our marketplace for our Universal Item system.
We use S3 now but a decentralized IFPS system to replace it is what we want. and is what they have built.
Ah that’s real interesting. Do they have any posts about this? I think vaultec mentioned this in the comments of @deathwing’s most recent proposal post(DW wanted to add another image server) and I asked for more info but never got anything back.
nope just DM communication.
are you in the 3speak discord ? or the spk discord?
basically it is in a test net right now and you can spin up and help test.
I love hbd. I'm just looking of ways to hive and hbd into cash in my hands. I have never taken it out. Not sure how to send it here and there and then to my bank account.
If a State-managed entity would set up a couple of Hive witnesses (more or less the way EOS was oriented by Chinese blocks producers), could they censor HBD transactions, or influence its peg to the USD?
they need 17 of top 20 witnesses.
After the Steem chain wars we added at least a 30 day
window for new HP to have witness voting power.
We have improved our governance a lot in the last few years.
HBD needs to become better money by generating credit to people. Credit is what really helps people move economically in society. Things like real state, insurance, equity and other paper assets.
The integration of a privacy version of HBD on Zano as a Confidential Asset could open up new possibilities for secure and private transactions within the Hive ecosystem. We are pushing the boundaries and exploring innovative solutions on Hive.
Looking forward to seeing the impact it will have on enhancing user privacy and expanding the utility of HBD.
Our unique hybrid PoW/PoS algorithm harnesses the strengths of both processes for enhanced security, minimizing double-spend vulnerabilities. https://zano.org
well like Hive is very descentralized and has smart contact working their original chain, and had powerful security like cashfusion. Like most forks, it left workout a big premined and it's quite Dex. Also hsd formed protocols to stabilize
When I have emigrated from Cuba, $HBD became in my survival currency. In countries where to have cash is dangerous, my wife and I could buy food and clothes using HBD + V4V.app to purchase Amazon and Uber Eats gift cards.
HBD is a safe haven for many people in the world. Protected by HIVE and connected to BTC it is like awakening a beast that TradFi will not be able to stop
Samson Mow, from "Blockstream", has recently announced the launch of the "AQUA" wallet, centered on the Latin American markets, where the stablecoin will be the centralized & spy fiat called USDT.
PalmPay.io is the site for our point of sale app.
That Nigerian company has nothing to do with us, they started using the PalmPay name a few years ago, regardless of our proof of use in business for years prior to their entry.
we don't need to really on lightning network, we should build more counterparty bots on telegram or even better on chat.d.buzz
Counterparty bots can onboard hundred of commerce instead of only one.
True Metric is better for calculations.
I use grams when I cook.
but there is some intrinsic Human thing about certain numbers.
186 MPH feels so much faster than 300 kmh.
I think when numbers get to big humans can't really perceive them.
But when smaller numbers like 100 or 200 have such a huge meaning.
It has a larger impact on people.
So i do like the larger numbers.
but if I am doing small things I love grams.
When I'm driving I use miles as that's what the signs say and changing those will just confuse people. I buy fuel in litres. I run in km as it's a more manageable distance. These days I measure my height and weight in metric. I cook with g and ml.
Some of the UK government have pushed for using Imperial more (Brexit bonus?), but I don't think people care that much. Kids have grown up with metric.
That's what Bitcoin cash has been saying from the start. Blockstream manipulate bitcoin with the small blocks and creating the secondary market with fees and pumping their project through liquid
It's very cool that you are doing CTT today. I'd like to stick around but I have new years whiskey being served. I do have some requests before I go though, here's one:
Can you please give us some instructions on how to best store our videos in a decentralized manner. Paid options is fine. We just need to know of Corporate-owned alternatives.
Perhaps we can get a Zealy campaign going to expand the use of PalmPay to pay for your coffee or shopping or electricity bill etc. at all the countries in which it is accepted. i'll check out the countries.
The system i spoke of in earlier comment, using Chainlink Oracle, enables collateralised lending. For a stable cost of living coin/index, could use tokenised commodities as NFT's, with users picking their own Stable basket
LN it's just a bridge, unfortunately a centralized one. I hope in the future anyone can do the same using $HBD. The good news is that anyone can launch a Gift Cards or Ecomm and accept $HBD, and probably without spending a penny.
What do you think of Arthur Hayes' hypothesis, that the BTC spot ETF's will immobilize most Bitcoin in the investment funds vaults, thus drying up the mainnet transactions? It could be even more bullish for HBD.
For my country to accept HIVE a lot of marketing will be out in place but it will be more easier now because the ban on cryptocurrency transaction has been lifted, and honestly hive transactions will definitely bring great different.
And you can become an ambassador for them and earn crypto (HBD or Hive maybe) whenever someone pays at a merchant you have recruited
Read this https://palmpay.io/#services
There's an upcoming system which uses (will use) a Chainlink Index Oracle to decouple the index of this project from the dollar. i think this could be applied to a non dollar valued Hive Stable coin. i can share more about this on request.
How do you envision the practical articulation between HBD and SWAP.BTC (or another wrapped BTC modality on Hive), so that it could compete with USDT as "THE" stablecoin to HODL Bitcoin?
Imagine seeing good projects shut down, and the majority of people still back the SEC. #abandonsheep I'd love to see them try to shut down HBD. It would be considered an attack on the progression of free-to-use digital money for humanity.
Add a repeating weekly reminder to your Proton mail calendar (presumably you don't use violence supporting google ;-). The show is at 2100 hrs UTC every Saturday
A paper calendar is as efficient, and doesn't generates digital traces 😃. I appreciate the services Proton mail provides, but they're hackable, and A.I. models leave no bit of data outside of their spying scan.
i actually delegate virtually all of my LP to leo-curator and meowcurator so they are distributing my votes for me :-)
i hope they are voting well. i must check that out
True, probably not for a couple more years, but quantum computers are looming on the horizon. And 2 years ago, a court forced Proton mail to give up personal data about a French user (he hadn't used a VPN).
