There are 3 pages

Are you interesting in a pre-sale at a discounted price for items that will be on the marketplace ???Our new Layer 1 NFT platform for games using Hive as a DB of truth is launching very very soon with #hbd as the only currency.

I upvoted this for the creativity and combination of an announcement and a poll.

Kudos to you my good man.

Looking forward to it. !PIZZA

if you didn't see I did a thread with a link to a youtube demo I had to put up for the conference I am at.
Let me know what you think.
Of course more work is to be done but it shows the direction we are heading.

I will check it out tonight.

🧵 1/3

The energy on Day 3 of Carnaval was unstoppable.

I found a nice spot along the Carnaval parade route and was blown away by the beautiful floats and dazzling costumes.


🧵 2/3

From the moment the groups hit the street with their energetic music, I couldn't help but tap my foot and sing along.

From the moment the groups hit the street with their energetic music, I couldn't help but tap my foot and sing along.

Question: what happened to boosted APR? Mine was cut in half and it ended up as liquid on my account

At one point the LeoAI will be able to also let us use the post-into-thread feature to post on X and promote our content there.

Perhaps the AI can make it specifically for InLeo or for X

What did Khal bet on the Super Bowl? Only on the winners or some random stuff too?

I think he went with KC.

Cat didn't have any winners. Just had superbowl boxes tho

Thread casts are becoming 🔥 by the day. The Super Bowl thread cast was an introduction to what threads will become.

Without a doubt. We have to get people use to it.

True. Before we know it INLEO would have opened up a performance machine.

wow. In the delegation tier, the premium subscribers get higher APR of 22%

If you get the payout in staked LEO as opposed to liquid LEO.

Premium services have increased to 280 subscribers. That's massive. More subscribers are needed.

More activity is required.

By the way, this is shaping up nicely.

Amazing that some buttheads on Hive dont like Leo.

Leo is doing more than most anything else.

Getting noticed on Leo is easy.

Just being everywhere especially on threads.

1K threads per week will get you noticed.

Question: Does only the upvotes made through the INLEO platform count towards the minimum interactions required for LeoAds?

Asking because most of my upvotes that follow @leo.voter are done automatically with voting trails. These aren't made through the inleo platform.

Elon build Grok

Khal is building LeoAI, to be known as Task.

Task > Grok

@khaleelkazi Any Plans to Integrate a LEO Thread in to a Splinterlands Tournament so participants can talk to each other in a Tournamanemt ^.^

Good content + a premium subscription = reward showers

Shocking how posts get swallowed by posts on threads. The traffic out here is amazing.

I want you all to notice how many people we are in the space, compared to a year ago on discord, we are consistely betweem 20 and 40 people always listening to the AMA

That's big

check your discord DMs

The leo family is growing

Yea, a premium that pays for itself

Also, if I am not mistaken, the Leo proposal aims on onboarding 1,500 brand new Hive/Leo users by the end of Q1. How's this goal going?

What was the Leo Premium idea you had in the shower the other day? Care to share?

weird thing, nothing is loading for me on desktop and had to come to mobile... Usually is the other way around. I might have to clear cache or something on my laptop

190 comments! Yes!!

PeakD Trending outdated for example.

the leo fam is growing bigger and stronger with premium

Nice space meeting today, its worth it

The Leo Formula:

Page views = Ad Revenue = LEO purchased

Question: Are there any plans to enlist Leo on exchanges like Binance?

Secondly, is there any support from the team to have some resource credits for the newbies who prefeed going premium instead of powering up :)

Reward Showers!!!


up up away is the way to go forward

It was a big update. Have to say that is a nice addition to the tokenomics.

Want to give us some insight into the Premium idea you got in the shower the other day?

lol how do you know this stuff?

I have prepared a bilingual post for the Pinmapple community in two columns. But it seems that the corresponding markdown codes to display text in two columns have not been placed yet !

Premium should be worth it even without the rewards, and then the rewards is a nice extra

It is getting there. We are looking at it becoming similar to Amazon Prime.

Is there any information yet on why InLeo links don't work when opening from links shared on Instagram or facebook?

It also is too sensitive to the browser you are using... what makes inleo's links so different from the other dapps?

