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Hello Lions, I have bought a inleo #premium membership. you can congratulate me.

congrats mate, finally you're a premium user!!

thanks my friend samad ♥


thank you

you're welcome ;3

yay!!! Congratulations I am happy for you and you are free to use your premium for the whole month without restriction to and feature on inleo

ya, it is my second premium and the first experience was great.

Oh sure. Congrats mate. I am also planning to buy my one for the first time.

I hope you will buy soon thank you ♥


ohhh VP is now full.
I urgently need to make 2 BOOMS.


You got it !

I managed to get the eyeballs at the right time. Lucky me.

A third won't be a bad idea too 😊

Well sh!t.. ..sure the BOOMS are well captured and appreciated.

I missed that, but I BOOMed you with my 100% of my 80% VP! LOL

You're welcome to BOOM me :)

I'm always ready for a BOOM if you need me I'm here :)

What! no that can't be!

Well I hope it gets recharged again pretty soon

#feedback a button to end the threadcast would be awesome. This way creators could switch the function off after the show has ended.

I like this idea, I saw your threadcast at the top of the feed and realized it was already done. Good idea, @khaleelkazi 👀

Thanks, It would give the threadcasts shown on top which is really active the first place.

i think you are right on this, a button to off the threadcast to signify it has ended. It sure is a great suggestion

Thank you! This is the great thing about feedback directly to the founders of the site. You can have things implemented you really think are important.

yeah feedback to the founder are good to make them.know more

Looks like around a 75% retention rate. What is your opinion on whether that is good or bad? Is it growing fast enough?


I think it's a good start and can most definitely be improved

Anomad and I are crunching numbers on the increased earnings by each of the premium users. Being premium is netting an average of $30 more in HIVE-based rewards each month (both from @leo.voter and from natural curation)

With time and data being transparent, we'll make it obvious that it's a no-brainer to be a recurring premium member

Good to know. Transparency is the key. Once people can see the benefits to themselves and the ecosystem, retention and growth should accelerate.

I will keep my upgrade to Premium ongoing. I like the perks and benefits. One of my favorites is being able to edit my threads.

Is that $30 for each user? I must confess that I hqve no clue how much my rewards increased when I was gifted the premium. I do see a drop in engagement after it expired, but if it was worth 10 $HBD from my wallet, I really don't know

I think people seeing these numbers will jump on fast. One thing that will really help churn rate is to allow us to sign up for longer periods of time.

Does it make a difference if you add leo as beneficiary or not though? I wonder if in the end counting that 5% on all content, even the ones not voted by leo.voter will make it 30 on average in Hive based rewards.

Do you guys take into account whenever someone removes this? For example, when publishing in another community where Leo probably doesn't vote @khaleelkazi?0

Without taking this answer into account, I have to say that so far I've enjoyed InLeo premium a lot more than my few months trial on X premium lol. So there's that, keep it up and I'm sure if the bugs are fixed it will be even better!

I belive more people would want to go premium as time goes on. As long as the profits are there.

I totally agree. Once the benefits are laid out for them people will join.


And the fact that it's a way to help grow the ecosystem makes it more exciting to get into.

Threads is a great place to be. !PIZZA

I think thats not a horrible churn rate. Needs to be higher but still decent.

I agree. I think once there is more transparency (dashboard) and people can see the benefits they will be more likely to stick around.

This is exactly how I feel about INLEO

We're just quietly grinding in the background, delivering on technical development after technical development

With time and adoption, price action will follow. $LEO

Definitely, it's good to be part of this project, grinding low-key and telling other's to come see how far we have gone here.

We are putting together something amazing.

Good to see inleo changing the hive game.

just keep up the great work. Some folks will complain no matter what. You folks are doing a great job

Steady grinding ! I really love that and I also appreciate your efforts. Well appreciated

Here's the #threadcast for today's INLEO #ama!

Join us and engage2earn 👇🏽

I found it very interesting that this last LPUD of the year had the small event related to staking 15% of what you already had in stake to get a delegation of 5k LEO for 1 month, it was an incredible marketing idea which led us to break records. I'm happy to have participated in so many improvements this year for the inleo community, I hope that in 2024 we can do much more!

The only downside on it, imo were the big difference between someone that had low lp (my case) to someone with the 1.5k leo. I would need to power up too much leo at one single time, that was the reason I didn't do it, and just powered up the 150 leo, which were already nice, because it was my first 150 power up :D

wow 261 lions powered up.that is indeed massive and this makes the community grow and show the serious engagement inthe community

It was a nice turnout evidently.


What is your take on powering up 15 percent of ones total Leo stakes?, do you think this awesome twist was a catalyst that pushed the lpud turn ups, if yes, will you be doing it more often?

The new threadcast feature is really fantastic. Finding & identifying users who are making live threadcasts is now more convenient and simple to find; This feature is among the greatest, in my opinion.

It is cool to see that INLEO is setting a standard of sustainability in the #web3 layer 2 category. It takes visionary leadership and a lot of courage to attempt the feat that has defined this new face of Hive.

Question: have you ever checked out Torum? It's another micro-blogging platform. Lots of gamification there, you guys might get some ideas with NFTs, etc.

I do hope the Leo NFT collection comes to fruition. I would like to see a cross change NFT collections with proper usecase. I don't like NFTs but I think it can be something used to attract new people to the InLeo community.

When LeoNode??????

Gains This is the the same question I'm asking but you thought you are in the right position to give us an answer #

It's really impressive to see how engaged the INLEO community is. The high level of user activity is a testament to how much people care about INLEO’s success. I'm glad to be a part of this community.

I just joined the community recently, but I can say my time here has been an amazing one. Apart from just been a dapp under the hive blockchain, there are many other amazing projects going on right here. And shoukd be interesting to explore

it is extraordinary all the new things that have prepared the people of Inleo, it is good to be with people committed to a single goal, and the new function of the threadcast seems very useful to identify a user, keep working to improve.


Would you consider supporting moving rewards from Layer 1 to change Hive from a social blog site to an actual chain supporting its several outposts like Inleo via proposals grabbing some HBD per MAU & Onboarding

I don't think that Will be possible but anything is possible on hive

Wow!!! The Inleo team is cooking up so many interesting updates. Inleo at this point is more than just a community, it is an ecosystem of its own and the visions of Inleo cannot be fit in a box.Cheers to more updates in 2024

that’s one thing I love about INLEO it’s keeps on getting better with amazing ui, I can see imagine what the team will achieve years to come

inleo to the world it's said it's vision is simply unimaginable never know what to expect. Definitely sure there is more in store in 2024


In a recent community call (I don't remember if Town Hall or something else) it was discussed how we need a new reputation system that doesn't rely solely on upvotes. I know some L2 tribes are working on their own reputation system. What about InLeo? Is that on the radar?

It is a very good question, it is true that historically in Hive have always had a higher reputation to the positive votes received, although there are communities that have their own rules but it be a good way to encourage quality content

@jongolson is happy. The real LP of 100K :P #ama

Wish there was a way to know when a threadcast is over. Got confused for a second.

it ends after a few hours. We’ll add a way for hosts to manually end when they stop too

threadLo lol 🤣 it was difficult to know exactly time it will be over

first time I'm checking out a live threadcast. We've come a long way since day 1 of Leo

haha right? And you’re coming during a rough patch

Usually we’re pretty smooth. This past 2 weeks have had shit node issues

We’re deploying LeoNode this week and should be back to stability

yeah, I'm not totally sure how to follow along with the live stuff but I'll get the hang of it. Very cool stuff. And btw, I remember the real rough times here. This is nothing. You've doing great.

fr This shows the level of creativity in #inleo community


We are about to end 2023, I would like to know what has been your greatest achievement so far since the rebranding and what are your expectations for 2024?

onIt's impressive to see the significant participation of 261 lions in the last LPUD, reflecting the strength and engagement of the Leo community. Crossing milestones and continuing to grow is a testament to the platform's vitality.

what an exciting project!!

