Greetings to the HIVE community. We opened 60 Rising Star packs although we did not have the same luck as the previous one but we did get a lot of Fans.
#risingstar #hive #music
Honestly, it does. I mean it gets to certain points where it seems like you're just stagnant and not moving forward, I can remember staying on reputation 61 for almost 4 months
Welcome to GM:FRENS! Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. You will receive 6.9 GM once per day when using the tag. For more information, please visit our profile.
With ad revenue for evergreen content about to go live, has anyone else been trying to get their new posts ranking on Google?
Even with the canonical pointing Google to the version, I'm finding they almost always prioritise the PeakD and even versions instead.
I'll need to recheck to confirm. I saw lots of PeakD and Hive.Blog, but I think I saw lots of then as well. I'll do some research and post something after the holidays.
Great advice Dane! I screenshoted for future reference and see if I can apply these to my post. I still struggle with posting through IN Leo frontend though. Not my favourite to post 🙈
It's another Thursday, wake up, brace up and go to work, just a day more and you'll be done fine for the week, I'll be leaving for school later
Happy Thursday to you, I'm still finishing Wednesday, have a great day and yes, the week is almost over, this is going to be a weekend that I will take advantage to rest.
check out #thrive, a community focused on engagement and breaking it down to comments, upvotes, tweets, earnings, education and building a great account through engagement. It is a month old and 76 lions have joined. I want to build it inside InLeo, but InLeo has no communities. So I am building it on Hive while waiting for communities to reappear on InLeo.
This is exactly what I am building with #thrive community.The three E’s of Engagement, Education and Earning.Engagement focuses on comments, upvotes, tweets, plus earning, and education about author/curation rewards as they apply to comments, upvotes, reward pool and delegation.#thrive Help me build it inside InLeo
hoy estoy ingresando a Thread por primera vez, pemsaba que era más difícil, pero es realmente sencillo, a veces nos limitamos pensado que algo es muy complicado y ni lo intentamos. Gracias a la invitación de una amiga, lo intenté.
Is a lovely morning over here and we thank God for the gift of life. I slept well last night and feel like going back to sleep. Please how are we all doing?
2024 is set to be a big year for #DeFi with the latest #cryptonews focusing on Googles ease of Crypto ads, Ireland becoming a new home for Ripple and 1/3
Even the UK changing it's regulations to implement crypto currency along it's legacy financial systems to see how it can benefit the overall economy 2/3
I am still trying to understand this movie, so the daughter went over to the other house to continue her show and then what exactly was going on. I am still confused till date.
My interpretation is that thefilm criticizes people's addiction to what is not real.''the world was ending''but people were worried about the internet, about television and the girl only thought about friends,even with everything going on.
For example, while we are here there are hundreds of people dying in wars. The girl wanting to continue watching friends with everything going wrong is humanity ignoring reality.
Eu vi esse filme, ele é até legal, mas sei la, achei meio fraco a história. Entendo que tem suas particularidades e a ideia por tras dele em relação ao que pode acontecer com o mundo de dentro para fora, mas mesmo assim, foi até simples demais.
Decentralization of cryptocurrencies has made transparency the order of the day. You get to know the contract structure. More so security is way high and then scamming has been reduce but not totally erased.
There will be some people that will always fall victims. I just pray we don’t fall. And also transparency is one mystery in accordance to fast transactions 💯
One thing that makes me excited to be on the chain is because it is a decentralized platform, no one has so much power over you and no need to be scared of losing data base.
It would seem that IoTeX (IOTX) is collaborating with Solana (SOL) to grow out the DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure) sector. ZK (zero knowledge) proofs are a big aspect it.
It’s amazing how it’s morning already my eyes are still shinning😁 I just hope I don’t get a breakdown soon, it’s how I am rooting for myself and telling myself that I got this💪🏽
I got this too beeee but sometimes feel like I have got nothing but man just got to be strong
If anything I would like to break down after I see the result
Good morning, I'm very sleepy but I came to work anyway, I wanted to take time off was great, it's raining, good weather to stay in bed and sleep a little longer haha, but duty calls me. Have a great day!
Oh well at this point you would keep wishing that wishes come through you would have made a wish that would keep you in made. I hope you have a lovely day😁
It's OK for us to have multiple accounts; there are many reasons for doing so. Some accounts are for projects. Some are for use with community. Some are for engagement. As long as we aren't deceiving anyone, having multiple accounts is OK.
X is one mysterious motherfugger. I cannot see another element that has been found more like X has been found. I am beginning to think that Elon Musk renamed twitter X for us to find X permanently 🤣
It sure is! I make more money now than last year. Made more last year than the year before, but I've never been poorer in my entire life than right now.