Task just wrote it … the LeoAI can only be named Task ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Thread cast grows with every AMA. The community is on fire!!!

Premium subscribers will be notified and encouraged so that their services will be regular and appreciated. Wow. They will be encouraged for enjoying the service. That's massive

the idea for the wonderful rebranding and suitable name as "inleo" came when Khal is on flight. Now, more improvement and updates on premium came when he is in showers. Hahahaha

Speaking of Leo AI, will threads feed it? For example, will playlists related to national anthems help Leo AI when it starts answering questions about them?

I know the permanent liquidity is going to get hurt a bit, but the upside would be more premium users.I think it would be a big push for #premium to have the referral system pay towards that as well. Meaning as a referrer you would get like 5% or so...

Oh, yes, using Inleo for more than only Leo Finance post will be great... be more present. It's pretty easy to miss someone that is never around

I am happy that very good decisions are being made to make being Premium really worthwhile.

It will certainly incline more people to be part of it.

Just found a Bug - Click here: $ELE <<< leads to a broken page. @khaleelkazi

Question, can we use the AI art for threads? like say we want to say something and use AI art to get attention, is that allowed? or hivewatchers rule applies?

i think if yoiu state the source of the image you should be fine.

but it's AI like using the leonardo ai or nightcafe is basic SDXL model.

Yes. Use AI art with other content and not just by itself. Include source, or make it yourself, and say that you did.

Reward showers!!!

Can you please explain the dashboard a bit?

New Decentralized Polls will have based on the Code created by the PeakOpen Team?

Have always liked being in here, its educative.

WHEN "pull left , Pull right, justify text, ..." MarkDown codes work on INLEO front-end !?

That means we have to create more threads.

Everyone needs to 10x their thread output.

While I do think Premium is worth it for the features alone, objectively. Subjectively, they're the reason I'm still on Premium. My earnings make me comfortable subbing again.

So many updates for premium users🙂🙂

Leo AI, we already are waiting for it hahah that will be a great reason to use premium.

When leo AI comes what could be the name?

More Features --> More Tools --> More Activities --> More Rewards!!!

Sound approach.

more tea 😜

Great information and practical steps being discussed on this forum hosted by our visionary leader.

Just few days I was gifted premium honestly I can't express my joy through words, life without premium is bored.

im loving this premium, havent missed any month .

AMA, threadcasts and Twitter spaces are the Lulabys for me 😂

i realy have to say the frontend changed to a way more better user experience here. love it. gonna check out how to participate here now more and more.

Its great to see $BTC hit $50 mark yesterday and I'll eagerly anticipating the bull market as I brace myself to make the best of that when it comes.

so good to see so many of us showing the brand colors

InLeo shining so bright! 🚀

I am a fan of ETH too but not a fan of the gas fee.
Maybe using hive and $LEO has spoilt me

This is one thing , I think 🤔 should be controlled, Bitcoin affecting other tokens price seems unpleasant

The Dashboard will be a big help to page views.

People get neurotic about stats. Some of us will be there 25 times a day.

Great moment and for bitcoin, it's definitely getting better and I still want to believe the bull run is getting closer.

Im not that bullish on BTC... cause i have no BTC... sad btc not speeds up ^.^

Hey there! Nice to see the sticky stream while rocking the Threadcast!!!! <3

Yes. I have seen a lot less onboarding since the bear

that's right. The price of BTC affects every crypto projects

Just coming on live now, was having network glitches but am here now

soon. It will get to BTC's All Time price again. And it's positive impact will be felt on the world of cryptocurrency

Talking about our local token and how to go extremely bullish on it should be much more important, than talking about Bitcoin.

The fluctuations in the price of crypto is normal because of the volatility of market. We saw what $BTC did some days back and what it is at the moment, wat matters is taking gain at any point it is.

oh, damn i missed that Superbowl Threadcast :D was so exciting sitting in front of the TV

Leo = $1 very soon. With great projects and approaches that improve the ecosystem.

Time to accumulate $LEO is now before the 1$ mark.

And it doesnt count the page views on the comments within the threadcast.

We have to build threadcasts over the next year so that we can hit 15K comments on the 2025 Super Bowl.

Threadcasts are awesome it is such a game changer with the streams from twitch

Definitely, threadscast is doing better, but more kudos to the team for the massive improvement on the UI update.

