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I love pets, I have a Labrador dog and I am happy every day. #marchinleo

you have a beauty pet and there are very inteligent.

He is like that, he is very intelligent and very affectionate ❤️

How beautiful is your Labrador, it shows the good care and love you give him, that is animal welfare.

Love that sweet Labrador who brightens my days 😍❤️

What a cute Pupy, he is a very intelligent dog.

Yes friend, Puppy is very adorable 😍

So adorable. have a lovely day.

I adore my dog


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Oow what a beautiful dog I love 💖 😍

Yes, my dog ​​is adorable, I love him ❤️

Dogs are really amazing, I am planing on geting one myself

They give a lot of love and fidelity, you won't regret it 👍🏽

I have also come realise the fidelity part myself

Es increíble el amor que uno llega a sentir por ellas, y la alegría que transmiten. Si ellas están felices pues uno también

Es así increíble ,todo el amor que nos dan 😍

Las mascotas nos regalan lindos momentos. Creo que junto a tu precioso perrito se te sobran.

He is also a friend, we always have beautiful moments together ❤️

HiveBR Thread Day #36

Que dia meus amigos! Nossa comunidade brasileira quebrou o recorde das threadcasts, com mais de 3000 comentários! Sensacional! Hoje o sextou é diferente! Bora tomar uns litrão para comemorar!


Just wrote a post.

A reminder for all in here today, there is the Lions Den at 1 pm eastern time. It is on spaces.

Come and join in if you can. The info will be posted in about 90 minutes.

I'll be there

Pessoal, o Space do @taskmaster4450le vai começar em 15 minutos. Quem puder aparece lá pra dar uma força

I second this sentiment...but in English.

A shoutout to the #hivebr community for outstanding results yesterday. You all did amazing.

The threadcast comment total is now a high bar to top. 3100 is very impressive. We will see how long it stands.

Congrats all around.

We're going to break our own record.

That will be impressive to see.

3500 is the next minimum target.

I would say 4k.

Yeah. But have to get to 3500 first. LOL

Don't worry. We will.

I hope other threadcasts give us a run for our money!

We are going to have to get the party room motivated to give it a push. Have to wait for the music to return though.

But once that does, maybe we can get nuts and do a ton of stuff.

Thank you for all this support and this message to our #hivebr community, we are happy (and very tired lol) to promote this milestone in inleo's history! Thanks!

This is why I will learn Portuguese faster than @coyotelation will learn English.

It's easy for Americans to learn Portuguese, it's difficult for Americans to learn geography ^^


That is because most Americans do not realize there is something outside the United States.

So true!

I once heard someone being asked "Do you know Denmark?". The answer was: Yes, that's the capital of IKEA


That sounds about right.

True, great observation. Interesting point for discussion.

But perhaps this is even part of the culture of Americans not caring about what exists outside their territory.

Nope. It is why most give shit financial advice. They do not look at global capital flows.

That's why the big herd exists...

They go after any advice they think is ideal.

dei uma risada muito sincera agora

Only reason the joke is funny is because... it's true 😂

Lol. I know you will learn fast.

I agree that the Brazilians are really nice.


But I won't give up, it will be a dream come true to master English.

It will be cool to hear you in The Lions' Den one day for example.

Hell I havent mastered English and I have been at it for more than 50 years.


You're kidding me, you've gotta be. 😂

40 minutes until the Lions Den. Hopefully many of you will join the spaces.

Are you ready for the robots?

I know @tokenizedsociety is a tech geek. How about everyone else? Do you see how #technology is changing everything?

I wish technology does not change or disrupt the creative and innovative human mind.....

Are most people creative? It appears that the majority are not exceptional in that area.

But conversely we need to keep open that avenue....even if most people are not creative....

I think technology can help in many aspects, such as healthcare, for example. But it can also be harmful in others

I think we should be careful with robots, with AI, we need to take it easy on this path.

hahaha I am a tech geek for sure

Coincidentally, we discussed a bit about that during our Hive Brasil AMA this wee.

We talked about robots (and AI) taking over many aspects of our lives

How did that go? What was discussed? How did people take it?

When I get a better computer I will put subtitles in English on our AMA, currently it takes me almost 1 hour to render the automatic subtitles generated in English by Capcut for a 5 minute video with the computer I have

For a one hour video in the current situation it would take a whole day haha, but let's look for ways to improve this

We will release cuts from the live we did on Monday on Twitch, I believe it will be easier to subtitle it so you can understand it too

Monday's lives will happen every other week, and we will summarize the main points of the last two always in it, so I believe we can add some more content for non-Brazilians to

I am not sure where you are doing them but you might want to check with @mightpossibly.

He is very good at that stuff and he might be able to do some things to help out. If nothing else, is could probably do a summary of the AMA.

He is doing a lot of things to enhance what is being created on here and to aid in the SEO.

I'd be happy to help with that. I can do a two hour video in 10-15 minutes. Let me know where the video is posted and the spoken language, and I'll get you the subtitle file. Feel free to reach out by DM in discord, or just drop the info here.

Thanks i will call you

It was fun

We usually discuss things more closely connected to our community or Hive but one thing led to another and we started talking about that

We discussed how AI is already disrupting the movie and music industries and what could happen going forward.