Even after rates drop back to 2% or below for good, the prices will stay where they are. For some products to return to earlier prices, substitutions to lesser-grade ingredients/materials will be made.
You think they'll drop rates back down? I do. I think they'll get one last big PAHMP before the wheels fall off this financial system and they usher in the next one they have planned.
As long as inflation is a problem, the higher rates are needed. However, the Fed is loathe to raise interest rates, and it looks for any and every opportunity to drop them. No matter what the Fed does, we will be screwed in 2024 and beyond.
If you look at the globalist elites, they're all planning to have a brave new world ushered in by 2030. There will likely be a mass death event before then. War, virus, starvation, something is coming that is going to kill a lot of us.
The idea of having money in your head but not in your heart is a great way to remind us that the money is not the end goal that drives our life, but a tool for us to reach our goals in life. #juanspeak #financialeducation #financialliteracy
yeah,very important not to confuse one with the other. Money is absolutely necessary but if you forget why you wanted it in the first place and start to just want money for the money, you don't have it anymore, it has you
Never saw the importance of staking leo but now my eyes are open and the importance of investing in the second layer tokens of hive is now a priority to me
hoy estuve leyendo un poco sobre #chashea, y no puedo creer lo genial que es, me parece una idea increíble y demasiado útil hoy en día, hay un par de cositas por ahí que quiero comprar a #credito 🤭
I think we as youths shouldn’t be focused on the system not working, either ways someone who wants to succeed shouldn’t focus on the system as we have the mindset that the system doesn’t work.
But it is not that simple. The system is more than a cliché, it is a concrete and objective reality that greatly influences access to opportunities and decision making. One person alone is not enough.
we need to join forces to make the system lo and feel like what we want but right how everyone just cares about his or her selfish interest so that’s just it.
That's why I believe youth should learn to diversify and work more on their skills and find ways that they can be leveraged without depending on the government.
Okay, don't ask where is Merit? If you don't see her threads anywhere in the next few minutes, sleep happened to her 😂 I hope heat doesn't stop her from sleeping though.
Mental health is not a shopping list, not tasks, not steps. Let's stop marketing it as "one for all" because it depends on the context of each one of us, on the objective and subjective conditions of each one of us.
"Las horas pasan volando, cuando contigo estoy. No sé si el tiempo es lineal o solo es la invención de alguien. Lo que sí sé es que estar junto a ti ha hecho que mi vida sea más que imaginación " Frase de mi autoría 💟 #spanish
Matters of love are things that cannot be quantified through rational explanations. I don't know if this is a joke anyways but it seemed funny to me. We seff don see she!🤣
No vex Na. The matter be say as half baked Nigerian, we too too don chop breakfast sotee our mind no dey gree touch ground again. So we see love stories as funny now. Again, I am a Chelsea fan. Now you understand better 😭
I know nothing I say now will change what happened. But know that it wasn't my intentions to hurt you. I wish I could make it up to you. I am very sorry 😔🥺🤲
Someone once talked about having Hive free nights, these are nights where you don’t get involved in anything that screams Hive.Do you have your Hive free nights and what influences you to have one?#ladiesofhive
I'm missing a night off from Hive haha, although I don't think I'd be able to tear myself away from my phone for long without looking at something Hive related. I couldn't really tell you.
It happens just like that! It makes me laugh to see the dog trying to intimidate the toad. But with his jumping around he's torn between protecting himself and continuing to try to annoy it. We'll see what happens this time. 😂
The dog would definitely win😂😂 I wonder what the toad was thinking when he stood up to him like mister I know my right😂 well their confrontation looks so hilarious
Yes, these toads seem to have a lot of personality. I am struck by how they look from the front, with those paws facing inwards and that inflated chest, erect, they don't seem to be afraid of anyone. I wish I had that kind of self-esteem
Well, I tell you, it's not the first time these two have faced each other. And they've split wins for each. But they usually end in a draw, because I take the toad and carry it off the property, although the dog then claims it for me 😅
🧵De vuelta por aquí invitada por mi amiga @tsunsica , con quién compartí hace unos días en el #criptobochinchevzla2023. Luego de este encuentro me fui al evento que les dejo en el 🧵
wow. Is burna boy's songs there
unfortunately notz he is not that big yet. I personally do not like this list because it doesn't cover some of my favourite songs.
it's a work of one man.
I am enjoying your 80's vibe! important songs for a set list in my spotify!
good to hear 🙂
Evergreen old scho
the truth is I have heard only a few songs on this threadstorm. I might try them out later as I continue to thread
yeah do check. There are some nice songs in the mix.
