There are 5 pages

I joined telegram to check the #taptoearn games. Honestly, I didn't understand much, so I quit :)


¡Con los glints obtenidos en el final de temporada de #splinterlands ya le subí de nivel a nivel 7 a mi invocadora dragón! A Franz Ruffmane me ha costado llevarlo a nivel Oro, pero ¡por fin lo logré! También llevé a Coastal Sentry al nivel 9 y a Riverboat Captain a nivel 7.

#hivenftgamelatino #spanish

"As you think, so shall you become." —Bruce Lee

Powered Up 112.3 #hive

You must really envision yourself as a whale 👏👍

new hive whale is loading

Cine TV Contest 110 is live! Come tell us about your favourite supernatural movie. Link in Comments 👇

#cinetv #cine #movie

some good films in this genre!

The best supernatural movie that I have seen so far is Shaitaan. Its a bollywood horror movie about black magic. You will love it if you like this genre.

Easy to take great shots with such greenery! #photographers

AI-art gallery

Discover the power of AI-generated images! Let's share unique and fascinating artworks created with the help of artificial intelligence.

Join the #threadcast on a visual journey where technology meets creativity.

If you like the art, dont forget to leave a little upvote, comments and re-thread it on the latest feed.

#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo

the eyeball by adansito
give him a follow

#aiart #nightcafe

Cool stuff. What did you use to generate it?

This isn't my creation. I shared a few from nightcafe which I also use myself.

Oh yeah, I have a few of those lying around, I'll get some posted. And love the intiative!

I'm honestly having issues with calling it "art". And even more so with people that call themselves "AI Artists" lol - I prefer "ai images". But it conveys the message I guess, no biggie :)

Yeah I tend to agree with you, I dont feel like an artist when doing this but has a better ring to it than calling it the Ai images gallery :)

Feel free to share when you have the time :)

This remains one of the best prompt I've ever created:

The cutest bird the world has ever seen. So much cuteness, almost can't stand it. So cute nobody has seen so much cuteness. Cute cute cute

It be like that when you have nieces.


kitty look so cute and for sure fetch subscribed

LOL yes and it was totally computer generated.

what are we subscribing to?

looks like today us AI exploration day

Yeah. He puts up the threadcast most days. Playing with #aiimages is fun.

Add to it.

Oh this is a G R E A T idea!!
Will catch up on this coming week :)

Hope to see you in the coming threadcasts 👏👏

Nice idea. People will love this AI space :D

Octopus glow by 1vc
give him a follow on NightCafe

#aiart #nightcafe

After powering up 30 $HIVE, I finally reached 7,000 HP.

I am marching towards 10,000 HP before the year ends.


If you win the national lottery jackpot and use them all to buy HIVE, then you can quickly gain almost 4 million Hive Power at current HIVE prices. 😆😅


No need. I expect $HMSTR, $PIXFI, $BLUM, and other Ton T2E tokens will give me such buying power to increase my HP.


If at first you don't succeed...
... sky diving is not for you!

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@savvytester, I sent you an

Do you mean you expect that the HMSTR, PIXFI, BLUM, and other tokens on #Telegram games will give you enough money to make you a Hive Whale? 🤔😆😅


Did you hear about the new corduroy pillows?
I understand they're really marking headlines.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of savvytester

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@rzc24-nftbbg, I sent you an

Oh! Does increasing HP mean a Hive whale to you?

I mentioned a national lottery jackpot to be the source of all your Hive Whale needs, but you interjected with #Telegram tokens. 🤨

Looks like you got confused about the topic, and seriousness caused you to comment that way. 🤔😆😅


Yeah, I know someone is confused.


Wonderful man..
I am also chasing 10k and at present I am close to 6k.


Great! Let us hit 10k HP!

3,000 more Hive Power until the end of this year is about 600 HP per month starting August, which means roughly $130 per month at current HIVE prices. 💸🤓💸



I have watched only a few sci-fi movies that elicit excitement excitement and not sleep from me. Parasyte: The Grey happens to be one of them.

#threadstorm #outreach #movie


This series is about alien things that have only one goal, "eat and take over humans". Now, we have one mishap and that is the protagonist. Humans and parasite work together despite...differences.

If the weather is nice, get out there and go for a bike ride! #photographers #london #streetphotography

Take advantage of it when you can.

This year we have not been lucky in here. we maybe getting 5 minutes of summer per day LOLOL and then it is gone LOL

Thread Day #126

Terça-feira e vamos continuar subindo nossa tag #hivebr, hein?!


Só que infelizmente, percebemos que não importa nos esforçar por 2 ou 3 pessoas que não iremos competir de igual por igual com as outras comunidades que receberão bônus por membros...

Mudaram a regra no final das contas? Fiquei sem entrar a tarde toda, um pouco de correria e depois fui fazer meu post, o que aconteceu?

Sim mano, adicionaram esse tal bônus aí para a comunidade que tem os membros ativos e tal..

Não julgo quem tá desistindo. Talvez seria interessante uma avaliação sobre, para nós brs bater o martelo se continuaremos ou não.

Eu, @shiftrox e @wiseagent estamos esperando o Premium que até hoje não recebemos. Absurdo isso.