Fui inventar de fazer pasta de amendoim e quebrei o liquidificador. Mas o que importa é que ontem batemos um record e eu estou com os pulsos ardendo 🙂

hahah putz que merda

Tem conserto ou foi de base o liquidifacdor?

tem conserto. foi uma pecinha que faz girar as hélices, que fica no corpo do motor. é a segunda vez q acontece isso.


hahha bom saber

to procurando um... já vou tirar essa marca da lista então

aqui jaz meu suco detox de todas as manhãs

descanse em paz velho guerreiro kk

pior que o velho guerreiro tem 2 anos só

puts kkk, foi cedo demais

rest in peace T_T

porra calabreso, ferrou o liquidificador kkkkk

Eu tenho um antigao lá em casa, quase nao uso kkk

meu braço direito foi com deus depois de ontem. senti cãibras a noite toda

O Governo do Estado do Rio decretou ponto facultativo hoje por conta do alerta de chuva extrema no estado. O alerta vai até domingo (24) e na Região dos Lagos, que é pra onde trabalho, os dias previstos pra mais chuva são sabado e domingo

já tô prevendo q vou me ferrar lindamente nesse plantão do fim de semana. se cair mesmo esse temporal, o volume de ocorrências que vão surgir...

Caralho, que tenso!

Aqui não vi nada do tipo ainda mas a Enel já mandou aviso de que fortes chuvas poderão afetar o fornecimento... isso quer dizer que com certeza ficarei sem luz... se quando não chove essa merda já cai toda hora, com chuva forte a rede elétrica vai jogar no Vasco de vez

tenso d+!! aqui também tá com alerta de chuva forte, mas nada tão extremo que nem o Rio.

A Enel deveria mandar aviso de fornecimento afetado todo dia, né? pq até quando um mosquito pousa no cabo deles já tem corte...


Qualquer coisinha já cai tudo

Tensão total.

Cara se eles fizerem isso numa sexta-feira e o povo não for lotar os bares eu não sei mais o que é preciso para levar o brasil pra frente!

pior que realmente o negócio tá feio no Rio, né?! já teve deslizamento em Pertopolis, um soterrado em Nilopolis... trecho da BR-040 tá interditado

Bom dia, enraiados!

Soldados um pouco abatidos hoje, mas ontem fizemos história! #hivebr

To no intervalo da faculdade, e vim no shopping comer um BK, aproveitei pra abrir o note e tentar conectar o Grass no wifi daqui, mas não ta dando certo, kkkrying

Almoçando BK, jovem?

Não tem MC aqui infelizmente, vou ter que trair a melhor rede de fast food com a segunda melhor

Meu Deus, a coisa só piora! #hivebr

pra sua sorte a bugleo nao ta deixando eu postar fotos, senao voce iria ver que gostoso que ta o lanche

Thanks, bugleo. #hivebr

invejei o almoço do BK

e aproveitei pra gravar um video pro 3speak, vamos ver se vai dar tempo de ser subido

Governo do Estado e Defesas Civis de todas as cidades falando sobre o alerta extremo de chuva, mas a minha chefe disse que não vai chover, não. Que é pro pessoal ir trabalhar na redação hoje, sem necessidade de remoto...

tipico de patrão

depois se der merda, a culpa é da chuva e do funcionario

exatamente. todo dia eu agradeço por ser remoto, pq eu n ia aguentar presencial mais não

tenso, mas espero que nada aconteça com vc

eu acho que aqui em Minas tá tranquilo. tem alerta de chuva, mas não tão extrema qt no Rio

O loco

Eu vi uns vídeos de praia grande e a coisa ta feia por lá

Parabens pra anta aqui, que foi subir um video no 3speak pelo meu perfil e nao vi q tava logado no da hivebr, kkkk mas acho que da tempo de deletar e reupar no meu

tudo sob controle familia, kkk

kkkkkkkk deu tempo

na verdade tive que fazer a famosa gambiarra, kkkk

Hoje começa o Lollapalooza. #hivebr

Boa tarde pessoal!

Get ready for....

How do I say "how are you"? (plural)

Como vão vocês? or Como vocês estão?

Como vocês estão?

Hj ainda é daqueles dias instáveis né?

Ultimamente todos os dias estão sendo assim, infelizmente


É chato isso... Ontem quando vi que não dava pra fazer muita coisa eu fechei tudo e desliguei o notebook kkkkk...

Logo ontem que tinha preparado para trazer pelo menos umas 3 playlists... Faz um tempinho que não faço.

Quase 300 comentários e sendo sincero, é um ótimo número já que ainda temos a noite.

Manter uma média é o mais importante na minha opinião.

Começando com 500, é interessante.

até pagar a fiança e sair em menos de 1 mês

Sei não... Acho que ele vai puxar um pouco de cadeia.

Mas estamos falando de Brasil, então... Tudo pode acontecer.

Alguém joga Poker?

Fui tentar ver as regras, até hj não lembro... Acho bonito ver mas jogar não sei se seria interessante pra mim kkkk ..

eu só sei jogar texas hold'em

Acho que já ouvi falar desse nome.

Nunca joguei. Até me interessei uma vez, mas agora não é o melhor momento pra mim começar algo novo kk


Eu tbm cheguei a me interessar, mas acho que isso não é pra mim não...

Acho que eu poderia me dar bem. Paciência eu tenho, só não sei se conseguiria manter a seriedade kk

Tem esse lance mesmo né? 😅

Pois é, vai q vc da uma risadinha quando tem carta boa. Aí já entrega pros caras

Here is a poll about Brazilian woman. Click on the original thread to open polll and vote.

Almocinho ligeiro e logo depois, SE TUDO DER CERTO, a última reunião do dia

ce ta bem, pense que eu fiz alguns km para um atendimento presencial que foi infrutífero devido a um esquecimento de registro em sistema... os amadores estão governando o mundo só pode!