Got a little plan I'll be firing up in the new year....Hope to make people on $LEO feel appreciated, and set as many of you guys up for success as I can.
Just posted a new blog post talking about Human Readable NFTs.
This has to be the standard or you are just a web2 game preying upon web3 users to fund your dreams.
#hbd is the only currency needed
The feminine touch can do wonders, just don't let her take over, Jongo. You must push back a little to achieve the right balance. Not too bearded cave man; not too Barbie.
Yeah, me too! My Dad has alot of plants in the living room that he takes care of. Relying on me for that would be unwise on his part. LOL
Whew, glad you hid the laminator.
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you and yours, @jongolson🥳🎉
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ lisamgentile1961. (3/20)@jongolson!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
Good morning, family. Welcome to a new day. Today being the last day of 2023, I am glad we all made it to this point. I might not know you all in person, but the sure thing is that you made this year worth being in. I love you all .
But it further said in verse 10 that the Sabbath is the 7th day which is Sunday and you should keep it holy.. If I am not wrong. Exodus 20: 10-11 says it all
Another successful day working on the #freecompliments community (even if just a bit). Growing every day and hopefully changing some lives for the better! Time to go... good night Lions. 🌛
You're right about that. My split between threads and articles has been too lopsided on the threads side. I need to get better balance between both. A 75/25 split with threads would be an improvement over the 95/5 it currently is for me.
At least we can access long form content by going 2 Articles instead of Home. However, it's a bit confusing calling posts "articles" when "posts" is a good word 4 long form content. We just have 2recall that's what posts are called now.
1/3 one interesting or rather surprising thing that happened in year 2023 was the fact that Nigerians were so determined to vote in a presidential candidate that they believed in#threadstorm
my dear, as a Nigerian, I am yet to come out from the
Disssapointment..it hurts to see how we are back to square one
Things have gone so worst and terrible 😔
I watched the Peter Obi hashtags on twitter. I never trust anyone running for office hahahah but at least someone with better rhetoric is setting themselves up to be slammed if they don't follow through, and he had some good things to say.
I like to focus on what people can do on their own even without much power. That's why I like hive so much, we can experience that very tangibly. I put an irresponsible amount of my savings into Hive just to be able to encourage cross cultural discussions, and some people have managed to have an even bigger impact without any investment at all!
The reason why it's important to set goals is it enables you to work towards something and without them you might feel "lost" as success is lots of small steps 2/3
There is no such thing as quick money. They sell you “quick money” as an illusion to make you believe that luck exists. Those of us at HIVE know this and have decided to take the long road to success.
OVer the next 10 to 20 years, there will likely be hundreds of millions of humanoids working all over the world. We can debate how soon that will start happening but it is going to happen.
Note: I had to repeat the benchmark due to a missapp/accident I had with the power plug, but I have accounted everyone timings respectively. Pictures bellow.
Finish (entering live mode)
The Highest guess was 40h57m11h00m by @lipe100dedos, and the Lowest guess was by @evih.
I didn't say, but this ran on 22.04 LTS, which is a very important detail. I am preparing the next one now!
Thanks, feel like I cheated a bit with my own sync happening just shortly before that :P
I'll put this to some good use!
Fun fact, someone flipped a switch and killed my node too and I've got to do another sync as well haha!
Also after I had already the results, the 990 PRO started some performance problems (simply would "turn off" out of nothing) that might change results with this new firmware.
Samsungs been having some fun with their recent drives(980 PROs had the issue where they killed themselves), but I still use them very heavily(just bought like 10TB worth of 980 pros this month lol).
I was running in a Sabrent rocket. Definitely one of the more pretty drives I’ve seen.
Yeah, but they sort out them with new firmwares. Eventually... its the only way to flood the market and get market share. Good for us, because they get cheaper with people complaining. 😜
I am looking at the market players a lot lately, and feeling very tempted to try these 7 series memblaze crazzyness almost 3 million IOPs and all the enterprise style features. Expensive but still very attractive against others, especially for one of the lowest latencies when comparing with others.
Although Washington was more into a central gov't than Jefferson, Washington set the standard for POTUS. John Connor (T2) was a rebel. Bruce Wayne looks like a crypto kind of guy. Wolverine was Wolverine, and therefore uncontrollable.
Formatting for bold and italics works as expected. Blockquotes are handled differently. Tables get zebra striping. Certain markup (especially MARK and MARQUEE) work only in InLeo.
Even when you have funds to pay but when you are close to launch they all want to learn / help.
Good thing I will always be open to talking and working with anyone.I find it funny how #dev people on #hive will ghost you when you are ramping up and looking for people to work with.
I find it intriguing sometimes, i have been trying to reach out to devs on hive, but i have hardly seen any. i really want to learn and contribute to the hive blockchain, the most important thing for me right now is to expand my knowledge.
Good afternoon one and all I made it back strange I tried to do a long post when I first got up and kept getting error message had to post it on sportstalk socil for today
I asked my Dad if he was going to eat dinner with his friend Jeff, but Jeff was out of town. I said “I meant your other friend Jeff,” but my dad said “he isn't in town either.” A short pause went by before he then said…
I missed a few days this year....But just look at @taskmaster4450le he literally does 2 full length posts every day and about 2974947594 posts on Threads lol
Yes, agreed. That's exactly the reason I don't post every day. It sometimes takes longer than expected to polish the post to my liking and we gotta spend some time working :)
I'll see what I end up setting as a goal for myself, but it won't be daily, and will definitely the same quality or higher.
