I love the hive Nigeria community.
Very young and vibrant with determinations towards having a brighter future for the community and the hive ecosystem, blockchain at large.
#hivenaija #cryoto
Hbd is a big boost for me because it is a bit stable, unlike my currency here in Nigeria, always fluctuating. But converting hbd to naira has been really easy and profitable.
Sucre is a good example for Hive of how HBD can become a currency for everyday life. And the cool thing is that most of the time the token stays in the Hive ecosystem.
yaaay, time to pin 🧷 this date on my calendar and get some cola and pop corn or pizza should be fine, ain’t gonna miss this, see you all there famz, GO LIONS 🫡🔥
Stability of HBD is one of the advantages of using HBD as a means of exchange for goods ... If these sellers get to know that they dont have to worry about the bull and bear market stuff it will be more easier convincing them even...
The HBD pegging and it's fixed value is something I have always rooted for. Currently, I am saving most of my assests with it and I've advised my fiancee to do the same.
Wow... Just imagining how beautiful it will be if some malls will adapt HBD as payment method in my country Nigeria...
It's gonna be abit difficult though..
Hive gives us the opportunity to create content and own our content, we don't have to create for third parties. This is what I always look for myself as a manual arts artist
Absolutely right, my friend. This ecosystem has a lot of ways to receive rewards, including many I don't even know about yet, and people are still wasting their time on the web2.
#Question we dont have HBD listed on popular exchanges how will HBD be distributed among people looking to adopt it for their business if there is large usecase for HBD how do we avoid terra algorithms stablecoin dilution.
I wanna see the whole live experience from room tour, how a hiver is actually gonna spend his day there and I'm sure every hiver is curious to know that..
In Cuba, it is necessary to devise an adoption campaign that is closer to the communities in the center and east of the country, so that Hive reaches more people who are potential hivers or businesses that accept HBD.
Sorry, I was following the conversation. I was referring to using Hive or HBD with other payment methods. There is the Keychain. But, are there other proposals?
That is really great! I am really looking forward on the Leofinance future project. Some roadmap maybe or white paper. I am really excited on the potential of use cases on the Leo token itself.
Very good program. I like all the advances that are being made to bring Hive to the people on the street. That is what will add the most value to the community.
In Cuba we need greater adoption, because outside of Havana and Pinar del Rio, there are very few people who know Hive, imagine thinking of businesses that accept it.
I remember the first time I traded HBD for HIVE. I didn't quite understand the 3.5 day wait. It was easy to switch, but not having the availability immediately made me worry. I finally paid attention and read the answer. what a scare! 😆
The first time I did BTC transaction in 2020, their transaction fee almost cost a fortune. Honestly, it was as huge as 20% of what I was trading. Haha.
Our government even launched a crypto. It's a joke but in general they are not against it, and it's even free from some special taxes that we have to pay on the USD
We are already in the Hundreds and the show is yet to begin. Even if I'm bad at maths, I believe we will hit 1500 before the show comes to an end. Haha.
During last year's edition, there was a post that had all the events and time for each. This made it easier for me to tune in on YouTube and enjoy a lot of those.
I'm yet to dig around, but I haven't seen any post like that currently.
Everyone is welcomed to attend as much as I know and I know the leofinance community made a post to also support a few people that would love to attend and don't have the resources to. But must have a visa at least.
I know that indeed everyone is welcome. But I have the feeling that merely whales are going. Which males kind of sense as well as there are more tied to Hive.
I heard about different 'giveaways / support initiatives' as well to let others go, but guess it isn't always that easy money (plane tickets / stay / food and drinks / etc) and visa wise.
Ofcourse I am a big fan and hope I'll be able to attend it sooner or later :)
I don't know if they do it at Hive fest, but it would be interesting to see for example the live performance of Hive singers , it would be an attractive way to make newcomers see the other vision that blockchain and especially Hive has.
A great advantage of Cuba and the Sucre area is that they are both touristic, and what is being achieved there in the crypto world is perceived by many other people and promotes the expansion of this information.
Whenever I want to trade HBD for Hive or Hive for HBD, I just go straight to Hive Market and do my thing immediately. No need to use the 'convert' option if I'm trading below $500 worth of HBD/Hive
It would be ideal to achieve this here in Cuba, although there are some businesses that do accept it, but still very few... But with time I am confident that it will be done.
You must be killin' it out here! 5.000PIMP@dynamicrypto just slapped you with , @taskmaster4450le. You earned 5.000PIMP for the strong hand. They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.
I've started coordinating people in my locakl environment and my state at large and we'll have a first outing by the end of the year. Looking forward to like at least 500 persons in attendance.
I said efforts towards a Nigeria hiveFest shouls start at Hive users hosting meetups in their local environments and states and shaing same here. Building the base user at that level before a national convergence.
Oh yes! That's right! Basically we need resources, locations and branches, channel to spread information and assimilate, intent digital advertising/marketing and so forth. We would start a little then grow larger.
keyboarHive will see massive addition but I think it won't happen all of a sudden as we think, it will take time to ramp up slowly but steadily we ll get there
Active listening to the spacex carried by Taskmaster . HiveFest will become one of the most important events in the crypto world in a few years. #threadcast
There is a lot of ignorance and misinformation about web3, people have no idea that it exists, much less everything that can be done on it, many think that it is a type of game.
Yeah. 13 weeks for Power down but it's divided into 13 weekly transactions.
So, if you need 100 Hive, Just power down 1300 Hive. After 7 days, you will get 1/13 of that... You will get 100 Hive and you can cancel the Power down then.
The math is simple. And by knowing the system we will be able to make maneuvers like the ones you describe. It is quite user friendly and fits the needs.
Lightning network integrated with hive HBD will definitely boost adoption for hive blockchain that really mind blowing, hive smart contract are kinda very complex will this integration be easy for hive developers.
The presence of HBD in some CEX is necessary, it would give some people an option to acquire it, but a strong presence would take away from the decentralization of the currencies, since they would be highly manipulated by the market.
We has a community needs to work more on our marketing strategies in other to not just Onboard users, but also investors and topnotch innovator that can build their project on hive.
I wonder if any people left on Steem every looks over here with envy of what could have become.
Feels like I never hear anything happening on that chain.
Task said that resources are highly recommended for that and I know it will take up so many things to put this out. Security issues, Hivers flying to represent, bla bla bla
I think education still heals it all. The point of conviction for merchants seeking to adopt HBD is that HBD is designed to be a stablecoin and its vlue is not volatile.
In Costa Rica, there's not enough critical mass to make crypto payments feasible. It's a pity, we should have a more strong presence here. My take on it is there's not a strong use case in here to make it bloom like in Cuba or Venezuela.
Yes, and the bankarization level is very high, too. It's a paradox. In here, people technically could buy crypto from their pockets, but they just don't get it. !CTP
I believe that decentralization is going to be a part of the future too and of course, there will always be people who will continue to stick to centralization.
Greetings from Cuba at an event and headphones on to listen to today's space Greetings from Cuba at an event and headphones on to listen to today's space.
Payment in cryptocurrencies would facilitate our day-to-day lives. You could save time and money by using this payment system. I wish that in Venezuela we could have this all over the country.
I opened thread on safari, opened zealy on keychain, motioning love score on a different tab coz my team is playing, predicting on another tab and chatting on WhatsApp web
Encounter thus also help to promote the local economy. Many of the Hivers are entrepreneurs and adopted HBD as a form of payment and the Hive community has supported them. That's a wonderful thing.
Many of us are in crypto believing our assets will increase in value, Hive being one of them. IMO, it's good to have a basket of few different coins including stables.
threadsla adopción en mi país Cuba ha sido orgánica y con mucha aceptación. Yo mismo he contribuido un poquito con los cursos que he lanzado para nuevos usuarios
I know as long as I'm alive I'd surely get the time to participate in the hivefest so I'm not jealous at all because I'd still get to see a few things that would happen there.
On spaces? Yes anyone can participate. I will start off with some of my views and ask if the audience has any questions. If some presenters are in the spaces, they can join if they want.
I would love the next HiveFest should be done in an African County precisely Nigeria! I know there are factors and benefits of doubts that might hinder it but it will be a big deal. #awish
ohhh this is beautiful TM, I hope one day the hivefest will find its way to the African countries then I bet you, a lot of Africans will come around, it’s nice to see the locations rotating…
I was opportuned to watch the highlight of a particular year, I think last year edition of hivefest, it was posted by arcange, o watched a bit and what I saw was awesome, I hope I am not mistaken TM
In Cuba Hive has had good growth and people and businesses continue to add to the ecosystem, I think good work has been done by the community in that sense.
We should make some sort of blueprint of how to build a successful community irl around Hive/HBD like the. Cubans and Sucré people obviously have done so make it easy to copy in other places .
I think that without centralizing Hive, certain standards must be established for the creation of projects, so that everyone rows towards the same place and grows in the same direction.
These are interesting topics here and mobile phone battery is about to dissapoint me. I hope our light will be restored just now to enable me continue with this show
I know it keeps getting better with each Hivefest. Looking forward to the updates but at the same time, I know I'll attend one day. One way or another.💜
Being in hivefest live will be a dream come true. Last year, I was following up with the updates daily and it was quite interesting. I am daydreaming here, wishing to be in Amsterdam
It is commendable what these bees are doing around the world for the acceptance of HBD in the real world, in our neighborhoods and tourist sites. A standing ovation to them.
I Can't wait to see all the exciting things evolving from HBD. It's wonderful seeing all the things Hive Sucre is doing. Bridging that divide in the most wonderful way
are there people that actually swap hbd for hive that don’t use internal exchange.
I think it takes a while to exchange externally and also, can urge amount be swap internally, I only do swap like $10 to $20
oh, for real. If they have HBD or hive externally. Is it a good idea to just send to your hive account (username) and then use the internal exchange option for it. Or there is no option for that
most dapps and games don't have idea on internal market, a lot of game players have no idea of leo or hive interface they treat hive like any other token.
Yeah. 13 weeks but it's divided into 13 weekly transactions.
So, if you need 100 Hive, Just power down 1300 Hive. After 7 days, you will get 1/13 of that. You will get 100 Hive and you can cancel the Power down then.
3day conversion is perfect... I've seen millions of $ getting drained from protocols or ecosystem through phishing links and so on.. but with this 3 day conversion we're same from such situations.
I agree with you, security is something very important when using the market or the exchanges. It's our money, after all! Call it savings, jobs, investments, etc....
Did the 3.5 day conversion once, but stuck with the Hive market for all of my transactions since then. Knowing that there are good reasons to use the 3.5...is a game-changer.
I agree with the reasons why the hp power down needs to take that long, it is indeed for security issues, well done to the brains behind this beautiful thinking…
We have talked about it with companies, they are very willing to join, but "they" are a few representatives, when it goes to the whole company, security, taxes, etc, all of that becomes a concern
Solidity programming is superb, but then, the gaps that our Devs could leave because they aren't used to it must be considered. I wonder if they'd get the hang of it more and switch up at any point.
The conversion process takes days before it get filled, that could reduce your possibility of benefits from happens that occurs during the waiting period.
The next idea Elon Musk brings will affect a ton of brands existing on X, because the bills passed are instant and effective, as opposed to government bill. 100%
I can totally agree with that. Being off the big guys radar for now just gives us that leverage to keep perfecting our system, all areas of it. And hopefully, when we come up, it'll definitely be with a BANG!
Hivefest is great, last year I listened to the recordings and I replied to the CTA from @smooms and @hiq.magazine and became their proofreader. So good things happen even if you are not at the physical version.
I've always been a firm believer in the fact that the third world countries would be the ones to push Hive into the global markets. We hope our governments don't keep pushing back though.
People do come from these countries I agree but in #crypto people from other countries like US or either Europe I've seen most people have this assumption "people are sold out that's why they're saying this or that" don't trust this person
Adoption is more necessary in these countries that are more regulated or sanctioned by the USA, since it helps us escape the pressure of our governments.
Ohh that reminds me of a Nigerian who got the best crypto trading award a couple of week ago, he goes by the name AHMED …, he got it overseas and even gave a speech 🎤
That is very true
Hive has literally changed the lives of people. Even over here in Nigeria, the fact that we - normal everyday people- can make incomes that go far in helping our own lives. It's remarkable!
I love that point you just laid out. When the decentralized ecosystem begins to change lives more than the government can do for her people, this would definitely shift the minds of people into the web 3 and decentralized nature.
I did fell for such NFT and I regretted it till date.
There are so many scammers out their and the value of the NFT just fall out of value after purchase
Ya he perdido la oportunidad de dar un día de prueba a negocios indecisos en la adopcion por no tener presupuesto, lle HHe escrito a todos los dioses habido en hive y no han dado resrpuesta.. que hacemos entonces
Hive has the potential to create many things, more complex and with an almost instantaneous transaction network. Usable to generate large ambitious projects.
also years ago one of the people i introduced hive to him and he was excited but the problem he started to get downvotes on almost every post he published than he got bored and he left hive
he used to post some personal experience about development and such things but he used to get downvotes. I dont think he’s excited anymore because it was bad experience for him
In addition to the fact that in web 2 we are the product, we must also say that we do not own our content. You can spend years creating, building and in a second they can sensit, block you or delete your content. Web 3 fixed this
many people have been so used to centralized system such that all that's been said about decentralization and how Hive makes this happen, looks like a mirage.
That's the most fascinating about Hive, we have the potential to get people interested from many areas. Content creator, writers, video producer, journalist, gamer, defi-degens.
