There are 4 pages

Yesterday I made a background for the game I'm developing called HiveSnakes. I think it came out pretty good! #devlog

Here's the close-up of a tile with increased brightness and contrast; It's a bit hard to see the Hive logo here due to the image compression

HiveSnakes sounds good !LOLZ

What's the difference between a cat and a frog?
A cat has nine lives, but a frogs croaks every night.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase



@mightpossibly, I sent you an

Is it online?

still quite buggy, but there's a playable demo at

Thank you, I will give it a shot later. !PIZZA !LOLZ !BBH

Why are farmers always winning awards?
Because they're outstanding in their field.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of master-lamps

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@mightpossibly, I sent you an

@master-lamps likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/5)@mightpossibly! to your account on behalf of @master-lamps.

(html comment removed: )

Hey looks cool!
Is it going to be like "Achtung die kurve"?

Srsly, what's up with $LEO? Or perhaps what's down? I know everything is red lately, but that's LEO/Hive, not LEO/USD.

I look at it and see great time for us who believe to accumulate more.

Are you buying then?

I dont have much on the sideline right now but wanna buy more =/

Write a couple of good long posts, you'll easily get like 25 HBD for three to four of them. That's for like 1k $LEO, if I am not mistaken :) Repeat every week ;)

Actually just wrote a post today already :)
But thats whats so great here that we can earn by engage and making posts.

Well, let's see if there's some organic engagement or just Leo Voter stopping by ;) I only briefly sneaked a peek - not really my cup of tea. I might read it later.

✈️ Travel Talk #threadcast

Ep38 Wed 07-Aug-24

ℹ️ This is the #travelcast where we chat all things #travel on Leo

💬 Talk about your trips, discuss adventures and enjoy the world's delights!

  • Where have you been, and where would you like to go?
  • Post pics/vids, articles, tips, news and anything else related to travel
  • Tag #leotravel and join the LeoTravel community

Have fun! 🧳 🛫

ABC News -- New travel trend for vacationers being alcohol-free

Skift -- Airbnb’s Slow Growth, IHG’s Good Growth and Travel’s Recession Worries

More travel warnings issued for UK as violent riots continue

The Wednesday TravelCast is underway…

Let's see what's in today's travel news…

Full list of countries issuing travel warnings to UK amid riots:

Article via Independent

Tourists in Spain warned as potentially deadly disease spreads through city popular with Britons:

Article via GBN

Hotels in space? A brief history of Hilton’s intergalactic travel itinerary:

Article via The Guardian

Avanti West Coast and Northwestern services face disruption at London Euston:

Read Article

Travel warning issued as dad saves son from terrifying attack in British holiday hotspot 🐒

Article via Express

New travel guidelines issued for tourists to Spain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, and Turkey:

Article via Wales Online

Journey through 2024: Top 7 travel websites for perfect trip planning

Article via LLM

Airbnb Shares Dropped Dramatically As Travel Demand Slows:

Article via Finimize

We used Interrail for our Greece family holiday – it was our best ever:

Article via iNews

I'm Much Happier Living In Copenhagen Than In The U.S. - Look Inside My Home | Unlocked - CNBC Make It

My Solo Trip to Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming - Allison Anderson

BARCELONA, SPAIN | 24 Hour BUDGET Itinerary (and an emotional surprise!!) - Sammy and Tommy

10 Essential COSTA RICA TRAVEL Destinations | (Best 4K Travel Tips) - Alexander Ayling

📝 Some Valencia (Spain) antics from a couple of years ago…

👉 From South-West England, to South-East Spain

👉 Valencia Vibes: Some Sunny Snaps!

Thread Day 148

Quarta-feira, quinto dia útil e alegria do proletariado CL


Já testaram o LeoShorts?

Tô com vontade de fazer uns reviews de filmes estilo 1 minuto, no máximo.

Ainda não! Ouvi hoje a gravação do Launch Party e achei o conceito muito interessante. Está na minha lista para alguns testes

Opa, valeu pelo feedback!

Vou esperar o projeto maturar na InLeo e se estabilizar pra ver como vão ficar as coisas.

