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Me and My Daughter on the Waterfront - May 2024

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Looks like I might need a shave. lol.

#photography #silverbloggers #oldmansphotos #leotravel #selfie

nah grow it out and trim up the neck it actully looks good lol hope you all had an amazing day!

Yeah, just needs a little maintenance not a clean shave.

Hope you have enjoyed the good family time :D

Yes, it was wonderful. Thank you!

remember so much you 🤘

Nice picture! It's great to relive moments like this with our family.

Yeah, it was a fun little trip. 😀

The beard looks good. I had a wild beard and hair when I was on holidays too.


Yeah, I just need to trim it up a bit and clean up the neck and sides. Just get a little lazy sometimes. 🙂

Welcome to the lazy old men's club. 😆

Sad Cry GIF

Right! When it starts to bug me I shave.

Top 5 Global Cities with the Highest GDP: 🌏

Tokyo : $1.9 trillion
New York City : $1.7 trillion
Los Angeles : $1.0 trillion
London : $830 billion
Chicago : $600 billion

#leofinance #newsonleo #inleo

I doubt Rhaena 🐲 egg hatch on this season, I haven't read the books so will be more interesting for me 😅
#houseofthedragon, #tvonleo, #tvseries, #dragonegg


  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. They are smart
  4. Why do you drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?
  5. Easier to make square boxes
  6. No air in bottle
  7. No color. Silver background behind it to reflect.
  8. Fruit.


Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(1/50)@onealfa! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

Interesting confusion.

Some confusions are better off being eternal confusion.

I've already asked myself some of these questions, and it's really something to think about a lot.

Just re-upgraded to Premium

Lets go. :D We love that! We are here going strong!

Thanks. !BBH

I did so yesterday. Didnt even think about it. It is par for the course.

same, I just like the attention

checkmark is still not reflecting, let's wait!

How's your whole #premium month?

I'm reading about these upgrades everywhere. Not totally convinced yet.

PARASITE release 5 years ago today, never had the chance / time to watch, must watch #moiesonleo, #mustwatch, #parasite2019

I love this movie especially the flood scene. You can feel the despair of the poor family. Contrast that to the reaction of the rich family to the rain.

🔴 Ao vivo na Twitch! 🔥

🎮 Game:
Rainbow Six

👤 Jogador:

🔗 Link da Twitch:

#hivegaming #hivebr

Sony Pictures CEO @ Bad Boys at the Box Office "...its going to be just fine" hhhmm just fine is not encouraging Sirrrrr!! 🧐
#moviesonleo, #badboys, #boxoffice

hello guys, the #hive #music festival hosted by the #musiczone community is on and in its week 85 and round 1. I invite you to join us and enjoy. I made this cover for the week and I hope you will love it.

Someone told me today that Life is a product of what we think and I pondered so much on it.


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

It's true. Our thoughts can create our reality and how we see life is often based on the mindsets we have.

We are what we think.

This is the one thing that many great thinkers agree on.

Jesus > Yeshua > I am

I think, therefore "I am"


Hola a todos. Aproveché mi viaje a la playa para seguir entrenando. Este domingo es la carrera de 10 km. Vamos, sí podemos. #hiverun #running

Photographers from around the World.

I'll be going to sleep soon.

But I am counting on you to keep the #photography hashtag going! Remember that if we support other artists we all can grow together.

So whenever I live today it is up to you to keep it going.

Good morning friend and neighbours on the blockchain. May today be good with you.


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Good day fellow hives ! It's the end of the month and it's been a great one here engaging with you guys and making threads . As we're about to enter a new month may it end with good results as we set our goals. #askonleo #hive

1/3 🧵 #threadstorm

May is ending, and we can evaluate our #inleo experience.

How did it go for you?

#outreach #leofinance

2/3 🧵

In my case, it is the frontend I use the most for publishing and I benefit from other advantages it has in your money, reach and convenience.

3/3 🧵

My post is based on my own experience, not on hearsay or other people's experiences.

Do you want to know it? Click here:


I'm pretty sure if I had 200K HP or LP power, you all would be following me already!

