There are 4 pages

Hello sir, @burlarj . I see that you haven’t made a thread this month (December.) There’s a lot of perks attached with making threads. I hope you come back to the game.

Thanks for the reminder @justfavour, I guess it is time to join others on thread again

What's SocialFi? And why they don't list Hive?

#leoglossary is now over 1,000 actor/actress pages.

A nice database forming of performers. Thus far, we are taking dead actors since their roles do not increase.

The final minutes of call seem to last the longest

Technical issue. beep beep :P

Because that when you keep on remembering important things you need to say before hanging up

Hang up.

lol sometimes I wish

hah sempre desse jeito...

haha, every single time. Most times i just end it rather forcefully a bit. Well it all depends on who is on the other side as well

We’re using Google Adsense’s experiment center to test different ad variants

If you have any feedback on ads, which ones you like/don’t like, etc. then please use #feedback

Screenshots help too!

I had a lot of trouble scrolling the bottom frame ad. Its not appearing now but if it appears I will screenshot it. I am sure people would hate it because that ad takes up screenspace like horizontal 20 percent.

sometimes an ad appears completely blank is this normal due to a lack of ads or could it be something with my browser? most of the time normal and personalized ads appear. most of them in my language, including those from nearby markets

Good evening hivers

I just came back frommy daily job, couldn't think of resting, because I have a lot of zealy quest to complete

So here I am try to move forward

What are your plans for the evening

Good afternoon, my plans for today are to do as many missions as I can, today is going to be a tough day for everyone.

Go for the grind my friend.

guy do the one you can o.. And try to rest Atleast for a little while

Trying to blitz through a list of actors/actress page for LeoGlossary.

Do you have new idea cooking up? #moviesonleo, that doesn’t seem bad, what do you think?

Already being build. Requires some revamping but we have the watchmovies4free community.

There are also movie review pages, more than 1,000 of them.

En las antiguas zonas cafetaleras de #Cuba, el trabajo manual de pilar el #cafe era tarea de los esclavos. Este artefacto es un pilón y aquí pilé café para compartir con amigos, @jordy0827 puede dar fe.

40 years ago we paid around $10 for a cassette tape of roughly 10 songs.

Now we have over 3,000 on Leo that people can listen to for free.

That is how #technology changes things.

Amazing, Also music videos were very different that long ago. You can make better ones with the technology that's in your hand

Yeah although I dont think music videos are as interesting anymore. They were the rage in the 1980s with MTv.

90s also Video Hits every Sunday morning

Yeah. They were around a while. VH1. MTV Classics. A lot of channels but they all moved away from videos.

i remember the cassette tapes, 2 sides - 4 to 6 songs per side.

Then came the MP3 age, where you can burn 100+ songs on CD and play on a CD.

now you get everything online and most free to listen and watch.

Yep. That is a small example of how the world changed. People need to step back to see how things were in actually and how much has changed.

People use to spend thousands of dollars on music. Now, even if you want to pay, it is about $15 per month.

All the technology suffered that in the last 30 years... computers hardware and software it is crazy how it evolved.

o.o good times good times. what i mean is no. now is the good times :D

And who knows? Maybe "Leo Music" will be an actual option in the left navigation menu!

Maybe. Cant speak for the development of the UI since I have no direct impact. I can only put out ideas and harass the daylights out of #khaleelkazi.

Unfortunately, he is adept at ignoring me.

Well, keep harrassing! He lives inside the mind of a developer, more than the mind of an end user. I worked in usability at a Fortune 500 tech OEM, and the "base question" was: Can your mom make sense of this?

and it's going faster and faster... there's no telling what will happen in 40 years' time!

The only think I can say is the advancement over the next 40 years will be orders of magnitude higher than the last 40. Only those who are old enough to remember what life was like understand how it was really an analog world.

The point we are starting at today is so much higher. Anyone who forecasts out, with technology, more than a decade or so is just talking smack. The reality is we can project maybe 10 years but, after that, it gets really cloudy.

So yeah, who knows what things will look like in 2 decades.

i agree with you! i was little in the 90's but i remember how different everything was and how evolution was slower than today!

It most certainly was. That said there were a lot of breakthroughs in the 1980s and 1990s that completely changed society. We didnt see that in the 2000s and 2010s. Other than mobile, not much changed in the way we operated.

That will not be the case by 2040. We will see the 2020s and 2030s as a time of massive societal shift.

and it's already started! it's not global yet but the social changes are already beginning to show signs... I believe that in the next 10 years we will see changes in the global economy and in the balance of power in the world that have rarely been seen in human history...
The US losing more and more space... a hegemony like theirs losing power is something rare that has happened very few times in our history!

