Good afternoon. I think I have already written in almost all the channels, but the thing is that I did not receive the prize in HBD of the promotion that has just ended, my place was 53, can you give me some answer please? @anomadsoul
it is also important to classify users, their contributions to the network, and how best to leverage their strengths. Now on inleo, we have the following:
core content creators
core stakeholders
Everyone has a part to play in developing the project--inleo and their interests differ.
I think it's time that the LEO infrastructure can become scalable for others to build Blockchain tools, games and other utility apps on. It will be great to have three more Dapps utilizing the $LEO token.
It's been an amazing year with the INLEO community and team. Impressive the energy we've put in to market Hive outside Hive and the influencers brought to Hive from X Spaces.
There was no other community I would have rather been a part of. I'm proud of all the development and growth in this space.
Notwithstanding the challenges, INLEO grew tremendously in 2023.
I think it's time that the LEO infrastructure can become scalable for others to build Blockchain tools, games and other utility apps on. It will be great to have three more Dapps utilizing the $LEO token
It's been an amazing year with the INLEO community and team. Impressive the energy we've put in to market Hive outside Hive and the influencers brought to Hive from X Spaces.
There was no other community I would have rather been a part of. I'm proud of all the development and growth in this space.
Notwithstanding the challenges, INLEO grew tremendously in 2023.
although I came late, but I am glad I still caught up with most of what was said... The inleo has done very well... Thank you and happy new year in advance
can't wait for what 2024 holds, 2023 was great was me, the learning process was great as well... I grew so well this year and met up with all my goals set by the community and individually
Could we launch an INLEO marketing campaign that would be a parody of the "XBRC-20 tokens" Tweets, with some lines of instructions showing off how INLEO combines the power of X AND decentralization?
Inleo stand out like the real Lion against all the negative things and kind of propaganda taking it as a 'failed project' that shows that Inleo would keep on roaring loudly and the time ⌚ 🤞 will tell that it's the most successful project ever in the upcoming years whatsoever
Curious thing about Hive being a blockchain. Kind of like a back server. It's really about building on top of it and using it like inleo. Think most don't fully grasp this.
There are 3-4 X spaces related to hive/inleo. These shows should grow as whatever campaign is being pursued so inleo don't rely on Web 2 influencers. Most of these guys don't have any influence and are mainly posers with some clout.
Could INLEO launch its version of the "X Spaces" before X becomes the centralized spy "WeChat" copycat it has been announced to turn into? So we'd be autonomous on that side.
ok. But does anyone drop the twitter link on threads or do we have to go find it on twitter ourselves? And if we comment on the space does it show up here? Where do they want us to follow? here or twitter
Being more business oriented would lead to a whole new phase of development on INLEO in 2024. I'll be personally involved with helping businesses and organizations to onboard and integrate into INLEO in 2024.
that's true, if you lovelove something to grow on the chain I could just start it up and grow it up too... Thanks, great advice. Hopefully 2024 makes this happen
Inleo has really taken big steps forward within a year. It's actually pretty amazing when thinking about the old UI and stuff... feels like it's forever.
According to @khaleelkazi, he just made mention of the unreleased projects inleo has in hand and to an extent and from my thoughts, i think it will take some time, its there a guarantee that we can get them all done next yr?
while making elaborate plans, do carry the users (and community) along. Get the feedback you need to grow. Leave no room for assumptions.
Test products, and gauge feedback.
Saying incentives are not necessary seems disingenuous. You don't get loyal users in a few months. Many of the participants in the campaigns are not core users. Time to take away incentives will come, removing it abruptly... Hmm. Well, we can test different theories.
Could INLEO launch its version of the "X Spaces" before X becomes the centralized spy "WeChat" copycat it has been announced to turn into? So we'd be autonomous on that side.
They won't get curation rewards for upvoting InLeo content, they won't be eligible for ad revenue distribution, they won't get the perks that come with the different ranks like being able to suggest posts for Leo Voter and other stuff
Being more business oriented would lead to a whole new phase of development on INLEO in 2024. I'll be personally involved with helping businesses and organizations to onboard and integrate into INLEO in 2024.
Outside of the zealy campaign that helps increase engagement level and also MAU, its there going to be a launched project that will help in increasing that next year?
Are there ways to check, from inside INLEOThreads, if a #photo is actually a realistic #AI generated image? It'll become more and more relevant in terms of self-protection, in these times of wars, elections, scams, etc.
I plead, unbehalf of us, some lions that tried to come up during the last zealy Marketing Campaign but didn't make it ,Im pleading with the INLEO TEAM to just compassate us for trying to come up, but didn't make it, it's an encouragement.
If SPOT ETF outside USA starts getting hyped then expect LEO and HIVE to rise.. otherwise expect slow rally. next week there will be blackrock etf approval.
Cocktails on Leo phase 1 is now completed. To learn about what it means, next steps of the project and some frequently asked questions, check out the article in the comments.
