Arrancamos una semana más, donde tenemos que empezar con todo y aportar cada granito que se puede a este gran ecosistema de hive y a pesar de la caída que tiene la moneda, no es momento de abandonar si no más bien para crecer las cuentas, así que a trabajar y feliz lunes.
1/🧵I believe people should participate in the Inleo Monthly Prompt Challenge only if they really have something to say on the topic. And this time, I definitely do. Many people don’t know how to ask for a raise. Is it really that difficult?
2/🧵 I don’t think so – there are many things that back your demands – unless you’re a poor worker; then you might look for a job you’d like instead. My post highlights the most important ones – the costs and risks of hiring your replacement.
3/🧵 However, you may not feel comfortable trying to get a raise through the possibility of leaving the company. It could easily make you look like an extorter, and your colleagues would hardly appreciate that, not mentioning your superiors.
4/🧵 No worries, there is a better way how to get say 10% extra per month. I described it in my post, feel free to read it, and perhaps review it. Would it work in your case? I believe so!
I think the posts submitted in the monthly prompt should have a personal touch akin to customization of your own real life contextual themes, not the generalized themes.
Are you planning on posting a long format #photography post today?
Have you already pick a community to do it?
Remember when uploading to use INLEO to create your post so you can also get LEO rewards.
And if you have not picked a community yet, consider the #photographers community. That's where I am trying to get the photographers of INLEO.
#linkincomments if have not joined yet!
that could be an idea. But I wanted to try and keep them from people that are already on inleo. But it could be an idea to pick 2 or 3 from outside the inleo people. And maybe we can all go there to comment and maybe they will come to join us. Eheheh
Thank you. This is where we are every day, all day now. Be very welcome. The more of us the merrier. We are trying to get the photographers in here all together, so we all can grow andthe community gets more fun
Yes it is a great idea, I know loads of Hivians that stopped using threads because of all the on off issues, this is a great way to entice people back. I shall see about spreading the word.
Well done for setting it up.
I feel that it is more stable now, with an up and down, now and then. But it is way smoother. So yeah, for sure invite them to come back. This is the place to be :D
It really is a great use case and one I am 100% onboard with!
People now have amazing cameras in their phones they just need a little bit of the basics and can take awesome photos.
Your support is of course awesome, simply put without your continued support here, InLeo would have been dead and buried a long time ago.
My dad was into photography so as a kid I wanted to take pictures also. I've had a lifelong love of it probably a little more serious now then other times in my life.
Slices of Reality, Frozen in Time Four Elements Bridge
Connecting block I and II of the ministry of health in Berlin above Französische Strasse, view to the east.
oooohhhhh I never shake it like a Polaroid picture eheheheh maybe should add that to my list of fun stuff to try, just after the 30 days nonstop orgy lol
Part of my holiday was visiting the Inner Farne Islands, this was taken on Inner Farne where you are allowed to visit for an hour via boat. It has 90,000 birds breeding at this time of year.
Hehe I have quite a few so will be making a post one day once I get settled back in.
I even took a wee video that shows the heave heavy heavy rain while we were there lol.
papagaio-do-mar I think you call it, puffin we call it....
But yeah they were at it everywhere, on the beach, in the grass , on walls on walkways and the artic terns divebombed and pecked your head as you walked past...
Slices of Reality, Frozen in Time Four Elements Bridge
Connecting block I and II of the ministry of health in Berlin above Französische Strasse, northern part. Fire & Earth
thanks. The goal will be to have that community, and have all the photographers using inleo daily. The idea is to post short and long format using inleo, so everyone can curate and get rewards in both Tokens
Guys I have seen ALL my photos. Now I want to see yours. I can share mine on my own feed! This is our space, but I am selfish and I have created it just so I could see YOUR photos! so BDMP (bring down my post) by posting more of your #photography :P
When we are using hashtags and since there are not that many of us on inleo yet. It is amazing that #photography is trending in top 1 and we should keep using it to empower the photography community. But remember to use it together with at least one more specific hashtag to your post. Because that's how new trends can appear. And the content can diversify.
It is super freaking exciting to see it. But knowing myself the way I know myself, I am stressing already. We have topped the 250+ from yesterday. We are at 275!!! Now I am already stressed if tomorrow we flop and do not get to top it again!
Quick reminder, no matter when you join the threadcast, no matter how many times a day you come back. Keep on scrolling and showing love to everyone in here! :D
That's how the community can keep making new connections and growing together!
He knew I was snapping him, because if I turn to the other side, he will turn alone side. So I was very conscious because I need that the scorpion is ready to attack 🤣🤣🤣.
This was about 13 years ago. I remember I made a conscious decision to leave the plant in the foreground in the shot. In the past I probably would have moved around to eliminate it.
Yes, these are two photos that I took and decided to combine together, a builder standing on the balcony of the house opposite and the moon that I photographed from the balcony :)
For snake owners, some pet stores sell newborn rats, they are a storehouse of vitamins and stem cells for any predators... I closed my pet store 14 years ago and I know this well, try giving them to your cat.
Maybe you should change your cat food? As a rule, dry food and everything that Purina, Nestle and others make are killers of cats and dogs, a cat should eat mice that have everything they need... after all, no one feeds boas dry food :)
Slices of Reality, Frozen in Time Four Elements Bridge
Connecting block I and II of the ministry of health in Berlin above Französische Strasse, southern part. Water & Air
ohhhh. But if you have some more b&W architecture photos. You definitely should put them on a long format to share. Even if it is 2 or 3 more. 5 or 6 photos, usually are good already, if you write a little bit about them.
I tried to starte a professional hide and seek team but it didn't work out. Turns out good players are hard to find. Credit: marshmellowman $LOLZ on behalf of barski
I don't mind. I love it. As I said in a reply I think today, i created this for a little selfish reasons as well... so I can see everyone photos easily ehehehhe :D
No expert but it is the amount of light the lens will allow to hit the camera sensor or film (f stop). Smaller f stop more light. can also be used to help bring distant objects more into focus with close objects.
I might have to reduce your wage... because although you are part of the community. You have not physically clicked on that join button! eheheheh :P So your wage is now a total of -1 LEO per hour! LOL
good advise. Lol don't do like I did once. Posted a video alerting for people do not press links on their email, offering crypto related stuff... and the day after, I clicked one and buy buy ETH
ohhhh I am not prude. everything is SFW to me. I only use that now and then so I respect others that are a little bit more sensible. But that is not me for sure. :D no pants is SFW to me.
personally, I always wanted to photograph since I was a kid, always wanted the camera. And then growing up, I started watching Americas next top model and that made me want to photograph. So I did. And I could not stop since then.
ohhh mister @taskmaster4450le I know... but I am not a technical photographer. I will let that explanation for the bigger pros to come and explain it to you!
And after all of that I will be dropping some of my #photography in here as well. Can you name this cathedral? You probably has seen it on the TV! #london
Yep. Few consider how deflationary photography has become. Think of the money spent on film, getting it developed and distributing it. Had to get an extra set for grandma.
Today it is zero cost to have millions of people see it.
It really opened things up. No more buying film and developing costs, not limited to a certain amount of images. I think it freed up the ability to experiment more.
Time to go for the next stage. We will keep pushing. The more Leo Power we all have, the more everyone can grow, support the community and create security.
I see it on hive engine. It appears a 20K delegation. Khal said he can't find anything. So I think maybe I have seen my vote value wrong before. And with 22k a 20% vote is worth 0.008 +/- ! I thought it would be a little bit higher. But Khal said he has not found anything wrong.
enqto o proletariado comemora férias dentro de casa... minha chefe foi passar uma semana pra comemorar dia dos namorados na Argentina e ainda vai pra Europa em outubro
Momentos de queda são a oportunidade perfeita para adquirir, não é a melhor das ideias querer entrar em nada que custe valores altos, aproveitar essas quedas são como descer com força em uma cama elástica, mais força para baixo = mais força para subir!
Se você acredita na hive, agora é o momento de entrar fofo e sair grandão! Pense sempre lá na frente! #cent #freecompliments #hivebr
Para nós que acreditamos na hive a longo prazo, essa é a oportunidade que sempre estamos esperando. Ainda vou deixar um pouco de HBD ali no savings, então são varias frentes de investimento e evolução.
kkkkkkkkkkkkk essa foi boa ne? kkkkk, mano vou sair dessa com mais de 300 hp, isso da uns 2 ou 3 meses de postagem ta maluco. Agora meus 10k ate o fim do ano vem, to feliz demais haha
Eu já comecei, estava com 12 hbd liquido ja fiz virar hive, ai ja coloquei 60 hbd para tirar e comprar hive, o momento é agora, na verdade torcendo para derreter mais kkk
Para aqueles não sabem como eu, para fazer o saque do HBD não é recebido um pagamento por cada dia (3 dias), ao que parece o valor que vc pede para sacar cai por completo depois de 3 dias.
Pelo PEAKD você consegue cancelar, tem um STOP lá gigante em vermelho que vc pode dar o stop e fazer de novo se preciso.
Mas é isso que eu vou fazer, mas o meu HBD está no savings, preciso tirar ele do savings ai leva 3 dias para cair na conta, na hora que cair, faço o swap no ecency
Parece que a pressão popular finalmente está tendo efeito no Brasil... circulam rumores que a chamada "PL do Estupro" está perdendo apoio político por conta das manifestações populares contrárias ao projeto
Basicamente o projeto equipara a homicídio qualquer tipo de aborto, até mesmo os que hoje são previstos por lei.
A grande controvérsia é que isso impacta até casos de estupro. POr exemplo, teve um caso real de uma menina de apenas 10 anos que foi estuprada e engravidou. Ela teve autorização da justiça para interromper a gravidez.
Se aprovado, este projeto de lei daria margem para que essa menina fosse vista como assassina por interromper uma gestação fruto de aborto. Esse é o ponto de controvérsia que despertou a manifestação popular
Entendo, isso é uma situação mega complicada. 10 anos de idade seria melhor fazer o aborto do que deixar nascer como havia falado, por que provavelmente a menina nem resiste a gravidez e nascimento do bebê.