Technology is changing things and hive is changing lives😃. Thing will continue to change.
Weldon Task.

Found some great info on configuring my server for more performance.

Turns out having VMs have the same CPU layout as the host is very helpful. I have 2 physical CPUs so enabling NUMA and giveing vms 2 cpus - better performance!

Wow, you have some really cool knowledge about VMs, I use one to work, I leave it on Windows 7 32 bits, as we still work with Visual Basic 6, so what I have is this one. I already managed to make it run on Windows x64, but my managers didn't want to let me haha.

What is the OS you are using? I think that using any Linux OS could be good running VMs, in Windows should suck a lot!

I run proxmox which basically is a management layer on top of linux.

It is like LXD ? LXD is a great tool for that type of thing

Yeah pretty much. makes managing VMs and LXCs super easy

Somebody help me, I need a white paper for Splinterland, I don’t know much about the web3 game but it seems super cool. Fill me in with details

#web3games #splinterland

It's supercool as you have said. There are a lot of articles and tutorials on the main page of spl when you visit the game. Check it out and see the most helpful

Basic strategy that I tell all newbies: Mele attack monsters in the front (Saw Icon) Range in the back (Arrow Icon) and magic (Cloud Icon)can go anywhere (cloud). Onc eyou get the hang of that, pay attention to the ruleset and adjust strat.

How do I get to start, these things you said only just appeared strange and I got more confused. How are these monsters connected to it being a card game?

Log in > Click the battle icon. This will take you to the battle page. Click Battle icon > the system will match you with someone. Once matched clicked CREATE TEAM. Pick your team and then Click Battle.

Oh thank you so much I will check it out and give you feedback if I experience any issue at all. This seems easier with your explanation. I really appreciate.


The first battle icon that needs to be clicked is at the top of the page and looks like a sword.

The others will show the word BATTLE.

Boa tarde galera, chegando ao fim de 2023 de muita luta, énpra 2024 quais são suas metas?

  • Quanto planeja aumentar seu HP?
  • Quanto planeja adquirir de $Leo?
  • Outra meta dentro da Hive.


Em relação ao HP eu quero chegar pelo menos em 10k, o que no caso hoje seria aumentar em mais 3k mais ou menos de poder e acho que consigo de boa isso, agora quanto ao LEO eu nem pensei, acredito que que quero subir o que conseguir, mas no caso se conseguir pelo menos os 150 por mes no LPUD já me dou por satisfeito.

Garoto já tá a caminho de uma grande sardinha 👏👏 acho que estando ativo no Threads seja bem capaz de atack Lion todo mês, boa sorte

Valeu demais mano, espero que você continue ativo também, quanto mais brasileiros na ativa melhor, nossa comunidade tem tudo para crescer e ficar mais top ainda do que já é, espero que todo o nosso esforço possa ser recompensado e todos possam crescer bastante! Valeu demais mano!

É isso estarei por aqui na ativa, nem sempre criando tanto conteúdo mas fazendo o melhor possível para crescer na Hive! Bora juntos!

Você têm todo o apoio da comunidade, vamos juntos crescer então meu amigo. 2024 vamos começar com tudo, quero muito continuar com a minha rotina de postagens e melhorar mais ainda! 🚀

Essa é a meta melhorar minha frequência de postagem para aumentar meu poder, vamos pra cima!

Minha meta é chegar a 1K de HP até o dia 31 de dezembro, e que bom que estou perto!

Vai estar em rank alto na campanha vai chegar fácil 🚀

sei não vice, hauahuah

Tenho certeza que vc vai conseguir chegar neste valor e depois vai subir mais ainda, não pode é desistir! Vamos com tudo que vamos evoluir rapido aqui com a ajuda da comunidade! 🚀

Vamos sim, vai dar certo!

Po, tá aí uma coisa que não pensei ainda. Cheguei nos 1k de hp esses dias, leo to com quase 1k em stake, mas ainda não defini o que eu quero pra 2024 aqui, até pq tenho diversos planos fora da hive.

É interessante fazer algumas metas, problema que temos a vida fora da Hive como disse, mas o importante é crescer mesmo que gradativamente

This past weekend, I made my first transaction from Hive to another network, Polygon and the $MATIC token. It's very simple, as we have a pool that exchanges swap.hive for swap.matic and then we withdraw from this swap.matic and enter our wallet address, wait and that's it, I thought the speed was incredible! #hive #matic #hiveengine #transfer

Did you use tribal swap?

I prefer to use Beeswap, I find it much easier and faster this is the link to it, we can do everything on it too, swap, buy, sell, stake, delegate, I think it's the best we have for dealing with L2 tokens

Can you use this to transfer swap.Matic?