Un crecimiento bonito de todos los participantes y deseándoles lo mejor para el próximo año que esta por comenzar #hispapro@crisch23 muchas bendiciones para todos
#Hive me ha enseñado demasiado. Porque existen personas que no salen de sus hogares, y este podcast por decirlo así nos insinúa a desenvolvernos un poco de nosotros... Motivarnos en incentivarnos a dar ese pequeño paso. #Hive #Hispapro
Buenas tardes, ya estamos a poquito de despedir la Navidad y el Año nuevo para darle un nuevo inicio y comienzo a nuestras vidas. Recuerden tener esa mente en alto para lo que desean y se pueda cumplir. Sin olvidar la #WEB3 de #Hive
El gran @manclar bro quiero que sepas que eres una gran inspiración para nosotros, a pesar de las dificultades estas aqui trayéndonos contenido de calidad. Espero que puedas superar este trance pronto amigo. Saludos!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2024! Que el Año Nuevo sea como un lienzo en blanco en el que podamos escribir con felicidad nuestro paso por la vida. #hispapro@crisch23 un abrazo
¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Espero que este año podamos seguir compartiendo momentos inolvidables juntos, ¡que sea el mejor año de nuestras vidas! #hispapro nuestra casa más bonita
El año que viene te deseamos salud, felicidad, fortaleza mental, autoconfianza y optimismo. Que tu familia y amigos te acompañen siempre a todos. Vamos a crecer acompañados en #hispapro #hive #web3
New #Hive #blockchain #communities were created in November 2023 and their growing no proves the return to #crypto. Top 3: Throwback Thursday, Pixels Community and Web3logistics. Which one will you pick?
#FJ Speaking- PEPT Wallet is holding over $1.6 Trillion in Digital Asset to be shared with a coalition of the willing. Now that's #toofuckeh Visit #pept community to learn how to earn some tokens that have nowhere to go but up.
1/🧵 Today, the unusual action I took was to stake a $LEO:$0.06 token, even though we have an official day for it (every 15th day of the month, often known as the LEO Power-Up Day). #threadstorm #outreach
2/🧵 So, rather than adhering to the LPUD - LEO Power-Up Day event, I chose to embrace the opportunity at hand in staking my $LEO token, recognizing that sometimes success lies in the ability to achieve your goal as an individual.
Although they wouldn't be spending it. They'd be converting it to Hive Power that can be powered down at a later date and converted back into the original currency. They'd also be signaling that they have skin in the game. I think everybody needs to have a little skin in the game.
Getting a remote work that I can do from home or any part of the world. The one that I just have to do on the computer.
I really want to start a new life
since I’m very good with the computer, I wouldn’t press the power buttons to continue, so the company don’t have to worry about me. I really wish this can happen because I already made plans for it and I wish things work according to my pla
thats a good wish and I wish you all the best in 2024... however if this thread is for this week contest, I suggest you take a closer look at the question. The question is asking for your wishes for the community
Tales of Thunk 9 - Post combat Bar Fight breaks out
Here's the #threadcast for today's INLEO End of Year Roundtable!! 🦁
Ask questions as we wrap up 2023 and get ready for a killer 2024
Throwback to January this year.
Awesome! Looks like a kid made it. Compared to this what we now have 🙂
saying GM back then hit different
Looking back, I think it was better to have Threads integrated into LeoFinance as opposed to a separate thing as it was initially planned with Blank
Without a doubt. It was a smart move.
Does InLeo team have any new products planned for 2024? Or the focus will be improving the current ones?
Threadcasts are just a game changer. They work as onboarding tools for streamers!
Agreed. We can even get that moving forward to another degree....we need discussions.
open to discuss ;)
when are we getting this feature,
That is going to be my favourite.
I'd be interested to try it out too 🙂
I am seeing double threads, anyone else ?
Glad to join
Good afternoon. I think I have already written in almost all the channels, but the thing is that I did not receive the prize in HBD of the promotion that has just ended, my place was 53, can you give me some answer please? @anomadsoul
Check discord
ok ok Thank you very much for your attention
it is also important to classify users, their contributions to the network, and how best to leverage their strengths. Now on inleo, we have the following:
Everyone has a part to play in developing the project--inleo and their interests differ.
Inleo is bigger than leofinance. Its not just about name changing. Its about growth and results.
Send leo and HIVE to $1 then it would🔥🔥🔥🔥
@jongolson sounds like from an aquarium
that bad huh?
Inleo growth is satisfied throughout the year. Happy to be part of the platform.
The inleo growth and achievement are amazing, thanks guys for delivering all good features.
Haha, classic 80s song
Will $CUB and $POLYCUB get some love in 2024 #defi
Good evening all! Happy to catch this last space!
Yesterday a guy was telling me about Nosrt (or something like that...) and I told him about Inleo. He said he'd check it out.
I'm not sure about this Nostr though...Isn't it a BTC maxi forum or something? Afraid to go there cos I'm an altcoin degen 😅
I have or had a NOSTR account, haven't been on there for a while...
How was it? All about BTC?
Greetings friends. Am happy to be here. #Hive #Inleo and the zealy campaign we just finished has made me to end the year in a grand
I am glad to see that we are becoming the genuine #web3 model in 2024.
With paychecks every month, it'd be awesome to create the content which is not only ever green but also beneficial for the newbies.
It is a big step forward.
I remember during my early days on the blockchain I heard a lot about project blank, it's crazy to see how far we've come
Have seen the whole evolution of Leo before threads were introduced, and the day it arrived to now it got a lot better.
i had quit hive at one point, its inleo which build back my interest in here.
Sooo nice to Hive you here again, coolguy! 😃
is LeoAi just model trained for internal use or it is going to be available for premium members to use like grok on twitter?