Why did the rooster cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@tokenizedsociety, I sent you an

Putz que merda hahaha

É foda quando a incompetência reina

Esse estilo do @coyotelation de postar notícia diária no ThreadDay é a que eu mais gosto de consumir.

Vlw pelo feedback mano!

Eu tbm acho bem legal e por isso pretendo a cada dia fazer disso um hábito.

Tbm pretendo trazer mais conteúdos de esportes aqui. Sei que a Seleção não tá lá essas coisas, mas temos que aproveitar os diversos conteúdos do "país do futebol" kkkkk ..

Conseguimos entrar no "radar". Isso vem com o lado positivo mas também com bastante pressão. Não podemos deixar o momento se perder ou seremos considerados "fogo de palha" e condenados ao esquecimento

Difícil manter o ritmo. Repetir o que fizemos vai precisar de mais gente, pq gasta tempo e se isso não retornar a nós de alguma forma, vai causar desânimo.

Sim, esse é o desafio

Poucos estão a altura

Vai retornar, mas será a longo prazo. Por isso o desafio é tão grande. Não é todo mundo que tem a mentalidade de longo prazo

Acredito que não precisamos fazer todo dia 3k, mas uma média consistente de 500 mensagens é interessante.

Exatamente isso! 3k foi um marco importante para chamar atenção. Não é viável fazer isso todo dia com a base de usuários que temos hoje, mas temos que aproveitar a exposição pra mostrar que estamos por aqui sempre

Verdade, eles precisam além de notar, perceber que nossa comunidade está realmente engajada para contribuir com o ecossistema Leo.

Espero que possamos ter bons benefícios em prol do Hive-br.

O lance não é quebrar recorde todo santo dia, mas termos uma média boa de engajamento e envolvimento entre as pessoas aqui.

Os números sairão naturalmente.

Importante saber disso.

É não deixar a peteca cair.


Será mesmo que o dia vai terminar sem nenhum BO no fimzinho???
Acompanhe os próximos capítulos

Isso é bom hahaha...

É ótimo hahah
Espero que continue assim

Ola amigos?

How is that? Did I say hello friends?

You said it right, "hello friends"


3250 days in the #hivebr threadcast and I might have a basic understanding of Portuguese.

Let's go converter you for Portuguese!

That Portuguese Task.

But I confess that English has fewer boring rules... An example I'll give you is the following...

We have 4 ways to express a question. They are:

Por quê

Por que



In your language it's just "why".

Yep, You will learn Portuguese faster than I will learn English, Task. 😁

Its a race.

Yep, without a doubt.

I will win.

The Brazilians are nicer and will help me with Portuguese.

The Americans are selfish so wont do shit to help you with English. lol

How do I say "hello" in Portuguese? Is it hola like in Spanish?

It's different from Spanish.

You say "Olá".


Olá (The accent was missing, in our language this accent helps the letter A make a more open sound)

But you did well, you already know that it is different from Spanish.

Maybe your keyboard doesn't have the accent, so I'll consider you got it 100% right hahahaha...

No it doesnt have the accent.

TOP 03! #hivebr

Em breve vai estar no topo hehehe...

Não estou mais desfotado.

Era chato mesmo hahahaha...

dia hoje tá mt puxado...

Ainda bem que hj é sexta né?

tô de plantão esse fim de semana... só tenho folga na próxima quinta :(


Tá longe, mas pelo menos vai estar em casa no feriadão da próxima semana.

plantão também kkkkkk

Se fosse uma segunda... Credo...

Fomos citados no Lions Den :D

Que massa!

Eu tentei participar, mas a minha internet hoje não tá colaborando.

Acabei de comentar la no discord! Ele falou sobre a gente irru!

Top demais!

All eyes on BRs!

Muito legal mano, a gente chamou a atenção mesmo! #hivebr

Se a gente conseguir manter #hivebr nos trendins tags esse marketing será constante.

Com certeza, vamos tentando manter isso diariamente, cada vez mais pessoas irão participar!

Here is the threadcast for todays The Lions Den starting at 1 pm eastern time.

I'll be there!

Tudo indica um dia mais tranquilo hoje

Mas tudo pode mudar a qualquer momento.... o morro ta muito tranquilo

Tem alguma coisa errada, melhor verificar

21/03/2024 dia do recorde brasileiro e da hive de comentários em uma threadcast!

"Guarde na memoria antes de morrer" Escanor :)

History was made.

forever e ever!



Geral ta dormindo ainda será?

que nervoso esse bugleo todo inbugado desse jeito. não dá pra saber quem é quem só olhando a fotinha


muito ruim isso

A experiencia não está das melhores =/

Pra quem tem TOC isso deve ser o caos!

eu tenho, diagnosticada com laudo e tudo. tô surtando kkkk

bom dia, meus consagrados

Não consigo ver nosso threadcast no topo #hivebr

Hoje vou pegar mais leve, ontem foi demais kkkkk

Patrão ta aqui hoje, vou pegar mais leve também, tenho coisas pra entregar kk

O pensamento de todos hoje.

Dia que demora passar kkk

Tinha q ser sexta kk

Good day. It is going to be interesting to see what the follow up is.

Good morning everything is fine? Yesterday was incredible, we certainly highlighted the strength of our community in the hive!

Don't get your hopes up for today

good morning!!

We can do something good for today, but not like yesterday.

Are the Brazilians in the mood to go for 4,000 comments today?

We can try, but I don't know if we'll have the energy for today, I, for example, don't think I'll be able to participate as much.

