There are 5 pages

The First Ever Stake-Weighted LEO POWER Poll | The Future of CUB/POLYCUB

There are some important things to note about this poll. Please do not vote on it until you read the Threads attached below and the post that is linked

Vote below to approve or deny The Proposal

I think it would be very helpful to consider air dropping one cub for one leo, because the value of cub has fallen so low, that while the investors who stuck with cub to support the platform will get a better deal.

Additionally, I think what you drop should be LeoPower to reduce the dumps of Leo on exchanges.

Or you could give people the option to take 1 Cub for 1 Leo in Leopower or 1 dollar of Cub for one dollar of Leo in Liquid Leo.


voted - crap notice on a rush job - part of the whole sorry story

Voted approve. All this defi stuff was largely a waste of my time and money. Real value is here.

I need time to think, when is it ended? I mean I lost a shit tonne of Cash back then and it's bad luck. I am not sure how I feel about this proposal

This proposal would be the only shot to regain what was lost by many in the community (team included) to give LEO in place of the CUB/POLYCUB

Voting window ends on Sunday at Midnight as the threads above and the post explains. Please read thoroughly before voting

Fair call, thank you for explaining

Commented in the blog post, but figured I would add here too.

What happens with xPOLYCUB? I had already moved all of my CUB/POLYCUB back in, but xPOLYCUB is locked.

I assume (maybe falsely) that since it is locked, it may not be allowed to flow out until the unlock date. Is this the case or is there some work-around?

Hmm... if there is a work-around that is actually a little bit concerning from a security standpoint, but I'll take it :-)

If there is no work-around will xPOLYCUB holders be compensated down the line and if so was that entered into the calculations of the 7M POLYCUB?

Any CUB or POLYCUB in any form is eligible for the burn / drop

The nuances of how the airdrop happens will be released in a (lengthy) blog post

But the point in the post is that anything that contributes to the total supply (including locked tokens) is eligible for the drop

It will involve some complexities for certain of the locked tokens. xPOLYCUB has it's own token that represents it, so if you burn those, then it's going to be eligible at the current xPOLYCUB/pCUB ratio

For the sake of complexity, we didn't include every edge case in the blog post. But every POLYCUB or CUB will be eligible. No matter where it is held

Thanks! All I needed to know ;-)

Note #2

Please keep in mind that this is a stake-weighted Poll vote. The frontend will show it like any other Poll but the backend results are being formulated based on how much $LEO POWER you have staked

The more LEO POWER you have staked, the more weight your vote carries

At the end, the results will be shared with transparent links to on-chain data


Please read the following post. It's recommended you read it to completion before making a decision on your vote.

Once a vote is cast, it CANNOT be changed

Note #3

This poll will close on Sunday, March 17th at Midnight EST. The results will be announced on Monday along with an action plan and more details on how the proposal works from a technical and actions-required perspective

We understand there will likely be tons of questions. Please reply in this thread with questions or in the blog post linked in this #threadstorm

Thank you!

Done my part and voted

Looking forward to the stats. A new way of approval.

If you're having trouble viewing the poll, I found it easier to use Labs

clicked yes just so i don't have to use that metamask thing again, if i even find the keys. Didn't look at it for a long time, so not even sure will it be worth a trouble.

Voting yes because anything that can be done to simplify the world of crypto is worth supporting. We need fewer steps, not more.

Took a minute but I found the poll!!!

Trust in the #InLeo team. I just voted yes!

The struggle was real, week two into the hamstring injury but got in the workout with caution and completing it. #movetoearn #fitness

get better soon man! !PIZZA

Thank You Brother

While having commitment to fitness regime is good and welcoming, you should not ignore even the minor injuris, fitness regime must comensurate the response of Body.

Stay fit, stay bullish

Sir, if you dont mind, May I know your age??

I'm 57 years old @milaan

Wow, then I have a lot to learn from you.

More power to you.

Have you eaten amala with ewedu and gbegiri soup before, what was your experience like? If you haven't let's know why

I have not. I hope I can taste it some day. I think thats Yoruba food right? I have not been to Lagos before.

Note: Dont forget to use askonleo tag

I have not, but am lounging to eat it. I heard that is next level.