I told a friend he can build his news community on Hive with less than one-fifth the cost he's presently funding his centralized platform. It sounds unbelievable that starting up a project on Hive is the cheapest
I wonder how many nonhive people will be attending hivefest? does anybody know a rough number. that would be cool to know how many non hive go and how many are converted
If you are spaces every day, it would be good if you actually have a keyword or two given out before an hour of the space has elapsed. Waiting 2 and 3 hours is going turn people away. Zealy is meant to be bringing users to Hive.
v4v is a great option for those of us who use bitcoin to pay for some services that are not available to pay with HIVE, much less with our local currencies.
I think my threads are not appearing for some reason.
Integrating the Lightning Network with Hive HBD is indeed an exciting development that has the potential to boost adoption and enhance the Hive blockchain's capabilities
Major banks are creating dust and smog to create confusion between CBDC and real cryptos. That's why keeping up these contents and true information is vital
Very good job for the Hive Sucre community. I think they should all emulate their work, perhaps making small adjustments to the different economies of each region.
It's what TheyCallMeDan said one day, Hive is the only place where you can buy a coffee with HBD, post about it and earn enough to pay for that coffee.
That's super cool if HBD gets a lot of use cases in real life and in malls O.O. I would love that cuz id love to buy HBD from people and have more of that instead of inside the bank
Alright. My team and I are planning to go into marketing hive in the coming months. We have onboarded close to 60 person's since we started o
n November last year.
I reached 500k pageviews to my answers on Quora. This must be old answers getting some search engine views. These many views could get me monetized on youtube and tiktok.
When I had adsense monetized blog, yes, I used to get traffic. Which used to earn me 600 USD a month. Now since google algo change it came down to 6$ a month.
A sad reality of life that we must accept. I also had a friend battling cancer. I think if I met him on the street, I would not recognize him after seeing his face this morning on social media.
2/ Nigeria has a bad stigma of being fraudsters, yes, everyone knows that but still there are legitimate working Nigerians losing their jobs or being denied jobs because of the common stigma against Nigerians.
It's very possible. Just need a bit of optimization, great content and some power users with communities and BAM you have the perfect mix for success and ad rev.
I ended up exhausted!GM, #threads!!! I was absent yesterday due to force majeure. Our apartment flooded due to a water heater problem. I spent the day waiting for the plumber and cleaning.
We had to replace the heater. Thank goodness we noticed out before the apartment floor was irreparably damaged. So it was a lot of work, but everything is ok now.
Possible change log so when near features are added we know about them and can start testing them out asap. Like for instance today I didn't know referral links were a thing until you pointed it out #feedback Changelog would be on sidebar
What i can say is that the frontend for me has improved in recent time. I find it improving and that is all i respect. We will surely be sharing feedbacks here to help dev and the team work on issues for better UE.
it is difficult to find or filter threadcasts in the threads.
I think, a seperate filter for threadcasts will improve access and also increase engagement
and soon referral links which will be SUPER helpful. Mainly I want one so I can tell who I referred and keep in touch with them to encourage them to continue to use the platform. It doesn't even have to be front facing like you see here.
Wow.. this is such a nice addition and every time Leo team surprise us with something that is not expected at all. I love leo team for such nice surprises.
Greetings everyone, I leave you a phrase for today, I just saw it and I loved it, I hope you like it as much as I do. Good morning once again! #gmfrens
We can't be in survival mode. We have to be in growth mode.
Jeff Bezos
A year ago I made this post in Facebook, and I was just reminded today, and the truth still remains that every successful person has a sad story behind.
#gmfrens!!! I'm so excited, the Caracas Blockchain Week is just a month ahead, and Hive is getting ready to participate. I'm going, of course. Since Mexico didn't want me to go to the #Hivefest
I actully think some people over at 3speak are on top of video from the event and she's done a great job editing from what I've seen. I'm hoping we get some awesome videos from that.
There is some change in US accounting standard and as per the new rule, crypto assets will be considered on fair value in balance sheet. This will enable more institutions buying..
#gfrens, good afternoon, how has life been today good to know we all are thriving moving forward on our plans today, keep going the sky is our starting point. #mydiary #foodforthought
Guys, seriously, I'm worried about y'all talking to spam accounts like they are real users. Learn to read the cues. A newbie asking about reward curation on the old UI on his very first thread doesn't look weird to you?
When you think of the '80s you probably think of neon colours, slalom, and cocaine but which one is your favourite money-making-lift-the-spirit-up '80s tune?
🧵 1/4: PayPal announces PYUSD stablecoin is now available on Venmo, expanding its use in the crypto ecosystem. PYUSD is backed by U.S. dollar deposits and already present on select exchanges. #crypto
🧵 2/4: Approximately 90% of PYUSD is held in wallets controlled by Paxos Trust, according to blockchain analytics firm Nansen. BitPay adds support for PYUSD, citing its payment utility and community involvement.
🧵 3/4: PayPal continues to make strides in the crypto space, accepting digital asset payments in 2021 and establishing Web3 payment on- and off-ramps in 2023. PYUSD approved by the New York State Department of Financial Services.
I wonder if any way to see transactions details in our Leo wallet. The old UI wallet had it. I would like to see in detail my curation earnings. Does anyone know how? #leofinance
It used to be an opportunity to doing good, but the state of society today has made everyone sceptical about such. People fear so many things these days.
Well, it's always a bit unexpected when a random person asks for money, right? How I feel about it depends on the situation. If I can genuinely help and it seems like a genuine need.
well, to me, it's not a big deal but you know the world is changing now so one need to be very careful. So as it stands if one should meet on on the way and ask, I won't wont even answer at all
I wonder if any way to see transactions details in our Leo wallet. The old UI wallet had it. I would like to see in detail my curation earnings. Does anyone know how? #leofinance
It's the token of an email marketing project on the blockchain. I think it's a sister project of the CTP team that came to my attention in March 2022. This is their site: https://listnerds.com/
Looks like you are much more frustrated with the #ListNerds platform rather than #LeoDex. 😅 It's understandable, because there are alternatives to LeoDex (such as #HiveEngine and #TribalDex), but your LISTNERDS and !CTP tokens on ListNerds are stuck at the moment. 🤗 !HUG
Here is the #threadcast for the Pre-Hivefest discussion. It will take place a 1 PM eastern time.
Link To Spaces:
Would spread the word that we should begin working on HiveFest Nigeria!!
I love the hive Nigeria community.
Very young and vibrant with determinations towards having a brighter future for the community and the hive ecosystem, blockchain at large.
#hivenaija #cryoto
for Hive Naija Fest
Maybe Hive Fest in Nigeria one day??
Task, how do you do this, talking for close to 4hrs at a stretch?
Like I always write and talk about in my videos, just do it. Get it done as they say.
Tomorrow and Saturday will be 8 hour sessions although I will be speaking less since there are presenters to listen to.
Yeah, just do it.
8 hrs, just hope there will be power supply for my phone
When is the fest ending?
You' really did.
Next thing to do is take a bit of rest probably grab something to eat.
Yeah and I have to pee. Been holding it.
Hahaha, please do 😂
Some communities in Venezuela adopted Hive and HBD as a payment system. This image is courtesy of @hivesucre
Hbd is a big boost for me because it is a bit stable, unlike my currency here in Nigeria, always fluctuating. But converting hbd to naira has been really easy and profitable.
Sucre is a good example for Hive of how HBD can become a currency for everyday life. And the cool thing is that most of the time the token stays in the Hive ecosystem.
Very interesting the topics that were discussed, especially the HBD which I thought was great. Good points of view, thanks for sharing your vision!
Glad you could join us and learn about these topics.
It was a good turnout for something pretty much thrown together.
Hey @peniel2010 and @wealthwess here's the threadcast
I’m here now. ☺️
Definitely, will be there.
Thanks 👍👍👍👍
Take your captures everyone, set the reminders, #zealy
Y'all need to get in here and make this Threadcast buzzy once the X space begins. We have done Threadcast record to break. Haha.
We want super buzzy.
Buzzy to the nth degree.
It's good we have a very vibrant and buzzy Community. The community will make this buzzy as we get set for the beginning of HiveFest. Hehe.
This is the time for Leo to stand out.
We need to get some big numbers.
GOod to see you kene.
Brother... I'm all-in. Lol. But I know you are the Leofinance Ambassador
Good to see all in here.
Glad so many are excited to make this a success.
I’m so hyped about this. I’ll surely be there.
A good test run for the main event and a way to start the engagement.
yaaay, time to pin 🧷 this date on my calendar and get some cola and pop corn or pizza should be fine, ain’t gonna miss this, see you all there famz, GO LIONS 🫡🔥
That is the attitude. Make it a total event.
no doubt about that TM, it would be fun finding out more about the hivefest ❤️
The real action will be tomorrow when it goes live.
But for now, we will see what we can do pre-Hivefest. Not much of a plan, just see how it goes.
Okay we will be there TM, let me pack up and set up my pc for the live 🤩🔥
when are they gonna do one in the US? I don't have my passport yet.
I wouldnt think it is anytime soon. My guess is they head back to Europe or Asia after this.
Price tends to turn people away from the US.
It's not easy to stick to decentralization, only those who are ready for a true change can stay true to it.
why aye you late hope, kneel down there 👇 nd raise up your mouth
Dey play, just dey play 😂
Lol late comer
Quick comer, hehe
Keychain is building in a swap feature that makes it easy to swap layer 2 tokens into HBD in layer 1 and vice versa.
That's interesting. Waiting for that one!
That would be great
Fantastic, I'll try to be there
Very good. Be sure to join the threadcast also.
6pm Nigerian time. I will be there!
reminder set!! Thanks for the update 🙌
Ready to roll!
Yes we are. Building some hype for Hivefest.
Cool. My reminder is already set.
Excellent. Glad to see it.
Be sure to engage in the threadcast here. We want to get the numbers going.
We will be there! 🚀
Love to see it. Being here is also important.
Tuned in and fully attentive to the show! 🎧👂 Not missing a single detail! #Hooked
Stability of HBD is one of the advantages of using HBD as a means of exchange for goods ... If these sellers get to know that they dont have to worry about the bull and bear market stuff it will be more easier convincing them even...
That is the value of a stablecoin.
I almost the show but I got lucky.
The HBD pegging and it's fixed value is something I have always rooted for. Currently, I am saving most of my assests with it and I've advised my fiancee to do the same.
What country are you in?
My device battery was low so I didn't move around much during the show. Just seeing this actually. I'm from Nigeria.
Hello everyone.
Just Getting some things done before this threadcast and Hivefest live goes live.
Glad you are here. Lets make this an epic threadcast.
let's Go!!
Just a couple of time left.. excited since it's going to be first Hivefest x threadcast experience.
I want the live event threadcasts to each reach more than 10K.
very possible.
I hope not to get any lag cuz of lod of live comments.
Threadcasts have held up well but we never saw anything like that.
So what sidechains do we have and what chains are we bridged to?
VSC and Honeycomb are being built.
Where do I read more about these?
JonSnow talking about cryptoadoption in Hivesucre at the spacex run by Taskmaster. Interesting information.
We are getting presentations that arent going to be a part of Hivefest. lol
Wow... Just imagining how beautiful it will be if some malls will adapt HBD as payment method in my country Nigeria...
It's gonna be abit difficult though..
#threadcast #sucrae
On X with taskmaster discussing lightning network integration on hive
Glad you are in.
Thanks much and you're doing awesome with the space show.
Hive gives us the opportunity to create content and own our content, we don't have to create for third parties. This is what I always look for myself as a manual arts artist
web3 changed my life
Without a doubt.
Millions are going to eventually make their living on Hive.
Absolutely right, my friend. This ecosystem has a lot of ways to receive rewards, including many I don't even know about yet, and people are still wasting their time on the web2.
I just set the reminder. Can't wait to join the space.
1.5 hours. Going to see how it turns out. Hopefully we will make this a great show.
#Question we dont have HBD listed on popular exchanges how will HBD be distributed among people looking to adopt it for their business if there is large usecase for HBD how do we avoid terra algorithms stablecoin dilution.
Yes I believe that hive has the ability to take countries like Nigeria to financial freedom
RHis is over a 4 hour meeting, mhen! I give it to you Task. You'd tasked tonight 😂
Like the Energizer bunny. Just keep going.
do we have any "vlogger" attending Hivefest?
I wanna see the whole live experience from room tour, how a hiver is actually gonna spend his day there and I'm sure every hiver is curious to know that..
Ples say we'll see it all..
MaN, the vlogging side of it is going to be thrilling. I can't wait to see those live feed from someone who's there.
exactly that's why I want it... will be like "binge watching" a series..
Hope so we'll see it that way.
It would be great if someone was able to do that.
We need to start thinking in these terms.
That would be interesting.
I am going to try and get some people on the spaces during the event.
We will see how that goes.
Cool, looking forward to hear.
Yeah. @manuphotos is already there.
Maybe he will come on air in spaces and tell us what is happening.
That's Awesome.
Are you also going there? Would be great all OG's in one place.
No I am not going to be there.
That is why I am rounding up the virtual realm. All those who arent able to be there we will thread with each other.
Now what do you think we can do to get many people here know the usefulness and the future potential of hive ?
In Cuba, it is necessary to devise an adoption campaign that is closer to the communities in the center and east of the country, so that Hive reaches more people who are potential hivers or businesses that accept HBD.
That is the case everywhere. We need to keep expanding the ability to engage and learn what is taking place.
We are working on that, we still have a long way to go, but we are on our way to it, we have to reach places beyond our own.
Task has some star power. We have so many hivers listening :P
That mean is better to change all our token to HBD?
Depends upon your financial goals.
what if someone asks "what's your basis for trusting hive "?