Thats a good workout song for sure hahahaha
21 days back to back and I haven't missed a single day claiming #zing rewards!
#holozing #inleo #gmfrens
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
lucky. i missed one day!
not lucky at all Shawn, I made a strict routine for it. XD
i blundered one day unfortunately:(
no worries bro, just keep an eye for these last days and keep claiming!
yes thats what i doing no choice TT
That cool. I don't know how I missed some few days. But I'm now regularly claiming daily.
that's good my man! just keep claiming, we only have 9 more days before it ends :)
Okay. I want to accumulate more zing now there is time. Tomorrow may be late if I should wait.
that's exactly my thinking as well, once the game launches the zing token will fly to moon!
There are high chances the zing token will increase in price. I see a lot of whales on hive accumulating the zing token. So I joined them.
Hehe, you must have set an alarm for you not to miss a day.
I never thought of setting alarm for it. Thanks for the advice.
lucky you, I guess I didn't stake enough to get freebies because it just won't open for me
youre on a different level of consistency, Mango.
That's beautiful to know, keep up the good work.
Oops, you just reminded me to claim mine, I think I missed yesterday
Your discipline is out of this world. That's incredible. I think I've missed close to a week already.
Greetings to the HIVE community. We opened 60 Rising Star packs although we did not have the same luck as the previous one but we did get a lot of Fans.
#risingstar #hive #music
lovely greetings my friend. I don't know much about raising start. Is it a game or what. Please let me know.
Good morning, it is nice that you achieved this. Way to go!
This is a great achievement and I hope we all continue to win.
finally level up to 66.... it really took hardwork to increase reputation....
#reputation #levelup
it's not an easy thing to achieve but you did... You have done well, hardwork pays
Congratulations! This is not the last stage. Keep striving harder. You are doing well.
Oh Yes, I believe consistent writing and engagement always level one's reputation up, keep going.
congratulations to you, it is really not easy to get your rep going higher and higher, enjoy
thankyou... ☺️
You are most welcome dear, soar higher and that should be the goal
Wow! That's very good. It takes lots of hard work and consistency
Honestly, it does. I mean it gets to certain points where it seems like you're just stagnant and not moving forward, I can remember staying on reputation 61 for almost 4 months
#Gmfrens I hope you all slept well! Make breakfast a priority, it will give you energy throughout the day. Have a beautiful day! #foodie
Welcome to GM:FRENS! Thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. You will receive 6.9 GM once per day when using the tag. For more information, please visit our profile.
This looks so delicious and yummy. I’m a huge fan of noodles though. I hope you enjoy your meal and I love how you took a great photo of the noodles.
ohh! Yes i did
Good to hear, thanks
How do you prefer your noodles with boiled or fried eggs? Or without eggs. Haha
Wow, I'm not even hungry, but I could eat two of these dishes, hahaha
really? That's too much
Enjoy the breakfast. GM
tasty meal with a lovely 🥰 view. This is enjoyable and I can say enjoyment in double fold. But you aren’t inviting us over.
Thanks! You're welcome 😊
A pleasure
Maggi is my all time favorite meal...
Really? Good to hear you also love maggi
Yeah, I did sleep well and hope you are doing well. What's the plan for today?
Good to hear! Not much but I'm right on my bed it all cold here
you are making me salivate, I will need to have this soon. It look sumptuous, you are right, breakfast is important.
so you love food like this lols. well I also do.
I love food oooobiko
that's good to know, so which one you cook, let me come and say hi.
Just finished taking semo with okro soup and beef
🥺🥺🥺 don't tell me it has finish o.
this is look so inviting and pleasant to the eyes, how far e remain?
E don finish oo
Wow this yummy I think this would be the best meal I will have today let me go prepare
Hehe.....quite easy to prepare
I bought this chin chin Because it tasted so much like the one i did with my sister those days. Nostalgic!
oooh. Chin chin are one of the goodies of life when we’ll prepared. Not too hard and not too soft. Then you find something chilled to step down.
come and do chin chin for me
But how much did you buy it
Our place that chin chin can be 5k
Its important to have these snacks around. They fill a great hunger need.
With ad revenue for evergreen content about to go live, has anyone else been trying to get their new posts ranking on Google?
Even with the canonical pointing Google to the version, I'm finding they almost always prioritise the PeakD and even versions instead.
How are you going?
#seo #feedback
The GHAWG posts are doing OK, but that's because Hive effectively owns the zapfic space on search. For other posts, I need to check.
But is that Google ranking the versions?
Other domains (other front-ends) are irrelevant in earning revenue for $LEO buybacks.