With this type of development, many new Users can now see excellent reasons to join inleo community. Keep up the good work. Am here to give my own support. Kudos

I think the best thing is that we can now use InLeo to simultaneously earn revenue from Hive, HBD, Leo tokens as well as Ads. All this together is only possible in InLeo. This is the true beauty of Web3.

The threadscast is just so beautiful, I like the rings that shows on users who are participating in the threadscast.

the update on the threadcast is really amazing, it really shows that #inleo listens to our feedbacks and complain, it shows and prove that #inleo has alot instore for us in the future

wow, there's going to be NFt's? The leo team are working hard on so many projects. It'll be interesting to see how the nfts will be implented. I'm sure it'll be better than some of the washed up Nft's where its just hold and flip

Leo power ups and the ads revenue distribution is a shining example for other ecosystems to learn from.Its like everything that is done is with the interest of the community.I hope new users will also benefit.

I've become so used to the way we run things here where people earn Curation & Author reward. However, this new approach by INLEO to bring in ads revenue distribution is a game changer.

I'm looking forward to how everything will unfold.

Definitely, I agree with you, threadcast has indeed changed the face of the community and if their is one development that has got my attention recently, it's definitely the threadscast, with this no one will miss any threadcast and it's a good way to get people involved too.

Did Eric say 261 lions powered up?
That is fluffing mental.
It is a great way for everyone to be bullish and show how much they are bullish on the InLeo platform.
I am proud to have been a partiipant in every lpud! Well done everyone.

I powered up too :P

Cool, you have some bag now I know!

Let's hope it reaches $1

Aye one day, I am sure it will!

I had already decided to refocus on LPUD to be able to increase my participation and influence in the inleo community, now this last LPUD was sensational, with the incentive of increasing 15% of your current stake to win a 5k delegation for a month, for sure It was a great marketing move that resulted in this record!

The 15% was genius and if I had know I would have tried to save up, although that was 1k of LEO for me

The lions become more aggressive day by day.

InLeo remains the best frontends on Hive. Apart from encouraging micro-blogging and contents creations. It's very rewarding to be active and consistent on the UI. LeoAds can reward those active ones with leo tokens too

I need to double my engagement on Leofinance thread, this coming year will be lit on inleo

That's true, I doff my hat for the innovation and creativity of the Inleo team. They are doing g a great job.

It was so delighted because I was one of the lucky winner for the last LPUD

Benefits of hodling and having a huge leo staked are clearly implemented. The more, Leo power, one posses will decide the amount of Leo to be earned. We should power up more to earn more during the distribution

This is a very great way to make lions more interested in acquiring $LEO and staking them. This update motivates me and comes at the right time since I made my first lpud this month. I hope to buy more so I can be eligible

Although the last LPUD was a great success, I am even more thrilled to have been involved and to see that more lions are supporting the expansion of the Inleo community and everything it stands for.

yooooo took me 15 minutes to get onto threads. Not working well on brave right now. Hoped on hivesigner browser in labs

looking forward to witnessing the distribution..

It is great to see all the work that the leo team is putting into this platform. Nice to see the new leoads go live, and i like the new threadcast that's showing at the top.

Right now, content discovery is the greatest update. I truly value the easy-to-discover live threadcast on the top bar. Because so many people can now locate it easily and connect with it, compared to previously, the engagement

I was glad we could use #Inleo frontend to write articles aside from financial-related contents and still get curated by Inleo.

A big kudos to the INLEO team for their hard work and dedication. They're always developing new updates to make the user experience better, like the INLEO live threacast. It's amazing to see how they're constantly improving and innovating.

I can't help but appreciate the live threadcast as we no longer have to search endlessly for the threadcast, it's one of my best features so far. Thanks to the team for this innovation.

The truth is that this project and community has always been characterized by their hard work, always looking to improve and offer the best for the community, that's what I like about Inleo and his team, they are the best.

To move far in everything we are doing then engagement is necessary. When I got to web3. My mentor keeps telling to engage well and that's what makes me go far.The more you engagement the more you know people gain more recognition on the platform.

Long form twitter post mentioning some of todays topics, and discussing Hive and $LEO in general.


What about accounts that delegate LP to other accounts and "being active"?


2023 was a big year for InLeo with threads evolution, rebranding, the marketing push and everything we saw throughout the year. That will be hard to beat! So, what is the plan for 2024? What will be the primary focus for the team?


Do you already have plans for the implementation of nfts mentioned a while ago?

Glad to be here.

Lets get this to the level to get it on the front page.

Okay, this time I'm actually ready for this, and will be taking screenshots of my comments!!!


why screenshots?

For the Zealy Campagins!

I am glad that I am here to listen it live. #work #meeting and #ama

If we had more advanced notice of the end of the year LPUD challenge I could have done the 15%, but we were given little quite a short notice


The cooking community will be happy that you mentioned them.

Let's get it. Good to see that ads are rolling smoothly now!

Hello everyone.

H3y! I was pleased to read the announcement about the latest LPUD and learn that we exceeded the previous month's figure.


Where can we see the total stats for these events?

And so we can also know how we are doing.

The threadcast icon lasts too long though

Maybe we can forgo the "market talk" and jump right into the meat and potatoes of inleo 🤪

We need boosted posts

How many threads will this #threadcast have? 1K? #ama

i did a threadcast the other day for a football and I think I will be doing more of it in the coming weeks. It is a good way to connect people with their passion. When I start my spaces I will be incorporating threadcast as well


Will there be any surprises at the end of this campaign?

The new threadcast features is mind-blowing, this makes content discovery easier and so does it do same to love threadcast and helping us easily identify users that are actively online during a live threadcast, great job by the team.

You are right.The threadcast will help get more people coming onboard the Inleo platform.

It has definitely helped change the face of the community. I actually love its features.

yea that's absolutely correct, I also love the features and now I'm looking forward to more updates that team has in-store

The recommend will be great for LeoGlossary.

It will also be a great way to feed people towards more page views.

THe new updates is supper b and I like to see more of it. But want more support from the community. Support and encouragement w

#threadcasts are great. I love them.

I wanted to get the threadcast to labs and their new live update, but I don't think it's working right now.


This new feature is cool and I find it great due to the fact that I get to see people’s names up immediately i come on the Inleo frontend. The Inleo frontend has been lagging for a while. Is due to the release of the new feature?

This record breaker is massive, 261 lions participating in the lpud is massive, what a record, and I think this is just the beginning of something great, if there’s one thing I know about the INLEO lions, they always come back stronger.

The new Live Threadcast feature is so cool. Now we can find the threadcasts so easily and join them instantly with one click. This would be one of the best initiative for engaging each other in such live chatting way.

This is true. I see improvement in the web3 space, trying to make interactions easy for the users. I believe its be seem less like web2 in the nearest future. We're climbing mountains, let's keep going!!

Adding content discovery to threads too is definitely going to be an added advantage, this will help users to get more views on their content and also help reader's to get more insight on a particular topic.

That's a very good move come 2024.

This is something I have been waiting for, I am interested in working on my micro posts and knowing that those interested in the information I will impart can easily search for me, it is necessary to increase everyone's viewing on Inleo.

It's real is a good move for 2024.It's going to be an advantage the theme of Adding content discovery to threads . It will help users a lot.

This is an all-time peak for 261 Lions to power up more than 185,000 Leo it's really incredible and this shows the members of the community are in for commitment.

This is indeed a real record breaker, 261 lions participating in the monthly lpud is massive, I think this is beginning of something great, I am sure the next lpud will be higher, 185,000 Leo tokens being powered up is massive, I am happy

content discovery is the best update right now. I really appreciate the live threadcast on the topmost bar for easy discovery. It have improved the engagement and interaction on them as huge number of users can found it easily and engaged unlike before

Before it was too complicated to find it and you had to ask for the link in discord. Now more people can find it in an easy way so everything is accessible to them.

