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😱😲🤯Siempre estoy investigando y leyendo sobre filosofía y me acabo de enterar que recientemente ha cambiado la historia de la filosofía tal como la conocemos... Así que se viene una publicación en #humanitas explicando lo sucedido. #spanish

With an artificial light, enough water and consistent nutrition through fertilizer these veggies are now ready for picking!

Excellent, after all the hard work and waiting, the fruits are coming.

This machine automates most of the task.

It's perfect

Nunca vuelvas al pasado a lamentarte de las oportunidades que has perdido o no has sabido cómo lidiar con ellas. Vuelve al pasado para sentir una nostalgia positiva, de valorar esos recuerdos que valen la pena pensar y soñar.


#humanitas necesita más conversaciones en threads! Dónde están los filósofos de la comunidad hispana? actívense!


¡Saliendo a hacer compras 🌷para seguir creando en el mundo de las manualidades! Gracias a la iniciativa de #Hivediy con la creación del "Fondo de Ayuda al Artesano".

Participé y tuve la suerte de ganar 😊

#spanish #iniciative #inleo

It's interesting to see how the communities each perform different at various activities on-chain

#freecompliments is leading by a wide margin for Threads but #cent is leading for long-form blog posts

this chat is a call to action

Just heard SPL players saying "why is everyone leaving? the game is so much better now. Players will come"

Serious??? People only played to Earn.
The model is broken. Move on.

Wow. I see that @khaleelkazi wrote an article about collateralized lending coming to Leo. This will be a big step forward. Looking forward to reading it.

It is a huge step!

Yeah. I have a feeling it will be more buy pressure on $LEO. Have to load up some and then collateralize it.

It is going to be great to see it go live. We are going to have to make a push to show others how to get it going and make money off it.

That will feed into (onto) itself.

Oh yeah.
We will do that for sure

By the end of the year is Khal's guess. This could be great.

He talked about it in one of the last ama's as well. Definitely a great extra feature!

Good evening everyone. It is 6:43PM in #Newfoundland. Wha tis everyone up to? #cent #bbh

Did the cat miss you today?

Yes, my shadow.

LOL that is good. At least you have someone to keep you company.

Cats are great....but they run the house.

they do. But I don't mind.

You going to put a selfie 🤳 up in my threadcast?

I dont do selfies. That isnt my thing.

i figured as much. But it was worth asking.

it’s funny to see X copying our ideas

You’re welcome Elon!

Elon is watching threads like a hawk.

Elon's intern is most definitely scouting us constantly

And what is Bill Clinton's intern doing?

I mean, it's not that unqiue of an idea to be copies from You!

You borrow knowledge to add to wisdom and great things will start happening

got this for gifting a friend 1 year of Whoop

We’ll do the same for INLEO premium soon 🦁

Offering real-life benefits is big! This makes the value of membership far more tangible, which will attract a crowd that otherwise would not care to join. Hope you can secure some good partnerships.

Partnerships will be a part of things

We have so many layers of value to add on INLEO for premium members

AI will be a major leap in that direction. There will be many others along the way

Yeah I think these kind of referral gifts are the way to go. Great idea

Birthday Cut..

you look a few hours younger in my opinion

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

What a stud smoking like a bud !DOOK

This is what is used for my birthday cut, or any other day for that matter.

I dont have a mop of hair like you do.

I've thought about it.. but it seems like a lot of maintenance

It is. Some can grow it some cannot.

I guess it is like weed. Some can, some cannot.

Just got approached by a web3 game with a play2earn concept.
asked for help.

Serious???? Do you not read my posts.

Not supporting these Ponzis!!!!!

I guess you leave things up to misinterpretation (not sure how that is possible).


omg 😲
Hahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahaha 🤣 😂
#meme #polls


Thought that one would get your attention. Lol

Without a doubt. You come up with some good ones.

polishing the ole shaft

lmfao, good lubricant

That is creative.

ya, best meme i seen in months.

Clever 😂

lmfao, everyone is getting a laugh out of this one.

Showed it to my work colleagues also, got fired! Yay! 😜



We have the Lion's Den tomorrow at 1 PM eastern time.

It will be on spaces and there will be a threadcast with it.

I’ll be in the Threadcast upvoting everyone 🦁

It’s been a lighter week with the other spaces due to some scheduling stuff. We’ll be back up in full swing next week starting on Tuesday

Always looking forward to the Lion's Den show.

Good. We are going to be on today. I like this show. Be sure to be on time or it will cost you 2 HBD.

Lol. What if I arrive before you begin the space? It will cost you your liquid $LEO Lol. That won't hurt you.

You cant arrive before the space. I am the one who sets it up. So where are you arriving?

Lol. Nice one. In the threadcast. I'll drop a comment before the space.

That isnt on the space. That is in the threadcast.

1/3 🧵 #threadstorm

¿Recuerdas ésta película? ¿Tal vez alguna de las canciones que contiene?

