Thanks mate. I was checking the leaderboard and found out users are making more threads which is good but the upvoting score is down. How else are will going to distribute community tokens if we don't upvote?
Oh okay I now understand why the plane seems to be down. Does the airport being close to you disturb you or it's cool. The noise and people driving all the time on your roads must be a bit worrying
Oh okay then I guess you are not very disturbed by the airport. I guess on the flip side too, one can grow a thriving business in the area cos of how people use your roads
Looking at what we all have sacrificed for the zealy campaign, the stress, the sleepless nights, and lots more, I will say we have really worked hard for this, we are almost there and we will get there.
Never thought I could go as far as this for the very first time. I used to leave halfway during the previous campaign due to the late night spaces. I was dragged by a special person when this one started and that i must stay active till the end. So whatever i gain from this campaign is all thanks to this special friend. So no time to give up now, we move till the end.
although this is adding to experience if we have to look it in different angles, but not easy as it. Yesterday I wasn't enable to sleep joining space and contribute to web3 project. We have to learn everyday.
When you are kind of weak and too tired to do anything and you view the leaderboard and notice you are down the board, the zeal and strength will just come from nowhere.
Honestly if you put your heart and mind in Zealy you will surely get frustrated. The best thing is just to keep answering every quest. That's what I do.
Com o final do ano chegando, vem uma pequena reflexão em relação aos brasileiros aqui na Hive: ainda somos poucos e menos ainda ativos, o que será que acontece que não conseguimos manter os novatos ou até mesmo alguns perfis grandes por muito tempo? #hivebr
É que normalmente quando as pessoas entram aqui na Hive, elas já chegam pensando em fazer muito dinheiro de forma rapida. Acho que ver posts pegando 30, 50 dólares la nos posts trends, fazem elas criarem espectativas demais.
E a gente sabe que não é assim que funciona né? O trabalho que fazemos aqui deve ser pensando a longo prazo, criando um bom conteúdo, se relacionando bem com as pessoas e com o tempo os resultados com certeza virão, mas não será do nada
É um excelente ponto em relação a isso mesmo, porque tipo eu lembro que eu entrei aqui meio q pensando isso também, em ganhar muita grana e tal, aos poucos fui vendo que não era bem assim, então da vontade de desistir mesmo, mas, estou aqui firme e forte. É preciso quando fazer onboard, explicar não se ganhar rios de dinheiro tão facilmente.
´É... quando você chega aqui existe essa barreira de ilusão que precisamos quebrar. Eu vim quando a Hive nem existia ainda, na época do steemit, e eu não lembro como soube da existência do steemit mas a promessa era de que +
... Você conseguiria ganhar em dolar, trabalhando de casa desde que produzisse conteúdo. E nossa, como era difícil. Principalmente porque no Steemit tinham menos baleias, menos projetos, não é a toa que morreu kkk
kkkk entendi, você é uma matriarca brasileira então, porque veio da epoca do steemit, eu quando cheguei ja era hive kkk, sou novinho, 2 anos e meio aqui, mas é bem legal essa troca de informação. Acredito que antes deve ter sido mesmo uma epoca dificil, sem perfis consolidados ou projetos, espero que a Hive so melhore para nós.
Nossa, a Hive com certeza é muito melhor, muito mais oportunidades! E já estamos crescendo né? Graças a Deus. Pois é hauahauh, eu sou experiente mas ao mesmo tempo newbie, que nem véio que é burro
pela minha experiencia como onboarder a maioria das vezes a dificuldade tecnológica cria uma barreira, alem disso as falhas na rede criam uma situação que nao importa o quanto de recompensa tenha se a pessoa que só tem um celular tenta postar 2, 3, 4x e da erro sempre ela desiste...
a maioria dos onboards que fiz que desistiram foi assim
Realmente, a barreira tecnologia é um ponto também que interfere bastante, porque existe que a pessoa tenha um certo nivel de conhecimento, na hora de postar ou até mesmo navegar para entender as coisas. Lembro de quando fui tentar criar a conta no ecency, ficava dando um erro de internet ruim, sendo q estava na wifi com 100mb de velocidade
things end up seeming much more difficult than they really are when there are lots of mistakes...
if it's difficult for people who are used to it, imagine for those who don't understand it very much.
I completely agree, I hope that with each new update of the front-ends or forks, whatever, they can think more carefully about these people who are just starting out and who will certainly have a sea of doubts.
Pode ser rápido ou devagar, o importante é crescer haha, estou com boas expectativas para o ano de 2024, eu tenho a boa esperança de que muita coisa vai melhorar e ficar mais fácil e intuitiva.
Boa pergunta. Nunca parei pra pensar nisso, mas creio que um dos motivos é não enxergar um resultado satisfatório no curto prazo, sendo que em outros lugares é pior ainda.
Eu penso dessa forma, se for olhar ja fazemos na web2 o que podemos fazer aqui na web3 e ainda recebemos, claro que a parte mais chata é criar a postagem, pois não é tão simples como no face ou insta, aqui é mais parecido com um blog mesmo, onde montamos a nossa postagem da forma que queremos com os códigos de html e markdown.
Sim, mas no final o tempo gasto na web2 é o mesmo de fazer um post na web3, rolando feeds vendo vídeos curtinhos, com aquele pensamento de "só mais um videozinho"
isso é verdade e o pior de tudo é que os vídeos la são de conteúdos pobres, sem noção nenhuma, apenas para farmar visualização, então podemos esperar do ruim e do pior lá. Por isso prefiro a hive, aqui pelo menos a maioria das pessoas tentam criar algo que seja útil.
Alguns simplesmente não querem pagar o preço para no futuro tentar viver a vida com maior conforto. Tem gente que se sente bem com a vida medíocre que possui.
Realmente, o pensamento pobre vai continuar como pobre, as pessoas querem pouco esforço e muito resultado e é complicado assim, para as pessoas normais igual a gente, sem herança ou papai rico, o jeito é trabalho duro e esforço, tenho certeza que no futuro vamos pegar bons frutos com isso tudo.
Acho que é um processo normal da hive, tenho acompanhado novatos em geral não só br, vc entra na hive animado posta, e depois vc ve que a coisa não é facil, fica ganhando cents em posts. Hive geral tem problema de retenção no inicio.
Verdade, eu mesmo fiquei sem entender quando entrei, nao tive nenhuma orientação correta do que fazer, o q era certo ou errado, entao eu vi pessoas com 50 dol no seu post e o meu nao passava de 30 centavos, fiquei sem entender, desanimado, mas eu paguei para ver, ou seja, foquei em tentar melhorar e compreender como tudo funciona. Hoje estou aqui até fortinho kk
Eu não tive muito suporte tb, tive algum ou outro de pessoas no discord. Mas demorou para conseguir achar os lugares para postar e não ficar nos centavos. Mas certeza que se esses lugares não derem pra postar mais fica mais dificil
Eu tenho certeza que perdi muita coisa por que no começo não sabia de nada e nao tinha nenhum veterano para ajudar, então o aprendizado foi na marra mesmo. Ainda bem que nao desisti, porque hoje tenho certeza que encontrei o meu lugar e estou muito feliz aqui na hive e com a comunidade hiveBR!
O papel dos veteranos é fundamental nisso, e vejo que eu to pecando muito nisso também. Como detentor de um conhecimento a mais, pela experiencia de alguns anos aqui, o jeito é segurar na mão dos novatos e assim ajuda-los a entender como tudo funciona para que não desistam tão rápido.
Você acham que com a quantidade de desastres que estão acontecendo nos últimos tempo, o mundo acaba daqui pra 2026? Acreditam na volta de Jesus, na vinda dos Ets? Deixem seus pensamentos.
kkkk eu espero que não acabe, quero ficar rico antes disso acontecer, se Jesus voltar seria uma boa eu acho, não sei bem, mas agora se os Ets viessem seria bem legal, contato que eles viesse em paz e não para nos conquistar. Vai que somos invadidos por hamisters mutantes de 4 olhos que só querem amor e carinho 😂
Hamisters mutantes de 4 olhos, hauahuaha. Cara, agora você foi criativo! Eu tava vendo um react ontem de um podcast que é conspiração pura. O convidado desse podcast falou uma das coisas mais bizarras que eu já ouvi na vida. +
... Ele disse que a terra é plana, e que existe um domo, mas do lado de fora desse domo, tem outra terra plana, que é outro planeta, e por ai sucessivamente. O cara falou que venus, jupiter, marte, tão tudo aqui do lado HUAHAUAHAUH
Meu Deus kkkkkkkkkkk que viagem mano, como assim, como alguem acredita que a terra é plana... é tão estranho e tão maluco. Tipo não tem como ser mentira, acho que se fosse plana mesmo alguma coisa ja teria acontecido sei la, sobre florestas, mares, ecossistema e tal, se o planeta nao for redondo acho q nao tem como existir vida.
Eu fico muito curiosa pra saber de onde esses caras tiram essas informações, sério mesmo. Porque pra tudo eles tem uma justificativa. Mas da onde sei esse manual de bosta que eles propagam?
kkkkkkkkk manual de bosta uahhuauhahua, nunca tinha pensado nisso, essa galera deve fazer um chá de fita cassete ou comer terra sei la, é muita coisa maluca que eles falam, apesar de que da um medo de ser verdade, eles sempre falam com tanta convicçao que chega a assustar
Acho mais provável o mundo se acabar em guerras. Tá cheio de guerra por aí acontecendo e ninguém fala nada. Tem uma guerra lá no Congo que já matou mais gente que na segunda guerra mundial e a mídia não fala nada.