I loved this update of putting at the top of the page who has an active threadcast, this was something that was missing to make it easier for members to interact when one was being held. That's why I always say that inleo is one of the best communities in Hive, always active and on the move, looking for new features for its members.

It is true, I love this update, especially because it helps a lot that, regardless of the user's niche, you can get easily, no doubt with this, we will get more views depending on the tastes of each one.

‪I love how Inleo keeps updating the frontend to make user experience fantastic, I love the new feature. The first time I saw the thunderbolt icon added to my avatar I couldn’t help but smile. Good job guys Y’all are doing great!‬

We just broke the record of lions power up!! Nice. I think one thing that has gotten us there is this Zealy campaign, so far as Eric said we have caused a lot of traffic getting people involved, and now the progress of the threadcast.

where can I change my vote multiplier

The new threadcast feature is amazing. Users will now be able to identify if another user is on a threadcast and they will be one click away from joining the threadcast if they are interested. This will definitely increase engagement on the UI.

I really love the bubble that comes around the username of a user engaging in any active threadcasts. I think that is a smart way to actually market the threadcast feature throughout the UI. Anyone that sees it would like to checkout the threadcasts tab to see if they want to join the presentation.

What I liked the most is that when you click on the profile picture of a user who has this bubble and the lightning redirects you to the threadcast where he is, and shows you his picture for a few seconds. A simple but good detail.

The system of LeoAds distribution is good. Now we can be more active and engage each other accordingly to get the awards. By the way does the staking $LEO effect the distribution ratio?

261 lions participated in the last LPUD. This is so massive. I'm not surprised that the last LPUD got such a huge participate. This year Leo has crossed milestones and is still moving. Next year will be better.

Threads impressions please. I do not blog :P lol

I really like the new Live Threadcast feature. These days, it's really simple to locate threadcasts and click to automatically join them. One of the greatest ideas for interacting with each other over live chat would be this.

Yeah . I love that feature a lot. Honestly seeing and participating in threadcast has been made very easy. You don't need to type URL before joining threadcast.
You can now see threadcast on your homepage.

Does the distributions count Delegated LEO? If I have delegated LEO from others or I delegated to others, does it count?

This is similar to @taskmaster4450le's question.

I am just hearing about the Leo ad contract. This is really nice. I need to get my game on, make out time to create and share my content so I can benefit from this initiative. I am really impressed by the things in Leo is doing.

With the constant buy of Leo Ads revenue one thing is certain: It'll keep buying leo, making it's worth keep rising with time. Another nice thing is the random buy to stop people to buy it a little before the contract makes its buy.

QUESTION: Do you already know on average the total LP stack that is actively voting? Could a table be made showing the evolution of the total LP being actively used from time to time? If there is already a way for the user to see this kind of information, where would it be?


Those who are participating in Music on Leo just were enhanced. All songs are threads meaning that as people listen to the songs, they are clicking on the threasd.

Music on Leo project is one i’m silently bullish on. I’m glad a lot more users on thread are now taking their time to add more songs to the playlists everyday. The next step, I mean by 2024 is to see more users getting clicks on the videos (watching them) and it will be so interesting to see.

All this new update and rewards is really encouraging, this will also increase community engagement and more lion will participate in the lpud.


The Leoads rewards, apart from being eligible, by being an active curator and the likes.

Do being a premium User's regardless too comes as part of the criterias also?

Yes, I agree that threadcast has significantly transformed the community's face. If there's one recent feature that has caught my attention, it's the threadcast; with it, no one will miss a threadcast.

The threadcasts have given a new impulse to InLeo, it's great to be able to make interactions in a live show, because the answers are immediate. And the added touch is that comments can be rewarded with tokens.

The best thing is that now it is very easy to search, the threadcast is a good idea and not only for the spaces, I have seen several to talk about football. I think it's a great development and has been well received.

Why leo frontend always down everything. I think we need a quick update so that people won't find it difficult whenever there is update on the frontend. ₦feedback

Speaking about layer 2 tokens like Leo as reward pools to distribute token to content creators who are eligible and qualified for the leoads revenue distribution. This is a great update, developments on LEO is amazing

according to what Leo is doing I think only people who subscribed to premium are legible for the reward, because I've been making a content and I don't have any reward because I'm not a subscriber or I'm I wrong??

ooh... I doubt that though because I know peoples content that are been curated and not in premium... Maybe you are not following the criteria

While the last LPUD was a huge success, I am more excited to have been part of it and see that there are more lions getting involved in the growth of the Inleo community and all that we stand for. To more record breaking LPUDs in the coming year! 💯

At first I didn't see the point in celebrating something like this, but thinking in a different perspective, it contributes to a better quality interaction between all InLeo users with respect to each other's votes.

This distribution of Leo ads is interesting. I still don't have that much leo in stake, because I didn't used to write about finance,it was only when leofinance became inleo that I started writing.But this is a stimulus for me to continue.

yes,the distribution is interesting and doesn't appear to be so hard but you still have to work for it. Just like you, I plan on being more active!

To be honest the threadcast update is now my favorite on the Ul currently. For example, it’s just so super easy to know when an X-space is going on or any other Conversation that has to do with threadcast. A well blended feature we’ve got here on thread and see it taking over comes 2024. Kudos to you team.

I agree with you my friend, this improves the user experience significantly. Yesterday I tried it and I found it spectacular, I think it is one of the best changes made this year. I hope to continue experiencing improvements in 2024.

I agree. And you can more easily support people who do spaces that you follow. No doubt this improvement was much needed and useful. It improves the user experience and makes everything related to interaction much easier.

Wow, having to see other related posts after reading an author's post is amazing. Discovering others' content will be easy, and it'll bring more eyes to the content.

It is a win-win situation for both the author and the reader. Nice.

I really appreciate the layout procedure and criteria for hosting threadcast on InLeo. The host suppose to have certain requirements for hosting such a program on the ecosystem. It have streamline the program and make it more efficient.

More reasons to power up leo and achieve higher Lion status :) #ama

I'm stoked that the impression for threads are going to count in the future


If you’re qualified for the distribution and you have like 400 $leo and like 2,500 $leo. Does the delegation you have also affect the amount of distribution you get or it’s only the amount of Leo you have that matter

it's been discussed clearly. The Leo Power, one posses really decided the amount of incentives or leo token, they will earn during the distribution whether you are delegation outward. The main important aspect of this is being active that show how much, Leo one will earn

I can see that my question was answered after I asked and my name was mention for asking it

InLeo is a gift that keeps giving. I can't wait for 2024. I am going to double down on my activities on the platfrom and come up with new ways to get people into the ecosystem because I know it will benefit me as well.

We are finally receiving $LEO ad revenues. It is happening BOOM #ama

i am certainly loving the new features on inleo and I must say it's pretty cool, it makes the thread sweet to use and also kudos to you guys on the inleo team.

things from early this year is not the same now. So many things have changed and I think we can all agree that the change has not been bad. I can't wait to experience the new reward pools?!


Who will receive the reward for ADs in the case of delegated hp? the owner of the LP or the recipient of the delegation?

Great, glad to hear that users who concentrate on evergreen content creation will get the earnings for their efforts

It's hard to read what people are saying today, we're as quick as chats on Twitch. This is a Win!!

I missed out on the power up, but it isn't too late. I will possibly start next month. All I need to do is stash some leo token and get ready to stake them.

I can't wait to see that Dashboard where I can have access to my impressions and also my engagement status on my content. That is a cool feature and I am looking forward to that. A good add up to the UI.

Thank you for your response @anomadsoul

We hope that the consultation page will arrive soon. I'm sure it will be great. 👍

The turnout for this month's edition of LPUD was impressive, with 261 lions participating. This is just the start of something remarkable. The INLEO lions consistently bounce back stronger.

Big win in 2023 👏🎉

I am so much in love with the latest feature on the INLEO front end, the live threadcast feature is a record breaker, it’s just what we need to round up the year in a great way, the target was on point and the feedback was massive, nice.