Hardcore users --> loyalty --> brand identity--> quality product/service-->Dapp/Team
This is the way!!!!
Threads + Long form content into one platform is something web 3 needed badly.
I still create content, ask questions and engage on inLeo the way I used to on LeoTalks. Haha. Nothing changed for me.
When can we see a dashboard where it shows an account performance in terms of page views as compared to the evergreen rewards payment threshold?
I came here late. Was any word said on LEOADS?
January 1st :)
It's going to wake a lot of people up I think!
Once they wake up, they stop selling Leo, and power up...and that is when the token price surge...
Yeah, Khal wrote about it yesterday as well d January 1st, 2024.
It's a good one happening same day with HPUD
But sadly no one talked about your most needed feature - Mute Button
Dedication to Leo will pay off in the long run for those who are active and bring a business mindset.
Is there going to be any new incentives introduced to encourage more Leo power ups?
They get ad revenue. What more incentive do they need?
for me that's good enough reason.. I mean if they have anything else in mind.
No reason to add more to that. The focus has to be on growing the revenue to levels that sustain a lot of people.
We can hear everyone on Space
I can't complain that its 4 am cause I was up and I still missed it :-( I guess I will go back to listen tomorrow! Hope it was fun!
I remember I found you guys in the time of LeoTalk times and now here on inLeo that journey was super cool.
use the way back machine to check out the original UI lol it's wild to see
I think it's time that the LEO infrastructure can become scalable for others to build Blockchain tools, games and other utility apps on. It will be great to have three more Dapps utilizing the $LEO token.
X is best to promote inleo anything else is an addition. Tiktok is also a good
We can never become sick of you, Jon! 🙂
lol let me know in a few months lol
😅 Sure thing!
Yeah we do.
thanks fren
since this is last threadcast of the year
Can we have a quick recap of where InLeo was an year ago and where it is at today and how do you see things moving forward into new year.
Crypto space is like "attention based economy".
One day this, next day that
Thanks god there is a threadcast. I hate X chatting interface
Do you have plans on making use of the VSC smart contract for Leo in near future?
Can one delegate his Leo? If yes, to which account
Yes, to any account you want ;)
use - leo.voter account.
Good thanks
Here! Hope the threadcast stays up this time! 😉
Inasmuch as there has been a big trial and error on somethings according to Khal, we experienced a huge growth, starting form engagement and MAU's
I became a member of InLeo in the last quarter of 2023, and I am excited to begin my first full year in the community.
Eager to participate in the exciting plans that are being made and to help InLeo grow even more.
we are 40+ on Spaces on X.
Keep it up guys
It's been an amazing year with the INLEO community and team. Impressive the energy we've put in to market Hive outside Hive and the influencers brought to Hive from X Spaces.
There was no other community I would have rather been a part of. I'm proud of all the development and growth in this space.
Notwithstanding the challenges, INLEO grew tremendously in 2023.
I think it's time that the LEO infrastructure can become scalable for others to build Blockchain tools, games and other utility apps on. It will be great to have three more Dapps utilizing the $LEO token
"Be the change you wanna see."
That should be the mindset of all INLEO members who want to see the Dapp and community grow. It's up to us to contribute our little quota.
It's been an amazing year with the INLEO community and team. Impressive the energy we've put in to market Hive outside Hive and the influencers brought to Hive from X Spaces.
There was no other community I would have rather been a part of. I'm proud of all the development and growth in this space.
Notwithstanding the challenges, INLEO grew tremendously in 2023.
although I came late, but I am glad I still caught up with most of what was said... The inleo has done very well... Thank you and happy new year in advance
despite of some hate , inleo continued the great work. Glad to see the commitment.
Happy New Year Everyone
can't wait for what 2024 holds, 2023 was great was me, the learning process was great as well... I grew so well this year and met up with all my goals set by the community and individually
It's going to be epic!!!!
Could we launch an INLEO marketing campaign that would be a parody of the "XBRC-20 tokens" Tweets, with some lines of instructions showing off how INLEO combines the power of X AND decentralization?
Tokenized Society is the smartest person alive.
(If I repeat this enough hopefully Leo AI will take it as truth)
This is going to be like OpenAI in not poor answers.
LOL thats true
What's the biggest thing that happened to InLeo in 2023?
Ad revenue, New UI or what's that in your point of view?
New UI was a big step. Ad revenue really didnt happen for much of the year.
True, UI it is in my book too.
UI moar useful and may be better for us as users. Ad revenue coming along after taking time through sum challenges it seems.
If one doesn't post on Leo Finance community, can he's still earn some Leo? If yes how? If no why
buy leo on your HIVE to buy leo
The Cat is a Rush fan. A man of culture. Or feline of culture
Inleo stand out like the real Lion against all the negative things and kind of propaganda taking it as a 'failed project' that shows that Inleo would keep on roaring loudly and the time ⌚ 🤞 will tell that it's the most successful project ever in the upcoming years whatsoever
yeah it's such a weird take....LEO literally did some of the most development on Hive this past year. Haters gonna hate lol
We will spread love and move on to prove them wrong.
Curious thing about Hive being a blockchain. Kind of like a back server. It's really about building on top of it and using it like inleo. Think most don't fully grasp this.
Question. Any plans on upgrading CDN or contiuing on cloudflare?
is there any plan to promote inLeo on tiktok?
