I hope I get to see rainbow clouds like my mom did some years ago in the winter, the whole sky was full of it. Orange and pink is common here in the summer :)
I am delegating 12,000 HIVE Power to get that 16% APR in $LEO and the rest comes from simply having HIVE Power as 15% of the inflation is given to those who stake $HIVE.
100 percent. And you can build a centralized business on top of decentralized infrastructure. We need more businesses to bring in capital to overcome the DHF milking for so called infrastructure projects. Portal Brawlers is going to change the chain
yeah. its awful.
the worst thing is every says well whales are the only ones who can impact it.
but when the steem/hive split was happening the community had enough combined power to make it a stand still.
the community has enough power to change up the DHF and the witnesses but they will not do it.
This discussion is ongoing in the #foodtalk threadcast. You eat food and you would love to join this threadcast 🍝. Click the foodie GIF to get in the threadcast. See you there.
Imagine your deathbed. Will you wish you'd spent more time scrolling, or will you regret the conversations not had, the dreams not pursued, the life not fully lived? Your time is finite. Each moment spent on fleeting distractions is a moment stolen from your one precious life. Choose wisely.
Not much added to the database by me personally today, but according to the AMA summary, we apparently set a new record this month.
Notably, the total number of threads, posts, and comments made on InLeo has been on a significant upward trend, with June seeing over 90,000 threads created, a new record!
I think this is due to the fact that we have the arrival of several Threadcasts and I believe that if we maintain this daily average, we will have a considerably higher number.
I think if we just pass it, that will be a disappointment. We can do near 10% of that ourselves with 300 per day on average each. That is a 2100 per week pace.
Ah, I'll manage my expectations then. Surely it lays the foundation at least for future incremental updates at least? It wasn't built in a day and all that.
#binance continues to be the exchange with the largest HOLDER of $BTC, and this considering that it has been involved in several controversies. #arkham #cent
I planned to finish writing my research paper tonight but it will not be possible today as the electricity issue forced me to change the plan. Hope tomorrow it will be done and I will show it to my supervisor to check if any corrections are needed.
LOL that is how I usually find out. I go to hit "thread" and I see the red number next to it.
Should have some type of warning. I have a feeling many are going to be caught with their pants down on the yearly. Will expire and wont have the 100 HBD.
Hablemos sobre el ser humano en su dimensión social.
Algunos filósofos definen al ser humano como "animal social", esto es, que es esencial para su desarrollo personal, su interacción con los demás. - No obstante, hay otros que lo consideran algo accidental, más bien impuesto por la realidad que nos rodea, ya que en realidad el ser humano es un ser egoísta. Empezamos la socialización de este tema. Qué piensan?
Pues yo creo que lo segundo es bastante cierto. La parte social no es por ser sociales, es por los beneficios que puedes obtener de los demás. Una persona capaz de proveer por si misma todo lo que necesita, se hace menos sociable
Exacto y por eso es un área que en estos tiempos necesita de especial atención, pues, hoy tenemos grandes progresos tecnológicos que nos llevan a no necesitar de los demás, lo cual no está mal, el punto es que no dejemos de lado esta parte de nuestro ser.
Sí, pero termina volviéndose una tarea que tienes que hacer a propósito, porque no necesitas a nadie, no pasa de forma natural, tienes que quererles básicamente porque sí, y eso hace más difícil mantener el contacto
si, es un reto. Pero lo hace interesante, en el sentido de que es como buscar otras formas de socialización, guardando la naturalidad, ya que de lo artificial al final nada bueno queda.
Esto es cierto, pues la experiencia nos ha enseñado que en la interacción y compartir con los demás, también aprendemos a conocernos a nosotros mismos.
Ahora bien, lo que más llama mi atención es que este movimiento lo empezó un filósofo ateo y materialista: L. Feuerbach, quien habla de que el único camino de realización del "yo"es el "tú".
<< El hombre no es un yo aislado, sino un yo en comunidad con el otro >>, dice.
Estos tres últimos aportes son de una corriente de pensamiento que busca rescatar la dignidad y el sentido de la persona. Esta corriente es el personalismo.