Eu não vou comprar mais premium, enquanto não pagarem esse que ganhei em Junho, já to com outros objetivos em mente para o que vou fazer com a grana que vou ganhar aqui. Uso o inleo para postar, jogo no X, se vier voto bom, se nao bom tmb

É o certo e espero que eles paguem seu Premium.

Como eu preciso crescer aqui mais rápido por conta do meu objetivo principal, ficar sem Premium tá me deixando bem limitado e pra trás.


Pois é, vou esperar e ver como vai ser, até lá to de boa sem premium kk

rsrsrs .... Tranquilo.

To me situando agora, pelo o q eu vi mudaram a regra para considerar pessoas distintas no calculo da competição? Complicado hein... menos fazer mais se tornou ruim agora? Aff

Piorou pra gente, pois somos poucos e não temos pessoas suficiente para mostrar "força" em quantidade.

É tenso, o jeito é ficar de boa e seguir a vida, eu já to bem mais devagar aqui com a inleo

Devagar e sempre hehehe...

Deixem seus votos máximos na thread da comunidade!

Seus mão de vaca!

I needed to buy a new pan to stir fry a large meal
I decided to go for a wok.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@hive-br, I sent you an

KKKKKKKKKKKK o pior que o meu é automático em 5% aqui nas threads u.u

Vish mas dai não da em nada, no fim das contas gastou tudo o VP em voto simbólico!


#hivebr #freecompliments

alterei kkkk

vota aqui no meu comentário e vamos ver quanto vale seu voto, vou votar no seu pra ver também


Can February march?
No, but April may.

Credit: bitpizza
$LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr



@xlety, I sent you an

Sempre faço isso, já é rotineiro. #hivebr

Somos poucos, irmão!

Se 40 neguim deixasse 1 centavo, daria 40 centavos, que é 2 Hive, que é pouco e não vale a pena.

!LOLTem razão, deixa quieto! #hivebr

I stayed up all night trying to find where the sun was.
Then it dawned on me.

Credit: benthomaswwd
$LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@lincemarrom, I sent you an

Lute como uma garota

Vi isso num filme, ela apanhou muito. Sugiro que não lutem!
A violência não leva a nada!
Sejam da paz!

#hivebr #freecompliments

Aí vc tá fortalecendo o concorrente com a tag freecompliments 😂

Concorrente depende do ponto de vista!
Ainda mais que se a #hivebr não chega em primeiro, tenho mais é que torcer para #freecompliments tomar a liderança!


When is a door not a door?
When it's a jar

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@lincemarrom, I sent you an

O fato é que somos do nosso exato tamanho! #hivebr

Isso vale para os nossos sonhos também. #hivebr

Bom dia, povo guerreiro! #hivebr

Pelo que estou vendo, pessoal mora na praia e acorda tarde. Quase nunca estou online nessa hora, hoje invertemos os horários! Rsrs

Vida de patrão, haha! #hivebr

Enraiamos! #hivebr

ontem fui dormir por volta das 18h. acordei um pouco depois, comi e dormi de novo até hoje de manhã #hivebr

cada dia q passa eu tenho mais e mais desprezo por tudo que envolva a #inleo. os caras não valorizam absolutamente nada de quem apoia. é gente com mais de 10k de leo em stake, pagando premium, fazendo tudo direitinho e não recebendo voto...

enqt a panelinha deles faz o que bem entende e tá recebendo voto 3~4 vezes na semana... é injustiça atrás de injustiça nessa palhaçada da community war...

claramente começaram esse ngc depois que nós mostramos a nossa força aqui, batendo recordes sem nem ao menos precisar, apenas pq quisemos... aí lançam o negocio, cagam pra gnt, depois enfiam a gnt de qlqr jeito

aí avisam tudo meio capenga e fodasse... depois inventam coisas no meio da batalha... ah, pra mim deu mesmo...

Acho que deveriam ter mais curadores, ou organizar melhor isso... #hivebr

é lance de panelinha. se eles quisessem, fariam direito

eu cheguei a conclusão que essa Community War é a maior palhaçada já inventada pela InLeo. DO NADA, enfiaram um bonus pelo número de participantes e, com isso, perdemos o primeiro lugar. sinceramente, tô fora

Isso aí foi uma trolada braba #hivebr

eu voto em todo mundo parar de usar a tag #hivebr e deixarmos a Community War morrer pra lá. Não vale a pena esforço por quem não tá querendo valorizar os usuários e inventando regra pra sabotar uma comunidade no meio do percurso.

desculpem o desabafo, mas eu odeio, odeio, odeio muito injustiça e mudança de regra no meio do caminho

Isso desestimular muito e não julgo ngm desistir.

Eu irei seguir aqui, pois a INLEO foi onde eu pude crescer no ecossistema Hive.

Se quiserem continuar com o #hivebr, farei com o maior prazer.

Eles nem editaram o post anterior para "mascarar".

Ficou evidente que eles inventaram esse bônus e perdemos o primeiro lugar da thread.

Mudar as regras enquanto o bonde ta andando é feio hein #inleo... não é a primeira vez q esse tipo de coisa acontece. Complicado.

