"Irmã da Marielle Franco" do "Ministério da irmã da Marielle Franco".
Ela ganhou um ministério como forma do Governo Lula mostrar que estava empenhado em ir atrás do mandante do assassinato da Marielle, que todos os apoiadores do governo alegavam ser Jair Bolsonaro.
Provavelmente, mas pode ter sido só vacilo do provedor do serviço mesmo... O Khal disse que não tá muito satisfeito com esse provedor e tá pensando em trocar.
to vendo Spin Out... comecei achando que era ruim... no caminho descobri que tava certo... mas tb tava errado... é meio ruim, mas vicia e tb é meio bom...
me da raiva de varios personagens e me faz julgar personagens doentes com vontade de arrebentar a cara dela... só vendo msmo pra entender...rs
The Grey is a film starring Liam Neeson, in which we look at human survival in what seems to be its last link. John and his friends must escape from a pack of wolves... (1/3)
After their plane crashes in the snow, however, in addition to the unseasonably cold weather, the survivors must manage to survive and get home... Will they make it? Read more in my recent article: Link in the following thread. (2/3)
I'm not gonna keep liquid HBD for premium this time, I'm gonna will myself to remember to take it out of the savings 3 days before my premium membership is due... #goodluckremembering
We are at the doorstep of the halving, there is a lot of expectation, excitement and anxiety on the part of many people. What does Halving mean to you? $BTC $HIVE
Aegis is a formal word that refers to the power to protect, control, or support something or someone. It is often used in the phrase under the aegis of.
//The issue will be decided under the aegis of an international organization.
#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for April 9th, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.
I watched a documentary on Marijuana last night… …that’s probably how I’ll watch all documentaries from now on. Credit: reddit $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments
Ha! It was just a wee bit :-) He did pick a smart time to sell though. I did sell some myself to help rebalance and get more HIVE/HP. Was bottoming out my RC's too much.
Haha, sold just a little bit too. Apparently sell shaming is real hahaha. I have more LEO than I thought so I will likely sell a tid bit more as price rises.
3/ This is coupled by the ability to scale, something that VSC was designed for. Here is where application and game builders can start to integrate the benefits of SC tech into their projects.
Hello my dear friends and Party team members, we are glad to tell you that we just created an account separately for the party time and other related activities. For now, the account will be used in curation of the activities in the party room and other music related activities on-chain.
As time goes on, it may become the party time official account.
Please we are soliciting for some Hive and Leo power delegations, to help us grow the account to its standard.
Please if you are new to the party room, any music that you saw rate this song or rate, please click on the song and you will see different rating section, click on any one of your choice and approve it. Thanks and welcome to the party time on leo.
Are you kidding me? You brought this song too Inleo. Nice one. Funny enough, I'm just knowing the artist's name and seeing the video for the first time.
Our party report week 9 is out, please kindly give it some comments and up-votes as the case may be. Thanks to you all, you are amazing team and party participants.
Please if you are new to the party room, any music that you saw rate this song or rate, please click on the song and you will see different rating section, click on any one of your choice and approve it. Thanks and welcome to the party time on leo.
Dear Lions You can submit your daily news-based #inleo post under this thread. The chosen posts will be highlighted on Daily LEO, receive curation support.
A lot of people have lost their lives because of their encounter with kidnappers and it's saddening. These people seek ransom and waste the lives of their victims when they can't meet their demands.
I believe it takes a cruel human to put a fellow human in captive and there should be a serial judgement for the culprits because that's the only way to make people desist from the act and also prevent new people from trying it out
I'm not sure if there is an example in which a token of a blockchain surpass in value the main L1 token?
I kinda want to remember one case but it doesn't come to my head right now...
All in all, that would be really remarkable..
Everyone is interested in the future of the price of Bitcoin... but for some reason I am concerned about the price of potatoes and onions at the market :)
I wouldn’t say that this is the best price, but compared to the price from 0.75 dollars to one and a half dollars per kg of potatoes here, this is an excellent price :)
Let's get some more votes going on this! We've got fewer than usual so far. I even increased the prizes this month (people will now earn liquid LEO), so every vote counts! #freecompliments
Threading/microblogging is such a unique strand of socialization every single user can inculcate a skillset, a skillset which the traditional colleges/universities may not be catering to that end.