Parte de la felicidad que nos construimos tiene que ver con el tipo de relaciones que tenemos con las personas. De tal forma que es razón para sentirnos mal los roces que tenemos con los demás, de manera especial cuando se trata de seres queridos.
Por qué? Pues, porque tiene que ver con la satisfacción de una necesidad que tenemos de relacionarnos, pero también - y esto es fundamental - porque es una escuela de aprendizaje continuo
Creo que todo se basa en que el ser humano es simplemente inteligente, y sabe por esto mismo que necesita de otros para conseguir sus objetivos, es decir, que no somos islas.
Creo que lo importante es encontrar ese punto de equilibrio que justamente necesitamos para lograr nuestros objetivos en sociedad, sin vernos egoístas para lograrlo.
Pero, hay una pregunta que siempre me he hecho... Es como el huevo y la gallina. La sociedad permitió el lenguaje, o fue el lenguaje que permitió la sociedad #humanitas
Creo que las dos cosas son ciertas, paralelo al desarrollo del lenguaje, las diversas sociedades fueron emergiendo y retroalimentando al mismo.
Todos los fenómenos de interrelación humana tienen su base en esta capacidad socializadora del ser humano. El enamoramiento, las relaciones familiares, las diversas labores que realizamos en la sociedad, etc.
Aquí la otra cara de la moneda de lo que hemos estado conversando. Los avances de los tiempos están muy bien, ahora el punto es que en medio de ellos no perdamos nuestra humanidad.
Creo que tienes razón con lo de ser menos sociables cuando somos capaces de proveer por si mismos, pero llega un punto en el que la comunicación es necesaria, si no comenzamos hablar con nosotros mismos 😂
No es fácil, pero tampoco imposible. Es estar dispuestos a entender que vivimos en una sociedad que nos necesita para su construcción y que nosotros necesitamos esa sociedad para nuestra autoconstrucción
Hay que luchar contra toda codependencia, no ser nocivamente dependientes de los otros, ahora tampoco abogamos por una total independencia, creo que la vía es la interdependencia.
Yo y Tú, y, según recuerdo, en el libro de Tzvetan Todorov, La vida en común, particularmente en el capítulo "Ser, vivir, existir". Saludos.Hola, @jesusalejos. Antonio Machado no desarrolló, hasta donde sé, esa visión. Está en uno de sus "Proverbios y cantares", que dice literalmente: "No es el yo fundamental / eso que busca el poeta, / sino el tú esencial". Podemos encontrar más dichos como esos en su poesía, o algunas cosas sueltas en las "clases" o reflexiones de sus heterónimos Juan de Mairena o Abel Martín. Algo más quizás podemos encontrar tratado por Martin Buber en su pequeño libro
Esto puede servir de conclusión. El estar insertos en una sociedad nos lleva a beneficiarnos de ella, al mismo tiempo nosostros le beneficiamos en ciertos aspectos.
Many talented and skilled people are on the street hustling for what to eat, making out time to check on some shops like fashion and designers shop, artisan shops, and all skilled people on the street, street hive marketing is an effective marketing tip.
Communities that promotes skill and talents will be the best community for onboarding because people with skill will be happy to show what they can offer.
Many talented and skilled people are on the street hustling for what to eat, making out time to check on some shops like fashion and designers shop, artisan shops, and all skilled people on the street, street hive marketing is an effective marketing tip.
1/🧬 A new month comes with lots of expectations. The second phase of the year has been unveiled. A good goal setting will determine actualization of so many things. Let your target be clearly stated to avoid distraction and maintain focus. Any one without a clear plan i like a blind man that moves on the street.
#outreach #julyinleo #threadstorm
2/🧬 I was able to achieve most of my goals last however I believe this month will be greater and better. I intend to increase my hive power and also do some humanitarian services.
We are all people and you don't need to be a genius, a visionary or a graduate to succeed in whatever you set out to do. All you need is to have a great vision, perspective and a dream.