Probably correct :-(, but it is what it is. Keep plugging away and it won't matter.

but it makes me sad. Because like the next person. Obviously I would like to be making good money here. But I am not following people just because I want them to vote me. I follow people that I think I like what they produce and I would like for the people that follow me to do it for the same reasons :(

There is definitely a skew towards folks with bigger stacks.

Sadly more than ever is like that all over social media. I feel that is impossible to grow everywhere, unless you already have followers. Even if people like you. they see you are not popular so they wont give a chance and follow new people. :( And here people are just looking for bigger votes it makes it even more evident :(

Apolito está feliz porque su mamá superó la semana de parciales 🤣.

#spanish #pets

Muchas felicidades por todo eso y esa cara lo dice todo.

Fue una semana difícil, pero se logró ✨, y ahora Apolo vuelve a tener toda mi atención 🤣

Genial jajaja

Everyone wants to teach something, because that's how the internet works, but almost know one knows what they are doing and they are just parroting whatever a couple of experts say! Don't listen to everything you hear online.

Here is my one-sided, biased opinion (which I consider to be perfectly objective) on this very complex, dense subject in which I have profound expertise through reading newspaper and internet headlines from verified biased, one-sided sources, as well as the occasional YouTube and TikTok video.


I hope you all had a great Thursday! I am going to bed to be sure I'm prepared for the last day of May!

#throwbackthursday 6 years ago, when I was in my second trimester, pregnant with my first daughter, I was too energetic for a pregnant lady lol😅

like a sunflower

Hoy me atreví a correr un poquito más, pero lo hice feliz porque con este clima, ¿cómo no correr? #hiverun

#wordofthedayonleo - foist

What It Means

Foist, which is almost always used with on or upon, is used when someone forces another person to accept something, usually something that is not good or is not wanted. Foist can also mean “to pass off as genuine or worthy.”

//I don’t want to foist anything on you, but if you like this old quilt you’re welcome to have it.

//Faulty parts have been foisted on unwitting car owners.


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Some ideas look better in my head. And then I create them and it is not what I envisioned at all! #photography

The best thing to do when you watch a movie is to document everything and share your review about it.

A lot of users are doing it here, and by this, you cannot say that watching a movie is for leisure.

You do it for work.

#inleo #freecompliments

I certainly prefer it for leisure 😂

There are certain movies which I which very attentively, but those are specifically chosen as such... for the most part, at least over the past few years, I mindlessly watch them

Haha same! But sometimes you want to choose practicality and write about it to get some rewards...or at least save your insights for documentation

I have sent you a bird.

I founf this one as the most beautiful and most unique bird.

This one looks like a "matrix" for birds.

Last 24 hours of trading for #BBH

Remember tomorrow is Drip Day. Great time to top up your BBH.

Don't lose your motivation. The biggest majority of people online are struggling to reach new people, get views and likes.

It is just the way it is nowadays. It is difficult to get people's attention. Too much content online!

And people only have so much time and attention to spare!

For those who are mining UPT... it is now live and trading on Jupiter! Current price approximately $0.10. Keep mining that passive income! #SOL

Chris Hemsworth might be part of the next GI Joe / Transformer cross over, he does great as soldier tbh - Extraction (2020) #moviesonleo, #chrishemsworth #transformers

Tenía tiempo que no jugaba un videojuego! Comencé a jugar Squad Busters y esta super divertido. ¿Alguien esta jugándolo? #game #spanish #squadbusters

Paso de los juegos de SuperCell comienzan bien y al tiempo pasan a ser Pay2Win por su mercado asiatico

Es cierto, al principio comienzan bien luego... Por eso deje de jugar Clash Royale hace años... Pero, le estoy dando una oportunidad a este juego a ver qué tal.

Acolyte soon, looks like a rave party tbh jjaja 😂 #tvonleo, #jedi, #starwards, #lightsaber

#mayinleo day 31! We did it! We finished one last month of the initiative!

Tell us about your personal progress, economical progress, if you have a business, how's it going? What new skill did you learn this month?