Caramba, é uma situação muito tensa... não consigo nem imaginar o que fazer nisso tudo.
Mas as vezes falta ate instrução para isso, estudo ou até dinheiro mesmo, os problemas do Brasil são inúmeros, é complicado demais todas as possibilidades negativas que temos.
Teve um caso que eu descrevi para o Shiftrox por exemplo que a vítima de estupro foi uma menina de 10 anos. Ela não tinha a menor ideia do que estava acontecendo e nem a família. O caso só foi descoberto porque a menina viu que estava saindo leite de suas mamas, se assustou e chamou a mãe.
Mas para além disso, uma outra coisa é que esse tipo de pensamento atribui toda a responsabilidade à vítima, o que é criticado pelos que se opõe ao projeto
Agora por exemplo, eu tenho uma filha, Deus me livre e espero que nunca aconteça dela ser estrupada, mas se acontecer, não sei se terei o sangue frio de esperar o menino nascer e deixar ele em doação ou se até mesmo aceita-lo na familia como sendo meu neto... é uma questão mindblast é foda demais pensar nisso tudo.
Muita coisa é fácil falar, mas quando acontece com a gente, é difícil agir como falamos, porque está ali, acontecendo agora com a gente... é foda esse país, a vida em si é muito conturbada de desafios insanos.
Pois é. É muito complicado. Por isso parte da população está se manifestando contra. Já tem casos reais em que aconteceu exatamente o que você descreveu.
I really like my city, Juiz de Fora, in Minas Gerais. It's a medium-sized city that has everything big cities have, but with the comfort of not being so crowded, with the unbearable traffic of megacities.
I live there in yellow, the central-west region, in goiás, the southern region, it tends to be colder and has a very interesting quality of life, the southern region is in red. #cent #freecompliments
There are a lot of good cities in the countryside of the south and southeast. When it comes to safety and tranquillity, I think these are the best places to live.
Retomei meus estudos sobre ciência de dados aplicada a negócios. Bem interessante e muito relacionado com inteligência artificial. Acho que vai ser útil no futuro
Lembrando que essa semana começa a mesa redonda da HIve BR! Eu não sei se conseguirei participar desta porque quinta é um dia ruim pra mim, mas espero que muita gente consiga participar e que a troca de ideias seja valiosa
Eu sou um grade fã de Led Zeppelin há pelo menos uns 15 anos e hoje descobri algo que eu não sabia: uma das faixas (You Shook Me) do primeiro disco da banda não foi gravada com a fiel Telecaster de Jimmy Page, mas sim com uma Flying V!
Page conta que alguém estava tentando vender a guitarra pra ele e, mesmo sem ter a mínima condição de pagar pelo instrumento, ele pediu ao dono pra testar a guitarra por um tempo e acabou utilizando ela pra gravar a faixa.
My biggest hope is that Threads can get the attention of non crypto related users, if Im not mistaken the team is working on a rc delegating system depending on user balance and activity, thats awesome
1/🧵"Doomscrolling" is real and it's affecting our mental health. Constant exposure to negative news, especially on social media, can lead to stress and anxiety. It's time to set boundaries for our media consumption. #threadstorm #inleo #stemsocial
2/🧵Simple actions can make a big difference. Turning off notifications, limiting social media time, and having tech-free moments can help us stay informed without being overwhelmed. Let's prioritize our mental well-being.
3/🧵Taking positive steps like engaging in environmental actions or writing down our worries can empower us. Remember, it's okay to take a break from the news. Our mental health is just as important as being up-to-date. Let's find balance.
The job landscape has been very dynamic since a long time but there has been a change in the requirement of the jobs which has made a lot of older jobs non-existent but also made new job opportunities pop up.
In the modern lifestyle we need to gain many skills at once to be staying relevant in the job market along with a lot of soft skills at the same time that will enable people to be more attractive to be hired in comparison to the previous era
I resumed my studies in data science for business people. Lots of interesting stuff there and intimately connected with AI. Hopefully it will prove usefull
Do you have a VPN with a Czech IP address available? Then you can watch for free, with no advertisements or anything in HQ here:
That's true, now that it's dropped even further, for me it's even better to take advantage of this moment to buy and increase my HP! I'm happy with that
Cant wait for the vid integration! I'll definitely be using it for quick tutorials and sharing workflows. That feature should really up the MAUs...we'll see
I would think so. Have to see what happens when it rolls out. I have a feeling the basic feature will go live but the UI work needed to make it legit will not be done at that time.
1/✍️ According to media reports citing the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, carcasses of pigs infected with African swine fever were discovered on the riverbank in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Arrancamos una semana más, donde tenemos que empezar con todo y aportar cada granito que se puede a este gran ecosistema de hive y a pesar de la caída que tiene la moneda, no es momento de abandonar si no más bien para crecer las cuentas, así que a trabajar y feliz lunes.
#lovinghive #spanish
Cada día nuevo es una oportunidad más para construir los pasos del futuro. Nada es de un día a otro. Paciencia y disciplina ❣️. #spanish
Good Morning.
Wish you a bullish day.
Buena moraleja. Feliz inicio de semana!!
#askonleo #quiz #polls
Current APR on $LEO and #CENT pool is 70%. Prize distribution was restarted for five months. #cent #leo #inleo #defi
HIVE is getting to a THREE year lows.
Is this not a perfect BUY TIME?
Perfect buying time indeed...
Might be.. or buy $LEO directly if possible. :P
Anything there is to learn here.
A time to bite fingers for not having Stable coin. HBD would sell at best here
It indeed is THE moment to buy! We've to buy when there's blood on the streets
Could be. Only the markets know what is coming up.
I am focused upon building. That is what will ultimately drive value higher.
Hell yes!
Sim, amigo!
Kaufe jetzt!
yes! If only I had money for rent 😢
Finally a #meme again!
yep, that's a big one
this is awesome
1/🧵I believe people should participate in the Inleo Monthly Prompt Challenge only if they really have something to say on the topic. And this time, I definitely do. Many people don’t know how to ask for a raise. Is it really that difficult?
2/🧵 I don’t think so – there are many things that back your demands – unless you’re a poor worker; then you might look for a job you’d like instead. My post highlights the most important ones – the costs and risks of hiring your replacement.
3/🧵 However, you may not feel comfortable trying to get a raise through the possibility of leaving the company. It could easily make you look like an extorter, and your colleagues would hardly appreciate that, not mentioning your superiors.
4/🧵 No worries, there is a better way how to get say 10% extra per month. I described it in my post, feel free to read it, and perhaps review it. Would it work in your case? I believe so!
5/🧵 Here’s the post:
I think the posts submitted in the monthly prompt should have a personal touch akin to customization of your own real life contextual themes, not the generalized themes.
Hm? Is this related to the threadstorm or the post itself? I am sorry, I see no link to them.
#gmfrens, Another work day, another day of visiting wife before work and after work at the Palliative care unit.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Feliz inicio de semana, que sea un buen lunes para ti!
feliz lunes, suerte en el trabajo y paciencia
Feliz inicio de semana para ti.
Te mando un café.
Are you planning on posting a long format #photography post today?
Have you already pick a community to do it?
Remember when uploading to use INLEO to create your post so you can also get LEO rewards.
And if you have not picked a community yet, consider the #photographers community. That's where I am trying to get the photographers of INLEO. #linkincomments if have not joined yet!
You can join the #photographers community in here:
Can put all the photography posts in the threadcast too.
Another great idea. We haven't had many yet :D But I will share them there! :D Thanks for the reminder :D
Yes. Well there are some on Hive. Post them in the threads. That is something that will help.
that could be an idea. But I wanted to try and keep them from people that are already on inleo. But it could be an idea to pick 2 or 3 from outside the inleo people. And maybe we can all go there to comment and maybe they will come to join us. Eheheh
Another idea is terms and definitions. That helps to get them on chain. But people could explain what certain terms mean.
what do you mean by that?
#photographers is it a new community?
yes! The link for the community is on the comments :D
Ok great I'll join it.
Nice. The more the merrier and the most fun we can
The 4th #photocast is here!
Do you get it? A #threadcast to share your photos 📸
This is a space for you to share your own original photos and appreciate everyone's art!
The place to let your photography be the star of the show. What do you have to show everyone today.
What we will be doing?
Happening on the #photographers community
I have been away on holiday and come back to this!
Awesome idea and might make people want to use threads more!
I know I have thousands of pics that don't make into posts here.
#photography rocks!
Did someone say #coffee break ...
This is where you get coffee on the DFDS Newcastle to Amsterdam ferry,well on Wednesday it was!
Thank you. This is where we are every day, all day now. Be very welcome. The more of us the merrier. We are trying to get the photographers in here all together, so we all can grow andthe community gets more fun
Yes it is a great idea, I know loads of Hivians that stopped using threads because of all the on off issues, this is a great way to entice people back. I shall see about spreading the word.
Well done for setting it up.
I feel that it is more stable now, with an up and down, now and then. But it is way smoother. So yeah, for sure invite them to come back. This is the place to be :D
Yes it is the uptime that gets people, will see how many I can get to try it yet again.
We all have to do our oart
Welcome back, Tengo. Hope you had a pleasant holiday?
#freecompliments #thread2earn
Thanks luchyl, the weather was temperamental but yes it was a fluffing great time!
Awesome. Good to have you back.
Yep, @sergiomendes may have created a monster. 🧌
I might have opened but we all are creating this monster together!
Hehe agreed, and a bit of fun too!
It is a terrific idea. Great to see people getting involved.
Absolutely agreed, and a fun thing for people to do!
It is. We need more of this. It is an innovative way to approach things and a great use case.
Glad to see it and support it since I am not much of a photographer.
It really is a great use case and one I am 100% onboard with!