I want to get the badge but I know my internet, my power issues, my distraction levels, how busy I get with other stuff... I want to but I'm setting myself up for disappointment 😅 I'm still gonna try tho, if I manage to write a post today to start it
That we should judge people by their personality instead of looks, doesn't, mean we should not appear decent, remember ''how you dress is how you will be addressed''. good evening fam. #mydiary.
This is the official #threadcast for #CTT talking with @taskmaster4450 about how HBD will gobble the economy.
#CTTPodcast Ep 98
Here's the thumbnail for this week #ctt.
sweet. we just built our marketplace with S3 for testing.
I will get the team on running the test net and coming up with a plan to convert
needs cttpodcast and the episode number
Is the 3speak back-end IFPS ready to be used to store images? or do I need to wait.
There you have it.
Hmm? What's this in relation to? Definitely interested in reading more about it.
our marketplace for our Universal Item system.
We use S3 now but a decentralized IFPS system to replace it is what we want. and is what they have built.
Ah that’s real interesting. Do they have any posts about this? I think vaultec mentioned this in the comments of @deathwing’s most recent proposal post(DW wanted to add another image server) and I asked for more info but never got anything back.
nope just DM communication.
are you in the 3speak discord ? or the spk discord?
basically it is in a test net right now and you can spin up and help test.
I’m in the spk network one. Feel free to ping me there, @rishi556, definitely want to discuss this more!
Happy New Year to #CTT hosts, guest and community!
writing needs to be much much bigger, its a thumbnail for a podcast
Here you go!
I totally agree with you, HBD has helped so many Hiveans from Nigeria and many other countries. Our currency keeps falling but HBD gives us an edge.
Yep. I would have most of my wealth in a dollar denominated asset like HBD instead of the naira.
That is going to get one crushed.
Yeah me too!
can you pay with hive or hbd within the usa?
No. Who know if/when that might be possible. @kencode?
I love hbd. I'm just looking of ways to hive and hbd into cash in my hands. I have never taken it out. Not sure how to send it here and there and then to my bank account.
Maybe you can buy e-gift cards with it with palmpay.io
Check it out, let me know please
doesn't look like you can use palmpay in the usa
i think this will be very good for Hive ecosystem. Not sure if you'll still be able to earn interest on zHBD or not yet.
If a State-managed entity would set up a couple of Hive witnesses (more or less the way EOS was oriented by Chinese blocks producers), could they censor HBD transactions, or influence its peg to the USD?
they need 17 of top 20 witnesses.
After the Steem chain wars we added at least a 30 day
window for new HP to have witness voting power.
We have improved our governance a lot in the last few years.
M'Hive'lous!!! 😀
The development of this (which i think will be quite speedy) is awaiting for the Zarcanum hardfork on Zano (which should be within a couple of weeks).
HBD needs to become better money by generating credit to people. Credit is what really helps people move economically in society. Things like real state, insurance, equity and other paper assets.
Can never have enough HBD.
In case you're not aware, there is a plan by @terablock-hive to get a privacy version of HBD on Zano (as a Confidential asset).
The integration of a privacy version of HBD on Zano as a Confidential Asset could open up new possibilities for secure and private transactions within the Hive ecosystem. We are pushing the boundaries and exploring innovative solutions on Hive.
Looking forward to seeing the impact it will have on enhancing user privacy and expanding the utility of HBD.
Thanks @atma.love for the mention. 🙏
What is the Zano consensus model?
It's 50/50 POS & POW
Our unique hybrid PoW/PoS algorithm harnesses the strengths of both processes for enhanced security, minimizing double-spend vulnerabilities.
Alright, thanks! I'll check that out.
It reminds me a bit the Dash hybrid consensus.
For POS you need to run on desktop, connected, so it is supporting the network
HBD savings is like a safe haven to me. Especially during a bear market. Obviously my HBD has started move out of that position now.
yes, hope it doesn't change anytime s a great advantage.
Hope so too.
What do you guys think about the HBD yield? Should it be kept at 20% for the time being?
I think 20% Apr is good.
Even binance is offering 20% nowadays on Usdt.
bitfinex already announced that they will bow to the European regulation with their tether and it doesn't work in Cuba
In Cuba, nor in Venezuela or Russia, I guess?
I wonder if in such a case the Salvadoran based Bitfinex can be used (for people who accept KYC procedures, of course...).
They is the norm. Nobody is going to stand up to the pressure of these governments.
You guys should pay more attention to bitcoin cash and cash fusion and Cashscript.
what's different in that?
Haven't stayed updated with BCH development after seeing that downfall of smartbch..
well like Hive is very descentralized and has smart contact working their original chain, and had powerful security like cashfusion. Like most forks, it left workout a big premined and it's quite Dex. Also hsd formed protocols to stabilize
When I have emigrated from Cuba, $HBD became in my survival currency. In countries where to have cash is dangerous, my wife and I could buy food and clothes using HBD + V4V.app to purchase Amazon and Uber Eats gift cards.
That's pretty amazing. Sounds like it was a very important part of your journey.
Yeah man, a super important part.
it's the on/off ramps that are stopping adoption.
the mass of people move to centralized L2's because of the ease of the on/off ramps.
All about those ramps. Crypto is great, but needs to be connected to the outside world (outside crypto).
lightning network works for LTC also.
it was originally designed for LTC, so that is an option also.
yes, nice!
HBD is a safe haven for many people in the world. Protected by HIVE and connected to BTC it is like awakening a beast that TradFi will not be able to stop
The merchant system is called palmpay
Incorrect. That Nigerian company has nothing to do with us.
PalmPay.io details our point of sale software.