Foda né cara? Eu ouvi falar nessa guerra do Congo mesmo. E sabe o que é pior? Ha muito anos essas guerras ficaram completamente escondidas. Agora na internet a gente ainda tem acesso a informação, ainda consegue pesquisar, e antes?
Eu acho que o mundo vai se auto destruir muito ainda. Mas parte de mim acredita num certo misticismo. Particularmente acredito em ets, agora se eles se envolveriam ou não com a Humanidade, é outra história.
Esse negócio que vai fora do nosso planeta erra me da crise existencial kkkk. Uma vez vi um video que mostra que o nosso planeta é um grão de areia comparado a maior estrela que existe na galáxia.
Vc acredita que existe mundo espiritual? Eu acho meio complicado acreditar nisso tendo em vista oq eu falei ali em cima sobre nosso planeta ser um grão de areia perto de todo o universo existente.
É justamente por isso que acredito em ets. O universo é muito grande e continua em constante expansão. Acredito que sim, tem vida la fora... Sobre o mundo espiritual, eu ja tive muitas fases, inclusive a cética.. +
Porém tive experiências o suficiente pra acreditar que é real. Que existe algo além desse ambiente terreno. Eu não tenho religião definida, sabe? Mas já passei por umas coisas meio bizarras. Por isso que eu acredito que sim, há algo mais
já ouviu a teoria "não tão " da conspiração que o objetivo dos grandes governos é reduzir a população global porque superpovoamente é um problema real que ninguem fala tb?
Já ouvi falar disso, inclusive que a vacina do covid seria um meio de conseguir esse feito. Acredito que isso possa ser verdade, em combinação com outras coisas que estão implementando por aí.
eu na real nao acredito nao haushsuah mas gosto de zoar... acho que é claro que existem conversas sobre como resolver o problema da superpopulação mas quem se preocupa com isso são as pessoas que nao são tão assassinas.. as guerras na minha opiniao são sempre fruto de busca por dinheiro e poder..
Entendo. Eu particularmente prefiro não ficar me aprofundando nesses assuntos, de qualquer forma não vou ganhar nada com isso kk já estudei algumas coisas e me senti meio mal, pq é mt informação negativa que deixa o cara pra baixo.
Tem que saber filtrar muito bem o que vê e ouve pra não ficar ferrando a mente. Aí vem aqueles ensinamentos que dizem ser estóicos, de não se incomodar e evitar aquilo que você não pode mudar.
Vi um cara que teve o vídeo excluído do youtube pq ele falava do livro "os protocolos dos sábios de sião" que conta algumas formas de controlar o mundo, então acho que as teorias não são só teorias.
cara se você fizer um video sobre omelete e postar no youtube é facil fazer ele ser excluido... só um monte de gente ignorante ou fdp ou os 2 começar a denunciar em
Mas eu não gosto de pensar nessas coisas, pois tira o meu foco pra fazer o que eu tenho pra fazer. Se o mundo acabar, bem, pelo menos eu tentei melhorar a minha vida antes kkkkk
Realmente, tira mesmo. Há uns anos atrás eu gostava de pesquisar essas coisas, vê as teorias malucas do povo. Hoje em dia eu só vejo um react ou outro pra me divertir e acompanhar qual a besteira do momento que tão falando, kkk
2026 acho dificil mas pode colocar algumas centenas de anos ai q pode acabar, certeza que nossos netos e bisnetos sofrerão bastante no mundo. A huminidade esta rumando ao fim a não ser que achemos outro planeta habitavel ate la
#GM guys, how are you? Today dawned cloudy and rainy, just the way I like it, I hope it stays like this until the end of the day! A big hug to you, thank you! #freecumpliments #goodvibes
Everything is calm here, in fact I'm at work, but the movement is very weak, so I took the opportunity to clear the cobwebs here from the threads haha. And with you? How are you?
Acho que ela ta indo viu, aqui começou a aparecer o sol, affs, eu gosto de mais de um clima mais fresco, frio e chuvoso, agora o sol de rachar é complicado. Eu acho que se hoje for como costuma ser de rotina, perto das 6 da tarde volta o chuvão de novo.
Isso que vc falou é mais pura verdade e olha que o nosso mundo já não esta dos melhores por agora, fico pensando no futuro, para os meus filhos, como será as coisas, porque a tendencia é so piorar parece. O que podemos fazer é tentar fazer a nossa parte e cuidar melhor da natureza e do mundo.
é verdade... se ao menos uma parcela grande fizesse sua parte já seria melhor que é hoje... a natureza sempre tem seu jeito de se reerguer, é só pararmos de ferrar com ela :)
É meu amigo é como aquele velho ditado, só vão perceber a cagada quando a ultima arvore for cortada ou o ultimo oceano secar. Ai sim as pessoas vao ver a merda que fizeram, em não tentar ser sustentavel e pensar somente em lucro e mais lucro
I love rain and cold, here the sun has already started to rise. What I wanted most was for it to be possible to snow here, ahh, I would love to live like this somewhere where the snow goes and I could make snowmen 😍
Aqui em Goiânia passamos por uns 3 há 4 meses de muito calor, insuportável mesmo, a galera estava fritando ovo na rua kkkk, mas, ainda bem que quando chegou em novembro começou a vim algumas chuvas que aliviaram bastante e isso foi muito bom. Aqui o sol já apareceu, mas tenho fé que vai chover mais hoje o/
Já deu uns trovão aqui, mais tarde se chover eu vou por aqui o print ou coloco no meu whatsapp pra você ver kkk, da ultima vez que choveu forte, umas 2 ou 3 arvores caiu aqui na cidade.
Semana passada caiu uma árvore aqui do lado de casa, em cima da rua. Do nada, as 3 da manhã eu ouço um barulho de motosserra, aí fui ver, eram os bombeiros tirando a árvore da rua
caramba mano que tenso, eu acordaria com muito medo e assustado kkk, tipo 3 da madruga um barulhao de arvore, tenso demais, espero que ninguem tenha se machucado.
Here is cold compared with the regular weather of Cuba. I always said that I don't like cold but with this overwhelming last summer I won't complain about it anymore 😂.
When I logged into Dreemport today I expected to learn something and I did. @olujay shared a piece that reminded me to make sure I do the necessary leg up before I start getting expectations.
#dreemport #engagement #curation
Explore Leaf Culture's wide range of high-quality house plants and pots. Now it’s easy to transform your home with exquisite hanging plants and perfect indoor pots.
Few days ago, I led my student to victory in our just concluded interhouse competition, it was a delight win a medal even though we came second overall.
wow, this is beautiful, pregnancy looks so good on you. A mother of three looking so elegant, what can a man wish for than a pretty-looking woman who still looks gorgeous after 3 bouncing babies.
Today I managed to sleep well after days. My days have been hectic at the end of the year, which has made me sleep late and lose some of the quality of my sleep. I hope that from now on I can sleep well again.
hehe, there may still be a reason to not sleep well for a short period of time (speaking as a fellow zealian ). But hopefully it all comes to an end as we enter into the christmas period
Hehe, I share the same feelings. The only reason I'm still in this current campaign is because of how shitty it will be to end up with nothing after participating for so long.
After a long day I am having cold coffee, it was from a random restaurant I can’t even remember the name but the taste of it was very delicious and full of ice. In winter I am having cold coffee.
The new marketing campaign has finally come to an end. The experience was cool, although it was frantic at various times, including this one. But, I'm glad it's over, December is a very busy month.
This was definitely me when I was little, I was a bad spender, I spend without thinking about anything or if I would go broke later on. I just had to work on myself so as not to go in debt.
Oh wow, but now I'm certain my comrade is very good at saving. Saving has never been my strongest suite as well although I wasn't given a lot of money. But I try now.
Haha indeed comrade. The statement, experience is the best teacher really has a lot of meaning. You don't need anyone to explain it to you. Once you're in such a situation, you'll learn it by force
saving money is really a good idea it help one In times of emergency but I prefer investment than saving investment is like sowing a seed that will grow nd germinate to a big plant and feed you that how money works and not working for it
how did your exams go? Hope it went well? The Holiday is already here and I’m spending it at home with my family. It’s been a while I saw them so I am super excited to be spending it here with them. What about you, any plans?
There to ASSU strike the calendar of my school have been disorganised my set are yet to resume, so I have been in holiday for a long time now and I just want the holiday to end for me
Oh I’m so sorry, I thought that ASUU didn’t embark on the strike I hope it won’t affect your graduation year because ASUU are definitely so annoying. All the best dear
That sounds like a fantastic plan! Enjoy your well-deserved winter holidays, and may your exploration lead to exciting and productive experiences. Wishing you a wonderful break filled with joy and fulfillment! ☃️✨
Hehe do well to have a nice day and a nice holiday too. Life of a farmer here has no holiday. We keep working all day out. So just do well to enjoy. Relax and have fun
hahah, I find this picture very funny honestly. Anytime i see this pic or something similar it reminds me of Bojan. was meant to be the next Messi, but now he has retired before him.
Noo bro don't bring up Bojan here before I have PTSD 😩🥲. That young boy was an exceptional player and very talented. I sometimes could not differentiate between him and Messi at some point. It still hurts me to this day he left Barca.
Yeah it is sad. Leaving Barca was when his fall from grace started. Who knows what would have happened if he'd stayed. Maybe things may have eventually worked out and he'd be one of the goats
😂😂 damn bro, you made me laugh so much and feel bad at the same time. I feel sorry for the non football fans. These 2 guys are making other footballers look like jokers 😂😂
Here comes another opportunity for the #artist on the hive blockchain to support a really cool gaming project by using their skills to create something incredible. There is a really huge prize pool for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position and it is definitely going to worth the effort.
I'd leave a link in the next thread, just click on it to find out more on the contest.
That sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing the opportunity. I'm sure many talented artists on Hive will create incredible pieces for the gaming project. Best of luck to everyone participating.🎨🚀
I thought these things were not fun 😭 I have never enjoyed house hunting. It is always stressful but you seen to be enjoying yourself here. Are you any close to finding what you are looking for?
they have the great meter in the town. Many people have compared it with others but the difference is known. That's one of the reasons why my people depend solely on it and no competition therein
You sure they are not selling like someone selling blackmarket. Because a filling station like this stands as incredible opportunity for neighbourhood but they suffer them because no competition.
That's what we need in our society right now, good service and an affordable price, it helps keep customer, who'll stick with them regardless of the distance.
Have you ever have the thought that maybe it is because it is the only petrol station ⛽️ in your neighbourhood that's why you think its services are the best
Exactly, a great shot that is why when taking food shots we just need to concentrate on the lighting, soft and diffuse light to make everything appealing.
Absolutely! Food photography is an art that tantalizes not only the eyes but also the taste buds. The challenge lies in capturing the essence and appeal of delicious dishes, turning them into visual treats. It's a delightful blend
Mere seeing this food photography am already filled I don't think I need to eat lunch again I can now imagine how delicious the food will smell humm yummy
That is the essence of Food photography making the texture soothing in order to look appealing to the eyes. Food photography focuses on the food and render the other environment blur in order for the individuals to get a mouth watering view
I wish I was among those who find food exciting. I am among the set that gets tired to chew after a while & also can't eat fast. It's sometimes annoying when I have a truly delicious meal in front of me but I get tired of it too soon
Sounds like a delicious choice! Beans ball with pap is indeed a mouthwatering combo for breakfast. The hearty texture of beans balls paired with the comforting warmth of pap creates a satisfying and flavorful morning meal. #foodie
Yes this really a good combination I deed like the way milk is been added to the pap I makes it taste creamy, now adding beans ball to it oh my god it's delicious
I stopped liking pap when I was young and had to take it every day because I was since, but you see that Akara(beans ball) any day, any time, count me in
i miss having akara and custard 😭. I had to stop for a while because I could not vet the oil used to fry these things but it is still my favourite breakfast.
Nigerian dishes are absolutely delicious! From jollof rice to suya, egusi soup to pounded yam, the flavors and spices in Nigerian cuisine are simply amazing.
Mom decided to pamper you that's why you met food. You should give Mom a big hug for making this good-looking pasta which I'm sure will be delicious. I would have come to have a taste but location is the barrier.
Set your eyes on the prize and in the end it'll stand as a strong forces that motivates you to keep going regardless of what might seem like a stumbling blocks on your path. #goals #prize #motivation
Rinse a chilled old-fashioned glass with the absinthe, add crushed ice and set it aside.
Stir the remaining ingredients over ice in a mixing glass. Discard the ice and any excess absinthe from the prepared glass, strain the mixed drink into the glass.
The original recipe changed after the American Civil War, Rye Whiskey substituted Cognac as it became hard to obtain.
I placed an order on #jumia for this shoes last week and it just arrived, it was supposed to be a Christmas gift for my siblings, but I'm not liking the look, making it seem like what I order Vs what I got
I thought you might want to show us the picture of what was labeled online. Hehe. Anyways I don’t prefer going online to shop. I shop physically and buy what I see
I'm not half way done with what I have planned for the day but I see progress and that is what matters. Getting set to make a video, who wants to hear some music? 😍 #ladiesofhive
I would really love to hear your voice, I have stumbled on your music videos few times and honestly you have a great voice. You sing so effortlessly that’s nice, so we are anticipating.
It has an engine in it, just like a robot 🤖. So you program it to bush out the spray in it. You can make it every One hour or 30mins as the case may be..
Curry leaves add a delightful aroma to tomato stew, enhancing its flavor for rice. A perfect blend of fragrances, creating a savory experience in every bite.
I like the curry leaf it had a good scent it can be used to garnish your tomato sauce and when added to rice it brings out a kind of pleasant smell that makes you devour the food with great joy
I am thinking of doing a charity in real life if I can win a good prize from Zealy campaign. Like in my area there are some poor people wandering everyday for food, I try to help as much as I can abut not always. What do you think about it?
That’s a great idea though, you get to help the needy and those that are hungry. The blessings attached to this are great and hope you achieve your wish good luck
Using a prize from the Zealy campaign to support the less fortunate in your area is a wonderful way to make a positive impact. Your generosity can truly make a difference in providing much-needed assistance to those in need. Go for it! 🌟
Haha very soon lions will have to find new records and things to break bro. We are a vibrant pack of ferocious and determined lions with our king Khal of course 😂
Oh sorry to hear about your migraine. I am glad you feel better now. Maybe rest is all you needed. What are some of the things you have to do in real life?
The crypto landscape is not immune to scams. Be wary of promises of instant wealth and prioritize ethical practices, community engagement, and due diligence.
The crypto world is a dynamic space with potential for financial growth, but it's important to dispel the myth that it's a guaranteed route to instant wealth.
family and friends both are important in our life, in our bad times they will always stand by our side and no matter what they will encourage us to achieve our goals. I think that these two things never should be left out from our life.
Please somebody should come and tell this lady to go put on her clothes, I saw her naked in a fashion designer shop. She looks like Eve in Adams garden of cucumber 🥒🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Men and I right?
Me ignoring so many distractions but being distracted still... I just can't explain it but it's been super hectic since I woke up. Yet to make my video but I must do it, I have to hehe.
It’s been equally hectic over here. Lots of distractions that I can't get away from (because it's work) 😂 but what to do, man shall not live by work alone
Volumes will not be created immediately after the ETF, and even if approval is received, there is a period of 1-2 months between when the transactions will begin, if I am not mistaken.
yea, volume is being created.. liquidity is getting injected into crypto pre ETF and hope so billions of $ flow will move into crypto after approval as those ETF expert said.
A US court recently filed a settlement petition requiring Binance to pay $2.7 billion and CZ $150 million to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). #outreach #threadstorm
The settlement is now expected to mark the end of the case Last March, the popular crypto exchange sued Binance and its CEO, accusing the company of evading federal laws and operating an illegal derivatives exchange.
Lions and Lionesses as you thread and engage also remember to distribute an upvote. Keep up the goods work.
Good advice I tend to upvote then reply to a thread, or sometimes I just upvote, but you are spot on, lots don't upvote. Spread the love I say!
Should be standard practice. At the very least it's an acknowledgement
Standard practice and just all round good manners, but then again manners seem to have been forgotten about with many people!
Yep, disappeared somewhere with common sense!
Thanks mate. I was checking the leaderboard and found out users are making more threads which is good but the upvoting score is down. How else are will going to distribute community tokens if we don't upvote?
Yeah, that is a plus to the engagement as well, I love that concept thanks for the reminder
You are welcome mate.
Oh yes, let's distribute the votes evenly so that it is a win win for everyone.
Yeah, basic stuff but many don't for some reason
yeah, that is key bro, nice remainder .
thanks for the reminder, I was so focused on just threading
It's a riot over at @hivephilippines tonight! Typical #MerryHivePH2023!
That's nice! Must be fun over there :)
It was and it's just Day 1!
A few hours ago, while I was going out to get some things, I saw this beautiful sunrise and I took a photograph.
#mydiary #sunrise #nature
wow this is such a beautiful sight to behold, great capture
Thanks very much, I sincerely appreciate 💕💕💕.
wow! You took this? This is beautiful!
oh yes, it was about 5 hours ago.
WOW! Photo of the day. I also like to watch sunrise and sunset everyday from my balcony.
I sincerely love all about nature 🥰🥰🥰 and I know you do🥰🥰..
The photograph came out looking so nice, you have a great skill there. Keep sharing more of this kind of photos cause it's so beautiful.
Thanks for your kind words, I sincerely appreciate. !AFIT
For more info about tipping AFIT tokens, check out this link
Hey @amiegeoffrey, you just received 10 AFIT tip from @caleb-marvel!
Why in a friend's shop, I saw this airplane descending, I thank God for the safe trip. It's another day capturing the airplane 👍👍👍.
#mydiary #travel
your phone camera is so sharp to have capture that and with such view, what phone brand is that please
Thanks for the compliment, am using Infinix Hot 10 pro.
I'm close to airport so I see it almost all the time
Wow, that airplane looks like it's not high enough. Thank God for a safe trip. Do you live near the airport?
Yes my dear, it's about 2 minutes drive from my house.
Oh okay I now understand why the plane seems to be down. Does the airport being close to you disturb you or it's cool. The noise and people driving all the time on your roads must be a bit worrying
is a bit far from my house, is about 20 minutes drive from my house, and there are many roads..
Oh okay then I guess you are not very disturbed by the airport. I guess on the flip side too, one can grow a thriving business in the area cos of how people use your roads
Not much😊😊😊, thanks for your company 😊☺️😊... !AFIT
For more info about tipping AFIT tokens, check out this link
Hey @yahuzah, you just received 10 AFIT tip from @caleb-marvel!
Wow such a beautiful photo, congratulations to those who just arrived.
Oh yes, a big hug to them 🥰🥰🥰🥰
You are doing a nice job sharing your photography skill with us. We appreciate it.
Thanks for your #freecompliment ☺️☺️☺️
Thank God for a safe trip as it is not easy, a lot happen in the air
You are correct my dear ❤️❤️..
Looking at what we all have sacrificed for the zealy campaign, the stress, the sleepless nights, and lots more, I will say we have really worked hard for this, we are almost there and we will get there.