People now have amazing cameras in their phones they just need a little bit of the basics and can take awesome photos.
Your support is of course awesome, simply put without your continued support here, InLeo would have been dead and buried a long time ago.
Yeah I simply point and click with my phone. It is sufficient for online posting.
Obviously this is not going to be confused with professional photography but it can get some things on here.
Drama in the sky.
In this house we for sure love dramatic skies :D
I wouldn't call for drama, it comes on its own :)
Eldorado Harbor
nice, did you double exposure it?? :D I love it
Here I applied three layers with different parameters of the same photo.
Sensational picture. Nature is a terrific canvas.
Yes, I haven't seen such a golden sunset often, but I was lucky and I saw it :)
And more importantly, captured it.
This is the case when me and the camera were together at the right time and in the right place :)
Yes having it when it is needed.
This is your friendly reminder that the way the threadcast will keep growing is by commenting and liking on the photos people are sharing here.
My dad was into photography so as a kid I wanted to take pictures also. I've had a lifelong love of it probably a little more serious now then other times in my life.
aww that's a sweet story
That is how it often starts.
Is anyone planning on posting a long format #photography blog post today?
Not me but I am not a big photographer.
But now you will become the biggest photographer on inleo ehehhe :D discovering something new ehehhe :D
Smaller than @bradleyarrow's penis.
That must be some fucking small.
dont get bullied that! clap back :D ehehehh
If you say so, I'll take your word! :D
I think there is a rather small chance of that.
You never know. imagine you discover a new passion eheheh #photography is taking over inleo and then it starts taking over your life! ehehehhe
Well. The fact it is over 100 threads on trending is crucial.
We need to keep getting decent things up there.
Am just here helping out.
"just" helping out no! You are helping out a lot :D
Here I am blatantly stealing from @taskmaster4450le's idea. 😜
#photography #photographers
Just in case you want to take lots of pictures. They get tired quickly.
A chicken having a dust bath to stay clean and tidy. 😅
#birds #featheredfriends #photography #thread2earn
Why does the chicken do that?
Do you do that too?
It's bathing to clean up. I actually published a post about it last week.
Well I did play in the sand when I was a kid 😂. I guess everyone did
Nature is so much fun. What's for us is getting dirty, for many animals is getting clean
Yeah, nature is beautiful.
We still clean up after getting dirty 😂
Here's something without surrealism :)
great macro! Yesterday onelfa brought us some awesome macros as well
Since I don't have a macro lens, this is a pseudo-macro taken with a wide-angle lens.
make it even harder and even better to appreciate. Good job
Now I need to go and grab me another coffee eheheh
I took this in 1980 with a Canon AE1 Program film camera. As you can see below the scanned 35mm slide below was pretty rough.
Using Adobe Lightroom I was able to restore it to a decent picture.
#photography #photographers #restoration #35mmslides #vintagephotos
This photo has been given a new life!
Amazing what technology can do today.
Makes up for a lot of my errors and the ravages of time.
great restaurantion work. You did amazing with this one. 👏👏👏👏
I[ve found it to be kind of hit and miss. Some images just don't wnat to be restored.
i have never tried, I don't think I would be good at it! ehehhe
skies hEre are looking okay, for now. But it is going to change for sure.
Bichon Havanese.
Our family member. I am missing him.
It's almost two years since he left us...
Always hard when a pet departs. We get very attached to them.
oh no. Sorry to hear that. Yeah it is always difficult when pets depart. he was a cutie :D
Doesn't the hairdresser run away when you bring your dog for a haircut? :)
@barski has sent VSC to @onealfa
This post was rewarded with 0.1 VSC to support your work.
Join our photography communityVisual Shots
Check here to view or trade VSC Tokens
Be part of our Curation Trail
@barski ha enviado VSC a @onealfa
Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
Únete a nuestra comunidad de fotografía Visual Shots
Consulte aquí para ver o intercambiar VSC Tokens
Se parte de nuestro Trail de Curación
M👁’s M👁nochrome M👁ments
Slices of Reality, Frozen in Time
Four Elements Bridge
Connecting block I and II of the ministry of health in Berlin above Französische Strasse, view to the east.
#fourelements #bridge #berlin #travel #blackandwhite #photography #mmm
this is a fantastic way to come and joy the party. Thanks for sharing this beauty.
I had one of these.
oooohhhhh I never shake it like a Polaroid picture eheheheh maybe should add that to my list of fun stuff to try, just after the 30 days nonstop orgy lol
Combine the two.
A 20 day nonstop orgy is a Kodak moment.
why have I not thought about that. Never done nude photography but want to explore it. So win win
And action photos.
My uncle worked for Polaroid so would give us films for those for our birthdays!
A worthwhile present if you think about it at the time.
Not what kids want but it is a useful gift.
Slugs are not strangers to curiosity :)
I have stepped on so many at night and I always feel so bad, but they are all over the garden sometimes and I can't see them :(
That day, after the night rain, thousands of slugs tried to cross the roadway :)
ohhhh noooooooooo that sounds like a disaster LOL
Sometimes you need to turn something upside down :)
great reflection. Awesome photo. I see that you like trippy, less conventional #photography and I love that. We need more of that in here as well :D
Yes, I'm looking for experiments :)
yeah I think it is fun to experiment with photography for sure :D
It was great fun! Until tomorrow! :)
see you tomorrow :D we will be back again :D
I'll start us!
This was one of the most beautiful sunset I have seen to this day. And it was in the center of London believe it or not.
The tones and colours were amazing.
Now it is your turn, show me sunsets or golden hours
#photography #london #sunset
It's 7.42 pm in here.
What about we get some golden hour and some sunset photos in here?
Any of those to share?
#photographers #photography
#photography #foodphotography
I need all those cakes!!! NOW... YUMMY!
That's from Starbucks in our country 😀
I dont like it anymore then. I was never a fan of starbucks. But it does look great on the photo. so you did a good job capturing it :D
Best my little Fuji Finepix A210 could capture in 2010
#photography #photographers
At first look I dont know why I thought it was a dinosaur OLOL Nature is beautiful.
It was really hard to capture the vastness of it all with my little point and shoot.
Part of my holiday was visiting the Inner Farne Islands, this was taken on Inner Farne where you are allowed to visit for an hour via boat. It has 90,000 birds breeding at this time of year.
One for @nelinoeva and #featheredfriends
Who knows the name of this wee cutie?
#photography #silverbloggers
Puffin! What a cutie.😃
Lovely you have an image of it.
Thanks for tagging me.
Hehe I have quite a few so will be making a post one day once I get settled back in.
I even took a wee video that shows the heave heavy heavy rain while we were there lol.
that's what I call a proper sex party lolol ehehe I don't know their names but I always think they look so cute. I guess that one was a vouyer lololol
papagaio-do-mar I think you call it, puffin we call it....
But yeah they were at it everywhere, on the beach, in the grass , on walls on walkways and the artic terns divebombed and pecked your head as you walked past...
Fun times
hopefully no one got hurt
They tell you to wear a hat or a hoodie and I thought they were joking. But nope they make a squawk as they peck your head lol
ouch. I bet you were laughing in the moment but then later you were sore LOL
This is me and my new friend :)
eheheh nice edit. such a cutie and it is tiny! Thank you so much for the visit here :D
I must admit that I didn't immediately understand where to publish, I thought a tag would be enough :)
M👁’s M👁nochrome M👁ments
Slices of Reality, Frozen in Time
Four Elements Bridge
Connecting block I and II of the ministry of health in Berlin above Französische Strasse, northern part.
Fire & Earth
#fire #earth #fourelements #bridge #berlin #travel #blackandwhite #photography #mmm
The black and white choice for these 2 photos was superb. Love it
oh my, yes we are back above the 250!!!!! WOW I am speechless (clearly not with all this comments LOL)
This one looks so cool. From the trip to japan right? They do it so much better there :D Love it
Yep, a giant Gundam robot 😀
it looks super
4 members away of hitting 30 members in the #photographers community
Are you in already?
27 now and I will have my leo alt join in a wee minute.
thanks. The goal will be to have that community, and have all the photographers using inleo daily. The idea is to post short and long format using inleo, so everyone can curate and get rewards in both Tokens
I want to ask you all something!
We have only 10 likes on the threadcast
Lets get more likes in. Even if it is a 1%
It helps get the threadcast on the trending tab so more people can discover it and join us! :D
We got #photography top 1 now we need to get always on the trending threads :D
Reminder, if you can, share the link for the threadcast on X or any other social media you use.
If you want to make it easier, I have posted it, all you have to do is to give it a RT:
Remember how many more links we get out there, more doors and more windows for people to discover all of us! :D
We had a couple of members, dropping a couple of long format posts on the community!
Can we go to the posts and show some support?
Go there and drop a like and a comment:
Thank you @oldmans and @opticus for sharing in the community!
Now everyone go check and show some love, by the way, both posts have awesome photos!
So jealous of this one! I never photographed ice like that and it seems so much fun!
On a hot day this is what you need for your soul and body :)
@barski has sent VSC to @onealfa
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@barski ha enviado VSC a @onealfa
Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
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Guys I have seen ALL my photos. Now I want to see yours. I can share mine on my own feed! This is our space, but I am selfish and I have created it just so I could see YOUR photos! so BDMP (bring down my post) by posting more of your #photography :P
ya'll really out here competing to see who is the oldest person on the thread ehehhehe
We need @bradleyarrow in the Photocast if we are going to talk about old.
He is even older than me.
He's nearly a fossil.
lololol you really coming for Bradley today. Maybe you should start a thread for the boomers and gen X
That would be pretty dead around here.
And I go after Bradley everyday. That is what he is around here for.
i think there are a lot people in here over
lol. Truth.
That is what I type. Truth so true that it is indisputible truth.
I took this on my walk.
yay you did it. Posted a photo! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 snakes are such cool
Dead ones are better. LOL
nooooo why? Poor babies.