Edited. Thanks
Thanks for this!
You're welcome. Ask any shops you use to add palmpay if they dont already have it, and tell all your friends
Def works in Nigeria
does it show hbd too?
i think so.
@kencode ?
Samson Mow, from "Blockstream", has recently announced the launch of the "AQUA" wallet, centered on the Latin American markets, where the stablecoin will be the centralized & spy fiat called USDT.
It's good to hear the voices of my friends again.
There is a merchant system by @kencode which enables peeps to pay by card with HBD in shops. i think it's only available in Africa at mo. not sure
PalmPay.io is the site for our point of sale app.
That Nigerian company has nothing to do with us, they started using the PalmPay name a few years ago, regardless of our proof of use in business for years prior to their entry.
Oh. Ok, noted.
we don't need to really on lightning network, we should build more counterparty bots on telegram or even better on chat.d.buzz
Counterparty bots can onboard hundred of commerce instead of only one.
Wow Episode 98? That’s something!! Good job guys
Sounds like an interesting system! WHat would be the incentives for people to collateralize their HBD? Fees?
correct + the APR
Gotcha! Is the APR defined already?
Okay... Where do I sign up...???
Thanks guys. Lots of good info and ideas.
Peace & Love from England
HBD being accepted on local shops/merchants are big incentive.
Bitcoin or ETH and other coins haven't caused that trouble to Bank or USD than USDT or stables have done imo...
I wish my country can get to a point where we can have shops that accept HBD, it would be such a delight!
i think they do. check out palmpay.com
Ohhh, I had no idea, I’ll check it out shortly and thank you.
You're welcome. Ask any shops you use to add palmpay if they dont already have it, and tell all your friends
writing is a little too small here
Ohhh sorry
Yea, Christmas was good.
Btw love to see we're having a show today. That's commitment
Yep. That is the difference.
on space now, it's live!
Hello to everyone joining.
HBD is the most stable coin you can ever come across and it keeps helping lives!
I'm curious if we'll have borrowing/lending on $HBD by 2024?
Any thoughts on that?
I see that being feasible through the layers that #VSC is buidling.
The threadcast is now at the top of the main page.
Good job everyone. Hopefully this will putt more people in.
Here is the link to the Spaces
Am here to learn
Hello Hivers and decentralized degens 😁
and miles are way better than kilometers not matter what Jongo says
Well they are bigger. Metric is so much easier when it comes to calculations.
True Metric is better for calculations.
I use grams when I cook.
but there is some intrinsic Human thing about certain numbers.
186 MPH feels so much faster than 300 kmh.
I think when numbers get to big humans can't really perceive them.
But when smaller numbers like 100 or 200 have such a huge meaning.
It has a larger impact on people.
So i do like the larger numbers.
but if I am doing small things I love grams.
When I'm driving I use miles as that's what the signs say and changing those will just confuse people. I buy fuel in litres. I run in km as it's a more manageable distance. These days I measure my height and weight in metric. I cook with g and ml.
Some of the UK government have pushed for using Imperial more (Brexit bonus?), but I don't think people care that much. Kids have grown up with metric.
That's what Bitcoin cash has been saying from the start. Blockstream manipulate bitcoin with the small blocks and creating the secondary market with fees and pumping their project through liquid
need $HBD!!!

Waiting for it to fall from "Hiven" 😅.
It's very cool that you are doing CTT today. I'd like to stick around but I have new years whiskey being served. I do have some requests before I go though, here's one:
Can you please give us some instructions on how to best store our videos in a decentralized manner. Paid options is fine. We just need to know of Corporate-owned alternatives.
Perhaps we can get a Zealy campaign going to expand the use of PalmPay to pay for your coffee or shopping or electricity bill etc. at all the countries in which it is accepted. i'll check out the countries.
The system i spoke of in earlier comment, using Chainlink Oracle, enables collateralised lending. For a stable cost of living coin/index, could use tokenised commodities as NFT's, with users picking their own Stable basket
afaik, chainlink is not decentralized. but yes, hive will be able to do this with HBD and it will actually be decentralized
The project is not based on chainlink, just using their oracle for NFTs.
i'm only learning about it today, ploughing through docs. It's very interesting. Public launch in February.
Do you want link to docs to explore?
Thanks to @taskmaster4450 's thoughts flow, we can mint the concept of HBD being "decentralized real eStake" 😃.
Thanks for having us.
Enjoying it
LN it's just a bridge, unfortunately a centralized one. I hope in the future anyone can do the same using $HBD. The good news is that anyone can launch a Gift Cards or Ecomm and accept $HBD, and probably without spending a penny.
What do you think of Arthur Hayes' hypothesis, that the BTC spot ETF's will immobilize most Bitcoin in the investment funds vaults, thus drying up the mainnet transactions? It could be even more bullish for HBD.
Aren't these centralized Stablecoin under radar of regulations or fed?
For my country to accept HIVE a lot of marketing will be out in place but it will be more easier now because the ban on cryptocurrency transaction has been lifted, and honestly hive transactions will definitely bring great different.
Palmpay.io, with which you can pay with HBD or Hive i think has 300,000 merchants in Nigeria + 500,000 mobile agents
palmpay. Io?
And you can become an ambassador for them and earn crypto (HBD or Hive maybe) whenever someone pays at a merchant you have recruited
Read this https://palmpay.io/#services
wow checking it out immediately
Tell all your friends. Share about it on Threads.
There's an upcoming system which uses (will use) a Chainlink Index Oracle to decouple the index of this project from the dollar. i think this could be applied to a non dollar valued Hive Stable coin. i can share more about this on request.
HBD will stand for "Hive-Based Decentralization" 😀.
Hello everyone!