Nothing is perfect in this world and trying to find perfection is impossible. So nothing and nobody can be perfect and in case of day there is no perfect day.
But we think our ideal day is a perfect day for us. As long as we can finish our day with satisfaction we can consider it an ideal day or perfect day for us. And with little effort making ideal day is possible.
Life carries and comes with a lot of responsibilities, from daily chores to long-term commitments. While striving to make sure we manage them efficiently, sometimes the weight becomes very overwhelming.
#threadstorm #outreach
I took over Holybread when the team rug pulled and refused to move to Hive.
We ran it for a quite a bit but had a ton of "tech debt"
So we rebuilt it as Thunkgaria and ran that for a year but once again browser games like that have limitations.
At that time we moved over to Unity (a real game engine).
and started creating our new suite of games.
Which includes "I cast Fist" & our new "Darkclaoks Derby Duel"
and our big web2 release "Portal Brawlers"
Portal Brawlers will come to our NFT System in time.
So to answer your question. Dcity and Holybread tried to be play2earn but we shut it down and moved to more of a play2own model.
People just hold SIM tokens for the daily drip payments.
@taskmaster4450 tagging you in case you are curious on the topic.
Sky looks amazing tonight <3
#outside #sky #photography
wow.. seems like its golden hour .!!
I took it around 3am :)
3AM ? What sorcery is this ? 😂
It's called Swedish summer lol
Thats so cool >!
Wow... what a color! Let's share this on the #photocast :)
Indeed :) no edit on it either that is how you see it with the eyes also!
I love it! Never seen anything like that here. It's amazing!
it's absolutely perfect
That's definitely a great picture, well done!
was just awake and outside at the right moment :)
Wow.. looking great. Not bluish this time
hehe yeah always blue can get boring :P
That's beautiful
it really is :)
wow looks like magic fire in the sky, I'm absolutely loving it
I hope I get to see rainbow clouds like my mom did some years ago in the winter, the whole sky was full of it. Orange and pink is common here in the summer :)
It looks great and it is incredible the quality of colors that is noticed, being a great gift.
we get it often this type of sky not really this full on dark-ish orange but we do get pink and orange often :)
Usualmente uno se quita años, pero ya varias veces he dicho que este año cumplo un año más de los que realmente voy a cumplir jajajaj
¿Ustedes se ponen o se quitan años?
No hago nada de lo anterior, pero es bastante divertido 🤣🤣🤣🤣 quitarse años.
Antes yo decia los años exactos y la gente se sorprendia, ahora me veo de mi edad y me pongo demás para seguir sorprendiendo 🤣
Ajajajajajaj esa está interesante xD de que se gana se gana
When will it be a #threadition? #inleo #freecompliments #meme
~11.69 $LEO #dailystake #today
steak mooooar...

#stake #meme
daily steak 🥩 where? where? 😉
#threadcast menu is almost #overloaded
Would You Like To Earn 16% + 3.218% APR?
I am delegating 12,000 HIVE Power to get that 16% APR in $LEO and the rest comes from simply having HIVE Power as 15% of the inflation is given to those who stake $HIVE.
will people ever realize that telling people about Hive will never get them to actually use it?
if I told you about Amazon Web Services, would you automatically go use it? you already are but my point is... You don't know that.
Hive is infrastructure, not a product to market. Inleo is a product to market. 3speak is a product to market.
we need to advertise the apps, not the infrastructure. No one gives a shit what service is hosting facebook. they just wanna use facebook.
This 👍
hehe I just said pretty much that in my post today for Inleo ....
Except I said it was the dApps that should be leading the marketing....
yep agreed
100 percent. And you can build a centralized business on top of decentralized infrastructure. We need more businesses to bring in capital to overcome the DHF milking for so called infrastructure projects. Portal Brawlers is going to change the chain
oh man the DHF is a mess...
totally, 600 HBD daily for Hive Keychain ???
It is open source anyone can build and install the wallet themselves.