Vendo os resultados do community war da semana, parece que a quantidade de usuários também interfere nos pontos...


É verdade que, depois que li as regras e os critérios (3), percebi que nós seríamos vencedores apenas de um (thread) mas nem isso fomos e colocaram a gente em 2°.

Realmente isso é frustante.

Eu acho que nem vou questionar o pq ficamos em segundo na thread se na imagem estamos em primeiro. Não vou gastar minha energia nisso.

Outra coisa que percebi é que a galera não faz posts no INLEO e isso não conta pontos...


Pois é. Mas eu até entendo, por conta dos bugs frequentes o pessoal acaba desanimando um pouco de postar aqui. #hivebr

ALTAMENTE QUESTIONÁVEL essas pontuações da Community Wars, hein? InLeo dando um verdadeiro show de "transparência".

Tô fora (mudando de postura quanto a essa plataforma, e projeto como um todo) dessa corrida!

tmj d+! hoje foi a gota d'água

InLeo agora só pra escrever threads (e olhe lá). Só vou manter minha delegação pro perfil leo.voter porque me rende uma ótima quantidade de tokens (aos quais já tenho novos planos) mensais.

é isso. também só vou vir aqui por conta das threads da nossa comunidade. se antes eu já era meio assim 🤢 com a InLeo, depois de hoje...

É pessoal, foi o que pensei.

O mais esquisito é eles fazerem um post onde deveria ter feito bem antes, de uns dois dias atrás, a gente oscilou bastante os números e tal...
Esse negócio de inventar bonificação é palhaçada mesmo.


Alguem sabe aqui o que nós precisamos fazer para aumentar os números de comentários?

Pessoal, seria comentários nos artigos? Se sim, faz sentido. Somos horríveis nisso kkkk...

Nos comentários dá pra gente melhorar.


parece que é isso mesmo

Complicado... Passei batido nisso e fiquei só na bolha de nossa thread kkkkk...

Pelo o que eu vi no post, sim. #hivebr


Sinceramente eu não sei, acho que os gringos esperaram a gente pegar um ou dois dias menos ativos e fizeram os cálculos kkkk...

#nao conquistamos nem o primeiro lugar de thread.


Bom dia pessoal!

Boa terça pra geral!


Boa tarde #hivebr

Adoro sentir cheiro de Hive pela manhã.

Ontem não consegui participar muito por aqui... além da correria, a VIVO ainda fez o favor de derrubar minha internet a tarde toda


Tenho por diretriz de vida assinar com empresas locais, parei com essa vida de sustentar as grandes corporações controladoras da rede.

Em caso de problema eu sou prontamente atendido. Sei lá
#hivebr #freecompliments

É uma boa... não sei se aqui em SP ainda existe isso porque os grandes oligopólios tendem a devorar e monopolizar o mercado mas vou procurar

É um bom pensamento. #hivebr

aqui na minha cidade isso aí é bem controverso. as duas empresas locais q eu tive, uma foi mais ou menos e a outra bem bosta. agora tô com a Claro que não tem me deixado no escuro ba dun tss #hivebr

A ideia seria ver quem são as maiores empresas regionais, tirando as nacionais, e se apegar com elas. Não precisa ser tãao do bairro, mas quanto mais longe de você, pior o suporte.

Se der pau eu pego um coletivo e vou na porta do escritório ainda chamo pra falar com um técnico na hora. Faz isso na Vivo...

#hivebr #freecompliments

Sempre utilizei empresas locais para ter internet. Só tive problemas nos primeiros 2 anos, há uns 12 anos atrás. Isso porque ainda era novidade a internet.


Meu voto nao gera nem um centavo de LEO, queria muito saber isso, hoje tirei a prova.


eita, mudou o valor


a vivo morreu #hivebr

Eles colocam uma imagem e nós somos o primeiro na thread, mas na pontuação geral, ficamos em segundo!? Não entendi...

#marmelada #hivebr


inventaram um tal de bonus pelo número de usuários participantes HAHAHHHAHAHAH #hivebr

Nem em segundo... colocaram uma regra na pontuação para beneficiar as comunidades com mais usuários utilizando as tags...

Organic pineapple-lime.


They make booze so easy to drink. Comes in all flavors.

single malt wins

Taco Tuesday

This is the name of our themed day in the #freecompliments community where we encourage posts about cooking in general!

Tell us a typical recipe from your region! Join the community and tag me here ;)

Hello friends👋👋, It's time to "Get Down On It!!!" with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @stickupboys @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @winanda @misterc @supiconvees-md @beststart @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @oldmans. Let's go!!

You are welcome to the party room 😄😄😄.

i love this new design

Thanks my dear friend, feel free to have some fun in the party room 🥰🥰.

It's another day to party hard friends 🎉🎉🎉🎉...

Our Slogan for today party is "Get Down On It"

You are free to get down on what ever is cool for you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣...

Hello @sabrinah, you are specially invited to the party room, its a daily threadcast where we have fun and enjoy our day, as we interact and boost our reputations on the Blockchain...

untitled.gifDid you hear that? I am specially invited. I am honoured @partytime.inleo. Let me get my dancing shoes and my happy dance charm

Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 7/16/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.

Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.