What can we say?
Just for fun
Since HBD is priced based on dollar, what happens if dollar loses value. Let's bear in mind all that's happening around de-dollarization.
Task thank you so much for your contribution to #hive. You're one reasons it keeps standing till now. Hoping to join #hivefest online
Lots of reasons it is still standing.
I am just doing my part.
Have other payment mechanisms been considered?
What do you mean?
Sorry, I was following the conversation. I was referring to using Hive or HBD with other payment methods. There is the Keychain. But, are there other proposals?
The main support of HBD and HIVE is the great community behind it that continues to generate value 365 days a year.
This is too hot
Don't touch!
We did good.
Thats awesome
HiveFest is gonna be amazing I look forward to seeing some big threadcasts, discussions and news all weekend
I do too. Personally, we need to shoot for 10K comments.
Is the space still on?
No. It is over.
We are now gearing up for the one tomorrow.
How do I get an auto notification when it starts
You have to get a reminder when the spaces is set up. It will be set up in the morning and you will get a noti.
Unfortunately, it's already over. There will be a next one though.
There is little time left until this great event begins, are you ready to create threads like crazy?
I am. Hopefully people get as excited as you are.
Who is going to join you in the mad threading?
They will arrive, it is lunch time in some places, but surely in moments they will begin to join together.
We will see. Maybe the activity will pick up when the show goes live.
Almost certainly yes
well, I’m set for the program and I hope it don’t doze of a little. But the last one was great that I didn’t sleep. Expecting to see many speaker too
We are under a day until it goes live. Glad you joined this pre-hivefest threadcast.
I am glad to be here too🙂🙏
awaySome to go before the great great event begin. I'm ready to thread, learn and know some stuff regarding the hivefest
We will see what emerges.
However, doing our part and threading is a great way to make some noise.
The pre-hivefest might have some presenters on it.
I can't wait to make that noise through threading. Let's wait and see 🤔
The party starts now.
I going to enjoy the party till the end 🕺
Cuba is very well represented by the Administrator of our Hivecuba community, bravo Manu!
Greetings to Manu 😊👍
Ansd we'e close to 1k engagements on Threadcast.
Lets get over that 1k comments I came in late but am here
Better late than never.
its been fun all the way, so much fun, let's beate this 1000k
Here is the schedule.
thank you for sharing
There are other businesses in other cities in Venezuela that are adopting the HBD, this is unstoppable.
It keeps spreading.
I hope the Hivefest will have a live stream >.<
It will be on YouTube. I will embed the stream in the daily threadcast.
We will have one each day.
That is really great! I am really looking forward on the Leofinance future project. Some roadmap maybe or white paper. I am really excited on the potential of use cases on the Leo token itself.
Yeah. A lot going on.
That is awesome. Unfortunately, it will be very late for me. Will check the threadcast in the morning.
We are working on modalities of increasing of number of Nigerians be adopted on Hive Blockchain
That will be great Taskmaster.
Good discussion, thanks guys!
There will be a daily threadcast on each day of Hivefest.
This is a bit of a test run so lets fill it up.
Very good program. I like all the advances that are being made to bring Hive to the people on the street. That is what will add the most value to the community.
Making fun of you is not a very nice thing to do.
In Cuba we need greater adoption, because outside of Havana and Pinar del Rio, there are very few people who know Hive, imagine thinking of businesses that accept it.
I follow @lucianav and see several places that accept HBD as payment. Even electricity bills are paid in HBD. That sounds like a dream!
IM from malaysia TM!
ok sounds good are u leading this
Yes I am hosting this spaces. We will see who jumps on.
O.O ok will support u
no problem o.o its the least i can do
Always type away.
879 threadcast engagement so far and still counting. That's amazing
It is very impressive. Glad people showed up for it.
Yeah it is but am still missing on keyword
What is Hive Sucre? I keep bumping in it once in while.
Sucre is a state in Venezuela.
Ok, so I'd guess it's local community build around it on Hive
Sucre is a state in Venezuela, where there is a large community of hivers
Interesting, pleased to hear that!
If Nigeria adopt HBD honestly it will do a whole lot of changes
Yes. It has to be established locally. Like in Sucre they are building from scratch.
SO we can gradually build such structure
#QUESTION to JON: What advice can you give us from your experience to get more businesses to join us?
755 Threadcast engagement and counting.
Keep it going.
It's 330am im barely alive uwu
Caffeine. LOL
o.o i dont use that. im up on sheer will power
x app crash and now I'm back and no sound anyone else ?
Shows over. We will be back tomorrow.
I figured after a while it just that the app crash and the I get back into the show and it's silence 🤣
Tomorrow there will be bouts of silence with the presentations taking priority.
Lol well we gonna hear the presentation right ? 🤣
I believe it is a good idea. No need for me to talk over the top of those presenting.
goodnight i cant its alr 5am lol
It has been an excellent space, in which we have learned a lot.
We keep spreading the knowledge.
exactly, we need to be at some height to organize events in countries like Nigeria or many other.
Tho, any of us can be hive ambassador since we all represent it.. Anyone can do it..
Maybe we start at organizing ourselves at our Local environment and states and then foster a national move.
so true, Nigerian are fully represented on threads no doubt

I remember the first time I traded HBD for HIVE. I didn't quite understand the 3.5 day wait. It was easy to switch, but not having the availability immediately made me worry. I finally paid attention and read the answer. what a scare! 😆
The first time I did BTC transaction in 2020, their transaction fee almost cost a fortune. Honestly, it was as huge as 20% of what I was trading. Haha.
I'm off they train.
BTC OG in the chat.
I can relate so well, I just said something along this line just now
Hive is impacting lives both globally and personally
My network logged me out for over 15 minutes. I already missed those minutes talk by TM 🥲
You did really miss a lot but it's a good thing you are back now
Yea, I did. Glad I am back again. Thank you.
Yeah, you're welcome!
Mine just went blank for like 5 minutes. Network honestly....
I got frustrated at first, thinking the keyword has been mentioned and I might just miss it. Late.
Hivefest Nigeria will be fun
Without a doubt, hive is a home for all.
I am having difficulties now with my internet, it is raining and the connection gets very slow.
I wonder the reaction of the big guys when they discover the beauty of Hive, and then realise that they can not "own it." Decentralized, baby!
It was a HEARTBREAK for them, hehe
E shock them! 😄
Them never see anything sef, lol.
Loving your enthusiasm.
Thank you, Fangy! Loving your vibe.
Although the use of cryptocurrencies has increased in Cuba, more progress still needs to be made in their use.
Hive fest in Nigeria. Sounds good
Our government even launched a crypto. It's a joke but in general they are not against it, and it's even free from some special taxes that we have to pay on the USD
👍That's how she's a friend
BRo @quduus1, Arcange is there. Haha.
ahaha i trust him to be there 🔥🔥❤️❤️
We need to seat some people down and explain the deeper aspects of hbd to them, we might need to open heads and brains lol 😂
Hahaha 😂 el
Over 100....
1,400 comments more needed.
We are already in the Hundreds and the show is yet to begin. Even if I'm bad at maths, I believe we will hit 1500 before the show comes to an end. Haha.
Let's SMASH the chart.
It also depends upon how long the show goes for.
This is something that is open ended. We are going to wing it.
I will keep talking as long as I can. Get those numbers pumping.
Sure, man. This will be like a "Testing Mic" show.
Things will get even more thrilling once we start aligning the show with live happenings on HiveFest ground.
Yeah. Well one thing is it will only be in between the presentations.
We dont want to talk over the top of them.
Yeah. That works too. I know they usually have some sort of break in-between presentations.
I guess there will be so much to figure out with each passing day of this. Haha. It will be an amazing experience 👍.
We've gone for 1hr 48 mins
Heeey Manu representing Cubans 🇨🇺 at the Hive fest 😎💪💪
What pride to belong to @hivecuba community
He's a good dude.
What presentation are you most interested in seeing?
During last year's edition, there was a post that had all the events and time for each. This made it easier for me to tune in on YouTube and enjoy a lot of those.
I'm yet to dig around, but I haven't seen any post like that currently.
Here is the schedule.
I just scanned through this. Haha. This is going to be a compact HiveFest with so much to enjoy and digest.
The list of speakers is already mind-blowing. Haha. We have absolute legends on this blockchain.
Thanks for sharing the link.
Yes. It is an impressive list. This is something that we need to focus upon on the conversation during spaces.
I won't be surprised that we have more Nigerians on Hive than any other country. Here's the stats for Leo.
wow, this is really amazing, I knew we are much, but not expecting this much.
25% of users from Pakistan... damn, I'm surprised.
Well Rangers are playing, gotta go. Good luck threaders. Hive rocks.
Scottish Rangers?
lol yep the original Rangers where all other Rangers are named after!
Good luck to Rangers. Hopefully you won't cuss out today.
lol no goals so far!
It’s understandable
Thank you 🤗
you're doing amazing, Nkem. O ye strong woman. Cheering for you from here.👏👏
Thank you Tessa 😍
Personnaly I think it would be nice of more non whales would be present at Hive Fest!
Everyone is welcomed to attend as much as I know and I know the leofinance community made a post to also support a few people that would love to attend and don't have the resources to. But must have a visa at least.
I know that indeed everyone is welcome. But I have the feeling that merely whales are going. Which males kind of sense as well as there are more tied to Hive.
I heard about different 'giveaways / support initiatives' as well to let others go, but guess it isn't always that easy money (plane tickets / stay / food and drinks / etc) and visa wise.
Ofcourse I am a big fan and hope I'll be able to attend it sooner or later :)
Yeah money it's involved so those that have it and are chanced are the ones that get to attend it easily.
I hope you get to attend it too someday.
I don't know if they do it at Hive fest, but it would be interesting to see for example the live performance of Hive singers , it would be an attractive way to make newcomers see the other vision that blockchain and especially Hive has.
I'll be getting on a plane during this stream woooo
Man, have a very safe trip. Hope we will be doing some cryptologic stuff when you get settled in
Maybe he will join us on air and give us some insight on the event.
That will be perfect. Haha. We will be getting live feed from him and anyone we can lay hands on over there.
We will see how it unfolds.
Time to keep pumping the numbers.
heading towards Hivefest location?
Yeah he is going there live.
If Mexico lets him in. I wouldnt if I were them.
Yeah. I figured there will be a lot of travelers.
I think Khal might be traveling too.
Our government are fighting crypto, yet they want us to buy their shitty CBDC
He he, funny people, I'm sure they will get a grip soon hopefully.
One thing Hive has done is a MILLION things to TRANSFORM lives!
I couldn't agree less Jay
Thank you, Hope.
You're welcome!
Coming back from a rugpull would be very difficult for a growing project. Confidence is totally lost.
Having security measures in place prevents many users from losing their income.
Nigerians are strong 💪. Shoutout to my Nigeria peeps.
Let's keep being the giant of Africa!
Hive has offered us another opportunity so we should make use of it.
Totally right my sister No doubt
Yeah, hehe
Good morning brother
Unfortunately, Costa Rica is not a friendly crypto government.
Majority of government aren't crypto friendly.. it's just some.
Yeah, it's a pity, really
A great advantage of Cuba and the Sucre area is that they are both touristic, and what is being achieved there in the crypto world is perceived by many other people and promotes the expansion of this information.
Whenever I want to trade HBD for Hive or Hive for HBD, I just go straight to Hive Market and do my thing immediately. No need to use the 'convert' option if I'm trading below $500 worth of HBD/Hive
cool, I once your convert option.. like only once.
Have been using hive dex.
Are you in hive fest already, or when are you taking off TM
he won't.. he'll be setting up threadcast and it'll be virtual for all of us...
okay that’s good 👍, we will be here enjoying the virtual aspect of it🔥
X space reminder is set...lfg
HIVE is a home for all 🔥🫡
RC is one amazing thing that the Hive Blockchain has.
Already enjoying the show, thanks for the Host, Taskmaster
that’s true @taskmaster445450le i faced such an issue while promoting hive since a lot of people thought it was complicated
I know people who are taking advantage of NFTs outside the ecosystem and they are doing very well.
CLNs have been an opportunity for many people, inside and outside the exosystem.
That's a very good idea
We have the numbers in Nigeria, "Hivefest Nigeria" would be mindblowing. And I think the turnout with massive.
Hive is an amazing blockchian
The bare reality of Hive is surreal!
Enter an establishment and see this sign. It's a relief for Hive's customers.
It saves time, and is a transparent, secure and fast payment
Image by @hivesucre
It would be ideal to achieve this here in Cuba, although there are some businesses that do accept it, but still very few... But with time I am confident that it will be done.
Nice space !PIMP
Hive co-marketing with threads is here!
You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@dynamicrypto just slapped you with , @taskmaster4450le.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.
Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District
hanks for sharing these thoughts! #freecompliments
I've started coordinating people in my locakl environment and my state at large and we'll have a first outing by the end of the year. Looking forward to like at least 500 persons in attendance.
Make me understand what you are trying to say?
What aspect do you need clarification?
Everything entirely
I said efforts towards a Nigeria hiveFest shouls start at Hive users hosting meetups in their local environments and states and shaing same here. Building the base user at that level before a national convergence.
Oh yes! That's right! Basically we need resources, locations and branches, channel to spread information and assimilate, intent digital advertising/marketing and so forth. We would start a little then grow larger.
Look at that LeoAds Revenue 🤑
That's amazing, Leo is doing very well.
An overrated aspect to the platform being developed.