Good question, in this case I did the entire exchange process through beeswap, but the withdrawal for my metamask I did through the hive engine, let me see if I can find something here to show you in print, which I think will be easier.

There's nowhere to escape from what I've seen, maybe tribaldex also has a way to withdraw, but in this case Beeswap doesn't do that part, just everything else before reaching this point, exchanging, selling, staking and as I explained :D

Thank you so much. I will try. Will ask questions if I need your help :)

Don't worry, if you need, you can ask and I'll help in any way I can! A hug!

I wrote about that in my threads on X hehee how useful is tribaldex to transfer crypto inside and outside hive blockchain

Tribal is the one I use the least, I really like Beesswap because of its speed and simplicity in all operations, so it won me over from an early age lol, but the others are really good, it's just a matter of taste.

transfer swap.matic to outside chain you can use either tribaldex or hive engine in the "wallet" and withdraw. You can also do that with btc, bnb, eth and any other swap token

I did not know about that yet. I will check.

Pagou muito de taxa ou foi de boa? teve muito sleepage? nunca fiz dessa forma pela hive engine

Mano eu to tentando achar aqui a transferência, agora eu nao lembro 100% mas acho q teve taxa sim, até achei a transação na hive mas nao ta mostrando exatamente quanto foi de taxa... to buscando aqui kkk, o bom de mexer nestes trem é que vou aprendendo também porque eh tudo novidade para mim kkkk

sim é muito bom ir aprendendo aos poucos!

Achei aqui, ufa, tem como ver pela polygonscan, pelo o que entendi, gerou 0,0189 de taxa, no caso transferi 2.0570211 e chegou 1.98245089. Acredito que a hive engine cobra sim uma taxa e depois tem a taxa da polygon q foi esse 0,0189

bem baratinho então! legal bom saber

Pois é, bem legal isso, nunca tinha feito e gostei, achei super fácil, então pagar um pouco de taxa pela facilidade acho que é até justo de certa forma.

Achei aqui o que saiu da hive, está nessa transação:

Só que eu fiz a transferência no pc la de casa e nao no notebook q eu estou, ai nao ta aparecendo aqui no historico, vou ver se acho um site que mostra as transações pelo hash, igual a bscscan, pera ai

Eu gosto muito de escrever, não que eu seja um contador de historias ou um escritor nato, mas, no final das contas é legal colocar os sentimentos em palavras e endereçar elas para outras pessoas, para promover o bem e a ajuda-las de certa forma. Em certos momentos, tudo o que uma pessoa precisa é de alguém para apoiar elas com ações ou apenas palavras de afeto. #hivebr #freecompliments

e vamos nos apoiando sempre mano! seguindo enfrente devagar e sempre!

Isso ai man, a união faz o açúcar kkk, mas tirando a brincadeira é sempre bom ter pessoas próximas para apoiar e ser apoiado. Têm momentos que é dureza, as coisas dão errado e tal e assim, as vezes só de ler algumas palavras de motivação já ajuda bastante a melhorar.

na minha experiencia o natural é dar errado hahaha ai a gente vai tentando prever os erros e concertar e com a ajuda do açucar..ops.. da uniao fica mais facil de resolver o que saiu errado

kkkkk boa mano, têm que ser dessa forma mesmo, ter preparo para tudo igual ao batman kkk.

Também curto e hive me da essa oportunidade de colocar sentimentos nos textos e abrir um pouco o cadeado da alma. Mas acho legal encontrar pessoas que queiram compartilhar, apoiar e serem apoiadas! Muito bom esse sentimento.

Pois é, eu sempre digo isso a #hive é uma terapia para mim, muitas vezes mesmo estrando estressado ou chateado com algo, quando começo a escrever e a interagir com as pessoas aqui me sinto melhor, pessoas da minha tribo, que gostam do que gosto, isso é incrível! Tenho que te agradecer também por apresentar a Hive Learners para mim, valeu demais mano!

"Rich Dad, Poor Dad", is a very reasonable book. It serves as a financial guide. It is a must-read book. #book

Funny title, but good book to read, have heard about it and with lot of individuals giving there remarks on the book too, nice one

i have been hearing about this book for a king time but I haven’t made any attempt to read it

When I read this book I was able to learn a whole lot from it. I think I read it alongside “Why you act the way you do” it has to do more with the different kind of personalities, such as sanguine, phlegmatic and lot more you’ll love it

Is a must- read book but if you want to go to the next level you need other books like the Most Richest Men in Babilonia or the Milloneir of the Next door. #book

Yeah I did read this book so many years ago, it was any eye opener for me. The author did justice to the book and I love it!