As a community we can become a bigger influence and change things but we need to support each other.
mind-boggling. just scrolled through proposals...
yeah. its awful.
the worst thing is every says well whales are the only ones who can impact it.
but when the steem/hive split was happening the community had enough combined power to make it a stand still.
the community has enough power to change up the DHF and the witnesses but they will not do it.
the community has the power, but not enough of them care to make changes.
tonight we are on a a nightshoot. This is our moonlight.
#filmmaking #photography
If I didn't know better, I'd say you were hunting for UFOs. Great evening shot.
I would be thrilled to go UFO hunting 🛸
Sounds fun. Enjoy😉
I powered up 500 hive for #HPUD, and 1000 Leo just for good measure…
That's the way to go ;)
Feature idea. Notifications for each thread a user makes. Just like on twitter, #feedback
to all my American friends, any plans for the Fourth of July?
Can you see this? Having bananas for the whole day in varieties.
Join the #foodtalk threadcast, share yours and learn from others.
This discussion is ongoing in the #foodtalk threadcast. You eat food and you would love to join this threadcast 🍝. Click the foodie GIF to get in the threadcast. See you there.
Anyone who wants to drop in, feel free! Today's TravelCast still going on...
Imagine your deathbed. Will you wish you'd spent more time scrolling, or will you regret the conversations not had, the dreams not pursued, the life not fully lived? Your time is finite. Each moment spent on fleeting distractions is a moment stolen from your one precious life. Choose wisely.
I think a lot of people jumping into “homesteading,” don’t understand this:

Animals are a commitment, especially dairy animals.
This could be tough if you like to travel.
People are diving into this way of life, becoming overwhelmed, and giving up.
Start where you’re at! #homesteading #homestead #homesteadlife
You are correct my friend, that why they make mess of everything because they lack understanding.
Not much added to the database by me personally today, but according to the AMA summary, we apparently set a new record this month.
That's a huge number. Let's see what July will bring.
90k in just June? Beyond impressive.
Only 3K per day. Need to get that to 7K per day.
Task says we need more than double. Then we need to double that again xD
haha he's beast when it comes to number.
Don't worry my friend, I'm sure you weren't as active today, but during June you contributed a lot to these numbers.
We were all important to this record.
I think this is due to the fact that we have the arrival of several Threadcasts and I believe that if we maintain this daily average, we will have a considerably higher number.
Do you agree @taskmaster4450le?
It helps.
But it is only 3K per day. We need to get 7K per day. That would be over 200K threads per day.
That is why I want the #technology threadcast to do over 2K per day on its own.
We will focus on 5k and then 7k per day. It will be great to see in the future that we have reached 10k daily.
We have to keep bumping it up. Set high goals and then go after them hard.
There were 90K threads in the month of June. We need to look at making that 150K in the month of July.
Threadcasts undoubtedly helped contribute to the 90k.
I'm sure that this July we will have a number well above 100k.
Yes I would think we will be well above 100K. I am hoping we are near 150K (5K per day).
Wow! 2k a day? It's an extremely bold number.
We are driven by challenges so I will be here to help reach these numbers.
Yeah I think we can get there. It is possible based upon what I saw elsewhere.
Yeah... let's keep working. Currently, from what I see in the last few days, we are achieving an average of 10% of this objective.
We have to keep pushing people to add more. It seems like an endless quest but it will multiply if we do it properly.
I know that this daily average is almost 10% of what we do today, but it is undeniable that we need more people involved in this.
Without a doubt. Just you and I cannot do it especially with helping other threadcasts out.
True, fortunately we have other threadcasts and other people may also be interested in helping us.
We are quite optimistic that in July we will far surpass the 90k we achieved last month.
I think if we just pass it, that will be a disappointment. We can do near 10% of that ourselves with 300 per day on average each. That is a 2100 per week pace.
A big number but not impossible.
Not the end of the world. Been adding it on your behalf.
We did get some news on #leoai. I will be writing an article later about it.
I have no doubt. Looking forward to reading that.
Yeah. It isnt what we were hoping for but it is something that is required for any platform.
Ah, I'll manage my expectations then. Surely it lays the foundation at least for future incremental updates at least? It wasn't built in a day and all that.