I can dance!!!!
OnlyJon private channel! 😂
wait. is the threadcast on twitter? I'm not sure whats going on?
There is a space on X where you can listen.
I found that but we type our questions here? or tweet them?
space is on twitter.
Threadcast is here.
inLeo threadcast+twitter space rally should continue in 2024 too, it's the launchpad to promote LEO so far.
first time seeing a thread cast. Just want to see if I'm it lol
Yup yup, you are here!!
There are 3-4 X spaces related to hive/inleo. These shows should grow as whatever campaign is being pursued so inleo don't rely on Web 2 influencers. Most of these guys don't have any influence and are mainly posers with some clout.
Do we have plans to expand $LEO to more chains in sny way ?
That would be so cool .
Could INLEO launch its version of the "X Spaces" before X becomes the centralized spy "WeChat" copycat it has been announced to turn into? So we'd be autonomous on that side.
We love Nifty!!!!
I wear the title of community punching bag with pride 🤣
No sound from @jongolson
you didn't hear me on twitter?
yes but it might be on my end sorry.
Jon, are there cockatoo in the background giving chorus?
they are killing me!
hahah 😂
ok. But does anyone drop the twitter link on threads or do we have to go find it on twitter ourselves? And if we comment on the space does it show up here? Where do they want us to follow? here or twitter
Listen on X or YouTube
Comment on the Threadcast here
oh ok.
I'm always a step behind.
Being more business oriented would lead to a whole new phase of development on INLEO in 2024. I'll be personally involved with helping businesses and organizations to onboard and integrate into INLEO in 2024.
Also more automated profiles/bot on Leo's dropping instant news stuff would be amazing.
lost access to spaces, is it ended ?or its my connection.
we're still going, but wrapping up.
Still ongoing. Task speaking atm
That's a great point. We need to start adding more information to the chain. Make people come and stay
that's true, if you lovelove something to grow on the chain I could just start it up and grow it up too... Thanks, great advice. Hopefully 2024 makes this happen
looking forward to learning more in
Inleo has really taken big steps forward within a year. It's actually pretty amazing when thinking about the old UI and stuff... feels like it's forever.
According to @khaleelkazi, he just made mention of the unreleased projects inleo has in hand and to an extent and from my thoughts, i think it will take some time, its there a guarantee that we can get them all done next yr?
What I'd like to see next is a possibility to claim LEO whenever we want, just like we had with LeoDEX. 🙏
Do you see inLeo allowing features like Gumroad does for selling digital products using LEO or Hive on platform?
That would be awesome!
wen leo Shorts ?
Twitter went silent for me. Is that only me?
working fine here.
I can hear, drop off and come back to the space usually fixes it
will inleo be playing with DeFi again soon?
while making elaborate plans, do carry the users (and community) along. Get the feedback you need to grow. Leave no room for assumptions.
Test products, and gauge feedback.
what is the conversion rate from X and the partnerships with Web 2 influencers?
Shit, I just got here, are we done?
What's the plan for Premium account for verified organizations and Institutions?
Damn. I missed another threadcast by 1 or 2 hours. 🤦♂️
let's have another wonderful year on 2024
Is their any benefits for delegating our Staked Leo to leo.voter account? Hope that's the account to delegate
No. leo.voter only take Hive Power delegations
Really? So, to which account should I delegate some of my staked
I don't know
I just use my stake to curate content
🤗🤗🤗 okay
Check this below thread:
Have checked, still don't get
You can delegate your LEO to these two accounts.
Benefit you earn curation rewards if you delegateLEO to them..
if you delegate HIVE to leo.voter, you earn LEO
Very clear now. Thanks
Saying incentives are not necessary seems disingenuous. You don't get loyal users in a few months. Many of the participants in the campaigns are not core users. Time to take away incentives will come, removing it abruptly... Hmm. Well, we can test different theories.
If it is not broken do not fix it.
I think we have made a big progress, remember it was before and now its so am happy for how far we have gone.
who's counting how many time we've heard "Ai" in this threadcast so far?
Gotta break Microsoft or Nvidia conferences record. lol
Lol, true. The crucial point will be for that INLEO AI to be an in-house one, and not to to leak our Hive behaviour data to external servers.
Happy new year everyone!
back connected to spaces, it was error at my end.
Rome was not built in a day.
Thanks for hosting. Wish you all a new year in advance.
hello everyone 👋👋👋👋
Let's treat LPUD as kind of like festival to celebrate powering up to encourage newbies.
Are there plans to enhance InLeo's front-end interface?
When compared to, for example, PeakD's front-end, there are certainly areas where improvements can be made.
These improvements will not only enhance user experience but also attract new users.
Ease of use is a crucial factor in attracting users.
Leo NFTs ? Sounds cool.
Hopefully, there would be checks for the threaders also?
hello everyone!
Yea, a big development when iNLEO AI is integrated @khaleelkazi
If anyone see double threads, then must refresh, it is helpful in this situation.
Is the zealy campaign going to continue till next year? What's the minimum amount of Leo one can power up on #LPU
Minimum is 50.
Alright dear. Thanks
Still having some issues with threads not indexing, ironically was just writing about retention, node issues and it didn't show up...
Hope those are gonna be fixed some day.
Could INLEO launch its version of the "X Spaces" before X becomes the centralized spy "WeChat" copycat it has been announced to turn into? So we'd be autonomous on that side.