I have some things to do here at work, so I don't know if I'll be online as long as yesterday.

No, I'm totally not lol

no way! my arm is hurting a lot today hahaha

Why? Did you go bowling yesterday?

i went really hard at the gym haha

Probably not, haha!

LOL yeah it requires a lot.

Yesterday we faced a war. 😅

People showed up to the battle.

The brave ones.

teste teste

testado e aprovado

ja comecei o dia removendo a extensao da keychain e add de novo, nao abria de jeito nenhum

Já começou bem, #keychain simplesmente não abriu mais no brave browser, tive que remover e add de novo, affs

E fiz de tudo, fechei navegador, limpei com ccleaner e nada, so removendo mesmo e add de novo kkkk

See if this will post to top of page when we hit 15 comments. The site is very questionable today.

I hope they get some of the bugs worked out quickly.

our beloved bugleo

Wonky is the order of the day again today. One day we will surpass that level.

that's it! we need to regain our strength

Drink a protein shake.

Also be sure to get a lot of water.

Really needing to do an intense effort to fix the bugs, it's difficult whether through inleo or through labs, lots of bugs, lots of slowness, it's complicated =/

Me and @shiftrox reported a lot of bugs on Discord last week.

but more bugs are appearing

Tá inbugado aqui já. Todas as fotos de perfil são do leão da leofinance.

aqui tmb kkk

viramos todo esse leão feio

Tem que ficar perdendo tempo lendo o nick do usuário, aí é foda

Será q ele inbugou também?

ta tudo bugado, seja inleo ou labs

Agora apareceu, boa

Hoje, se não me engano as 14h, o Task vai estar ao vivo no Twitter com seu show semanal The Lions Den e vai ter um threadcast. Como ele deu moral pra nós ontem acho que seria legal quem puder aparecer lá no dele hoje

ainda falando sobre a previsão do tempo... tô vendo aqui que na Região Serrana do Rio tá previsto um acumulado de até 500mm de chuva só pro final de semana. Isso é muita coisa pra uma região que já sofre tanto com chuva

Ainda mais que é uma região bastante populosa né, com muitas construções e pouco espaço pra água correr

pois é... e muito morro, né? acho que se eu morasse por lá, com esses alertas assim, eu, infelizmente, daria um jeito de sair da cidade

É, eu também. Não tem como viver em um lugar assim. É tipo você estar jogando Postal no very hard na vida real, você está exposto a perigo constante a todo momento.

What is the population situation in Brazil?

Are you facing a collapse like many other countries or is there a strong demographic base going forward?

It's still growing but the most recent data shows that our population growth rate is the lowest ever observed (0.5%/year) so we will have to see how it looks like when the next set of data comes out

I will have to search what the fertility rate is there. That tells a great deal.

The developed world is mostly screwed especially Europe and China.

já comecei a passar raiva aqui no trabalho... minha chefe jogou um vídeo de um homem que foi atingido por um raio em uma praia. mas não disse nada. só 'urgente' 🤡

como eu solto uma coisa 'urgente' sem saber, pelo menos, onde foi?! aí tive que perder 10 minutos analisando os detalhes do vídeo pra descobrir a praia que era. a sorte é que eu conheço o lugar.

Nossa eu acho que eu não aguentaria esse trabalho hahaha

Só tragédia e ainda uma chefe dessas

passando raiva com ela desde 2016 kkkkk meu lugar no céu tá mais que garantido

as tragédias, por mais bizarro que possa parecer, eu já acostumei... não costumo ficar impactada com quase nada mais

aí vou eu atrás de uma fonte que tenho
"oi, bom dia! sabe de alguma coisa de um homem que foi atingido por um raio aí em Arraial?"

"oi moço bom dia, vc sabe algo sobre o homem que morreu fazendo cosplay do super choque?"

#humornegro :)

o pior é que fizeram um comentário mt parecido com isso no vídeo q eu postei no insta

eita, tenso

o povo é doido kkk

A fonte: 'bom dia. não'
Dois segundos depois, a fonte: 'acho que morreu. vendia espetinho'


tem que comemorar, liberdade criativa, kkkk vai absoluta no sensacionalismo, manchete "homem é atingido por um raio na praia" materia "homem que estava na praia foi atingido por um raio, o impacto foi instantâneo, ainda não temos informações se ele sobreviveu, mas o estado é grave, mais noticias no meio dia inleo com a reporter xlety"



não deve nem ter visto... ela mal olha as coisas q eu escrevo

mas depois eu fui apurar direitinho com bombeiros, prefs e defesa civil

e eles tambem deram uma resposta generica?

trending tags.#hivebr subindo no

Ontem estava em quinto lugar, agora está quarto lugar.

Oloco, bora continuar usando então #hivebr

Chuvinha marota. Céu nublado. Clima friozinho. Dia perfeito.

Assisti aos dois primeiros episódios de X-Men '97 e PQP, que coisa linda!

Torcendo pra Marvel não estragar os próximos episódios.

A âncora nos posts mais uma vez inbugou. Dessa vez não fica clicável, só aparece o texto

Mesmo que a thread não indexe, parece que usar a tag #hivebr aqui no threadcast tem dado efeito, então vamos continuar

hoje no trampo tá corrido d+, muito volume de informação por conta do alerta de chuva extrema...

e pra 'ajudar', o wordpress tá mt zoado, o site do portal tá zoado, as miniaturas não carregam na hora de compartilhar no Facebook... haja paciencia pra trabalhar hoje

O mundo está bugando

Estamos pegando bastante views também. Lembrando que acima de 200 views conseguimos botar mais um cascalho no bolso da nossa comunidade.

voltaram as fotinhaaaaaaas uuuuuuuhu

fotados novamente

Opa, da pra colocar foto de novo, olha essa aqui @wiseagent

(se carregar, pq no preview aqui nao ta carregando)

bugou o bug

Um rango completo (arroz, feijão e talz) certamente seria mais gostoso (e bem mais barato).