Never thought I could go as far as this for the very first time. I used to leave halfway during the previous campaign due to the late night spaces. I was dragged by a special person when this one started and that i must stay active till the end. So whatever i gain from this campaign is all thanks to this special friend. So no time to give up now, we move till the end.
Yeah bro giving up is not going to be an option and thanks to your friend who has encouraged you to go this far, kudos to him/her
although this is adding to experience if we have to look it in different angles, but not easy as it. Yesterday I wasn't enable to sleep joining space and contribute to web3 project. We have to learn everyday.
I time around the task jas been involved and the space engagement is key, we just have to be strong and make it to the very end.
honestly survival of the fittest.. I like your motivation my friend. The more we learn the more we achieve.
Yeah we just have to keep fighting no matter what, thanks for the compliment, and thanks for stopping by
it good to be here my friend. Have a blessed day and merry Christmas in advance
Same here bro, regards.
zealy can stress you. Especially when you see your self down the leaderboard after the sleepless nights 😃
When you are kind of weak and too tired to do anything and you view the leaderboard and notice you are down the board, the zeal and strength will just come from nowhere.
That is the real fighting spirit.
I stopped viewing the leaderboard a long time ago. I don't want to be frustrated. Honest.
Funny you bro, you will not kill me, you don't want to be frustrated at all, I understand what you are saying.
Honestly if you put your heart and mind in Zealy you will surely get frustrated. The best thing is just to keep answering every quest. That's what I do.
You are very correct bro but it's important to leave frustration out of it, the more I see that word the more I keep laughing.
Another awesome month has been passed. Only two days left to finish the race.
Yeah it's been very demanding and stressful, but we are almost there, thanks for stopping by.
Yeah, there are always challenges in whatever we do, looking at the prize pool, we shouldn't have expected it to be soo easy lol
Yeah that is the gospel truth, nothing good comes so cheap or easy but we are almost there, thanks for stopping by.
It has not been easy at all my bro. Hopefully it all pays off and it is all worth it in the end. I wish all of us goodluck.
It has not been easy bro but we will get there,best of luck to you too bro.
thank you 🤗
You are welcome brother
It's not been an easy ride, I believe we will all get something for our hard work. Let's not give up.
Yeah sis its not be easy but at the point giving up is never an option.
Thanks for stopping by.
Com o final do ano chegando, vem uma pequena reflexão em relação aos brasileiros aqui na Hive: ainda somos poucos e menos ainda ativos, o que será que acontece que não conseguimos manter os novatos ou até mesmo alguns perfis grandes por muito tempo? #hivebr
É que normalmente quando as pessoas entram aqui na Hive, elas já chegam pensando em fazer muito dinheiro de forma rapida. Acho que ver posts pegando 30, 50 dólares la nos posts trends, fazem elas criarem espectativas demais.
E a gente sabe que não é assim que funciona né? O trabalho que fazemos aqui deve ser pensando a longo prazo, criando um bom conteúdo, se relacionando bem com as pessoas e com o tempo os resultados com certeza virão, mas não será do nada
É um excelente ponto em relação a isso mesmo, porque tipo eu lembro que eu entrei aqui meio q pensando isso também, em ganhar muita grana e tal, aos poucos fui vendo que não era bem assim, então da vontade de desistir mesmo, mas, estou aqui firme e forte. É preciso quando fazer onboard, explicar não se ganhar rios de dinheiro tão facilmente.
´É... quando você chega aqui existe essa barreira de ilusão que precisamos quebrar. Eu vim quando a Hive nem existia ainda, na época do steemit, e eu não lembro como soube da existência do steemit mas a promessa era de que +
... Você conseguiria ganhar em dolar, trabalhando de casa desde que produzisse conteúdo. E nossa, como era difícil. Principalmente porque no Steemit tinham menos baleias, menos projetos, não é a toa que morreu kkk
kkkk entendi, você é uma matriarca brasileira então, porque veio da epoca do steemit, eu quando cheguei ja era hive kkk, sou novinho, 2 anos e meio aqui, mas é bem legal essa troca de informação. Acredito que antes deve ter sido mesmo uma epoca dificil, sem perfis consolidados ou projetos, espero que a Hive so melhore para nós.
Nossa, a Hive com certeza é muito melhor, muito mais oportunidades! E já estamos crescendo né? Graças a Deus. Pois é hauahauh, eu sou experiente mas ao mesmo tempo newbie, que nem véio que é burro
pela minha experiencia como onboarder a maioria das vezes a dificuldade tecnológica cria uma barreira, alem disso as falhas na rede criam uma situação que nao importa o quanto de recompensa tenha se a pessoa que só tem um celular tenta postar 2, 3, 4x e da erro sempre ela desiste...
a maioria dos onboards que fiz que desistiram foi assim
Realmente, a barreira tecnologia é um ponto também que interfere bastante, porque existe que a pessoa tenha um certo nivel de conhecimento, na hora de postar ou até mesmo navegar para entender as coisas. Lembro de quando fui tentar criar a conta no ecency, ficava dando um erro de internet ruim, sendo q estava na wifi com 100mb de velocidade
things end up seeming much more difficult than they really are when there are lots of mistakes...
if it's difficult for people who are used to it, imagine for those who don't understand it very much.
I completely agree, I hope that with each new update of the front-ends or forks, whatever, they can think more carefully about these people who are just starting out and who will certainly have a sea of doubts.
acho que o trabalho ta sendo feito... mas ainda estamos no caminho de construir uma excelente infra estrutura!
Pode ser rápido ou devagar, o importante é crescer haha, estou com boas expectativas para o ano de 2024, eu tenho a boa esperança de que muita coisa vai melhorar e ficar mais fácil e intuitiva.
Boa pergunta. Nunca parei pra pensar nisso, mas creio que um dos motivos é não enxergar um resultado satisfatório no curto prazo, sendo que em outros lugares é pior ainda.
Eu penso dessa forma, se for olhar ja fazemos na web2 o que podemos fazer aqui na web3 e ainda recebemos, claro que a parte mais chata é criar a postagem, pois não é tão simples como no face ou insta, aqui é mais parecido com um blog mesmo, onde montamos a nossa postagem da forma que queremos com os códigos de html e markdown.
Sim, mas no final o tempo gasto na web2 é o mesmo de fazer um post na web3, rolando feeds vendo vídeos curtinhos, com aquele pensamento de "só mais um videozinho"
isso é verdade e o pior de tudo é que os vídeos la são de conteúdos pobres, sem noção nenhuma, apenas para farmar visualização, então podemos esperar do ruim e do pior lá. Por isso prefiro a hive, aqui pelo menos a maioria das pessoas tentam criar algo que seja útil.
Alguns simplesmente não querem pagar o preço para no futuro tentar viver a vida com maior conforto. Tem gente que se sente bem com a vida medíocre que possui.
Realmente, o pensamento pobre vai continuar como pobre, as pessoas querem pouco esforço e muito resultado e é complicado assim, para as pessoas normais igual a gente, sem herança ou papai rico, o jeito é trabalho duro e esforço, tenho certeza que no futuro vamos pegar bons frutos com isso tudo.
Acho que é um processo normal da hive, tenho acompanhado novatos em geral não só br, vc entra na hive animado posta, e depois vc ve que a coisa não é facil, fica ganhando cents em posts. Hive geral tem problema de retenção no inicio.
Verdade, eu mesmo fiquei sem entender quando entrei, nao tive nenhuma orientação correta do que fazer, o q era certo ou errado, entao eu vi pessoas com 50 dol no seu post e o meu nao passava de 30 centavos, fiquei sem entender, desanimado, mas eu paguei para ver, ou seja, foquei em tentar melhorar e compreender como tudo funciona. Hoje estou aqui até fortinho kk
Eu não tive muito suporte tb, tive algum ou outro de pessoas no discord. Mas demorou para conseguir achar os lugares para postar e não ficar nos centavos. Mas certeza que se esses lugares não derem pra postar mais fica mais dificil
Eu tenho certeza que perdi muita coisa por que no começo não sabia de nada e nao tinha nenhum veterano para ajudar, então o aprendizado foi na marra mesmo. Ainda bem que nao desisti, porque hoje tenho certeza que encontrei o meu lugar e estou muito feliz aqui na hive e com a comunidade hiveBR!
No entanto, vejo Brs promissores que entraram agora vamos ver e motivar eles a terem uma boa experiencia.
O papel dos veteranos é fundamental nisso, e vejo que eu to pecando muito nisso também. Como detentor de um conhecimento a mais, pela experiencia de alguns anos aqui, o jeito é segurar na mão dos novatos e assim ajuda-los a entender como tudo funciona para que não desistam tão rápido.
Você acham que com a quantidade de desastres que estão acontecendo nos últimos tempo, o mundo acaba daqui pra 2026? Acreditam na volta de Jesus, na vinda dos Ets? Deixem seus pensamentos.
kkkk eu espero que não acabe, quero ficar rico antes disso acontecer, se Jesus voltar seria uma boa eu acho, não sei bem, mas agora se os Ets viessem seria bem legal, contato que eles viesse em paz e não para nos conquistar. Vai que somos invadidos por hamisters mutantes de 4 olhos que só querem amor e carinho 😂
Hamisters mutantes de 4 olhos, hauahuaha. Cara, agora você foi criativo! Eu tava vendo um react ontem de um podcast que é conspiração pura. O convidado desse podcast falou uma das coisas mais bizarras que eu já ouvi na vida. +
... Ele disse que a terra é plana, e que existe um domo, mas do lado de fora desse domo, tem outra terra plana, que é outro planeta, e por ai sucessivamente. O cara falou que venus, jupiter, marte, tão tudo aqui do lado HUAHAUAHAUH
Meu Deus kkkkkkkkkkk que viagem mano, como assim, como alguem acredita que a terra é plana... é tão estranho e tão maluco. Tipo não tem como ser mentira, acho que se fosse plana mesmo alguma coisa ja teria acontecido sei la, sobre florestas, mares, ecossistema e tal, se o planeta nao for redondo acho q nao tem como existir vida.