Let's interact here so the Threadcast is pinned to the top of the UI
Do we have HBD on map to find out where exactly on which shop it is accepted as payment option?
I.e like this: https://map.bitcoin.com/
How do you envision the practical articulation between HBD and SWAP.BTC (or another wrapped BTC modality on Hive), so that it could compete with USDT as "THE" stablecoin to HODL Bitcoin?
Imagine seeing good projects shut down, and the majority of people still back the SEC. #abandonsheep I'd love to see them try to shut down HBD. It would be considered an attack on the progression of free-to-use digital money for humanity.
It would be a great indicator for people to reflect as they basically prove themselves to be slaves to society.
Let's keep that to feet pics only for now. 🤣
You are learning.
from the masters.
is the space live yet?
yes https://twitter.com/CTTPodcastHive
Thanks, on space now.
I have this one question,
In the early 2023, HBD used to trade above $1 and those were Korean pumps - right?
Then stabilizer arrived and we haven't seen hbd going higher above $1 but did it impacted hive?
Haven't seen those kind of Korean price hikes since then ..
I'm curious to know what do you think about this..
HBD needs to grow as a commerc solution. Implementing new protocols like subscriptions or payments like credit cards
should ttake a look at the BCH Bull contract
i think we need a Hive Stable coin based on a "cost of living" index.
Thank you very much, great show. 3 hours felt like 1
it always does :))
How did i miss this 😭 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Please, is there a way one can subscribe and get notifications prior to the time a threadcast starts?
Add a repeating weekly reminder to your Proton mail calendar (presumably you don't use violence supporting google ;-). The show is at 2100 hrs UTC every Saturday
A paper calendar is as efficient, and doesn't generates digital traces 😃. I appreciate the services Proton mail provides, but they're hackable, and A.I. models leave no bit of data outside of their spying scan.
Fair enough
I'll go on raising my LEO power, so that my upvotes to contributions as worthy as yours will end up distributing some value, lol.
i actually delegate virtually all of my LP to leo-curator and meowcurator so they are distributing my votes for me :-)
i hope they are voting well. i must check that out
*"generate", sorry.
Mind you, i doubt if AI could hack proton calendar anymore than they could hack your Hive Wallet, as long as you keep your keys safe.
True, probably not for a couple more years, but quantum computers are looming on the horizon. And 2 years ago, a court forced Proton mail to give up personal data about a French user (he hadn't used a VPN).
yeah, we need decentralised organisations, i mean REALLY decentralised, with DAO type multi-level anonymous governance - #matrix8 style
Oh look, i can use bold or even italic without paying for premium!
Wen VSC? 6 months?
I think the testnet is running but I might be speaking out of school on that one.
It is close either way. Going live is going to depend upon the results of testing.
End of January, early February
One more moth to go!!!! Awesome
so am just listening
Please what impact will swapping HBD to hive have on hive ecosystem?
At some point I get confused 🤔 like which should I keep ist HBD or hive?
This might sound funny but that's how I feel.
Got a little plan I'll be firing up in the new year....Hope to make people on $LEO feel appreciated, and set as many of you guys up for success as I can.
Details very soon...Watch this space!
That's great Jongo! 👍
Looking forward to details.
BTW, which of the frontends is advisable to bring in referrals on Hive? I was thinking Peakd but which one will you suggest?
Right here in LEO :) Click on 'More' and then settings for your affiliate link.
Okay, perfect, will do just that.
Thanks so much.
I can't wait to see what you have in store
Jongo changing the game as usual. Looking forward to it. !PIZZA
sounds good o.o
Vitalik Buterin releases updated roadmap for #Ethereum
Where do you see ETH in next 5 years?
Imo $ETH at $10,000 one day is inevitable.
#newsonleo #crypto
10k for sure in this coming bull run
Just posted a new blog post talking about Human Readable NFTs.
This has to be the standard or you are just a web2 game preying upon web3 users to fund your dreams.
#hbd is the only currency needed
My wife is trying to 'redecorate' my office...
So far, I've lost my white board and added a fake plant.
Oh boy.
The feminine touch can do wonders, just don't let her take over, Jongo. You must push back a little to achieve the right balance. Not too bearded cave man; not too Barbie.
This is the way.
a little bit of give a little bit of take lol
We need birds! ((chorus)) 😂
I'm trying to convince her, they need to be in another room...forever lol
Hahah distraction

Just hope she doesn't get rid of your laminator. At least you don't have to water the plant. 🤣
I'd kill it if it was a real plant. Nah nah, I have the laminator hidden!!!!
Yeah, me too! My Dad has alot of plants in the living room that he takes care of. Relying on me for that would be unwise on his part. LOL
Whew, glad you hid the laminator.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@jongolson! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @lisamgentile1961.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ lisamgentile1961. (3/20)@jongolson!
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.
Yay! I love when she redecorates....
I am not too bright but isnt there something about a man and his castle?
Now sure how a plant fits into that equation.
Yeah, I need to check my man card!!!
Was working on a post template draft and lost my train of thought after this came up jajajjaa all i had in my head was white board and plant 😅
lol my bad!
i feel your pain.
Her sister was just laughing at us...Everything my wife was doing, I hated lol
what no lace yet lol
Oh it's coming....
Want my upvotes?
I think that phrase is WAY more powerful outside of #HIVE... just saying...
People on twitter... "I am getting premium.... AFTER 3 years... I still can't get rewards..."
Focus on these... "Get on #hive and #inleo, and ON DAY ONE, you will GET REWARDED!"
You can earn your way to premium don't be sad! Happy new year!
Thanks man
I would do that no matter what too
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/5)@solymi! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fashtioluwa.