Acho que essa ideia de review de filme tem muito potencial!

Também acho. Vou continuar escrevendo os textos mais longos, mas um review mais enxuto serve como um "trailer" do post, haha!

Ainda não vi isso não, tá no labs?

Not super happy but wanted to share :)

I like it! Thanks for sharing man

Great work! 👏

Fun to use the ai images generators :)

Eu realmente estava desacredito da seleção feminina no futebol, mas ontem vi parte do jogo e caramba, que bonito ver uma seleção botando pressão e indo para cima, é isso que é preciso ser feito. Não precisa ter habilidade, mas se tem garra já ajuda demais.

Jogaram muito!

Demais, foram pra cima e mostraram o bom e velho futebol!

Foi como deveria ser esse jogo!

Bom dia pessoal!

Hoje não acordei muito bem, muito pensamento negativo, preocupação com dinheiro, contas, desanimo com a Hive em algumas coisas, mas sei que é só uma fase, logo passa.

Foda, mas tenho certeza que as coisas vão melhorar

Temos que acreditar nisso, mesmo as coisas estando ruins, temos que acreditar e buscar o resultado, lutar parar não se entregar.

Força, guerreiro! Dias melhores virão!

Valeu mano, só um momento ruim, já to mais animado, galera da hive é incrível, sabem nos dar um up no mental

Aqui é BR por BR, sempre.

Isso aí, valeu mano! Obrigado mesmo! 🫂

Buenos dias, galera!

Alguém querendo comprar LEO tokens? 🤔

Eu não tô indo assistir a um filme do M. Night Shyamalan nos cinemas não, tô? 👀

Bom filme!

Só estreia amanhã, mas obrigado!

Testando um tip novo


Esse !indeed achei que não precisava ter na conta ou algo assim, no post falando sobre ele não indicou isso, mas acho que tem que comprar alguns para funcionar

Um bom dia à todos!

Bom dia sumido xD

Olá pessoal!

Que todos tenham uma ótima quarta!

How are things under the equator?

Did you have a chance to join the Town-Hall?

It's starting to get warmer here... winter is leaving.

We are in the middle of summer hear. Hot and humid.

At this time the fan works a lot hahaha...

That is true. The cat figured it out.

I honestly don't know if it gets to that point, but here in the region where I live, during the hot season, there are days when even with a fan, you can feel the hot air coming out of it.

Thank God I have an air conditioner at home, it helps a lot here.

But about 2 years ago I was a fan working almost 24 hours a day. LOL

Yeah, it was nice to hear from Matt. I think he had satisfactory answers to the questions that were asked

Yes he did. It was a good show. I think it was presented in a neutral way and gave him a forum to present his side.

Next up the Lion's Den.

Have to think of a topic.

Ouvi muito essa hahaha

Na minha banda a gente toca ela até hoje

Um verdadeiro clássico.

Tocar ela deve ser ainda melhor.

tá aí duas coisas que eu nunca gostei mt: malhação e cbjr UIDHOAUISHDAUI

Ta louco, charlie brown era o que tinha de mais top naquela época, escutava muito as musicas deles. Sessão nostalgia haha

Bons tempos hehehe...

Demais, depois que vc me mostrou ai, até escutei algumas musicas deles aqui... nostalgia pura do meu tempo de adolescente kkk

Bom demais. Bate a saudade mesmo no tempo de adolescente hehehe...

As obras de CBJr vão está sempre dentro de nós.

Tenho somente alguns meses de vida, mas gostei desse som. Vou escutar enquanto processo os tokens

Temos que trabalhar numa forma para vc durar bem mais do que meses hahaha...

Especula-se que o Trump irá indicar outro vice-presidente

Vish... O que deve ter acontecido para especularem isso?

A campanha da Kamala Harris começou a ganhar momento e a escolha atual para Vice Presidente que o Trump fez está tendo números ruins por isso a especulação

Bom dia galera! QUarta feira, semana praticamente encerrada kkk

Bom dia mano, só de boa?

