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LEO Premium will be a lead domino for INLEO’s growth in my opinion

It will positively impact:

  1. Liquidity for trading
  2. Increased Author earnings who become Premium
  3. UI differentiation
  4. …many more downstream effects

Will it increase my author earnings if I'm already popular AF? ;-P

haha yes. I have estimated Premium members will earn at least $20-$50 more per month than before they were premium

Only time will tell if I'm right but I think it will be around there

I’ll be there, but let’s get Leo to x10 through adoption/investment so it’s $200-$500 more 😜
Love what you are doing with the $10! Nice model

very interested to see how it turns out…. Liquidity for trading would be key

Uhoh... will #freecompliments become #paidcompliments?! 😱

Jokes aside, these are very impressive strides in taking the most significant factors of Web 2.0 and using them in a manner befitting of Web 3.0. Pioneering in action.

Network was so bad I couldn't get the key fact about Leo prenuim, hopefully there will be a second time to talk about it.

If earnings increases do you guys have a plan to prevent token dump?

Same amount of LEO is in the rewards pool, so no it won't have an impact in that regard

Actually will have a positive impact since the premium $$ that comes in goes to buying $LEO on the market

November yes?

Actually LeoAds is November 1st

I'm pushing the team to get LeoPremium out by this Friday (2 days from now)

I mean, I know that those who don't subscribe will still be able to use the platform freely, but does that mean they won't have opportunities for growth? Or does it simply mean that they will have less growth and exposure on the platform?

Everything you say about LeoPremium is excellent, but I have a question: What will happen to those people who do not subscribe to LeoPremium for some reason?

The fact is I support the premium version. I know many people have something’s to say as giving it out for free but whatever. If this is going to bring a good change to inleo it’s cool. But I have a question I fail to ask in the AMA talk…

can I ask?

Excited to become a premium user ;)

what will be done with the liquidity rewards?

When i visited uniswap and tried seeing the impact of 10 lakh leo being swapped to usdt here is what i saw.

Upto 1 lakh leo 1 usdt was exchanged for 18-19 leos. The liquidity is not bad!


Leo liquidity on LEODEX is a joke.
It would take only ~34000 LEO to dump its price down by -99.91 % . Practically to 0.
So if anyone asks "when you will sell your LEO's ?" - my answer:


Fortunately we have MTB market

Wrong again Alfa, be mindful of misinformation

There's even a liquidity pool on Hive-Engine not to mention all the MTB Liquidity pools too

More decentralised listing is really needed, For better liquidity and awareness about this token. Maybe some layer 2 bridge work for bringing leo to different chain versions.

It will actually need alot of dev work but that is how we grow!

At uniswap it is good, i don't know about leodex. Is leodex different from hive engine and tribaldex?

Below is 10 lakh leo for usdt on Uniswap.

Seems like a lot of work having to figure out where to get the best order execution….

Hive has its own great ecosystem but the lack of liquidity connected to off ramps has always been a pain point (unless you are fan of KYC)

Is it possible to be a friend with some you love?? #love #life

That depends on person to person based on how emotionally strong they are, some might never want to talk to them while some might accept the fact and maintain the friendship atleast.

Love is a long journey and friendship too.

Hmm, I agree with this, there is more to life than just what we see now

With time we start seeing things differently, we get mature but hey true love is strong and there are people who don't come into any relation once they are done with their first one.

You see there are different types of people!


Yeah, you are right, And also I think our level of understanding things also matter and differs

It gets complicated, as you age, more you get aged the more you have to put up with things that you are going to get irritated with.

Another angle, so you are saying it cant work right?

depends on person, more person suffered in life, less they put an effort in relationship.

Yeah, the more people have been jilted the more secured they will be. So that anything like that won't happen again

plus it is extremely rare to find a good in life after you meet bad things for like 30-40 years for that matter.. so with age people just shut in

Yeah, I agree with you

sure why not

Wao! That's lovely and what if it hurts you later


What's wrong

Sure, let's be friends :)

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/2)Dear @the-lead, you just got hugged. on behalf of @katerinaramm.