12-meter robot, with grippers that lift up to 40 kg, revolutionizes track maintenance in Japan. Future of Maintenance with robots is safe and efficient

#newsonleo #technology #robot


Yep, without a doubt my friend.

Look this:

Ha Ha loks like a Transformer

I think they really had that inspiration.

You arent a fan of robots are you?

I watched Power Rangers a lot when I was a kid, so... yes I like robots.

Don't you think this will be a trend more and more in the future?

Microsoft decides not to launch AI that clones voices because it is too dangerous.

Researchers involved in Microsoft's project to launch an artificial intelligence tool capable of cloning people's voices will not be released to the public.

Yeah. Well it doesnt matter. Someone else will.

I have no doubt about that.

It's strange, but at the same time surprising to be able to hear or talk to people who no longer exist.

AI will collect all types of data to be as faithful to the person as possible.

!LOL exactly what I thought. Someone will do! It's always the same.

Why did the art thief's vehicle run out of fuel?
He had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of chaosmagic23

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an

65% of companies use Gen AI worldwide; leaders point out ways to obtain financial return

If 2023 marked the discovery of Gen AI, 2024 is the year companies started using it.

#newsonleo #hivebr #ai

It is only going to grow.

Khal said we will be able to use #leoai to generate images with our posts. I wonder if that is in general.

We will see what it looks like.


I'm very happy to hear that! If it's something close to Ideogram, for example, it will be a big step forward.

NVIDIA could be worth $50 trillion by the next decade

NVIDIA could see a 1,500% increase in market value and reach $50 trillion in the next decade if it continues to advance AI

#newsonleo #technology #hivebr

I think that could be the case. That company has a lot going for it.

True, this company has been standing out in the market and I have no doubt that it is ahead of many out there when it comes to AI.


They are building the hardware and also the procedures. That is very powerful. They are working their way up the scale. There is a lot of money to be gained.

They will be the biggest on the market in this sector. Really a lot of money they will earn.

When a person is a visionary, they have to stand out from the rest and take the lead.

Artificial Intelligence
Apple at all-time high after Morgan Stanley calls stock 'top pick' for AI efforts
By Reuters
July 16, 20244:34 AM CDTUpdated 4 hours ago

There is a lot of jostling around. NVIDIA still looks to be in a strong position.

When it comes to the INLEO tech, do we have any new ETA of when the "video upload" is coming out?

That is a question for today's AMA. I have no idea what is going on with that. I guess they are still working out the bugs with the site.

There are still a number of errors since the last update so I would presume that is the priority.

eheheh I am so hyped about the video to see the differences it will make and bring to the place :D

Will you like an AI doctor to operate on you?

Sure. Depends upon the surgery but there is already robotic surgery albeit with a doctor there. I would go for that. Machines can be more precise than humans plus it could learn very every surgery.

they don't get tired or distracted by human

That is true. Nor do they get hung over, have fights with the spouse, or become worried about their kids.

Another interesting part of their job.

They also have no benefits required. The ability to work 120 hours per week is within range.

DW Documentary -- AI supremacy: The artificial intelligence battle between China, USA and Europe | DW Documentary

It will be neither. But it will be a fight.

Of course, the battle based upon geographic lines makes no sense since this is the digital realm.

CNBC -- How AI And Automation Are Taking Over Grocery Stores And Drive-Thru Lanes

It is likely we see grocery stores diminish over the next decade as more people take to ordering online. Still in its infancy but we could see it follow other retail.

#Microsoft laid off a DEI ("diversity, inclusion & equity") team, and its lead wrote an internal email blasting how DEI is 'no longer business critical'.

#newsonleo #gafam #wokism

There is a trend towards that. Technology companies learned their lesson quickly. When there is an economic pullback, it comes down to who is generating revenues versus who is not.

Collaboration between robots and humans seems ideal. How can businesses ensure this happens smoothly without letting robots take over the entire show?

Have machines (or #ai) programmed for specific purposes mean they will not take over.

We are dealing with too much Terminator mindsets. Humans are much more dangerous. Look at all the killing we do and how people are trying to control the world.

You have changed my paradigm brother, you're right no robot really kills, humans have done all the killing. I think the focus should be to stop evil among people instead of fear of robot rebellion

Ultimately we will merge with the #Technology so it doesnt get away from us. This is how things evolve. At this moment, our connection is via a phone or computer. In the future it will be devices or chips that allow us to go direct.

wait really, I thought that wouldn't happen because of complications and how to close that would be to machines but then again if we told Moses and Abraham about iPhones they would think it was the hand of God so perhaps this could happen

Talking about Technology.. who remembers Y2K? The world was supposed to fall appart back then... but nothing went badly wrong

I remember it well. Al Gore was big in promoting that narrative.

It was a nothing burger.

LOL, yes I forgot about Al Gore!!! I just finished writing a travel blog post and it was from december 1999 so I was reminded of Y2K

Yeah. Many try to forget about him but it is hard.

When that failed be moved on to different narratives.

I like "Nothing Burger"

BBC: Olympic esports will level the playing field, says boss

Interesting concept. Not sure how valid it is though.

eSports is confusing to me.

I am afraid it is the future of sports industry, however weird it may sound. Money talks.