The list is growing. Luckily you have enough Leo power to go around even for the new premium users. Thanks for the suppport
les go for 3 Premium!
Yes please. Got premium since first 100!
That's one of the reasons that I always have my #premium membership active as I don't want to miss the support and #boom upvotes.
What you waiting for lions, let there be atleast 1000 premium members in January 2024.
Oh snap, just saw my premium expired. Time to re-up!
#Inleo is now evergreen even more reason to renew!
3 month streak! Nothing is stopping me!

I disagree with this sentiment. I feel this is a RTF move, or a vote for a vote price.
That damn p2w system! Cmon #sloths, rise up and win without premium!
Hmmm... This seems to have a minimum character allowance. 😕
There is also #dbuzz #microblogging which does not require a premium to edit.
Can't forget #waves either.
Sloth.Buzz offers access to the 'waves' feature through the 'decks' page. You can also Dbuzz directly from there! Sloth steps!
Great to know because My decks seem to have maxed what they can do. 😁
I'm back from the dead right in time for the new year and first thing was gettin' premium ... keep votin' fren 🚀🌕👍🏽
Check :) due to renewal in 3 days or so.. already have my liquids ready..
Happy new year to you and yours!
Renewed and without a hitch! I'm excited for #premium
@atma.love shows a way to keep transactions on Etherscan, BSCscan, etc. private:
we say goodbye
and you become the past
#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday #2023
The search for happiness is a path
of learning opportunities.
Before you learn, before you arrive.
#freecompliments #hivebr
Yes, I created this motivational phrase.
No SKYNET here!
Follow me!
OMG they found me! !LOL
You are out of jokes for the day!
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!@crazyphantombr you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 10 times per day.
Essa de sem skynet foi bacana kkkk, mas realmente, a busca pela felicidade pode nos proporcionar muitas oportunidades de aprendizagem.
Good morning, family. Welcome to a new day. Today being the last day of 2023, I am glad we all made it to this point. I might not know you all in person, but the sure thing is that you made this year worth being in. I love you all .
Happy Saturday Night Lions....
Time to get back to work for this guy!
AKA, rave about $LEO , buy more LEO , dream about LEO
That's a good thing though!
Happy Sunday from here.
Happy Sunday!!!
Thanks brother, I hope you will remember to go to church to pray to your God for the end of the year and the beginning of another year to come.
Exodus 20:8. Sabbath isn't Sunday ;)
Lol, so you understand bible so much 😄.. so what day is Sabbath??
But it further said in verse 10 that the Sabbath is the 7th day which is Sunday and you should keep it holy.. If I am not wrong. Exodus 20: 10-11 says it all
Going back to trucking?
Oh gosh no lol Not unless a company promises me the world lol Feel like I wasted 2023 on my attempt to create a new career.
#gmfrens 💚😵
Gary getting ready for a big New Year’s Eve with a nap.
Have you got any plans?
Has to rest up for a late night/early morning.
Are we talking about Gary or you here? ;)
Not me. I am old. I hope the damn people arent setting off fireworks until 2 AM.
Might have to go Clint Eastwood on them.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Another successful day working on the #freecompliments community (even if just a bit). Growing every day and hopefully changing some lives for the better! Time to go... good night Lions. 🌛
You are a legend!
Appreciate it, Jongo! ❤️ Maybe in time, but it will be essential for me to remain humble under all circumstances.
I hear that! But hey, just giving a......free compliment ;)
For 2024, I need to spend less time at LeoThreads and more time at LeoArticles
I miss commenting to posts as I had in 2021
I think savvy creators will focus on both! Double the pleasure!!!
You're right about that. My split between threads and articles has been too lopsided on the threads side. I need to get better balance between both. A 75/25 split with threads would be an improvement over the 95/5 it currently is for me.
I kind of miss posts and articles. I find it hard to stay enthusiastic about the whole short for thing in the long term. I failed at twitter, too!
At least we can access long form content by going 2
instead ofHome
. However, it's a bit confusing calling posts "articles" when "posts" is a good word 4 long form content. We just have 2recall that's what posts are called now.u never see or click on #threadstorm links?
Occasionally, like once a day. I have enough trouble scrolling through the feed to catch up on what I missed even if I use hashtags.
is the first ad distribution on Jan 1st? I think I heard that somewhere…
Yessssssir! It's coming!!!
yes it is
Ads distribution? Explain more
Yes, we get to see what it looks like tomorrow!
1/3 one interesting or rather surprising thing that happened in year 2023 was the fact that Nigerians were so determined to vote in a presidential candidate that they believed in#threadstorm

2/3 we all believed in him but unfortunately his lost the election to a man who made living hell for Nigerian ls right after he was elected
3/3 things became bad and worse, prices skyrocketed, the naira devalued, fuel subsidy was removed, education became expensive an so many more
my dear, as a Nigerian, I am yet to come out from the
Disssapointment..it hurts to see how we are back to square one
Things have gone so worst and terrible 😔
I watched the Peter Obi hashtags on twitter. I never trust anyone running for office hahahah but at least someone with better rhetoric is setting themselves up to be slammed if they don't follow through, and he had some good things to say.
I like to focus on what people can do on their own even without much power. That's why I like hive so much, we can experience that very tangibly. I put an irresponsible amount of my savings into Hive just to be able to encourage cross cultural discussions, and some people have managed to have an even bigger impact without any investment at all!
I see what you do, JONGO!
Can you feel this? 😃
ha ha ha ha thank you sir!
Yeah man, people are selling, I'm buying :)
Pushed myself a bit tonight, but like you said..LEOads are coming, and we're less than a day or so away from pay day so.....More LEO!!!
Its the breaking of a new day in my region, Good morning boss.