Happy to see leoads working till now and beyond.

the best UI on Hive blockchain is the inleo. It topped all other front-end with Leo nodes

The community is doing enough to get all user on premium, which is much more better, awesome rewards embedded to been a premium user.

sadly lots of hive communities are not active on threads …

power down have some negative effect on your rewards. But it's encouraging to power up over six months

Gotta catch the replay on this one... Love all the recent improvements and features. Especially the re-introduction of polls!

I think with this delegation and its tiers we keep on earning on the best blockchain ever, iNLEO is a dream come true

when is the user data going to be corrected…

I heard about this update few days, but wasn't strong enough to delve in, glad you bring it up now, I'll be making testing the water tier 2 shortly.

Feed the Lion and the Lion will feed you 💪🏽🦁👍🏽

thread replies not loading properly for me. Anyone else having the issue ?

I think a lot of node and the infrastructure code needs updates.

Question: Can you share how much @leo.voter's delegated HP increased after introducing the Tiers system?

The flywheel is in motion!!! Can’t wait to see the ripple effect it will have on the #LIONS.

being active can earn one more tokens because the premium also pay itself.

for gifting any Hiver, premium service. Go to premium service under your menu bar and type in the username of the person. Eg. sammyhive.

INLEO is a world of up trends and it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Once more people subscribes and do the needful to gain, they would wanna resubscribe, again and again the more.

A lot of Hiveans don’t even know about Inleo, then there’s a part that still feels the frontend is still bug filled like before.


Any information on why Inleo links don't work from Instagram, Facebook, or similar browsers?


Please @khal, can you explain the meaning of the things included on the dashboard. I mean what things like impressions and more means.

$LEO A.I sounds like a wingman that went to private school.

thats a great idea, leoAI is indeed going to be a big deal then, saving us the stress of summarizing blogs, can't wait

a comprehensive post on Leo AI will be needed for better understanding and engagement. Such avenue will offer great clarity on the delicate topic

$LEO usecase promote on threads and leoai will make the short thread. You burn LEO for that

Will there be a recommendation for threads like there is for blog posts?

Any chance the leodex or similar feature returning this year?

This they have talked about on the server. No Leo Dex, probably integrating functions to the UI, but in the meantime, they recommend beeswap by dcity

Using the AI would be fun and at the same time, ease the stress of doing things on the interface and blockchain too.

Leo node means more threads and long form contents on the ecosystem. It will impact favorably on the community

Polls are just for Premium Lions?

no, they are for everyone. Anybody can create and use the

allright, thanks

The road to success is always under construction. #inleo is constantly improving and getting better.

Sorry for the quick AMA this week! We still squeezed as many questions as we can!


If one delegates, upgrades to the tiers but while ones premium use was still active but later on the premium subscription expires and the person doesn't have the cost to resubscribe, will the delegation and tiers go away?

Haha, would be interesting to see the AI talks inside a Thread to itself and have a Conversation :D

Great to be here, ola! Everyone

I can remebre HAF being presented on HIVEFEST 7 in Amsterdam. It was interesting but I have no clue how I would use it.

Thoughts on Solana?

30+ people in spaces, good good

How many of us are bullish on bitcoin, few , that's why I think our local token should be promoted the more.

interesting thoughts regarding $BTC and it’s impact on the market.

I have to do something and I don't know how long I'll take, but I hope I don't miss this!!

What are your views on Tencent's stocks?



Yea, sad that BTC drives everything :D a centralized coin rules them all ! centralized in meaning btc goes down, all go down... btc goes up, all go up. not projects based up/n/downs

Wen $CUB Moon? 🚀🌕👍🏽

Wen $POLYCUB Moon? 🚀🌕👍🏽

BTC to the moon🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀. Leo will benefit too

Leo AMA remains the first ever interactive forum on Hive blockchain. It's threadcast links have the largest engagement, comments, replies, and page views

the bull market seems to be here already following the rise in BTC to $50k

ANd the experience was super smooth too. not a single error for the while game

Didn't attend space meeting last week because of my health but am okay now, missed the show though.

Every participants on AMA and threadcast benefits as the page view on their comments are very high too

i can help with HAFSQL ? Run a Node and do my part for the community?