BBC: Disney investigating massive leak of internal messages

The Verge: AMD’s new AI chips have a home in HP’s next Copilot Plus laptop

We will have to see the impact but it could be. If we are building a society based upon information and data, then it could have that impact.

I guess we already witness the impact on labour market.

It seems to be a trend forming. The next few years should tell us a lot. We need to watch the development of the robots. Will they advance at a pace faster than society can adapt?

That is the big question.

They likely would - and ruin the economy of poor countries with cheap labour.

At last, Apple's Messages app will support RCS and scheduling texts

These messaging features, announced at WWDC 2024, will have a significant impact on how people communicate every day.

The biggest updates coming to Apple’s iMessage and its Messages app in iOS 18 aren’t its AI emoji, Genmoji, or even the ability to send texts via satellite. It’s the ability to finally, finally schedule messages to send at a later date and time, as well as support for RCS, the next-gen messaging standard and replacement for SMS that will make texting with Android folks much less painful. These updates are now available in iOS 18’s public beta, which just opened up this week.

#newsonleo #apple #technology

This will just result in more message spam ads. Humans using this , it's a machine thing. You didn't remember your wife's birthday, the machine did...

His most recent work involved autonomous vehicles, or driverless cars, the first versions of which are already on the road.

Humans should be banned from driving cars, experts say

#newsonleo #hivebr #technology

Wow a big step

True, we will see this more and more in the near future.

As I am limited, this is the only way I can bring you news about technology. Later try to bring videos.

#hivebr #technology

Wait until Leovideo, you can then create them.

I think it will take a while until its release. I need to get my Premium soon and honestly...

I'm disappointed for the people responsible for this.

I have my personal goal of growing here and tomorrow I will pay my Premium.

Inteligência artificial e Processo Penal

Artificial Intelligence as a mechanism for bringing decisional rationality closer to algorithms has generated countless consequences in people's lives.

#hivebr #technology #newsonleo #ai

TikTok glitch allows Shop to appear to users under 18, despite adults-only policy

The tests indicate there are loopholes in TikTok's ability to apply its parental controls and policies effectively in a situation where the teen user originally lied about their age, as many likely do.

#tiktok #socialmedia #technology

Some people are going to choose to merge with #technology whereas others will not. Those who dont will likely get left behind.

A saying as old as time, and still true

That is true although merging takes on new meaning based upon the past.

Should certain jobs, like nursing and therapy, always remain human? #freecompliments #cent #askleo


Thanks absolutely 💯💯💯 but variety of opinions are there about this based on efficiency and precision

Probably, but some tasks cold be outsourced to robots for standardization and relief of humans from injury and burnout

How do we maintain the human touch in industries increasingly relying on robots? #freecompliments #cent #askleo

We don't. We keep humans for humanistic tasks and robots for boring or hazardous tasks!

What is proof that Robot won't rebel? #freecompliments #cent #askleo

None. Robots are like autistic people. They will end us one day

A big question in the future would be - Do you prefer interacting with a person or a robot when seeking help?
#freecompliments #cent #askleo

Emotional intelligence is key in many jobs. Can robots ever truly replicate this? #freecompliments #cent #askleo

Noce quote, and good point

I believe humans provide better customer service. Do you think robots will ever match this? Considering human touch....

Customer service is going to be driven by #ai more than robots? Think about all that is handled with a call.

ChatGPT 4.o really opened the door for that (when it is fully released).

I expect all customer service call centers to be mostly machine driven.

Well said brother, there's another question related to this I'll ask in tech threadcast

This is for @coyotelation. He is excited to join Elon Musk on Mars.

Why We Should Colonize Titan Rather Than Mars!

Hey Task, yes it is a possibility because Titan is the only moon in the solar system that has a dense atmosphere, and because it is rich in carbon.

The space race will have several fronts and this could be a good alternative beyond Mars.

Have you read through the Big Ideas paper by Ark?

Here is this year's version

#Technology #future

Ultrahuman's smart ring gets FDA-approved AFib detection

The smart ring has long played second fiddle to the smart watch. While tech giants like Apple and Google duked it out over wrists for years

The smart ring has long played second fiddle to the smart watch. While tech giants like Apple and Google duked it out over wrists for years, the ring has been significantly quieter, a space where plucky startups have a chance to make their mark.

Things are quickly changing, however. Samsung will debut its first finger-worn wellness tracker later this month, while Oura, the category’s (relatively) veteran startup, has been making a big push into retail.

#newsonleo #technology #wearable #watch #samsung

The future does not just happen; we create it.

Thats such a good qoute. Instead of being overwhelmed by everything going on in the world. Start building toward a future you want to be a part of.

Apple releases iOS 18 public beta for iPhone — Here's what's new and how to get it

The iOS 18 preview is a beta version of the software that will launch alongside new iPhones this fall.

The iOS 18 public preview is a beta version of the software that will launch alongside new iPhones this fall, allowing Apple fans and developers to test the newest features before they officially launch and identify bugs before all iPhone users install the new software.

This year, however, the most important new service isn't in the public beta: Apple Intelligence. In June, Apple announced that some of its newer devices would be able to access Apple's AI service that can answer questions intelligently, control your iPhone, and even generate images.