Righjt you are @moremoney28

It should be read by anyone who has a goal of financial well being.


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/50)@moremoney28! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (1/10)@moremoney28!

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I'm gonna listen to that one, lol. Ah, have you tried sharing links from an open source YouTube interface, like "Invidious"?

It's much more privacy protecting than Google / YT, but I'm not sure if Threads recognizes it.

In the case of that Sepultura clip, the link would depend on which Invidious server we choose (quite similar to the Hive nodes), for instance:

I haven't tried, but knowing that InLeo supports very few platform links, it probably won't work here. I'll probably give it a try though

That is a goood choice, I love sepultura , that is very bad that the original band doesn't play together anymore =(

Agreed, the latest lead singer isn't very good. At the very least they lost the sound that made them popular

what a great instrumentalists

1/ 🧵 Petrobras of Brazil has been in partnership with the Cardano for employee adoption of the blockchain. This would use the cardano university modules for education.

#threadstorm #outreach

2/ 🧵 Petrobras University would be partnering with the Cardano Academy for future certification of the employees and also the adoption training would be given.

3/ 🧵 Cardano academy runs the free education on the blockchain and they have free moduls that train the newcomers on the blockchain and the crypto education.

4/ 🧵 Check out the Petrobras decision on educating the employees with the Cardano academy.

Interesting that petrobras is a public company and crypto is still not regulated in Brazil for now.

My "List of Firsts" post 4 #GHAWG will need 2wait

Once I get work done on a table showing what those 1st's are, I can publish a series of posts in succession

One for characters, one for places, one for things, one for events, etc.

Hi guys, I’ll be hosting a space on X with Nonso, about Content Creation in Web3. I’ll share the link here once the space has started, it will be fun to have you guys around.

Heheh. Can’t wait to join the space and learn more about content creation and the web3 space.

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

That's an interesting topic to discuss. What time should we expect a link to the space?

Alright, let me tune in. Thanks for sharing

I would love to be part of this space. Prior to this time, I thought content creation was just about tiktok videos, but joining this blockchain I got to know more about it. So I can’t wait to grasp more knowledge on it.

okay, when the time is right will check in.. Because content creation is the next level in web3

Dang! I missed this! I bet the Space went great?

it was fun, not bad for a first time at all. Another one should go down today 😊

could you tag me when you post the link? I won't want to miss the

I won't want to Miss the space 🙏

Ohhh dear I totally miss this space! So painful but I’ll just have to wait for the next one though

don’t worry there’s another one today

why is inleo so fast? 💨

they have been working on it lately so there's gat to be improvement. And wait is it fast in a good or bad way?

good way. that was yesterday. it is not so fast today.

I know what you mean but what I meant was maybe we get in trouble, we face it together.

Chess is undeniably one of the greatest games ever created. It's a game of strategy, intellect, and endless possibilities.

I’m so dumb man, cause I never understand the game😫

Yea, i agree.. it also happen to be the hardest games

I actually don’t know how to play chess I tried learning it one time and my brain wasn’t braining😂😂

I would go for my scrabble anytime, any day because that’s the real deal😁

Seeing people play chess seems like fun and I have always been intrigued but I have never gotten around to playing it. Do you think I should give it a try?

Hehe. The chess masters here. I am not into chess. But I know it has taken over and a lot of people play it

Chess is not for the weak, I tried to learn it from a friend but I couldn't.

Be careful about speaking from privilege. Just because you have achieved it or it has worked for you, does not mean that others can achieve it or that it works for them. We do not share the same objective and subjective reality.

right that true cause you may end causing more what you can fix

Yeah, that's the thing. Just for want the best for another person doesn't making you have empathy.

mAybe I don't know I let's other people do the the judging cause it better that way so you'll you were you got it wrong and how to amend you mistakes

so that you'll know we're you got it wrong and how to amend your mistake

You’re right my dear, everyone has his/her own grace and time to achieve things. People grow up with the mindset of I did so you need to do it but tend to forget that we are all human beings are different.

Like someone will always tell me that grace differs, what can work for one might just back fire for the next person, we all just need to be careful.

Exactly 👌🏻

With just a few days left until the end of the year, these dates undoubtedly make me very emotional 🥺

Hmm, it has really been some year Rafael. A year of the bad and the good. I hope the year ends in the best way possible for you

Muchas gracias, igualmente 🥺

Honestly this year has been one hell of a year with all the up and down,the good and bad but still am still glad to be part of this year

what amazes me is how fast time flies. Just in the blink of the eyes the year is over. God spare us

Yes, it's incredible, I still clearly remember December last year

@empress-eremmy , just checking on you, hoping to see you drop some information on the inleo thread dashboard very soon.