The stake leo counts Delegated LEO? To earn the distribution revenue. It would be nice to count it, because it is actually yours. Same question for the leo curation that requires the 1k leo.


What could be the minimum impression that must be gotten before you will be entitled to the ad revenue.

good question

the updates about LeoAds is very exciting and wonderful to us all.


There should be a detailed post about the latest update on LeoAds, it's criteria requirement and impact.

hello 👋 🫂 everyone

Am super excited to be among the participants of this month LPUD, contributing to the huge success and grand breaking record of #Leo power of the year. Engagement is very important in threadcast.


  • How do we know how many ads we've generated and exactly how many $LEO tokens have been generated as revenue?

  • Is there a way to know who contributed how much?

I’ll love to see the post concerning the FirstLeoAds Distribution and what the Ever green distribution is all about because it sounds pretty amazing. I’m wondering if those with little staking would also be benefiting from the distribution

I know that they will create something for those with little stakes as they did for cub attack for LPUD. Creating room for cubs to grow is one thing the Inleo team takes seriously so I am sure that they have something for every one.

The distribution of Leo Ads is very interesting, creating yet another reason to power up recurrently and, of course, encouraging even more interaction within the platform.

I like the #dashboard idea. That will engage users all the time. #ama

Even if the previous LPUD was a great success, I am even more thrilled to have been a part of it and see how more lions are contributing to the development of the Inleo community and everything it stands for.

I really love the ad sharing revenue model implemented by Leo ads. One being eligible means one that is actively upvoting content made by others. Then secondly the staked Leo. These are great metrics because for the first part, it encourages users to reward quality threads through votes. I see a lot that doesnt have the votes. Then too, the second one encourages users to stake more Leo to qualify. Both would stimulate growth in the ecosystem.

I can't believe this is happening. The ad revenue distribution has been in discussion for a long time now and it's great to see it's finally coming. All I can say is congratulations to the InLeo team and all lions. Ending 2023 in style

The ad revenue announcement is a good news for all lion and basically everyone who's active and has Leo token stake into their account and actively curate with such account, to me, this is a wonderful news and I'm pleased with it.

The ad revenue announcement is a good news for all lion and basically everyone who's active and has Leo token stake into their account and actively curate with such account, to me, this is a wonderful news and I'm pleased with it.

I think the new features are dope. Now we have distribution of evergreen rewards and inleo too, this will help people really improve their accounts, so now I really need to earn more Leo power so I can be part of this rewards pool

Wow, I can't wait to experience the LeoAd revenue where one can earn by being active on the INLEO User Interface. It's time to consider my activeness on the platform and work harder to achieve more Leo and Power Up my account.

I think this LeoAd revenue thing would encourage the users to be active and it would create a earning source which would be just awesome! Like people would truly give effort for give and take. I would highly vote for this thing.

Okay. So it only counts "Owned" $LEO which is what I expected and I'm happy about it!

Ads help to create awareness about a new product or an existing one, so the inleoads will help create awareness and bring in more people on board.

The distribution criteria are cool and I guess it will be active or traffic gathering base.

Yes I agree with you, with the Leo ads, it will make the platform more fun to use too, and that way will bring in more new users

The Live threadcast feature is something I've been expecting for a while. Now that we have a live notification for it, it will be easier to draw more eyes to any active threadcast.

This will surely boost engagement on threadcasts.

The LeoAds distribution system is great. This would be inspired us to stake more $LEO. So we can hold a massive amount of $LEO. And contribute dedicatedly for the LeoVerse.

It’s a great one indeed and that’s why one of my goals for 2024 is to increase my stake on every LPUD and buy more $LEO because i’ve a target in mind to attain before December 2024. So glad we have inleo with this great benefits.

The way Leo Ads are distributed is really intriguing; it gives users another incentive to regularly power up and, naturally, promotes even more engagement on the network.

The ads could be highly customized to each individual, based on their interests and behaviors as in activity. This would allow for highly personalized ads increasing the engaging aspect of it and the returns in tokens

The new thread cast feature is a huge improvement. It has made it very simple for everyone to know which threadcast is live. Congratulations to the inleo team, I believe in your ability to achieve even more.

Finding live threadcast is now made very easy. This new feature will also help people engage and interact better. Kudos to the #inleo team.

It makes perfect sense to own the LP...

$LEO is pushing the market. A bull market with the distribution of #leoads revenue #ama

$LEO to the moon

This is good news about the announcement on distribution of Ad revenue. Distribution of the ad revenue based on engagement is quite good as it's a way to reward active participation in the the community.
The second option of total stake is also good.
If you support the community, you get rewarded.

There's over 25 comments here, but the threadcast icon at the top of the page shows it, but is gray and not blinking

its showing over 100 comments now and is blinking on it some fault with your network or sum?

To be honest the new threadcast feature is awesome! Now it’s easier to discover and helpful to identify users those who are doing live threadcast. It’s easy to locate now just by clicking it will make me directly join a live. I find this feature as one of the best.

is a good thing that almost every action you do in inleo got reward in store. I never knew power up help to boost ones status. Untill this December campaign that i read about it.

The "who's threading now" feature is amazing!!

the feature of new threadcast is now interesting to use, I now love how it looks and how it's way easy use unlike how I struggled with it before.
Kudos to the inleo team

Since I am bullish on LEO and have future reservations for it, this is why I try to stake my liquid Leo and accumulate my Leo power for updates like this. Sometimes I miss out on opportunities because of my voting power or Leo power. I this case only my engagement will speak for me. 2024 will do better.

I recently did my first Leo power up and I am very happy about it 🤗. I am also betting on a 2024 growth. That's what I believe. And looking at the stats reassures us that we are on the right track. We just have to keep working for it.

wao... Congratulations on achieving your first Leo power, it's a great step in influence your status on leo

yes I think so too, this improvement is really cool, now I really need to put in some work in earning and staking my Leo, and there's no time to be lazy about it as we move into 2024, because missing that rewards will hit me hard,

I like this distribution mechanism. Personally, I would raise the bar for eligibility quite a bit :P

It's not hard to be active on threads

Think about your drink threads that are being captured. This could be eligible for evergreen rewards.

Suddenly the cocktail recipes just got more appealing.

That's very true. So much potential there

I'm already thinking about the next type of data to upload

Let me know what you do. I will capture it and make pages on it so it can be found.

Am hearing #Leo power and delegation's. Now
It's Leo power different from the delegation? And in which account can one delegate the #Leo to be eligible for the new threads add rewards?

Leo Power is your stake in the community, we just did #lpud so that amount you powered up is Leo Power and with it you can vote other users.

Leo delegation is the Leo another user loaned to you so you can use to curate other user's contests. After the expiration of the delegation, the person takes it back.

Nice to hear some benefits of $LEO staking. But I think new users could be given some resource credits (RC) in exchange for Leo staking that we get by staking Hive. So we can get rid of Low RC issue.

Yes that’s true. At first a lot of people shyed away from Leo because it was just a community for finances and people who didn’t know a lot about crypto thought it wasn’t a place for them. Now we see all those people trooping in.

This is something that many users still think,but little by little they are realising that it is not just a community to talk about cryptocurrencies and that you don't have to be an expert in finance to publish, I myself have made several

Kudos to the INLEO team for their tireless efforts and commitment. They keep rolling out fresh updates to enhance user experience, such as the fantastic INLEO live threacast. It's impressive to witness their ongoing improvements.

Oh okay, the idea of distribution being based on the amount of Leo Power one possesses is a great way to influence users to Power Up more of Leo to their account. This is a good set-up and I love that new update. Time to earn for engagement

I think the best way to get more from the distribution is to buy more and more Leo and power it up to build your stake. The amount from curation is good as well but eventually you’ll need to have a lot of power to earn very good curation.

Thanks for answering

Utilizing engagement metrics for the distribution of Leads Rewards is a great way to grow the leads revenue bank since th revenue is generated based on onsite activities.