#technology #apple #ios

Uber now shows average wait time and cost for rides in thousands of cities

The feature, which aims to make planning summer travel easier, comes as record numbers of travelers are passing through U.S. airports.

Uber on Tuesday announced it's rolling out a new feature that lets users see average wait times and costs for rides in more than 10,000 cities.

The feature, which aims to make planning summer travel easier, comes as record numbers of travelers are passing through U.S. airports.

#uber #travel #technology

Remember when Mary Barra said on CNBC that GM would catch #Tesla "absolutely" by 2025?

A politician if there ever was one.

Hollywood is NEVER Going to Be the Same Again...

#hollywood #technology

Byju's, once valued at $22 billion, faces insolvency proceedings

An Indian tribunal court initiated insolvency proceedings for Byju's, once India's most valuable startup, on Tuesday in response to a petition from the An Indian court has initiated insolvency proceedings against edtech giant Byju's, once-valued at $22 billion.

An Indian tribunal court initiated insolvency proceedings for Byju’s, once India’s most valuable startup, on Tuesday in response to a petition from the country’s powerful cricket board. The Tuesday ruling installs an interim resolution professional to manage the company’s operations, pushing the once-billionaire founder out in a dramatic turn for a firm that was valued at $22 billion at its peak.

#newsonleo #byju #bankruptcy #india

Uber just added a way to search for rides in other cities— here's how to use it

As Uber gears up for the summer travel season, the company announced Tuesday a new feature to ease the planning process for riders.

As Uber gears up for the summer travel season, the company announced Tuesday a new feature to ease the planning process for riders. The feature offers a convenient way for users to search for destinations in another city and reserve rides in advance before their plane even lands.

#newsonleo #uber #search #technology

Toddle wants to 'change how we build software' with a collaborative visual web app builder

Danish startup Toddle has launched a no-code web app builder that's designed as a full-featured alternative to Javascript frameworks.

The technology world has long promised to democratize software development through “visual” tools that help non-coders build digital products. In years gone by, this might’ve been something like Microsoft’s Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) or Dreamweaver, and in recent times we’ve seen a slew of no-code and low-code startups raise bucket loads of cash to broaden access to the software development process.

#toddle #technology #software

Amazon Declares War On Temu And Screws All FBA Sellers

#amazon #technology #temu

Showing the future of #ai

Presti is using GenAI to replace costly furniture industry photo shoots

If you’ve ever bought a sofa online, have you thought about the homes you can see in the background of the product shots?

If you’ve ever bought a sofa online, have you thought about the homes you can see in the background of the product shots? When it’s time to release a new collection, furniture brands usually spend a small fortune on photo shoots. It’s a cumbersome and expensive process as it’s not easy to move furniture around.

#technology #ai #photo #furniture

Wired: Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Thousands of Swiped YouTube Videos to Train AI

Wired: TikTok Pushed Young German Voters Toward Far-Right Party

I always have a problem with these headlines. Tiktok and Youtube is runned by algoritm which doesnt have a political agenda (unless the company ivolve itself and tries to inject their values and agendas).

I belive that these platforms primarily are good at finding people that are open to these poltical view already.

Maybe I'm naive and dont see that the 'elites' tries to inflict more polirization on soceity.

@taskmaster4450le do you have any recent report of number of threads? Are we still trending up?

Leo.stats hasnt posted in 2 weeks. I am hoping we get one out this week.

Is it Leo team behind that account or? Then maybe we can bother @khaleelkazi on the ama.

I dont know who handles that. It might be dalz but I cant say for certain.

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We Will Eventually Be Replaced By AI-Powered Robots, Andrew Yang Predicted This, We Need To Prepare

#ai #technology #robots #jobs

DW Documentary -- The International Space Station: a unique space project | DW Documentary

Google backs Indian open-source Uber rival

Google has become one of the latest investors in Moving Tech, the parent firm of Indian open-source ride-sharing app Namma Yatri that is quickly capturing Google has invested in Namma Yatri, an open-source ride-sharing app in India that is eroding market share from Uber.

Google has become one of the latest investors in Moving Tech, the parent firm of Indian open-source ride-sharing app Namma Yatri that is quickly capturing market share from Uber and Ola with its no-commission model.

#newsonleo #google #uber #india

I learned from the GOAT Taskmaster that Machine will do most of customer service, but don't you think there may be situations only humans can relate or we'll probably program it?

Hello #technology!

Let's start with some interesting news summaries. Mainly about AI.


Physicists find solution for quantum computers using artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence can help solve one of the biggest problems with quantum computers and revolutionize science

#newsonleo #technology #hivebr

A hacker group known as Nullbulge claims to have leaked more than 1 TB of internal Disney messaging data after hacking into the company's Slack (corporate communications platform).

#newsonleo #ai #hivebr

SpaceX loses 20 Starlink satellites after Falcon 9 rocket failure

The reason is the failure of the Falcon 9 rocket, which led to an investigation by the Federal Aviation Administration in the United States.