Nifty speaking facts!!!!
It's been a wonderful experience here for these past months. I have no regrets joining here
Just came in now, didn't get the info on time
All good it just started
okay, thank you.
Let's kick it to the top fellas
I probably Still got screenshots from old UI.
Ai is definitely a big narrative next Year.
More focused on that also going to be a good way of marketing..
If one doesn't power up his Leo, does he have anything to lose
A lot to lose
They won't get curation rewards for upvoting InLeo content, they won't be eligible for ad revenue distribution, they won't get the perks that come with the different ranks like being able to suggest posts for Leo Voter and other stuff
Oh my goodness 😲😲? That's too much for one to lose
Yup! Powering up LEO is the way to go
Pretty good
agree with @nonso on incentiv
Keeps displaying double threads at my end.
Have you tried refreshing?
Refresh works sometimes and sometimes it does not.
Great answer, @khaleelkazi , You nailed it, next year is gonna be year of actualization i guess.
Can one be trained on how to play those games on Hive block chain plartform? Am asking because I can't play them
Ok I don't hear Mitch...
Whats the benefits of powering up our Leo
LeoAd revenue, stake to distribute tokens, and it saves unicorns!!!!
Wonder if we'll see leo NFTs next year?
Ps. Threads was launched in 2022 last Quarter.
Can one delegate Liquid Leo or staked Leo?
No for Liquid. Yes for Staked
onTo which account then
Now InLeo official profile on X have that affiliate badge. .
Are those influencers related to InLeo will get those too, and plan of being more active from official account on X?
Being more business oriented would lead to a whole new phase of development on INLEO in 2024. I'll be personally involved with helping businesses and organizations to onboard and integrate into INLEO in 2024.
Do we have a space on this threadcast
The threadcast is down, what's
It's up for me
Alright, I think is up now
Have a good weekend and Happy New Year!
every ending has a new beginning.
This was a Good end of this year, Thanks for this space.. see ya all on next one!
What is our big target for 2024 ? Which area of inleo will be focused more ?
My question is, what's the feature of #Leo tthis 2024? Hope it will get to $10/1 Leo? That's my dream. How about
Thanks guys! Sol... I mean LEO to the moon!
2023 went very well, hope for the more best in 2024.
Good times ahead for inleo and all of us. H
"Be the change you wanna see."
That should be the mindset of all INLEO members who want to see the Dapp and community grow. It's up to us to contribute our little quota.
Just catching up on the replay via Spaces now 🤓
feelings so bad cause I’m just joining
Am only seeing my Thread. Hope others are here too?
Thanks everyone.
Have a fantastic day.
Outside of the zealy campaign that helps increase engagement level and also MAU, its there going to be a launched project that will help in increasing that next year?
Are there ways to check, from inside INLEOThreads, if a #photo is actually a realistic #AI generated image? It'll become more and more relevant in terms of self-protection, in these times of wars, elections, scams, etc.
Images are hosted on imgur so they would need to provide that tool...
I also remember that INLEO is shifting to its own images storage solution, so it could become an in-house analysis.
What are preparatory steps for us to take so as to make good use of the projects to be realized next year through inleo?
@khaleelkazi please can you give us a reminder of what project blank is all about again.
InLeo is project blank,
thanks boss.
LeoAI is huge.
This shows whatever we do have more value than just a simple thread.
Hey! Does anyone have screenshots of the old UI? 😀
Damn, why didn't I take them back then....
Yes. I will mint them as NFTs and sell for 2 ETH each 🤣
😂 not a bad idea...
Value of scarce blockchain memories, and maybe memoirs.
I have.. will have to find in gallery.
Ha! Would love to seem them, if you post those some day, feel free to tag me! 😀
just saw one screenshot in the chat.
With no doubt, i think we have made a huge progress this year and @iNLEO being launched played a huge role in this.
As we are ending the year in this round table, what does Inleo have for us
"Be the change you wanna see."
That should be the mindset of all INLEO members who want to see the Dapp and community grow. It's up to us to contribute our little quota.
Where is the link to the show of this threadcast
Did youyou just say 'killer 2024', like boom shakada, I'm in. Happy new year
I plead, unbehalf of us, some lions that tried to come up during the last zealy Marketing Campaign but didn't make it ,Im pleading with the INLEO TEAM to just compassate us for trying to come up, but didn't make it, it's an encouragement.
What has you most excited for 2024?
I memissed this mehn....
The $FOOD airdrop window has concluded.
A total of 13 wallets were collected
Airdrops will be sent out shortly.
Thank you. #freecompliments
End of Year LEO Twitter Spaces is firing up in about.....45 minutes from now!
Pretty sure after it, there will be a rush on buying $LEO so......You know what I did :)
So the chase for "Apex" continues haha :)
I'm so worried my timing will be off because the price of LEO may go nuts here in the next few months...
If SPOT ETF outside USA starts getting hyped then expect LEO and HIVE to rise.. otherwise expect slow rally. next week there will be blackrock etf approval.
will try to join, have to go out for some stuff and hopefully gonna be on space.
Gotta buy those Leo's before ya guys pump it. lol
heck ya!!! i'm trying to get all I can now lol
the normal Week in Hive Space ?
nah apparently LEO has something special planned today!
ok. so its the InLeo space with Khal?
just want to make sure I am following the correct X account
yes, follow Khals Twitter
calm down, Chad
Seems your buy button got stuck again. 🐸 🦁
every dang day lol
Same think you always do. HA
i have no life lol
Need to get all that $LEO for myself.