Been away from thread. I just don't enjoy threading on my mobile and my laptop doesn't get charged all the time because of eleelectricity issue. Anyways, I will do my best again this week.
I live in a neighborhood where there has been no community meetings and residents live as deem fit, worsening the road structure to each house. Could a law be enacted to bring us united for a good purpose?
it's a very very good morning for me.. it's because I am feeling energetic and healthy today. Fever, broken voice and headache gone fully. So I can say that I am fit today and I am very happy for the fast recovery. Thanks to almighty for it.
Oh - I had bought them today. I needed 2,000,000 for the new card and I ended up buying 2.7 mil. I was gonna sell the 7,000,000 back but I just kept them... No loss when you like playing the game.
HiveBR Thread Day #53
Mais uma Super-Terça! Hoje é o dia de fazer acontecer! Força total galera
Devido a falta do envolvimento do Bolsonaro na morte de Marielle, não há motivo para manter ministra que só causa desgaste.
Nem sei quem é kkkk
"Irmã da Marielle Franco" do "Ministério da irmã da Marielle Franco".
Ela ganhou um ministério como forma do Governo Lula mostrar que estava empenhado em ir atrás do mandante do assassinato da Marielle, que todos os apoiadores do governo alegavam ser Jair Bolsonaro.
Ah, então ja pode fechar o ministério pra ontem
As vezes penso em tentar fazer meu próprio front-end profissional para a Hive.
Mas em um servidor de alta performance, pois o que eu uso para o Hivetasks é bastante básico.
Vocês todos viraram leão velho ai tb?
todo mundo com cara de leão velho aqui na minha tela...
Não mais, mas estava sim, desde ontem
Tiveram problemas de sobrecarga com o provedor
acabou de voltar aqui tb
Hoje de manhã só tinha leão cansado aqui
por aqui tava igual!
Dia nublado e chuvoso.
Aqui voltou a esquentar. Que desgraça
Esse é o Inleo que conhecemos, nuca decepciona quando o assunto é Bug!
bom dia, amigos do site!
Todo mundo está fotado com o leãozinho novamente
Se for pra ter igualdade, que seja direito... Quero os HP das baleias! 👀
O servidor sobrecarregou ontem... deve demorar mais um pouco pra voltar
Vish. Mas teve muita gente usando a plataforma?
Provavelmente, mas pode ter sido só vacilo do provedor do serviço mesmo... O Khal disse que não tá muito satisfeito com esse provedor e tá pensando em trocar.
Bom dia
Como dizia um inimigo que ficava puto quando eu matava ele nos MMORPGs da vida:
Good day to all Brazilians.
Are you going to join the Leo AMA today?
Good day my friend
I will most likely be there
Good day. Let's keep building.
Bom dia, hivers!
Será que esses bugs mais recentes da InLeo tem relação com essas mudanças que estão sendo implementadas?
Hoje tem as primeiras reações sobre o trailer de The Joker 2.
Torcendo por algo bom. 🤞
acabando com todos os mistérios que rondavam sobre o que eu tinha, finalmente comecei a me coçar pra cacete ontem a noite e estou toda empolada.
eita, é catapora?
KKKKKKKKK tinha esquecido que catapora deixa o corpo empolado!
é dengue mesmo. tô cheia de manchinha vermelha
eeeeita porra
melhoras ai
To fazendo o treinamento obrigatório de cyber segurança da firma...
Vocês sabiam que não é uma boa ideia compartilhar suas senhas com estranhos?