The match between Inter Milan and ATM is going to be a tough and amazing one and, it is very difficult to predict who will qualify from the round of 16, but I will still go with Milan.

Each team will beat their home. I believe Atletico will qualify

Hmm, you are going for the ATM, don't forget that the ATM has been struggling lately.

Hmm nice one friend, let's wait till then.

What I fear from this game is that there will be some petty soccer. Hopefully Atletico will forget the old strategy of staying back and defending the whole game and Inter will not keep all 11 under the goal. No. We want them to have a show.

Exactly and as a matter of fact , the packing box system is not really working for ATM anymore.

This afternoon I gave myself a beer at lunch. I deserved it.

And it sounds like you more than enjoyed your beer

Yes, I made pasta with tomato sauce, pepperoni sausage, grated cheese and straw papata, plus a big glass of beer, it made me happy.

😂 haha reading this just made me hungry. Give me some of the pasta, pepperoni sausage and papata. What's papata 😂

Oh my god, HAHAHAHA. This campaign is driving us crazy. I meant potato, because potato in Portuguese is BATATA. HAHA HA. Anyway... straw potatoes

😂 haha the hand is faster than the brain. It's completely relatable. Potato is something I like so yes, I would take straw potato from you 😂

HAHAHA, My God, I can't take it anymore.

só nao to tomando a minha ainda porque daqui a pouco tenho que dar aula mas vontade nao ta faltando viu... calor de mais e ajuda a relaxar!

E como ajuda! Melhor decisão que tomei hoje, hahaha

haha acho que você me inspirou.. vou abrir uma agora.. pena só ter as cervejas que vendo vou ter que tomar bohemia msmo..

All these is fun man, it’s being a while i got to be me on thread.. thank you Zealy 😁

lol. So now you are back again. Hehe. Gone are the days. But now those days are back again and up on us. Let do our best. 😂

Back on track haha.. let’s keep pushing 💪🏻

it’s not an easy thing. But we keep moving

Very interesting, but more harder my friend. But I believe in myself

We’ll keep on pushing!!

1- 🧵 Las frutas cítricas se pueden aprovechar de tantas maneras, que me encanta cuando en casa las puedo tene 🤩. Hace poco unos amigos nos regalaron mandarinas y no podía dejar de utilizarlas en alguna receta deliciosa. #plantpowervegan

2- 🧵 Así que decidí hacer una rica torta de mandarina. Nunca la había hecho, por eso estaba algo temerosa de como quedaría. Decidí hacerla vegana, sin huevos ni leche, y el resultado fue bastante bueno. Quedó súper suave 😃

3- 🧵 Quiero seguir haciendo recetas veganas, pues me parecen súper saludables y buenas. Aquí te dejo la receta que hice 😉

I literally complained 2 days ago that @Trezor was missing some important blockchains...

And two days later they add Solana $SOL

Still missing Tezos, Polkadot and Cosmos.

#crypto #leofinance

Looks like they listen to you!

I think they are finally ramping up adopting more blockchains.

They said a while ago that they were pausing adding new blockchains to work on trezor suite and bridge, they are both finished products, so they should ramp up now.

I listen to music a lot. It helps in calming the mind and body... who else think so? #Music

I was once a music lover, but I don’t really listen to musics anymore. I am fine with my way of life. Money is on my mind 😂

music is definitely food for the soul, as we speak I am playing my Nigeria jam on speaker here and I am enjoying the Beatz and rhythm. Naija dey sing abeg

Music is life! The way at which I enjoy listening to my favourite songs and also uncovering others is unknown to the world. Hehe.

Life without music isn't life to me. Music brings the right amount of vibe needed each day.

I enjoy listening to good music, it's really heal my soul

Without music life would be a mistake. I think it was Nietzscher who said that. And I agree, life without music would have no meaning.

Reading books is like embarking on a thrilling adventure without leaving the comfort of your own home!

I love reading, it's one of the best experiences, right now I'm reading one called Elantris, I love it and it keeps me entertained.

yeah but I prefer reading light novel and other shout story but when come down some novel I tend to sleep through it and it no fun after sometime it will just get boring for me

Haha. For most people, books are boring.

Reading is one of my hobbies, it's more like I'm in another realm or world. Reading widens our knowledge and experiences

Hello @davedickeyyall I miss your parleys been a while i see you on here. Can I get some of them parleys today?

I think you need to hop in and experience the new features in the UI.Hello @aliveandthriving, hope you are doing great. I haven't been seeing your threads since December, hope all is okay.