Any pcitrue of that soup and ingredient u could share?

Is the quality of Lens or Quality of Nature.

Exquisite nature.

thanks for looking.

beautiful as always...


HiveBR Thread Day #29

Sextou família (e eu sei que essa não é uma boa palavra para os gringos lerem).

Ontem chegamos a mais de 500 threads, joga toda sua energia hoje e deixe o fim de semana pra descansar. Bora Threadear!


Bom dia, hivers!

Se hoje esse thread bater os 1000 comentários, serão TRÊS delegações (200HP) por TRÊS MESES.

Que os jogos comecem.

Virou "Thread Mortais"

Do you wanna play a game?

Só jesus na causa

Segura na mão Dele e vai, haha!

Ta maluco kkkkkkkkkkkk

Só que pra valer, tem que ser até às 00:00hrs de hoje!

O desafio tem que ser a altura do que eu sei que vocês conseguem fazer.

Acho que nossos principais combatentes estão sumidos hoje kkk, mas vamos tentar kk.

O de ontem validou? Passou?

vou tentar ao máximo. vão ter que me aguentar reclamando de política hoje o dia todo kkk

kkkkkkkk acho que ta de boa, uns fights políticos de vez enquanto kkk

Sim, seria até sacanagem da minha parte se eu não validasse. O engajamento de vocês foi arretado demais!

Top kkkk, que bom que deu certo, a galera pegou com força nesse objetivo


Assim vou passar de Task. Kkkkkkk

Imagina a cara dele se tu chegar no TOP 01?

Acho que isso é um sonho dele de muuuuuito tempo kkkkkkkk...

De alguém passar dele em alguma coisa.

Pois seja você o responsável por realizar esse sonho dele, haha!


Ele vai esperar deitado... ele é uma máquina.

tá fazendo algum estudo de comportamento e não tá querendo dizer kkkkkkkkk

Caramba! Acertou a ideia do post que eu estou escrevendo, haha!

hoje, infelizmente, eu devo dar uma sumida por motivos de: cobrindo agenda do Biroliro na Região dos Lagos

vou ali me m*****

Eita, o que ele ta aprontando por lá?

café da manhã em Maricá, almoço em Araruama, depois vai participar da inauguração dos diretórios do PL de Cabo Frio e Búzios... ou seja, batendo perna kkkk

E você tem que ir atrás? Ou fica tipo acomoanhando remotamente?

acompanhando só remoto com a minha chefe mandando audio a cada minuto berrando que quer as coisas na hora achando que a gente é bot pra escrever automático

foda :(

espero que vc passe no concurso lá

Mais m*rda.

Finge ser apoiante dele

vc me odeia?

kkkkkkkkkk vai q vc consegue falar pessoalmente com ele, aí vc vira destaque

kkkkkkkk coisas impossíveis de acontecer, pq eu trabalho remoto (obg eu do passado)

aaaaa que pena kkkkkkk

queria ver vc erguendo as mãos e gritando em apoio ao biroliro 😂

Ela chega de infiltrada na klan. 👀

Queria ver ela erguendo as mãos com uma camiseta do brasil e gritando o nome do biroliro

Dependendo da remuneração eu acho que ela toparia.

Pagando bem, que mal tem, né?

Esse gif é engraçado kkkk...

Estou tendo dificuldade em trazer Gifs... Vc teve?

quando pego de fora não tá carregando. mas se vou na abinha de gif daqui mesmo, vai de boas

Aqui tem uma aba de Gifs?

Não sabia disso rsrsrs

Verdade, acabei de achar. Deve coisa nova kkkkkkkkkk

Que maldição!

Hoje nem vai ter graça =/

sim vadia, eu fiz power upde LEO, como descobriu?


aproveitar agora q deu uma desacelerada (obg pelo atraso bozo) e fazer meu post do LeoPUDim. a capa já tá pronta kkkkkkkkkk

Ficou bem bonito hahahahaaha...

Não tem o patrão ficou maluco? Agora tem o wise ficou maluco! 3x delegações de 200 HP por 3 meses tá melhor que o BOOST da Ecency.