How are you better this month than last month.

Read you in the comments!

My Entry For Day 31:

Do you care to know how remarkable May 2024 is for me? What are the things I was able to achieve? Read more here 👆

Today's prompt is my best , I must say. Self encouragement is the best boost one don't need to buy.

May was certainly a productive month. I sure learned a lot.

here is my entry for today's prompt..

Thread Day #81

Sexta-feira chegou de novo e hoje é o último dia pra declarar o Imposto de Renda. Já fizeram? Vão fazer? Vão sonegar? 😜
Como ficam as criptos no Leão?


mais um ano que eu faço como isenta. já prevejo que um dia a PF vai bater na minha casa hahahahha

Em breve vai aparecer o japonês da federal na sua porta kkkk

espero que minhas fontes na PF me avisem antes da operação aihdoashduas

kkkkkkkkkkkkk em breve lety nos noticiários xD

já vou deixar minha matéria pronta sobre a minha propria prisão hahahahha

auhahuahuahu você é uma lenda a frente do seu tempo T_T 😂

da nada nao, eles so congelam seu cpf e fazem vc ir la como o cao arrependido voltando com o rabo entre as pernas pra ver o pq eles fizeram isso kkkkk

Volta o cão arrependido. De orelhas fartas. Com o osso roído. E o rabo entre as patas. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Como ja diria o ditado, "imposto é roubo, sonegar é legitima defesa"

kkk boa, a mais pura verdade!

Já declarei meu imposto de renda e não declarei minhas criptos :D nem sei como que faz isso e se o contador pergunta-se isso pra mim acho que diria que não faço ideia de como que é kkk

cripto? o que é isso? aquele negócio debaixo da igreja? é de comer? ahn?

kkkkk desse modelo, faço de conta que nem sei o que é kkk

é aquilo ne, se nao ta numa corretora com kyc, entao nao existe kkkkk

Negue todas as acusações, haha!

Essa é a ideia :D

Nem sei do que vc está falando

É o que? Cripto? Q isso? =P

Mais uma postagem incrível feita pelo nosso redator @sousafrc! Vamos demonstrar todo o nosso apoio votando e comentando!

Ficou top demais!

Verdade, rico em informações.

Passamos dos 80 TDs! Rumo ao 100!


Respondi com uns "kkkkk" achando que era outro post uhahuahuahu to doido

Mas gente. Que isso, jovem. 👀

kkkk sono e cansaço huahuahau


to malucooooooooooooo

Mais perto do que nunca!



Bom dia, brazucas... E que o leão dos impostos exploda! 🤯

eu não aguento mais minha cadeira abaixando sozinha toda horaaaaaaaaaa

alguém sabe como arrumar de forma barata praticamente sem gastos?

Eu nunca fiz, mas achei esse site com algumas ideias vou colocar na resposta desse aqui para nao ver como spam

é o cilindro de gás que tá vazio mesmo, mas essa merda é relativamente cara e minha cadeira é novaaaaaaaaaaa que odio

Eita, ai deu prego. Têm ideia do que vai fazer? Tira da hive e compra um cilindro novo :D

Odeio isso tb... a minha anterior não durou nem 6 meses e começou a fazer isso...

Eu acabei conseguindo comprar uma nova mas antes disso eu tava pesquisando uma gambiarra que não cheguei aplicar. O custo era baixo, mas envolve um pouco de trabalho:

Basicamente você precisa de um cano PVC que seja suficiente pra aguentar seu peso. Aí você mede a altura que você quer e corta nessa altura.

Aí você faz um corte no sentido da altura do cano pra você conseguir encaixar no pistão da cadeira e aí ela ficaria travada nessa posição... é basicamente colocar um calço na cadeira.