Am happy to see the recent upgrades and updates on inleo, its cool.

wow. The poll have been relaunched with great design and functionalities

Let's push the numbers up!

Does HAFSQL actually read like "Half Sequel" ...?

Hive Application Framework.

It is using the HAF nodes for the data, a layer 2 blocktrades and others built.

The UI keep making sense the more with these updates and upgrades

UI Getting improved day by day, thats good Sir

never heard someone saying sequel to SQL, interesting 🤓

where is it?

Ai, Gotcha

but it‘s not working right now for some reason …

The dashboard is wonderful, the inputing of its data is cool

$HIVE SQL the path to next level tech out here on the block chain. Continue being daring and pushing boundaries.

what about delegatin 60k hive power?

I wonder when we'll be able to see total impressions/views for all of my content on the dashboard.

Finally found my way here. It was inactive on the top

Hello everyone

What is the last news about HiveSQL?

The Apr is massive and good one to see premium user's earning from that too.

stream killed

Good to know that the advanced view will come soon. A week or two? I could wait.

I think with the initiation of delegation tiers we are encouraging LEO token and making it worthwhile the more.

The INLEO ecosystem is insane. 🚀

Delegated HP are used to incentivized high quality long form posts and threads. More HP is needed

stream is back up. thx

the more premium subscribers, the more HBD utilized effectively. It improves the value of Leo and Hive tokens

Loving everything about inleo

may i need to definitly look in to that premium thingy here on inleo ^.^

Premium is going to be bigger than Amazon Prime.

what happened to the #leoads payout … postponed till march?

More Delegators --> More Rewards for Premiums --> More Premiums --> More LEO --> More Delegators

We make more money off Premium than Ads...

That means we need more page views. Spend more time on Leo.

Things should work too. Today, after finding out about Inleo while searching for some microblogging platforms on the blockchain. I couldn't create an account with Inleo sadly. It took me some time to figure out some alternative options.

The dashboard is a cool feature to motivate people put a little more effort into their work.

It's good to be competitive.

The dashboard is going to change the game. It will help those that are conscious about traffic to measure their effort and set goals. I cant wait to have it work the way it should

Amazing how things are coming together with premium. It’s a game changer. #roadto1000

kudos to the inleo team for the great effort they put in make the frontend user friendly and accomodating in all areas. Well done team

possible to gift premium?

Yes it’s very possible!

the goal to have over 2k premium subscribers. Their multiple effects will be appreciated and encouraging

We can get to 1000 subscribers in no time. If users understand that premium pays for itself with the right efforts, then subscribing wont be a big deal.

bullish on Inleo premium


The present page views for today.

the delegation HP Have increased over 3 million. Our estimates stated over 5 million to support quality contents and premium service

where to see upgrades / nodes informations ?

What is the share of brand new users onboarded by Leo on the premium subscribtions?

WEN the pageviews and the visitor data?

Page views over last 30 days

300 Premium subscribers will be great... 500 would be insane!!

Slow and steady we grow big Sir

My pageviews during February, about 50 of those are from the threadcast I made two days ago:

keep growing like this

when yoyouhave a visionary leader and team like inleo, everything is set and they have ability to see and articulate a compelling future for the community, inspiring and directing others to work towards that vision. They are innovative, strategic, and capable of fostering positive change. I am Bullish on inleo

Page views on threads.

I can't get over @khaleelkazi pronouncing "SQL" as "Sequel." !LOLZ

It is like that.. we do that here too.

Why are vacuums always so tough?
Because they know how to suck it up.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@khaleelkazi, I sent you an

I used to hear Microsoft guys say it that way for SQL Server 7 waaay back in the early 2000s.

QUESTION Do you gonna implement the current worked on Hive Polls made by the HiveHub / Peak Open Projects?

Hope this works

Poll did not work meh


One can get the premium version but still not earn because they person doesn't engage. Engagement still remain the key. Thread, post long form, upvotes and stake.

Don't forget to like the Youtube stream! And also follow that account!

more tea 😜

Premium is earning me more rewards, so cool

I'm using ChatGPT for my #triviatuesday content. It's a challenge to take the essence of the Fun Facts I chose without copying them from ChatGPT.