It is tied to recommend.
A bit of insight for you.
Yeah I read the summery too... anything off from the AMA? I haven't listened to it yet
#binance continues to be the exchange with the largest HOLDER of $BTC, and this considering that it has been involved in several controversies.
#arkham #cent
If that is not a show of strength, then what is it?
I planned to finish writing my research paper tonight but it will not be possible today as the electricity issue forced me to change the plan. Hope tomorrow it will be done and I will show it to my supervisor to check if any corrections are needed.
#plan #delay #electricity #cent
Why this one sounds familiar?
What kind of similarity😅?
Yeah, life is funny.
One eats too long, the other longs to eat.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg
@intishar, I sent you anlolztoken.com
A lite house.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@intishar, I sent you an
Ireated test account via Google Sign Up and shared a thread
No other SocialFi platform can reward better in such chaotic time in crypto!
#inleo #cent
At least there, you have a promise of big return and the silence is deafening. The only noise I hear is the sound of a token mooning.
It's a little cheesy.
Credit: boboman
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg
@idiosyncratic1, I sent you anAI predicted there will be slight recovery of bitcoin in the month of July
I think AI is right.
But at least it puts food on the table.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@hive-world, I sent you an
Powell's remark cause bitcoin to fall on the July 2nd.
#newsinleo #crypto #cent
And to rise again after few days.
late fees are crazy. bank overdraft fees are even crazier.
usually the person paying late is having trouble paying it, so you charge them more. great logic.
not to mention the administrative fee they charge you for the work they need to do to charge you for the late fee
riiiight can't forget about that. then there's the convenience fee for not paying with a paper check like people actually have those
Just bought a Yearly InLeo Premium waiting for my Checkmark to come back.
found out a lot of my threads are too long without it.
It's there, I can see it! Congratulations on the renewal!
LOL. You dont notice things until it is gone.
The checkmark is there now.
yeah. That is why I did a year.
I never notice when it is gone until it tells me I have negative characters on my thread.
LOL that is how I usually find out. I go to hit "thread" and I see the red number next to it.
Should have some type of warning. I have a feeling many are going to be caught with their pants down on the yearly. Will expire and wont have the 100 HBD.
It sure is a hard life without premium
Good night! Molly is already sleepy :)
Good night to you sir, please sleep well and try to stay out of trouble in the dream world. Don't forget to carry you mobile devise along side.
I have produced my first block on VSC.
Congrats. Great job my friend.
Good to see more involved.
Thank you :)
looks like you produced your second one as well. It's a good feeling
Indeed, I knew that. Forgot the S on block. lol
Ohhh humanitas está en top, nice.
Pues yo creo que lo segundo es bastante cierto. La parte social no es por ser sociales, es por los beneficios que puedes obtener de los demás. Una persona capaz de proveer por si misma todo lo que necesita, se hace menos sociable
Exacto y por eso es un área que en estos tiempos necesita de especial atención, pues, hoy tenemos grandes progresos tecnológicos que nos llevan a no necesitar de los demás, lo cual no está mal, el punto es que no dejemos de lado esta parte de nuestro ser.
Sí, pero termina volviéndose una tarea que tienes que hacer a propósito, porque no necesitas a nadie, no pasa de forma natural, tienes que quererles básicamente porque sí, y eso hace más difícil mantener el contacto
si, es un reto. Pero lo hace interesante, en el sentido de que es como buscar otras formas de socialización, guardando la naturalidad, ya que de lo artificial al final nada bueno queda.
Esto es cierto, pues la experiencia nos ha enseñado que en la interacción y compartir con los demás, también aprendemos a conocernos a nosotros mismos.
"La comunidad se funda en la relación yo-tú" (Martin Buber)
Ahora bien, lo que más llama mi atención es que este movimiento lo empezó un filósofo ateo y materialista: L. Feuerbach, quien habla de que el único camino de realización del "yo"es el "tú".
<< El hombre no es un yo aislado, sino un yo en comunidad con el otro >>, dice.