I must admit that I have taken the long way, I say this because today I have reached my 400 leo power, but in October I think I had nothing. I think it's good to be part of those who turned on 20k leo power.

This #threadcast is moving so fast #ama hope the nodes behave until we are done with #ama

We are advice to stay away from using threadcast tag so it doesn't mess things up lol.

This update is great. Engagement is going to skyrocket and will we see new users coming in and using the UI more frequently. This is a good opportunity to also gather more Leo so everyone will be able to gain from the Ad revenue. Great job guys.

So many more opportunities to earn on leo awesome feels like the bull season has arrived to Ineo

Does having Leo delegation have any benefit to the user? And what are the ways to earn more Leo token aside from buying from hive engine.


Should there be curators specific to topics? Like separate curators for finance topics? Separate curators for music? And art? games?

Thanks for answer the question :) Really impressive numbers...
I'd love to have access to track these numbers more often!

creating value on the ecosystem drive the tokenomic and sustain the ecosystem. LeoAds is one of the ways of rewarding the users and keep them active. LeoAds is really the way forward

Rewarding the users by means of LeoAds is really nice because it will keep the community active and the users won't think of any other things than #hive and #

@anomadsoul @khaleelkazi, I have a question;
What is your take on powering up 15 percent of ones total Leo stakes?, do you think this awesome twist was a catalyst that pushed the lpud turn ups, if yes, will you be doing it more often?

This December’s lpud was my first time of powering up Leo , I was actually happy I took part and I’m looking forward to power up each month next year , one of my goals for next year 🙂

It is really great to see the effort the #inLeo team is putting in the platform. The new live threadcast feature has really been an amazing one easy and accessible.

We're already 155 comments in!!!

One of the benefits of holding Leo power or buying Leo is that you can easily use it to curate post. And when you curate you will also earn Leo while doing that. Not everyone knows but that is the best way. It all depends on how much Leo you are holding.

I am very happy to be part of those who powered up Leo this month. It's actually my first time doing this and it's good to know that it will be yielding some rewards. I will be doing more of it as time goes on.

Other ecosystems can take a cue from Leo's power ups and the way the ad revenue is distributed.Everything seems to be done with the community's best interests in mind.I hope it will also help new users.

Regarding the announcement on the sharing of ad revenue, this is wonderful news. Since it encourages and rewards active community participation, the distribution of ad revenue based on engagement is a wonderful idea.

Sharing ad revenue based on how much people get involved is a great idea! It rewards active community members and makes everyone feel a part of something good. Thumbs up for encouraging teamwork!

Leo ads distribution is a cool thing to hear about in hive.And I kinda missed out on the Leo I couldn't powerup in time and I would've loved to do so but I hope 2024 would be better for me #leo

the leo power up day was really great and interesting, wish you had the opportunity to power up, but never the less you could still power up you don't actually have to wait till


I love that one criteria for this distribution is being active on Thread.

But do we have to tick every criteria box before you are eligible to partaking in the distribution?


For the evergreen rewards would the impression/pageviews be the only thing contributing to revenue or would ad clicks, leads and sales from ads also contribute?

It’s 3 am again. I shouldn’t be here but I wanna see if I can catch some nice Leo news drops

This month's LPUD is massive! This is a great way to know that the lions believe in the Leo project and are bullish on it! The platform has been actively improving and I'm bullish on it as well. Let's go lions!

It's exciting to hear about the positive outcomes and record-breaking achievements for @inleoio during this year's LPUD. Celebrating successes is indeed a big win for the community.

This is an exciting development for the Hive and Leo ecosystems!

The integration of Hive and Leo curation activities is a step in the right direction, making it easier for users to manage their earnings and voting power.

I'm also glad to hear that Leo is now available for topics beyond finance, expanding its reach and potential for earning.

It was a fantastic idea to expand InLeo, that is, to have the option to publish different topics. The updates that have been given have generated good results, the live interaction is one of the most successful.

If they add threads to evergreen, all those songs are eligible.

he Hive and Leo integration for curation is a positive move, making it simpler for users to handle their earnings and voting power. It's also cool that Leo is branching out beyond finance, opening up more opportunities for earning.

It’s the all rounder topic for me. And also you can also post to different communities of your choice using the frontend. I really love these updates.

being active on the ecosystem is highly appreciated now than ever. It's more rewarding as the LeoAds will recognize those honest efforts and get them rewarded with leo tokens during distribution

You're absolutely right - it's more important than ever to be active on the ecosystem and to create quality content. The LeoAds program is a great way to incentivize creators and give them the recognition they deserve for their hard work.

Wow, Eric, this is huge! Looks like a ton of folks joined in for this month's LPUD. Having 261 lions participating is massive. I believe this is just the start of something amazing.


The creators ad revenue is great. I would like to know is the revenue only for finance-related posts or every post made using the in-Leo front end?

How exactly do we get this reward? Will LeoAds revenue distribution be done through $LEO Tokens? Or in this case $HIVE or $HBD will be given?

The rewards will be in Leo Power so it gets added to the users staked LEO.

I see a lot of people having issues login in and making threads work on their devices. If no workarounds work then what should they do? Or where could these issues come fr

Question. What can we expect from the next 3 months in leo? any specific update coming?

Congrats to all the LPUD winners!


How will you people fish bot accounts and there are Many accounts following curation trail, what's your take on that too?

Hearing about the success and record-breaking accomplishments of @inleoio during this year's LPUD is exhilarating. Celebrating victories is, in fact, a major victory for the neighborhood.

Question: how are things going on with Leo node? When can we expect it to online?

I copied your question to the Twitter thread.

Thanks! I'd be interested to know where we are with that

That seemed to help, cheers! 🙂

The aspect of curation where all the earnings are merged is an easy way of price distribution and giving engagers the opportunity to earn either ways. The leo token being a major token can bring utility to space.

My thoughts Is there should be a daily update on when there are updates on the inleo frontend and also on the distribution process, this way we all can be up to date with current happenings

Everything is moving nice. The oneness in power. The inleo team is surely moving, and the lions are there too.

Having such active users using the UI is huge. That's incredible. Leo power, hive power, and active users. Number is high.

The ads revenue system is quite enticing. It’s a sure way of encouraging quality engagement and LPU. I’m looking forward to taking part in all these next year.

Yes, and ADS is one of the advantages we find in blockchain, and it is one of the heaviest arguments we can use to invite others to come. I think 2024 we will have even more growth and good thing we are already on board. It's very cool

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

Hey @phyna, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

This month's LPUD is massive! This is a great way to know that the lions believe in the Leo project and are bullish on it! The platform has been actively improving and I'm bullish on it as well. Let's go lions!


What time frames would be considered for the evergreen and other payments would it be weekly, monthly or till we hit a certain payment threshold is reached?

I actually expected more power up on the last lpud. With the amount of awarenes being generated, it was always going to be a no brainier. 2024 holds a lot of positives for inleo and Leo. I can sense that. I Would definitely be part of it.

I am very excited to have participated on the December Edition of the LPUD to also in my little way support the expansion of the #InLeo platform.

I am ready with the AMA, I believe that the reward fund should not be modified unless it is to improve it is my personal opinion.

is Leo Node is like CDN or there is dedicated API server?


What are the requirements for a user to be counted as a MAU? Is it a custom set of rules defined by the InLeo team or you just use the default definition by whatever tool you use to capture those metrics? In any case, do you know what is considered?

@tokenizedsociety @shiftrox What are the best ways to earn leo? Some delegations pay leo right?

leo-curator and meowcurator both share curation rewards for LP delegation.

Thanks atma! I'll check them both.

Khal's expressly stated that for you to be considered for reward distribution the following criteria must be met:

(1)being eligible(eligibility criteria )

(2)stake base criteria.

These criteria will encourage more power-up, cool.

As it stands now, only few are going to get this delegation
Because not all of us have reached the volume of staked leo.