HAHAHAHAHA dei uma gargalhada aqui
Isso só pode ser sacanagem
kkk esse é o nível das perguntas no quizz
Ontem finalizei aquela série Explosivos da Netflix. Ela melhora gradativamente e o fim é legalzinho... mas nada muito especial
to vendo Spin Out... comecei achando que era ruim... no caminho descobri que tava certo... mas tb tava errado... é meio ruim, mas vicia e tb é meio bom...
me da raiva de varios personagens e me faz julgar personagens doentes com vontade de arrebentar a cara dela... só vendo msmo pra entender...rs
kkkkkkkkkkkkk fiquei curioso agora
essa tem na netflix tb?
sim... é sobre atletas de patinação artistica e dificuldades e abusos da profissão... e 2 dos personagens centrais são bipolares...
Vou tentar assisti-la depois.
Ultimos dias antes das férias!
kd o botão de compartilhar? hahahha que dia vc entra?
kkkk finalmente alguns dias de glória... tava foda apenas dias de luta
entro quinta!
Quais os planos?
ficar inacessível por uns dias ahaha
Prioridade é tudo.
Aqui sumiu a foto de todos . ta assim ai pra vcs tambem ?
Somos todos leões. 🦁
Sim. O servidor que armazena as imagens está com problema... vai levar um tempo pra ajustar
Bom dia, Trabalhar, estudar e ir para a academia
Queria dar uma olhada na dashboard, mas nem abre. Eu preciso entrar nela pra configurar como eu quero receber os leo, caso eu delegue HP pra eles né?
O que pretende fazer com a delegação lince? To pertando pq pensei em colocar para receber liquido...
Quero receber líquido também. Gosto de pegar uns lucros com flutuações de preço
Vou esperar o lançamento do leo na maya e ver como o preço vai se comportar...
A ultima noticia que recebi é que faltavam apenas 2 nodes da Maya atualizar pra nova versão. Não deve demorar muito
Ótimo. Só nos resta aguardar.
Sim, precisa
The power of nature is indomitable.
The Grey is a film starring Liam Neeson, in which we look at human survival in what seems to be its last link. John and his friends must escape from a pack of wolves... (1/3)
After their plane crashes in the snow, however, in addition to the unseasonably cold weather, the survivors must manage to survive and get home... Will they make it? Read more in my recent article: Link in the following thread. (2/3)
I'm not gonna keep liquid HBD for premium this time, I'm gonna will myself to remember to take it out of the savings 3 days before my premium membership is due... #goodluckremembering
this is also a good idea but make sure you don't forget to withdraw timely
Haha, I need to do the same xD
We are at the doorstep of the halving, there is a lot of expectation, excitement and anxiety on the part of many people. What does Halving mean to you? $BTC $HIVE
throw back to...
In retrospect it's inevitable.....it's just the beginning.
Just sold plenty of my Hive-Engine misc tokens for LEO!
Dis is da way! !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(3/50)@cryptothesis! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
Everybody is running for LEO.
A solid move. I think $LEO is the only token bringing some value
SPI is the best, even in the bear market.
Tell them to run faster 😂😂
wow now everyone's avatar is LEO! :)
Making a statement it is
A sign of unity.
And it is fracking awesome.
Or a sign of conformity. One of the two.
Obey or you will be zapped.
hahahahahahaha. What ever works.
You will comply.
Crazy times. 🦁
Whether anyone wants it or not. LOL
We all are Lions now. What a democratic feeling of Equality!
Yeah. I'm confused, haha!
even the full
$1.00 LEO
This is gonna be awesome! 🔥
Yeah...it's happening now....
Wanna chart LEO price?
I'm hoping for higher prices very soon.
Thank you so much Sir.
I needed this.
$LEO price is from https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bep20-leo
Does anyone know where to get an API for live $LEO price?
full cherry bloom
dancing in the wind and rain
goodbyes come too soon
#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday
looking in the drain
beneath the magnolia tree
for Thumbelina
#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday
How to access the Leo dex? I don't see the previous address is live yet.
I don't think it is live yet. I could be wrong.
No, you are right.
There will be an official announcement when it goes live.
Thank you 🙏 for the heads up. Yeah I checked only to find leading me to the threads.
Yet to be announced.
Thank you bro.
#wordofthedayonleo - aegis
What It Means
Aegis is a formal word that refers to the power to protect, control, or support something or someone. It is often used in the phrase under the aegis of.