Wao! Why would you agree to be friends with them, what if you end up growing feelings for the person and note you guys are "friends"

That's friendzone.

Yeah, you are correct and it might not go beyond the friend zone level

You can but it is a matter of time before you confess how you feel to her and if she is of no support there comes problem

So why not just walk away and safe your sanity?

Since the rebrand, I've noticed that more and more people have switched to Dark Mode (myself included)

It just looks 100x better

ive always used dark mode. idk how anybody even uses light mode :')

The pages I am building are looking awesome.

Only thought its was boomers like @taskmaster4450le and @jongolson who had light mode 😅🫣

No but seriously dark mode looks really slick!

The color of InLEO logo matches perfectly with black theme

Team Dark always

Then I should try it ;)

The black and orange theme is a classic that always works.

It adds a touch of elegance and seriousness. In my case I use it dark mostly to take care of my eyesight.

I always liked dark mode better but since the rebrand it seems like light got worse and dark got better.

Fully agree - saves Energy and helps your eyes

The building continues.

Each day more is added. This is crucial. We talk about consistency in all this. Here is where it comes into play.

I agree that consistency is needed else we are going to miss. A lot is happening everyday and showing up daily helps us stay updated.

Very true. We have to keep building.

Honestly more is added on daily basis if your not consistent you miss and might not be able to find yourself when your back

we just need to keep going no matter what maybe

Time to find out what all the blood and vampire stuff is about for this season. #DiabloIV #gaming

I am sure @ahmadmanga would benefit once the patreon like subscription model lands on inLEO. His art is nice and people coming for his art and rewarding him through tips would boost his confidence to make animation.

It opens up a completely new facet to the Hive ecosystem and creators on here.

The sub model is going to be the #1 source of revenue for #hive creators IMHO

The big creators on Hive like @taskmaster4450le will be able to monetize themselves like never before. They've been building audience on Hive for years

It'd be like turning like rev on Leo sub for him.

Just need to find a niche to double down on before this launch :)

LEO-PREMIUM will be a big thing.
Once it starts, maybe I should restrict my upvotes to PREMIUM members only ?

1.2M Leo , together with my 247K Hive (with HP returning home from delegation) could be an encouragement to get Premium?

Up to you. Maybe more concentrated as such to support LEO with your LEO. Fun to see booms for all and there may be not restrict to just leo (premium). Certainly an encouragement as love the booms and appreciate your upvotes.

It would be a great help to pay for the subscription, at least a part of it.... I have very little voting power myself and I leave it all to Threads.

Today's micro profits can be tomorrow's big bag.

Your very good upvotes could help creators to have easier access to LeoPremium, I don't know if restricting only Premium votes, but some good initiatives for the free ones would be great. Micropayments are great.

voting premiums to encourage them and others to get or keep using premium is great, but you could also vote quality content from non premiums as well, maybe a bit less frequently (who knows they could use the payout to buy premium)

It's a good idea, it will surely encourage some users to get the Leo premium. But it won't be out of place to still upvote some quality contents that don't have premium yet. In the end it all boils down to what you want.

That’s prettier cool. And I also can’t wait to explore the premium version on INLEO. Yeah premiums deserve more and better. Thanks for all you do. That’s some great power over there.

It could help to pay for the subscriptions.

Perhaps a better idea is to allocate a percentage of your voting power to premium users and a smaller percentage to non-premium users.

Is there any 81 cheaper out there ?

Jealous. $3.79-4$.25 around here, depending on where you are in town.

actually I was passing by and I saw it. So I made a u-turn to take the deal

It's like $4.10 by me

$4.10 is for 89 or 92. Regularly it is $3.18 every where in South Florida.

Cheyenne, WY is around $3.60 ish these days.

Cheapest near my area of North Carolina is $3.20

Went on a hike with the pups and pulled about 30 ticks off of us after getting out of the forest

Those are some very good boys!!! well handsome boys hahaha.
Here the cats bring the ticks... and I met an old man that says on his land you can go without the right gear or you get more ticks than legs at the end of the trip

Yikes, that many?!