WOw this is a whole lot, and t
WOw this is a whole lot, and t
WOw this is a whole lot, and t
C'mon, lads. We are live on the X space. Join us here
~~~ embed:1704903723300839795?t=hSOWEmlbBCau8OLzr6ARqg&s=19 twitter metadata:dGFza21hc3RlcjQ0NTB8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vdGFza21hc3RlcjQ0NTAvc3RhdHVzLzE3MDQ5MDM3MjMzMDA4Mzk3OTV8 ~~~
keyboarHive will see massive addition but I think it won't happen all of a sudden as we think, it will take time to ramp up slowly but steadily we ll get there
Yeah, hive is really really actibmve in Ghana, they have really impacted their communities and education as well... Cheers to hive on that one
Active listening to the spacex carried by Taskmaster . HiveFest will become one of the most important events in the crypto world in a few years. #threadcast
Really enjoying the show let's pump the thread to 1k
Yes yes yes
I can't believe I sat through something this long. Usually if it is longer then thirty minutes I lose interest.
Anyone has a link to HiveFest schedule, timings, speakers, etc?
@taskmaster4450 can hopefully answer this.
WEN Keyword? 😂
lol 🔥😂
For those who didnt see, here is a list of the presentations that are slated to take place at #hivefest.
Go CraftInk!
No it's not a location, Task. It's the three main tribes of Nigeria saying a particular word 'come' in their different languages
There is a lot of ignorance and misinformation about web3, people have no idea that it exists, much less everything that can be done on it, many think that it is a type of game.
And then the artists scream about ai art. Maybe they should reread the TOS.
Yeah. 13 weeks for Power down but it's divided into 13 weekly transactions.
So, if you need 100 Hive, Just power down 1300 Hive. After 7 days, you will get 1/13 of that... You will get 100 Hive and you can cancel the Power down then.
The math is simple. And by knowing the system we will be able to make maneuvers like the ones you describe. It is quite user friendly and fits the needs.
Exactly. Hive works really well and it's all about knowing how to use them at every time.
Tomorrow will be a bigger number tied to the threadcast since I will be threading when the presenters are talking.
That would be lovely. I hope to join in too
I hope so too. Lets get it to the outrageous level.
Okay. That will be great.
It is the goal.
And you will reach it.
Traveling so hard to participate, I’ll be voting you guys in these as much as I can during #hivefest tho!
Safe trip.
It was a long 4 hrs threadscast but it was worth it. Fun, informative and all.
Task is the man.
We are looking for bigger numbers.
It was a good turnout although had to go 4 hours. LOL
Lightning network integrated with hive HBD will definitely boost adoption for hive blockchain that really mind blowing, hive smart contract are kinda very complex will this integration be easy for hive developers.
The presence of HBD in some CEX is necessary, it would give some people an option to acquire it, but a strong presence would take away from the decentralization of the currencies, since they would be highly manipulated by the market.
In Cuba, from its community in Hive, campaigns have been carried out to help people affected by hurricanes and heavy rains.
we're so early.
You're literally right... I meet this one "influencer on binance workshop attended couple of months, he claimed he's web3 enthusiast.
He had no idea hive exist and it do what he thinks will come in future.
We has a community needs to work more on our marketing strategies in other to not just Onboard users, but also investors and topnotch innovator that can build their project on hive.
I wonder if any people left on Steem every looks over here with envy of what could have become.
Feels like I never hear anything happening on that chain.
Elon have messed up twitter a lot..
I see shit tons of bots way too much than before in every single comments and that too verified bots with hundreds or thousands of followers.
It's so weird and easy to fall for scam.
Participating in the start of HiveFest
That's the best thing about Hive, how diverse it is and how easy it is to build on.
Big country, some very dangerous roads and highways with bandits galore and would be costly to do.
Hey Tengo, Naija isn't that bad. Other countries these too, which I'm sure you know
Oh I know, it will take planning and money, it is not like jumping in a car and have a safe 30 minute journey for everyone is what I mean.
I get it. Everything needs planning
You are absolutely right partner. The security level is very poor.
Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below
View or trade
Hey @hopestylist, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!HIVE .We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on
Task said that resources are highly recommended for that and I know it will take up so many things to put this out. Security issues, Hivers flying to represent, bla bla bla
How long do you think till we reach the "perfect" hive where signups are easy, new user friendly and easy to navigate?
I remember we did a Hive Naija physical meetup across 3 different regions in the country back in the first quarter of 2022.
really, wow. we once have a physical meetup too back in the days before it changed to hive. and we were really much but most have quit the platform
I want to listen to @manuphotos
Thank you, in two days i will be speaking
Great 👍
SATS conversion and swap is harder to find.
I think education still heals it all. The point of conviction for merchants seeking to adopt HBD is that HBD is designed to be a stablecoin and its vlue is not volatile.
Y'all... It's ALMOST showtime. I will be participating from a very noisy environment, but I will still try and be part of the Convo.
I hope to be in a serene environment the next time we will do this.
That is great. Get the ball rolling.
In Costa Rica, there's not enough critical mass to make crypto payments feasible. It's a pity, we should have a more strong presence here. My take on it is there's not a strong use case in here to make it bloom like in Cuba or Venezuela.
Costa Rica is a bit better economy than those two economies.
Means the barrier is higher.
Yes, and the bankarization level is very high, too. It's a paradox. In here, people technically could buy crypto from their pockets, but they just don't get it. !CTP
Can HBD be transferred directly into local bank account? I was hoping one day it will be possible
Great to hear HBD is in use in Venezuela!
Here i come, what is popping in here ?
LOL thanks for the warning.
Still getting warmed up. 1 hour left until the show goes life but need to get the engagement going.
Okay, thanks boss.
LOL. No problem. Time to work on your lifetime threading numbers in this threadcast.
yes boss, can't wait though am on forming the total number of threadstorms for the day. You can visit them on your leisure boss. Thank you.
Threadstorms can add up.
Threadcasts are easier to compile those especially when active. A lot of real time engagement.
Support and blessings to your v4v project Brian. Godspeed!
I totally forgot about PodPing! Could be massive when teamed up with a threadcast for onboarding.
Bank and fiat irregularities are just too much and challenging, left to me, holding fiat is a hassle 🔥
It is good to support the representatives of each community, they are the ones who carry and bring information about the meeting. Greetings to them!!
Yes, the representatives are wonderful in this aspect. They are doing an amazing job bringing feedback to their members in order to carry them along.
if only people knew, even the 20% apr is a deal on itself atleast
This is beautiful, a big thank you to theycallmedan and the others who set up the hive fest this year
hey mr dynamic, it’s nice to have you here Mr dynamic 🔥🔥🔥🔥
are you late isnt this suppose to start 13 mins ago @taskmaster4450le
We are already Live
Was the link changed
I'm not sure, but this is the one that's working at the moment.
Ask who has already been drinking a little to much 😅
What happens in Mexico stays in Mexico. lol
Wen HiveFest in Africa?
This year’s hivefest is going to be a banger 🔥🤞
True. That's a fact. Haha. I'm already looking forward to this.
oh yeah man, let’s cross our fingers haha, it’s a banger
Haha. The next Hive fest should be soared in an African country.
I concur. #WenAfrica should be a trend. Haha.
Haha. We should make it trend.
I believe that decentralization is going to be a part of the future too and of course, there will always be people who will continue to stick to centralization.
Can't we arrange a virtual HiveFest somehow?
Ohhh... That was done during Covid19.
task predicting BTC prices... hqhqhq
TASK, there is so much to look forward to in this HiveFest. I checked the presentations and I'm already filled with a surge of anticipation.
Many people do not still know the opportunity in HBD they are missing and it is why it is being underappreciated.
Without a doubt.
eric is going to hivefest?
I believe he is.
Please take the opportunity to make the proposal to make the next Hive fest in Venezuela, I think we deserve it for being a great community in Hive.
We are having a pre hivefest right now, let me hear you make some noice🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
The 13 weeks for power down is only for final power down payout, they are weekly as far as I know
Yes, Teng. It's weekly payout into your wallet until all is completed in 13 weeks.
That's right
This will be a huge opportunity for Hive and its members too.
We should definitely work with Thorchain. We don't want to have HIVE
But I want to know who's been nice and who's been naughty 🥺🙃
I'll definitely watch when the video hits 3speak
Do you think SEC and IRS has chance to chase Hive?
That's wonderful... You don't have that 20% anywhere
Greetings from fox, we are here in CUBA 🔥😂😂😂, oh sorry I meant Puerto Rico
TM I am enjoying your hosting skills 🔥👍🫡
Decentralisation to me would always be the best thing since sliced bread. Loving the space and all we represent here on Hive.
Yes, please send photos to those who are there.
Neo is surely having fun.
I'm on it to learn programming... have some ideas in mind need to give it a life.
I have gotten to a point where my knowledge is limited lol, let me open my ears and listen to TM lol 😂
I remember how fun the last hivefest was and how everyone that participated kept on updating us on the things we missed out on.
I'm so looking forward to how this year's hivefest would be like.
Neo is going to have fun with the rest of tthe folks
almost went to sleep but then TM suddenly opened x space after being late ._.
Hey Neo
Payment in cryptocurrencies would facilitate our day-to-day lives. You could save time and money by using this payment system. I wish that in Venezuela we could have this all over the country.
QR codes everywhere, good internet platform for users, and ease of use of our devices in the different spaces where we operate. Ideal.
wanna ask,
If hive grows and become out there like the speaker is saying
Would it affect the price of hive. Cause like he said, it cool as it’s a bit hidden as it helps us build ourself. Will it affect the market price
If @theycallmedan is going to hivefest, ask him what project he's working on these days.
Who are those guys?
hahah, I just opened over 7 tabs on mobile 😂
lol. Why did you do that?
The same reason we have been here all day
Is that what needs 7 tabs?
I opened thread on safari, opened zealy on keychain, motioning love score on a different tab coz my team is playing, predicting on another tab and chatting on WhatsApp web
You're living a very interesting life, aren't you?
Are there benefits for holding layer 2 tokens?
YEah. So many, depending on the layer 2 token you are holding.
Encounter thus also help to promote the local economy. Many of the Hivers are entrepreneurs and adopted HBD as a form of payment and the Hive community has supported them. That's a wonderful thing.
Cooking, listening and threading at same time, iyak mmi
You are my hero. Is it true that when we cook rabbits at the same time we burn one of them? Nobody has said anything about cooking three rabbits... 😵
Hahaha, haven't heard that before 🤣🤣
I'm being careful so the food don't get burnt
Why are you speaking Ibibio?
Iya mmi indeed.😂😂
You know it too. I love the language
What's your native language doing on this thread?😆😆😆
Hehehe, we are keeping threads lit
We need business models flourish on top of Hive besides games
Nothing but facts here.
Many of us are in crypto believing our assets will increase in value, Hive being one of them. IMO, it's good to have a basket of few different coins including stables.
i'm very glad that I could make it. I truely hopr that although people stay in different places, theycan con ect as that's the spirit of hive!
Vote HIVE for Nigerian Government. We'd do more in a year than, you know the rest...
threadsla adopción en mi país Cuba ha sido orgánica y con mucha aceptación. Yo mismo he contribuido un poquito con los cursos que he lanzado para nuevos usuarios
finally up and live on the
I doubt SEC will exist in next 5-10 years..
But Hive will still exist after years.
I know as long as I'm alive I'd surely get the time to participate in the hivefest so I'm not jealous at all because I'd still get to see a few things that would happen there.
Staking HBD has a whole lot of benefits both now and in the future
Once you have enough in savings you can then take the interest and use it elsewhere. That is my goal for HBD.
Hive is indeed unique
You forget to mention Pakistan ;)
This wouid be my first time watching Hivefest go live. Can’t wait to get those updates from everyone that attended. It’s gonna be lit 🔥 and fun 🤩
Honestly I'm learn a lot from today's x space
Hive impact on lives who has come across it can never be overemphasized, I'm a testament
With all the talks about the Hive Fest being fun, I think I should take the next available flight
Look at the whole of a currency as 1 whole point.
Doesn't Hbd has the same value with the USD
Very true, my mom is here and she sure doesn't use something like ethereum
If HBD is not based on USD, does it means that it's value is lower than Usdt or other stablecoin?
If you watch the HBD price you can see it's a bit more volatile than some other stable coins. The range is larger.
It isnt backed by HBD. It is backed by $HIVE unlike USDT which is mostly backed by US Treasuries.
since US Dollars is a unit of currency, HBD and other stablecoin are of the same value
You can swap Hive with HBD with ease. That's a new update
I think it is a new addition to keychain.
I prefer using of ecency app
The easy access should be the number thing to focus on Hive. I wonder how easy and smooth it's today with Leo? Anyone has recent experience on that?
#question to Jon: In Venezuela you use cash dollars but you don't have the possibility to move them electronically?
Although the use of cryptocurrencies has increased in Cuba, more progress still needs to be made in their use.
We can say that everywhere.
Yes, besides the infrastructure here does not help, very bad internet connection with a more restricted access.
This is time for Leo to stand out.
We need to put up some big numbers over the next 3 days with these threadcasts. Show Hive what we are about and what engagement truly looks like.
Here representing
Very good. Be sure to share the spaces and threadcast link if you can. Lets get a big turnout today.
It starts in about 3 hours.
Copied Ser 😄
I want to be here so bad. but I’m seriously weary of my network, it’s been crappy since last 24hours !!
You are here now.
The broadcast (spaces) starts in about 3 hours. So you have time to kick the network.
Good one..... here will are, let see and hear what happening over there.
I’m here regardless. 😊
We should get the threadcast above 1,000 threads WYT?
The pre-hivefest one? Yes I agree over 1,000 should be the minimum.
The threadcast each day for the event, we need 10K there.