//The issue will be decided under the aegis of an international organization.
Under the aegis of the Blockchain code, witnesses in Hive Blockchain reach consensus and mainatin the state of the network.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Good day all. Looking forward to today's AMA.
wen ser??
I would guess it is around 12:30ish eastern time.
People at work going to wondering why I keep disappearing into a corner to look at my phone. I almost never use a phone :-)
Have a nice day.
Today's AMA is gonna be crazy.
#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for April 9th, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Mental Health Ambassador Team: @alessandrawhite @bitcoinman @caleb-marvel @ckole @fantagira7 @fashtioluwa @FoneStreet @goingcrossroads @gregscloud @ibbtammy @jongolson @juva @laurapalmerr @lorennys @luchyl @manclar @pepetoken @solymi @thebighigg @wongi Answer this daily roll call to get curation! Check the comment above for our public flowsheet and pinned post, to which you can add suggestions/links.
Tough crowd I'm coming on 2 !BBH
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(18/50)@freecompliments! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.
A bit slower crowd today... but it's Tuesday, I don't blame anyone haha! !LOLZ !PGM
When I see food I eat it.
Credit: happyme
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@bitcoinman, I sent you an
Glad you made it here! !LOLZ !PGM
He lost interest.
Credit: lofone
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@caleb-marvel, I sent you an
Its always my pleasure 😌😁😁.
How is your day going?
Too early to say... just getting started! 😂
Hope everyone's goes well!
Oh yeah 👍👍, am just wishing to see your pretty face via GIF 😂😂😂
How is the day going friends?
Ok, I came in third
Woohoo! !LOLZ !PGM
…that’s probably how I’ll watch all documentaries from now on.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@fashtioluwa, I sent you an
Ok, GoodMorning.
But any of this homies look at My post?? Tf u waiting!! ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡🙂
Hey Freddy my man! Do you mean the Existencia one? That was quality stuff, man. 💪 !LOLZ !PGM
I don't bereave it!
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments
ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@fonestreet, I sent you an
Hey doc? How goes residency?
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(5/50)@freecompliments! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg.
Happy Tuesday! Just getting off the lighter rotations... let the fun times roll again! !LOLZ !PGM
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments
ENTER @WIN.HIVE'S DAILY DRAW AND WIN HIVE!@thebighigg, I sent you an
Use this pinned post to post links in case the InLeo Ul isn't working well for you: @freecompliments/a-bimonthly-post-for-our-mental-health-ambassadors-to-post-links-to-distressed-users-422024 Google Docs action flowsheet: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1bLjnR0W3Rp2LQ0aNkZkP3EY5NqtVIgtkh0GTCjmU4kM/mobilebasic
Let's go. I feel energized by new job opportunities. We will see where we land..
$LEO to the moon make it 50$ purr token please
Holy moly, that would be a tremendous increase. Not to say that I'd ever decline it...! !LOLZ !PGM
Nothing at all. It's juiceless.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments
@solymi, I sent you anI am in shock here. @jongolson selling $LEO. WTF?
just tiny bit. don't fret
let's find out!
Are u sure?
He is a celebrated buyer of $LEO.
Ha! It was just a wee bit :-) He did pick a smart time to sell though. I did sell some myself to help rebalance and get more HIVE/HP. Was bottoming out my RC's too much.
Even monsters need some rest. 😅
Haha, sold just a little bit too. Apparently sell shaming is real hahaha. I have more LEO than I thought so I will likely sell a tid bit more as price rises.
Like if you think $LEO will reach $1 😀
Yes, sure....
the first milestone is 1 LEO= 1 HIVE
Second is 1 LEO= 1 USD
that would be nice
Not anytime soon, but never say never!
1/ Smart contracts are live.
The @vsc.network put out a video sharing how any developer can now create smart contracts.
2/ This addresses a major hole in the Hive infrastructure. It puts the ecosystem on par with the other chains, at least in terms of this capability.
3/ This is coupled by the ability to scale, something that VSC was designed for. Here is where application and game builders can start to integrate the benefits of SC tech into their projects.