Do you give the doggos the tablet that at least means that they won't actually burrow in and cause real problems?

yeah they're on the meds for fleas and ticks, but these were still all over them

Do you ever have problems with them on your own skin?

yup, they suck. I have repellant spray but it doesnt always work and I forgot it this time haha

Aren't these pups so cute, wow. Look at their color so beautiful. I can see you guys had great time hiking.

Ayup that's why I'm waiting for a hard frost before I start back clearing trees and brush. I prefer my blood stays in my body where it belongs :)

I just realized that by paying in HBD, we have got local use case for HBD.

It adds utility to the base layer stablecoin which is the true medium of exchange. It is why I pushed so hard for it.

Yes this is one of the many ideas behind LeoPremium and OnlyLEOs. #hbd will have a real use case and we will also utilize payments to buy $LEO and $HIVE for continuous monthly buy pressure

Then we'll LP & burn the LP tokens, creating liq..

Ser, I don't quite understand why you burn the LP tokens. Could you elaborate?

It's to create permanent liquidity for bHIVE-bLEO

If the LP tokens aren't available, then the liquidity that gets added from monthly subscriptions will never leave the liquidity pool

So imagine $5k per month -> into liq pool forever

Ahh that makes sense. Thanks!

I really haven't been keeping up with the changes. I need to catch up. I just come onto threads and blast 10 votes. I've been busy lately. I'm counting on you to make me rich. Thx @khaleelkazi

I have a weird emotional attachment to my HBD. I can't spend it. I just want to watch it grow. But what I earn from posts I will part with, it's my savings interest that I wont' give up.

Did you know that made a guide to Splinterlands once and did not mention Hive at any point? Instead it replaced "STEEM" at all instances where HIVE should have been named.

Choose your information source wisely!

I called them out for this on twitter they deleted the article then and republished later with all STEEM changed to Hive.

We should always check several sources doing a good research or if you want to acquire good information, if it is repeated in several sites, it is most likely to be true, although I usually have time without reading cointelegraph.

Not really a surprise there.

When I was there as a content manager for their studio division, I begged them to let me do more coverage of GameFi but I never got the green light. I could have done so much more for our platform!


All users should be allowed to post youtube links in the top line threads. No reason to discourage people from adding more video content on here.

Yeah, surely you can automatically filter links by URL?

Have a whitelist or something?

The whole idea is the stop people spamming their own Hive links.

Not general news, YT videos, Spotify embeds etc.


Agreed. We should allow the flow of information and entertainment especially video. People love to consume video content and not allowing people to post them freely is a disservice.

I would feel tempted to drop links to my youtube channel. But then again would that really be a bad thing if it was embedded into leo and you could listen to my podcast while threading??

Plus the YT video you post might be of interested to some who see it on here. So I would think it takes things to a different level.

it could be really useful in increasing the use of the threadcast tag. It’ll help increase name awareness for podcasts like mine while also leading to pretty heavy activity on threads. A win/win!

Certainly people could do that. That said I would think those spamming their own YT channels will be less than those who are doing it with posts. After all, you might get clicks on YT but not monied upvotes.

True! It’s unlikely many people will come to threads just to spam links and if they do there can be other mechanisms to kill them in the algorithm. It’s likely the links will come from people like me who only thread often

I know I'd go completely wild with music recommendations :-)

If that is what your interest is, why not? I have been dropping music too. It is a great way to stimulate engagement. Plus a link in the top thread, people can listen right from the UI.

yep, I agree, it would be much more practical to share content quickly.

i agree. youtube & spotify preview links need to be whitelisted. #music can bring threads to life. #feedback

Okay. Which do you want. I hold Khal down and you hit him or the opposite?

well if anyone is holding Khal down, they might want to watch out. i hear he likes that kind of thing.

I'm thinking way ahead ...

That was the most epic unboxing ever. That gives me an idea!

I have an idea to do this but disallow Hive blog links because people just spam their own links and that’s why we disabled in the first place

Yes. Or even the peakd links to although you might be right about the people being the main culprits.