Nice, 1pm eastern time should be 6pm in my country.
Pre-Hivefest please be FUN 😃
I will try to make it fun. Any ideas? I am open. LOL
Great! The time is favourable... Looking forward to it
Excellent. Glad you are going to be able to make it.
Yeah sure
Thanks for the update TM. I have set reminder.
Glad you will be there. Lets be sure and fill up the threadcast.
Time to make it epic.
Again, here is al link to the schedule of events for #hivefest.
Be sure to look are some of the projects that will be presenting.
Let's break this threadcast for real :D
Yep and then to p it tomorrow when Hivefest is live.
Hope we have more hivers in tomorrow. They need to learn threading.
Without a doubt. This is our time to shine.
Imagine they open the saturday presentations by stating we hit 10K comments in friday's threadcast.
Who is joining you Task?
It is open. I have nobody set to join. We will see who wants to come on air.
oh okay. So, it will be Hive in general chat?
On spaces? Yes anyone can participate. I will start off with some of my views and ask if the audience has any questions. If some presenters are in the spaces, they can join if they want.
Most are likely traveling.
Drop some questions in here if you want them answered on air.
If we don't reach 10,000 threads, I don't want anything.
I think that is a bit high for the pre=hivefest threadcast but that is the goal for those during Hivefest.
You have to aim high to achieve big goals.
That is what I do. Seek big numbers.
I think the pre-hivefest should top 1500 at a minimum.
That is the real goal, but you have to aim for the big one.
Yes we do. There is no reason why a few dozen people in this threadcast cannot get 4 figures without any difficulty.
Once again, here is the schedule for the presentations.
Time for lions to shine.
Are you excited about Hivefest?
What are you interested in learning or hearing about?
I already have a taste of how HiveFest works. I followed it last year and it was very inspiring. Haha.
This time around, I want to hear things that will make me break the bank and put all my penny into Hive and the second layer tokens 😂
Valid outlook.
They tend to be humdrum in terms of the announcements. I will start the show with what I am looking for.
Hivefest is going to me a two pot of coffee day for Taskmaster.
The goal is to have people sitting in the audience at Hivefest listening to presentations actually in the threadcast at the same time.
Looking forward to this, I have a couple of shows I will catch live at hivefest...
Finally found the post for the threadcast!
Are you going to ask questions if we send them in?
Is it only me or does it look like @khaleelkazi already hit the drinks on his speaker cover photo😅
HAha... He looks like someone that's about to do a stand-up in a pub
Looks like a solid list of presenters. Only missing to have someone from Sporttalksocial there
Doing my part to break records today!
let's start boss
Hi there! Not gonna be around much since the power went down but participating anyway haha
just about time..
Hellow everyone.
we are live. Haha.
We can Follow each other on Twitter.
You are well heard TM, let’s get this going 🔥❤️❤️
we're experiencing first #hivefest x threadcast.
@taskmaster4450, thanks for hosting this for us.
It is a great achievement, passing through almost all continents.
I think the answer to this question is Yes once in a year, while I think it is hosted in different countries too but let hear from the horses mouth
Okay. Thanks for this.
you are welcome
having fun in Hivefest warm up meetups
Good afternoon, joining now...
I am so late. What did I miss?
Not too late.
Oh. Thank God
this is indeed a wonderful opportunity🔥
I would love the next HiveFest should be done in an African County precisely Nigeria! I know there are factors and benefits of doubts that might hinder it but it will be a big deal. #awish
It's indeed a wonderful opportunity
For those that are yet to join the X space, here is the link
I am in now
Greetings from this corner of planet earth
There is a debate whenever real world application is the way to grow in hive versus more internet services. After all the internet is undefeated.
TM, does hivefest happen in different countries?
It moves around. Was in Europe, Asia, then virtual for a couple years. In Mexico this year.
ohhh this is beautiful TM, I hope one day the hivefest will find its way to the African countries then I bet you, a lot of Africans will come around, it’s nice to see the locations rotating…
Is the show live?
I hope that's how to share the link... Hehehehe
The link was changed because I had set reminder for one already
Oops. Sorry 😔
The spaces.
Hivefest starts tomorrow.
I believe Leo will ha a kickass presentation 🦁🦁
How envious not to be able to be in Rosario 😭
Without a doubt.
I was opportuned to watch the highlight of a particular year, I think last year edition of hivefest, it was posted by arcange, o watched a bit and what I saw was awesome, I hope I am not mistaken TM
What are the expectations for onboarding in Rosarito, and is there anything different about this Hive fest that hasn't been at a previous one?
I would love to watch this coming HiveFest show to see how it is being done.
The event will be on youtube and in the threadcast tomorrow.
Great. Thank you, sir. Will definitely watch it to have an experience of it.
late comer's are here, but good to still be here
This space combined with threadcast is really awesome 👍
This has great potential imho. Just imagine sports events space combined with threadcast
Manny's network is cooking him. Haha.
I am glad I am opportune to join this show. It’s time to know more about Hivefest
In Cuba Hive has had good growth and people and businesses continue to add to the ecosystem, I think good work has been done by the community in that sense.
HBD is surely underutilized and also underappreciated. At the moment, I'm more comfortable holding HBD than USDT. Same goes with HBD and Fiat.
HBD is the real deal.
hmmm... The challenges of hbd even as a stable coin is very. Many
We should make some sort of blueprint of how to build a successful community irl around Hive/HBD like the. Cubans and Sucré people obviously have done so make it easy to copy in other places .
truly, hbd even as stablecoin is still fluctuating
How is it a curse to have the 20% APR?
I love the 20% APR on HBD.
Not everyone have known about HBD and even the 20% APR interest is a kind of scam to them. To me, I prefer holding HBD as a stablecoin.
There is no greater joy than the joy that comes with holding over a million hbd, the 20 percent Apr is the joy 🤩 of eternity 😂😂
I think HBD needs more diffusion, there is no better option, 0 transaction fees, it is ideal for business and international transactions
I love the 20% APR and I don’t think it is a curse.
despite all the challenges, hbd stablecoin feels safe for me though
Who would reject holding HBD to get 20% APR
Greetings to all from Cuba.
can’t wait to see the pictures 😜
P2P is a great option, I don't think the solution only lies in the presence of HBD in the CEX, this could make the price not so stable or even as 1x1.
It sounds like they are having a lot of fun.
ohhh now I am moving back, we need to be available for the hivefest 🤪😎😎😎
Best regards@manuphotos
I'm already set and looking forward to every update that will be sent by those attending HiveFest.
I am feeling sad haha, it feels like there is a lot of fun going on there lol, let me quickly dress and take off in my traveling machine 😂😂😂😂😂😂
These guys are having much fun 😇🤑🤑
They might be drunk.
Hahaha 😆 😂
justfavour, kene, cesca, and co, dress fast, we have to be in Mexico soon, I will be traveling through my dreams, join me there 😂😂😂🔥🔥❤️❤️❤️❤️
Errrmmm... I will have to quickly take some loan so I can buy some Coke before finding my way back to 9ja 😂
yes oh. We need to get ourselves a vest as evidence bro, let me get some cryptocurrency as payment hehe
NO be lie ooop. Without evidence, they will think you went to hide somewhere in Onitsha 😂
ahaha yeah we need to get the vest and show them we were there lol
Hahahahhaha. Mexico way sooon.
I am there already oh
We will wait to watch your presentation on how you gonna market Hive.
brianoflondon busted our brains days ago with the history behind his name Hehehe 😂
I think I saw Brian in the list of speakers. He's going to present.
is arcange in the list of speakers there ???
Someone take me to Hivefest
Where is your parachute? 😃
You wish!
I can't believe I joined late than planned, but I'm glad to be here and listening 🥳
GO and kneel down and raise up your head and open your mouth for coming late lol
I think that without centralizing Hive, certain standards must be established for the creation of projects, so that everyone rows towards the same place and grows in the same direction.
@quduus1 pack your boxes! We going to Mexico.
I know it keeps getting better with each Hivefest. Looking forward to the updates but at the same time, I know I'll attend one day. One way or another.💜
HBD in exchanges would be a big step, but as you mention, it can't be the only one, but we would be closer.
This year it is held at Los Angeles Mexico city, how adventurous, hehe
Wow... really an adventure
Yes it is my amiable ambassador ☺️.
Good morning ma'am
Hey guys, on my way to Mexico
How do you guys add gifs on threads? 🥺
The GIF option is there.
I can't find it on my phone 🥺
It is there. Swipe the icons backward....I mean the Bold, Italic, Headlines etc.... I think the GIF option is the last one.
Oh. Ohkay. Thank you
With the way you are driving this, all I will say is 👇 😅😅
Is the 3.5 days for converting HBD to Hive not long
I don't think it is or do you want it to be extended to a week? 😄
Ha, I'm complaining of 3 days and you are suggesting 1 week, ejoor
Don't you use ECENCY market?
That takes about a second.
Nope, haven't used that before.
How do I do that
I could send you the link. Really easy and comfortable.
Please do, discord will be better so I don't lose it.
Your ID then...
It is commendable what these bees are doing around the world for the acceptance of HBD in the real world, in our neighborhoods and tourist sites. A standing ovation to them.
I Can't wait to see all the exciting things evolving from HBD. It's wonderful seeing all the things Hive Sucre is doing. Bridging that divide in the most wonderful way
Hmmmmmmm I am enjoying this
I have always preferred the internal market to conversion, I admit that it is sometimes confusing for me. I need to learn a bit more about it.
Tell me more about the internal exchange, Do you mean trading between friends on hive, hbd for hive and vice varsa
If any developer on threadcast or space, think of building dApp for SATS (lightning network) bridge to HIVE swap.
Taskmaster is a great host! I just keep loving all the things he is talking about, hehe. Go big daddy 🥵
Hope are you well?😂😂😂
I'm good and you?
are there people that actually swap hbd for hive that don’t use internal exchange.
I think it takes a while to exchange externally and also, can urge amount be swap internally, I only do swap like $10 to $20
a lot especially from the splinterlands or other dapps where there is no access to internal market conversion option
oh, for real. If they have HBD or hive externally. Is it a good idea to just send to your hive account (username) and then use the internal exchange option for it. Or there is no option for that
most dapps and games don't have idea on internal market, a lot of game players have no idea of leo or hive interface they treat hive like any other token.
I understand much more now
You can exchange as much as you want to except on feel occasions when the demand high
How high can a demand go for it to be done externally
It rarely happens, except on days when there is a general power up.
Ok ok
I seems to understand the point now
Yeah, I'm happy to know you understand it now
I honestly didn't know it took a whole 13 weeks. I hope I never need to power down cause that would be terrible.
Yeah. 13 weeks but it's divided into 13 weekly transactions.
So, if you need 100 Hive, Just power down 1300 Hive. After 7 days, you will get 1/13 of that. You will get 100 Hive and you can cancel the Power down then.
That's a lot. That's honestly a lot. I can understand the measures now. But I hope it never comes to that.
Thanks for explaining, Coach
The internal market has always seemed much better to me. I think I made a conversion only once!
3day conversion is perfect... I've seen millions of $ getting drained from protocols or ecosystem through phishing links and so on.. but with this 3 day conversion we're same from such situations.
I haven't done the conversion before. I only trade in Hive market and get my token. Boom....
I agree with you, security is something very important when using the market or the exchanges. It's our money, after all! Call it savings, jobs, investments, etc....
Did the 3.5 day conversion once, but stuck with the Hive market for all of my transactions since then. Knowing that there are good reasons to use the 3.5...is a game-changer.
I agree with the reasons why the hp power down needs to take that long, it is indeed for security issues, well done to the brains behind this beautiful thinking…
I don't know if the 13 weeks to do powerdown is the best option but it is effective
It's amazing how well you're breaking this down for us, Task. I'd honestly never see the reasoning to this otherwise. Well-done Sir....
Hearing this from you just made me understand better on the reason why powering down takes 13 weeks , security needs to be tight
We have talked about it with companies, they are very willing to join, but "they" are a few representatives, when it goes to the whole company, security, taxes, etc, all of that becomes a concern
The security of people's funds is important in any ecosystem and that speaks volumes about the projects that comprise it.
You are right. It builds confidence and durability over time. It is vital.
Of course in these "businesses" because in the end everything revolves around money, security and trust are very important.
Hacking is something we can’t control honestly, and I am happy with this point TM
Solidity programming is superb, but then, the gaps that our Devs could leave because they aren't used to it must be considered. I wonder if they'd get the hang of it more and switch up at any point.
Hola everyone!!!
The conversion process takes days before it get filled, that could reduce your possibility of benefits from happens that occurs during the waiting period.
The next idea Elon Musk brings will affect a ton of brands existing on X, because the bills passed are instant and effective, as opposed to government bill. 100%
You are right, my friend. Their word and action has a lot of power that affects small entrepreneurs.
That's the world we live in now, basically. Digital world power is on another level! Thank you, my friend.
I believe being off the radar is an advantage too
yeah. The market price won’t be easily manipulated since it’s all based to be decentralized
Hivefest is a great opportunity for those creative people to bless people with their gifts
WIll there be any Hard Fork soon, and what should we expect? The last one, my first, was quite the experience with the temporary bugs.
I can totally agree with that. Being off the big guys radar for now just gives us that leverage to keep perfecting our system, all areas of it. And hopefully, when we come up, it'll definitely be with a BANG!
Voice cut.
Hivefest is great, last year I listened to the recordings and I replied to the CTA from @smooms and @hiq.magazine and became their proofreader. So good things happen even if you are not at the physical version.