Jongo's button gets stuck inLEO action!

In #Splinterlands, the amazing #play2earn #game on #hive, I've just tapped 120k $SPS staked, but I am still hungry for more. #Rebellion is great and provides strong new mechanics #tokenomics.
I just got back into playing a bit. I was pretty burned out but I feel a new energy as the new year arrives.
What are you waiting for, @leoads ?
Leo's, that is...
I'll be getting more tomorrow hopefully if that APY kicks in finally
leoads to add moar LEOs
Sir, yessir! I'm on it!!!! lol
Much more is needed in 2024. let's go, @leoads
Yea, the adds should keeping more harder. In short, it beautifies my wall in here more.
Spot Bitcoin ETF Applicants Flood SEC With Filing Updates Before Deadline
Did you see the fee structures?
i did not. Is it large?
They are going to be higher than a SPY ETF for sure!
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(22/50)@cryptictruth! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Now that the Year has come to an end it's important to set financial goals in #crypto why not start with a Inleo #premium account? 1/3
Love it! Great advice!
Thank you, I've come to learn that success is lots of small wins
The reason why it's important to set goals is it enables you to work towards something and without them you might feel "lost" as success is lots of small steps 2/3
find out what I'm doing on #Inleo built on the #Hive Blockchain 3/3 https://alpha.leofinance.io/@melbourneswest/time-to-set-your-new-years-financial-goals-in-order-to-chase-success-
Good idea! Did this and was one of the first 100!
SpaceX test fires giant Starship booster — and spaceship — for 3rd test flight (video)
Cathy wood gonna get that Ark ETF approve first and buy lower maybe??
Will see it soon
soon is almost here..
Sec hinting possible approval for next week..
Sad: when you go to the store with
your little daughter to buy fireworks
and they are already sold out.
Maybe another store that might have some
It's New Years Eve here in the land downunder and we've got smoked lamb cooking. How are you celebrating? #Premium #foodiebeehive
wheres the wagyu for me
It's lamb, I can't afford Wagyu currently 😞
haha i know its lamb i asking where my wagyu :P
Looks tasty! Had coffee with todays first NY over live & will sleep through the next
#photography #petroglyphs
awesome finds. Love these shots. !PIZZA
It's all your doing. Got me thinking I need to spend some time in southern Utah and see the sights. 🙂
There is no such thing as quick money. They sell you “quick money” as an illusion to make you believe that luck exists. Those of us at HIVE know this and have decided to take the long road to success.
So many facts in this Thread!!!
OVer the next 10 to 20 years, there will likely be hundreds of millions of humanoids working all over the world. We can debate how soon that will start happening but it is going to happen.
Prepare accordingly.
Looking forward to it.
Haven't seen a book on how to prepare for this as of it..
this is to funny
Vitalik Buterin: Web3 Vision Has 'Faded' Due to Rising Transaction Fees
Thanks for this. It is a gem.
You are welcome. Thought you would appreciate it.
adoptedi read his post a couple of days ago which prompted me to check out #railgun again, and also #nocturne
Good on Vitalik i say.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(17/50)@atma.love! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
And the winner of https://inleo.io/@forkyishere/benchmarking-my-new-hive-node my last #giveaway, was @rishi556 with an answer of 18.8 hours. (enjoy the 2023 HP delegation mate).
The total run was 19h18m 😱 - 81313230 blocks
Note: I had to repeat the benchmark due to a missapp/accident I had with the power plug, but I have accounted everyone timings respectively. Pictures bellow.
Finish (entering live mode)
The Highest guess was
by @lipe100dedos, and the Lowest guess was by @evih.I didn't say, but this ran on 22.04 LTS, which is a very important detail. I am preparing the next one now!
Thanks, feel like I cheated a bit with my own sync happening just shortly before that :P
I'll put this to some good use!
Fun fact, someone flipped a switch and killed my node too and I've got to do another sync as well haha!
The local sync is going to be harder... 😁
And I am also doing tests on Ubuntu 23.10...
Also after I had already the results, the 990 PRO started some performance problems (simply would "turn off" out of nothing) that might change results with this new firmware.
Samsungs been having some fun with their recent drives(980 PROs had the issue where they killed themselves), but I still use them very heavily(just bought like 10TB worth of 980 pros this month lol).
I was running in a Sabrent rocket. Definitely one of the more pretty drives I’ve seen.
Yeah, but they sort out them with new firmwares. Eventually... its the only way to flood the market and get market share. Good for us, because they get cheaper with people complaining. 😜
I am looking at the market players a lot lately, and feeling very tempted to try these 7 series memblaze crazzyness almost 3 million IOPs and all the enterprise style features. Expensive but still very attractive against others, especially for one of the lowest latencies when comparing with others.
7 series memblaze? Wtf even is that lol. I’m just excited for more gen 5 drives.
People who need Laser Eyes:
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
John Connor (T2)
Bruce Wayne
What's the opposite of Laser 👀? Oedipus Rex 👀.
Have suggestions 4 Laser 👀? Add them in the replies!
I'm more interested in why they need Laser than who they are.
Although Washington was more into a central gov't than Jefferson, Washington set the standard for POTUS. John Connor (T2) was a rebel. Bruce Wayne looks like a crypto kind of guy. Wolverine was Wolverine, and therefore uncontrollable.
When publishing blog post using Inleo front end does formatting works same as in PeakD and Ecency?
I believe it does. mostly use peakd nowadays, but from what i remember it does.
it is not for me an also it puts this round corners on images, on other front ends formating works for me 🤷♂️
Oof, guess theres been changes since i last used it.
I will just go with it, not the year to complain about the little things
Formatting for bold and italics works as expected. Blockquotes are handled differently. Tables get zebra striping. Certain markup (especially MARK and MARQUEE) work only in InLeo.