#newsonleo #space #technology

Part 1

Security expert defends the use of identification software and sees potential in AI

#newsonleo #technology #ai #hivebr

Part 2

Public Security Specialist, Luís Flávio Sapori stated, in an interview with CNN, that public security in Brazil is still carried out with the “liver” and needs to incorporate more technologies to become more effective.

I just found out about the craze Americans had in the 50's for technology and the future. Fascinating history!

Part 1

Grupo Boticário offers Smart Lipstick for testing in São Paulo

#newsonleo #technology #hivebr

Part 2

The innovative process, with 100% Brazilian technology, begins with the identification of the lips using advanced sensors and artificial intelligence algorithms. To do this, you need to position yourself in front of the equipment.

Part 3

After identification, the next step is to choose the color to be applied: there are five Make B lipstick options.

Hey @taskmaster4450le, when Valentine's Day comes, buy this gift for your girlfriend.

Part 1

Kaspersky will begin the process of closing its operation in the United States next Saturday (20), as revealed by BleepingComputer on Monday (15).

#newsonleo #technology #internet

Part 2

In June, the company specializing in cybersecurity products was banned from continuing to operate in the country by the American Department of Commerce.

P 3

Kaspersky's ban in the US was motivated by espionage risks, with the suspicion that data collected by the software could be used in cyber attacks

Part 1 - More about robots @taskmaster4450le.

Mercado Livre robots can work for eight hours straight and lift 600 kg

#newsonleo #technology #robot

Part 2

Work is done 20% faster; despite the reduction in labor employment, the company says it will hire 11 thousand people by 2024

Part 3

They are being used to replace manual processes, moving shelves directly to employees for supply, speeding up order preparation and improving delivery efficiency.


Bitcoin price is rising after German Government sold all of its Bitcoin holdings. Not only Bitcoin but altcoins are also on recovering line. Bitcoin printed a nice green candle from $59 to $65k. This was expected as the selling pressure is reduced. Read more in the article linked below.

#outreach #threadstorm #crypto


Crypto Market is getting mature day by day which is why it is considered that in the future such kind of actions will have less or zero effect on prices. Good thing is that crypto market is now recovering as Bitcoin has come out of the $60k zone hitting $65k.

You are your brand, your face is your brand. Post a selfie of yourself, or yourself with friends, pets, food, or just what ever you are doing.This is the #selfie #threadcast Day 4

Eres tu marca, tu cara es tu marca. Publica una selfie tuya o de ti mismo con amigos, mascotas, comida o simplemente lo que estés haciendo.
Este es el #selfie #threadcast Día 4

I doubt I posted this in the #selfie threadcast after publishing on threads. So here it is 😊

You can post the same selfie numerous times. That is allowed. Do not hesitate to add more.

I should add more as days go by.

BTW, you haven't shared yours. I read somewhere that you are shy. How could that be?

You are fracking awesome. Have not been at keyboard for a bit, got busy at work.

Not so serious #selfie

Selfies and serious do not really go together.

That's true!

lol, good one.

My friend and I

Keep this up and you are going to out do @sergiomendes ;)

I don't mind losing that tittle it is fine :D ehehhe :D

damn, I tried to start a selfie war. lol

eheheh don't try to start something you can't stop after. I am not a "good loser" LOLOL


Lucky you. I have no friends other than @bradleyarrow and he is mean to me.


And another #selfie with glasses

That is right up my alley. Sunglasses are the way to go.

That are glasses to filter the blue light from the monitor. They say you sleep better when you use them at night when you are at the PC.

This can help you sleep better too.

yeah but not if you drink all night long until the dawn. 😂

Awesome, You almost look like @taskmaster4450le

What the hell? Not sure if this is a compliment or not. 😅

lmao, it was meant as one.!

pheeew lucky me... or was it a compliment for him that he looks as beautiful as me?

Happy Good Morning GIF

I can't behave in public! LOL #selfie #photographers #guys

Do you behave better in private?

I don't. but there is no way to prove it eheheh :D LOL

LOL so we have to take your word on it?

Yes. I behave even better at home, when alone. LOL

I meant, worst LOL


You better behave, lol. 😅

me. Never eheheh

Do you like to take selfies with friends? #photographers #london #friends

I don't, not really, just my cat. lol

selfies with the cats are great as well :D

As long as I am not in them. LOL

Light up your day with a smile

Love it, keep them coming.

You just lit up my day.

Post more like this.

Thanks I'm glad I was able to do it

Guess I should share this one every day.

You should have told me this you are the oldest Batman 🤣🤣🤣🤣..

lmao, I am.

I love Batman 🤣🤣🤣..

Me also 😀

good noon everyone - have a great one

There he is. Love it :)

When I was running every second day! LOL #photographers #selfie #guys

You ran every second of the day?

Damn you must have been tired. LOL

I eat beetroot, chicory, radish salad

#selfie #foodie #eating

Hell that could go in the healthy threadcast too. I will post this there.

Okay then. lol

I have heard we are talking selfies after the shower! #photographers #selfie #men

Awesome. You are artistic!

I try :D to make the selfies a little bit more fun eheheh

Lol 😂

@bradleyarrow is back with the selfies. He is a model of consistency.

I try my friend, I try.

On this one, you are succeeding.

Now to build on that success in my other projecting coming forward soon.

What are you talking about son?