4/ This is a day that we have been waiting for. A lot of work is still required but we are seeing massive progress.
To read full article:
This is an exciting time for $LEO, this is just the beginning of what is coming.
It is still our responsibility to build more things people will utilize.
Indeed. We are the early builders.
listening to some beautiful jazz music while going about my morning routine. #gmfrens
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Hello friends👋👋, it's Get down on it with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @beststart @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @oldmans. It's party time 🎉😁
LeoGlossary: Playlists (Boston-singles)
LeoGlossary: Artist Music Pages
#partytime #musiconleo #music #freecompliments #jokesonleo #meme
Yes they are. Added a Nirvana page...48 songs all with polls.
Awesome. And I just added the entire White Album. 30 songs, also all with polls
@beststart, it's a good day to party hard 🥂🥂🥂🥂.
It is indeed, @caleb-marvel
I am off today, and it is raining, so I am not getting any outdoor chores done.
So, I guess it is #partytime
The Wonders - That Thing You Do!
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
Hello friends, it's another time to vote bliindl.
@taskmaster4450le @mightpossibly @coyotelation @sandymeyer @ifarmgirl @beststart @oldmans @kiel91 @winanda @misterc
And other party members, do ensure you vote 😁😁.
I voted in the thread.
I'm voting for D 😉
Good luck to everyone!
Let's do C
Ok 🫡
If you don't know how to dance, you can jump.
The Neverending Story • Theme Song
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
OMG! I used to love that show
I just did a singles page for #nirvana.
There are 48 songs all with a poll.
Have fun @coyotelation
It will be a pleasure to do so. Nirvana was a good choice.
Yeah I am filling in the #foofighters now.
In a way, there is a connection between the bands hahaha...
Just a bit. LOL
I was more referring to the singer Dave Grohl because he was the drummer for Nirvana. 😅
Hello my dear friends and Party team members, we are glad to tell you that we just created an account separately for the party time and other related activities. For now, the account will be used in curation of the activities in the party room and other music related activities on-chain.
As time goes on, it may become the party time official account.
Please we are soliciting for some Hive and Leo power delegations, to help us grow the account to its standard.
Here is the account name. @partytime.inleo
Thanks for your support, we always appreciate you.
@taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @winanda @sandymeyer @beststart @misterc @mightpossibly @oldmans @kiel91 @ifarmgirl
That is a good move, @caleb-marvel
I will make some delegations.
Thanks very much sir 😊😊😊
This is great. Well done Caleb.
Thanks my dear friend, the future is now 🥂🥂🥂🥂.
Partytime curation team 😜😜😄..
#partytime #gloria
The Greatest Showman - Never Enough
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
The great song. This woman did lip syncing, who would believe? The main artist is Loren Allred who was behind the stage. The movie is a great one.
Yes she did. Same as Husavik Rachel McAdams lip synced but Will Ferrell did his own songs 😀
Lol. My premium saved me, just edited that thread.
It must have taken a lot of work and rehearsals to have a great result.
Angel Of The Morning - Promising Young Woman Soundtrack
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
#taylorswift #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/shawnnft/re-leothreads-dpwtibmm
MY full head lamp 🛋️🛋️ is on
Please feed me with some polls 😄🙏🏽😄🙏🏽
dropped almost a hundred in the last 30 minutes
Let me go and attend to them, one after another
#taylorswift #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/shawnnft/re-leothreads-2guhhs2ws
I see your face in my mind 😎😎😎😎🥶
Jaja Ding Dong
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
#taylorswift #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/shawnnft/re-leothreads-ix2lnxvg
#nirvana #polls
freezing 🥶🥶🥶 polling 😂😂😂
Yeah hahahaha...
AM so happy that is party time 😊😁😊
Me too my friend.
#nirvana #polls
#nirvana #polls
Pitch Perfect 2 - Flashlight
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
Hahahaha 😂😂😂
Oh! It was Jessie J who sang this. Nice.
Please if you are new to the party room, any music that you saw rate this song or rate, please click on the song and you will see different rating section, click on any one of your choice and approve it. Thanks and welcome to the party time on leo.