Newbies should like use to put away our eyes

It's okay, we'll keep trying to meet up

It is so considerate and great that Leo power delegated out is part of the one that would receive an ad revenue provided the account is actively curating. This is really huge especially for accounts that are supporting other smaller accounts with delegation. So the ad revenue is not going to disrupt the system such as making people to recall their delegations and stuff like that. I cannot fault how the ads revenue sharing model was designed. Super impressive.

I'm really looking forward to these NFTs. I think it's going to be a very cool gamefication! The idea is great! I can't wait to get mine! :)

Having these functions is essential to make them valuable not only in a financial sense, but also in the sense of usefulness so that many people want to own them and no one who has them wants to sell them

I am looking forward to it as well. I remember Khal and Eric used to talk about this probably before or the same time as the ad revenue and I was really vested. I hope Nifty and the team can work and release it soon.

Yeah, rep means nothing to me. It's about relevant content and engagement

Having a full INLEO node will be incredible - good to know it's coming!


Regarding governance and nodes. Does INLEO have an official position to support witnesses and governance situations?

I know this question gets asked almost every ama , but then I'll ask it once more to show how eager i am for it. ok here goes


what up! how are things going?? question here, how do i do a threadcast? can i do theadcast with a live video?

I would really love the idea of doing threadcast with video

i swear that i've recently saw it as a thing

They have spoken about it in one of the Zealy Campaign show but I'm hopeful it will be implemented

LeoAds is a way for InLeo to show that it cares about its audience, since this redistribution and repurchase of the Token shows that it wants to value its product and its users.


welcome to the show how nay I help you. I'm the boss

It is a community worth supporting as they are always concerned about evolving and becoming better. I'm sure that next year there will be many improvements, that's why it has so many followers and will continue to grow.

Engagement is wonderful and if there would be some kind of metric like there was with the HEL then that would be great.

There are people who never engage and never even set foot in threads that you see on the Articles page with stonking le,voter votes. to me reward those engagers too!

It is a community worth supporting as they are always concerned about evolving and becoming better. I'm sure that next year there will be many improvements, that's why it has so many followers and will continue to grow.

it's one of the wonderful community that everyone should support

I have literally little knowledge about crypto finance, and I still find the community great and I love that new improvements keeps on adding everyday, it is now more unles an open community

the development on crypto market is amazing and I love that

What is a white paper is it a literal white paper or does it mean something else in the hive blockchain

Okay, the white paper is not the common hard copy paper.

It's a page containing details of the project (cryptocurrency most times). The details include; how to navigate the project to achieve the target... seeing what the project holds

It it has to do with tokens on hive Blockchain. It's not that white paper you know

Finally, network/site glitches allowed me to comment...

Well, the NFT talked about is one of the main thing I'm most triggered. I can't wait to delve into it. I hope it gets tradable outside hive blockchain

threadshI nearly cried last night because of network, I couldn't do anything

Finally inleo problems would be fixed and users would get to write and post in piece can't wait cause its really a problem for me and even now while in this thread cast.And also the Leo ai feature coming later in 2024 would be a hhi

definitely and finally we're going to enjoy its true essence

thread cast is the most amazing feature in leo has recently worked on, I can easily get the access to identify who is on live, this would bring more people together and I appreciate inleo teams hard work they have been putting.

It create a room for interaction and I like this

That’s true

thank you! It deserves massive adoption because it really amazing

External readers can help drive advertisement revenue and build the value of the $LEO token.

I am also proud to be one of the participants and this time I didn’t go for cub attack I went for lion attack!!! This to me is a mega achievement!

It was a good show so far and I learned a lot

But you're always a participant and I really admire that

Ohhhh yes it feels good to give back to the community once in a while you know🙂

Crazy thread!

So sorry! Is it network fluctuations?

To me people understand matters differently, how can I know when ama is coming on board so I can join, I have missed so many of amas

I have a Hive Community, which I wanted to start inside InLeo, but your Communities for the InLeo is not developed yet. I would like to know how to bring it inside InLeo.#feedback #help #outreach #leogrowth #thrive

#hive #witness is down! for those who missed my post, My witness is disabled for the next.. 2-5 days maybe, for server upgrades and stuff.

More space, faster HDDs, separate API and witnesses into separate VMs. just some of the things I'm doing.

I will have 100% on peakd's api beacon page after this upgrade! hopefully.

now that you mention it,
I have always forgotten that peakd have an api
I mostly use the web version . I thought it was just an extension app they possess

it's always a good idea to keep up to date and carry out security maintenance!

Time down for upgrades are never a bad thing. That is something that the ecosystem needs.

Thanks for the update mate, and glad to hear there's some upgrades incoming!

just to be transparent im not a super big jb fan o.o just helping fill the leoglossary

Hahahah I was wondering what was up with all those JB vids lol, good to know!

haha ya. all music i share is to help TM with leo music


Taking one for the team. Nice!

lol yea but some songs are nice tho :)

#gmfrens while on holiday I was planning to write a lot, instead I’m doing jigsaw puzzle 🧩 😂 Hope you’re enjoying your day too!
#freecompliments #aliveandthriving #liotes #hivegarden

its a good way to relax. The stress on many today needs something to settle the mind down. Hope you enjoyed the game? As for my Day, it's been a great day so far

I really enjoyed doing these, yes. It has a lovely, calming effect on my running brain ;)

o.o how did that happen

I opened a box and started playing ;)

mistakes were made

I am having a good day, I went to the gym today to keep git afterwards I listened to the space I missed for the Zeally campaign, drafted some posts about it and currently I am claiming some quests and I hope I will be in the top 100 though.

I wish you all the best in Zeally campaign! I had to give it a miss this time, as it's been hectic times and also I'm unable to upvote and do various other tasks using inleo on my mobile :/

Thank you. Zealy Campaign is not easy a lot of work to do I just don't have a lot of time unfortunately.

I'm unable to upvote and do various other tasks using inleo on my mobile :

Sorry to hear that is everything ok now?

@caelum1infernum sent you LUV 🙂 (1/3)

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Gm Monika!

It's always wise to step away from the online life every once in a while, enjoy the jigsaw solving!

Thank you! Sadly they're all done by now, but I did enjoy the jigsaw solving while it lasted. It has a nice, calming effect on my usually way too active brain :)

A good hobby, I don't even remember the last time I did a puzzle :D

Me neither! It was nice to remind myself what fun it can be to do them :)

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

If you want to delegate LEO Power, the best place is meow curator. Just an option for those who are looking to. I have delegated like 1000 LP apart from my current power.

I would recomend india-leo, meowcurator takes too much of the curation rewards

interesting! I didn't know about this option, I have been delegating to meowcurator for a while good to know about this option =)

What are the returns you get from delegating to meow/india, compared to just curating yourself?

Manual curation would lead to zero rewards on the days I am not active, that's why I delegate.

you're ready going far with this, I will love to try this too. Though I don't think I have up too 1000LP to delegate just yet

For the past couple of weeks I've been glued to the rhythm of this music piece by tyla titled water.
The song isn't a hot but I love the rhythm and composure of it's lyrics by tyla.


Hey Didi, I personally haven't heard about Tyla, I'll give this a listen, thanks for sharing

The crosschain shitcoin game has been tremendous lately

Plan to roll some profits into $HIVE and $LEO eventually

wut u talking about o.o

Shitcoins on Solana Injective and SEI

o.o i see u got some names of these shitcoins

I firmly believe this

Find ways to give the platform these 4 things and you will succeed here in the long-run

Deep marketing is the solution to number 3, let's keep trying, people need to see the value.

Focus on the database. That is where I think most Web3 is out to lunch. All information is on web 2.0 platforms. How often do people leave to head to Web 2.0.

Hell you cant even find out the news on Hive (or threads).

those amazing tips I hope to engage with inLeo as what it wants from me, now I can be more clear about what am I supposed to do. Thanks 😊

A clear direction to follow.