O @wiseagent está desfotado aqui ainda. O resto consigo identificar pela foto novamente.

Que absurdo isso. Vou exigir meus direitos de premium user.

A bit slower today. Seems like many are missing in action. Still recovering I guess.

Today people are more relaxed haha, I think we can try to do a big threadcast once a week like we did yesterday!

Yeah. That is how we keep pushing things to another level. We will try to top what #hivebr did with the party room. Keep setting a new level then going to top it.

Wounded soldiers, but always willing to fight.

LOL well things are limping along.

Might be some frustration with the site also. That is always possible.

Yeah. Bugs didn't help yesterday.

No. I dont know whether the threadcast overloaded things or it was just timing and the site went to hell at the same time.

The most important is: History was made.

as imagens dos perfis voltaram!

TOP 3 do trending tags.#hivebr está quase chegando no

Boaaaa, vamos com tudo! #hivebr

Bora tentar colocar #hivebr no TOP 03 do trending tags.

I was thinking, we deserved at least a badge created by #hivebuzz to be visible on peakd as the first to break the barrier of 3000 comments on a threadcast! It would be incredible to immortalize what we did! What do @taskmaster4450le think?

How about "Threadcast Pathfinders" or "Commenting to the Limit"??

There were 28 unique profiles, I have the consultation here, we can do this! It would be incredible to have this record!

Isso, shift... Levanta esse movimento! #hivebr

Bora fazer barulho kkk

Será se foi a gente responsável de tanto bug pq enchemos de thread ontem? Kkkkkkkk

Não sei, mas que tá bugado tá kkkkkkk

É chato demais isso...

Ontem quanto percebi, fechei tudo e desliguei o notebook. Sem paciência pra isso kkkkkkkk

Colocando minha bebezinha para dormir agora, graças a Deus a perninha dela está melhor. Vai sarar nos próximos dias.

Que bom mano, fico feliz em ouvir isso

Vlw! ✌🏼

Ainda não parei pra atualizar minha notificação.

Ainda está constando mais de 99 kkk

Notícias para ficar bem informado enquanto está no INLEO hehehe...

Boa! Isso agrega valor ao threadcast

Yep, sem dúvidas.

Essa é novidade

É br em tudo que é canto rsrs....

Pois é, tem muito br que faz sucesso lá fora e não é reconhecido aqui. Uma pena

E isso meu amigo, vem de muito tempo...

Um exemplo bom são os pracinhas que foram para a WWII.

Não são valorizados, muitos nem sabem o que fizeram lá na Itália.

Isso vc disse uma grande verdade.

Quase 300. Isso é bom, pois mais tarde faltará pouco para chegar em 500.

Muito bem pessoal! 💪🏻

Trazer algumas notícias sobre esportes agora.

Hora de mesclar um pouco hahaha..

3k ai, sim, em não pude participar desse feito estava sem internet porque o modem queimou nas forte chuvas de dois dias atrás kkk só hoje cara veio trocar o modem :/

Quais as outras novidades?

A comunidade foi notada, a questão é que precisamos continuar mostrando serviço pra não parecer hype apenas

Have you ever played poker @taskmaster4450le?

I am not much of a poker player.

Oh, but you play. 👍🏼

Nope. Dont even know what all the hands are.

I got It. I don't play either... honestly I don't even know the rules. LOL

Quase 200 views, bora bater esse número pra ganhar com ad revenue

tentando fazer meu post pelo Liketu, mas simplesmente nada acontece quando eu clico em 'post' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

só foi eu reclamar e foi kk

acho que esse foi o sextou mais movimentado das ThreadsBR

Do jeito que está esfriando aqui, amanhã devemos acordar com uns 15 graus de temperatura. Bem vindo outono 🥰

As a child I used to walk in the crowd. I used to step over people's feet while walking. It didn't seem like much at the time. After growing up, I knew it was wrong. I apologized later. Correct that mistake,#hivenaija #mistake

What is good night in Portuguese?

Boa noite.

Oh! Thanks. It's similar to Italian- Buona notte

#hivebr no trending só me faz perceber o quanto que estamos alcançando vôos mais altos.

Seguimos em frente! A jornada será emocionante!

TA bom migo chega ctrl c ai

parabens a todos os envolvidos se eu tivesse aqui teria chegado em 10k facim

Parabéns. Isso é muito poderoso e inspirador!

Would you be interested in investing in our ICO for PIXA? If so, how much would you be willing to invest?

what is it?

It's a pixel art NFT project that will use a fork of the STEEM/HIVE blockchain that stores the NFTs directly on the blockchain. Here is a video demo + links to the lite paper / presale form:

I have no idea about PIXA. Could u please elaborate?

It's a pixel art NFT project that will use a fork of the STEEM/HIVE blockchain that stores the NFTs directly on the blockchain. Here is a video demo + links to the lite paper / presale form:

I see....I will check out the details....thanks.

#jokesonleo #inleo

A lot of bugs on Inleo. This is how the bugs are having concert.

Yeah there are many bugs. I have been trying to report a few bugs though #feedback threads.