It got quiet now, so I will take this opportunity to invite you all to go and join the #photographers community!
We are close to 30 members. And I am trying to building a Photography community that is full and directed to the INLEO photographers!
Iam waiting for you and your posts in there!
For those just joining now!
A couple of our members have posted some long format posts
So please go visit both this posts, drop a like and drop a comment.
Remember tomorrow can be you:
Thank you everyone!
You are all amazing. Great photos, great conversations. You are fantastic.
Congratulations to all of you for the amazing work keeping the threadcast going!
When we are using hashtags and since there are not that many of us on inleo yet. It is amazing that #photography is trending in top 1 and we should keep using it to empower the photography community. But remember to use it together with at least one more specific hashtag to your post. Because that's how new trends can appear. And the content can diversify.
It is super freaking exciting to see it. But knowing myself the way I know myself, I am stressing already. We have topped the 250+ from yesterday. We are at 275!!! Now I am already stressed if tomorrow we flop and do not get to top it again!
275 and counting. The Photocast is doing well. Good to see it.
ohhh yay over 200. Will we surpass yesterday? Will we get to 300??
Drop photos. Let's make it happen.
But important. Remember to like and comment on those photos as well. That is the way to go.
300 is a great number. We can hit it. Still a lot of hours left and only 90 more needed. We had a few conversations in here.
Yeah people were commenting about it. And then I saw your comment as well. I guess we are making history again here on the
We will see. It is a number that can be hit. We need a few more top line threads.
We have seen some new faces joining. Maybe more will come.
That is also true. But it is better if it happens naturaly because people are actually enjoying what's going down in the threadcast eheheh
Do you agree with @taskmaster4450le and think we can have more than 250 comments again today?
And if so, how many will be photos?
Will be hit a new high on the trending tags?
Someone asked me the other day about #foodphotography!
Do we have any food photographers out here? #photography
I am not. I am always too excited to start eating and I always forget and attack the plate LOL
Quick reminder, no matter when you join the threadcast, no matter how many times a day you come back. Keep on scrolling and showing love to everyone in here! :D
That's how the community can keep making new connections and growing together!
just you and me today. That is the new record for the photocast. Eheheh people are taking the day off
For those who are new you can find the #photographers community here:
Remember when posting long format photography posts to do it on INLEO
And feel free to post them on the community to get people from the community curating it.
We are live and ready to kick ass one more day guys!
Welcome to the #photocastep4
Can't wait to see all the photos you have to share with the community today. Exciting times ahead.
#photography still top 1 thanks to all of you
Yesterday 250+ comments
#photographers community 25 members!
You are smashing it.
Spring
This is great for me, because for it's majority I am not the biggest fan of photographing green! LOL
A slight movement of the camera from bottom to top with a long shutter speed and finishing in a photo editor. :)
And a great final result :D thanks for sharing the process as well
Sometimes it's scary, sometimes it's fun, the result is worth it :)
but that whats make photography so interesting
Another 250 comment day for the Photocast.
This is impressive in terms of the consistency.
I saw this giant scorpion when we went to visit a friends farm.
Nice shot! I would need a 1000mm zoom to get an up close image of that.
Haha, it was so scary why snapping it.
I can imagine.
Have you tried such?
NOOO! I steer away from danger. lol
I hope you weren't taking too many risks when you took this photo :)
No much risk, I was very conscious with it.
Thanks alot for your care🥰🥰🙏🏽🙏🏽.
And did the scorpion know this? :)
He knew I was snapping him, because if I turn to the other side, he will turn alone side. So I was very conscious because I need that the scorpion is ready to attack 🤣🤣🤣.
It's always better to attack first :)
He was best in his field .
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@caleb-marvel, I sent you an
Wow never saw one in real life. But this one even in the photo really looks big aand Scary.
When I saw it in the bush, I saw so supprised before it was my first time too. So I took some photographs and a little video clip..
i would literally run straight away
He was a rugged fellow that wanted to visit @taskmaster4450le
This was me.
today he had an encounter with a
I would suggest visiting somewhere else.
So where should we go?
Anywhere without the scorpions.
That would be a good starting point.
Here was my first camera:
Yes, the first recorded instance of thought and law recording
Mine was something like that @onealfa don't remember the model but it was a Kodak for sure!
This camera, similar to LOMO, was my childhood dream :)
now you are an Adult. Get it. Make that dream come true
This will be a good addition to my FED-5V :)
are you the older in the thread??? not sure!
The number of comments are up to 75. Still early in the day. 250 should be in the cards again.
we will see. Today people seem to be busy. But as you said. Still plenty of time to go
Should we try to jump on a new theme?
Do we have any Architectural #photography in your portfolios?
This architectural solution is a rare case when high-tech looks harmonious with nature, in this case against the sky:)
Yeah, that's what caught my eye :)
This makes the Polaroid look like hi-tech.
was this your first camera
Look above. That is too new.
I have posted what was probably close to my first camera I had! ehehheh
LOL many of us.
The photocast is over 200 for the second day in a row. Some decent engagement.
See if we can get to 250 in the next two hours.
#photographers #photography #hiking #leotravel
That is the beauty when you are pleasantly surprised at what photo bombed you hehe!
love the warm and cold tones balance on this photo
This was about 13 years ago. I remember I made a conscious decision to leave the plant in the foreground in the shot. In the past I probably would have moved around to eliminate it.
We can't see the other side of the moon because there's probably renovation going on there :)
Photo editing? What is happening here? LOL I am confused with this one :D ehehehheheh tell us more about it
Yes, these are two photos that I took and decided to combine together, a builder standing on the balcony of the house opposite and the moon that I photographed from the balcony :)
Okay okay I see it eheheh well done. It iS fun to get creative
The architectural details in older buildings are so amazing :D I love it! #photography #london
this one you already know I love it
here is a cat pic
I wonder who they bought first... the grey cat, or the grey nest with a scratching post? :)
Cute kitty!
He is old and withering away.
It's sad, I hope he doesn't suffer from pain, but meets old age in peace.
We are watching his temperament. He still is happy and purrs so it appears he isnt in pain.
As they get older have to be ready to pull the plug though.
For snake owners, some pet stores sell newborn rats, they are a storehouse of vitamins and stem cells for any predators... I closed my pet store 14 years ago and I know this well, try giving them to your cat.
Maybe you should change your cat food? As a rule, dry food and everything that Purina, Nestle and others make are killers of cats and dogs, a cat should eat mice that have everything they need... after all, no one feeds boas dry food :)
such a cutie. It is tiny no? What's the name?
Yeah he is dying. He is old and withering away. It is sad to see but it happens.
ohhh poor baby. Sorry to hear that. How old is he?
#photographers #photogtraphy #hiking
oh I thought we were all done for today eheheh so I am super happy to see another amazing photo coming in
Still got a couple more in me. lol
I love it. The more the merried.
a pic of a statue
What kind of statue is this... just a candlestick?
Nah. It is a yard statue like the type you get from a garden store.
Just a yard statue.
It looks good as a torch holder, and if someone gets into the yard there's a chance that he'll be scared of the girl with torches :)
If she is a true she, she will throw the plates.
And you don't need to throw plates, just smile with a grin :)
she is not human. I went to get two plates and I cant my arms to do that. be careful :D
It sucks when your nose itches.
oh that is for sure a pain!
Yeah. One of the plates tends to bite it.
Some who aren't conscious of their environment may scratch it in public, awful right?
Manila Cathedral, Intramuros, Manila
seems like a very popular and busy area! :D
One of our old churches. Lots of tourists visit this place.
yeah, religious old buildings are always super attractive for tourists for some reason I guess! LOL
M👁’s M👁nochrome M👁ments
Slices of Reality, Frozen in Time
Four Elements Bridge
Connecting block I and II of the ministry of health in Berlin above Französische Strasse, southern part.
Water & Air
#water #air #fourelements #bridge #berlin #travel #blackandwhite #photography #mmm
i guess you have a series just from that area! It is on a long format already? Share the link for it here as well.
nope, it’s just these three …
ohhhh. But if you have some more b&W architecture photos. You definitely should put them on a long format to share. Even if it is 2 or 3 more. 5 or 6 photos, usually are good already, if you write a little bit about them.
Here‘s an old one …
Closeup look at an Exhibition Hall in Copenhagen
blah blah blah! Of course I have seen that already :D They are brilliant. Hoepfully more people will go and see it!
Here architecture is trying to deceive me :)
Turns out good players are hard to find.
Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@moretea, I sent you an
Picking cherries with the family..
#photography #photographers #cherrypicking
Cool photos. Looks like a fun day out. New face here no?? Welcome to the threadcast
My very first photo camera, LIUBITEL.
Year ~1963-64
If you still had that camera, you might be sitting on some money.
Ohhh that's for sure.
A classic.
but it had to be original and working
wow that is so cool. I honestly don't even know which was my first camera as a kid. But it was in the 90s already lololol
Over 310. We are looking at 350 in this threadcast easily.
Keep it up.
Apparently 14 hours ago the branch applied the handbrake... shall we continue it, or will there be a new branch?
I am sure another will appear.
I'll go look :)
yeah I saw it. I just created a thread about it and was replying now in here! WOW WOW WOW
It is impressive.
Its probably because I am here playing to everyone all day. So I am guessing 150 replies are mine
That is how it usually works especially in the early days.
I don't mind. I love it. As I said in a reply I think today, i created this for a little selfish reasons as well... so I can see everyone photos easily ehehehhe :D
To all you photo experts:
Explain to me aperture in simple terms that even a kid could understand.
No expert but it is the amount of light the lens will allow to hit the camera sensor or film (f stop). Smaller f stop more light. can also be used to help bring distant objects more into focus with close objects.
best toy ever. Eheheh well I was not even born when you were photographing.
love it. Don't even tell me anything about summer. Would love some of that in here
Am I considered a community member? Or am I something else?
Maybe you fine people should not answer that.