Tudo tranquilo... até demais kkk

Bom demais, quando as coisas estão tranquilas aqui eu na verdade fico é preocupado kkk, a calmaria que precede a tempestade uhauhauha

Exatamente hahah ta tudo muito quieto e to suspeitando que logo alguma coisa vai explodir

Aqui não paro quase nunca, é resolver 1 chamado e chega 3, cansado viu kkkk

Estou ouvindo a gravação sobre o lançamento dos Shorts. A implementação foi bem interessante. Boas ideias. Agora preciso testar

CoinGecko parece que deu overload hahah galera preocupada com o mercado

Domingo já é dia dos pais! Preciso ver o que vou fazer com o coroa

Tá complicada essa situação dos indígenas no brasil... não sei se vai ser resolvido tão cedo

Preciso marcar consulta no oftalmo tb... to enxergando mais nada kkk

O negócio é aproveitar que o dia tá devagar pra zerar a lista de tarefas!

Hoje tem Town Hall galera. Se não me engano o assunto será Splinterlands. Quando eu tiver o link eu posto aqui

Hora de ver o que está rolando nos mercados pelo mundo

Banco Japones sinaliza que não irá aumentar juros com o mercado instável como está.

Exportações na China cresceram, mas abaixo do projetado.

E o Brasil, como anda? Vamos ver...

Saldo positivo na balança comercial brasileira, embora menor do que o ano passado. Estamos exportando mais porém aumentamos a importação também

A alta nas importações está ligada principalmente a compra de máquinas visando o aumento de capacidade produtiva do país.

Do lado das exportações, vendemos menos petróleo porém aumentamos bastante as vendas de minério de ferro

Acho interessante olhar além dos números. Muitas vezes temos uma ideia errada quando olhamos apenas os resultados numéricos

Preço da Cesta Básica cai no país todo. São Paulo segue tendo a Cesta mais cara, apesar de um bom recuo de 2.75%

Já não é muita loucura pensar em deflação no preço dos alimentos em um futuro próximo! Boa notícia para o trabalhador brasileiro

Se diminuir verdadeiramente para nós, bom demais rs

Bolsas em geral em alta hoje. A probabilidade de recessão global arrefeceu um pouco, gerando otimismo nos mercados

Se aquele dia ficou tudo vermelho, hoje parece que ta tudo verde, bom demais isso.

Preciso balancear minhas sementes no dCrops.... em algumas estações acaba sobrando semente que não consigo plantar e em outras planto todas e ainda sobra dias na estação

Curioso a atleta americana impressionada com serviços de saude oferecidos de forma gratuita na vila olimpica

Ela aproveitou e zerou a lista de exames antes de voltar para os EUA hahaha

To assistindo Law & Order Special Victims Unit pela primeira vez.

Meio estranha... não tenho certeza de que ela envelheceu muito bem

Link do TOwn Hall pra quem qusier acompanhar

Matt falando sobre a proposta do Splinterlands no town hall

Não participei, tem como fazer um resumo do que foi falado? Algo interessante na sua opinião?

Nada muito significativo. Mas eu gostei que ele respondeu as perguntras da galera sem desviar do foco. Passou a visão deles

Entendi, então ta bom nesse ponto, se não fugiu das perguntas ta bom rs

Interessante a conversa até o momento.... achei que o Matt iria se esquivar muito das perguntas mas até que ele está endereçando bem

Quem comparecer ao Hive Fest vai ganhar um título especial no Splinterlands

Não aguentei... comprei mais um pedal de guitarra

kkkkk vicio que fala? rs

hahaha simmmm!!

No meio da guitarra existe uma brincadeira que as pessoas sofrem de uma doença chamada GAS (Gear Acquistion Syndrome) que é tipo Síndrome de Aquisição de Equipamentos.. ou seja, um vício em comprar cada vez mais coisas hahaha

Por coincidência se chama GAS, como as taxas de transação de algumas criptos, é tudo relacionado e as teorias da conspiração surgem T_T kkkkk

Coloquei uma ordem de BTC e consegui uma compra muito próxima do mínimo local desta tarde. As vezes rola uns acertos muito bons desse tipo

Binance safada demais! Aparentemente estão bloqueando envio para carteiras tipo a XDeFi... Querem nos manter naquele lixo centralizado

Estou um pouco afastado da inleo, está difícil manter o acesso e a interação na plataforma. Vida corrida, pelo menos quando estou trabalhando kkkk.