My upcoming Tribe/Outpost laun h.

Elegant and simple

Awesome. Might have noticed that is my fav word. lol

Awww thanks

Me and my photography over me! because it is part of who I am! #photographers #selfie #men

different and awesome

He does some great stuff.

He sure does :)

Then who you are on my friend. Keep them flowing.

If you look in the background above my head, what does the sign say>

The day my grandson was born.

wow , congratulations

that was 6 and half years ago :)

Yeah I can spot out the difference

I look much older eh? lol

The day the Stanly Cup showed up at work. My old employer.

For a short period of time I also had pink hair! #photographers #selfie #men

pick looks good on you

thank you so much :D

This is my crying selfie 🤣🤣🤣!

Let's have more fun! Lol


Awesome my friend! So glad you joined in :)

You are most welcome 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗..

That is only 10 pics. and I ran out. lol

Lets bring it to the top 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞

Better put something here. lol

This was me last year

Sweet and awesome :)

Hello #selfie lovers 💏

Remember the club photographers????

#photographers #selfie #friends

I do, yes, I can remember that far back. lol

those where the days ehehehh

Clubbin is made for selfies.

Although that could be considered evidence.

ohhh yeah! I had some photos that I was not happy to be online LOLOL

My selfies are all taken telepathically with someone else’s hands

It was a mistake, i didn't read it properly 🥺

In the most polite, positive way :)

Meme mood.

good one !LOLZ

Some jerk threw a bottle of omega 3 pills at me.
Luckily my injuries were only super fish oil.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@lazzvi, I sent you an

Funny. Thanks so much


Brave, Keychain, Win11 desktop

A lot of people lash out on others when they're angry at themselves. #wisdom #crossculture #freecompliments

That moment when you don't care which way to turn.
#photography #cent #monochrome

Oh this is amazing!

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @barski, you just got hugged. on behalf of @katerinaramm.

Cold wind, mud underfoot... but there was something there :) !VSC

@barski has sent VSC to @katerinaramm

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@barski ha enviado VSC a @katerinaramm

Éste post fue recompensado con 0.1 VSC para apoyar tu trabajo.
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Uses: 12/25

Day 39: start 38.901HP today 38.905 HP. LP yesterday 347.661 I strengthen by 21.723LEO Total 369.384LP #cent #photography #upleopower

Keep powering up 👏👏

!BEER 😃👋

Who can say no to beer! 🍻🍻

BEERHey @anderssinho, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Blue sky... long load... mountains in background. Perfect click


Yesterday's altcoin pick, OTIA experiencing an 18% drop from the peak but still up 20% for the day! Possible bull flag here if $BTC plays along... #cent

I really like it!

Thanks, or maybe say thanks to AI who generated it xP

Heh! The prompt is the key. That's why there will still be business for people in AI (at least for a little bit.)

Yeah it sure is a skill to be a good prompter :)

Waking up this morning to see this text from my very good friend 🫂
I feel so loved 💖


A wonderful day for the whole hive. #freecompliments #liotes #hive #cent

Two gains, one loss in my #muskempire investment.

#cent #tap2earn #combo

Itstead of condemning people, let's try and understand them. Let's try to figure out why they do what they do. It's profitable and intriguing than criticism; and it needs sympaterance, kindness, aorgiveness.
#rhreads #cent #inspiration

The quality of your life will be determined by the depth of your commitment to excellence, no matter what your chosen field.

#threads #cent #freecompliments #diary #inspiration

I could not agree more :)

🧵/1 My moral code is integrity and honesty. I'll always choose truth over convenience, even if it's hard. My mom taught me that a good name is better than silver and gold, and I'll never compromise my dignity. I learned the hard way that lying only leads to trouble. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it.

#outreach #threadstorm #moralcode

🧵/2 I've faced tough choices, but my commitment to truth has never wavered. Even when my job was at stake, I chose honesty over self-preservation. And you know what? It paid off. My truthfulness has earned me trust and respect, even in difficult situations. I won't compromise my values for anything.

🧵/3 My moral code is non-negotiable. I'll keep standing for truth, no matter what life brings. What is your moral code? Read more about this post by clicking the link below

Good night 💤💤

Beating @jimmy.adames in my mind is always fun. See you next year Pete. #dodgers #mlb

Pete won’t be a Dodger

I meant that he sat down and Teoscar took the derby. I don't think pete fits the dodgers plans. He'll be a cub or something

He’s won a couple already. Don’t believe he’s crushed he lost this one. Like Teo but one and done winning the derby.

Im sure you noticed if you watched that now that with the new rules the whole derby comes down to pitching lol. And by the way the camera angles were terrible. It was tough to watch.

It was definitely underwhelming.

I really wanna write a blog post but I have work in 10 minutes!

They have just arrived wish my happy reading 😂

Good morning.

Good morning!

Good Morning
What's the plan for today


don’t get sucked into drama. Your life is more relevant than anything you see on the news or social media.

There are times I don’t say anything because I know it won’t change anything. There are other times I feel I should speak out even if it has a small chance of changing anything.

Let's keep the wheel rolling as we are been guided by our hearts.. 💞🥰💞

That's actually wise of you!

There are 5 pages