É, mas isso tem um preço

Um preço modesto, diga-se de passagem. 😅

Vc está disposto a pagar ele?

Acho que essas 1000 threads é difícil kkk

Bora. Eu sei que vocês conseguem.

Não fala assim do projeto Ecency porque eu tô patrocinando essa brincadeira com os pontos que eu ganho deles, haha!

Falando o que? Eu não disse nada... 👀

Ah, é que antes tava escrito BOOSTa...

Não tava não. Você deve estar vendo coisas....


Ola pessoal, vcs sabem qual é a resposta certa?


Já ouvi dizer que é uma tal de carolina reaper ou algo assim. Mas não conheço muito desse universo apesar de gostar muito de pimenta

Tbm gosto de pimenta, inclusive eu tenho uma mexicana no meu quintal. Se chama Habanero.

Mas vc votou na enquete? Será muito apreciado sua votação na poll.

Confie nos seus instintos, em breve irei fazer o próximo Quiz e colocarei a resposta lá.

Mas é capaz de saber o resultado, pois eu tbm votei kkkkkkkkkkk

votei lá

acho que acertei então kkk

Hahaha ... Yep.

Não era pra eu votar, mas fui na emoção 😅

Sim, vc acertou.

minha chefe não sabe o quer! cada hora pede uma coisa diferente sobre a mesma coisa que infernoooooooo

'solta só um textinho com o vídeo no instagram'

meia hora depois

'cadê a matéria q eu pedi? não fizeram ainda'


Ué kkkkkkkk

"Explica direito desgraça"

não adianta. a cabeça dela funciona de forma peculiar. é uma empresa de comunicação sem comunicação kkkkkk

Esse splinterlands tá de sacanagem comigo. Ganho quase nada de SPS nos baús, jogando no champion, enquanto alguém que joga em uma liga inferior ganha o dobro de SPS.

com esse caos do binoliro, esqueci completamente que hoje é aniversário do meu padrasto aaaaaaaaaaaa

Só anda compensando por conta das cartas

a hora tá voando, amém. daqui a pouco bironiro chega em CF e o caos começa a piorar mais ainda pra mim

Nem isso tá compensando mais, ganho quase nenhuma lendária

O perfil da hive-br la em cima de threadcast sumiu T_T

será q é pq tá parado hoje?

Boa pergunta, eu não sei, vai ver se ficar algum tempo sem ninguém comentar na thread principal e nas filhas, vai ver some de lá... é uma hipótese

É por tempo. Fica 12 horas lá

Ahhh entendi, valeu man

Fechou, entendi, valeu por explicar man

Não, é porque acabou o prazo
Ele fica lá por 12 horas

nem dei bom dia hoje, credo.

bom diaaaaaaa, abelinhas!

Qual é o melhor sabor de pizza?

Sempre escolho marguerita...

Sem pensar duas vezes: camarão com quatro queijos!

Essa é exótica. Gostei.

Já comi no nordeste

Frango com catupiry na minha humilde opinião.

qualquer uma que tenha presunto

Presunto parma 😋

Vou dormir classificado

Boa! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Edu, pq a gente não faz um Threadcast em dias de jogos? Será se umas 5 pessoas daria pra senhora juntar?

Tô pensando em fazer isso aí.

Talvez não necessariamente apenas um jogo específico... Mas um domingo com umas três partidas simultâneas seria interessante na minha opinião.

To querendo isso pras finais do Paulistão, ou um compilado de finais dos estaduais, que acho que vao ser todos (ou quase todos) no mesmo dia

Adm vai poder dormir serotoninado

gostou desse termo né, kkkk

Sim, adoro termos novos

Eu mesmo já criei alguns que gosto de usar

Alô @wiseagent, dá uma olhada no thread day de ontem. Vai ter que pagar em?

Já lancei até o novo desafio.

Vcs bateram a meta sem mim e o @michupa, parabéns! Eu e ele só demos o start inicial

brs unidos jamais serão vencidos

É bem isso kkkkkk

Pronto, chegamos lá. O resto é com vocês


Tira uma dúvida minha por favor?

Como que vc fez para que suas imagens que coloca em seu post aqui na INLEO, pode ser visualizada na plataforma de Splintertalk?