I'm listening to the recording of shorts launch party. Pretty interesting stuff

Where is the replay? I would like to listen as well

Yes, listen this morning as well. More and more pieces are coming into place here on Inleo :)

We should start getting #darkcloaks on the map

Out and about

Looks like this is taking a dump

#cent #pob #freecompliments #dailydook


It is!
At least it's way better than when I'm taking a shit 🤣

Don't be angry. !DOOK nation see shit in everything 😂

And he is doing it in public. Let's !DOOK cheer him for a job well done 😁


💩Art 😆🤡🌍 #dailydook

Some art is just weird. Do you remember the penis bridge?

I had forgotten about this until I saw it again now 😂

You are welcome! 😆


Still on Leo shorts, i have a question.
When posting shorts, does it have to be original videos only Or can we post anything, both original videos and ai videos?

#askonleo #leoshorts #inleo #feedback

there are no rules on this. I imagine original content will be more popular but especially right now anything is welcome

I'm gonna try it out soon.

Another cool achievement - 35,000 HP earned :) and as it's only half of the actual payout, I naturally have 70k+ HP. Don't dump it - it's called power for a reason :)

With power comes great responsibilities ;)

True, and I do my best curating interesting posts ;)

nice! Congrats! We are about the same I think. I actually haven’t checked in months 😂 just keep stacking!

I am sweating like a fat man doing workout

Note that I am skinny and just sitting, doing nothing

#pob #cent #darkcloaks

That's your body telling you to move and exercise. !LOL

Why did the rooster cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of chaosmagic23



@caspermoeller89, I sent you an

I was actually told earlier today that I need to work out.
#badbackproblems 😂

Lower back or general back problems are widely common. Workouts prevent injuries. I could start a huge list of why working out is good, but I guess you already know.

Same here and my fan died. Imagine that !LOLZ

I received straight Ds in all my biology classes in college
I guess I’m bio-D-grade-able

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase



@caspermoeller89, I sent you an

I'm on a bus where there is usually ac.. shit is broken, so there's nothing 😂
Gotta love summer!

At least it's better than freezing 😃

ACed busses are some times like a meat locker. But if you can manage start wearing #jerseys. Their different fabric is gift by the heavens in #summer. But you can't wear them everywhere everytime.

It might sound fanciful when a proceed is obtained by making loot during mass rioting with impunity. But don't do it, U will earn bad karma & bad karma at some point in life will manifest. Luck is an unpaid karma of past.



Thanks for your help
this Comment has been upvoted with 100%, thanks to @milaan who burned 1000 PLANETWith this burn @milaan is actively participating in the CLEAN PLANET reward protocol.@milaan is helping @cleanplanet to grow with the curation.@cleanplanet

📊 Top 5 #NFTs By 24hr Volume :

  1. Pudgy Penguins : $1.0M
  2. Milady Maker : $846.0K
  3. CryptoPunks : $744.0K
  4. Guild of Guardians Heroes : $641.0K
  5. Liberty Cats : $513.0K

#feedback my leaderboard score seems to be incorrect - I haven't posted since Sunday, yet I see 10 points for long posts there in today view. Also, it feels like not all of my threads/replies are reflected.

Have the same feeling and just also posted a feedback thread

where do you see the expanned view? with points and all that. I only see totals.

Just click on anybody's nick.

Ya, I figured it out. lol. But thanks. !BBH !DOOK

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(27/100)@godfish! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

ignore my last question. lol

I'm not even on the list. I have no idea how it's calculated.

Maybe just Khal hates you ;)

Seems like the only reasonable reason. 😆 !DOOK

In memory of my wife. Our Wednesday thing to each other.

Lol. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say.

hahaha me too. Glad he has good memories.