Estos tres últimos aportes son de una corriente de pensamiento que busca rescatar la dignidad y el sentido de la persona. Esta corriente es el personalismo.
"La persona es un ser en comunión" (R. Guardini)
"El hombre no se define por sí mismo, sino en relación con el Otro" (E. Mounier)
""La vida humana, en su esencia, es una vida entre otros hombres" (Hannah Arendt)
"No nacimos para nosotros mismos, sino para los demás" (Séneca)
Compartiré algunos pensamientos al respecto:
Parte de la felicidad que nos construimos tiene que ver con el tipo de relaciones que tenemos con las personas. De tal forma que es razón para sentirnos mal los roces que tenemos con los demás, de manera especial cuando se trata de seres queridos.
A veces, estamos así:
Es parte de la vida, no está mal, al final un sano equilibrio es el mejo camino a seguir.
Aqui pueden acceder a mi último post referente a este tema. Allí hablo de por qué pienso que cada uno es un libro de aprendizaje continuo.
Desde mi experiencia, la dimensión social del ser humano es esencial para nuestro crecimiento.
Por qué? Pues, porque tiene que ver con la satisfacción de una necesidad que tenemos de relacionarnos, pero también - y esto es fundamental - porque es una escuela de aprendizaje continuo
@robert.querales acaba de publicar un post que podemos relacionar con esta temática. Es sobre la migración.
Creo que todo se basa en que el ser humano es simplemente inteligente, y sabe por esto mismo que necesita de otros para conseguir sus objetivos, es decir, que no somos islas.
Por lo cual, muchas veces, en medio de esas necesidades (amor, monetaria, salud, etc.) puede verse egoísta.
Creo que lo importante es encontrar ese punto de equilibrio que justamente necesitamos para lograr nuestros objetivos en sociedad, sin vernos egoístas para lograrlo.
We specially welcome you to the threadcast family, we hope to see you more on the threadcast...
Just received curation from the party account.

thanks a lot! Yes, from #humanitas community we want promote this feature of #inleo.
Its a pleasure to have you around, we will always try to give the maximum support 🥂🥂🥂.. Humanity need more care and love.
Yes, absolutely! And from here we will create the web 3 space for that. Thank you very much!
You are most welcome 🤗🤗!!
Podemos decir que cada uno es un regalo para el otro.
La dimensión social del ser humano es no menos que interesante, creo que sin ese factor social lo humano tal como lo conocemos sería algo impensable.
Totalmente, es un ingrediente indispensable para nuestra evolución como especie.
Pero, hay una pregunta que siempre me he hecho... Es como el huevo y la gallina. La sociedad permitió el lenguaje, o fue el lenguaje que permitió la sociedad #humanitas
Creo que las dos cosas son ciertas, paralelo al desarrollo del lenguaje, las diversas sociedades fueron emergiendo y retroalimentando al mismo.
Todos los fenómenos de interrelación humana tienen su base en esta capacidad socializadora del ser humano. El enamoramiento, las relaciones familiares, las diversas labores que realizamos en la sociedad, etc.
Excellent. Glad to see you joining the threadcast party.
Keep posting this on a daily basis around whatever the topic is.
Yes, we want to promote the topic about the #humanitas, They are too much.
Very good. Keep it going. Congrats on having your first threadcast at the top page.
Aquí la otra cara de la moneda de lo que hemos estado conversando. Los avances de los tiempos están muy bien, ahora el punto es que en medio de ellos no perdamos nuestra humanidad.
Creo que tienes razón con lo de ser menos sociables cuando somos capaces de proveer por si mismos, pero llega un punto en el que la comunicación es necesaria, si no comenzamos hablar con nosotros mismos 😂
jajajaja así es, aunque también está el tema de la personalidad, que hace que seamos más propensos a una cosa o a otra.
Asi es @enmagabriela, el punto está en que consigamos el equilibrio entre nuestra individualidad y los demás.
No es fácil, pero tampoco imposible. Es estar dispuestos a entender que vivimos en una sociedad que nos necesita para su construcción y que nosotros necesitamos esa sociedad para nuestra autoconstrucción
Hay que luchar contra toda codependencia, no ser nocivamente dependientes de los otros, ahora tampoco abogamos por una total independencia, creo que la vía es la interdependencia.