Free Bird - The Devil's Rejects Soundtrack
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
This is awesome
you are welcome to the party room 😄😜😀, feel free to click on any music of your choice and rate them after listening..
Are you kidding me? You brought this song too Inleo. Nice one. Funny enough, I'm just knowing the artist's name and seeing the video for the first time.
Thanks @mightpossibly
Agree that song is really
Oh, you love the song, but you don't know the artist 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

Please come over to the party room, let's have some fight 😜😄😄.
I will bring peace. 🙏
Maria Maria
#nirvana #polls
#nirvana #polls
There are many big fishes in the deep 👀👀😀
Yeah! Hahahaha...
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(2/5)@caleb-marvel! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @coyotelation.
Our party report week 9 is out, please kindly give it some comments and up-votes as the case may be. Thanks to you all, you are amazing team and party participants.
@taskmaster4450le @misterc @mightpossibly @coyotelation @sandymeyer @beststart @ifarmgirl @kiel91 @oldmans @winanda
https://inleo.io/@caleb-marvel/party-time-report-week-9 #partytime
This is a fun/terrifying cover image #nirvana https://inleo.io/threads/view/mightpossibly/re-mightpossibly-25msqyt4e
hAhaha, it's so funny but let me go for the money 🤑🤑🤑🤑 and live the terrific aspect of it.
#daughtry #music
We're not gonna fall now
we are together 😀😀😀😀 stronger..
I perceive another meaning here Caleb, hehehe.
omg omg omg!

Oh! It's showing now. Awesome!
Polls are (almost) working again
Wow!!!, it's a great pleasure 🥰🥰🥰.
How is your day going dear?
long workday, many meetings. Heading home soon 😎
I have been in the mechanic shop since morning 😔😔, try to fix my Dad's car.
That's very nice of you. Did you find a solution yet?
Oh! That's good. Thanks for the update. I tried it about 3 hours ago but it wasn't working.
Are you on labs or production? @mightpossibly
I'm afraid I was mistaken. It's possible to make them now, but you cannot see them 😢
I'm almost here

I need those sitting on your table. 😋
haha yep
I have been waiting patiently and impatiently for it 😀😀😀😀. Lol
The Beatles should have considered the pain of posting a 30 song album to threads xD Anyways, here's some fresh music polls for you guys
Lol. They had no idea it will be brought to Inleo.
please have some 🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁
Thanks very much 👍👍👍
I prefer red wine.
Good choice my friend.
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-2jeakuzvp
rocky party time 🎉🎉🎉
Yep 🤘🏻
The Greatest Showman
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-f5brpkoy
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-lw7p4r7c
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-22ukwdmcm
#gaughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-3c1uvdrjj
We are ALIVE and living
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-wnpzbhny
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-32i6tq656
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-uaaves2j
#nas #damianmarley The strong will continue (regardless of the highs and lows) https://inleo.io/threads/view/mightpossibly/re-mightpossibly-h3yux4c5
Just like Leo 🦁🦁🦁
Its a daim bull move
My battery is 3% and am not at home yet

You will be fine. We will keep the party time running for now.
Please can you hold brief for me? I will buy you some candy when I return 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
What am I to hold? 🧐
HAha 😂😂😂 I hope you received the party candy?
Man this just puts me in the mood 😭
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-ejojqvad
#nirvana https://inleo.io/threads/view/taskmaster4450le/re-leothreads-jl4fvajv
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-2jswfwrmv
#nirvana #polls
Thanks very much sir, how is your day going?
Please if you are new to the party room, any music that you saw rate this song or rate, please click on the song and you will see different rating section, click on any one of your choice and approve it. Thanks and welcome to the party time on leo.
@winanda @mightpossibly @coyotelation @logen9f, you just got some Party candy for tonight 🥂🥂🥂.
Thanks so much.
You are most welcome..
Thanks bro, my theme today are movie soundtracks 😀
Good choice hehehe...
Hello my dear @winanda, how is your day going?