I'll need to recheck to confirm. I saw lots of PeakD and Hive.Blog, but I think I saw lots of
then as well. I'll do some research and post something after the holidays.I wouldn't even know where to start to make my posts to show in google. Any tips for a newbie? :)
5 quick SEO tips:
Great advice Dane! I screenshoted for future reference and see if I can apply these to my post. I still struggle with posting through IN Leo frontend though. Not my favourite to post 🙈
But I'm finding it all but impossible to rank, at least soon after publishing.
Google thinks our domain is trash, so will do everything in their power to avoid ranking us.
Unfortunately, there's nothing we as authors can do, it's all up to Khal to work on the domain.
Oh that’s too bad!
good morning, I am hoping to get mine explored on the Google website will be a great one 🤩
Are you taking any steps to make this happen?
Yeah for sure, but as at now, I don;t have much idea about that yet, do you?
It's another Thursday, wake up, brace up and go to work, just a day more and you'll be done fine for the week, I'll be leaving for school later
Happy Thursday to you, I'm still finishing Wednesday, have a great day and yes, the week is almost over, this is going to be a weekend that I will take advantage to rest.
Where do you live?
happy Thursday to you too, just a day to the weekend and the end of zealy, can't wait to rest it out
Good morning 🌄 dear. Is a new day. Hope you slept well? My night was cool. Please have a blissful day.
Hello there! Today is going to be busy! I hope I have the strength to carry out all my tasks.
Happy Thursday to you too my dear friend. Do have a great day.
I wish you a great week as you go to school today
Engagement is everything
I second that. It's good to see threads buzzing
Are you still participating in the Zealy campaign
Yes, although I slacked big time due to certain commitments.
Sorry about that
I think I would slack too cause it’s so choking right now
It's okay, I have certain commitments that needed prioritizing but I'm still trying to do some tasks on the campaign.
It’s understandable
You’re a strong lady 💯❤️🥰
Well Inleo and Engagement are like 5&6, Inleo shows us that one could be involved in organic engagement and that’s one thing the platform focuses on.
That's right, I believe every guest community needs engagement to survive so we are not giving up.
People should flock in threads even after the #zealy campaign :P
That's the goal, not just to claim the quest.
Yeah, that's true and that's why the Inleo team has brought out a killer quest ha ha. Mega threader!! Let's see how it goes.
check out #thrive, a community focused on engagement and breaking it down to comments, upvotes, tweets, earnings, education and building a great account through engagement. It is a month old and 76 lions have joined. I want to build it inside InLeo, but InLeo has no communities. So I am building it on Hive while waiting for communities to reappear on InLeo.
This is exactly what I am building with #thrive community.The three E’s of Engagement, Education and Earning.Engagement focuses on comments, upvotes, tweets, plus earning, and education about author/curation rewards as they apply to comments, upvotes, reward pool and delegation.#thrive Help me build it inside InLeo
hoy estoy ingresando a Thread por primera vez, pemsaba que era más difícil, pero es realmente sencillo, a veces nos limitamos pensado que algo es muy complicado y ni lo intentamos. Gracias a la invitación de una amiga, lo intenté.
Is a lovely morning over here and we thank God for the gift of life. I slept well last night and feel like going back to sleep. Please how are we all doing?
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Thanks too for the token. Have a nice day.
good morning to you too, we are doing well and it seems like a good day already
Yeah. Is morning over here as well. Like we live in the side of the world. Have a nice day my friend.
Good morning, friend. Although my night was short, it was nice. I slept like a baby.
So sorry to hear that your night was short. Mine was kind of short but I slept well. Have a blissful day my friend.
Thank you so much. Have a blissful day, too.
Welcome to a new day, do have a great rest.
Thanks friend. Hope you had a goodnight? Enjoy your day.
It was really cool. I slept well. Anything for your boy?
Smiles 😃. Yes, threads for the boys 😃. Is not easy Oga.
It's a beautiful day from my end too, I will be doing a whole lot of chores, and maybe thread in between.
That's cool. I will also be doing some stuffs today. Have a nice day.
it's afternoon here, infact getting to evening. But do have a beautiful day ahead.
2024 is set to be a big year for #DeFi with the latest #cryptonews focusing on Googles ease of Crypto ads, Ireland becoming a new home for Ripple and 1/3
I see a big eveolvement for the crypto space in general, I can't wait to see what 2024 holds.
Yup and hopefully we all profit
Wow! This interesting to hear. I'm very certain to gaining more ground in crypto and web3
Yup, I think there will be some great advancements in 2024, Can't wait!