It is better to go under the radar, so we have time to build everything solidly, so when they attack us we are as prepared as possible.
network got nothing on me o
That is something very unique here. For us is too much trust on the digital identity. Governments will want names and faces
Very true. The actions and measures that have been taken over the years confirm this interest.
The IRS will spend every penny in their yearly budget trying to find someone called TASkMASTER 😂.
They are not ready for that drama.
Nigerian government treat crypto enthusiasts like fraudsters. I'm talking about this from experience.
you know there are some countries government that are not crypto friendly. Like Nigeria
Crypto was ban and yet to be lifted.
it's gonna come from Nigeria
crypto and Nigeria are parallel lines lol
Oh, you say what about Nigerians? We thriving amidst the chaos! okay. Keep going...
I've always been a firm believer in the fact that the third world countries would be the ones to push Hive into the global markets. We hope our governments don't keep pushing back though.
Lol. Nigerians say, screw you, government 😆😆
A crypto trader is a fraudster here
People do come from these countries I agree but in #crypto people from other countries like US or either Europe I've seen most people have this assumption "people are sold out that's why they're saying this or that" don't trust this person
I wonder why the Trump administration is so reluctant with Crypto?
Adoption is more necessary in these countries that are more regulated or sanctioned by the USA, since it helps us escape the pressure of our governments.
I totally agree with you @taskmaster4450, I believe hive can do something about it.
Ohh that reminds me of a Nigerian who got the best crypto trading award a couple of week ago, he goes by the name AHMED …, he got it overseas and even gave a speech 🎤
It's good to be here, joining this Hivefest Threadcast
changing life's everyday.. giving hope to many.
No denying hive is making an impact in the world
That is very true
Hive has literally changed the lives of people. Even over here in Nigeria, the fact that we - normal everyday people- can make incomes that go far in helping our own lives. It's remarkable!
Do you think the expert scamster left crypto after doing rug pull coins? i mean we past that staage of rogue in blockchain?
I really appreciate the way hive is saving and helping lives.
At Cuba Hive during the natural disasters that have happened, they have helped those affected a lot.
I love that point you just laid out. When the decentralized ecosystem begins to change lives more than the government can do for her people, this would definitely shift the minds of people into the web 3 and decentralized nature.
Nigeria is a very ripe market for Crypro, Hive and Leo.
@idksamad78699 is representing every Asian on Threadcast. Hehe.
someday can be in years 😂
hivefest will be awesome
You don't need to say sorry. It happens, we are humans. Yes, we have big Indian community on hive.
When do we Have Nigeria Fest?
This should be an immediate event.
There's no way it can be immediate though.
you could initiate the idea, how do you see that bro.
I can't wait for the time we have hivefest in Nigeria. It would be so fun.
sipper fun and exciting.
i just look forward to the future
it all lies in our hands
Exactly. But I believe we can make it possible.
Having a Nigerian fest would be AWESOME!!!
There are meetups everywhere, check out the community buzzparty i think it is called
I wish #hivefest Nigeria happens in 2024/25
We could have a Nigeriafest meet up 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Nigerians please answer. When are we having a fest.
Cant really tell, i thought you're from Ghana?
Nop. I live in Accra in my dreams. But real life in Nigeria
When you guys stop shooting each other in the leg 😝😝
In Cuba, from its community in Hive, campaigns have been carried out to help people affected by hurricanes and heavy rains.
@olujay @kenechukwu97 @abdul-qudus @merit.ahama @princessbusayo @justfavour hope you all are hearing heheh 🫡🫡
Where is it happening? Haha. Set location. We will bring evidence to the venue 😂
ahahah you guys are boss lol, drop location and we will be there, Lagos is the place for a beautiful meet up
Hehe. I am hearing ooo. Let be hopeful about it.
Hear what please? I missed some parts as the network logged me out for 15 minutes or more sef. What did I miss?
True, I can't afford ticket, hotel and stuff, I bet many asia and african members like me can't get in.. like ever in most cases.
Hive is indeed very unique
Philipinos are 1% lol.. We SEA people need to grow more on Hive..
There are loads of filipinos on Hive and there are some strong communities.
What the fack is wrong with this network
change your location and come out of the bush 😂, joking
Hive beats Bitcoin from the technical point of view - Taskmaster
AxieInfinity @taskmaster4450
Hive needs more PR.
It's either my eyes or these thread replies are doubling before emy eyes.
Like it's crazy!
I hope they fix it
I me so too, hehe
I think it’s a glitch on the site
They should fix it before the next Threadcast abeg
I thought it’s only happening on my end here 😂. Kinda confusing
So I wasn't alone 😄
'free talk to eachother' I think this exactly what hive is about!
**********The fear of missing out on the keyword has brought more users to join😂😂**********
I doubt if that's the case, it is totally fun to be here!
Yes I know but some peeps didn't join until it was live on zealy
That's because they did not know it was going on. My sister was the one who told me about it
@peniel2010 @wealthwess @
Nigeria is vast oo with different races.
Maybe Hive NaijaFest??
what do you think about hive in the middle east in general ?
I'm wondering, is there any Nigerian attending this year's hivefest?
I am not sure . Not something easy.
I know right? It is well
There's a lot involved. I'm not sure if any Nigerian was able to make it. Rather sad.
Yeah, it's not easy. Well just wanted to be sure
What is the comment count now?
551 as of now....
Have you talked about how we should attract people from X now when Elon is gonna charge for his services?
@taskmaster4450 just made my name sound FOREIGN, butterflies in my head and bellies 😂😂, my father must hear this pronunciation 😂😂😂
I think I missed the pronunciation.😂😂
ahahah he called my name when he mentioned my message, hive is a home for all 🔥
I do have a funny name given from the English speakers jajajaja
my first try of promoting @hive in 2018 in Lebanon did’t work good but now i started my second try i am trying to learn from my mistakes
NFT moon boys are in delusions... "A NFT is just a jpeg if there's no utility but they won't agree with it."
Taskmaster, you are a really good host of these spaces. Really enjoy listening, good pace and easy to understand your language
That would be great, NFT for leofinance
NFTs on Leo would be a big thing.
Blockchain Social Media like Hive are the best use case for NFTs - Taskmaster
Earn to mint NFT on Leo. All we wish that Khal will present on HiveF
I did fell for such NFT and I regretted it till date.
There are so many scammers out their and the value of the NFT just fall out of value after purchase
You know I am cheering for videos on leo.. do you think it'd do good on desktop version too or just app?
lol indeed it’s an imaginary location 😂 😂
Ya he perdido la oportunidad de dar un día de prueba a negocios indecisos en la adopcion por no tener presupuesto, lle HHe escrito a todos los dioses habido en hive y no han dado resrpuesta.. que hacemos entonces
Hmmmm, nothing is free in this world, money is needed to keep things up and running
I understand this, but does the regular people understand that they are a product or are they fine by being used for profit?
I think many people have a hard time grasping that we can reverse this system.
Stopping bots with a sub fee is a better explanation then what I have heard.
Hive is a labyrinth of complexes
The Hive Blockchain has everything you want on it, it is left for to find what suits you.
We vab double our userbase if everyone of us could just invite and guide one friend into our Hive universe.
**********Ever wondered why he's called Taskmaster? This is it**********
Haha, you got it. He's a doer, a master of tasks xD
We used to tease him as a bot in the past.
I don't think that he has changed from being a Bot. He's just incredible
Haha. He's incredibly good at what he does.
Yes he is, and am amazed at how he does that.
He seems to have a lot of energy :)
He really does and passionate about it.
He's one of the people who keeps me motivated
Hive has the potential to create many things, more complex and with an almost instantaneous transaction network. Usable to generate large ambitious projects.
I can't read web 2 articles anymore without wishing I could tip them hive.
also years ago one of the people i introduced hive to him and he was excited but the problem he started to get downvotes on almost every post he published than he got bored and he left hive
Why did he get downvotes? Might have been a reason for it.
Maybe he can give it a chance again?
he used to post some personal experience about development and such things but he used to get downvotes. I dont think he’s excited anymore because it was bad experience for him
Talking about crytpo influencers...
I can't stand this guy.
In addition to the fact that in web 2 we are the product, we must also say that we do not own our content. You can spend years creating, building and in a second they can sensit, block you or delete your content. Web 3 fixed this
That's true! Musk at any time can ban and cancel you forever and all your income will be lost.
Like us in Cuba @taskmaster
These pageviews are 🔥
Lets see the comment going through the roof
Normally, people are not interested in decentralization, many do not even know what it means and the media ensures that it continues that way.
Sadly that is the reality. But it's up to us as early adopters to educate and collaborate with adoption.
many people have been so used to centralized system such that all that's been said about decentralization and how Hive makes this happen, looks like a mirage.
Education is key.
I love that idea @taskmaster4450 , renting harddrive space.
Me to. To utilize the space you don't use and get a buck for it.
That's the most fascinating about Hive, we have the potential to get people interested from many areas. Content creator, writers, video producer, journalist, gamer, defi-degens.
Your money and content are gone on X......
I would lose all the money I have generated on Twitter if they suspend my account.
You lose both contents and money on WEB2 if anything happens
Glad with the onboarding design by Leo that prioritizes the education and walk-through of new users through the Hive environment.
It's means everything you have worked for will be gone just like that
I can't hear anything anymore..... MTN 🤦🏿♀️
Lol mine is gone too
2 straight hours of Task talking, wow 😮
You want more?
Nope, it's getting late
If he goes for mu
In decentralization there are no banks, you are the bank. I like that phrase.
I told a friend he can build his news community on Hive with less than one-fifth the cost he's presently funding his centralized platform. It sounds unbelievable that starting up a project on Hive is the cheapest
It's wonderful to hear that Leo's onboarding design prioritizes education and provides a user-friendly walkthrough of the Hive environment.
Welcome Eric to this Pre-Hivefest Threadcast.
This is awesome and beautiful👍
Hey Eric
very informative
Keyword when, though? Battery flashing red already.
mMake it 669.
Hey, Eric, how was the flight? Enjoy the Hivefest and come feed us back.
Pretty good, they participation
make Metaverse Hivefest.
Olujay was the one that asked 🤣🤣🤣please give him
I did not know we are looking for keywords 😱😱
I didn't know either. 😂
We would have missed out ......Jeez 😆
H haha 😂
we're on the same page. Lol
Damn.And I did my task early today. I thought I was free for the rest of the day 😂😂
🤣🤣🤣You don loose guard
I swear 😂😂😂
Omo, I for miss 😆😆
Me wey lost 50xp nko
I haven’t gotten over it
Lol. Get over it. I have lost a lot of points as a result of being sick and not being able to participate in the last two spaces.
There will be more XP to earn in the future
I will do by best to get over it
100xp lost
Eric please increase your volume.
MTN ooo
I have been logged out a couple of times 🤦🏿♀️
It's well.
Have you gotten the spelling
hivefest coming to Nigeria will be amazing
It's been more than two hours. This is amazing 😂
If he goes much longer he will lose his voice.
Ha ha ha, I couldn't talk that much.
I did once. I'll never do it again. 😆
Glad that Threadcast and Spaces is bringing Hivefest closer to us. Thank you.
That will be wonderful to at least for us that can't attend
I'll definitely be joining the Hivefest online 😄
I wonder how many nonhive people will be attending hivefest? does anybody know a rough number. that would be cool to know how many non hive go and how many are converted
No cap. TM is very knowledgeable, and Eric is incredible. Maybe show us love with a wordy key? Asking for a friend.
No light and it can really be bad
Wahala be like NEPA
Hope you have lineup some people that you will invite and interview during these days @taskmaster4450le. Loving this content, feel more involved :)
If you are spaces every day, it would be good if you actually have a keyword or two given out before an hour of the space has elapsed. Waiting 2 and 3 hours is going turn people away. Zealy is meant to be bringing users to Hive.
I feel like I am there at the fest. Having a handshake with Eric and making a toast with blocktrades.
The tkempo flies here . I'm on my third cup of coffee
For those of us who can't make it will we have video on a streaming platform to watch?
You think or you know
Haha Eric has had one to many already 😅
It would be great to go to Nigeria to share spaces of collective construction on Hive! or anywhere else in the world.
Not only Nigeria, it would be good for the hive to reach everywhere. I would like to see the Hive logo on the moon 😁👍.
Well, I said anywhere in the world, but you beat me to the moon hahaha
How do you spell that???
The spelling is just one word no space
I was gonna ask too
Ja ja ja. For a moment I almost did things wrong.
Ask Brianoflondon about the integration between Fountain.app and @v4v.app
How do you guys spell the keyword? 🤦🏿♀️😂
One word join together
We are not allowed to drop it on threadcast
I mean so I can withdraw sats earned over there directly over to Hive
looking forward to see us track the number of new users joining Hive courtesy of X's Spaces and Threadcasts.
Perfect @anomadsoul that's exactly what we want to have on the show!
I am eager to learn about the dynamics of the Hivefest and the impact this event will have on the network and the communities. It's great!
they can’t write the keyword on thread
It’s prohibited and it kicks one out of the contest
Yeah, I get that. I just couldn't tell at that time. Thanks.
Would just love to see if @taskmaster4450le could acknowledge if he sees the question 😅
I lost my voice feed. 😦
Brave and courageous Stander and watcher😅😅
Eric is excited, Have fun
sir Brian of London is on the show
There we go. Was I the only one that got dropped from twitter?
That's the beautiful thing about watching Mexican movies, lol Keyword on my mind.
Sir Brian's voice sounds exactly like a Sir. True English gentleman yeah?
He's from Israel
Well, damn. Israeli accent is my new best thing then.