But even if you just open up YT and Spotify links it might be a good start.

yep by hive blog I actually meant any hive Ui (including and its links would be disallowed in top level threads to stop people from blog link dumping

Ah ok. That makes sense. I think threads should still be allowed although I guess rethread handles that.

If possible, I think it would be optimal if blog/post links is disallowed but allowing video/music content from hive. Perhaps a function like with images can be implemented? Those are links, but show just fine as an image

Non hive links could eventually be a problem but that would be a long way out when tons of people with youtube channels are using threads. At that point you could charge a small fee

I know I'd go completely wild with music recommendations :-)

I agree with this. I get more views on YouTube and I can bring in a lot more traction to Hive

war is a beast
we bind it’s hands and feet
then we call it peace

#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday #war #palestine #israel #gaza

A short but a meaningful thread!!
It's so heartbreaking seeing all this atrocities happening in that country. Unfortunately, I do not have the knowledge on who began this war.

Stake Based Curation

Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.

For more info check below ⬇️


I don't just want to listen to the update on Leo Premium on #inleo I want to be a part too. So, I have decided to engage in monthly subscription of $10 to enjoy the benefit since I would make my money back in multiple times.

We will have to see what that looks like but there are certainly going to be benefits to it from what was said.

@onealfa.leo might go the direction of voting those who premium it.

One of the beauties of LEO's economy

Anyone who holds LEO POWER is incentivized to upvote anyone who is a Premium member (since their subscription $$ buys LEO)

Anyone who is a premium member is also incentivized to be a LEO POWER holder

That is all true. We are going seeing a lot of things starting to fall into place.

that's a good move Boss but when is the premium membership subscription commencing?

nice step you are taking, I really love that and also make sure you send me some little money from the profits you make,lol

Hehehe... I shall remember to add to my list not to forget. Lol

please, @princessbusayo, explain this, how does it happen,? I want to know..

Has the inleo premium goes live? Your post suggest so.

No, not yet but the team are planning on making it go live before 1st of November. I think so.

I got it now

Good morning my dear community, a motivational thought for today would be "If you believe positive, your thoughts will create a positive reality". Blessings to all. #freecompliments #leofinance

positive thoughts attract positivity

Yes the good vibes in your life attract positivity and prosperity

Perfectly true

our thoughts has a way of affecting our actions. Keeping it positive is a good way of encouraging us to do more

It is very true my friend, we must always have a positive attitude towards the situations we face.

thats true and that's why we must look into our thoughts

And it is only in this way that you will begin to find the solution to any difficulty. You will feel the magic of how everything starts to flow.

@tokenizedsociety @iskafan and @wealthwess are the ones who added to the expansion of #leoglossary this week.

Let's fill'er up

The LeoGlossary motoo.

We need to get t-shirts with that on it.

I found some t-shirts on the internet that come with that phrase already but the image that comes with may give the wrong idea of what we're doing LOL

It is not up to us how people interpret stuff.

And it might garner more support even if misunderstood.

I support @tokenizedsociety

Let's fill'er up ✌️✌️

Yes I know you do. You are such a giver and will to spread all you can.

I'll always do my best to contribute as much as I can. Thank you for the opportunity.

Yeah well I see a grand future ahead of you with leoglossary.

great work! We’ll have glossary features on the UI in the sooniverse. Keep building

LOL Well I will be honest you are going to have to do a lot of UI development for LeoGlossary. This is not stopping with just terms.

Got to get more up there than can approach you with it.

Give me about a month.

In the meantime, fix the damn YT embed issues. They do not come through on the playlists.


Good. Not stop screwing around and get to work. Slacking is not longer a part of your life.

Copy that lol

It's almost 00:00, I will say good night to all the people here. I like spending time here and i am happy that i am becoming more and more active again.


Somebody tell me what will be the cost for inleo premium, let me start preparing my money now.
#inleo #cryoto

10 HBD and then earnings will increase triple that 😜

Earning in Leo or HBD

Ohhhh that will be a good one, VIP seat loading

Hello there, fren. Khal mentioned in today’s AMA that the price of the check mark/INLEO premium would be 10 HBD. Haha, you should start preparing your money now, you’re not gonna regret it.