My day is going well but the bugs on Inleo disturbed earlier. It's a bit better now because I had to switch to labs.
Alright my dear, am scared of the doctors, so I don't go to labs 😀 lol
I love doing crazy things 👀👀👀.

Are you coming with me?
Oh no! Count me OUT.
Its party time friends 🥳🥳🥳.
it should be the biggest party on Leo tonight 🥰🥰🥰
Because of the good news that hit us 😉😁😁.
its a good day to party hard 🥂🥂😀.
Let's get down on the party tonight 🥂🥂🥂
So many good news has come to play!!!
Come as you are (to the party room) #nirvana https://inleo.io/threads/view/mightpossibly/re-mightpossibly-fyhn9xrd
Naked as I am?

LOL no please no
i love Adam's partying 😀😀😀
Coming to the party room 👀😁😊.
Hello @emmally, how is your day going?
A big shout-out to @sandymeyer, you are so sweet to be a fruit 🍑🍑🍑. We always appreciate your background support..
My goodest friend 😀😀😀, how are you doing today?
Hello friend! Everything is fine here, thank God! I'm just in a rush and right now I'm picking up the kids from school.
I hope that this week I can be more active here.
One for all and all for one
its #partytime
Lets celebrate the Leo power move 🥳🥳🥳
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-2r1kulgl9
Am back home ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ one love to you all, and some candy 🍭🍭🍭.
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-2prulzuhw
Hey! Music lovers, what do you want?
#daughtry #music https://inleo.io/threads/view/winanda/re-winanda-m9crsunv
lets go polling
#nirvana #polls
Husavik - My Home Town
#partytime #musiconleo #moviesoundtracks
#nirvana #polls
#nirvana #polls
Everyone is rushing to LEO like crazy ants looking for sugar.
Good metaphore
Can you give me the exact address of your office? I want to come and see you for something very important and serious #askonleo
You mean me?
Dear Lions You can submit your daily news-based #inleo post under this thread. The chosen posts will be highlighted on Daily LEO, receive curation support.
Submit your post link below. Use #dailyleo hashtag👇 Focus: #artificialintelligence
Here's my entry.
Who's pumping Leo ?
I have no idea, but I hope this person keeps doing this because the work has been great.
well, when you are down. The only place to go is up and $LEO has been down for a while, thus it climbing back to where it belongs lol.
many people buying leo
I see sbi-tokens, ganjafarmer et al buying some. Draupnir scooped a few thousands of LEO earlier.
Well played sir, well plays
The pumpamentals are in place. And the pumping is pumping.
I guess Khal
There is a time for everything... isn’t that what Ecclesiastes said? :)
Just powered up 43.59 $HIVE.
#mydiary #hpud
Great......Keep building it to make it generational wealth.
I see threads images aren't showing. And I've been having network issues since morning . It's just crazy.
yeah! Pretty frustrating! :(
Indeed. This bug must be fixed asap.
You get the point.
Yeah. Not good.
$LEO Let´s go 🔥
up...up...up....and away.
I've been going without coffee for a week and a half now
Likely going to resume either tomorrow or Thursday in small amounts
It's going to be a rather heavy month ahead
Sounds tough to go without coffee. I wish you all the best, both with and without coffee
Lets get $LEO above $DOGE for fuck sakes. lol
I second that!
Sure....why only $DOGE, we will take it above $HIVE also...just a matter of time.
That is the start. I believe $LEO will be at least 3 times $HIVE
Then u will have a healthy retirement.
I am rooting for at least 1.5 USD in 2024/25. At least a spike.
Going to be interesting to see where it settles after the bull.
Yeah...this bull cycle is something different.....
The news feed in inleo is behaving very strangely... I'm going to bed :)
A Courageous Battle For Survival
Kidnapping has become one of many Nigerians nightmare and a day wouldn't pass without a news about someone being kidnapped in the country.
#outreach #threadstorm #hivelearners #hive
A lot of people have lost their lives because of their encounter with kidnappers and it's saddening. These people seek ransom and waste the lives of their victims when they can't meet their demands.