All this and we are early adopters of #INLEO. The revolutions will be televised.

Using the AI would be fun and at the same time, ease the stress of doing things on the interface and blockchain too.

wow. Wonderful features like Leo AI and delegation tiers will improve the values of Leo and Hive tokens and sustain the ecosystem

HAFSQL is nice?!

ai, poll not showing up

Poll was down because Hivesql was down but Leo node have improve it better.

Do Polls work?

#feedback I tried to put a poll in here

Definitely , polls are back and much more better than before now,


Thx, see ya …


tried to put a poll but doesnt show

Top level thread

onwe anticipate more updates as usual... It was a good on here

Nice AMA today.

its been an amazing show with loads of eye opener about recent updates on inleo.
Kudos to the team.

Thank you very much, great AMA

did I miss it? Am I late? Well, it's good we have a YouTube link
We can always see the video!

Oh! I missed INLEO AMA 😔
I would have to listen to the recording on X.

What happened to the auto rewards at Hive-Engine, people said something about hivesql...

You just have to love how InLeo includes the community, just like they did with the bug rush that lasted an hour a few minutes ago.

Hmmm..not seeing threads in this threadcast. Just me?

No one else on threadcast?

Can't wait to see what we have prepared for when our UI is perfect!

Getting an oil change on the car is almost double the cost from not too long ago.

Hi, and #gmfrens I'm looking for a graph that shows the QT/QE history in the US. Anyone know where I could find one? Thanks

C'mon guys! Where's the threadcast for AMA? 😂


I wanted to know your thoughts about some topics of Splinterlands.

  • NODES | Do you think nodes are a good investment? It has low liquidity, needs to pay a pc to run the code, but it has a good apr of 36%

  • CARDS | I've recently learned that league will end, and all that'll matter is ratings, so you could use max level cards right at the start. How are you preparing? Any tips for low league players? What are good and cheap cards to max to gold?

#threadcast #splinterlands #crypto #play2earn

i have no ideas of nodes but yes it is good to invest in spl cards

More cards more wins right?

Because so much gets lost in misinterpretation without hearing tone of voice and meta communication.

I may seem charged on social media. But this is my everyday (co)existence 😉

It can be really hard, a lot of times we interpretate things one way and they mend it other way. Specially when people have different mother language.

You nailed it :)

And often even if they speak the same language. Not as simple as we think it is. All this communicating and understanding!

Here is the link that was supposed to go with it!

A huge part of the miscommunication happens because we don't use the punctuation signs properly, don't give rhythm to it... Or we use a language that is not our native one... Text can be rich but we have to be all aware of the same code .. that's hard... And now if we don't use emojis or gifs it so

I didn't know this actually posted and didn't add the link, I think. Because it didn't show up on my threads feed!

Um... but what you said. Yes. There are many layers to comms and we miss a lot of them via texting. And then there is language. Yep. And even if we speak the same language it is complicated. Words have different interpretations to different humans because of different experiences.


The link that was supposed to go with this post :)

Honest question:

How many page views do you think we will have if there are 100K threads per day?

Let's take for instance, if 1 thread has 10 pageviews, then we will be looking at having 1M pageviews with 100k threads.

If some of the threads are threadcasts, you can imagine what it would be just like our results with the party time threadcast and superbowl.

Then we will affirm that Lions on Hive are the Kings in Web3.

Do you think 10 pages views per threads is what it would be? We are averaging far less than that right now. Certainly, more activity would equate to more views.

I am just curious what people think about page views. It doesnt appear many are clicking.

Well, I think we can make 10 page views per threads if we have more people active on threads.

I think some people don't still understand what it is. It's true that many are not clicking.

I doubt if we are up to 10 Lions active on the party threadcast, if we have about 50 people join us everyday, the comments and views will be multiplied by 3 or more.

I for the love of me don't understand why any shitty nft project or paint-produced "p2e" game attracts 50,000 guys on any network but on Hive. Literally without splinterlands this would have the traffic of a stamp collector forum board. Maybe I'm grumpy today, dunno.

Depending on user amount. But maybe 50K views? This is conservative so that not every thread is viewed. 😀

Not every thread is views. But we do know the network effect does happen. So more there is more to be viewed. And activity tends to beget activity.