Eu fico muito curiosa pra saber de onde esses caras tiram essas informações, sério mesmo. Porque pra tudo eles tem uma justificativa. Mas da onde sei esse manual de bosta que eles propagam?
kkkkkkkkk manual de bosta uahhuauhahua, nunca tinha pensado nisso, essa galera deve fazer um chá de fita cassete ou comer terra sei la, é muita coisa maluca que eles falam, apesar de que da um medo de ser verdade, eles sempre falam com tanta convicçao que chega a assustar
Acho mais provável o mundo se acabar em guerras. Tá cheio de guerra por aí acontecendo e ninguém fala nada. Tem uma guerra lá no Congo que já matou mais gente que na segunda guerra mundial e a mídia não fala nada.
Foda né cara? Eu ouvi falar nessa guerra do Congo mesmo. E sabe o que é pior? Ha muito anos essas guerras ficaram completamente escondidas. Agora na internet a gente ainda tem acesso a informação, ainda consegue pesquisar, e antes?
Eu acho que o mundo vai se auto destruir muito ainda. Mas parte de mim acredita num certo misticismo. Particularmente acredito em ets, agora se eles se envolveriam ou não com a Humanidade, é outra história.
Esse negócio que vai fora do nosso planeta erra me da crise existencial kkkk. Uma vez vi um video que mostra que o nosso planeta é um grão de areia comparado a maior estrela que existe na galáxia.
Esse vídeo é foda! Não tem como você não se sentir insignificante vendo ele XD
Vc acredita que existe mundo espiritual? Eu acho meio complicado acreditar nisso tendo em vista oq eu falei ali em cima sobre nosso planeta ser um grão de areia perto de todo o universo existente.
É justamente por isso que acredito em ets. O universo é muito grande e continua em constante expansão. Acredito que sim, tem vida la fora... Sobre o mundo espiritual, eu ja tive muitas fases, inclusive a cética.. +
Porém tive experiências o suficiente pra acreditar que é real. Que existe algo além desse ambiente terreno. Eu não tenho religião definida, sabe? Mas já passei por umas coisas meio bizarras. Por isso que eu acredito que sim, há algo mais
já ouviu a teoria "não tão " da conspiração que o objetivo dos grandes governos é reduzir a população global porque superpovoamente é um problema real que ninguem fala tb?
Já ouvi falar disso, inclusive que a vacina do covid seria um meio de conseguir esse feito. Acredito que isso possa ser verdade, em combinação com outras coisas que estão implementando por aí.
eu na real nao acredito nao haushsuah mas gosto de zoar... acho que é claro que existem conversas sobre como resolver o problema da superpopulação mas quem se preocupa com isso são as pessoas que nao são tão assassinas.. as guerras na minha opiniao são sempre fruto de busca por dinheiro e poder..
Entendo. Eu particularmente prefiro não ficar me aprofundando nesses assuntos, de qualquer forma não vou ganhar nada com isso kk já estudei algumas coisas e me senti meio mal, pq é mt informação negativa que deixa o cara pra baixo.
eu nao assisto nem leio nada pq acho perda de tempo mas qdo vejo por qq motivo acho engraçado normalmente!rs
Tem que saber filtrar muito bem o que vê e ouve pra não ficar ferrando a mente. Aí vem aqueles ensinamentos que dizem ser estóicos, de não se incomodar e evitar aquilo que você não pode mudar.
eu sou bem assim mano... se nao tem o que eu fazer vida que segue...
pra mim se tiver atualização na nossa matrix que coloque a gente no meio de apocalipse zumbi eu to de boa tb
Vi um cara que teve o vídeo excluído do youtube pq ele falava do livro "os protocolos dos sábios de sião" que conta algumas formas de controlar o mundo, então acho que as teorias não são só teorias.
cara se você fizer um video sobre omelete e postar no youtube é facil fazer ele ser excluido... só um monte de gente ignorante ou fdp ou os 2 começar a denunciar em
Guerra tem desde a origem da humanidade hahaha não é isso que vai destruir o mundo, pode ajudar um poouco mas acho q não vai ser uma guerra.
Mas eu não gosto de pensar nessas coisas, pois tira o meu foco pra fazer o que eu tenho pra fazer. Se o mundo acabar, bem, pelo menos eu tentei melhorar a minha vida antes kkkkk
Realmente, tira mesmo. Há uns anos atrás eu gostava de pesquisar essas coisas, vê as teorias malucas do povo. Hoje em dia eu só vejo um react ou outro pra me divertir e acompanhar qual a besteira do momento que tão falando, kkk
É, quando deixa isso como forma de divertimento as coisas ficam mais leves kkkkk
Mas é difícil enraizar certas coisas na mente as vezes, pra tentar levar a vida menos a sério, já que algumas já tão no nosso instinto biológico.
Não para todas
Nesse ritmo o mundo não dura muito mais não, mas até 2026 ainda tá tranquilo.
Não acredito nem na ida de Jesus, quanto mais na volta kkk
Também não acho que ETs vieram para a Terra e dificilmente virão
pessoal nem percebe que a gente vive numa matrix!
hauahauhaauh, eita, um ateu completo XD
Hahaha sim! Mas procuro não ser aquele ateu chato que fica tentando converter os outros ou criticando sua fé.
Também acho , 2026 prazo muito curto para acabar, pode por mais umas centenas de ano certo.
mundo já acabou e nós fomos o pessoal que não subiu haha
2026 acho dificil mas pode colocar algumas centenas de anos ai q pode acabar, certeza que nossos netos e bisnetos sofrerão bastante no mundo. A huminidade esta rumando ao fim a não ser que achemos outro planeta habitavel ate la
acho dificil acharmos, sinceramente
Ja acharam varios candidatos certeza que isso vem antes dos ETs ;)
bora apostar?
#GM guys, how are you? Today dawned cloudy and rainy, just the way I like it, I hope it stays like this until the end of the day! A big hug to you, thank you! #freecumpliments #goodvibes
good morning to you sir, I am doing good here and how is your place to?
Everything is calm here, in fact I'm at work, but the movement is very weak, so I took the opportunity to clear the cobwebs here from the threads haha. And with you? How are you?
Yeah, I am doing absolutely fine too, I am just having fun threading and engaging with friends at the moment.
That's great, it's cool that we can talk and share with other people, as well as being a good way to meet new people.
aqui no RJ continua um calor absurdo... tomara que essa chuva venha pra ca pra refrescar!
Acho que ela ta indo viu, aqui começou a aparecer o sol, affs, eu gosto de mais de um clima mais fresco, frio e chuvoso, agora o sol de rachar é complicado. Eu acho que se hoje for como costuma ser de rotina, perto das 6 da tarde volta o chuvão de novo.
é complicado que os climas ficaram tão extremos por conta de uma serie de bosta que o ser humano fez com planeta né...
o ideal é um clima intermediario nem chuva direto nem muito calor... mas agora é calor de 50 graus ou chuva que destroi tudo
Isso que vc falou é mais pura verdade e olha que o nosso mundo já não esta dos melhores por agora, fico pensando no futuro, para os meus filhos, como será as coisas, porque a tendencia é so piorar parece. O que podemos fazer é tentar fazer a nossa parte e cuidar melhor da natureza e do mundo.
é verdade... se ao menos uma parcela grande fizesse sua parte já seria melhor que é hoje... a natureza sempre tem seu jeito de se reerguer, é só pararmos de ferrar com ela :)
É meu amigo é como aquele velho ditado, só vão perceber a cagada quando a ultima arvore for cortada ou o ultimo oceano secar. Ai sim as pessoas vao ver a merda que fizeram, em não tentar ser sustentavel e pensar somente em lucro e mais lucro
Good morning, I like cool weathees and rainy days too but sadly it's so hot right here.
I love rain and cold, here the sun has already started to rise. What I wanted most was for it to be possible to snow here, ahh, I would love to live like this somewhere where the snow goes and I could make snowmen 😍
Aqui tá nublado. Choveu nos últimos dias e espantou esse calor infernal.
Aqui em Goiânia passamos por uns 3 há 4 meses de muito calor, insuportável mesmo, a galera estava fritando ovo na rua kkkk, mas, ainda bem que quando chegou em novembro começou a vim algumas chuvas que aliviaram bastante e isso foi muito bom. Aqui o sol já apareceu, mas tenho fé que vai chover mais hoje o/
Que ótimo. Esse calor tava bem doido mesmo, negócio quase insuportável kkk
Já deu uns trovão aqui, mais tarde se chover eu vou por aqui o print ou coloco no meu whatsapp pra você ver kkk, da ultima vez que choveu forte, umas 2 ou 3 arvores caiu aqui na cidade.
Ante ontem tava trovejando hard aqui, foi tipo quase uma noite inteira de relâmpagos kkkk
Semana passada caiu uma árvore aqui do lado de casa, em cima da rua. Do nada, as 3 da manhã eu ouço um barulho de motosserra, aí fui ver, eram os bombeiros tirando a árvore da rua
caramba mano que tenso, eu acordaria com muito medo e assustado kkk, tipo 3 da madruga um barulhao de arvore, tenso demais, espero que ninguem tenha se machucado.
it has been so hot here even the night weather is hot too. I hope you do have a good day.
Here is cold compared with the regular weather of Cuba. I always said that I don't like cold but with this overwhelming last summer I won't complain about it anymore 😂.