I just need you to this threads. Thank you.
#alive #aliveandthriving

I have been thinking about this image for a while about how people make bad choices in life when it comes to choosing a mate.
#life #emotion

Life can be tricky sometimes. Sometimes, bad choices is the only option, I'm not if I'm making sense.

You right sometimes condition moves us to make the wrong choice without knowing it, before we could realize it is already late.

When I see that image I think "opposites attract" and that is exactly what happens there. I don't necessarily believe that choosing someone is a bad or good decision, every choice we make is a new teaching path.

Lol... They is always a conciquénce for the decision we make. Be it positive or negative. So we got to deal with it.

Now this is some moral lesson! I love how art can be used to tell any kind of story or able to convey messages.

yes... I truly love the art work, is a big personification of people decision today , some people

Yeah, I couldn’t have e agreed more!

True, Samuel! Although in this case, the pencil and the sharpener would have been involved in a deadly relationship 😄.

tell me why u think so?

Because every time the pencil would "match in the bed" with the sharpener, his life will be shortened, lol. It's a pure case of a toxic couple, hahaha.

😂😂😂😂... Your perspective is also right but the fact that the sharpener need the pencil, and the nut need the screw.

Sometimes, unfortunately, we make wrong choices, that image of you says it all, people who don't understand each other or don't work out, but we insist on trying and beating our heads over something that won't lead to anything.

I like how u put it

we insist on beating our head over something that won't lead to anything

That's just the main problem that lead to divorce this days.

I agree with you. You need to be very calm and patient to learn how to make the right choice, before it ends up in a bigger problem, which is an unhappy life with someone.

Yes and no one will like that kind of life. Many turn to Taking away their life because of wrong choices in life. Patience is the key.

people do make choices due to the state and secomstan that they been put in and because of that most people will just go with what is available

Yes... But is not good after knowing they is hole under you but you keep jumping because you have

i know what your trying to say but sometimes most people don't have a choice, for example most parents set up blind date for the children f just because they think is the right thing to do and most of them won't be able to stand up to them

Wow, the above image compliments your words perfectly, and you are right. People make bad choices a lot. It is what makes us human. When we let our emotions lead instead of our mind, things like this occur.

Yes people make choices base on what they feel is right. But blame others when things goes wrong

That's very true. When things get bad, we ponit fingers forgetting we are the maker of whatever has happened.

yes... You know is difficult to please humans this days

I agree, it is very difficult to please humans any day.

for me I think this is as a result of the blindness in love. But that still shouldn’t allow us see the reality to what love is all about. The choices are for a life time

Yes... But i don't believe in love is blind, that is infatuation or lust. When u seeing this is the wrong choice, everyone is saying It too but you fail to agree... That is lust.

yeah yeah. That’s lust indeed. I agree. Just because of some sort of personal desire then you fail to see the reality. I agree 💯

sometimes people deliberately make wrong choices because they refuse to accept the truth

I have finished another tax preparation module. Today's lesson was about sources of income, U.S. sourced and foreign sourced. Along with that, it covered income exclusions. It is quite the dry reading.

I heard US now has tax for calculating crypto income too?

I'm not clear what you are asking. But there definitely are guidelines for calculating crypto taxes. The trouble is that EVERY transaction is taxable to some extent. Which is a nightmare to track and calculate.

How is your Christmas preparation going? Have you decorated your house and tree and anticipating Santa Claus?🥰🥰 or you’re indifferent about the whole celebration?


I think Christmas is a spirit 😂😂 You just have no choice than to join in the celebration.
At this point I am breathing the Christmas air, every where you step your feet you see the Christmas decorations. I love it though.

at this point it's no longer a choice because everywhere is filled with the spirit of the celebration... It's quite interesting though

Is that your tree? Looks very nice. I've decorated a tree once and that was because of my friend's mom. She made us help her with the decoration

Actually I was planning on spending my Christmas with my family members so I'll ave to go down and I think I'll be staying there for the new years cause spend Christmas with family is more fun

tree is up and the lights re on some more decorations to go everything's delivered today for Christmas. By the end of today we will be all ready

Ohh dear, I see someone’s already feeling the Christmas spirit🥰

now comes the holiday stress the Christmas orders that were supposed to be here today are now not going to get here till at least Thursday



Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/20)@ibbtammy! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.

omo, my house is bare, I don't do decoration until that day, it's really not comfortable for me now, the kids will scatter everything.

Haha. Well everyone has their preferences though. It's all good and besides what ever time you chose, they are always there waiting to scatter them. 🤪

PSA: you can now hit ctrl+enter after typing a Thread to send it without having to click the "Thread" icon

Thank @anomadsoul for that suggestion. I've been using it and it's definitely convenient!

