hope so too

I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty excited about the room-temperature superconductor. That would be a major game-changer but it seems like it was debunked so the search goes on

Seems there are debates on both sides. And the evolution is happening very quickly.

We are starting to expand applications of concentrated solar power. That was my thesis when I specialized in alternative power sources. It's a very interseting field

Decentralization of energy is vital. We are going to see what takes place over the next 5 years. I dont believe there will be a one winner.

We are going to need so much energy.

100%. I'm a huge proponent of decentralizing the grid.

Yeah. Need to start pushing things outward. I wonder what smaller nuke plants will do and how micro-reactors figure into the picture.

At the core of #technology advancement is our communication systems. That is vital to increasing all output in capabilities over the next decade.

One of the advantages to the money spent on the space race is the fact that we end up seeing #technology that is useful on earth.


This is a container right up your alley.

It is possible.

Concord junior is in works.

Bigger and better spacecraft is one more very near possibility

There are a lot of possibilities with travel. Rocketry is going to become more important going forward.

Another writer who seems to have no clue what Elon Musk is doing with X.

what excite me about tech is that it gradually changing monetary system and providing other means to people to make money

It does open up many doors for people. We are seeing this with Web 3.0. The integration of #ai is going to be really amazing.

the future looks so promising

I am very interested in space exploration but haven't been following it as closely lately. I'm sure there are many researches and projects around it, but I have to take a closer look


My new passion is #robotics. There is a lot of room to grow there. Especially when you combine it with #ai


I agree with you. The disruption of labor is coming. Who do you like in the field? Tesla is going into it in a big way.

Yea Tesla and Boston Dynamics are big names in that field. There are others doing some great stuff but of course in a much smaller scale such as Clearpath, Synkar and Unitree

Who is going to win the V/R war? Who will lead us into the new generation?


i am expecting an animation

Did ya see it?

i am not sure I know what I am expected to see but I think I saw a thread slide from the left onto the timeline

What were you sleeping with? Most expect a baby.

a thread, unfortunately. She is supposed to pop-up.
Oh she just did

Here is the EUR/JPY 15mins chart, just waiting to see any breaking and closing below or above.

#gmfrens #mydiary #forexanalysis

Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. If you would like to receive your GM tokens, please register your WAX wallet on our site, unclaimed tokens are burned. You can find the site in our profile on @gmfrens.

interesting time to be in the market right now

Oh yes 😸😸

#oil back above $81. The bouncing continues.

Did you see India just bought oil using Rupees..

Japan bought using Russian currency recently. Sanctions don’t mean shit no more.

aka the USD don't mean shit

Wow, the price just keeps increasing

$85 at sight

For Web3 to win, our product has to be significantly better than Web2

It can’t just be a little bit better. It has to wow people

it has to blow people mind away

that will take time

Agreed and that'll be a while yet

one step at a time

there should be a significant difference, but I think there's already

There is already, they just need that extra edge

Have to focus upon both social media and finance.

People think Web3 is about social media but that is just the tip of the iceberg.

agree Sir, it should be unique from web2

building bricks by bricks

🤣🤣 Being taxed 3 different times is the American dream though, isn't it? #memes

Yep. It becomes the downfall of countries.

Politicians who think they are entitled to your money. That is what we see so common especially on the left.

The right isnt much better though. Career politicians are a cancer.

In this case, Funnyand Sad should be FunnyandSad

hello @l337m45732, since I joined Hive about a month ago, I have not been able to link my wax wallet to the website of gmfrns. Is there a way you can assist me achieve this?

My wax address: q3hoq.c.wam

gotcha, will get you added

Thank you

#gmfrens X gonna be the everything app ? #hive been doing everything in a decentralized way for a while now 💪 ya boy ready for HPUD and #LPUD are you ? #leo #threads

Thanks for reminding . Cant wait for #hpud . :).

everyday is hive powerup day

Some awesome new updates just pushed to for Open Testing

To name a few:

  1. Animations (watch what happens when a new thread posts)
  2. Improved Real-Time Threads
  3. Visual improvements to Live Feed button
  4. ...

Sounds really good, i have arrived here after sometime and i see new stuff already. This is one of the reasons people trust leofinance.

Thanks for bringing in regular updates and improving our overall UE.


The live update improvement is more important than animation. But the progress is happening.

When Dev100?

that is great to hear about the new updates

I prefer using Labs to regular UI. Good work.

Crypto has surely shifted the forex dominance. Now Africa, Asia and South america seems to have more options to bypass the USD. Ether and Bitcoin instead of paying in USD. If Bitcoin is too expensive, Ether is next.


Bitcoin and Ethereum are not likely to be medium of exchange. That is going to be stablecoins.

aggreed but btc is not too expensive

i still believe it is still a strong competition though

Good. People need to take responsibility for what they do.

Breaking: Uniswap Class Action Lawsuit Dismissed

Lose your money investing in stupid shit and then want to sue. Screw you and your need for the nanny state.

Article inside:

This is true, if this is been taken to the later in our lifestyle then would we be mindful of our actions and reactions.

100% agree. but but but give peeps the right to sue and they will. logic, common sense and responsibilities down the drain immediately. the number of such peeps is increasing, I feel.

I call this chain corporate rugpull. I wonder why Polygon doesn't get the respect it deserves instead ADA is still alive despite all laundering claims.

sometimes is not about how good a project but how popular it is

once i also trade some ADA when it's price was 0.60 to 0.40 and i buy at high and sell at low price 😐

What do you mean? You say that ADA whales are just milking the lower level users? I haven't paid much attention to ADA lately, but I'm interested.