LOL. ah, something like, "Happy humpday to you to!" lol !BBH !DOOK

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(29/100)@jhymi! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

Literally hump day

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(28/100)@ben.haase! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

A #selfie of Duke this day is very important because I was taking him to veterinary control, after he almost died with a serious illness #memory

#gifu Now up to 700k views have you bought some Gifu yet? things will start to get real...

Thats some big numbers!

I won’t sell hive til $2 or til I’m desperate. Let’s see which happens first

I was desperate once. Regrets it till this day.

trying very very hard not to sell now. It’s getting a bit scary but maybe I’ll pull through!!

Yes, if you are not desperate, hold on. The only reason I sold my hive a few years ago was to stop from loosing my house.

well at least you are still here and still have a house! 🔥

I want a house!

This is true :)

I'm gonna find a way to take my Hive to the next life with me.

lol that won’t be necessary. Hand it down to the people you love or to the people you think will do something good with it!

After giving this a little thought, I stand by my statement 🤣

well I guess that’s burned hive so we all win!

hopes and dreams, markets control we just hope. More people more money more jobs , the growth will continue no doubt unless the whole economy collapses money will continue to grow.

Here’s hoping for $5

Are you ready for one more? #threadcast 📽️

Thread Day #14 | Join us! #themovieclub

#moviesonleo #themovieclub #review Lindsay Lohan tries but can't elevate formulaic "high concept" romantic comedy above mediocrity.

Check it out my latest album review (I'm only posting this one here because it's the soundtrack to a movie):


What do you think of the very high salaries of some actors and actresses? 🤔


Depends what kind of salaries. I think that 20+ million US$ salaries per films that used to be the norm for Hollywood A list stars three decades ago aren't justified now. People go to cinema because of the franchise and not because of the star's face or name on the poster.

If you could choose an actor or actress to star in the movie of your life, who would you choose? 🤔


I really miss the quality of older movies. 😞


This threadcast is gonna be big someday. ✌️


Just need to say that if you havent seen Deadpool and Wolverine, do it :)

I've already watched it (and also, I've even published my review about it).

Superhero movies really aren't one of my favorites, but it was worth it for the fun.


But deadpool imo is not about the hero aspect, its the character I enjoy :)

That's why I liked the movie, but it's impossible not to associate these movies with other superhero movies.


What do you think of movies that are long hours long? 🤔


It depends on the script, genre, theme and subject. Most comedies, horror or action films don't work well over 90 minutes, but historical or similar epic should be within 2-3 hours.

Do you like watching movie trailers in theaters? 🤔


Tell me a movie you would recommend to your enemy. 🤣


What was the last movie you watched that blew your mind?


Animated movies with 2D technology should be made again.


What movie have you watched countless times? 👀


Back to School. Die Hard. Top Gun. Halloween.

I have a few but my Top 3 movies of all time I would always watch over and over and over Scarface, Die Hard, Terminator 2 Judgement Day.

Which versions of Halloween did you enjoy.

For me, I really liked the last trio followed by the original. I wasnt a huge fan of the Rob Zombie duo.

Here are some top movie lines:

"May the Force be with you." - Star Wars (1977)
"There's no place like home." - The Wizard of Oz (1939)
"I'm the king of the world!" - Titanic (1997)
"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary." - Dead Poets Society (1989)
"Elementary, my dear Watson." - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939)
"It's alive! It's alive!" - Frankenstein (1931)
"My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." - Forrest Gump (1994)
"I'll be back." - The Terminator (1984)
"You're gonna need a bigger boat." - Jaws (1975)
"Here's looking at you, kid." - Casablanca (1942)

All those above are iconic, but my favorite lines are from my favorite move of all time (don't judge me lol)

Here are some of the most iconic lines from the movie Scarface (1983):

"Say hello to my little friend!" - Tony Montana
"First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women." - Tony Montana
"Every dog has his day." - Frank Lopez
"I rather die like a man than live like a coward." - Tony Montana
"You need people like me so you can point your fingers and say, 'That's the bad guy.'" - Tony Montana
"Don't get high on your own supply." - Frank Lopez
"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." - Tony Montana
"This city is like a big ol' pussy, just waitin' to get fucked!" - Tony Montana
"I'm the king of the world! At least in this city, I am." - Tony Montana
"You wanna play rough? Say hello to my little friend!" - Tony Montana

@taskmaster4450le I'm sure you would appreciate this topic lol

LOL this is beyond my capabilities.