I noticed some have been fixed, like the profile picture of everyone and uploading of pictures, but the pictures has to be in kbytes or at most 1.2mb.

Get the Leosecticide quick #feedback 😂🦁♥️

LOL. These bugs are so powerful, I doubt leosecticide will help. We need the team. Everyone has the same profile picture as a result to these bugs. 😂

Perhaps inLeo needs a lot of pesticides...... 😂 😂 😂

These bugs are so powerful 😂😂. The best we need is the Inleo team like the Justice league.

We all have people whome we love around us. Many a times we find ourself going out on great length to protect them. But How much we do , it always fell short. And it happened to me on many occasion.1/3🧵. #Threadstorm

#outreach #familyprotection #psychology #hl #family

3/3🧵. To know more on my effort and if it worth to be measured click on the below link

2/3🧵. Being a social animal protecting our loved ones always comes first. We have so many real life instances, like prioritizing the loved in ones at times of their need, or donating body organs tonprotect some family members etc. I have a similar instances with my Dad during his final days.

Absolutely, family holds a special place in our hearts. They provide us with a sense of security and support, both emotionally and materially. It's beautiful to see the lengths we go to protect and cherish our loved ones.

whenever we do something that feelings always gIves immense satisfaction....nothing could replace than being associated with family

That's because our existence if rooted in our family.

Family is a sense of security for us from emotional to material fulfillment.

They are the reason for our existence and also for pur survival.

WIthout a doubt.....

It's heartwarming to see the deep bonds of family being celebrated. They truly are our pillars of support and security.

and we never disobey nor dis respect them, this is how we grows up in India...their efforts andcommitment towards us are un paralleled

wow. I would definitely travel to idea one of these days.

love cannot be measured nor the protection we want to extend to our loved ones
stay positive


Yes that's all comes from the heart.

That moraine must have brought some precious stones along with it.

As always, beautiful photography.

It was fantastic. Thanks.

👍 👍 👍

Mesmerizing place.

Upset Alert 😮❗

#ncaam #marchmadness #sports

No. 14 Oakland beat No. 3 Kentucky ⬇️

🧵 1. Senator Elizabeth Warren calls on SEC to investigate potential conflicts between Tesla and Elon Musk's private companies, citing concerns over Board independence and shareholder interests - Wall Street Journal reports. #business

🧵 2. Warren questions Tesla's Board oversight and allegations of conflicts of interest with Musk's ventures, highlighting directors' stock options and financial ties. SEC urged to probe governance issues.

🧵 3. Musk faces scrutiny over Tesla's governance, shareholder transparency, and advertising practices on his platform X as Warren pushes for investigation into potential conflicts of interest.

This witch is the epitome of evil. How she keeps getting re-elected shows just how broken our election system is. Shameful.

🧵 1. Federal Judge denounces Michael Cohen as a serial perjurer during court appearance seeking sentence reduction, highlighting the need for continued deterrence. #politics

🧵 2. Michael Cohen's credibility questioned for using fake case authority, with the judge calling his prior testimony argument "perverse" and highlighting his history of perjury.

🧵 3. Despite assertions of rehabilitation, doubts raised about Michael Cohen's truthfulness as he seeks to lower his federal sentence, citing past incidents of perjury.

🧵 1. Biden administration unveils strict pollution standards for vehicles from 2027-32. But why were there zero Teslas on stage at the EPA event? Find out the White House's disdain for Elon Musk. #business

🧵 2. Tesla's exclusion sparks controversy as Ford, GM, and Chrysler vehicles steal the spotlight. Despite Biden's push for clean vehicles, Musk faces opposition from the administration.

🧵 3. Musk's Tesla, a top performer on American-Made Index, faces snub from the White House. Users react, questioning the Democrats' stance on innovation and clean energy.

Being able to post an image every other day on Threads is pretty freaking annoying.

What should be the standard size of a blog post in Hive(in terms of words)???

For me, it should be around 600-700 words post. I think length posts are a turn-off for the readers.


I think it should be however long it takes to cover the subject matter in suitable detail and comprehensiveness. Which is likely between 300 and 2000 words, depending on topic.

I think 1000 words is a good number for a long-form post

I think that is a bit on a higher side. 800 and above could be a turn-off....Considering the readability vector what size entice a reader?

I don't so, 1000 words is pretty quick read. I depends how it's divided, using pics and dividers. Must remember that it's long form after all, if we're looking for quick reading, then micro-blogging could be best suited.

Also, on X I've read many threads that are more than 1000 and it's supposed to micro-bloggin! 😅

Also, on X I've read many threads that are more than 1000 and it's supposed to micro-bloggin!

That integrates the micro-blog and a long from post. 😂

Yeah! I've seen X turning more and more into long-form format lately. At least among the crypto people, the post just keep getting longer and longer :D

That means the market and the users at large need something in between long form and microblog.

This depends on the article or niche. For example, photography niche might not have so much text content

True....but on an average what should be the standard size to keep in goodstanding with the readability vector.

#gmfrens and welcome to a brand new day.

How do you plan to spend your weekend? #askonleo

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Good Morning.

Today I want to engage more with the Articles. That's my plan.

Thank you.

I rather focus on today. I will make a post amd do threading

1 $LEO= $1


1 $LEO= 1 $HIVE

Which one do you want to see first??


I cant wait to see 1 Leo at $1. Its a big possibility.

Sure, one day it will hit that value.....

I really hope it would.

Let's hope 2024 be that year.

'emas for me 1 $LEO = 1$ MY PREDICTIONS THOUGH

I wish.................... your wish comes true.