When I logged into Dreemport today I expected to learn something and I did. @olujay shared a piece that reminded me to make sure I do the necessary leg up before I start getting expectations. #dreemport #engagement #curation
That’s great but what caught my attention was the “Leg Up” part haha. That’s a name of a dance style that came out here in Nigeria some years back lol
Lol. I should look it up on YouTube so I will learn the steps. 👯♂️👯♂️💃🕺
This reminds me to curate today, I almost forgot about dreemport for a moment because of the challenge.
Amazing!!! I just paid it forward. I am glad 😊
Happy curating 😍
You are very kind.
Hopefully, I'll see you around on Dreemport on of these days.
Explore Leaf Culture's wide range of high-quality house plants and pots. Now it’s easy to transform your home with exquisite hanging plants and perfect indoor pots.
Hi. You may want to add to your profile. You could do a post about the business with some photos. Have fun.
Oh mine, I am already imagining this leaf in my stew, it smells really nice.
Few days ago, I led my student to victory in our just concluded interhouse competition, it was a delight win a medal even though we came second overall.
I know you must have been very happy to see your students perform and finally made you proud. I understand that feeling.
yes I was , it was a thin of joy and a good news that regards my time and effort in the competition.
I can feel that happiness. I understand. I love smart student and when the win I rejoice with them.
you have that gen of sportsmanship. Congratulations my amiable leader. Keeep the good work.
the boss vickoly himself, congratulations on winning and also on being a good teacher to your students, second place isn't so bad.
thanks a much, we were excited about this and it's the effort of the students mostly. But then thanks for the compliment.
you are welcome and besides the cup is massive, the school is keeping it right?
That year I was pregnant with my third was a pleasant journey with nice memories 😍🥳
wow, this is beautiful, pregnancy looks so good on you. A mother of three looking so elegant, what can a man wish for than a pretty-looking woman who still looks gorgeous after 3 bouncing babies.
Hahaha, pregnancy is every mother's joy and pride. If you look. Back in time, you cannot help but smile all through the journey.
Today I managed to sleep well after days. My days have been hectic at the end of the year, which has made me sleep late and lose some of the quality of my sleep. I hope that from now on I can sleep well again.
That good to hear. Last night I didn't sleep all that well be because of the zealy quest.
good that you slept well.. unlike me, I feel dizzy and I lost weight already due to lack of sleep 💤😴
I hope the same but try and have a quality sleep and resting time this will really help you mentally and so you won't fall sick also
That's what I'm going to do when the marketing campaign is over, haha. I feel like I'm mentally tired, so it's been really difficult to rest.
Yea we are all in the same shoe, let's just persevere till the end of the initiative and then we can have adequate rest.
hehe, there may still be a reason to not sleep well for a short period of time (speaking as a fellow zealian ). But hopefully it all comes to an end as we enter into the christmas period
It's all getting very difficult, right? I honestly think this will be the last campaign I participate in.
Hehe, I share the same feelings. The only reason I'm still in this current campaign is because of how shitty it will be to end up with nothing after participating for so long.
That's good, sleep is very important me, I've been having so many sleepless night lately, I hope everything will be fine in time.
Cuida bem da sua saúde e procure não estressar, com a campanha principalmente nosso bem estar vale muito mais ! Paz e tranquilidade :)
After a long day I am having cold coffee, it was from a random restaurant I can’t even remember the name but the taste of it was very delicious and full of ice. In winter I am having cold coffee.
Oh that looks nice!
Want some? 😋
wow this is calling my name lol
It's easy to make at home 🙌🏻
Winter and cold Coffee? Maybe you k own how to deal with the cold. I love my coffee hot by the way.
It’s not that cold yet that’s why I am able to drink cold coffee in this season heheh.
Thats a beautiful cold coffee. Usually, I prefer it hot, but this one is a beautiful art! I would take it fore sure!
The new marketing campaign has finally come to an end. The experience was cool, although it was frantic at various times, including this one. But, I'm glad it's over, December is a very busy month.
Hehe, i'm not entirely sure it has come to an end yet. There's still tasks rolling out to break all the ties and show us our true positions.
calma ai que ainda não acabou.. hhahaha ainda tem muita thread prepara o dedo e as cervejas
The feminine urge to binge-watch ALL the Christmas romance movies. Basic? Yes Am I going to fight it or judge myself for it? No
maybe you should just satistify that urge because it's a good one😂, while you are at it please recommend the movie titles to us
Haha I think you should let nature do its work. Don't fight it 😂
Oh, sheeesh.. the 'My feelings are obvious to everyone but me' trope is SOO overdone though.. get a grip!
Also, also, why is the main premise of most of these based around a lie.. or several lies..?
1/🧵 The Habit That Affected My Life - A Bad Spender
Making more money with money was one habit I failed to have growing up, it was the other way round for me. #outreach #threadstorm #ladiesofhive
I never made budgets or had savings: People who spend too much dread being put on budget and it was same for me growing up. #money #spending
Read more about a habit that affected my life #gosh
I learned how to safe from a very tender age for me, courtesy of my dad. I will check this post our too, thanks for sharing.
This was definitely me when I was little, I was a bad spender, I spend without thinking about anything or if I would go broke later on. I just had to work on myself so as not to go in debt.
Same here, I'm glad I got to learn better and know how to spend more wisely.
Oh wow, but now I'm certain my comrade is very good at saving. Saving has never been my strongest suite as well although I wasn't given a lot of money. But I try now.
Haha yes o, life taught me better and I didn't wait for more lessons lol
Haha indeed comrade. The statement, experience is the best teacher really has a lot of meaning. You don't need anyone to explain it to you. Once you're in such a situation, you'll learn it by force
saving money is really a good idea it help one In times of emergency but I prefer investment than saving investment is like sowing a seed that will grow nd germinate to a big plant and feed you that how money works and not working for it
First day after the mid exams, got enough sleep and rest
Winter holidays are here and thinking to do something more productive In these off days. Time to explore and find something.
Hope you're having a good day and have plans for the holidays.
how did your exams go? Hope it went well? The Holiday is already here and I’m spending it at home with my family. It’s been a while I saw them so I am super excited to be spending it here with them. What about you, any plans?
it went well, waiting for the results now to see.
There's nothing more better way than enjoying holidays with family, have the same plan and might visit hometown but not confirm yet.
let me come visiting. I hope I Am welcomed. Just some chicken laps and chilled fruit juice is okay for Me. Thanks for accepting me in advance.
😂😂😂 I haven’t even accepted yet and he is taking me already, well I would think about it. Until then feed your eyes on this goodness.
where is the goodness. Why am I not seeing it. Please Et me have your address instead. That the best deal. A grateful soul receives more.
There to ASSU strike the calendar of my school have been disorganised my set are yet to resume, so I have been in holiday for a long time now and I just want the holiday to end for me
Oh I’m so sorry, I thought that ASUU didn’t embark on the strike I hope it won’t affect your graduation year because ASUU are definitely so annoying. All the best dear
Oh, you guys are still in school, happy holidays to you then, more productive days ahead now
Oh that's cool, what program do you study and your level?
In my school my set are yet to even resume first semester
Oh yeah, here too same, Universities are yet to resume first semester as well.
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That sounds like a fantastic plan! Enjoy your well-deserved winter holidays, and may your exploration lead to exciting and productive experiences. Wishing you a wonderful break filled with joy and fulfillment! ☃️✨
Thank you so much Jessica.
Wish ya Amazing holidays too.. and have a wonderful day..
Yeah it's sure is a fantastic plan, and a well deserved one after a tough semester
I am good just a bit tired from all the stress I've been going through lately. I know everything will be fine with time.
Hehe do well to have a nice day and a nice holiday too. Life of a farmer here has no holiday. We keep working all day out. So just do well to enjoy. Relax and have fun
Holidays are no longer Holidays anymore, weather we are on holiday are not we can't still have enough rest 😪
lovely greetings threaders. Is a lovely afternoon over here. Just relaxing in my office and just finished writing a post now. How is your day going?
Good afternoon mate. Hopefully you have a great day today.
Yeah. I'm enjoying my day here at my office. The weather is okay so not hear. How is your area please?
Here the sky was so sunny today. I love winter sunshine.
Same here. Harmattan is here already, but today we didn't feel the breeze. Let's see how tomorrow will be.
Everything was very calm, here it dawned with cloudy and rainy weather, it's very nice, I love this weather. Heat is not for me haha.
What's the post about? Would love to check it out when I am less busy.
TIme to fill the blockchain with some more data
please do we are waiting for more!❤️🔥❤️🔥
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Good morning to you, great, waiting to reading more from your data input,
Oh yes and not just any kind of data, but meaningful ones.
@wealthwess perfectly understands this picture. The same goes for @yahuzah 😂😂 #football
hahah, I find this picture very funny honestly. Anytime i see this pic or something similar it reminds me of Bojan. was meant to be the next Messi, but now he has retired before him.
Noo bro don't bring up Bojan here before I have PTSD 😩🥲. That young boy was an exceptional player and very talented. I sometimes could not differentiate between him and Messi at some point. It still hurts me to this day he left Barca.
Yeah it is sad. Leaving Barca was when his fall from grace started. Who knows what would have happened if he'd stayed. Maybe things may have eventually worked out and he'd be one of the goats
😂😂 damn bro, you made me laugh so much and feel bad at the same time. I feel sorry for the non football fans. These 2 guys are making other footballers look like jokers 😂😂
You know the funniest thing about these two, is they have something in common
playing for Real Madrid 😂😂😂
This is so hilarious 😆🤣
Such is life 🤔🤔🤔
Bale was one of my favorite player after Kaka. I wached real madrid's match just for him.
now I am confused, I kinda get the image but it seem rather confusing too
Oya explain for me.