I don't always listen to music while I work but when I do I listen to #musiconleo first.

there are some great songs on here to listen to

Glad you're enjoying at @ericburgoyne!
Enjoy your day!😆

@ericburgoyne! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (11/50)

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

@ericburgoyne! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ lisamgentile1961. (11/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

Thats nice just started living the music on Leo idea as of recent. Especially now that I see more of Justin Bieber songs

Yeah, it's a lot of fun finding all the music from the era I am covering. The mid to late 20th century. Glad you're enjoying #musiconleo and are able to hear the music you like, @mviews

@mviews! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ lisamgentile1961. (10/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Good Morning and Thank you, @youarealive! Enjoy your day.😀

@mviews! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961. (10/50)

Good Morning and Thank you, @bbhbot! Enjoy your day.😀

Absolutely. Time to get things moving to an even higher level.

We need people to use what is posted.

Yes, it is, @taskmaster4450le. There is more good stuff there to use on LEO all the time
Enjoy your day, 😆

#premium update

Their I go. Two months in a toll and counting!!!

Great to see the numbers going up and hopefully it will double in January.

I have a week before I subscribe to another month

This is a good list, in the future when they make a movie about Khal they will show the first 100 Premium users and my user name will be there and I can tell my kids. See! I was the first to do something :)

I am number 17!!!

Thanks for the update. Looking good!

This is nice. More people are active on threads. Let this keep going.

#hive #governance #suggestions

I still have 20 witness vote. Do you have suggestions?

I vote 10 witnesses that include the big names like blocktrades, stoodkeve, good karma, threespeak and the few outside the top 20 list like leofinance, townhall, brianoflondon and actifit.

I vote on some big names as well as names of users I know from interacting on Hive :)

I need to check profiles of each witness to figure out what they are doing and how active they are #governance

I would like to suggest @gwajnberg

1/3🧵 Have you ever felt ignored in the blockchain world? In my last post, "You Matter More Than You Think", I tell you why you shouldn't feel that way, you are an important part of any ecosystem. Follow this thread so you don't miss anything.

#Outreach #ThreadStorm

I have felt lonely soo many times and felt worthless because of that. This kind of feeling sucks.

That has happened to all of us and more than once. You just have to shake it off and move on.

yeah, I just need to ignore it and move on :) thanks.

That's the attitude.

It happens to all of us, after all, blockchain and web3 is still a big deal for everyone, even though I've been here for 2 years and a little, I still feel strange sometimes, even though I really like Hive, there are days when I feel alone too, with the feeling that I could have more friends or do more things.

Haya, trust me when I say most of us all felt that way at some point. It sucks a lot. One way to not feel this way is by participating in community weekly prompts. That way you get people to know you more

2/3🧵 In the midst of technological jargon and algorithms, we sometimes forget that the ones who really matter are us: the end users! We are the ones who mark the success or failure of a project, let's talk about it.

3/3🧵 Read more below in the following link to my article.

Remember "Your voice matters more than you think!"

Defining Value in NFTs #threadstorm

  1. Firstly, NFTs offer exciting possibilities such as digital ownership, community building The potential for innovation and community building is undeniable.
  1. The true value of NFTs will be determined by how they evolve and integrate into our digital lives. If they can overcome the challenges and unlock their potential, they might revolutionize the way we create & connect in the digital world.
  1. Expensive assets like artworks or real estate can be divided into smaller NFTs, making them more accessible to a wider range of collectors. This democratizes ownership and potentially increases the overall value of the asset or products.
  1. Creators can program royalty payments into their NFTs, ensuring they receive a percentage of each subsequent sale. This provides a sustainable income stream for artists and musicians.

  1. The NFT market is still young and unregulated, making it susceptible to scams and fraud. Be wary of projects that make unrealistic promises or seem too good to be true. 2024 will be good for the NFTs marketplace.
  1. Overall NFTs are not a guaranteed path to riches, but they do offer exciting possibilities for the future of digital ownership, community building, and creator monetization. So do your plan accordingly about your investment in NFTs.
  1. To learn more about how we can define the value in NFTs, click the link below to replay Salamander's Twitter space.

"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places." —Ernest Hemingway

Powered up 91.780 #HIVE

Now I am interested to see what Marvel does since Jonathan Majors won't be playing Kang. They have already announced a project of Avengers: The Kang Dynasty two years ago. Who will they replace or will they disband the project because there were rumors before Majors issue that production had already begun #movies #news

This is Ndoki street by east Aba . people are busy buying and selling. #mydiary #gmfrens.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I think it's amazing to be able to carry things on your head. I still haven't figured out how to do it without dropping.

My dear it has formed part of them.

The street is busy people minding there business and facing there task

Exactly my dear

testing thread
My thread isn't working for the past days.

I can see this fren, no worries

Tuesday here and it's been raining since Sunday night. We are missing some sunshine which consequently reminded me of the time when we went out to touch some grass (literally) with our Anyongi.

#threadstorm #outreach #fun


So this is the little one I have heard about. Looks adorable!

Haha yeah, thank you :)

And yep, we enjoyed a box of pizza too. Yum! All the slices were gone in no time, lol!


It was fun. My Anyongi even chased a big dog, many times his size which sounds funny but not so😊 That and a lot more of the day's story 👇


#silverbloggers #diary #life

tooooo cute!!

Hehe, thank you sis :) GM

Nice One!


 10 months ago  Reveal Comment

thanks !PIMP powered down some Hive to swap

You must be killin' it out here!
@dynamicrypto just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @ganjafarmer.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Someone chasing you? let us know, we got your back!


Thanks for the support. It was not a long run though. A 4K run.

where is my boss running to, lol, I guess today we have a threadcast to run lol, hope you are having a nice day

do we have #football today?

Yeah we do have a EFL cup, featuring Liverpool against West Ham, and I think awesononso made a threadcast there, and I got you tagged as well

let me check. Not sure i will be able to join live today.

Oh, no problem, a lot of work on you today? Or probably your son is with you today lol, how is doing? by the way

Hello friends, it's almost the end of the year, have you achieved your set goals for the year?


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Some of them I have, some I haven't, but so far I'm still learning.

We still have 11 days!

Yeah, we still have few days to go, I think we shouldn't put so much pressure on ourselves.

Wow, this is a very good question as it leads me to introspection, I think I've achieved quite a couple of things on the chain and the ones I couldn't do, 2024 is open for something new and I hope I achieve a lot. How about you?

I believe 2024 is open for something beautiful, I will make sure I do the little I can now and focus on what I can do next year.

Joni Mitchell - Big Yellow Taxi

#musiconleo #song

Thinking about it now, I have quite a lot of #worklife experiences and in my recent blog, I did share a part of my experience at a salon where I worked.


#threadstorm #outreach

Having a skill is one thing that I think takes one far in life and that's only possible when you know what skills you have and you are utilizing it well.

I discussed how utilizing my skill as an hairstylist gave me an opportunity to work at a salon.


That's fantastic! Utilizing your hairstyling skill not only opens doors but also allows you to showcase your talent. Keep shining in your career journey! 💇‍♀️✨

So why not check out the full blog by clicking on the link below!

#gosh #hairstylist


I would ;ove to check that out during my free time.

Did you do those sytyes? I mean, are they your hand work?

woah this is so pretty, take it from me that loves making hair, this really hit the spot. I think have a long way to go when it comes to making hair but I'm getting there too.

Thank you so much sis.

Well, I don't how much more you have to learn to become better but I think as long as you are practicing almost everyday, you will definitely get better.

yes! My hands had been itching to make someone's hair for a while now. I will love to learn seriously. Make I fit dey make money from am.

1/2. Hoy les comparto unas partidas muy buenas que tuve en mi ascenso a Liga 5 jugando #clashroyale, espero les guste!

#Hive #Spanish #Geekzone

2/2. pueden ver las partidas a través del siguiente enlace:


Recuerdo cuando lo jugaba y hasta llegue a comprar un pase jaja pero luego no seguí y me cambie a Brawl Star, actualmente tengo hasta mi propio gremio, nos mantuvimos varias veces en ligas mayores, este llegó ser divertido.