Oh thank you for sharing and thank you Eric for coming up with this idea, it makes it easier to use the Inleo app. Few times if I click on thread it doesn’t show but I just tried this and it was way easier. Inleo and making things easier

When you open a tab it seems still have to x out of it when using that.

Or is it just me.

Also the cursor now lives in the text box, that means less TAB presses for the keyboard nerds!

Smol wins are big wins 🫡

JUST IN: 🇬🇧 UK Government to establish new digital asset legislation and plans to make the country a crypto hub.

Thank you for dropping this article, I will certainly give it a read

Oh wow, that sounds good but knowing these politicians, they will definitely want to have some sort of control in crypto

Many countries are thinking about implementing these digital assets which are not the same as crypto that we know nowadays.

do we have a new #leonode? I feel like my threads are zooming and zipping

We were told it would be up and fully running by Friday, so is that now maybe?
Let's hope so!

I hope so. Does the site run faster for you too?

I don't want to tempt fate by answering, but it does seem so!

Okay. Just making sure that it is not only me who feels the difference.

I remember that Friday was mentioned. Today is just Thursday.

Hopefully tomorrow then

Hi @burlarj come come come! 😁 I want to your thread on inleo and reply to it, I can't wait. Come tell us here about your wishes as I read in your post.

what the post about

I will be relieved if you can reply to this threads and create more threads too.I've been wondering if you're well @aburajes because I haven't seen you on threads in the morning while. I hope everything is well with you.

Here's what we're working on these days!!!! 35 feet diameter geodesic dome, with some good people! #gmfrens

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Wao sounds like an extraordinary project, and what will its purpose be? What kind of building will it be? I love the way the domes look, this looks like a meticulous job.

Well, it's in the middle of a property that is being developed as a retreat center for all kinds of wellness things. It's truly been a blessing to work here... I'm learning tons of things

This looks like a huge project but I really don’t know much about things like this. Could you tell me what exactly it is. It is my first time hearing about geodesic dome. What exactly is it please?

They're structures made up of triangles!!! Here's the wiki link but yeah it is a big project for sure!

Oh thank you so much for sharing a link I would definitely check it out. Good luck with your project, I would love to the finish look though.

you're welcome!!!! I will be posting more picks eventually

Nothing that a cup of coffee can't solve.
I felt like going back to bed, but, I have things to do. So, why not a coffee? Wake up a little more.

#hive #coffee #mydiary #inleo

when I first started taking coffee I abused it to the extent of having headaches, I hardly take coffee nowadays

I usually drink little coffee. I consume it on days like today, which is late at night, to be able to stay awake.

Okay dear . It seems most people would rather go for coffe than energy drinks

Haha... This is awesome. I'm not big on coffee though.

If there is an option between tea or coffee, I will most likely go for tea. Haha

i like the tea better, the taste is nice. But, he'd rather take it in the evenings.

Look at that mug

It's my dear cup of coffee :)

It looks amazing :P

A coffee always makes a huge difference in my day, even though I only drink decaf... Caffeine isn't good for me.

For me, pure coffee please jajajaja

hahaha, I undestood

A coffee is always welcome no matter the time or place, to keep us awake and connected to everything we need to do. I think I've had about 5 cups of coffee today and well, I don't even need to say how much I love coffee, right? A good afternoon to you!

Good afternoon to you too, I usually only have one cup.

oh boy... This thing is not easy at all... Need a break to watch one episode of a Koren movie "celebrity" and have dinner... See you in an hours time

I’m watching MY DEMON latest Korean series. But anyways do come back soon.

hmmmm just finished dinner seff am all fired up

you and Korean episode. Enjoy yourself dear..

I feel you Henrietta but we have no other choice we just have to do it

I miss watching a good series.

Wow. I am yet to watch that movie and I still have it on my phone. Now that you mentioned it, it think I will join you.

There's no sport that comes close to football. It is the greatest sport ever. The thrill of watching a match, the cheers from the crowd, and the incredible skills of the players make it a blast.

Ronaldo, the Brazilian phenomenon, was a true force of nature. Known for his awesome free kicks, dribbling skills, and clinical finishing made him one of the most feared forwards in the game.

I loved watching him play, I always liked his style of play and how he played on the field, it seems that no matter how complicated the situation was, he always found a way to get out of it and help Brazil win matches. For me, it will always be the eternal phenomenon!

Whether you're a fan of the game or enjoy playing it yourself, football brings people together and creates unforgettable memories.

It's amazing to have friends who share the same passion for football. The joy of watching matches together, cheering for our favorite teams, and discussing the game afterwards creates such a fun and vibrant atmosphere.