É uma luta constante minha, pois nunca consegui... as imagens, gif... nada pode ser visualizado corretamente por lá.

Opa, foi mal a demora, mas la ta carregando certinho? Eu to fazendo meus posts tudo pelo peakd, então os links das imagens estão ficando por la, depois eu so copio todo o texto da postagem e colo na inleo e faço a publicaçao.

Ja tomaram seu café hoje? Ainda não? Então beba aí:

O dia não começa ser um cafézinho.

Verdade, tudo fica cinza sem um café de manhã.

Fofoca trabalhista? temos.

hoje tá sendo um dia super corrido, né? aí, como eu sou coordenadora de reportagem, falei pra outra repórter de Hard News deixar os releases pros estagiários e a minha chefe tb já havia pedido para diminuir as matérias de Maricá...

aí, adivinhem só o que a repórter fez? começou o expediente com um release de Maricá... sendo que já tem outras mil pautas mais importantes

Trabalho animado! 🤣

3 minutos pra reunião começar e a pessoa mais importante não confirmou e não responde mensagens 🤡

hoje o almoço é na frente do notebook

Se pelo menos fosse assistindo algum filme seria massa.

Só mais uma reunião antes de sextar

Almost there.

Bom dia pessoal!

ADM, se atualize por favor, pois batemos mais de 500 comentários ontem. Esses 300 aí tá muito pra trás...

vocês mandam e eu obedeço meu patrão, kkkk

Nada contra quem toma seus gorós da vida, mas se for pra trabalhar bêbado, nós vamos ter que fazer uma assembléia para te destituir do cargo, haha!

KKKKKKK voces tem que acompanhar mais o Discord, eu não bebo, kkk minhas paradas são outras, kkk e só aos sabados

"... minhas paradas são outras..."

Não precisa comentar sobre isso. BR threads são familiares.

Deve ter se enchido de cachaça depois do curintia vencer

Verdade, adm parou no tempo


Depois de 3 horas é bom ver minha imagem de volta.

Verdade, já estava agoniado

E nem presenciei esse bug coletivo ontem na hora rsrsrsrs...

Ptecisamos apenas de 15 comentários para colocar nosso perfil da comunidade no topo.

Nâo sabia que era assim. Então vamos lá

Bem, antes era assim... Não sei como tá agora depois dessas atualizações que a equipe Leo mexe todos dia.

Deixa comigo... Em breve estará lá em cima.

Ainda não consigo visualizar... Hum... Não sei se é oq estou no celular ou pq devem ter aumentado a quantidade de comentários...

Chegamos agora. Talvez tenha tido um delay

Verdade. Pode ser isso mesmo.

E aí pessoal! Vcs já tiveram a experiência de atirar com arco e flecha?

Não é de brinquedo não, de verdade mesmo. 😁

Votem aqui no poll de @taskmaster4450le pra gente ter uma ideia.

Essa é daquelas coisas que provavelmente só vou fazer quando ficar rico kkkk

Pra fazer isso não precisa ser rico pow. Kkkkkk Eu mesmo participei de um evento escolar e tinha isso.

Eu nem sei onde tem isso por aqui

Acredito que em artigos de caça e pesca devem ter pra vender pelo menos.

Nunca foi de meu interesse

ESsa é pra galera que gosta de jogar Splinterlands.

50 de champion. Mas não tô com muita expectativa, vou até pisar no freio na próxima season e esperar pela atualização de Abril

Boa! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Essa de Abril vai ser interessante.

ta bom mano, 34 de ouro ja da um gás, acho q eu to com 30 de diamante, tenho q olhar haha

Eu vacilei... Só "descobri" o lance de solicitar delegação de SPS há 4 dias...

Se eu tivesse sabendo antes... mas é assim mesmo. Focar na próxima temporada.

30 de diamante Muito bom!

Isso aí, vivendo e aprendendo, na próxima você vai fazer melhor!

Vdd, vlw mano!

Votem na enquete por favor pessoal! Vamos interagir.

Votei lá. Só eu que votei ou as polls estão bugadas?

Nao está bugada, é que vc foi o primeiro mesmo.