How do you spell the key
Oh sad to see Coinzilla out of ads for me. Just showing a placeholder :)
I would have liked to attend the Hivefest...maybe next time I'll join you. It must be great to meet so many well-known Hivers
I support you in that, and that it should be in a place far away from where you live, so that the experience includes traveling half the planet...
Hopefully I can join too, it must be a unique experience!
Sir Bran please increase your volume
Well shit, looking forward this presentation even more now!
Sir Brian loves the word value4value
Music on Hive would be a big addition. Great project out there.
but I can hear sir Brian well too
please how do you spell the key word
it’s in the thread cast already by taskmaster
I no want them to kick me out 😭😭
Alright my dear
Thanks for bringing up my question task :)
I think his Mic is ok tho. just turn up our own volume should be fine
@olujay here
Thank you, luchyl!
Let's get to 1000 replies!
It's been fun hanging out with you guys.
Loved having you here.
You know I promised to be. I'm your cheerleader
Are you finding this helpful?
Very very helpful. Quite interesting and informing.
Sure I am.
Damn need to go to bed now. But great show!
A big salute to @taskmaster4450le and guests!
Thanks for being here. Glad you participated.
v4v is a great option for those of us who use bitcoin to pay for some services that are not available to pay with HIVE, much less with our local currencies.
I think my threads are not appearing for some reason.
The thread is there.
This one did, but in the last 24 minutes none had come out
HBD earning when adjusted in a post those it have any effect on reputation
Where is @alessandrawhite?
Arriving here now. Did I miss much?
Still on X space and learning a lot of things
Nice take Brian.
Send me a request so we get some 411 on Sucre
Please, we're not hearing the guests audible enough. Can they work on their audio, please.
Jon Snow from Nigeria? Interesting.
No. I misunderstood the geography. I thought Sucre was part of Nigeria from the wat @taskmaster4450 was talking.
Gimme a sec mate, setting up!
790 threads, we are halfway through the original plan for this threadcast
$hitheads... who knows I'm one of them. That is a very New York thing to say. 😆
Still waiting for jonsnow
I am enjoying the show.
Integrating the Lightning Network with Hive HBD is indeed an exciting development that has the potential to boost adoption and enhance the Hive blockchain's capabilities
So how do I use bitcoin outside of the btc network? How does that work?
Through Lightning. It is based upon the apps.
The v4v.app uses Lightning
If it's hard enough for me to understand in English, imagine in British English 😂. Greetings to Bryan.
Welcome john
Major banks are creating dust and smog to create confusion between CBDC and real cryptos. That's why keeping up these contents and true information is vital
Go Jon! The King of the North is in space.
King of Something. LOL
Manu represrepresepresentando a Cuba
He was on here earlier on the air.
Yes I listened him
Good to have you in the room jonsnow
hy... Just jumped into the room ..
What's up with lighting..
I heard Brian talked about it and how it will be benefit to the hive system..
Nice to hear from you @jonsnow1983 . Congratulations for your important contributions to the State of Sucre and others in the area. Greetings
Next time let's make the HiveFest in a free visa country 😅
66 businesses accepting HBD in a single state. What a great job they are doing in Sucre.
That's amazing numbers and good work done
Thanks fren, it´s a community work.
Is hive going to be a stable coins, any prediction
HBD is the stablecoin.
Utilizing HBD for commercial activities is awesome.
Food business and more. That's very interesting to hear and indeed, we're getting closer to the future.
Sucre is the state of Venezuela with the most hivers and the one that has adopted the HBD the fastest.
Nice to see the HiveSucre experience onboarding merchants in the use of HBD. This needs to be replicated around Hive communities around the world.
The adoption of HBD in commerce in Sucre is really commendable and worthy of emulation.
Jonh talking about working on accepting HBD as a means of payment. That's amazing and interesting
In Cuba there are at least 10 businesses that accept HBD, there is still a long way to go but we are on our way.
Got to start somewhere. Cant get to 20 without going through 10.
That´s right
I accept HBD but here in Stgo there are few people using crypto in general, Hivers we are less than 10 I believe.
What service or product do you sell?
artesanal wine bottles
Wow, interesting 🍷
Very good job for the Hive Sucre community. I think they should all emulate their work, perhaps making small adjustments to the different economies of each region.
Penetrate a geographic area then spread it out from there.
It is a good option, here the hivers are concentrated in the west of the country, in the rest of the country we are few and very isolated.
Good and interesting advice coming from John
Will HBD Ever be accepted in all the country?
my network is so bad I can't hear anything
Yes, liquidity will make it easier for businesses to accept HBD as payment for goods and services.
I almost miss this. I'm happy to be here.
Aqui na cidade o HBD já ta começando aos poucos a ser utilizado...
Por enquanto conheço 2 pequenos negocios que aceitam Hive aqui na cidade
It's what TheyCallMeDan said one day, Hive is the only place where you can buy a coffee with HBD, post about it and earn enough to pay for that coffee.
Cashback - HBDback
That's very interesting to hear.
What is Hivefest?
I did not manage to join the threadcast and twitter space until now.
I Almost missed this.
What about you?
Users base in Cuba is growing slow outside Havana city, but it steady.
Having enough liquidity is of great important in the hive ecosystem. You won't have to wait for day before your fund can reflect.
Is this still ongoing?
Yes it is.
Yeah, just tuned in! 🙂
That business only accepaccept HBD or accept Hive too?
They use both but I think the default is HBD because HIVE is more volatile.
That is why HBD should be leaned towards as the medium of exchange.
That's super cool if HBD gets a lot of use cases in real life and in malls O.O. I would love that cuz id love to buy HBD from people and have more of that instead of inside the bank
HBD. As a stable coin those it have any prospects of changing
Why would you want to use a custodial bank account?
People are lazy.
Why do they live on #web2? They simply will not change.
There are those who never may but I believe it will become a thing people start getting into eventually.
finally got to join after much network trouble.
This is always a challenge.
Hive focused on decentralization and transparency. H
we should look for ways to increase the utility of HBD, not Hive so that it will not devalue it's price
IF hive is really the solution that mean, CAMPAGNE like the adoption campagne will be often?
Hive - is really Financial Solution for Developing Economies
Wow I get paid for buying crayfish with HBD that will be interesting
In Venezuela, like in others countries with similar situation, the HBD is like a miracle, we can save our money and indeed to gain interest.
WE need to let many people know about hive maybe through a conference but it requires financial supports , what do you think?
I'm losing you. I keep getting kicked from the conversation.
MAny people don't understand that hive is not a ponzi scheme
Oh. Task is speaking. That means we are live :)
could it be my network, I can't hear anything again 😭
Maybe network. Mine is clear
maybe, is back
Thanks @jonsnow1983 For representing Venezuela ,😊👍
So let's get some lp posts on leo.
For the few months our our group has adopted more Nigerians, and we are expecting to adopt more.
1,000x it.
Alright. My team and I are planning to go into marketing hive in the coming months. We have onboarded close to 60 person's since we started o
n November last year.
That is a terrific start. We need to keep thinking like that.
We all have a role to play in this adventure.
Yeah. We will definitely need you people's support. We will do our part and leave the rest to hive.
They show up on threads I guarantee they will be engaged with.
IF every Hivian can adopt one person then our user base will double
Simple math.
Pay me ten pizza and I will skip trivia saturday. 😆
The point before is one of the many the things I love most about hive it gives so many people around the world opportunities
Without a doubt. We keep building it up.
when will #hivefest be hosted in Nigeria?
We talked about that. Nigeria needs to get its own local meetings going. That is how it builds.
NigeriaFest 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Get it done. LOL
What are we waiting for @nonsowrites
He was missing today.
I defo know where he went
1 p.m. eastern FRIDAY ???
30 hours until the official livestream starts as of now. Plenty of time for a pre-Hivefest discussion.
I reached 500k pageviews to my answers on Quora. This must be old answers getting some search engine views. These many views could get me monetized on youtube and tiktok.
that is great
Do you get anything out of them being on a web2 platform?
When I had adsense monetized blog, yes, I used to get traffic. Which used to earn me 600 USD a month. Now since google algo change it came down to 6$ a month.
Got curious about my account and visited it. Your number is huge. My highest is just 10.1k.
Lost my best friend yesterday after battling cancer for 3 years. The world has lost a great companion. Happy to have had him around for 18 years!
I know how hard this can be
Hold on to his his happy memories real tight that way he stays on and never goes away
I'm sorry for your loss. Embrace those moments you had.
may the soul rest in peace
Saddened to here this news. Companions are worthy people. We can't survive without them. Laughing with them will always make you cry. God Bless him.
A sad reality of life that we must accept. I also had a friend battling cancer. I think if I met him on the street, I would not recognize him after seeing his face this morning on social media.
It's like 20 years have been added to his age.
I am feeling sorry for you my friend and I know this is unbearable pain.
"F#ck cancer" - sorry for your loss.
sorry to hear about that
I can guess how you're feeling right now buddy, stay strong and I hope your mate is at peace
gripping his walker
my father watches my son
take his first steps
#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday
Coffee time #gmfrens
I drank coffee for only 2 times in my life. Don't like much.
oh wow. Should have tried different flavours before deciding
I need one now - a big one pls.

I started my second already
time to enjoy some coffee
Yes. The best time in the morning.
One more cup and you'll be ready for the shitter..
exactly. Time for one more.
I take Coffey as a pre workout
I have never done that
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Good morning frens, wherever you are, do you love the clouds?

#gosh #leofinance #liotes #lovetheclouds https://ecency.com/hive-131609/@seckorama/love-the-clouds-on-the
I love cloud and cloudy weather. Lovely
cloudy weather is amazing weather
good morning friend. How is your day going
Parlay of the day.
#sportsbetting #sportstalksocial
Will be awesome to see the finish product afterward :)
iwill do justice to that
Cool! I have huge respect for anyone who can craft things.
I hope you share the finished gown here on Threads!
Hope to see the finished work
l will
Nigeria has exchanged $56.7 Billion worth of Bitcoin and crypto in the past year, Sadly they're still looked down upon in the crypto space
#outreach #threadstorm 1/🧵
2/ Nigeria has a bad stigma of being fraudsters, yes, everyone knows that but still there are legitimate working Nigerians losing their jobs or being denied jobs because of the common stigma against Nigerians.
3/ Nigeria is ranking second in the Global Crypto Adoption Index
that is really huge
What an insane need to read this post!
please do friend
If LEO did this many views on long-form content per day, it would equate to 90 Million $LEO bought back on a daily basis
That’s more than 5x as much LEO as the total circulating supply
We are far from there. We need a stable product (which is happening) and more users interacting in the app.
Keep posting in #feedback and we'll get there!
We will get there. Let's have those 5K users first.
if we can grab Elon's attention to $LEO then its easily possible.
Waooo, this is quite insane.....
This sounds exciting..
Going to need more improvements to the platform.
Going to need more feedback :)
Sent a couple more to you in the room today.
not just a little one
It's very possible. Just need a bit of optimization, great content and some power users with communities and BAM you have the perfect mix for success and ad rev.
More people are on X than other social media networks I guess.
I ended up exhausted!GM, #threads!!! I was absent yesterday due to force majeure. Our apartment flooded due to a water heater problem. I spent the day waiting for the plumber and cleaning.
How is your day going?
#silverbloggers #gmfrens
oh dear, hope all is OK now.
Everything is fine now. We ended up a bit broke because we had to change the water heater, but we were able to solve the problem. Thank you, Neli 🤗
Oh that's sad. Hope everything is okay.
We had to replace the heater. Thank goodness we noticed out before the apartment floor was irreparably damaged. So it was a lot of work, but everything is ok now.
A lot of money I guess.
Yep:( Apart from the work, we ended up a little broke.
Hey, that's bad! On the bright side, I'm sure your apartment has been filled with good energy.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Good Morning Ugh, luckily they were able to fix the breakage. All good here, at work and very hot.
I woke up with a hangover but I'm already getting better, I hope luck improves for you this day!
Seeing a lot of comments about making a more stable product
We need more #feedback threads to make this possible. Only with your feedback can the product become stable, optimized and enjoyable
Time for all of us to be bug hunters
The UI is much more stable compared to the initial days. I will use #feedback tag for new features that are basic.
Possible change log so when near features are added we know about them and can start testing them out asap. Like for instance today I didn't know referral links were a thing until you pointed it out #feedback Changelog would be on sidebar
I submit errors whenever I find them.
Okay just still the draft saving on the Leofinance frontend, maybe it's just because am using mobile device.
What i can say is that the frontend for me has improved in recent time. I find it improving and that is all i respect. We will surely be sharing feedbacks here to help dev and the team work on issues for better UE.
Threadcasts give us a glimpse of what real engagement looks like
Not engagement for the sake of potentially earning something... but actual human engagement for the sake of engagement
We need more of this on #hive
We do need it, to feel it entertaining not like an obligation.
I agree with you, engaging without expecting something for that. It is one of the nicest things here. We engage irrespective of financial benefit.
Speaking of communication, I need to ask you something since Eric is flying haha are you around on the Leo server?
it is difficult to find or filter threadcasts in the threads.
I think, a seperate filter for threadcasts will improve access and also increase engagement
sure and I am sure Leofinance is setting the trend.
I am expecting similar things like threadcast coming up on hive
In threadcast we can express our opinion in very few words. I think Threadcast serves a more useful role than a comment box.
We have the pre-hivefest threadcast going already.
Niche topics, real questions, covering every small niche would bring more engagement.
speaking facts.
Actual human engagement that make sense and add up something to ongoing conversation or at least relevant is what we all need moreee.