I cant give you many lines from films.

Ill Be Back...I remember that one.

Hey it’s a classic line. So that counts.

I’ll be back

#gmfrens and Happy Midweek! Here is the Motivation, Inspiration, Success #threadcast for 8/7/2024! Drop your memes, quotes, videos, etc in the comments. #1440minutes #motivationsonleo #inspirationonleo #successonleo #motivation #inspiration #success

Definition of stupid:

Knowing the truth, seeing the evidence of the truth, but still believing the lie.


Some people can't handle the truth! The truth is a hard pill to swallow

People spend more time coming up with excuses as to why they didnt do something as compared to do it.

The primal offers so many lessons for us.

Do not believe society is sophisticated. Our nature is still in play, both individually and collectively.

What is your key to success?

consistency and not giving up

Do not let feelings dictate your life?

Stoic Journal -- 5 Lessons To FORCE Yourself To TAKE ACTION | Stoic Habits | Stoicism

Stoic Teachings -- 10 WAYS TO STAY AT PEACE | AS A STOIC

Way Of Wisdom -- 9 Ways Excess Kindness Will Quickly Ruin Your Life|Stoicism

Stoic Target -- 11 Powerful Ways to Deal with Toxic People

Jim Rohn Motivation -- DROP THE EXCUSES - Jim Rohn Motivation

Stoic Meadow -- 10 Lessons: How To Use REJECTION In Your Favor | Stoicism | Stoic Meadow

Grow To The Top -- Identity Shifting: The New Way To Reinvent Yourself In 30 Days (Audiobook)

Mini AudioBooks -- The Path to Limitless Potential Full Audiobook

Sonictome -- Productivity And Time Management - Do More, Be More

Rohn’s Success Principles - - Live As If You're Already in Your Dream Life - Jim Rohn's Electrifying Motivation

Stoicism Stories -- How Walking Away Can Be Your Greatest Power | How To Practice Stoicism 2024


Stoic Within -- 5 Habits of a Stoic Morning Routine for success

Kevin O'Leary -- Top 3 Tips That Changed My Life Forever

Walking is Fitness -- Start Walking Every Day And This Will Change

Critical Thinking Essentials: Boosting Your Analytical Skills | Audiobook by Mindful Literary

Audible Aria -- Embracing Your True Nature | Audiobook

The Bongalis -- The Art of Thinking Clearly - Rolf Dobelli FULL Audiobook

Great Leadership With Jacob Morgan -- Daniel Goleman The Father of Emotional Intelligence on Managing Emotions in the Workplace

Motivation2Study -- Jordan Peterson: Fix Yourself Before It's Too Late

SUCCESS CHASERS -- The Art of Selfishness: Why Self Love & Selfishness Are The Secret To A Good Life

Ed Mylett -- How to Put Yourself First (and Why It’s so Important) | Ed Mylett

Motivation2Study -- THE MINDSET OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE - Motivational Video

Valuetainment -- The Winner's Mindset That Guarantees Success

Motiversity -- 2024 GO HARD MINDSET - The Most Powerful Motivational Speech Compilation for Success & Working Out

Eddie Pinero -- THE MINDSET FOR SUCCESS | Best Motivational Speeches of 2023 (So Far)

Be Inspired -- "It Goes Straight to Your Subconscious Mind" - "I AM" Affirmations For Success, Wealth & Happiness

Mindful Literary -- From Negative to Positive - The Art of Attitude Transformation | AudioBook

SUCCESS CHASERS -- The Most Powerful Mindset for Success - Andrew Huberman

Florencia Andres -- Ranked Best Motivational Video: Cracking the Mindset code by Florencia Andres