Here comes another opportunity for the #artist on the hive blockchain to support a really cool gaming project by using their skills to create something incredible. There is a really huge prize pool for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position and it is definitely going to worth the effort.
I'd leave a link in the next thread, just click on it to find out more on the contest.
Oh, I have plans for the holding commu ity, but that will be effective from next year, I want it to be my first gaming experience.
That's awesome! I wish you all the best with your first gaming experience on the hive blockchain 🥰
That sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing the opportunity. I'm sure many talented artists on Hive will create incredible pieces for the gaming project. Best of luck to everyone participating.🎨🚀
It's my pleasure sharing it with everyone 🥰. I hope more artist gets to find this post and make an entry, let's get this game moving 😊.
Best of luck to us 😬
Here's a Link to the contest, do check it out
#gosh #holozinggame
Thanks for sharing the contest. I will definitely look forward to it.
You're welcome 🥰
Wow!! This is incredible, thanks for sharing this update.
It's my pleasure Meyi, it's my pleasure sharing 🤗
Driving thru the night to go look at another property! #real-estate
Awesome, how's the real estate market doing?
It's getting pretty expensive here and inclusion of those taxes is making it 2x more expensive..
Holding up in most of the states, surprisingly
I thought these things were not fun 😭 I have never enjoyed house hunting. It is always stressful but you seen to be enjoying yourself here. Are you any close to finding what you are looking for?
Always looking. This deal looks like it will come together.
Are you a real estate agent? Or you just wanna buy a property?
I used to have my realtor license. I'm just an investor now. I own several properties, looking to acquire more.
Yeah the boys!
this is the closest and available fuel station around my neighborhood. It's services are the best and of good prices.
#mydiary #photography #hive
i know there. I have been there many times. Honestly their service is super cool.
sure. A great place for our refueling and other allied services
Yeah. Their stuffs can shower you with respect. You know all that kind stuffs naa. I too like such.
sure. They have great staff that helped the facilities in great ways. They are loved by us all.
Yeah. Okay. Enjoy the rest of your day .y friend.
thanks so much. And you too. Enjoy your day ahead
Good day sir, how are you doing today? It's pretty cool to hear that their prices is nice. I hope their miter is not adjusted 🤔🤔🤔..
they have the great meter in the town. Many people have compared it with others but the difference is known. That's one of the reasons why my people depend solely on it and no competition therein
Its a great advantage to them 🥰🥰🥰, trust Nigerians... Some may take advantage of it and increase their price 😁😜..
yeah. That's the manipulation of humans. Not only peculiar to Nigerians, many other people of the world can do it for their gains.
Oh yes 😅😅😅..
sure. That's right. Thanks for the tips too.
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Hey @sammyhive, you just received 10 AFIT tip from @caleb-marvel!
You sure they are not selling like someone selling blackmarket. Because a filling station like this stands as incredible opportunity for neighbourhood but they suffer them because no competition.
they are not economic saboteurs that deal with underrated petroleum products. It's been owned and facilitate by great and successful man, Mr. Kennedy
nothing beats good customer service... you will sell more
thanks sisterly. Everyone is in the Christmas mood. Buying and selling is at the top gear now.
That's what we need in our society right now, good service and an affordable price, it helps keep customer, who'll stick with them regardless of the distance.
sure. These are two qualities that activate our customers bases and makes our business attractive too. We apply them for greater businesses
I'm glad you have a place like this close to your home, especially because of the savings in terms of proximity.
yeah. It services my neighborhood very wellwwith good product and cheap prices
Have you ever have the thought that maybe it is because it is the only petrol station ⛽️ in your neighbourhood that's why you think its services are the best
no. They are just good. Others can't compare with them. Their services is premium
Food photography is one mouth watering genre of photography. It deals basically with capturing good food and also make a great picture of it.
#food #delicacies #photography
And it gives the food shots another beauty, making you crave for it more haha.
Exactly, a great shot that is why when taking food shots we just need to concentrate on the lighting, soft and diffuse light to make everything appealing.
Hewwww this is calling
oh boy I am literally salivating, this is the definition of a picture can make a delicacy delicious without even having a taste... This is a cool shot
WOW 😲 you want to kill us?
Absolutely! Food photography is an art that tantalizes not only the eyes but also the taste buds. The challenge lies in capturing the essence and appeal of delicious dishes, turning them into visual treats. It's a delightful blend
Mere seeing this food photography am already filled I don't think I need to eat lunch again I can now imagine how delicious the food will smell humm yummy
That is the essence of Food photography making the texture soothing in order to look appealing to the eyes. Food photography focuses on the food and render the other environment blur in order for the individuals to get a mouth watering view
I wish I was among those who find food exciting. I am among the set that gets tired to chew after a while & also can't eat fast. It's sometimes annoying when I have a truly delicious meal in front of me but I get tired of it too soon
don't m
Looking for a yummy breakfast? Then beans ball with pap is a good combo #foodie
haha, that's yummy indeed, although I can't see threads images and don't know, but I love beans too, it's one of my favourite meal. enjoy
This is indeed yummy, but why taking your breakfast by this time. It's almost 2 PM.
Sounds like a delicious choice! Beans ball with pap is indeed a mouthwatering combo for breakfast. The hearty texture of beans balls paired with the comforting warmth of pap creates a satisfying and flavorful morning meal. #foodie
Yum! Is that for me? Thank you lots, Lady :)
What do they taste like? Are they sweet?
they are very's made of beans and corn 🌽
Yes this really a good combination I deed like the way milk is been added to the pap I makes it taste creamy, now adding beans ball to it oh my god it's delicious
I stopped liking pap when I was young and had to take it every day because I was since, but you see that Akara(beans ball) any day, any time, count me in
i miss having akara and custard 😭. I had to stop for a while because I could not vet the oil used to fry these things but it is still my favourite breakfast.
what is this white thing? white sauce?
Yeah please, Imagine taking it with pap, then turn on your fan and sleeeep.
Hahaha. This is so yummy. I really want some for breakfast here too. Wow!! I am craving for this so bad now.
Wow. This food is very delicious. For those that haven't tried it before please do.
Nigerian dishes are absolutely delicious! From jollof rice to suya, egusi soup to pounded yam, the flavors and spices in Nigerian cuisine are simply amazing.
See how huge my smile was when you mentioned my favourite among them... Egusi soup lol.
Aww! I’m glad Egusi soup is your favorite. Ogbono soup used to be my favorite, not until I had an ugly experience and that ruined everything.
Ooops I'm curious to know what the ugly experience was, maybe you'll share it on threads too?
Now that I think about it, I'll definitely share it on threads.
Awesome! I'll be looking forward to it
I didn't try any of nigerian recipes yet. Although I love western recipe.
Oh! You should try a Nigerian dish one of these days. They are super delicious.
Could you please suggest me a dish?
I think you should try out a “not too local dish” like Jollof Rice.
boldly Nigeria foods are very tasty and delicious especially that egusi soup and pounded yam that's my best meal
Ahhh! I see you have a good taste in food.
yes, we have vast variety of dishes both local and intercontinental, different tribes with their type of delicacy, Nigeria is unique no doubt
I agree with you that Nigeria is Unique. Our food is one of the things that makes us unique.
Now, no other meal comes close to. The Nigerian hollow esptthe wedding lem, its so yummy and tasty. The flavors are top notch too.
I would like to try Nigerian food one day, I have no doubt that it is very tasty. I like my food with a lot of spice.
I can’t seem to login on Inleo with my PC but with mobile it’s fine and it’s surprising because my PC works better for Inleo than my mobile phone.
wow, that's very suprising for me it was the exact opposite. Not working on mobile so i had to login on my pc. Experience on pc is normally smooth.
I haven't been able to log in with my mobile
After reaching home I saw my mother made some pasta for me 😋, even though I am full still I wanna have this delicious yummy pasta.
Awwwwww 🥰🥰🥰, that's so nice of her.. enjoy 🥳
She is always caring and want me to eat all day long lol.
mothers are so nice and have instinct on what to do at a given time... This was so thoughtful of her. Enjoy
I didn't know she was making food for me otherwise I wouldn't eat outside hehe.
Mom decided to pamper you that's why you met food. You should give Mom a big hug for making this good-looking pasta which I'm sure will be delicious. I would have come to have a taste but location is the barrier.
Yeah I did give her hug when I saw because it's my favourite pasta.
That's cool
enjoy your meal :D
I love pasta also, any type , the simpler is the better for sure . This one looks yummy!
There are various kinds of pasta I like the creamy ones the most.
Yes they can come with sauce also, but it can be just pasta with garlic and oil, I like them too :)
looks like your mum knows your weak point 😆.... The food looks yummy
Yeah she surely do know what to give and what not, she is very sincere.
Trust me I will be eating it as well even if I am full. Now looking at this food is making me crave for some pasta myself
I think you should make one for yourself later hehe, don't fill your stomach with the eyes only.
Set your eyes on the prize and in the end it'll stand as a strong forces that motivates you to keep going regardless of what might seem like a stumbling blocks on your path. #goals #prize #motivation
awaThats a huge motivation suitable for this zealy campaign as well
that's true it's truely suitable for zealy and applicable to any thing we're aiming for.
we are going to celebrate this achievement in Christmas, 3 chicken for me and chill beers.
we certainly are going to celebrate the season, I guess I'll just take the chicken and skip the beer due to my health issues.
ohh 😯 okay that is good too. The chicken will be good for your health
It's not been an easy ride, I feel dizzy already but I am it giving up at all.
yes it's not easy, but I know you can preserve.
#cocktailsonleo #brandy
Rinse a chilled old-fashioned glass with the absinthe, add crushed ice and set it aside.