1/ Technology could disrupt the job market. AI is moving at a rapid pace, upending the knowledge work field. This could affect billions around the world.

2/ How do we handle it? There are a lot of solutions being proposed, many of which are inadequate for what is taking place. People are looking to governments, unions, and other ideas for protection. It wont work.

3/ Ultimately, we do have a technological solution. Web3 is offering up the opportunity to lay the path for the replacement of labor income.

4/ When this is reduced, how do people sustain themselves?

The answer lies in staking.

Everybody is hurt with adblocker but we can't live without adblocker as sites run video ads and the variety of ads that eat the data and also often hurt the browser make it hardly usable with all the popups.

I agree, ads are not bad, the problem is having websites collecting our data and selling it.

I don’t even like ads. And also the issue here is that adblockers at times are even supporting some ads. There is a website I use despite the blocker the ads keep popping and disturbing my browsing.

I wanted to ask khal to have a subscription module that looks like how liketu has.

You choose the type of offering you want in subscription like say I do art, so people who want my art post accessed would get that subscription. Those who want their video, audio or any specific content in subscription that should be possible.

If this is how we get in the inLeo, that'd be super cool in upcoming times.

Add the #feedback tag to this. Khal actively searches that tag for ideas

@khaleelkazi this is an awesome piece of #feedback

registration will be an incredible part of the updates... will they be coming soon? can't wait :)

Someone on X said if you want to learn faster, teach someone. That's so true because it is something I have an experience with. When you teach others, you keep exploring more and knowing lots better.

This is one reason I love teaching. When I took the chance to teach two kids extra lessons, I was opened to things I do not know at all and that was something great to me.


There's this learning process for the teacher that comes with imparting knowledge.

Notwithstanding, I no like to dey teach secondary school students again. The stress too much abeg

Hahaha. It's kind of stressful teaching secondary school students especially when you aren't used to teaching. Don't worry, you will be out soon as a corper. Lol

true, the things I want to learn myself.. when I explain that to someone else. The whole concept becomes like crystal clear.

Though I also noticed some people don't like to be taught or explained from someone else.

Yes, some people do not like to be taught and it's not something cool at all. When we have a teachable spirit, that is one thing so excellent.

100%, this is the best way to master any skill, teach it to as many people as you can and make the learning process stupid easy

Absolutely true. Thanks 👍

Good day newbies.
Onboarding the hive blockchain and inleo had become easy compared to the past. Advanced technology has been doing great. I will show you how to onboard Inleo and some other guides too. #threadstorm 1/6🧵#inleonewbiegiude

Onboarding inleo has become so easy where you can join through your social media accounts. You can join via the X app and via your google account. From there you can access features and get keys later. 2/🧵

This is awesome, make it a tweet and let me know, we will boost it


With this, signing up got much easier. And then you can make threads and also make long form content on the community 😎. Engage with others too and make more followers too. 3/6🧵

The restriction is you won’t access your wallets till you get your keys and also won’t be able to login by your username, but by the LEOINFRA, unless you have your keys, then you can use other features. 4/6

After getting your keys you can also get to read other people threads, make comments, withdraw and deposit from your wallet. Your keys should be secured in safe place. Then you activate your hive signer 5/6🧵

Afterwards you realize you continue to get familiar with how the system operates. Then Inleo community for finance, cryptocurrency and any other topic to different communities could be post using the interface. 6/6 🧵

That will do. Yucky day here and I have #covid. #Wordle 913 4/6


Oh damn Steve, sorry to hear this mate. I hope you get better soon! Lots of sun and water fren

#gmfrens any tips for X growth hacks or how to find spaces on there to infiltrate please do share 💪

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

to find spaces just click on your profile picture, amongst the options you would see spaces, you could check for the ones that are live or scheduled

Cryptocurency Collateralized Loans

#threadstorm 2/3
This is a good explaination of collateralized loans. And it is indeed a very important tool.

like Eminem said, you’ve only got one shot

Don’t blow it.

Is Eminem into crypto? :P I hope he buys $LEO

I am still wondering how do I make that generational wealth with the limited cash flow that cannot go into crypto. Being active on hive and inleo will give me the knowledge. The real question is how do I get the cash money to invest when there is resource crunch.

I think being on INLEO is the right place for this as well

INLEO has needs as a platform:

  1. High quality short form and long form content
  2. Traffic generators - find ways to bring in eyeballs
  3. New signups - find ways to bring in new users using your referral code
  4. Engagement - engage with short and long form content

If you find ways to give INLEO what it needs, the big stakeholders here will make it worth your while. That’s how we build this place and I believe that that’s how you could build your generational wealth - if you’re successful at the above 4

I agree.

But If one wants to achieve all four bullets that you noted above, it will quickly be a second job for anyone. I get the point though. It is a slow process where we work to make sure the platform is built and the token price follows the development.

I think I am doing my part to generate engagement and traffic with threads. Need to find time to work on my blogging though.

I make sure to create content that brings engagement.. I just hope the retention part is something we can look into. Retaining people on hive is not easy.

Never waste any opportunity

This hits harder. Not because I'm an eminent fan or cause lose yourself is my favourite song but rather cause I missed out on crypto few years back and months ago missed out on rune at .8. Now I feel Hive and Leo is about to hit the moon and my bags are still quite light.

Anyway gotta go hard starting from now till the end of 2024 and see what happens. I'm sure greater things are still coming for Leo.

i think this type of thought is in all our life but we cant get stuck in things that we regret not going into it… let’s think in the new possibilities and using the experience that we got in the past. Keeping focused in moving forward.

Exactly bro, not going harder on some opportunities is always sometime regretful, and the funny aspect is that opportunity lost is gone for good.

Just advertising and marketing our products at Ndoki by east.We areare progressing.#mydiary #business.

Interestingly, the IRS allows you to claim your parent as a dependent if you provide more than 50% of their financial support, even if they do not live with you. All other relationships require the dependent to live with you.

If I wanted to earn $40K per year in $MCD stock dividends, I would need about 6000 shares. That's a value of $1.7 Million. In contrast, I would only need $200K in $HBD Savings to earn the equivalent.

#feedback when will we be able to filter tags? Is this in the making?

For some reason, the Hive Naija community appears as "Select Community" even after selecting it on InLeo. I often have to look at the community number (hive-11060) in the tags to be certain.


hmmm, for some reasons I think that should be some sort of glitch on 5he system but it's good thing your brought it up for clarification as I believe the Inleo team will look into it and give it some consideration.

Yes. Thank you.

It must be a glitch. It's why I used the feedback hashtag so they can find it and solve it eventually.

I have begun a course for tax preparation. It should help me do my own taxes and also find work as a tax preparer. The classes are self-paced, which can be good or bad depending on one's self-discipline.

I am curious, is there a reason the taxes aren't deducted from ur paycheck directly? I see a lot of people worried/ complaining about doing their taxes but it's not the same over here. So I would like to know the concept around it

Good question. The simple answer is yes. Taxes are taken out of your paycheck. The government gets paid before you get paid. However, there are legal deductions and exemptions that are not calculated in payroll taxes. And there are circumstances, such as selling a home or other asset, that are taxable, which need to be settled. Also, self-employed people don't get payroll deductions.

Okay that makes sense but why are there taxes on homes being sold? shouldn't all the money go to the owners of the property, especially since they paid full price when they bought the place. how does it work?

Let's say you pay $100K to buy the house. Years later you sell it for $250K. You pay taxes on the capital gains, the additional $150K in increased value. It's the same concept for stocks and crypto.

Oh I get it now, so the tax is on the profit not the whole amount. I guess that makes sense in a way, in other ways, the government is just looking for any means to collect our money. Sigh!

what's up #honeycomb i have a question, more like a Dilemma
after uploading a music video to #3speak can i do a long form content on #peakd sharing more background about said post? i ask this because i just don't feel like writing in 3speak

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