#wordofthedayonleo - dragoon

What It Means

When used with into, dragoon means "to force or convince someone to do something." Without into, dragoon means "to subjugate or persecute by harsh use of troops."

//Employees complained that they had been dragooned into working overtime without adequate compensation.


Interesting! I only knew this term from the Starcraft Protoss unit Dragoon. It's a ranged unit that fires plasma balls

Thanks for sharing! It's fascinating to see how words like "dragoon" have evolved and are used in different contexts.

Definitely 👍🏽 Hapoy FriYAY!

Thanks for sharing this interesting word! It's neat to learn about the different meanings of "dragoon" and how it's used in different contexts. Language is full of surprises!

I agree. It’s nice to enhance one’s vocabulary. Happy Friday 🤘🏽

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

#gmfrens just making some more gifs, cause you know we dont have enough #giphy #gifs

GM Stick Up Boys! Another great addition. Question: How/where do you add your gifs to make them available in the inleo UI gif-search?

hi if you search stickupboys you will find ours add a word to that too and you will find us. I think Inleo uses Tenor as its gif search so you would have to upload to there. We prefer giphy to be honest but we have accounts with both. If you need any help let us know

Awesome, thanks for the info

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Easy Money!

Expected Payout

Daily Payout
+6.6863 LEO

Monthly Payout
+207.276 LEO

the best!!

Not bad at all.

From LEO POWER ???


Remember, if you lose a sock in the dryer, it comes back to life as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit on any of your containers!


I have been unable to upload images to inleo since around yesterday, tried from Labs but same thing.
Any solutions?

I also see a broken image for the existing images too.

I noticed that the transactions get signed by Keychain but the image is not loaded. You can upload them on Eceny or and copy the URL here.

Thanks, I uploaded the image to ecency and linked it to the post successfully.

Using Mobile or Laptop??

Try using Lab UI

I'm posting from Lab, but no. Can you upload your pics?

Yes, I am being able to do so. I am using Laptop.

Thanks, I'll give it another try after some time.

👍 👍 👍

no idea ; ;

Everyone's profile picture is a lion...

o.o ya by the way i just watched this drama Boku no Itoshii Youkai Girlfriend. yoshikawa so cute

Looks like we can watch it on Amazon starting today!

i already finished it :P

yes go go watch it!!!!!

Login with leoAuth, if it doesn't help then upload on ecency or peakd or hiveblog and paste it on Inleo.

Using leoAuth did not work...
I'll try the latter approach when I post the article😉

Best of luck 🤞 happy writing

When the Apamates display their pink flowers, they indicate that the drought season has already begun. #inleo #photography #blog #life #hive #amazingnature

The only thing that motivates me to write is my girlfriend, she’s my muse but currently now she’s has been away for 3months.

I need a new motivation. Any suggestion🥹🥹

Sorry to hear that your girlfriend is away. Maybe you could explore new experiences or hobbies to find inspiration.

I prefer to stay indoor. She’s the one that do make me step out of the house but now I just feel so so so. I don’t even know the right word to use

How about reconnecting with nature? Spending time outdoors or taking long walks can often provide a fresh perspective and inspire new ideas

Well, this is a good idea because I have been indoor for almost a week now without stepping out. If she was around she would have found a place for us to visit. I do miss her

Hope it was not a breakup

no 😅😅😅 she went back to school to finish her decree. She’s currently writing her exam and I don’t want to be a distraction to her

Lucky you😂😂🦁♥️


Well, trading crypto usually makes to forget the real world.

Not financial advise.

I want a muse that will keep me working and writing. 👀👀

You can talk to her and produce a fantastic peice of content in her memory how do u feel when she is away and how deep u r in love with her.

Yeah, I guess I can do that too. But most time I call her to tell her about my work and ask how her studies are going and I get motivated but it’s not like when she’s around tho 😪😪

Im managing well tho

As I can sense...u miss her a lot

Yeah, but I won’t tell her so she doesn’t feel hyped 🥹🥹




I can’t believe you actually did that
That was F crazy 😂😂

It was actually G

🌚🌚So what the H are you trying to prove right now

A wonderful day for the whole hive. #freecompliments #liotes #hive #gmfrens

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

A wonderful day for you too fren!

Try teaching someone you know something new while trying to learn it yourself. Please note the questions they ask and how they reveal where your knowledge is lacking. The most important source of information is the act of sharing it with others. #freecompliments

That's an excellent learning strategy that I have several positive experiences with

Exactly, this is how we may learn.

"The most important source of information..."

I say, Wikipedia 😆

Telegram channel link please??

I mean thos emining channel links?

Thank you so much...

you are welcome. :)

Is everyone else seeing only the Leo Icon for their profile icon?


But that's quite natural....because every one is a lion here...

Ain't we?

Awesome answer. :)


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(6/50)@milaan! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

Yes. I like the icon but it's hurting my eyes 😅

Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/50)@ifarmgirl! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

1/🧵 If Ellen Ripley ever managed to reach the realms of #Splinterlands, she’d likely suggest taking off and nuking the entire site from orbit, as it would be the only way to be sure what lives there dies there.

#threadstorm #outreach #play2earn

2/🧵 Nothing like nukes exists in Splinterlands (yet) and some battles, especially those of two defence-oriented Life sets, could span for ages. However, there’s a Blast ability which, when combined with Snipe, and a high-attack monster could wipe monsters out like a small nuclear missile.

3/🧵 Let me reveal how to harness the power of Explosive Weaponry and Super Sneak. The key is to set pick your cards wisely – they are the ones that decide battles. And the Gladiators, obviously.