I might have to reduce your wage... because although you are part of the community. You have not physically clicked on that join button! eheheheh :P So your wage is now a total of -1 LEO per hour! LOL
I dont click buttons.
Too much malware.
good advise. Lol don't do like I did once. Posted a video alerting for people do not press links on their email, offering crypto related stuff... and the day after, I clicked one and buy buy ETH
@sergiomendes wants to get into photographing nude models.
Here is his first one.
lets go. pants off! :D The human body is beautiful in all forms, sizes and shapes :D
I cannot without the #nsfw tag. LOL
ohhhh I am not prude. everything is SFW to me. I only use that now and then so I respect others that are a little bit more sensible. But that is not me for sure. :D no pants is SFW to me.
I am working and I have no pants right now. See SFW. Lol joking joking. Or am I? Lllol I woke up too early today. Lol need to go to sleep
Is this path of your photography ??
Posing? Or being behind the camera?
At our recent visit to Miami passed by this little water spot in the downtown area.
That definitely looks like a cool spot to chill :D
Not a big spot but it was nice for sure.
well if it is not too busy! It is fine to be small
The grace of a branch falling into melt water :)
Uhhh bw was a great choice for this one
All I needed was light and the surface tension of the water :)
great work :D
Will we see a record day in this Photocast?
I will do my best to add a few things to it.
Will we get too 200 threads on #photography ?
Maybe 300 comments.
We will see how it goes today
I posted a photo so that should help things along.
i know. And I thank you for that. 💪💪💪
Yeah well I dont get out much so when I do, I can snap a photo or two.
i guess with all the photocasts to come now you need to start going out more to keep more photos coming
How did you get into photography?
What got you started?
personally, I always wanted to photograph since I was a kid, always wanted the camera. And then growing up, I started watching Americas next top model and that made me want to photograph. So I did. And I could not stop since then.
And now you start a daily threadcast.
Great job.
As I have been telling, hopefully this is just the beginning of something cool. I have ideas. eheheh :P But too too early to even talk about them :D
Set the goal to make this an awesome project. It can take off. It simply requires daily action. But it can catch on after a while.
smashing it big time once again. Thanks
Fort Rock State Natural Area - Oregon State
#photographers #photography #hiking
There's bound to be a bloodthirsty Indian or train robbers there :)
Great photo!
but I’ve never seen one with more than four.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
@oldmans, I sent you anyou better be careful out there or you end up in a netflix double series
ohhh mister @taskmaster4450le I know... but I am not a technical photographer. I will let that explanation for the bigger pros to come and explain it to you!
I'll start us with a quick snap I took in another of my coffee breaks! Any coffee break photos out there? #photography #london #coffee
I Love this photo. But if I was good at night photography it would be so much better #photography #london
Yesterday we were talking about how difficult is night photography! Any to share with the community?
Could be the basis for a great painting...and a Billy Joel song.
I just wish I was better at night photography
This might help.
I'll take a cat with me next time and I'll see how it goes LOL
for now I am waiting to see if we have some more coffee break or night photos.
But if you don't have those, everything else is welcome.
Greetings my friends, how are you all doing?
Hello, hello, we are doing great and you? Just here sharing more photos and stories and talking crap as per usual :D
HAhaha, we do it for fun!
That's for sure :D it is the only way tthat is worth doing it
We can always make it if we try 😊😊😊.
An interesting question for all of you in case you have missed it!
And after all of that I will be dropping some of my #photography in here as well. Can you name this cathedral? You probably has seen it on the TV! #london
For those old enough, was the conversion from film to digital a big step?
It was massive, with film you really needed to develop yourself or be very very prudent in what you photographed....
Yeah. Had to count the photos that ended up being blurry and nothing but your thumb.
hehe yeah a waste of money when the prints get thrown in the bin.
Yep. Few consider how deflationary photography has become. Think of the money spent on film, getting it developed and distributing it. Had to get an extra set for grandma.
Today it is zero cost to have millions of people see it.
Oh yes I remember going to shops that gave you 50% off the second set or in some cases a free second set of prints.
It was not cheap.
It really opened things up. No more buying film and developing costs, not limited to a certain amount of images. I think it freed up the ability to experiment more.
Yeah. That is why annual photos went from hundreds of millions to trillions.
We are now near 3 trillion photos per year.
Wow! I guess that is what you get when most everyone on earth has a camera in their pocket.
Yep. That is where everything becomes a photo op.
Of course, it is also evidence.
yeah. I am okd enough. But nothing much changed yet. Poor now, poor then lol they were very expensive
You finally hit the target 🥰🥰🥰🥰, very soon I will push the party room numbers 😄😄😄..
Diane Arbus
#dianearbus #photography #secret #quotesonleo #quotes
i have to come up with my own epic photography quotes eheheh
Everything has its own special beauty that needs to be understood :)
it is indeed the circle of life
Yes indeed :)
We really don't know anything about the relationships in nature :)
that is true. All that I know is that they are
And yet... we are aiming for Mars lol :)
I am here aiming to reach tomorrow LOL that's how far I am aiming LOL
Beautiful little dog🐶
Hoppin’ on a flight back home.
Irish weddings are wild.
Time to get back to the grind.
welcome back. lets make some money!
The Irish do know how to party. I went there for 10 days and my liver needed several weeks to recover ;-)
We made it guys!
2K Leo Power achieved.
Time to go for the next stage. We will keep pushing. The more Leo Power we all have, the more everyone can grow, support the community and create security.
Together we are stronger.
Nice powering up.
We have to keep on pushing. All together we can all get to better places :D
Team work is always stronger and better.
so true
Have you figured out, what happened to your delegated LEO'S? Why are them not seen on your wallet?
I see it on hive engine. It appears a 20K delegation. Khal said he can't find anything. So I think maybe I have seen my vote value wrong before. And with 22k a 20% vote is worth 0.008 +/- ! I thought it would be a little bit higher. But Khal said he has not found anything wrong.
Arkadi Monastery Church, EST 1586. #crete #photography
Looks like an awesome place for some photos
Thread Day #96
Bom dia, brazukas! Uma nova semana começando e, sexta-feira, se tudo der certo, teremos nosso marco do #TD100! Já podem se preparar, hein?!
Bom diaa
dei uma sumida no fim de semana mas estamos de volta
boa semana
Good day my friend. I hope things are well on your side of the equator.
All well here, hope you are off to a great week too my friend
Just another week on Leo.
Waiting for Leoshorts.
Buenos dias.
enqto o proletariado comemora férias dentro de casa... minha chefe foi passar uma semana pra comemorar dia dos namorados na Argentina e ainda vai pra Europa em outubro
ô vida difícil kkk
Tenso viu
foda... o proletariado só se fode
Só levamos kkk, eu to com 150 reais na conta e um sonho xD
Tu deve estar desejando que as férias dela sejam "maravilhosas", hein?
só um avião caindo, talvez? KKKKKKKK zoas. ou não
Good day to all in Brazil. I hope your week is starting well.
Another fine day to have a sensational threadcast.
Great week for you too Task! We are almost at the #td100
That is good. I like the consistency of putting up the post. Now the engagement needs a kick start.
It's gonna be a celebration week for Brazilians.
What are you all celebrating?
Edition number 100 of the HiveBR #threadcast.
That is a good thing. How many are going to celebrate is the question.
We are going to bring as many as we can.
Estamos quase no #td100 ! Bora.
Fill her up.
Faltando 4 dias para o marco de 100 dias.
Vamos pra cima!
Momentos de queda são a oportunidade perfeita para adquirir, não é a melhor das ideias querer entrar em nada que custe valores altos, aproveitar essas quedas são como descer com força em uma cama elástica, mais força para baixo = mais força para subir!
Se você acredita na hive, agora é o momento de entrar fofo e sair grandão! Pense sempre lá na frente! #cent #freecompliments #hivebr
É isso aí... esses momentos são de ação e não de inação na minha opinião
Adotarei uma posição similar
Para nós que acreditamos na hive a longo prazo, essa é a oportunidade que sempre estamos esperando. Ainda vou deixar um pouco de HBD ali no savings, então são varias frentes de investimento e evolução.
Esse entrar fofo me pegou 😂
kkkkkkkkkkkkk essa foi boa ne? kkkkk, mano vou sair dessa com mais de 300 hp, isso da uns 2 ou 3 meses de postagem ta maluco. Agora meus 10k ate o fim do ano vem, to feliz demais haha
Aí sim mano, só bora 🚀
Eu tô aqui com a mão coçando pra fazer o movimento HBD > HIVE > HIVE POWER. 🤣
Eu já comecei, estava com 12 hbd liquido ja fiz virar hive, ai ja coloquei 60 hbd para tirar e comprar hive, o momento é agora, na verdade torcendo para derreter mais kkk
Misericórdia, haha!
Compra tudo papiiiiiiiiii compra tudo ahuahuhuahu
Para de me atentar, cão!
Bom dia, brasileiros CLT digitais.
Que seja uma semana produtiva para todos nós!
Se subir é uma maravilha, mas se cair mais o choro é livre.
Sinal de alerta ligou pra mim, mas vou comprar alguns
Depende do seu ponto de vista.
Hoje é dia de comprar mais milho! 😋
Pra fazer canjica ou pamonha?
Milho cozido, assado e canjica.
Saquei, milho cozido também é muito gostoso. 😋
Para aqueles não sabem como eu, para fazer o saque do HBD não é recebido um pagamento por cada dia (3 dias), ao que parece o valor que vc pede para sacar cai por completo depois de 3 dias.
Pelo PEAKD você consegue cancelar, tem um STOP lá gigante em vermelho que vc pode dar o stop e fazer de novo se preciso.
valeu @tokenizedsociety pelas informações!
opa, tranquilo! tamo junto mano
Valeu irmão! Abraço!
Não é mais fácil fazer swap pelo ecency?