Uma caixa de Ferrero Rocher (com 12 unidades) por R$ 40,00... Que saudades da Irlanda.

No mercado onde eu trabalha lá enquanto fazia intercâmbio de Inglês, eu consegui comprar 5 caixas (na promoção) por apenas € 1.00 (cada).

acho que a última vez q comi ferrero rocher foi em 2018

Minha última vez foi em 2022.

O que escolheria @wiseagent?

Sem pensar duas vezes: Inception.

Esse negócio de mergulhar dentro da mente humana é fascinante demais.

A quick reminder:

There is nothing cool about the bull market if you don't win. So, whatever is being placed in front, ensure that it leads to a win-win situation. You don't want to be left on the losing side wth a lot of explanation on why things did they go as they ought to, while theother party smiles to the bank. I covered this a little in my last piece
(link in the next

#oliodibalena My greatest satisfaction in Hive was with this post, I became a member of Architecture+Design community

wow congratulation to you

Thank you so much @faiz1970 😊, I felt very satisfied

Was It was a nice post, you really have very nice publications in that community and others ❤️

Thank you very much friend, you have been fundamental in this process

What a beautiful house deco

Thank you very much @pousinha, this is one of the posts I have most enjoyed doing


There is always a first time in our life projects that we never forget, I congratulate you for taking this step.

Thank you so much for your support whenever I have needed it

A very nice post, congratulations

Thank you so much


Hey Visual friend!... You've given all your VSC today to your favorite authors! You want to give more VSC Tokens? Perfect! Come and get more through: VSC MARKET

¡Hola amigo Visual!... ¡Hoy has dado todos tus VSC a tus autores favoritos! ¿Quieres dar más VSC Tokens? ¡Perfecto! Ven y consigue más a través de: VSC MARKET

Thank you!

I won #inleo premium account last month and the experience of having a premium account is top-notch. I am now making plans to get the monthly subscription. #feedback

you should go for it because it's a gem

how did you won?

I am also planning to subscribe next month if I can save up to 10 HBD.

A big point everyone misses is our new API's and marketplace are not just for us. They are designed to onboard Web3 games to Hive Layer 1.
It is a complete replacement for HE. BUT we don't do layer 2 tokens.
We are Layer 1 with a Layer 2 (Dapp) marketplace system.

So if anyone that has connections on other web3 communities, that have games that want a solution with no gas fees.

come talk to us.

We also can support HE games that want to migrate.

Be sure to bring this up tomorrow.

Oh I will.

True, the sooner the better.

That's really cool to know and I hope more games can partner with you.

Looking forward to seeing how it all worked out.

Anyone feel like powering up 270 $LEO to my account so I can hit 5000? :) Worth a shot #InLeo #Premium lol #askonleo

Greetings friend, those numbers are very good regarding the token, which represents a lot of dedication

Good order! But LEO is getting more and more expensive. I hope I can do it in this LPUD. Good luck, buddy!

Home sweet home. Finally back home. Even got some daytime sleep.
This was a crazy one, 34 hours door-to-door.

Glad to hear. Hope you enjoyed your adventures in the country. Wow! 34 hours on air plus land travel, that's crazy indeed.

34 hours?!? What the heck, did you walk?!? lol

Yes. Sure. In all 4 airports~!

Was it hard to leave Philippines?

NO - technically
YES - emotionally

Mr Booombastic

....U r back home. How do you feel now?

Was it a rejuventaing experience?


All good all good. Feeling fantastic...or bOOmbastic

Feeling fantastic...or bOOmbastic


All good all good

That's Romantic.

Oh, those cute little rodents...

#joke #jokesonleo

So are you guys ready for the #lpud? I'm about to stake like 1k $LEO.

ooo man 1k is a decent amount. I am going to participate with 50 leo lol

It's just like a reward from two posts or so.

I just staked some $LEO and my first time joining in #LPUD


I am thinking of setting a goal for LPUD and HPUD. I have some goals with the latter but I am excited being involved with #inleo community


Seeing the current progress of #LEO team. I am positive into it in a longer term. I do believe that it could have a potential growth in the future 🚀




It's never too late to be part of our community.