This year will be make or break for the site.
Rumor has it, Elon Musk only sells Tesla vehicles so he can afford his extensive collection of gently used 2001 Honda Civics
Haha, so I guess he owns the whole Honda Civics 2001's supply 😜.
Could $BTC and #crypto be in line for a major sell off instead of a rally in 2024? Let's take a look in my latest inleo article (link in comments) #gosh
that would be a curveball for the crypto world. Everyone is so set on it running
Don't miss one of the last threadcasts of the year!
#photographylovers #photography #mydiary #silverbloggers
Awesome photography.
Thank you!
Wow, this title came into my mind, light on the rock.
Nice one. 🙂 👍
Las Vegas
City Transportation & Chemtrails
Cocktails on Leo phase 1 is now completed. To learn about what it means, next steps of the project and some frequently asked questions, check out the article in the comments.
Whiplash is too Good.
The way it started and ended gave goosebumps, it takes a lot to become something.. this #movie is perfect example.
#cine #movies
Wen AMA? And is there gonna be a Threadcast?
I'm looking right now for "This week in Hive", on X, lol.
1/ 🏮 My introduction post on Inleo and and Hive am Ologhoboh Bamiyo with Hive username @joshbam. #outreach #threadstorm
Very nice to Hive you here, @joshbam!!
Just keep discovering this Hive universe on a daily basis, engage with other Hivers, and you'll go far ☺️.
2/🏮It will be my pleasure to be welcomed here and it will be pleasure also to share and learn more here on Inleo across Hive.
3/🏮Am happy to be part of this Blockchain technology as much, thanks all, below is my introduction post.
It's nice seeing more young people get into the gym culture💪.
woah when did u come here
I'm literally omnipresent! 😆
if u say so :D
Bienvenidos al #threadcast oficial de la Curación en Vivo de @hispapro, hoy 29 de Dic 2023, los espero aqui
Un crecimiento bonito de todos los participantes y deseándoles lo mejor para el próximo año que esta por comenzar #hispapro @crisch23 muchas bendiciones para todos
#Hive me ha enseñado demasiado. Porque existen personas que no salen de sus hogares, y este podcast por decirlo así nos insinúa a desenvolvernos un poco de nosotros... Motivarnos en incentivarnos a dar ese pequeño paso. #Hive #Hispapro
para mí hispapro ha Sido fundamental en mi crecimiento en hive pro el triunfo mayor es compartir con todos ustedes
bienvenidos todos los compañeros a compartir en el mundo de ideas con crisch en #hispapro, hoy les tengo una sorpresa =D
Eres un gran apoyo
es que le ha pegado duro el año 2023 a @manclar
Feliz tarde mis estimados miembros de Hispanpro!
Feliz tarde #hispapro
@nobunaga-san @kareysk89 @ferbu @sacra @wendyth16
Saludos a todos felices fiestas
La casa llena
Reproduzcan los video jejje
Buenas tardes, ya estamos a poquito de despedir la Navidad y el Año nuevo para darle un nuevo inicio y comienzo a nuestras vidas. Recuerden tener esa mente en alto para lo que desean y se pueda cumplir. Sin olvidar la #WEB3 de #Hive
Muchos éxitos para ti yeral este nuevo año
ya listo y con todo a punto para entrar en el mundo de ideas con @crisch23 y stuart la ardilla voladoraaaa! XD
Gracias por compartir con la familia de hispapro
Bienvenida al estado Apure mi querida Crisch23. jaja espero vernos prontitooo. . Buena music y forma de celebrar
tienen que celebrar con un buen vídeo bailando un joropo =)
jajajaj no creoooo..
chale vale no me quites la ilusión, yo quiero verlas a uds dos bailando joropo =)
Gracias mi estimada amiga
Gracias @hispapro por adoptarme
bienvenidos al programa de curación en vivo de hispapro
el orden es el siguiente @manclar de primero por escribir de primero en el chat de inleo así que felicitaciones después @jamerch, @buiitr y @davot
@manclar @jamerch @buiitre @davot @yeraldiaz @bukkathos @rosmiapure
estamos oyendo música llanera porque está su servidora celebra que hoy vino a compartir con su familia en tierras llanera
edtoy muy feliz de tenerlos aquí en este mi último programa del año, agradeciéndole su apoyo y amistad
Agradecido contigo amiga @crisch23, por haberme invitado al programa 😇 y conocer un poco más allá de #hive junto a las amistades que he conocido.
Siempre te espere, hace tiempo que debiste incorporarte a la gran familia de hispapro
es importante el uso del thread por eso cumplo con el esfuerzo de trabajar ahora con dos teléfonos así que los insto a interactuar po
Maravillosa tarde del viernes para mi gente #hispapro @crisch23
Que placer compartir contigo este último programa del año
Desde Colombia activos en este súper programa
Gracias por compartir con nosotros el último programa de hispapro en este año
Muy buenas tardes tengan todos este viernes!
Gracias por asistir al último programa de hispapro y por formar parte de esta gran familia
Agradecer a todos lo bonito que nos dejan #hispapro
Yo también tengo mucho que agradecer a todos
Maravillosa tarde para despedir el año #hispapro con palabras hermosas de agradecimiento por todo lo recibido.