Not the whales but the guy Charles Hoskinson is the problem.

Is he using it to fund his lifestyle?

Sad but true fact

1/🧵 I'm excited to share the journey of creating LeoFlow, an incredible time-saving tool.🚀 Discover what happened in this first week👇

#outreach #threadstorm

2/🧵The birth of LeoFlow: the idea came true! Copy, search, click and that's it! Simplification of adding LeoGlossary terms. Beta has been well received!👇

it is really great to see all this #MicroEarning taking place on Threads!!

Micro-earning is the future.

Yeah, it is cool to see.

pretty great but there is room for improvement

Puertorico beats China 89-107


A surprising result

I created repeated threads 4 times, now I get an error when trying to delete them, I don't see them in my user profile and if I enter the only one that manages to do 3, Leo's interface crashes.


Go to labs and see what you see.

why is the lab better than the main site

It is the test site and doesnt have some of the issues main site does.

Wait for them to index and reload then you should be able to delete them. Leo isn't to the point of realtime edits yet... A little patience is necessary

It's been more than 20 minutes.

sounds about right it can take that long or longer for your edits to take effect, depending on the network. Right now there's a ton of backend work going on to get the site ready for the marketing push in a couple of days. Expect problems

try reloading the page

I have already tried everything.

be patient with it

Mechanic Tip of the Day: If you run out of hydraulic oil, cocao butter is a good substitute. It also works in reverse if need be.

Never try but i pass . ;). Didnt dare to use it .

thanks for the tip

I'm just here to help.

With my classmates at the funeral.
It was a huge success.
#mydiary #photography

It's a good thing it went well.

Thank you

You're welcome 🥰

Look what I got now! <3 A physical copy of the first printed HiQ Magazine edition. @hiq.magazine #hiq #hivemagazine #hiqmagazine #physicalcopy #magazine

This is awesome .

#gmfrens and the hotness is rising again in here after a week of rainfall.

BTW, crypto market is showing some hope with $BTC slowly moving above 27k and $HIVE also very near of 0.3$

But when are they going to to rectify the price of $LEO?

When is the ad revenue going to kick in?
Thats the big question.
Realisticallly that should drive it well above ten cents and fast.

Ad revenue and Leo NFTs, that are the 2 things I am badly waiting for as well! ANd of course it will pump up the Leo price 😇

Good morning. The weather situation is almost same here.
Yes, 27 k is giving us little hope but I am sill not so positive about it.

I am also speculative but we have been too long in this bear market, wen the bull will visit XD

Economics processes are non-linear.

This means that things happen slowly then fall off a cliff. Watch the labor data. We are seeing a repeat of 2018-2019, something the Fed wants to ignore.


In my little area, home sales are falling off a cliff. A year ago a house would be sold before the "For Sale" sign could be installed. Now they sit on the market for months. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but it means something.

Could be a number of factors but it is often tied to affordability along with future expectations. Many point to rising prices as affecting affordability. Job prospects also affect it and gets overlooked.

I think interest rates are a big deal. Once the interest rates got jacked up, a lot of people couldn't afford to take on the higher payments and left the market.

Certainly affects the affordability especially if wages arent keeping pace. This is why the Fed's view on wage inflation and the Phillip's Curve is wrong.

If we develop something on hive we have to play with integrations outside.

"We don't need them,we have to make them come to us".

This would be like agreeing with child that doesn't want to be social.

Solo sandbox.


I read the whole thread and I agree 100%

I made a commitment of making 100 threads daily minimum. I think by doing so, my engagement level on Leo will stay healthy. You can also set that limit

I don't set numbers goals.. but I show up everyday..

Yea. As far one is engaged. We are all on the same page 😁

I love that! We should all have some daily goals

Yea we should

What are your #news2threads goal?

First time I am hearing about #news2thread goal

that is very good, already working towards that too

Yea cool 😎

Someone broke the leaderboard again.

Seriously, is that a Leo issue or is it node/database issue.

It's a HiveSQL issue

cant it be permanently fixed

khal is the man who can tell us what happened.

the only true source

i believe khal is working fixing it permanently

be back in no time

This is who should be running the #sec.

SEC’s Hester Peirce Blasts Agency’s First NFT Lawsuit, Says Enforcement Action Raises Many Difficult Questions

So many questions. 🐸

A walk through the paths of the KNOCKMA forest park and the hill in Ireland leads us to #hive in this post @littlebee4, don't miss it very interesting #walk

Have a great day 🤗🌺
!LADYThank you so much @lileisabel for sharing my post 👋🏻😊

View or trade LOH tokens.

@littlebee4, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @lileisabel and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/4 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.


The feed appears frozen. I posted a thread a few minutes ago yet is not appearing. We are seeing the last post 27 minutes ago.

I'm seeing them, are you sure?

It happen to my post few minutes ago and I wrote another, after writing I posted it and refresh then I saw the two post. I gat no option than to delete one of them.

I believe it must be displaying right now?

I love this bbull trap and soon you will be loving it too.

i hope the bull run continues

It has just begun

we all do

i am loving it already

Wow, it looks good, so good to see some new stuff here as i have came here after some break. There was no promoted stuff before, so these promoted post are by the leo teams or anyone can do that ?


Currently, they are ads from our ad partners. They drive LeoAds revenue which buys $LEO off the market

That sounds like a good strategy. So will normal user be able to promote their threads in future ?

The new feature (animation) isnt a game changer but is least for a moment.

Shows the desire to keep innovating.

Animation of what?

Just a new way new threads appear. Nothing major and something meh after a few moments.

It is on labs.

how can the new feature be tried out?

There are 4 pages