Some tips I can offer so you can acquire more LEO on your journey faster are:

  • Create your articles on to earn $LEO.

  • Participate in some initiatives, you can follow @leo.tasks for example.

  • Posting on INLEO, you can be drawn to receive a Premium subscription for free.

  • Be active in the community, it's not a cliché, because here your efforts are well valued and rewarded.

#inleo #leo #welcome #tipsonleo

hey thanks! This is actually a good tip, i just learned that we can be drawn to receive premium subscription for free. Thanks for the warm welcome:)

You´re welcome!

I need a phone (and a new laptop). 🥹

cash out some tokens and get new ones

why don't you buy them ?

dont have the budget for that now.

Anyone watch the Freechain movie? What are your thoughts?

saw it at hivefest. It was awesome. Highly recommend

Mixed, think there is still room to grow by simple editing.

I did not like some parts, but that is due to the audience targeted, which is basically 'not me'.

Where can we watch it?

You have to buy a ticket, you can find the information in @lordbutterfly's post, but I am not sure if the event is still running.

Ok, thanks

Never heard of it until now.

we at @crypt0holics deeply apologize for the soul crushing news but...

we fucked up our schedule because we're in different countries and one doesn't do daylight savings time. We also changed the show schedule.

We will be live tomorrow around 8pm EST

I was confused AF when just a few minutes ago the threadcast showed up on the for you page hahaha so it has an explanation

lol we suck

The blind leading the blind.

Can't believe it! How DARE YOU!

Seeing lines everywhere 😂

Can't get this image out of my head now 😅. Never thought that lightnings look like charts!

hahaha next level analysis

One of the most beautiful experiences in Hive, are all the friends I have made, they are all special, we are a big family. #olidibalena

Yes sister. This platform has allowed us to meet many beautiful people.

That's right sister Hive I expanded my circle of friends, I have met such beautiful people ❤️

That's one of the best experiences

That's right, friend, it's very nice to make friends with like-minded people from different latitudes.

Happy nice family of Hive.

It's the best thing that's happened to me on Hive ❤️🙏🏽👍🏽

Very positive to hear this. Happy bonding

nada como compartir con los amigos de Hive 😊👍🏽

Así es amiga somos una gran familia😊

That's right, my dear, it's a very lovely family 🥰🤗

And it grows more and more ❤️

In the initial message, where I explain that my best experience in Hive are the friends I have made I put wrong the name of the community, so I rectify it in this message #oliodibalena, apologies.

This is amaizing

We are now a family ❤️

1/🧵In today's post I shared my personal experience with HSBI and put together a starter guide for those new to Hive #threadstorm #outreach

Thanks for this. I won HSBI from a giveaway but it seems I still don't have a share.

Was it one of mine? I just checked your account and nothing is there. If it was mine when was it so I can make sure the other Hive I sent were applied correctly.

I won it from a Splinterlands giveaway but I didn't find it in my account.

Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(4/5)@thebighigg! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @logen9f.

2/🧵 I remember being clueless about HSBI when I started blogging. In the Shadow Hunters community there are a lot of new members so I thought a fresh guide might help.

3/🧵 If you're curious about HSBI's feel free to check out my post today, hopefully it can help clear up some questions you might have!

PornHub bans users in Texas due to new regulations requiring them to verify age.

Is that a bad thing?

No, but the regulation is.

I do agree on that.

Who's the worst politician?

All of them, they are all liars and criminals.

I think it is a good step. porn harming people's mind.

VPN solves that I would think.

I can't wait to open all of these season reward chests in 12 hours! Also next season we will be gold chests so this is going to start getting interesting.

Wow congratulations

Next season will be buying what you want with the rewards points you earn, won't it? I thought the chests were done after this season...

That's strange. Why do I suddenly feel the urge to buy tokens?

Oh. It's the endless stream of subliminal messages and product placement ads to be found when scrolling the Threads feed.

Resisting. Is that ignorance or discipline?


Why do I suddenly feel the urge to buy tokens?

Because u have the ability and capcity, which is further qualified by choice to make it a concrete decision.

That's possible but I actually pointed out the catalyst directly below the question. Still appreciate your take on things though!