El gran @manclar bro quiero que sepas que eres una gran inspiración para nosotros, a pesar de las dificultades estas aqui trayéndonos contenido de calidad. Espero que puedas superar este trance pronto amigo. Saludos!
mnuchas gracias mi estimado profesor y coloctordoc , mi meta es motivarlos y que sigan siendo inspiracion para todos !
muchas gracias a blessed girl y a dsc cornell que siempre nos apoya en las curaciones, un millon a ellos.
¡Te deseo un comienzo de año con mucho amor y risas! 2024 #hispapro #felicidades
¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2024! Que el Año Nuevo sea como un lienzo en blanco en el que podamos escribir con felicidad nuestro paso por la vida. #hispapro @crisch23 un abrazo
Con todo mi corazón te deseo que la magia de año nuevo 2024 te ilumine y ayude a seguir luchando por todos sus sueños ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! #hispapro
Aquí mi entrada: hay que votar por nuestros hiver preferidos #hispapro
genial el video de @buiitre haciendo el pvp contra @albiro2050
¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Espero que este año podamos seguir compartiendo momentos inolvidables juntos, ¡que sea el mejor año de nuestras vidas! #hispapro nuestra casa más bonita
Na guará el @albiro2050 se faja en el minecraft! jaja pero le diste bastante batalla @buiitre felicidades!
Es un gran luchador casi me gana
apoyando el video de mi colega @buiitre
Gracias mi bro jejeje
holis @davot un humano pref
@davot felicitaciones
que lindas palabras @davot
@davot por allí oi de un evento en cucuta el próximo año
El año que viene te deseamos salud, felicidad, fortaleza mental, autoconfianza y optimismo. Que tu familia y amigos te acompañen siempre a todos. Vamos a crecer acompañados en #hispapro #hive #web3
@yeraldiaz que lindas palabras
Mucha gente valiosa que aporta todos los días #hispapro
@gislandpoetic, @kreuter2022,
@bulkathos te declaro éxitos en tu vida y para nosotros estamos felices
@rosmiapure que agrado compartí contigo hoy en el programa y mañana personalmente
La sala de #hispapro está llena de gente espectacular hoy. Muchas felicidades.
me encanto la publicacion de @rosmiapure , ese juego lo voy a usar para tomar como modelo para practicar algunos pixel arts.
somos una gran familia en hive
podemos postular a @nobunaga-san en la parte de arte
saud a todos
@karelys89 feliz por ese maravilloso encuentro en la CBW y @buiitre te espero para que nos brindes a @rosmiapure y a mi persona
Aqui mi entrada
@gislandpoetic que buena percepción literaria que nos trae este día
@gislandpoetic y por casualidad no conoces a @bulkathos que es prof de la uc
cacería de brujas wuao
un mute a la historia
que verso tan bien escritos solo para nuestro disfrute @gislanddpoetic
de último en la lista nuestro amigo @misticogama
gracias a todos por venir a compartir en este último programa de curación en vivo
After a satisfying swim the kids are so hungry. So decided to prepare some fried potatoes and snacks.
#ladiesofhive #foodie
Sarebbe bello centrare tutti gli obiettivi prefissati da @nftfrappe nel 2024...e che presto scoprirete in una nuova serie di post! ;)
Il piccolo tenero POO...
Auguro il meglio al progetto Nftfrappe!
View or trade
Hey @bencwarmer, here is a little bit of from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Hive looks Bottomed imo!
Same pattern like SOL, it was in accumulation zone for two quarters and Now #hive second quarter is coming to an end.
2024 Q1, for ETH and Hive? I think so, this htf breakout will be bullish!!
New #Hive #blockchain #communities were created in November 2023 and their growing no proves the return to #crypto. Top 3: Throwback Thursday, Pixels Community and Web3logistics. Which one will you pick?
Miners Host Massive BTC Garage Sale, Offload $129M BTC in One Day #newsonleo
#movies #cinema Unconventional low budget horror film that doesn't live to its potential. (link in reply)
Links/videos being stripped out.
Same thing here. Songs missings.
wait wut should i stop
oh those are old threads damn so all this work and its slowly gonna be stripped out
#FJ Speaking- PEPT Wallet is holding over $1.6 Trillion in Digital Asset to be shared with a coalition of the willing. Now that's #toofuckeh Visit #pept community to learn how to earn some tokens that have nowhere to go but up.
wen native $BTC to $w/b/pLEO swaps
Had a great game against a fellow WOO community member, thanks for playing!
/1 Today a threadcast about random WOO thoughts, enjoy!
#woogame #woo #freecompliments @wrestorgonline
/2 When will crates be openable?
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
/3 When will a roadmap be available for 2024, I'm really stoked to find out when new stuff is coming ^^
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
/4 When will the next AMA be held? I get it that these holidays aren't that easy to hold 'em now.
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
/5 When will the known bugs be patched?
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
/6 When will the adjusted main events, like cage fights etc be available in the WOO public beta?
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
/7 When will rewards go live for playing the WOO game?
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
/8 When will we get more information about gear and beta packs?