¡Ya son 17 años! Tiene más que mi gata

#outreach #music #spanish


Éste álbum tiene una indiscutible onda playera pero sin querer limitarse al reggae o los sonidos de las costas. Hay rock y scratchs

3/3 🧵

Pero hay una gran importancia en sus letras.

Te invito a conocer éstos detalles en mi última publicación:


if you new you where going to die within the next 10 years would you do anything different in your life?

Not likely.

It is better to live your life like you will be dead in 10 years.

excellent answer

I have had patients tell me that if they knew they would have lived this long, they would have taken better care of themselves.

Just listened to a SPL youtube video.
They are talking about web3 games are driven by price.

Serious ?

Games need to be driven by gameplay.
Stop supporting play2earn ponzi's

it would be nice to have a game that is great to play but also pays!

that world is over play2earn is a failed strategy. Play2earn is a financial ponzi. That is why we believe play2own and rewarding community engagement is the proper model moving forward.

OK got a point there, community is always stronger.

Me acabo de enterar que una profesora a quien estimo mucho y a quien le debo mi amor por la filosofía antigua ha publicado un articulo sobre filosofía en colaboración con otro profesor.

El artículo se llama: "Poética del avatar: Realidad e ilusión en la cultura digital" Así que hoy no duermo hasta terminar el artículo. #humanitas

Si te llama la atención y te gustaría leer el articulo, en el siguiente hilo dejaré el enlace para que puedas descargarlo.

Poética del avatar: Realidad e ilusión en la cultura digital

Puedes encontrar el articulo en

Let's stay on top, Lions! We'll stay victorious by spreading kindness and love - truly the best way to win. #freecompliments

One if you, you and a friend, you and food, one with a pet, you and your daily activities. You are your brand, let's show the about a selfie 🤳 #threadcast.

#hivebr is not trailing too far behind #freecompliments

Will #cent or #photographers step up their game and start battling for the top slot?


I really enjoybthese battles, it's even extra gamification besides the potential upvotes!

We're past them, Khal.

Now let's make up for the lost week, as we didn't know we were in the running. LOL

#hivebr #inleo

Mark Coleman volta a ser internado quatro meses após salvar pais de incêndio

Mark Coleman is hospitalized again four months after saving parents from fire

#newsonleo #sports #hivebr

Good day, InLeo friends.

I am still goofing off on vacation.

It is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

I hope your week is going well.

#gmfrens #ctp #freecompliments #cent

Hello dear friend @beststart my week is going well and I hope your vacation is going well.

Of course your week is going well, you got to chat with me on threads.


Lol. Yeah, it's part of it.

It's few hours to Friday, another day for the Lion's Den show. What do you have for the Lions?

The idea the digital platform and how we are building what is needed for the future.

That's a great topic of discussion. I'm looking forward to it.

Very good. Glad you are going to be on the call. 75 minutes.

It has been very nice, thanks.

That's great. You're much welcome.


Currently on the longest bender of my life so far

And we sure are living up to it tonight

time to 100% hive power o.o lets go

For me, it depends a bit. When I'm saving for something particular, I do 50/50 and save the hbd. If not, I do 100% hp as well. (My hp stays hp, I just accumulate that) :D

fair enough i guess o.o . depends on what u want

Good morning. It's a nice morning and he weather is cloudy and the rain can come anytime. I like the cool weather and I hope it will remain the same all the time of the day. Feeling positive about today and I am hopeful to end my day with positive vibes.

#morning #positive #weather

GM! Glad to hear that

The weather's been ok around here. Not great

Just listened to the video from khal talking about making manual curation more attractive. Looks like we have to keep increasing the numbers of votes we give to threads, I feel like it is slowly shifting and people have less trouble upvoting threads. I did set my rate at 5% for threads and don't use slider unless replying from inside a post to a comment.

I agree we should vote more on threads. Although you need a relatively high amount of lp (or hp) to give out a meaningful vote. Especially if you want to upvote several threads.

I think the point would be not thinking in term of vote strength but more about numbers. If we have 100 people upvoting a thread and the total is 10c it would still be good for encouragement.

Definitely true! But on the other hand, as long as we're not there, I am wasting my vote as it's a dust vote 🤔
Not sure how $LEO handles dust votes though..

### Being Stalked by the Winery Cat

Click pic for better view

#photographers #photography #silverbloggers #cats #animals

curate more threads. Turn off your auto voter.

sounds like a good idea to me

This is the way

I have recently clean up a bit my feed and fan base to curate more threads and see how that performs, want to use more my LP

I will do that. Its a good idea.
How can I do that?
I forgot the link.
Can you give me the link?

not sure what link you mean?

My wife and I don't handle our finances as either of our cultures suggests. We do what works for us.

It's beautiful and I would love to visit there.

yes, you would enjoy it!

Great picture, seems like a nice hike!


At Sapulpa, nearly 35 miles east of Stroud, we turned north one town block from US Route 66 to 24 North Main Street. Gasoline Alley Classics opened a retail shop in 2022. Old Route 66 merchandise is on sale to adorn man caves.

Squall by bunsenburner.A brand new #underratedalbum to boost your Friday. A brilliant piece of stoner rock from Germany, that's

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