Even the UK changing it's regulations to implement crypto currency along it's legacy financial systems to see how it can benefit the overall economy 2/3

Find out more on #Inleo built on the #Hive Blockchain 3/3
What was the last movie you watched? Mine was this:

I am still trying to understand this movie, so the daughter went over to the other house to continue her show and then what exactly was going on. I am still confused till date.
My interpretation is that thefilm criticizes people's addiction to what is not real.''the world was ending''but people were worried about the internet, about television and the girl only thought about friends,even with everything going on.
For example, while we are here there are hundreds of people dying in wars. The girl wanting to continue watching friends with everything going wrong is humanity ignoring reality.
Well they did a great job but the whole animal views, I love the part where the Animals were all staring at the lady and she was scare
Captivating and intriguing for a while, then I realized there's no way to end it. It ended abruptly and leave me saying WTF
hahaha, I think many thought that way!
Maybe! Then what's your take on it
It's been a while since I last saw movies, call me a workaholic haha, but hopefully I will get to unwind during the holiday.
Eu vi esse filme, ele é até legal, mas sei la, achei meio fraco a história. Entendo que tem suas particularidades e a ideia por tras dele em relação ao que pode acontecer com o mundo de dentro para fora, mas mesmo assim, foi até simples demais.
I Just finished watching freelance and it was a 7/10, the hype online was way too much.
Just say NO! You have enough going on and you should be on #inleo
My home. #inle
Decentralization of cryptocurrencies has made transparency the order of the day. You get to know the contract structure. More so security is way high and then scamming has been reduce but not totally erased.
#crypto #web3
There will be some people that will always fall victims. I just pray we don’t fall. And also transparency is one mystery in accordance to fast transactions 💯
One thing that makes me excited to be on the chain is because it is a decentralized platform, no one has so much power over you and no need to be scared of losing data base.
Seeing new faces on threads. Always fun to see growth. $LEO
Oh yes, we will grow together. Let's welcome the new faces.
This is interesting to the hearing! I couldn't stop playing, the sound is very killing.
Awesome! 😁
This is definitely amazing, music is truly the food to one's soul.
Buenísimo que esta esa técnica de eliminación jjj
Me muero de risas...jejeje...
Yo también jjj
for some reason, I just love gifs and welp! Not so many people do like it like me? I often wonder why
GIFs have a way of spicing so many things up so I think I love using GIFs too.
It would seem that IoTeX (IOTX) is collaborating with Solana (SOL) to grow out the DePIN (decentralized physical infrastructure) sector. ZK (zero knowledge) proofs are a big aspect it.
Don't fade DePIN guys.
#Helium #Hivemapper #DIMO
It’s amazing how it’s morning already my eyes are still shinning😁 I just hope I don’t get a breakdown soon, it’s how I am rooting for myself and telling myself that I got this💪🏽
#ladiesofhive #freecompliments
Good One my friend!!
I got this too beeee but sometimes feel like I have got nothing but man just got to be strong
If anything I would like to break down after I see the result
Make sure you find time to rest in between the hustle, my dad will always say Health is wealth. One who is alive can fight for a better life.
Good morning, I'm very sleepy but I came to work anyway, I wanted to take time off was great, it's raining, good weather to stay in bed and sleep a little longer haha, but duty calls me. Have a great day!
Oh well at this point you would keep wishing that wishes come through you would have made a wish that would keep you in made. I hope you have a lovely day😁
It's good that simple things make us happy when we're paying attention.
the simple gestures and littlest things that happen around us is usually our best source of happiness to keep you going on with your daily activities
Yeah and I think we even tend to appreciate the more, if well valid
'em y'all gotta bear with me. On threads, I'm threading! So, whatever you see, bare me. Do you get the humor tho? Bet just few will catch it 😅
are you getting tired already? I am tired here maybe I wil have a sip of cofeee and then ccom
Hahaha, the pressure is getting Wesser. Don't give up.
What is your toughts about having secondary accounts? I put my face in here and there are certain topics in wich i prefeer privacy, like politics
it’s okay to do so. I know
It's OK for us to have multiple accounts; there are many reasons for doing so. Some accounts are for projects. Some are for use with community. Some are for engagement. As long as we aren't deceiving anyone, having multiple accounts is OK.
Is there a problem doing so? Well, I didn't think so.
#gmfrens 💚😵
...but in the afternoon.
It's very early this morning, is it afternoon in your end?
Yep, the day has quickly gotten away from me.
Don't waste yours! 😉
How can someone greet good morning in the afternoon. Why are you misusing English. This is not cool.
🌍 🌎 🌏
Smiles 😃. Is okay my friend. I was joke kidding.
Wasn't too serious about it.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
I asked my brother: Why did the math book look sad?