Resisting. Is that ignorance or discipline?

A subtle fear or undefined fear of what if it goes wrong, what if I get it at discounted price if I wait...and so on.

That question is in relation to resisting the effect of subliminal messages and advertising.

Okay. Got it.

The majority is oblivious to the impact these things have on the mind. They know it exists but often fail to recognize when they are being affected. Thoughts/actions become a product of the environment rather than a creation from within.

emotions and feelings are veritable decision makers

Sure, and one can see a bear running towards them and react accordingly. Some advertising is more like an invisible bear, triggering fear for instance. Fear is the same regardless but one trigger acts like it's not even there.

Vectors and the Geometry of Space: Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces

In this video I explore the wonderful world of cylinders and quadric surfaces. Cylinders are defined as a 3D surface that consists of all lines (called rulings) that are parallel to a given line and pass through a given plane curve. Quadric surfaces are the graphs of a second-degree equation in three variables x, y, and z.

#math #calculus #science #STEM #geometry

Keychain browser crashing on photo upload. Mobile.
Has not happened in months.


Smooth jazz for your sweet dreams
Hugh’s Log was used as one of the soundtracks for the ending of one episode on Star Trek Discovery Season 3. Jeff Russo was exceptional on unique music art.
#musiconleo #partytime #instrumental

Bull or bear. $LEO remains the same. That’s where the hustlers keep at it. Always getting the markets Lunch money miles before the normies know what’s up.

Thread 1/🧵 Features of Alaya AI make it different from other AI platforms
#threadstorm #outreach #ai

if you are looking for a unique distributed data platform then here I have Alaya ai which integrates data storing and labeling smoothly.

Thread 2/🧵 The aim is to build a strong relationship between community data and AI. Aaliya AI gives weight to ownership and privacy security

Hype in crypto has a magical effect on people, They spill alpha left right and center. It’s always a great time to find narratives to throw a little money at. While you continue being all in on hive your all weather friend,

I can't make my mind up if i want to watch Dune part 2 or Code 8 part 2
help me choose

Read Dune, the book.

are you talking about any tv series ?

In all your getting, get alpha. X and $LEO are here to serve you .



Today I was reading a #splinterlands article about a proposal and realized something when scrolling through the comments - there were many 25 rep accounts without profile pics.

So there are probably many players who aren't active on Hive at all or it was a bug.

What do you think?

A lot of people you meet at ETHDenver and other events. People play SPL but have no idea what Hive is.
So I have always questioned how many people they have brought to chain.
and with all the new launches it looks to me like they want to have their own tokens etc....
Our approach is Hive should be supported.

Yeah, another thing I noticed some time ago was there's quite a big SPL community on X but don't recognize, or bump into those guys here... It's a shame actually, would be great if the discussion was here for example

yep. this is why I am not of fan of SPL for it being a "hive success story"
but I am not agasint them. I wish them luck. but Hive will outgrow them.
That is what we are building.

Could be. Maybe there's a shift coming soon and SPL won't be the flag ship of Hive but Inleo will be. I'm sensing something like in the air now...

I would disagree that SPL was ever the flagship as most people who play have no idea about Hive.
but yes things are changing.

For sure, but Splinterlands does a pretty good job at getting people to blog and write on Hive and be active in that way as well. Now of course not everyone is going to blog because blogging in general only appeals to a very small group. I'd honestly rather see them here on threads.

90% of splinterlands players don't even touch the social side of hive. They might do so more if splinterlands had a section that let them browes splinterlands based content from withing the splinterlands website.

Wish they'd just migrate here on Inleo, start using #... but that's actually a good idea! There should be an Inleo integration on SPL, a window where the players could scroll Inleo SPL community feed!

More cross-Dapp co-operation and integration is a must if we're to all grow and benefit together.

Agreed 100%.

I got on Hive due to Splinterlands but haven't touched on the social side that much until recently.

I came here through SPL as well. It took some time for too to start exploring Hive

Hows to make a 34 hour trip

#philippines #lithuania

Must have been a hectic one.

Airport wait is too much. In total 12:40, means half of tthe day u kept on waiting in lounge...