Stir the remaining ingredients over ice in a mixing glass. Discard the ice and any excess absinthe from the prepared glass, strain the mixed drink into the glass.
The original recipe changed after the American Civil War, Rye Whiskey substituted Cognac as it became hard to obtain.
Garnish with lemon zest.
I'd love one of those.
I placed an order on #jumia for this shoes last week and it just arrived, it was supposed to be a Christmas gift for my siblings, but I'm not liking the look, making it seem like what I order Vs what I got
This is the problem in online shopping platforms when you buy clothes and shoes.
Yea online shopping can be disappointing most times, I expect the shoes to look good and as they were in the cover image I saw prior to buying.
They are a bit different for my taste hehhe maybe you should return them!
I thought you might want to show us the picture of what was labeled online. Hehe. Anyways I don’t prefer going online to shop. I shop physically and buy what I see
I'm not half way done with what I have planned for the day but I see progress and that is what matters. Getting set to make a video, who wants to hear some music? 😍 #ladiesofhive
it's simple send it to my DM once you are done, you know i like listening to your voice
Haha I'll make sure to do that 😁 thanks Money
it's all about the little steps and progress, before you know it, it'll amount to something massive, I wish you all the best.
Exactly, I'm happy that there are progress no matter how little.
I would really love to hear your voice, I have stumbled on your music videos few times and honestly you have a great voice. You sing so effortlessly that’s nice, so we are anticipating.
Awww that's so encouraging to know sis, I hope to continue to improve in my singing.
It's lunch time, the food is ready
one. #foodie #mydiary #hivegarden #ladiesofhive
What a wonderful dish!
thank you very much, it's still available if you wouldn't
Hello friends, here is an automatic spray, it's freshens the air. I love its .... ...... .....
#mydiary #spray #airfresher
if I visit your shop .I must get my wallet exhausted with these nice products
You are welcome my dear, we will use Leo and an exchange..
Trading with 🦁🦁..
this is the first time I'm seeing this, you said it's automatic, so how does it work?
It has an engine in it, just like a robot 🤖. So you program it to bush out the spray in it. You can make it every One hour or 30mins as the case may be..
wow that's brilliant, I'm sure it's gonna be expensive, or isn't? Like how much can I find it?
You can see the price boldly write on it ... 9000k 😳😳😳..
Holy Grandfather!!!
lol sorry jare, my eyes are dimming, I guess I need to take some rest.
Hahaha, you need some moment of relaxing in the garden of your choice ☺️☺️☺️
woah I love how package they look, this is a good business ooh. Let the house smell like it's blessed.
Oh yes 😊😊😊, thanks so much 🥰😊.. !AFIT
you're welcome 😊
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Hey @jazclassic, you just received 10 AFIT tip from @caleb-marvel!
iTsiTs it's lunch time, I feel instead of eating solid food, I am taking this #ladiesofhive
This Is looking so yummy and inviting, do you find if I join, or would you send mine?
Hehe, Nkemaenjoyment. Look at how juicy these fruits look. I am so hungry all of a sudden cause of these picture. Save some for me.
It's good to take light food sometimes but for me I don't think this one can belle full me it's to small and will quickly digest
Ahhh this woman is enjoying herself, how did you get headache after taking this na? 😂 I just had bananas here too.
Man, you really need some carbs and protein!!! come on add something in that , if not in addition you will get a hungry!!
This is called curry leaf... very nice cent for tomatoes stew for rice
Curry leaves add a delightful aroma to tomato stew, enhancing its flavor for rice. A perfect blend of fragrances, creating a savory experience in every bite.
I like the curry leaf it had a good scent it can be used to garnish your tomato sauce and when added to rice it brings out a kind of pleasant smell that makes you devour the food with great joy
I use curry powder when I make chicken. It looks very good.
I am thinking of doing a charity in real life if I can win a good prize from Zealy campaign. Like in my area there are some poor people wandering everyday for food, I try to help as much as I can abut not always. What do you think about it?
That’s a great idea though, you get to help the needy and those that are hungry. The blessings attached to this are great and hope you achieve your wish good luck
My parents said they will help me too, let’s see 😃
That will a nice way to gifting them a Christmas pleasant, you have a good idea, hope it works out for you
Thank you very much I am looking forward to it.
Using a prize from the Zealy campaign to support the less fortunate in your area is a wonderful way to make a positive impact. Your generosity can truly make a difference in providing much-needed assistance to those in need. Go for it! 🌟
I wish to accomplish it very soon 😊 thanks.
Great, I'm sure you'll win the Compaign!!!
Aww thanks wish me luck 💖🫶🏻
That would be very thoughtful of you, to do some charity to those who truly needs it, at least you will be putting a smile on people's face.
I wish to do it even if I don’t win but it will be delay anyways I have. Set my goals for it 😇 thanks !
Michael Saylor is smiling...why? 😂 #crypto #bitcoin #btc
He too knows; what's coming is coming.
the guy was a joke in 2022...
Now a legend.
Bulls are better NGL.
Exactly. Michael Saylor is a very intelligent man and by maintaining his consistency and faith he became a legend.
Source :
I feel like I just woke up and it's already 11am. The days just keep running fast. How's your day going?
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
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good afternoon to you. We are one hour ahead and in noon. Its run fast as if it was been pursued by lions hahaha
Haha us lions are capable of anything. We could be doing that
sure. Time to conquer and devour a lot of obstacles and threads more
Haha very soon lions will have to find new records and things to break bro. We are a vibrant pack of ferocious and determined lions with our king Khal of course 😂
His name sounds like Lion originally too. Hahahaha. We will thread and engage more
Haha I thought it was just me that thought that😂. Maybe that's why he decided to call us lions. I'll change my name to Mufasa 😂
Yup, a very flash day of course and there are a lot of things to do
Indeed, there's so much to do and little time to do it
Yeah, but hoping at the end of the day, we can make a progress and that is what really matters the most
I had migraine, so I slpetbfor a while but now I feel better, time to do other things in real life.
Oh sorry to hear about your migraine. I am glad you feel better now. Maybe rest is all you needed. What are some of the things you have to do in real life?
Time is relative. The more busy you are, the faster it runs.
Indeed, its 1pm here now and I've done nothing else but thread
You are doing a real business. 1000 threads in the next 48 hours is no joke.
Haha when did I say I was doing 1000 threads bro? 😂
You dont have to say it sir. We know.
😂 haha my big man is reading my thoughts
The crypto landscape is not immune to scams. Be wary of promises of instant wealth and prioritize ethical practices, community engagement, and due diligence.
Yeah and people should learn to safeguard their keys at all time. I wish you all a safe experience here on Hive.
The crypto world is a dynamic space with potential for financial growth, but it's important to dispel the myth that it's a guaranteed route to instant wealth.
truly, it's dynamic which means that it's downs can be devastating too. It's a cyclic and we pray to gain in its cyclic state
family and friends both are important in our life, in our bad times they will always stand by our side and no matter what they will encourage us to achieve our goals. I think that these two things never should be left out from our life.
I totally agree with you, family and friends are like spices in life which gives life a whole new meaning.
Please somebody should come and tell this lady to go put on her clothes, I saw her naked in a fashion designer shop. She looks like Eve in Adams garden of cucumber 🥒🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Men and I right?
#mydiary #fun #jokes #meme
You better close your eyes so that you don't commit sin. Good luck!
😂😂😂😂 All have sinned and fallen apart 🤣🤣..
Me ignoring so many distractions but being distracted still... I just can't explain it but it's been super hectic since I woke up. Yet to make my video but I must do it, I have to hehe.
hahaha..I ran away to my neighbours house..the distraction is much..I still have loads of work to do
this looter is everywhere looking for monies, haha, I wish to be like you when I grow up, enjoy your day.
It’s been equally hectic over here. Lots of distractions that I can't get away from (because it's work) 😂 but what to do, man shall not live by work alone
Breathe hehe. You must be anxious or something :)
I'm sure you will get around and be able to do your video soon. All the best, sis!
We are rooting for you, keep going girl.
I know what it's like, it's when you have some duties to do but you still can't focus completely.
We can say, these are the issue of life, they exist to make us stronger as we move forward day after day
Distractions these days are kind of inevitable, they just keep coming
Volumes will not be created immediately after the ETF, and even if approval is received, there is a period of 1-2 months between when the transactions will begin, if I am not mistaken.
yea, volume is being created.. liquidity is getting injected into crypto pre ETF and hope so billions of $ flow will move into crypto after approval as those ETF expert said.
Hello Friends, I hope your day is going great and your wallet is growing. #gmfrens
good morning to you too. I hope that my wallet will grow like yours. That's the power of web3
Thank you, that's right, keep growing together
Web3 is the next generation of internet.
Haha I sure would love for my wallet to grow. It's okay at the minute. I know yours is always growing
Slow but steady :) As long as we are here, all of our wallets will grow, keep grinding.
I'm confident they will grow. Thanks man, keep grinding as well
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
My day is going on well and I hope you are having a good day as well?
Hi mate. Have a good day. My day spent so well.
A US court recently filed a settlement petition requiring Binance to pay $2.7 billion and CZ $150 million to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). #outreach #threadstorm
The settlement is now expected to mark the end of the case Last March, the popular crypto exchange sued Binance and its CEO, accusing the company of evading federal laws and operating an illegal derivatives exchange.
This is my post link: #gosh #binance
yea, that was last month I guess.
Binance fud is clear for now..
Positioning is everything. Timing and distance, gets you ahead.
true, gotta position well for the upcoming year
valid points! I gat to position myself for opportunity and always arrive early.thank you
That's true, everything needs swift caculations.