He answered: Because it had too many problems!
That's true. It problems are too much for my liking. There is nothing in math but problems. What kind of life is this.
The irony is that we have been solving this problems for years and yet solutions no dey finish.
lol. We don Don dey find X for years we never see X ooo.
X is one mysterious motherfugger. I cannot see another element that has been found more like X has been found. I am beginning to think that Elon Musk renamed twitter X for us to find X permanently 🤣
Honestly. Generation after generation have solve this problems but every we are being brought with advance problems.
Dont’t take I too far. It is just a joke.
Haha. This is hilarious.😂
This joke is a classic It never gets old.
Hahaha, mathematics has a lot of problem no wonder it is always looking depressed.
This inflation really hurts, but at least the economy is doing great right? Right? Heh heh heh. Oh boy.
inflation is putting us all in the poor house
It sure is! I make more money now than last year. Made more last year than the year before, but I've never been poorer in my entire life than right now.
the same here for sure I had more cash in the bank when I was 16 then I do now
Even after rates drop back to 2% or below for good, the prices will stay where they are. For some products to return to earlier prices, substitutions to lesser-grade ingredients/materials will be made.
You think they'll drop rates back down? I do. I think they'll get one last big PAHMP before the wheels fall off this financial system and they usher in the next one they have planned.
As long as inflation is a problem, the higher rates are needed. However, the Fed is loathe to raise interest rates, and it looks for any and every opportunity to drop them. No matter what the Fed does, we will be screwed in 2024 and beyond.
Yep. It's too late to fix things now. Judgement Day is inevitable.
hurts a lot im barely alive
Hang in there! If you can survive until 2030, you should see better days.
o.o why 2030 whats so special about that year
If you look at the globalist elites, they're all planning to have a brave new world ushered in by 2030. There will likely be a mass death event before then. War, virus, starvation, something is coming that is going to kill a lot of us.
so basically ur saying i might die >_>
Odds are many of us will. I hope I make it. I hope you make it.
here the economy isn't great at all we are just surviving in the little way we can, everything is on the high side this days.
Where is "here?"
Nigeria. It's really is difficult here
Bummer. I hope it gets better! For you at least.
so good when i see the gas station prices going down … some relief finally
That is nice.
The idea of having money in your head but not in your heart is a great way to remind us that the money is not the end goal that drives our life, but a tool for us to reach our goals in life. #juanspeak #financialeducation #financialliteracy
yeah,very important not to confuse one with the other. Money is absolutely necessary but if you forget why you wanted it in the first place and start to just want money for the money, you don't have it anymore, it has you
It's so important and yet all of us need to be constantly reminded.
Hmmm, this is a great word of wisdom. Financial education is a very important education.
It is and should be a basic skill taught in elementary schools. :)
"Money is simply a means to an end", couldn't have said it better!
1000 $LEO powered up. I am tired now. 😜
Why? Because powering up 1K was heavy? :P :D
Yeah wore me out. !PIZZA
Take care of yourself. You have another 1K power up coming up tomorrow.
ill have to do some searching for the $LEO
Never saw the importance of staking leo but now my eyes are open and the importance of investing in the second layer tokens of hive is now a priority to me
It's very important to stake up some Leo as it helps build your influence on the block chain.
I just realized and I regret it but I am joining the winning team without thinking twice again
You've done so well. Keep it up.
wow, you have done well by powering up up to 1000 Leo. That is a good improvement.
hoy estuve leyendo un poco sobre #chashea, y no puedo creer lo genial que es, me parece una idea increíble y demasiado útil hoy en día, hay un par de cositas por ahí que quiero comprar a #credito 🤭
Amiga no había escuchado sobre esto de chasea 🤔
So what are you folks doing this Morning/night depending on where you are !!
Writing my magnum opus!!!
anothrr book by Jon Olson about time lol
good morning to you good sir, it's still morning from where I am..hope rested well.
Good morning to you very late night here 12:30 a.m. so another few hours and I am off to get some sleep Hope you have a great day
oh please you do rest okay, and have a nice rest while I do have that great day you talked about 🤭....see ya.
I sure will try talk to you later
Well, I just woke up. I'm about to thread my fingers out.
sounds like what I am trying to do
Thank you so much.
your welcome
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/20)@justfavour! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.
Okay, let's see how far you can go.
The number of wasted talents, frustrated dreams and wasted futures because of a system that does not work.
The system is broken.