Es muy buen tema para conversar. Es el "tú esencial", del que hablaba el poeta Antonio Machado.
@josemalavem eso suena interesante. En qué consiste ese tú esencial?
Yo y Tú, y, según recuerdo, en el libro de Tzvetan Todorov, La vida en común, particularmente en el capítulo "Ser, vivir, existir". Saludos.Hola, @jesusalejos. Antonio Machado no desarrolló, hasta donde sé, esa visión. Está en uno de sus "Proverbios y cantares", que dice literalmente: "No es el yo fundamental / eso que busca el poeta, / sino el tú esencial". Podemos encontrar más dichos como esos en su poesía, o algunas cosas sueltas en las "clases" o reflexiones de sus heterónimos Juan de Mairena o Abel Martín. Algo más quizás podemos encontrar tratado por Martin Buber en su pequeño libro
Esto puede servir de conclusión. El estar insertos en una sociedad nos lleva a beneficiarnos de ella, al mismo tiempo nosostros le beneficiamos en ciertos aspectos.
Este cuento de un famoso escrito contemporáneo también nos ilustra el sentido de esta temática.
A good turnout for the first day of it.
Can you guess the celebrity here? (The young boy)

Donald Sutherland and his son Kiefer
Spot on 👏🏼
I would say Keifer
I always have something to share, but I'm still stupid to get the curator's attention, do you have any ideas @taskmaster4450le ☺️🙏
Calm down, take a deep breath and post moooaar!
an image like this went viral on tiktok with the slogan XRP $589 😁
Just keep sharing and enjoy while doing it. Curators may notice you eventually.
Great shot by the way. You may want to use photographers or photography hashtag (i.e. #photographers #photography) when sharing photos on threas😉
thank you very much, I will do it on the next photo, you are the best
You're welcome :) Happy new day 😉
Have a nice day honey ☺️
Post photos like this in the photocast. That is where @onealfa hangs out. He is a big time photography fa.
But get more active. Pump out a lot of content and find the threadcast that you can help make more active.
thank you very much, this is very valuable for me, is photocast a community?
it's a daily threadcast AND a community. Go here for more info
Thanks very much
Here is the one for today.
@sergiomendes posts one everyday. Drop all your photos in there and engage with other members.
Thanks very much,, have a nice day ☺️
You too.
The coast of Tenerife, Canary Islands. Incredible
#photography #photographers #landscape #travelonleo
what a view
Happy afternoon everyone #freecompliments #liotes #cent
Happy afternoon, have you had your coffee?
Good morning!
At 5 am, this lil guy🐶 is still in dreamland😄
#threadstorm #outreach #onboarding #hivemarketing
People need to hear about hive, how can they hear if no one tells them?
Many talented and skilled people are on the street hustling for what to eat, making out time to check on some shops like fashion and designers shop, artisan shops, and all skilled people on the street, street hive marketing is an effective marketing tip.
Communities that promotes skill and talents will be the best community for onboarding because people with skill will be happy to show what they can offer.
Many talented and skilled people are on the street hustling for what to eat, making out time to check on some shops like fashion and designers shop, artisan shops, and all skilled people on the street, street hive marketing is an effective marketing tip.
Full content
Today I sat on a bus and the driver was really kind, shout out to the unknown bus driver!
Kindness from unknown people is a real pleasure😊
The #freecompliments tag is currently in 2nd place, so let's push it up to 1st with some love towards our fellow Lions!
Who is leading out of curiousity?
#newsonleo is leading today
I meant overall in the contest.
Ah for InLeo's Contest - FreeCompliments is leading! That's the result of a year and half of consistent building. 💪
Very good. Glad to see it. Keep threading away.
Thanks, man - that's the plan!
1/🧬 A new month comes with lots of expectations. The second phase of the year has been unveiled. A good goal setting will determine actualization of so many things. Let your target be clearly stated to avoid distraction and maintain focus. Any one without a clear plan i like a blind man that moves on the street.