Eu não testei, mas dizem que funciona kkk

ih, falou gambiarra, já gostei kkkkk vou pegar cano na minha madrinha domingo e fazer isso. minha cadeira tb é nova, acho que comprei tem menos de um ano. pior q ela é confortável, só isso de ficar descendo que tá me irritando

Não sei

Espero ter ajudado

obg, amigo. vc é um amigo kkk

Bom diaaaaaaaaaaaa

Hum... ache o erro :)


Agonia suprema kkkk

A imagem tá pra esquerda?

se nao me engano elas estavam centralizadas certinhas... ai agora to reparando que elas estão mais para a esquerda kkk

Fotos de perfil esquerdistas então?

OMG, fala isso não, respondendo pelo ecency porque o inleo ta off ate agora kkk

Tá tipo meia lua rsrsrs...

aham kkk, estão para esquerda a imagem, o TOC pega nervoso kkk

Pior kkkk... Ainda bem que ajeitaram.

Pensei em criar uma versão mais simplificada do Ecency para Android em QML focado em compartilhamento de fotos com títulos curtos(estilo Instagram). Mas acho melhor tentar um sistema de cobranças e pagamentos por HBD antes.

Muito massa sua ideia, por que escolheu QML pra essa implementação, pra facilitar a comunicação com a blockchain devido ao formato parecido com JSON?

Na verdade por eu ter mais afinidade com QML mesmo. Mas só uso para a interface. No código fonte prefiro C++.

Massa, se precisar de ajuda com algo me avisa, minha vibe é mais dev web com react, c#, .net mas se eu puder contribuir em algo, serei grato. Recentemente estou trabalhando em um projeto de automação usando Python aqui na Hive.

Bom dia. Não consegui entender a mensagem que o adm escreveu, favor utilizar uma linguagem mais inclusiva.

nem a adm entende mt o q ela escreveu

bom dia a todes

Boa tarde

Boa tarde! Só de boa?

Sextou em pai bom fds pra geral ae 🤘

Pra vc também!

Boa tarde pessoal, todos bem? Quando eu era pequeno, meus pais me levavam a igreja e lá eu ouvia dizer sobre esse tal leão, Leão de Judá se não me engano. É desse que estão falando, né?

nao o simbolo usado aqui é mais voltado ao "poder"


O brasil hoje está assim 🤪

Lula tá querendo tudo pra ele

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK vai receber leitinho 😂

vai ser cancelado emmm

oxee kkkkk

Tudo declarado, do jeito que o leão gosta. Só tenho uma dúvida: o que são critpos?

Olá pessoal! Boa noite!

Semana voando!

Tem muita gente que conheço que deixou para hoje se lascou.

Tá caindo o maior temporal lá fora. 👀

Pra galera que joga Splinterlands, estão satisfeitos com as recentes e futuras mudanças no jogo?

Bom dia povo

Boa sexta pra nois

Bom dia man! Tudo de boa?

poderia estar melhor se nao tivesse trabalhando kkkkk

mas não posso reclamar não

e por ai?

Concordo em termo e grau com você, ta tudo tranquilo, mas estaria melhor se não estivesse trabalhando kkk

Melhor dia da semana (?).

Já declarei o IR

Mas isso de cripto eu não sei o que é não

crypto, nunca nem vi kkkkk

Se perguntarem eu falo que achei que aqui era o Twitter 2.0

num é aquela banda lá de death metal?

Também desconheço.

I have sent you a bird.

It's looking beautiful and the bird is a colorful one.

What kind of animal is this? I've never seen a bird like this before... I suspect it's an AI creation :) !VSC

Maybe you are right . I have no idea.

I can't be sure of that either, because there's a lot in the world that I haven't seen, but I have some suspicions :) !VSC

@barski has sent VSC to @onealfa

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@barski ha enviado VSC a @onealfa

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Uses: 7/25

@barski has sent VSC to @onealfa

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@barski ha enviado VSC a @onealfa

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Uses: 5/25

I have sent you a bird.

Delivered 30 duck eggs to a restaurant today

They use them for breakfast specials

I get a dollar a pop...

Need more ducks!

You need more ducks 100 eggs a day full time job wage!

True! At least now Jeff can say that he earns through 2 "nestworks": INLEO & eggs.

[sorry, lol]

Rather than "Donald", those are "Dollar Ducks" 😆.

Watch out!

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