#newsonleo #science #demographics Lancet publishes study suggesting that the global human population, if current trends continue, would start to decrease in next few decades, which is first such instance since Black Death pandemics in 14th Century.

Wow, that's a significant finding. It'll be intriguing to see how this potential population decline could impact various aspects of society and the environment. Thanks for sharing!

#gmfrens It is Friday, just got to work. Have an awesome day.

Have a great one too, grandpa.

Thank you :)


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@luchyl! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

I know u r happy toda because weekend is visible from a close quarter.

Good Morning.

I am always happy. Just some days at work I do not have time to post.


Have a great day.

You also my friend :)

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Image upload isn't working and profile pictures aren't showing.

Anyone else seeing it?

#gmfrens #thread2earn

Image upload isn‘t working for days now and profile pics look like this for me today:

(Uploaded via PeakD)

Same with me and I can't even upload a picture.

upload via peakd or ecency and copy the image link over …

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going

The tough get going fririend.

👍 👍 👍

very true. This is what separate the great from the small.

this is why we should not ggive up

On the top of the world! Well, to be honest, I am pretty satisfied but it mostly correlates with charts and how my assets are doing. 😅

I am pretty satisfied but it mostly correlates with charts and how my assets are doing. 😅

In a bullish cycle, it is obvious that Happiness is a state of bullishness

Again trading a bit on #Splinterlands this morning. This time I've been buying and burning some Chaos Legion Reward cards for profit.

It feels good to do that, as that set is very much overprinted anyway. 😀


  • Can't post pictures
  • Can't see profile pictures
  • wen fix?

I just posted a vide via the inleo frontend which is not on display. However, the video appears on other Hive frontends.


Tried uploading a video via 3speak and Ecency, it was near impossible. The entire experience is one I will not want to repeat any time soon. These are the issues. You cannot onboard people to web 3 with just narratives and platitude. You need a superior product or at least one that is at par with what currently exists in web2.

Very true.....the front end should be flawless at any given time....


Happy friday to everyone on INLEO

Do one thing every day that scares you. -Eleanor Roosevelt

#thoughtoftheday #quotes

Have a nice Friday. Weekend is just round the corner.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Do you enjoy seeing things go BOOM! Do you want to feel like a splinterlands whale who owns the overpowered Yodin Zaku? Well then, this ruleset is for you.

1/🧵#threadstorm #outreach

2/🧵This week’s battle mage secrets focuses on the Explosive Weaponry Ruleset.

Sounds like an explosive adventure! It's always thrilling to dive into new rulesets and unleash the power of cards like Yodin Zaku. Can't wait to check out the battle mage secrets!

to find my true self
disrobe for the world and dance
my light, my dark, whole

#bcpoets #poetry #creativecoin

Beautifully expressed! Embracing both light and dark within ourselves is such a powerful journey towards finding our true selves.

Yes ... a continual journey. For the longest time I wanted to make myself either/or instead of both. That doesn't work. :)

It's through acknowledging and accepting all aspects of ourselves that we can truly find inner harmony and authenticity.

#memeonleo ##comedyonleo #polls

😁 😁 😁

This is a question, I see that the line of comments is very short and when I want to answer a comment or send a tip, I can’t do it in inleo... looks like a problem :)

First they take all the names, and now they take all the profile pictures!?!?!?

This is an outrage!

Just kidding. I don't really care.

I kinda miss the avatars, but I'll be alright 🥲

I can't live without looking like a red blob of nothing.

Just kidding. I'll live.

Now that's a relief.

Yeah. I feel much better now too.

profile picture deserves a vacation :p

Yeah that's true. They've been working steady for at least a week.

Stake Based Curation

Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.

For more info check below ⬇️


Can someone drops other's GEM??

as long as he has staked LEO yes, you can check the link in the first comment for more details

Okay, thank u.

Good day all. I hope everyone is ready for another day.

We are about 6 hours away from the Lion's Den. It will start at 1 pm eastern time.

Wow, we've got a whole den for inleo. I would love to meet the pack today.

Will try and join in. Which platform sir?

spaces. I will post the info in an hour plus.

cool! Will be looking out for that

Very good. Hope you can make it.

Good day. Looking forward to it

Yeah. Hopefully a few of the bugs are worked out by then.

Hey there! Sounds like an exciting event. How can I join the Lion's Den?

It is on spaces at 1 pm eastern time. I will be posting a threadcast along with a link once the space is set up...probably around 10.

Great, I would be joining in then. Thanks for the invite

Do memecoins actually serve any purpose besides being annoying... and making the crypto industry look like a bit of a joke?

#memecoins #crypto

As crazy as this sounds they bring a lot of volume, demand and investors soooo yeah they serve a rather large purpose lol

Well, I suppose... although I'd submit that "gamblers" might be a more appropriate term than "investors." 🤣

These days, it's sentiment that maters and on that top that in whatever way u bring economic value to the parent chain is justified. .

End justifies means.

....has been the slogan..

yes. Taking your money and putting it in someone else's pocket

I am claiming my earned ZING 5-6 times a day. Everyday.

For others, the solution to their troubles is chain smoking. They seem to spend their whole day mired in misery. That isn't always the case. Living each day to the fullest, like a sunflower facing the sun as it sweeps across the sky, may bring you delight after joy. Paying attention to the positive aspects of life is more important than living a problem-free existence. While sunflowers cast shadows, those shadows are always cast behind the bloom.

#freecompliments #gmfrens

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

There are 4 pages