#outreach #julyinleo #threadstorm
2/🧬 I was able to achieve most of my goals last however I believe this month will be greater and better. I intend to increase my hive power and also do some humanitarian services.

3/🧬 In case you want to read more about what I shared kindly check on the link below;
Ronaldo In tears after missing penalty against Slovenia.
Ronaldo Hates losing so much
#sports #threadcast
We have a sports threadcast that you might want to add this to. Cross post it into this threadcast and add to it.
ok! thank you
You are welcome. Threadcasts are a great way to increase engagement and interaction. If interested in a topic, drop in and add to the discussion.
2000 leo power coming up. #leo
Keep growing it and building.
yes yes, am powering up as much as I can.
We are all people and you don't need to be a genius, a visionary or a graduate to succeed in whatever you set out to do. All you need is to have a great vision, perspective and a dream.
Some 'common sense' already gets you somewhere as well
That's right, my friend, I think that's the most important thing.
Welcome to Bradleys funky town.
And you do not disappoint me. I had a feeling you would get the reference.
Well it was before my time but I did catch it.
The 1970s were that far out of my level of comprehension.
I don't remember much of the 70's
Me either. And I was too young for drugs and drinking.
The 1990s, dont remember much of them either, but booze has something to do with that.
90's for me will military service.
Legendary Blue Frog Cards
#pepe #cent #freecompliments #game #art
#outreach #threadstorm
Nothing is perfect in this world and trying to find perfection is impossible. So nothing and nobody can be perfect and in case of day there is no perfect day.

But we think our ideal day is a perfect day for us. As long as we can finish our day with satisfaction we can consider it an ideal day or perfect day for us. And with little effort making ideal day is possible.
I have written a post about it and I hope you will love to read it. I am inviting you to read the post.
#meme this one is for you @taskmaster4450le
Holy crap. The Kodak viewer. I had forgotten about them. Going to have to get that into the technology blog.
i know that you cant see it and walk away. you should br thanking @bradleyarrow for send it on threads.
It is a flash from the past.
I got one here somewhere in the house. Lol
LOL that is sad. You a pack rat?
No, belonged to one of the kids, the wife held on to it.
El próximo campeón de la #Eurocopa.
¿De qué llave saldrá el próximo campeón de la Euro?

#spanish #sports #polls #fulldeportes
Me sorprenderia mucho que no sea de la segunda llave
Life carries and comes with a lot of responsibilities, from daily chores to long-term commitments. While striving to make sure we manage them efficiently, sometimes the weight becomes very overwhelming.
#threadstorm #outreach
If I could eliminate one burden, For me, it would be the never ending task of household chores, especially cleaning and washing up stuffs.
If we could maybe try to eliminate one burden , we might end up finding a better balance and of course have peace and joy in our lives.
https://inleo.io/@etteuwad/the-burden-of-responsibilities-if-i-could-let-go-of-one-8st #gosh
I seriously can't get enough of this blockchain based ARPG game Lost Relics. It has been in active development since 2019 and still is.

They have always put gameplay first. "Play to own" rather than "play to earn".
Do people still play Dcity and Holybread?
@simplegame can answer the second for you.
I can. I sent him a reply.
I personally haven't seen it in a while brother hehehe
I took over Holybread when the team rug pulled and refused to move to Hive.
We ran it for a quite a bit but had a ton of "tech debt"
So we rebuilt it as Thunkgaria and ran that for a year but once again browser games like that have limitations.
At that time we moved over to Unity (a real game engine).
and started creating our new suite of games.
Which includes "I cast Fist" & our new "Darkclaoks Derby Duel"
and our big web2 release "Portal Brawlers"
Portal Brawlers will come to our NFT System in time.
So to answer your question. Dcity and Holybread tried to be play2earn but we shut it down and moved to more of a play2own model.
People just hold SIM tokens for the daily drip payments.
@taskmaster4450 tagging you in case you are curious on the topic.
Thanks for the answer a d education.