Mas é isso que eu vou fazer, mas o meu HBD está no savings, preciso tirar ele do savings ai leva 3 dias para cair na conta, na hora que cair, faço o swap no ecency
Conhecimento nunca é demais!
Conhecimento é poder haha
É disso que "nóis" precisa.
Sempre kkkk
Ah, esquece. Vi ali, você tá tirando hbd do savings né
Isso, eu ja usei 12 hbd para comprar, deu 50 e poucos hive, agora vou esperar mais 60 hbd para comprar mais, fazer o swap.
Esse 50 e pouco hive eu ja vou fazer é power up, quanto mais cedo colocar mais vai render :D
Enraiados mais uma vez.
I wonder if @tokenizedsociety was involved in this. He is a space cadet.
I wish! But I heard about this project and it sounds very exciting
It does sound kind of neat.
Bringing news to the Brazilian community. Funny an American needs to do that.
We need at least 250 from this threadcast today. We want over 1,000 between all threadcasts.
Can we do it?
Yes, we can try, always good for a challenge
We are always ready for it.
Yeah. Considering we are at 80 and there are a few "conversationalists" in here today, I think it is a no-brainer. We can hit that easily.
We'll get there! People are excited today even though it's Monday kkk
That is good. People should be excited for higher numbers.
Leo is starting to come together...some of the foundation is falling into place.
Let'ss get it done
LFG! 🔥
Without a doubt. Time to keyboard away.
We can work on it.
We have to star somehow, haha1
Of course, I'm here now
Brazilian News.
Vamos subir a tag #td100 na sexta-feira ou não, hivers?! 🤔
boa ideia, vamos sim!
br pra enfatizar o Brasil) seria melhor. 🤔Pensando um pouco mais, acho que #tdbr100 (
Mas acho que #td100 já caiu no gosto da galera. 😅
Bom dia galera!
Que a semana de vcs seja de muitas realizações!
Igualmente meu querido!
Hive caindo, vamos comprar meu povo.
Quem puder, é a hora!
E mais de 100 threads no nosso, começamos a semana com tudo
Patrão sumiu, shift emergiu
kkkkkkkkkkk hive caindo, bolso do shift tinindo
Isso é só o aquecimento para o dia D.
Caraca, 6 threadcasts rodando, que top
Negocio ta pimpa demais, galera quebrando recordes!
Mind blowing!
ta cheio de threadcst hoje, mas o top vai ser subir a tag #td100 nesta sexta-feira
Não é normal estar tão cansado logo na segunda feira...
Infelizmente cada vez mais essa é a realidade do trabalhador brasileiro
3.500 comentários, hein? 🤯No #td100 temos que quebrar o recorde de
Boa tarde
Tarde mano, so de boa
chegou não foi 1 não, foi 2 patrão afffffffffffffffff
Te jogaram uma praga foi?
kkkkk caraca, está tendo uma reunião ali na outar sala, com os 2 patrão e um maluco q eu nunca vi, acho que é um possível cliente, não sei bem...
Antes um novo cliente do que o emprego de alguém rodar. 👀
kk é tipo isso, não sendo o meu ta bom kkk
Que isso, jovem! 👀
Good job. It looks like #hive-br is going to top 200. This is a nice achievement.
Threadcast para falar chega, ta doido kkkk se fizer mais 2 estoura o espaço ali em cima será? kkkk
Um palpite... vai bugar tudo de novo? =P
Não sei como ficaria a representação, mas segundo a INLeo, o limite atual é perto de 50 threadcasts simultâneos
Legal, então já pensaram nisso tmb, isso é bom. Se mantiver como está hoje, é só sucesso!
Sim, mas acho que nunca tivemos mais do que 6 ou 7 então não sabemos o limite real... espero que possamos testar em breve
If threadcast > 8
then bug
kkkkkk tipo isso
Não fala isso, pra não atrair. 👀
kkkk pensamento positivo haha
Oremos! 🙏
A nice turnout today.
Guys were asking what would happen if we had more than 8 threadcasts pinned to the top. WHat do you think?
I think it rolls over to a second line. We will have to test how many we can have in one day. LOL
3500 comentarios?
Vamos tentar quebrar nosso próprio recorde na sexta, quando comemoraremos nosso centésimo threadcast diário!
Fizeram 3500 comentarios?
SIm! É o atual recorde de toda a InLeo e foi feito em um dos nossos threadcasts brasileiros alguns meses atrás
Wowzies muitos parabens. Espero que aconteca muitas mais vezes
Parece que a pressão popular finalmente está tendo efeito no Brasil... circulam rumores que a chamada "PL do Estupro" está perdendo apoio político por conta das manifestações populares contrárias ao projeto
eu nem entrei muito nessa noticia, nao entendi bem o que mudou, so acho que estrupo e aborto deveriam ter a pena máxima em tudo o que for possível.
Não quer o filho? Deixa nascer e entrega para adoção, todos têm direito a vida
Basicamente o projeto equipara a homicídio qualquer tipo de aborto, até mesmo os que hoje são previstos por lei.
A grande controvérsia é que isso impacta até casos de estupro. POr exemplo, teve um caso real de uma menina de apenas 10 anos que foi estuprada e engravidou. Ela teve autorização da justiça para interromper a gravidez.
Se aprovado, este projeto de lei daria margem para que essa menina fosse vista como assassina por interromper uma gestação fruto de aborto. Esse é o ponto de controvérsia que despertou a manifestação popular
Entendo, isso é uma situação mega complicada. 10 anos de idade seria melhor fazer o aborto do que deixar nascer como havia falado, por que provavelmente a menina nem resiste a gravidez e nascimento do bebê.
Caramba, é uma situação muito tensa... não consigo nem imaginar o que fazer nisso tudo.
Era só tomar a pílula do dia seguinte...
Mas as vezes falta ate instrução para isso, estudo ou até dinheiro mesmo, os problemas do Brasil são inúmeros, é complicado demais todas as possibilidades negativas que temos.
Sim é verdade, tem esse lado.
É um asunto delicado mesmo, até pq ngm gostaria de ter algum familiar nessas condições.
Sinceramente o que não entendo é pq essas pessoas não tomam anticoncepcional depois que sofrem esses abusos?
Piílula do dia seguinte já ajudaria a prevenir qualquer coisa bem antes de algo acontecer no útero.
É muito mais complicado do que isso
Teve um caso que eu descrevi para o Shiftrox por exemplo que a vítima de estupro foi uma menina de 10 anos. Ela não tinha a menor ideia do que estava acontecendo e nem a família. O caso só foi descoberto porque a menina viu que estava saindo leite de suas mamas, se assustou e chamou a mãe.
Mas para além disso, uma outra coisa é que esse tipo de pensamento atribui toda a responsabilidade à vítima, o que é criticado pelos que se opõe ao projeto
Entendi, pois é... Bem complicado. É lógico que a vítima não tem culpa.
Só espero que encontrem uma forma de lidar isso da maneira mais viável possível.
Eu também espero....
Ideia sem pé nem cabeça.
Espero que volte para o fosso de onde nunca deveria ter saído. Já podemos falar das praias denovo?
Assim espero também
No dia em que a sociedade entender que nenhum governo é maior do que todo mundo junto, nós teremos um mundo melhor.
Pois é, mas é complicado, os esquerdistas são tudo maluco, tudo entranho na ideologia já... dificil fazer eles abrir os olhos para a verdade
Tem maluco pra tudo quanto é lado!
Sem dúvida! Todo poder ao povo
Fogo no parquinho! 🔥
Agora por exemplo, eu tenho uma filha, Deus me livre e espero que nunca aconteça dela ser estrupada, mas se acontecer, não sei se terei o sangue frio de esperar o menino nascer e deixar ele em doação ou se até mesmo aceita-lo na familia como sendo meu neto... é uma questão mindblast é foda demais pensar nisso tudo.
Muita coisa é fácil falar, mas quando acontece com a gente, é difícil agir como falamos, porque está ali, acontecendo agora com a gente... é foda esse país, a vida em si é muito conturbada de desafios insanos.
Pois é. É muito complicado. Por isso parte da população está se manifestando contra. Já tem casos reais em que aconteceu exatamente o que você descreveu.
Bom dia, galera!! ainda tô exausta do congresso. queria pelo menos um dia de folga hoje
Imagino que não deve ser fácil, mas vai ficar tudo bem. Tenta pegar o mais leve possível hoje e logo entra no ritmo mais tranquilo de novo.
Mete um atestado médico e pega mais dias de folga.
MEI não tem atestado :(
Triste fim.
What is the best place in Brazil to live?
Feel free to create some controversy and degrade other areas. It is good for engagement. LOL
I really like my city, Juiz de Fora, in Minas Gerais. It's a medium-sized city that has everything big cities have, but with the comfort of not being so crowded, with the unbearable traffic of megacities.
It's very close to the two main cities in Brazil, which are Rio de Janeiro (about a 2-hour drive) and São Paulo (about a 7-hour drive).
Two hours is very travelable.
Yep! I was in Rio this weekend. It's very close, even by bus, as was my case
Well that isnt a bad trip but far enough to not get the hassle of the big city.
Yeah. Medium sized cities are much better in my opinion. I am not a fan of the mega cities.
I enjoy mega cities only for short trips
I dont like crowds.
@coyotelation lives here too (Goiânia), I'm not alone anymore haha 😂
So you are thinking of moving now? I would.
He said I'm living in the same city as him. I don't think he needs to move just because I'm here.
Here in Goiânia it is a great place to live. Only from September to mid-November is it unbearably hot. But other than that it's good.
Anywhere near the beach.
That could apply to anywhere in the world. LOL
In this case, it's always good to have so many options. 😅
Without a doubt. That is what we promote on here.
Goiânia, which is the city where I live, is really cool, but I believe that the cities in the southern region are really cool to live in too.
My knowledge of Brazilian geography is as expanse as the language.
I live there in yellow, the central-west region, in goiás, the southern region, it tends to be colder and has a very interesting quality of life, the southern region is in red. #cent #freecompliments
Big country.