I think we as youths shouldn’t be focused on the system not working, either ways someone who wants to succeed shouldn’t focus on the system as we have the mindset that the system doesn’t work.
well said. We shiukd assume and work with a mindset that, no body is comping to help. Then if the help surface, we shoukd have it a bonus. 💯
But it is not that simple. The system is more than a cliché, it is a concrete and objective reality that greatly influences access to opportunities and decision making. One person alone is not enough.
we need to join forces to make the system lo and feel like what we want but right how everyone just cares about his or her selfish interest so that’s just it.
Nigeria my country. We are talented but everything is just wasted. Hopefully things turn around for good
The same from Cuba 🫂.
That's why I believe youth should learn to diversify and work more on their skills and find ways that they can be leveraged without depending on the government.
Under a totalitarian regime that's almost impossible. Moreover, superior instances play an important role for the access to opportunities.
Hmmm, this is the sad reality and we need to get future leaders that can put a stop to that
Okay, don't ask where is Merit? If you don't see her threads anywhere in the next few minutes, sleep happened to her 😂 I hope heat doesn't stop her from sleeping though.
Oh, please don’t sleep yet, I would love to connect you, I have a question to ask, where can I get? Can I send a message via Discord?
Yeah sure, you can
I'd love to sleep now, but there's so much work to do
I'm telling you, the work is just to much , that we're afraid of sleeping.
lol that makes the two of us my love😂
Lol don't be a lazy fellow woman 🤣
oh where is merit rn😂,I hope you still here though ,cmon don’t go to bed ,
Lol I couldn't even sleep for long
You need sleep, my dear, it's not an easy ride.
At all, I've been like everywhere since I woke up.
wow. Wow I never know mummy dragon use to sleep oo, that's new.
Ahhh nothing is new there joor 😂
I sleep when I can o
Wonders shall never end, it's new to me sha hahaha.
You are just looking for my trouble like this, who doesn't sleep? 😅
You really need to rest, you have been extremely active on here. Everywhere I turn I see you
Lol I can't say it's everywhere though but yeah, I've been quite active.
thanks @anomadsoul for floating the "Ctrl+enter" idea. This is life changing #feedback #progress
Thanks indeed to Eric. It makes sending threads a lot more convenient. Hope more keyboard shortcuts will be enabled hehe.
I agree. I never knew this was possible. Not sure how this makes a difference on the mobile UI but it is so convenient while on laptop.
It's good that it's possible. It is not needed on mobile but it's very useful when on pc/laptop :)
I agree.
Yeah, that is really a nice Hack, lol, now we don't have to move mouse to click on threads anymore
Yeah, that hack makes threading a lot more easier and hope we get more of such thread hacks.
It’s 4am here in Nigeria
I wonder what time it is at your side of the world#gmfrens
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
GM Fren! It's 8:30 PM here in the great free state of Wyoming.
That’s nice to know
Nice to meet you.
Guess you will be going to sleep soon
Lord willing! I'm tired. I hope you have a fantastic day sir.
it is 8:36 p.m. Wednesday night in Alberta Canada
I guess it’s almost bed time at your country. Wishing you the best in the remaining days of the year
Thank you I am a late owl so I do not go to bed to 3 or 4 am
Have a holiday and a Happy New Year
Oh early bird, I didn't sleep last night, so I dare not try it tonight, I had a good sleep and just woke up, it's out 6:18 am from my end.
Make I go sleep now
Mental health is not a shopping list, not tasks, not steps. Let's stop marketing it as "one for all" because it depends on the context of each one of us, on the objective and subjective conditions of each one of us.
This is important.
I do not joke with my mental health at all, which is why you can never find me in a chaotic place. My peace of mind comes first.
I'm glad to see that 😊
o.o educational this is
A lot more going to be posted.
ok sounds good. just make sure to get those LiSA songs in :P and have you made the template yet for me to help make it easier for you?
Crecer en #hive sin duda es una tarea ardua. Debemos procurar el engagement por encima de muchas cosas, incluso la creación de contenido.
"Las horas pasan volando, cuando contigo estoy. No sé si el tiempo es lineal o solo es la invención de alguien. Lo que sí sé es que estar junto a ti ha hecho que mi vida sea más que imaginación " Frase de mi autoría 💟 #spanish
Good morning good people of the world. It's another day to remind you that you can achieve anything provided you set your mind
Good morning, Hamez. As long as you put your mind to it.
Good morning to you too brotherly.
Let’s Chase our goals this morning
Of course, if you set your heart to it, you can achieve just anything.
How could you get me so high in love just to leave me at my lowest moment.