Even when you have funds to pay but when you are close to launch they all want to learn / help.
Good thing I will always be open to talking and working with anyone.I find it funny how #dev people on #hive will ghost you when you are ramping up and looking for people to work with.
I find it intriguing sometimes, i have been trying to reach out to devs on hive, but i have hardly seen any. i really want to learn and contribute to the hive blockchain, the most important thing for me right now is to expand my knowledge.
I am a dev. There you can hire me. Just do not ask me to spell develope(o)(i)(a)r.
Well maybe I am not one. But I can play one on TV. Does that count?
don't forget to claim those sweet candies
1/🧵 Weekly payout to HP and RC delegators for @youarealive, rewards in $ALIVE tokens.
#threadstorm #outreach #aliveandthriving #wearealivetribe #liotes
2/🧵 Check it out here.
#gosh #aliveandthriving
Good afternoon one and all I made it back strange I tried to do a long post when I first got up and kept getting error message had to post it on sportstalk socil for today
odd. I just posted a long form post from InLeo and had no errors.
that is very strange not sure what went wrong
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(6/50)@simplegame! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.
I asked my Dad if he was going to eat dinner with his friend Jeff, but Jeff was out of town. I said “I meant your other friend Jeff,” but my dad said “he isn't in town either.” A short pause went by before he then said…
“We're Jeff-free.”
#jokes #jokesonleo
Jeff free indeed😁😁. That sound fabulous.
Anytime brother
I'm still deciding wether I'd like to make it a goal to do 365 posts in 2024. Not one every day, just 365 in total.
I missed a few days this year....But just look at @taskmaster4450le he literally does 2 full length posts every day and about 2974947594 posts on Threads lol
You guys are beasts. Task is an apex beast and you are maybe a beast cub, lol. JK.
I'm very impressed and inspired to be a long-term, crazy, hard core HIVE buidler.
I pale in comparison to the good sir lol
That was a joke by the way. long live moose and the metric systems!
Task is a machine, OpenAI will reveal that they use hive as test lab sooner or later ... 😜
Good effort Jon, roll on next year!
this is doable but make sure each of them has quality - means will eat some fair amount of time
Yes, agreed. That's exactly the reason I don't post every day. It sometimes takes longer than expected to polish the post to my liking and we gotta spend some time working :)
I'll see what I end up setting as a goal for myself, but it won't be daily, and will definitely the same quality or higher.
Seems like 365 posts would be a lot more feasible than 365 days of posting. "Life happens," and all that good stuff...
Yes! I can make more posts on weekends. I cannot commit to making 1 post a day. Seems reasonable, right?
+1 as it's a leap year! ;)
Ha! 366. That makes it even more amazing!
I'm still debating wether I should commit though. Three digits is a lot of anything.
I want to get the badge but I know my internet, my power issues, my distraction levels, how busy I get with other stuff... I want to but I'm setting myself up for disappointment 😅 I'm still gonna try tho, if I manage to write a post today to start it
Go for it!!
Whatever works for you. You'll decide when you decide then.
Sounds like a good goal, i'm thinking along the same lines! Would be nice to have a 'daily' post...one a day keeps the debt collector away? right??!
Haha yes. A post a day keeps the debt collector away 😄.
It has a nice ring to it! I'll be sure to have my apple a day too, i don't want a knock from the doctor either!
do most of them this week take the rest of the year off bro
That's genius!
I can live like a digital nomad in Thailand for the rest of the year 🙌
I like it.
I also like that plan, will go and tell the fam thats is what I am doing this year
This sounds like a fun way to go about things.
Like an apple a day....make it posts a day...(my thought)
I could probably make a few more posts during the weekend and compensate for those days when I can't find the time or energy to make a post.
I think I did over 320 in 272 days in 2023... You can if you want to.
Wow! that's pretty impressive. It can definitely be done.
It's worth trying :)
It's my goal too, just won't be writing them every day, tyring to batch out a few at a time to have them scheduled when life happens :)
I haven't decided :)
Wife: “Send me one of those funny dad jokes!”
Me: “I can't, I'm busy working.”
Wife: “That's hilarious! Do you have anymore?”
#jokes #jokesonleo
Sheessh, Just finished writing and now it is time to get some well deserved shut eye.
Never forget about you, first you, and your well-being.
You are very correct. Never neglect you in whatever you do because when everyone leaves you will be by yourself
That we should judge people by their personality instead of looks, doesn't, mean we should not appear decent, remember ''how you dress is how you will be addressed''. good evening fam. #mydiary.
My kids put together a PowerPoint presentation explaining why we should go to the water park…
It has several slides.
#jokes #jokesonleo
My little Madam, enjoying her Mirinda. That's the joy of the holidays. #foodie #mydiary
I want my new toy NOW !
wut toy
The one which sells yet nowhere but in China:
Xiaomi 14 Pro
16G / 1000G version
oh u like china phone lets gooooooooooooo xiami gets google playstore though?
Which toy Sir ?
Xiaomi 14 Pro.
16G / 1 TB
Easy Money.
ETA Jan 1st, 2024
How come? is it live yet? I thought it is not yet live.
o.o really i hope so
Let see how it goes tomorrow, would be amazing to start 2024.
My Christmas gift is still 200 miles away.
Stuck there until the "Proof of Keys" day.
ETA Jan 5th.
that's a hell of a long time from now 😔
May God make it up for you.~ (A delay is better than getting lost, right?)
Fingers crossed 🤞
Have patience, the goods will finally arrive to you, ok!
#photography #banff #canadianrockies
I need to go there. Been to glacier but never here. !PIZZA
You would love it I’m sure!