Hard to know since I havent even figured out what we are now. Of course, even looking at the data, that includes blog posts too so impossible to know.


You might be right. I dont know what the ratio is since I havent checked but that is a lot of activity to start interacting with. Also we have a lot of threads being created that have some "stickiness".

I just took my best guess at it I could be close our a football field off lol !BBH !PIZZA

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@taskmaster4450le! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @ericburgoyne.

You could be right. It might be a 3 for 1...could be a 5 for 1. I have no idea.

100k threads multiply by 100

Hmm not sure we would average 100 page views per thread but you could be right.

If we have an average of 5 to 10 page views like I see here currently, I can say that we could have between 500k and 1M page views.

But... I think these numbers are very relative and everything will depend on the interaction of these threads. But 100k a day would be something very interesting and I hope that one day it can happen as soon as possible.

There would be a lot of things happening to get 100K per day. How we get there is a challenge. I think we have to push the page views to over 30K a minimum.

Challenge done, now we have to work on it. The future will be something really cool and fun, but we have to start building from now on.

It would be amazing to see that much activity and to watch the stats. Dashboards would be hit up hundreds of times per day.

Yep, that would be really incredible.

hmm...not sure how think on this

A huge night for Rangers, we have the chance to go top of the league, that was deemed impossible before we sacked our manager!

Any Belgians on InLeo?

Just want to thank you for Phillipe Clement the manager of Teh Famous Glasgow Rangers!

#spl #football #scotland

Do you see Bitcoin’s prices surge effecting Hive price as well?

Nope it hasn't affected the price of hive for the last year. As bitcoin went up Hive has only gone down

I don't think it will push alts like previous times.
The money coming in isn't a gamble it's an investment in bitcoin.

Hive will have to do it the hard way over time.

But that's not a big impact

1/ 🧵 Yesterday's wood chest reward in @kingofduels was interesting...

#KingOfDuels #ZealyGaming #threadstorm

2/ 🧵 I got 4 KOD tokens, and it's not bad, because I love to get tokens on my daily chests and they are super rare.

3/ 🧵 If you want to try the game 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆, I will leave you in here my affiliate link, no strings attached! 👉 I strongly recommend you to DYOR before buying anything, though! #outreach

#newsonleo #liotes

UN Investigating Crypto Attacks by North Korea Hacking Groups Totalling $3B

Digital wars is a global issue and majority of countries are exploiting it.

Article link in my comment below ⬇️

CMG "Fed Watch:" 84. 5% probability of Feb maintaining interest rates in march

#newsonleo #Crypto #Binance

Still my embedded videos won't appear in the Latest feed… so it works for you?

Post your text, and hit thread.

Then when the thread appears, edit it and embed the code. That way the thread is already made.

GM to everyone that understands that it only takes an x2 from here for Bitcoin to flip Google on the market cap ranks.

Wow! Bitcoin is skyrocketing and taking charge of everything. Satoshi envisioned it fantastically.


Let's flip Nvidia first that will create a lot of noise.

Excellent point but it's possible that it flips them both on the same day :D

Page views so far today

Let's push these numbers up! But let's not forget coffee to support us.

Good morning community

Close to celebrating the day of love, here in Venezuela love and friendship are celebrated. Be grateful for that special person who is by your side. #freecompliments #gmfrens

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Coffee with Netflix

best carnival program! a "churros" to sweeten life and lots of tranquility to wish you a great day!


You guys are getting time for the netflix? great man

We try! !LOL

Why did Mickey Mouse get a pie on his face?
Because Donald ducked!

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@faiz1971, I sent you an

I want churros now, fuck it.

Just started (restarted) this book this morning. I have never finished a book form Adam Grant. #booksonleo

Post published. My study for today is also over and planning to read some more article of others. I hope today I will be able to go to sleep early.

#study #plan #sleep

I also have busy schedule and that is why I am sleeping late daily

I think it's the think that we choose. I changed the habit. I can understand you as I also encountered the similar situation earlier time.

Hope you're resting soon!

Very well done, man. You sure had a productive day.

Being a Stortrooper means spending your professional career missing people. How sad is that?