Psychology question:

Have you had moment where you thought specific set of people were good.

But they were like using you to get by and once you're of no use they discard you.

This is true, I have been in this shoe, I am happy I was able to move out from this kind of people

There are people who view relationships only for their transactional or utility value, some people simply can't turn off their "hustle" and just be a regular human.

vEry true. When you found out, you feel betrayed

there's a lot like that and it's so sad to know about it.

The experience seems fermiliar to me, they are everywhere

Never give up

I take this to mean there is till time.

Yes! You can still put your darkest plan in motion no matter how old you are

LOL well now my plans center around LeoGlossary. Cant stop thinking about that and how big it can become.

Looks like they messed up renown. My completed quests and side dungeons did not carry over.

Was hoping not to need to grind renown. #diabloiv. #gaming

Imagine those gamers, those gal influencers, makeup artists, UFO conspiracy theorist, political news covering people & sports talk folks. All those Twitch crowd coming to inLeo would be like feed updating 2 sec.

Site will go redesign

I’m on 2😂. What about you?

Lol, I've seen quite a few "3s" around. Hilarious that people still use them in that condition. I'm likely to replace it shortly after it reaches 2, but I typically have it at a 1.

I had mine at 1 too till the accident. Now it costs an arm to fix $80. I’m just hoping it doesn’t get to 3

My prior phone went through such an adventure... it spent >24 hours in a flood on the street. Now it's working perfectly and doesn't have a single crack! It's a miracle phone lol.

I am number 2 as well. Thank God I had the glass tempered. That's the one that's broken, and not the phone itself. I've thought about replacing it, because it seems that once it's broken it's no longer protecting as it should.

I haven’t fixed mine cuz it’s expensive. $80😭

WOW! $80 ???? God...

This is hilarious!!!
Well, currently I am on number one because I do not like my screen to go to number two talk less of number three. That's way too worst! How can one see with that? I often change my privacy screen anytime I have a crack.

lmao people with 3 should be locked up 😂

hahaha 😂 😂 😂
Most definitely!

Mine is closer to 3 than 1.

lool nooo wayy😂

I have done my best today, I will need to go to bed now hoping for the best tomorrow. Good night everyone.

Even me
Good night

Goodnight to you and sleep tight

You can check out my latest post before you sleep 🙂

When you know that you've done your best, you can truly be satisfied with yourself. Strong work - get some well-earned rest and keep it up. :) #freecompliments

Whenever we can, we should give the best of ourselves, what we do from the heart will have the guarantee of good results, on the contrary, what is done unwillingly, it would be better not to do it. Have a good rest.

Hello there, fren. “Do your best and leave the rest.” This phrase is a part of my marching song during my elementary school days. I’m sure you feel satisfied now that you’ve done your best. Have a good night rest.

I thought you are also participating in the Zealy campaign? Once we know we have done our best, rest is next. I wish you a lovely night ahead.

On zealy, I wasn't able to get a referral to continue, so, I gave up from there.

I need tomorrow to be better. Today was productive for me but I'm down in the dumps. Life is very ephemeral.

I also need to go to bed as I am so exhausted. I really need a long rest now as I have eye bags already. Home girl is super stressed.

Try to get some rest my friend ok?

Never underestimate the power of microearning. My $LEO keeps increasing too and I love it.
Keep gathering those tokens in preparation for the next Lpud.

Oh yeah!
I learnt a lesson during the last power up.

It's better you gather them now than to be running helterskelter during the day of power up.

Let's keep earning 💪

Exactly. Thank God I had enough too to power up then. It was through little accumulation that made it much.

Congratulations on your earnings, I'm excited to see you're already gathering towards the next lei power up day, little by little it'll become huge and valuable.
Have a productive trade.

Exactly. Little by little, it turns big. Thank you, Vickoly.

That's just it, good luck and you're welcome.

Without a doubt. It is one of the great concepts on Leo.

Absolutely a great one.

What a nice vIew

Its a very cool cloud after the sunset. Where is this location?