What is the population? Around 25 million?
From what I researched the count is this:
215.3 million (2022)
It depends... most of the highest-paying jobs are in the southeastern region, but the cost of living is also higher there.
But if job offering is removed from the equation, I would say that the northeastern region is definitely the best.
The beaches are awesome, the people are nice and it's relatively cheap
Make your money off crypto and then live in the north.
See simple plan.
Arent you glad I showed up to help you all straighten it out.
hahah yea that's definitely the plan
There are a lot of good cities in the countryside of the south and southeast. When it comes to safety and tranquillity, I think these are the best places to live.
Anywhere far from the beach
Not a fan of the sand and surf?
Not at all! Haha surfing only if it's to watch. But sand, I hate it. Beach too
LOL Well to each their own.
Retomei meus estudos sobre ciência de dados aplicada a negócios. Bem interessante e muito relacionado com inteligência artificial. Acho que vai ser útil no futuro
Aí sim, jovem. Conhecimento nunca é demais.
Interessante declaração, ainda mais vindo de André Esteves do BTG
Uma declaração que inclusive abraça outros assuntos além das finanças.
Medo e loucura andam juntas, tirando uns HBD do savings e entrando na compra de $HIVE, fica no chão agora pelo amor de Deus 😂
#hivebr made it to the top of the page again.
That is the first stage. Now time to get it to 100 comments.
O valor da $HIVE ta bem legal, tirando um HBD do savings para comprar mais hive, espero que fique nesse patamar ou que até que abaixe mais ainda hehe
Yeah what he said.
Time to buy more and more o/
Oh wait. He is a curse.
Buy it all! hahahahahha
To tipo isso kkk, vamos ver até onde vai kkk
Agora que já começou o processo, só resta torcer.
Vai dar bom, ja to com 52 hive, a conversão de 60 hbd ta dando 271, então no fim na teoria algo aproximao de 323 de hive para power up :D
This is a piece of cake for us.
What if you prefer pie?
Does it still work?
No problems. 🤯
Lembrando que essa semana começa a mesa redonda da HIve BR! Eu não sei se conseguirei participar desta porque quinta é um dia ruim pra mim, mas espero que muita gente consiga participar e que a troca de ideias seja valiosa
Opa! Que comece a nova era dos meetings.
Passamos dos 100 comentários!
Even I understood that comment.
It is now over 150 comentarios.
you are one smart cookie
Isn't that a given?
Even @bradleyarrow figured it out and he isn't too observant at times.
What? Sorry, distracted
An ant going across the floor is a distraction to you.
Isso numa segunda-feira é memorável.
Eu sou um grade fã de Led Zeppelin há pelo menos uns 15 anos e hoje descobri algo que eu não sabia: uma das faixas (You Shook Me) do primeiro disco da banda não foi gravada com a fiel Telecaster de Jimmy Page, mas sim com uma Flying V!
Page conta que alguém estava tentando vender a guitarra pra ele e, mesmo sem ter a mínima condição de pagar pelo instrumento, ele pediu ao dono pra testar a guitarra por um tempo e acabou utilizando ela pra gravar a faixa.
Vivendo e aprendendo!
It seems @melbourneswest is excited for #leoshorts.
Any idea what he might be posting about?
I am I can't wait and it is #BodyBuilding Season. the SHRED has commenced getting ready for this years comp in October
We look forward to many shorts of your training.
My biggest hope is that Threads can get the attention of non crypto related users, if Im not mistaken the team is working on a rc delegating system depending on user balance and activity, thats awesome
Yeah that is a major hurdle to overcome.
Videos will aid in the endeavor since how many make crypto related videos.
Wise man's advise
Exactly, go for organic luxury that has humane touch. EVen though it appears intangible it's more precious than the tangible ones.
This is advice for a every wise person to take.
These are words of life. Great one friend, @onealfa.
Mr. Eastwood is such a great example of human being.
Sounds like the luxury of life in the things that are free.
Thats the luxury that keeps your mind and body refreshed, it keep you happy all day long and in your old age you worry about nothing.
1/🧵"Doomscrolling" is real and it's affecting our mental health. Constant exposure to negative news, especially on social media, can lead to stress and anxiety. It's time to set boundaries for our media consumption. #threadstorm #inleo #stemsocial
2/🧵Simple actions can make a big difference. Turning off notifications, limiting social media time, and having tech-free moments can help us stay informed without being overwhelmed. Let's prioritize our mental well-being.
3/🧵Taking positive steps like engaging in environmental actions or writing down our worries can empower us. Remember, it's okay to take a break from the news. Our mental health is just as important as being up-to-date. Let's find balance.
One of my friends photograph I am sharing. I invited her to join Hive, hopefully she joins soon.
#freecompliments #photography
Good photographic skills
Thank you for the compliment.
You are welcome.
Damn @taskmaster4450le you are up early on a Monday. Not even 7am there is it?
Nope It is early. Havent gone for my walk yet. I see you are at work so lots of threading to be done.
Hopefully, if the wife has a good day in palliative care and I don't have to run to her.
Fingers crossed my friend.
Thanks my friend :)
I am not a total monster. I have my moments.
Now back to my serial killing class. I am into the advanced studies now.
hahahahahahaha Watch out Rice Krispies.
Pretty impressed and motivated for the passion for threading.
Glad you are jumping in. It is a fun thing to do. You can also set off microearning.
There are a lot of benefits.
It's quite fun to interact and engage, microearnings an equally plus point.
Engagement comes first. It is also what will motivate one to keep at it. It is what can help a base form in terms of activity.
We need to get a lot more variety on here.
Variety and more engaging will make threads a colorful space.
Good to see the early birds.
I got my worm ;)
Good for you.
Diverse Skills and many soft skills, the answer to the changing job landscape ?
#threadstorm #outreach
The job landscape has been very dynamic since a long time but there has been a change in the requirement of the jobs which has made a lot of older jobs non-existent but also made new job opportunities pop up.
In the modern lifestyle we need to gain many skills at once to be staying relevant in the job market along with a lot of soft skills at the same time that will enable people to be more attractive to be hired in comparison to the previous era
End of 🧵/4
Do Check out the following article for more on the same,
Do Drop Your Thoughts below
Thanks for stopping by
Hahaha liked this gif
There is a date for the #debate not that anyone could be persuaded
Anything Fast, Don't Last #Threeshorts
Look at you starting to jump the gun.
I like it.
I resumed my studies in data science for business people. Lots of interesting stuff there and intimately connected with AI. Hopefully it will prove usefull
Here is a #threadcast for matchday 4. Three mathces to play, the first one starts in one hour.
Tip the correct results of the 3 matches before the first one's kick off and get my full upvote
Yet again, thanks for the tip and good luck!
just got to work, starting the day 😅 will check on the next two games have to take care of a few things at work first
Sure :)
Is this league of interest to you?
So much for today, see you around on the morrow!
Until before this game this was the record
Total 5 matches
-Belgium has won 2 matches.
-Slovakia has won 1 match.
-They have drawn 2 matches.
🤷♂️ 🤷♂️
Quite an insteresting piece of stats. Were some od the matches friendly ones?
Excellent. A great idea to keep adding these.
Are there matches everyday of the week?
Thanks for the support! Yes, for the group stage, there are. That's like the next two weeks, then the play offs start.
A lot of football coming up.
Are there still tight races down the stretch to the playoffs?
Only the first few matches have been played yet, many teams haven't played any so far. Ask next Monday ;)
Come back next week.
Damn, that is the answer I get when asking for sex.
I didn't know Bradley Arrow was that tentative!
Who is favored in each of these matches?
According to the bookmakers, Ukraina is slightly favorized over Romania. Belgium and France are expected to win.
Thanks. At least one game will see an upset.
@caleb-marvel Are you a fan of any of these teams? Do you have football knowledge to pick a winner?
Am not really a football fan ooh, but I love the way they play... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You like the tight, short shorts they wear.
HAhaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Okey, here we go!
Romania vs. Ukraine - the match has just started.
Well, I guess I should had started with a more attractive match :))
2:0 for Romania, both tippers are out :/
oh well...
at least they are winning!
And were done. Quite a decisive victory of the Romanian squad.
all good, Im done with work and my morning post, well not morning anymore, second game started?
It's halftime now, Slovakia is one goal ahead, surprisingly.
really on Kylian, I'm a fan of players not teams, same goes on F1, drivers not teams
First half stats

jajajaaj mf Kylian probably pissed and now interrupting the game just because
Posted this to get some viewing.
Looking for free streams? Try this website:
I don't know how good is Romania or Ukraine but because of work I made many Romanian friends so I'm rooting for them
Ukraine seems to be slightly favoured by the bookies. I'd guess the teams are equal, knowing little to nothing about either of them :)
Oh, and by the way, @khaleelkazi might stop by this threadcast and give away some fatty upvotes to the good comments ;)
I hope this makes the treadcast more appealing ;)
Not fan, but it's #zeitgeist
Thanks for stopping by anyways :)
Not quite the expected way, but the French made it.
Do you have a VPN with a Czech IP address available? Then you can watch for free, with no advertisements or anything in HQ here:
All football fans need to join this.
I am sure there are a lot on here.
@coyotelation Are you interested in this one also?
You were a fan of the game yesterday, how about today's matches?
Who do you like?
I confess that I haven't seen today's games yet.
The Ukraine game has already happened, I believe many people supported them because of the war.
I'll do some research to find out and it's cool to see that the threadcast will continue during the euro.
I think that when the Copa América happens, I will do mine hahahaha...
Leo football fans could easily get a threadcast to 1000 comments if they all assembled during a match.
There is so much to talk about during the contests.
Okey, anybody tipping the results? There's still 50 minutes left to do so!
There's still 30 minutes left to submit your tips! My full upvote is like $0.4 even with the recent drop.
Fun! Have you done threadcasts every match day?