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
/9 Sorry for all these questions, I am still enjoying the game very much, are just some thoughts I have ^^
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
/10 Keep up the good work! I know you guys are really doing some great work! :D
#woogame #woo #freecompliments
Am I the only one who doesn't understand anything about this? !LOL #woogame #woo #freecompliments
WOO is a wrestling game built on the Hive blockchain. For more information, check out the articles of @wrestorgonline
If you would have any specific questions, feel free to hit me up! :)
ok, will check on that on a later moment... !LUV
stekene, svanbo sent you LUV. 🙂 (5/10) tools | trade | connect | daily
Made with LUV by crrdlx.
@stekene, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.
In addition, @stekene gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.
Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out or join our
When I got my coffee it was marked Clark.
Credit: lobaobh
$LOLZ on behalf of svanbo
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@stekene, I sent you an
If you aren't bullish on $LEO after that, check your pulse!
Huge year ahead and like I mentioned....You will be so SICK of seeing me in 2024 :)
OnlyLEO Jongo Dances coming soon....
Dance request after reaching Apex title 😂
Oh wow.....Dance would be the least of what I would do LOL
This will be a literal ROARing '24 😀.
ooohhhhh hammer lol
Flashbaaaaaaaaaaack lol
How sick of you may we get?
Just the sight of me, I will turn stomachs!!!
😂😂 This reminds me of how my nephew dances after eating a bit 😃
Ready for 2024 💪
Man I am beat today. Dogs kept me up all freaking night...
Can't get motivated to do much of anything, so going to take a nap and then go hunting in a little while, cause why not!
It's Friday!
Why would the dogs worry so much?
I think today I may start clearing 5+ more plots in #splinterlands btw if you're looking for a plot in any of these spots hit me up.
Ending the year with 20K LEO POWER but I made sure to save me a little sumtin sumtin for the first #lpud of 2024
Double awesome!
That’s huge
Mine isn’t up to 1k 😅😅but I’m getting there some day
Stay focused and show up everyday. Grind like a Lion my friend and you will definitely get there. I'm sure I'll see you crushing it! @fashtioluwa
I will definitely do that😤💯❤️
We are bringing the pride to ourselves
1/🧵 Today, the unusual action I took was to stake a $LEO:$0.06 token, even though we have an official day for it (every 15th day of the month, often known as the LEO Power-Up Day). #threadstorm #outreach
That is good to hear, it is always good to stake your $LEO when you have it
2/🧵 So, rather than adhering to the LPUD - LEO Power-Up Day event, I chose to embrace the opportunity at hand in staking my $LEO token, recognizing that sometimes success lies in the ability to achieve your goal as an individual.
3/🧵 The result of staking the $LEO today exceeded all expectations. Next year, I'm hoping to double my stake. #gosh
GM threaders
What did you all think of the AMA or 2023 wrapup?
I tried to get on the threadcast with my mobile and I could not get logged into Inleo! Does hivechain not work or is it me?
#gmfrens #silverbloggers
I use Hive keychain extension on Kiwi Browser to do InLeo things on mobile. I got tired of the issues I often experienced with the keychain mobile app
I have seen people talk about Kiwi browser but never heard of it
It works on android alone, though. You use android or iOS?
Android, so I downloaded it to my tablet, now need to see about the extension lol
I have something that can help you get is set up for Hive stuff. Here's a guide I made.
How are you able to do that?
Why are resource credits so cheap?
50HP is enough for 100+ votes, 100+ transfers and 45 comments. Shouldn't it be closer to 100 HP per 10 votes, 10 transfers?
A good reason to keep it where it is so new folks and do things and not get frustrated at the start and just leave. Just my thought
Yes, that's understandable, but I still think they should be more expensive. It could drive more accounts to power up instead of down.
when they first get here if they are forced to spend more money, they are going to think the place is a cash and just leave
That could be the case, yes.
Although they wouldn't be spending it. They'd be converting it to Hive Power that can be powered down at a later date and converted back into the original currency. They'd also be signaling that they have skin in the game. I think everybody needs to have a little skin in the game.
My best wish for next year #hivelearners is
Getting a remote work that I can do from home or any part of the world. The one that I just have to do on the computer.
I really want to start a new life
since I’m very good with the computer, I wouldn’t press the power buttons to continue, so the company don’t have to worry about me. I really wish this can happen because I already made plans for it and I wish things work according to my pla
thats a good wish and I wish you all the best in 2024... however if this thread is for this week contest, I suggest you take a closer look at the question. The question is asking for your wishes for the community
I was thinking about it too.
Also it was confusing
When they said “send your best wishing to the community” not “for the community”
I know, right? It's tough living in developing countries like ours with jobs that aren't remote.
You spend all your salary on transport already and nothing to go home with
Exactly, my man. Let's not even bring the problems with communiting and the headache it brings in places like in Nigeria
😅😅too much wahala
If I could save my travel time by working remotely, I would spend it by writing more content on Hive.
That can work too only if you’re a whale on hive
Best of luck to you and I best wishes for you. I hope you will be able to fulfill your wish.
Thanks man
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/5)@intishar! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fashtioluwa.
I have delegated to some accounts this year. And it's been good because I've made a profit on Hive.
I think I will expand these delegations a little more.

#hive #delegated
#gmfrens desperate times call for desperate measures my back has been hurting and I decided to make a makeshift standing table 🤣
Did the makeshift table help to reduce the pain?
yeah it makes it much more comfortable on the back for me !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@cokee! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.