I believe it takes a cruel human to put a fellow human in captive and there should be a serial judgement for the culprits because that's the only way to make people desist from the act and also prevent new people from trying it out
What would it feel like to be able to talk my way out of the kidnapper grip?
I wouldn't hesitate to take the chances because it's the only option have got since I know my family might not have the money to pay for my ransom.
I shared in the post the things I will tell the kidnappers that might make them want to just throw me out of their van immediately.
#gmfrens I guess $LEO overtaking $HIVE is not that far fetched making some good waves
The party is just getting starting.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
I'm not sure if there is an example in which a token of a blockchain surpass in value the main L1 token?
I kinda want to remember one case but it doesn't come to my head right now...
All in all, that would be really remarkable..
#askonleo what do you think will happen once BTC halving is done?
I feel like it will trade sideways until Aug/September, then it might go parabolic.....
If you can't upload images on threads, here's why, quoted from Khal on Discord:
Thanks! Appreciate the feedback! I missed that thread. But Khal threads quite a lot when he's excited...
You're welcome. And yes, that's true. He didn't thread about it, but on Discord :)
Ah ok, I didn't see you mentioned Discord... Hmm, I've missed quite a few details today, lol.
That happens :) I keep missing things these days too 😅
That's why more pairs of eyes are often better than one. 😀
True that 😅
I can not wait, Maya 1.09 is on. So a lot of things in LEO space is coming in 24h or less now...
There should be a picture... #feedback
I am Preparing for my Mid Term Exams of 6th Semester. Pray For me For Good Result. Wish me Good Luck🤞
Best of luck! You've prepared yourself and put in the work, so believe in yourself #freecompliments
Everyone is interested in the future of the price of Bitcoin... but for some reason I am concerned about the price of potatoes and onions at the market :)
They are quite cheap in my locality, around 35 cents per KG.
I wouldn’t say that this is the best price, but compared to the price from 0.75 dollars to one and a half dollars per kg of potatoes here, this is an excellent price :)
👍 👍 👍
View or trade
Hey @milaan, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use
Not everyone.
Let's get some more votes going on this! We've got fewer than usual so far. I even increased the prizes this month (people will now earn liquid LEO), so every vote counts! #freecompliments
Threading/microblogging is such a unique strand of socialization every single user can inculcate a skillset, a skillset which the traditional colleges/universities may not be catering to that end.
#jokesonleo #comedyonleo #memeonleo
Been away from thread. I just don't enjoy threading on my mobile and my laptop doesn't get charged all the time because of eleelectricity issue. Anyways, I will do my best again this week.
What if there were no laws that guided the conduct of man as it relates to his environment and neighborhood? Chaos! That's the right word!
#outreach #threadstorm
Sweet freedom.
True but would definitely be costly 😂
Freedom always is.
It always is ;-)
Kindly share a thought with me
I live in a neighborhood where there has been no community meetings and residents live as deem fit, worsening the road structure to each house. Could a law be enacted to bring us united for a good purpose?
Does anyone know what's going on with the hiqvote command?
#askleo #askonleo
it's a very very good morning for me.. it's because I am feeling energetic and healthy today. Fever, broken voice and headache gone fully. So I can say that I am fit today and I am very happy for the fast recovery. Thanks to almighty for it.
#positive #morning #health
Glad to hear it! Welcome back and enjoy all the healthiness :D
That sounds good. Stay healthy.....keep threading.
Have a great day.
Good morning, happy to know you are fine now. Enjoy
I am glad you are feeling positive today
I bought too many starbits and now I'm trying to sell them back. Maybe I should just keep them...
you can never have too many SB.....spend them!
Didnt sell them but I sure didn't keep them #cardshopping
It must be worth less now...
Oh - I had bought them today. I needed 2,000,000 for the new card and I ended up buying 2.7 mil. I was gonna sell the 7,000,000 back but I just kept them... No loss when you like playing the game.
Aah... Thought you bought them before :) And you're right, as long as you are having fun playing the game.
I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @ifarmgirl, you just got hugged. on behalf of @metzli.