Maybe, if I have time and space to do so. That's the second day so far.
Romania vs. Ukraine 0 - 1
Belgium vs. Slovenia 2 - 0
Austria vs. France 1 - 2
Lol, almost like @tokenizedsociety, except that you trust Belgium a tad less. Good luck!
Oh, and you side Ukraine over Romania, I missed that.
Ukraine people need something to celebrate 🇺🇦🇺🇦
Last 3 minutes, then the first match starts!
Is anybody actually watching this match? I am not, I just listen to it and keep doing other things :P
Well, here's a pun from yesterday at least. Gouda actually beat kielbasa ;)
Romania has just scored the first goal of the match :) One of the two tips is already out.
Damn it. Im not a betting pro it seems 😅
You might get lucky tomorrow ;)
What an amazing shot, though!
Edging near 50.
I see the first game is underway and it is a tight one.
Who else is watching?
Hardly anybody who's not from the countries involved. These two squads aren't among those that are loaded with superstars.
That makes it tough to draw a crowd unfortunately.
Yep, perhaps France would attract more people.
I am not sure there are a lot of french on here. But I would presume that is a more popular squad.
They have some superstars, including Kylian Mbappé.
3:0. Romania is going to win this one.
How much time left?
About 12 minutes.
Last ten minutes to play, both teams seem to accept the resuld. Great entry match for the Romanians, they were the underdog in this one.
Next match starts in about an hour, stay tuned!
Feel free to share a working stream if you have any - I watch it on TV
It has just started. Who do you expect to win?
This seems to be just a matter of time. The Slovaks haven't really touched the ball yet.
Lol :)) So I was completely wrong :)) just a minute ago :)
Uh, that was close! The Slovaks are super lucky tonight.
Ouch, that must have hurt! Poor Háncko.
Now, that's a huge surprise!
oh F already half time, nice got ontime at least
Did you find a stream?
I use an app on my tablet, MAGIS, its on google playstore
Oh, Lukaku. What a deamon!
Wait! It was off-side - the Slovaks are still in lead!
🤦♂️ he was offside?
That's the VAR call.
damn that was so close and right there less than 3 meters
Well, I am actually on the Slovaks' side today, we used to be one country :)
Looks like the Slovaks stepped in a pretty big one today. Lucky odesílatel.
Lucky odesílatel?
Lucky ones.
Every time Belgium plays, I feel that these guys can do it, but if they don't want to win, they don't win. It's just in the head...
not a boring game at all, Bel has been trying hard and Slovakia staying firm
its not all luck, in sport there are days that the team just dont perform, besides Slovakia is playing very well
I feel they've been having the momentum for most of the match. Not really a matter of luck this time.
79' Belgium Slovakia 0 1 Favourutes still down Zero to one.
No offside this time. Yes, Lukaku is a deamon.
well that was clear enough I think....Golll 😅
Lol, handplay :))
Still 1:0 :))
or maybe not?
yeah looks like he touch it with his hand 🤷♂️
Bel feels so F rn 😅
Let's see how SVK handles the 7 extra minutes.
as I Said,Slovakia is full of luck today. Still
And it's over. The most surprising result so far. Not that surprising for those who saw the match, though. Quite deserved!
15 minutes to the last kick off today!
not every day but I'm on France side
And here we go!
here we go agaagain
FRA- AUS. MYy brt is a draw.
Kylian so close
I've said that once, and was bloody wrong. However, have the Austrians controlled the ball yet?
Now, that's just a matter of time. Three or four goals? Mbappé's hattrick perhaps?
damn nobody inside the area
Haha, your stream is yet again like 2 minutes delayed :)
both playing bit rough
Someone likes it physical :))
0:2 first half - just watch it :)
no way, no goal in the first half
Haha :))
so? What a lucky that one was.
Wow, what a chance!
Fra shoot a goal
own goal by austian ppayer. Weber.
own goal, quite a pity.
But how that was not a corner kick? From that reference miss France scored goal.
so FR score while I was walking back to work, was drinking coffee on my way so could not have the tablet on one hand
Austria is in control right now. But Lucky frogeaters still lead the way.
And that should had been the second one. KM ruined my tip :)
HEREfirst half is done.
second half begons
Was a great intention from AUT but FR defense was well placed
What a MF ...he didnt make it
You sound like if you betted on him scoring tonight :)
nah I haven't been following futbol lately so not betting atm 😅
there is no need to make fake faults.
Eh? To dive?
What a killed opportunity!
Ouch, that was ugly :/
emmbape is out
broke his nose?
QUue boludo!!! how he going to miss that, stop it, then kick
what a great game 🤝
👋
Good Afternoon.
Have a green day.
no I want blue day
Wish you blue sky and blue water.
#askonleo #finance #polls #quiz
Let me think about it 😏😉😏, please do you have an idea?
Anyone else feel this way?
I can hear this meme.
It seems like many can. LOL
Dont you love Mondays?
Usually, all the days are running together at the moment.
Try to do that when you dont have to go to work.
They all are the same.
I can just imagine. I hope to be like you one day, before I die.
You look like cereal to me.
I can help you with that.
Dis is da way. Your day every day.
100%. Drinking 2 coffees as we speak to counteract :-)
Is that the solution?
Dont you do that everyday?
Haha! Oh I drink lots of coffee, but today I drank 2 at once :-)
And no, if it were a solution I would feel like the king of the universe. Alas!!
True, but you are already active here.
Yes. But many are suffering from the Monday blues.
a little bit, I just have like 6 hours of sleep (or less
start getting your photos ready. The #photocastep4 it will come when you least expect.
Have you already participated in the #photocast threadcast?
I am not left nor right, kinda centralist if that's a thing. But anyone else smashing Tom MacDonald? He's latest track was pretty epic
A new week is here, lions. Let's make the most of it! ✌️
sourceGM frens, Habby Moonday! Frog Battle Card Game Coming soon!
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Lets buy buy buy o/ $HIVE
#cent #freecompliments #inleo
You're crazy! 😂
Lets go crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Waiting for video integration into InLeo.
Look, the newest pic of Task.
I am not that cute.
You said it! lol
I can accept my faults.
After all, I am the model of humility.
That you are!!!!!!
yea, patiently waiting
Or impatiently.
Flowers here, and there, and everywhere. My wife loves them.
#galaxy #photography
by the way, your house looks like it is in a beautiful place :D
She has great taste in choosing flowers. Plus, such a nice place.
She has a good choice. The home looks beautiful.
Since technical analysis appears inapplicable to $HIVE, this "death cross" could be a "golden cross." 😍

Not knowledgable about these terms... What are "death cross"s and "golden corss"s?
A death cross is a bearish indicator when a shorter moving averages crosses below a longer moving average. Golden cross is the opposite.
Best time to buy $HIVE
Below 1 USD is always a buy for me. Of course, the lower it gets, the more attractive it is to the eyes of long-term holders.
That's true, now that it's dropped even further, for me it's even better to take advantage of this moment to buy and increase my HP! I'm happy with that
Something a chart will never show you is general feel of the community and investors. Right now Hive is on the VERY low end of that.
Summertime is blesing. I'm siting outdoors, and once I raise my head, I see this
#photography #galaxy
You have a piece of paradise in your private space.
Enjoy it, as much as you can!
Just the kinda view i wnt to be looking at right now, this is astonishing beautiful
I call this the beauty of nature 😻❤️😻.
Looking at the trees, the cloud and all in general, it's so beautiful....
Neat and clean shot.
Blue sky with white clouds...What a beauty!
Be careful not to fly away, it will be hard to land :)
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that looks like a beautiful day there :D enjoy it :D
A lovely clear blue sky, so beautiful. Great to witness and sharing
A new start of the week for everyone: GM guys, I have prepared the content I want to publish this week, what about you?
Weeding #homesteading #pdc #uefa #farming #life #pimp #ecotrain #food #diy #gmfrens #dailyblog
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Can I set a personal threading best this week?
Perhaps videos integration will come and that will aid in my endeavor.
What do you think?
If it will be live this week I could see you comment a lot more stuff, but we'll see how it goes. :D
I have a feeling a lot will get involved.
But do you think many ppl from other platforms will jump to inleo because of the #leoshorts? 😎
Cant wait for the vid integration! I'll definitely be using it for quick tutorials and sharing workflows. That feature should really up the MAUs...we'll see
I would think so. Have to see what happens when it rolls out. I have a feeling the basic feature will go live but the UI work needed to make it legit will not be done at that time.
I think I set a personal record last week, was 4th over all and Im medal to the metal on views this month 😈
That is awesome. You were active. It is great to see.
Now if we could clone you 10 times.
Participate & win!
Well, I meant in the threadcast I linked to, but good luck anyways ;)
My bad! It opened on a different tab and I thought I had switched to it but had not
Its there now
The Carcasses of Pigs Infected with African Swine Fever Found on River Bank in Chernivtsi, Ukraine:
#Newsonleo #Disease #Ukraine #Freecompliments
1/✍️ According to media reports citing the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, carcasses of pigs infected with African swine fever were discovered on the riverbank in Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
2/✍️ A quarantine has been declared in the area.
AAAHHHH All I wanna do is buy more $LEO and I can't figure it out!!!
Last 10 minutes to submit your tips (and, perhaps, win!).
Good morning INLEO.
#thoughtoftheday #quotes
Have a nice and productive Monday.
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
To all #football fans @godfish just posted a threadcast for today's matches.
Be sure to join in and drop all your comments, thoughts, and anger/excitement in the threadcast.
The profile pic will be on the threadcast bar at the top of the page shortly.
@mightpossibly is looking forward to videos.
Will his excitement be rewarded today? Will @khaleelkazi make him happy or will he be disappointed?
These are the questions that are affecting humanity right now.
Can't wait to not be limited to low quality GIFs
LOL yes well you are going to really start to blast it once it goes live.
hopefully 👌
The momentum is building, fingers crossed 🤞