A great piece of cloud. I also like to watch cloudy sky from a open field. Thanks for sharing.

The whole place seems so busy with people trying to get home

Yea it is oh

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor
~ The Raven by Poe

#aiart #halloween #poetry

the biggest risk in life is never to take risk at all. That's why I don't relent. #mydiary

Only Mosquitoes can make a man sleep under a blanket while surrounded by fans😂😂

Amen... need my comfy blanket cocoon

Is this a "catch 22"?? Love to leearn!

Giveaway! Giveaway!! Giveaway!!!
Weekly Giveaway #26: Prize 1 HIVE, 1 SBI and 10 QUEER. For details, check out the link in tHis thread
#hive #gosh #posh #queercoin #queer

Shit getting more serious by the day 🪖 #new

Europe is getting more dangerous every day..

I am telling you

Good evening friends, this is our grinded stone and pestle, it can grind more than modern grinder those that knew it can testify it, I'm I right or wrong friends. #mydiary.

native stuff, you are right mydearly

Its natural and dependable. It lasts long too.

exactly this has been in the youthful days of my grannys.

this make me to remember the golden ages days

what actually happen in that golden ages days.

A lot of memories attached to it

OK I can recall.

So right. I still feel it grinds smoother than modern blenders

yes dear more smoother.

I Sabi am. Very dependable.
It doesn't need power to function

exactly you really understand it.

Increase your activity and your profits will increase... SocialFi in its purest form, that's INLEO.

Absolutely! It's all about active engagement, and INLEO embodies the essence of SocialFi to its core. Your participation not only adds value to the community but also enhances your profits. Keep the momentum going! 💪🚀 #INLEO #SocialFi

yep, fuck friend tech and stars arena

Are you going to get inLeo Premium? I do.

I am going to walk the talk.

Considering Twitter sub with 40 followers would be useless lol. Hive has given me a lot so premium sub it is.

This largely depends on the value and support it will give me. But most likely I will pay the premium unless it's something really expensive...

I wish I had as much reach on Hive that I do on X, but still I persist with #inleo and will continue to put my time into this platform to develop my follower base on topics like #splinterlands, #edm #music, and #sports!

Me and brother are super EDM fans, esp. 90s trance and house scene.

NICE! In the 90s I was just getting started with The Prodigy, The Chemical Brothers, and all kinds of wild Happy Hardcore remixes. Such fun times while I was in middle & high school.

I will get it to support innovation.

After the whole day's work, I am now sleeping after having dinner. Today has been a very hard day. I had to do extra 5 hours of duty at the office. But in return I will get an off day tomorrow. All in all, I will now have a peaceful sleep.

have a good night sleep.

You need the rest, revive your strength

Sorry for the stressful day hope you had enough rest

Lmao 😂

lol well to be fair people really shouldn't be so trusting of one news outlet. Kind of their own fault

they did start it but so many influencers and outlets started releasing PRs all at the same time

lol so wild, goes to show you how much is just recycled

Traders who were liquidated during this unfortunate event are not laughing at this meme. I do 😂.

and blames the users and community for trusting them LOL

Have we tried promoting Hive blockchain on Quora?

It's a good social network. But too much thematic.

Never tried but always thought that we should have a similar site on Hive which could have used the evergreen protocol Leo is building.

Quora draws a ton of traffic.

I do not fear being alone, but I fear being in a room full of people I cannot trust. #quotes #lfe

Trust has gone bad

For real, when you toeven try trusting some kind of people, they eventually break it when you are being too just

I can feel this also. People are always trying to leg pulling us. Only a few people always encourage and inspire us to do what we want.

Yeah, but sometimes when we see those that inspires us, we see them like the bad ones

yes sooooo that is where the problem is.

I think I agree with this

I knew it would happen! $WOMBAT is now a reward token for using Atomic hub daily. At least 10 wax in buying/selling value to claim your piece of the pie.

it says, please use the same machine to reset the password. WTF!I tried to reset my password but..

all access doesn't exist anymore its been changed into mycloudwallet

There are 5 pages