🧵4. I have friends in Hive who are also football lovers. In this threadstorm, I'll be talking about the greatest footballers ever. To allow peace reign, I'll make the list it in no order.

Cristiano Ronaldo, my role model, is undeniably one of the greatest players to ever grace the world of football. His incredible skills, athleticism, and dedication to the game have made him a true legend.

🧵6 Lionel Messi.
Lionel Messi, an Argentinian is also one of the greatest football players ever. He is the only football player in history to have 7 Balon D’or. Messi us no doubt the best player in the history of Barcelona.

Zinedine Zidane, with his incredible technique and vision, was a true maestro on the field. His ability to control the game, create opportunities, and score spectacular goals made him a joy to watch.

Pele, a true legend of the game, is widely regarded as one of the greatest footballers of all time.

Sergio Ramos, arguably one of Real Madrid’s greatest defender, has proven himself to be one of the best in the world. His leadership, defensive prowess, and never-say-die attitude have made him a vital component of any team he plays for.

one thing I am grateful for in my 2023, is I got to join Hive in July, it has opened my mind to so many things, web3, web3 games, DApps, I have new friends and it has improved my finances. Promoting Hive is a way to add value


oh wao, so you joined this year... You look like you have been here for a while though. No doubt you are doing so well girl

Thank you ☺️☺️ These nice compliments is what keeps me going stronger and higher. I really appreciate. You’re doing well for yourself too.

I'm glad you're here, I think that's one of the best things that has happened to many of us. I'm sure you'll discover a lot more as time goes by. You will become addicted to Hive jaja

Oh Jordy, I think I am already addicted to the app. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I am checking is my Hive account to think that was the last thing I went through before I went to bed😁 well I love it here.

2023 was super great for me, I can’t wait to see what 2024 has installed for me as I know it would be bigger and better as I can feel it already!!!


I'm glad it's been a great year for you, for me it hasn't been so great, but I don't lose hope that 2024 will be much better!

Hello @jordy0827 I am positive that 2024 will be good to you, just hang in there for a little while my !Lady🥰

Thank you very much for your good wishes

Your energy is always high... Hehe. Well, I agree, 2023 was great, and I am greatly anticipating what 2024 will bring in. It'll be nice to see.

Yeah, we are hopeful the next year to come upon us will be an amazing one and bing along amazing opportunities too. Let be positive about the year.

It's getting late but I succeeded in making my video and I'll be publishing soon. I'm excited to share it, what song did I cover? Coming up soon! #ladiesofhive #music

drop the link let check that beautiful voice of yours. Keep the good work

The saddest part of my journey on X is

I won't be able earn anything even after being eligible, it ain't possible cuz of no stripe availability in country.

why I'm even in this country.

Ah life sucks at times. No way round it with VPN etc etc?
The algo is really playing havoc with me. I ain't get those 5 million views am not dedicated enough lol

tried VPN, didn't worked.. can't create stripe account without passing those verification and it requires bank etc of those available countries.

I thought you're monetized already on X..

22dec is the day of payout on X, trying to find someone with stripe account who can lemme connect.

Subscription ending on 27th.. might give up too.

No I got some sort of shadow ban just after I started getting impressions, since then my reach is awful.

My new susbscription started a couple of days ago!

Oh that's bad... tried doing something to get out of shadow ban?

O man that is a said story! it is weird that they don't use something like paypal for that... You can always change your country though lol

unfortunately we don't have PayPal nor stripe 🤣

Even if I change country can't make account on stripe.. it has to be someone who can make account on stripe where it's available and connect with Twitter to receive payout..

Trying to find someone who can help with it..

Another thing that can help is a friend of yours in another country to receive the money and send you in crypto maybe =)

yea, this is the only way.

Asked couple of frens if someone can help.. let's see if I'll find someone who have stripe account.

You will solve it ! I let us know around here! A sincere wish to things are going to be alright!

It should have a way, VPN maybe? hehe use a vpn in a country that allow you guys using this service there!

nah, VPN doesn't work

I tried to create account on stripe that way but stripe have strict sign up process.. attaching bank of those available countries is required.

Oh that sucks. Each country with there own brouhaha 🥲

true, there's always some kind of misery in places.

Some are tired of taxes and all, some don't have opportunities and all.

oh sorry man this a sad experience take heart it's well

Part of the journey ig.. gotta move on

Ohhh dear this is sad, is there no way around it?

Nah, there's no way.

Please which country are you from? This is bad, you see other people enjoying their pay from adds revenue but you just can't because of your country. Damn

Pak, yea it's a sad reality.. can't even have one good opportunity.

Ha, yeah, they accept payment from us but they won't pay to us :D funny

true, lol.

Ain't paying em again

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