Just noticed we have now referral field on profile that has counter.
and soon referral links which will be SUPER helpful. Mainly I want one so I can tell who I referred and keep in touch with them to encourage them to continue to use the platform. It doesn't even have to be front facing like you see here.
referral links are already here ;)
Go to your settings page or click that 0 referrals link on profile page
Oh dope! Thanks Khal!!
Wow.. this is such a nice addition and every time Leo team surprise us with something that is not expected at all. I love leo team for such nice surprises.
Greetings everyone, I leave you a phrase for today, I just saw it and I loved it, I hope you like it as much as I do. Good morning once again! #gmfrens
So true, When you start looking at failures and challenges as not bad things and instead learning experiences your entire view on life changes.
Yes, and that is acquired by learning from failures and experience.
very well said
greetings everyone
A year ago I made this post in Facebook, and I was just reminded today, and the truth still remains that every successful person has a sad story behind.
How many upvotes you received?
Hahahahah hahahahah I didn't receive anything that's web2 social media platforms for you
wHy hive is better
very well said
Me now xD
Me now.
You are involved in my chaos
What did I do?
Hahaha it's related to the Hice Fest space xD
Well then it is my bad.
Me now
That is technically me too, the chaos is just mental xD
I am always chaotic for real
#gmfrens!!! I'm so excited, the Caracas Blockchain Week is just a month ahead, and Hive is getting ready to participate. I'm going, of course. Since Mexico didn't want me to go to the #Hivefest
Why Mexico why
May your participation in HiveFest be insane! Maybe one day I'll take part in one of these events! I love hive so much!
I don't think you understood my thread hahaha
I'm sorry! Now I understand that you're not going to HiveFest, but you are going to the Caracas Bockchain event
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Hey guys, @taskmaster4450le will be hosting a live streaming for the ongoing Hivefest
Time: 1pm EST.
Threadscast link and Spaces X link inside comment 👇👇
Do well to join.
Be sure to populate the threadcast before the show.
We are trying to make a statement to Hive.
Thank you for the shout-out. I'll try to join!
dope, now I'm hoping theres a little bit of a live feed we can tune into once in a while as well. or at lest a recap video.
Grateful to both of you for sharing something so important. :) I hope I don't miss this.
I actully think some people over at 3speak are on top of video from the event and she's done a great job editing from what I've seen. I'm hoping we get some awesome videos from that.
Oh, that would be great
Thanks for sharing, I had not heard about it. I will try to be
You are welcome 🤗
The LeoGlossary links are a mess right now.
yea I also noticed it. I believe it is been worked upon
Powered up 15$LEO Daily powering up, compounding and #microearning
It keeps growing.
100 $LEO away from 52K
A nice number that will bring will pay off in the long run.
Hoping for that to happen.
congrats man, you are at 50k+ and that is awesome.
Thank you. Hoping to go high and higher.
Very important, am powering up immediately
that is great
#news Meta has announced that would allow individual Facebook users to have multiple profiles, based on different interests.
So while the rest of the world works towards one profile, 1 real person, Zuck is going the opposite.
Very interesting.
#technology #socialmedia
uh like this doesn't happen already? lol
That is interesting. That's a way to have 10 billions users.
What is Mark cooking this time? I think it's a new strategy since threads is not going the way he hoped.
There is some change in US accounting standard and as per the new rule, crypto assets will be considered on fair value in balance sheet. This will enable more institutions buying..
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
#gmfrens, how are you doing today?
I am off to work. I hoPe today is a good day.
Good morning,
Do have a productive day at work.
Thank you.
I wish you the best of today.
#gmfren....today shall favour us...
Good morning my friend . Lovely smile , keep it all day and bless all people with it . :).
I'm currently editing photos for clients and I'll be doing that for the next hour or so.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
hello. How is your day going
So far today has been very good for me. It recently rained and that made the weather to be cool. How is our day going?
Good morning everyone.
That moment when the rain falls gently and raises all the dust causing you dry throat.
Hope you are still keeping up with the fun
#gm #weather #health
Good afternoon friend.
It's so hot here, I'm going for a swim in the pool later.
Good afternoon guys. I came here to buy slippers for my self. Make a choice and it will be sent to you shortly 😃
I am good thanks :)
Good to hear
I like to wear slides at home. At outside I usually wear shoes or sneakers.
And I guess it looks cool on you
What is your size? I think I like a black sandals, one with a good quality of leather. Pick one for me.
Okay on the way
they have a lot of slippers that varies
#gfrens, good afternoon, how has life been today good to know we all are thriving moving forward on our plans today, keep going the sky is our starting point. #mydiary #foodforthought
These are very good words you have shared today.
I hope everything is going very well for you too.
I thank God, things are going well.
these are really powerful words you have shared
Thank you so much, the inspiration just came, and I released it.
Thank you so much for the motivation. The rain has actually cooled the weather today. So we have a great weather to achieve our goals.
Wow, thank you for being motivated by those words, yeah, we move!
yes ooo, is being good today
Bought Swiss coconut bread on my way back from the ministry, it's literally my favorite #mydiary
Well, it looks delicious.
i am already salivating for it
One reason I love Leo lots of cool new foods I discover , coconut bread sounds great
The bread looks absolutely delicious
I always love bread that has coconut shavings in them, did you know sell the coconut shavings separately?
That really is a great thing to see
yea it actually looks cool
keeping the planet clean
That is is great arrangement. Littering dirts would be happening much there. I hope everyone supports a clean environment.
yes oo,that's what we are campaigning for, and that what gives us joy
this is good
It has Just started raining over here. The weather is now very cool.
There was a very heavy downpour in my office too, although the rains just stopped. It has been sunny before the rains stated.
It has also stopped raining here
It's time to bathe in the rain.
It's time to bathe in the rain.
Smiles. That rainy bath😀
I really like it when it rains, it always cools the temperature.
Guys, seriously, I'm worried about y'all talking to spam accounts like they are real users. Learn to read the cues. A newbie asking about reward curation on the old UI on his very first thread doesn't look weird to you?
ha ha who knows. I talk to everybody :P
1/🧵 Exploring DCA: A smart strategy for investing in cryptocurrencies without the stress of price fluctuations. Learn how to do it in my last post!
#outreach #threadstorm
2/🧵 With DCA, you can build your cryptocurrency portfolio constantly and without worrying about market fluctuations. It is easy and effective.
3/🧵 Ready to start your cryptocurrency investment journey the smart way? Read the article and find out how DCA can help you build your crypto wealth!
What the feds inaction yesterday could mean for the rest of the year. Article Below...
https://leofinance.io/@bitcoinflood/fed-rates-and-what-it-could-mean-next #gosh
When you think of the '80s you probably think of neon colours, slalom, and cocaine but which one is your favourite money-making-lift-the-spirit-up '80s tune?
Danger Zone. As a kid in the 80s that was my favorite part in Top Gun, the Aircraft Carrier scene with Danger Zone.
Yeah! Awesome tune!
#gbtc a bloodbath like all else.
The markets are very bitchy today it seems.
🧵 1. Altman Z-Score is a tool to gauge bankruptcy potential of companies. Here are 5 stocks showing alarming risks. #business
🧵 2. InvestingPro's financial health metric considers earnings, growth, price momentum, cash flow, and relative value.
🧵 3. Let's analyze ADT, specializing in electronic security services. Low financial health score indicates significant bankruptcy risk.
🧵 4. ADT's upcoming results project a drop in earnings per share and actual revenue. More signs of financial trouble.
🧵 5. Plymouth Industrial, a real estate investment company, faces substantial bankruptcy risk. Low Z-score and below-average financial health.
🧵 Read more at: https://www.investing.com/analysis/5-stocks-with-alarming-bankruptcy-potential-according-to-the-altman-zscore-200642007
🧵 1/4: PayPal announces PYUSD stablecoin is now available on Venmo, expanding its use in the crypto ecosystem. PYUSD is backed by U.S. dollar deposits and already present on select exchanges. #crypto
🧵 2/4: Approximately 90% of PYUSD is held in wallets controlled by Paxos Trust, according to blockchain analytics firm Nansen. BitPay adds support for PYUSD, citing its payment utility and community involvement.
🧵 3/4: PayPal continues to make strides in the crypto space, accepting digital asset payments in 2021 and establishing Web3 payment on- and off-ramps in 2023. PYUSD approved by the New York State Department of Financial Services.
🧵 4/4: Deposit risk highlighted in a magazine article, exploring what crypto exchanges do with users' money.
🧵 Read more at: https://cointelegraph.com/news/paypal-rolls-out-pyusd-stablecoin-venmo
I keep up seeing more updates about PYUSD and it looks paypal is trying to make it more popular and after BUSD stepping down it may get more attention
This shows how little name matters when branding.
Splunk? It was worth $28 billion.
How about a cosmetic company called Jizz?
Really left a big Splunk on the market ;) ha get it, get it....
LOL yeah this one is too easy.
But it does go to show how, in marketing and branding, the name is not very important. A lot of dumb names become highly successful.
I laughed when people said Elon was killing Twitter by rebranding X. I was like, yeah a pretty dumb name but far from killing the platform.
"Don't underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering." —Winnie the Pooh
GM 🌞 The Fed stop raising the interest rates, what do you think is going to happen next?
i think it is okay like that
Inflation will rise. The Fed will never do the right thing, and there will never be a "soft landing" as it keeps predicting.
The prospect of a future raise is not good for anyone!
but maybe now they will start decreasing, finally they have to pivot sometime
I wonder if any way to see transactions details in our Leo wallet. The old UI wallet had it. I would like to see in detail my curation earnings. Does anyone know how? #leofinance
You're copying other people's threads. That's not good. Create your own.
very well said.
A very practical recipe is found here in #hive if you see this post @franciscana21 offers us the recipe for a delicious Zucchini Bread😋
#gosh #foodies https://peakd.com/hive-120586/@franciscana23/esp-eng-te-enseno-paso-1c6fcbf8d38ae
Good morning! ☀️ May every new sunrise be an opportunity to become the best version of yourself. 💪🌟 #GoodMorning #Motivation #gmfrens
Good Morning!
good morning friend
How is your day going
good morning dear friend
Good morning fren!
So quick one fren, how do you feel when a random person stopped you to ask for money? 🌚
You cool with it or you like wtf?
Honestly, it depends on my mood and it depends on the person approaching, heheh.
But most times, I don’t think it is really cool to just stop someone to ask for money. Unless, you are really stranded
People has their own problems
It used to be an opportunity to doing good, but the state of society today has made everyone sceptical about such. People fear so many things these days.
If I have and my spirit tells me to give, I will
Never cool 🏋️
Good morning! 😄
Well, it's always a bit unexpected when a random person asks for money, right? How I feel about it depends on the situation. If I can genuinely help and it seems like a genuine need.
well, to me, it's not a big deal but you know the world is changing now so one need to be very careful. So as it stands if one should meet on on the way and ask, I won't wont even answer at all
I feel there is nothing bad in it
I wonder if any way to see transactions details in our Leo wallet. The old UI wallet had it. I would like to see in detail my curation earnings. Does anyone know how? #leofinance
Can we top this with the pre-Hivefest threadcast today?
A little less than 2 hours until we go live on spaces.
WOW. About 1k views. That's huge. I think we can break this today. I am ready with my keyboard.
Here is the threadcast. Get in an start the count.
Questions are always good.
Yayy I'm coming
we'll surely try to break it!!
Got to get the numbers going before the show.
If we do a couple hundred before 1 eastern time, that will put us in good position.
I see it on number 1 on the trending page.
Yes. Well it is up to us to surpass that. We can do it. That wasnt even a hive event.
Here is the threadcast
Lunch walk to clear my head a bit 🌅

#move2earn #walking
Its night here , i just start walking on my threadmil . I wish to hit 2km slow walk on it .
the walk is cool
Sold 5,000 $LISTNERDS and bought 330,000 #sports and delegated them all to @arlenec2021. Total $SPORTS Power is now 15.6M.
I don't have information regarding $listnerds but I would love to know about that
It's the token of an email marketing project on the blockchain. I think it's a sister project of the CTP team that came to my attention in March 2022. This is their site: https://listnerds.com/
It never entered my mind that I would sell $LISTNERDS at 0.0009 $SWAP.HIVE. Its original price was 2 $HIVE.
Maybe you should have done the opposite where you bought LISTNERDS at $0.00026 each and waited until it became worth $2 each. 🤔😆😅
(2/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily@rzc24-nftbbg, @savvytester
! help
(no space) to get help on Hive. Infololztoken.com
Cause they're always Kraken
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester
@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you anAnd wait for eternity. You cannot transfer both $CTP and $LISTNERDS from listnerds.com.
Looks like you are much more frustrated with the #ListNerds platform rather than #LeoDex. 😅 It's understandable, because there are alternatives to LeoDex (such as #HiveEngine and #TribalDex), but your LISTNERDS and !CTP tokens on ListNerds are stuck at the moment. 🤗 !HUG
I sent 1.0 HUG
(2/3)Dear @rzc24-nftbbg, you just got hugged. on behalf of @savvytester.
that might be wise
At least in #sports, there is movement.
damn I thought my 550k was a lot..
The goal is 50M $SPORTS. There is a #sports club holding such a name.
I like my name. 😆
Perhaps you can also create a #sports club with your name with another goal.
It's called #themorningbowl...
Your #sports club?
Norse Code.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@davedickeyyall, I sent you an
How come less used blockchain is priced higher over Polygon which is most used among Ethereum club?
I thought it was $HBD just now .
I don’t think HBD can go beyond $1
I believe it’s meant to be a fixed price like USDT but with the way it’s goes up and goes down
Anything is possible
still baffles me