Wouldn't be my favourite thing to do, I'd probably split that trip into a few days layovers, if circumstances and funds would allow it :) lol

Was it a good holiday though? Worth the trip?

Yes , the past month been all fantastic boombastic. Not cheap ( as we did it a lazy style), and all agency planed accommodation, logistics, etc components takes its tall. But we could enjoy it fully, every minute, with 100% trouble free.

That sounds like a fantastic month indeed! You must feel totally reloaded and full of energy! Have a great weekend ahead :)

Thank you

Traveling like an expert.

Are you trying to buy the dip? $BTC careful it doesn't cut deeper!

Selling lol

That being said, all I have is LTC, no BTC :(

Oof that sell off is going heavy right now nearly 68k now. I might take my Robinhood divs and buy BTC soon who knows lol LEO is looking rather decent!

Are we rich yet? lol

A little richer. I still think inflation in general is kicking our ass lol

Sir, once upon a time BTC-ETH-LTC were three close friends, used to piggy back the BTC moves simultaneously, why that LTC was left out since 2019. And it no longer follow BTC moves in a similar fashion.


$BTC at 70k is an indicator for me.

Share a selfie showing lemons or limes, and win HBD and $leo
The invitation in the comment
#plantpowervegan #weekendthreading #foodie

Sure, will participate.

An easy task.

I have to reply to this thread or I have to create a separate post/Thread?

Have you ever shot a bow and arrow?


i haven’t shot one but I did make one when I was little

Do cross bows count?

Certainly. LOL

Hahaha older picture of when I had hair. Need to get back out on the range! Gun laws are different here so need to be a member of a range and active.

not yet! But I really want to try, I think it's a good sport.

The experience was pretty cool, but I didn't hit the target.

I do better with a fig gun hahaha...


It's serious hahaha... I participated in an event and there I had the chance to shoot a bow and arrow, it was at a school.

I tried to be inspired by a samurai from the 1600s but I failed miserably. LOL

This stuff is hard to handle.

Hhahahahah actually today I shot a toy one my little cousin made with nylon and a stick :D

I don't think the rubber sticky arrow I shot as a kid qualifies, so no 😅

Not yet, but I'd like to try someday.

Here's a fun fact. Every penny I've ever lost in crypto I was able to earn back, and then some, simply by grinding on Hive. (Oh, and by pennies I mean big dollars)

Hive we can say-- an activity based airdrop?

all day and night, plus HBD savings for those who only aspire to 20% returns

Ha! I think I may still be behind, but it is definitely a loss mitigator!
Only so much can be done to counteract pure stupidity :-)

lets just say I traded btc for steem at the top in 2016 or 17ish. But I rescued my btc and 10x via hive via posting only. I have never traded again offchain probably to my detriment but losing feels way worse than winning feels good

Yeah. I forgot the keys to a pretty old bitcoin wallet that was worth very little but now would be worth about $4000. I have probably recouped that on Hive/InLeo all things considered.

Still wander outside of Hive from time to time though. I am a degen at heart :-)

That's good to hear. Lel's keep the grind💪

it took time but I'm way ahead. I assume my leo and cub losses will be rectified soon too.

Such a nice place for hiking.

Picteruesque view.

This pack has ten varieties of corn, and by the time you pop the last one, you'll see through time

#photography #food

Ten different ones? 😐

Oh yes, and in my estimation, the mushroom variety was the best. When the kernels popped, they looked like fluffy little mushrooms. And man, it was outrageous!

Someday I would like to try those.

Highly recommended. They're all different.

#lpud, here we go. Over 1k $LEO powered up.

Great... that's huge amount....

keep it up always...

Commemorative event.

Not really, it happens every month.

Recurring event???

Yes, the power up day is once a month.


Awesomeness! Happy #lpud

It is Leo Power Up Day!

Let's make it happen.

*Link in comments

The day has come.

Indeed, it has.


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (3/10)@wiseagent!

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Happy #lpud

Absolutely, friend


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(5/50)@khantaimur! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart.

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (6/10)@khantaimur!

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Just powered up



thank you

How much??

20 bro

Okay. Next time try to mae it at least 50 LEO.

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