I'd like to think that those opponents in Commando are actually the same guys just without the suits


I mean if it was white paint I would say their aim is pretty good...

It can be depressing, poor them.

The change is done now and I switched to staked leo reward


Hard to turn down that 22%

you are right.. 22% is too good

Recently, I have also switched to staked, and I am planning to increase my delegation further.

Yei, that's so cool!

Today we took some important actions for the @naoebemumcanal channel, many positive things will happen in the next few weeks, I hope so.


We were once again told on the #ama that all threads are training LeoAI in real time.

Keep pushing more threads through with different kinds of data. Whatever your area of interest, put it in a thread. It will be captured by the AI.

one of the best use cases for HBD.

@simplegame is building a use case for it. We will see when he reveals it all.

It is doing a bit of teasing. LOL

I got a good bounty today in @terracore

Haven't checked in since the start. Might have to jump back in.

If so, join by my link if you can:

We have some work to do:

Spotify has over 100 million songs in its library and over 4 billion playlists.

i have been unable to share any music link here. It will always tell me that the song is unavailable.

That is because it needs to be embed. The link does not work very well with YT. For that reason, simply ask some with premium to share what you want. We can still build a database with you involved.

Okay Task.
Involve me while building the database.

Task you are with premium, can you do that for me?

#newsonleo #liotes

Locals Flock to 'Crypto Caves' in Argentina Amid Inflation

Argentines use underground "crypto caves" to escape inflation by trading pesos for stablecoins.

Not sure how much it helps !!

article link in my comment ⬇️

European Union is considering sanctions on Chinese firms for aiding Russia's war machine

The European Union is looking to sanction Chinese firms that have helped Russia circumvent Western penalties

#newsonleo #eu #war #china

All they are doing is marginalizing the Euro. Russia is going to keep on trucking.

I think you are right. It is ironic the ones who issue the sanctions end up being affected worse.

The money wars in the background starting to act up and move around again like usual.

#wordofthedayonleo #liotes

Pump and Dump (P&D) Scheme

A form of fraud involving the artificial inflation of the price of a cryptocurrency with false and misleading positive statements.

learn more, link in my comment ⬇️

#gmfrens! My dream for 1K #LEO achieved today. I 'm glad to complete this milestone in six months. Now, my next Journey is 2K LEO. Moreover, I have collected 150+ LEO for Coming #lpud. #achievement #target

Awesome Job @aslamrer

Thank you Sir for all your appreciation. All these appreciation encourages me a lot for my Next Leo target.


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Great job! congratulation 🚀

thank you 🙏

Yei, congratulations!! Let's rock it this LPUD.

FTX claims are going for 73% of their claim amount!

I guess the market is expecting an almost full recovery

Assuming they want to make 10%+ profit, they think recovery might be 83%+

#leofinance #crypto

"A baby is born with a need to be loved—and never outgrows it." Frank A. Clark

Parents, what do you think about this #quotes ? #quotesonleo 😂

It never fails as soon as everyone starts yelling the bull market is here there's a big sell off 😂

I think many people were waiting to sell at the price of 50k. I think the trapped ones who were at a loss for a long time.


so annoying lol

/what you think we will see altcoin season or not in this bull?

lol, it always happens.

$ETH #Ethereum has settled above $2,600 and it seems like it has no intention of falling back.

it's showing good strength..

Absolutely, and I think wealthy investors are buying large amounts of ETH.


Solana manages 100,000 preorders for it's second crypto centric smartphone !

#threadstorm #outreach


Crypto industry is seeing daily innovation these days and new milestones being hit as we have seen in the recent times that many businesses have entered the crypto space in some or the other way and getting themselves into the market with their services


Solana Mobile, is the only phonemaker in the market which provides a smartphone that is crypto centric and has crypto related customized features built in. It is planning to come up with it's second phone and that smartphone has exceeded 100,000 preorders !

End of🧵/4

You can check out more details on the story in the following article,

Do drop your thoughts below


Anyone getting this everytime submitting a thread?

My entire page turns into this after submitting a thread.

Yeah, it happens when the page doesn't load, is really weird.

It is happening same with me. You can put it in #feedback for Inleo team.

I left the discord, I will assume it is a known issue.

Sir it might be due to some bug issues. But Inleo team can guide better.

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