You made me venerable, you let me get my the guard around my heart down before you strike and you left me heart broken again @iskawrites
Matters of love are things that cannot be quantified through rational explanations. I don't know if this is a joke anyways but it seemed funny to me. We seff don see she!🤣
My love matter looks funny to you
Hamez. 🥹🥹1-0
No vex Na. The matter be say as half baked Nigerian, we too too don chop breakfast sotee our mind no dey gree touch ground again. So we see love stories as funny now. Again, I am a Chelsea fan. Now you understand better 😭
😭😭why you come remind me of my club again
Just say she sent you to torment me this morning
We are in this together bro. But we go win carabao cup to take mend our hearts for the process. My regards to the girl that broke your heart 🙂
I hope so and no regard is going anywhere
What happened that made this your lowest moment?
She got me in love and left without saying a word 🥲
That hurts. Do you have an idea of what could have instigated this?
I have sent her dozens of messages that are yet to be replied
I just hope she’s ok
Patience is certainly a virtue, brother. Don't appear too desperate - remember your own self-worth.
Yes sir or ma
I would do as you have said
Nah, I'm not sure if this is a joke or not, but if it is not then sorry bro. No need to worry too much, pretty sure it'll be fine in the end.
Ahh! I was about to tag you. Fight him, bro!
😂😂😂 This man. You just want to see violence on chain. Don't worry, I'll talk to him in private
It will ooo
Iska see what you’re doing to me😭😭
ahhh! This man don chop breakfast.
You all wish
Hmm, now you are sounding like a heartbroken poet. You could write some poems with these, it sounds good though.
I do write poem tho
Most of them are heart broken ones
I know nothing I say now will change what happened. But know that it wasn't my intentions to hurt you. I wish I could make it up to you. I am very sorry 😔🥺🤲
Ok oo
I hope you’re doing good
Someone once talked about having Hive free nights, these are nights where you don’t get involved in anything that screams Hive.Do you have your Hive free nights and what influences you to have one?#ladiesofhive
No I don't have one, still looking for what would influence me to have one 🥲 do you have one?
I'm missing a night off from Hive haha, although I don't think I'd be able to tear myself away from my phone for long without looking at something Hive related. I couldn't really tell you.
Lol that makes the two of us!
Hive free nights? I don't think so, I do Hiving mostly at night but maybe ill give it a try soon.
These two can't stand each other. They both believe that there is only room for one of them. And there they are, in a staring war.
⭐ Who do you think will win? ⭐
Team Toad || Team Dog
#nature #pets
team toad all three way 😂with one hop team dog is going to be running fast with tails behind legs
It happens just like that! It makes me laugh to see the dog trying to intimidate the toad. But with his jumping around he's torn between protecting himself and continuing to try to annoy it. We'll see what happens this time. 😂
alright 😂😂 still toad all the way
The dog would definitely win😂😂 I wonder what the toad was thinking when he stood up to him like mister I know my right😂 well their confrontation looks so hilarious
Yes, these toads seem to have a lot of personality. I am struck by how they look from the front, with those paws facing inwards and that inflated chest, erect, they don't seem to be afraid of anyone. I wish I had that kind of self-esteem
It would be interesting to know who wins that game 😂
Well, I tell you, it's not the first time these two have faced each other. And they've split wins for each. But they usually end in a draw, because I take the toad and carry it off the property, although the dog then claims it for me 😅
Hahaha! It's good that they are just staring at each other. I was imagining how it would look like if the dog suddenly jumped on the toad, lol!
Now I understand the popular saying; Nothing good Comes easy”
We just need to keep working and being consistent for we to achieve some certain things. For instance the Zealy Challenge😁
hmm say it again , but still you just got to keep moving and get the good thing you want 🙂
Nothing ever does :) Or there might be rare exceptions :)
Nothing good comes easily my friend, we get to keep pushing and not give up.
Ahorren en Bitcoin! Y también en Hive si quieren.
Pero mejor ahorren en Bitcoin. #inleo #hispano
Esta interesante la aplicación! Saben que team-mexico realiza reportes de votos y apoyo el buen contenido original.
¡Ya lo saben! #hisapno #hive #inleo
Epa amigo, excelente!! Que bueno verte pore aca luego de la conversacion que tuvimos en twitter X. Animado nuevam,ente?
Tratando de crecer aquí bro! Un abrazo, que estés bien
Poco a poco amigo. En lo que pueda con gusto te ayudo..para servirte.
🧵De vuelta por aquí invitada por mi amiga @tsunsica , con quién compartí hace unos días en el #criptobochinchevzla2023. Luego de este encuentro me fui al evento que les dejo en el 🧵
🔥 Bienvenida de regreso jeje, a seguir bochinchando. Habría que hacer tendencias aquí también jaja
Ya pronto llenaremos a Leo de Moda
Este es la publicación de mi experiencia en el de moda