Evan Carmichael -- Control THIS Powerful INVISIBLE FORCE and SUCCESS will Follow! | Wayne Dyer MOTIVATION

MotivationHub -- TRY IT FOR 1 DAY! "I AM" Affirmations for Success, Confidence, Self Love & Happiness

The Power of Habit - Rewire Your Mind for Success | AudioBook

BookToK -- No Excuses Audiobook, by Brian Tracy - 2022 self improvement

Ngaslife -- The Power of Confidence - Shine Through The Power of Your Self-Belief Audiobook

Brian Tracy Motivation -- ACHIEVING SUCCESS IN ANY FIELD - Brian Tracy Motivation

Grow To The Top -- Rise To The Top: 7 Ways To DESTROY Your Limiting Beliefs (Audiobook)

Jim Rohn Motivation -- Everything Will Come To You At The Perfect Time - Jim Rohn Motivation

Master Key Society -- The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (1963) by Joseph Murphy

Motiversity -- WINNERS MINDSET - The Most Powerful Motivational Speech Compilation for Success & Working Out

MotivationHub -- LISTEN EVERY NIGHT! Positive “I AM Affirmations” to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Motivation Radio -- How To Master The ART Of THINKING | How Successful People Think | Motivation Radio 2023

MotivationHub -- Best "I AM" Affirmations for Abundance, Success, Confidence & Happiness

MotivationHub -- BILLIONAIRE MINDSET - Best Motivational Speech Compilation

Brian Tracy Motivation -- SUCCESS IS NOT A COMFORTABLE PROCEDURE - Brian Tracy Motivation

Eddie Pinero -- 3 Hours for the NEXT 30 Years of Your LIFE | Best Motivational Speeches

Master Key Society -- The Game of Life and How to Play it (1925) by Florence Scovel Shinn

Motiversity -- DOMINATE 2024 - Best New Year Motivational Video Speeches Compilation

Let's Become Successful -- Recharge Your Mind | Jim Rohn Compilation | Motivation | Let's Become Successful

Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 8/7/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.

Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.

iPhone 16 Pro Max - Launch Date Confirmed!


LOL they just keep rolling out iPhones.

A few years ago there was a lot of talk about AR in Apple products. Did they ever go that route?

I didn't go that was, am not an iPhone fan 🤣🤣🤣. What about you?

Reuters: Exclusive: Samsung's 8-layer HBM3E chips clear Nvidia's tests for use, sources say

Interesting to watch the advancement of chips. This is the major race to follow. We need to see a big jump here to recognize that at other layers of the stack.

Sad news for people using adblocking and anti-tracking addons: Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled

YouTube is looking to keep upsetting the users.

Brave still works great, though.

Yeah. That is the only thing I use for YouTube.

I haven't seen an ad there for years. I might still be tracked, though, I am perhaps not as cautious as I should be.

I would imagine you are tracked especially since they give recommendations.

But the browser does keep the ads at bay.

Reuters: Google antitrust ruling may pose $20 billion risk for Apple

There is certainly a move after Big Tech. These companies are going to start maneuvering around it. My money is on them.

It's gonna be fun to watch, hopefully ;)

Yeah. Always mixed reactions when watching major corporations and governments go at it.

Not sure who is worse.

Reuters: Musk’s X accuses advertisers of boycotting platform in new lawsuit

It was interesting to see Rumble jump into the lawsuit also.

Sora isnt even on the market.

Video generation is going to be the next major generative AI fight.

A bit of buzz before entering the market cannot hurt it ;)

That is true although their thunder might be hijacked by these other programs.

It seems a couple from the Chinese are really making waves. Just something else to watch.

That's for sure :)

Wired: A US Judge Ruled That Google Is an Illegal Monopolist. Here's What Might Come Next

BBC: AI in healthcare: what are the risks for the NHS?

CNBC: Elon Musk’s support for Trump pushes a corporate customer away from Tesla

A bit of politics mingled with tech-business

Nice headline. Finding a company that has like 35 Teslas.

The Guardian: Why AI’s Tom Cruise problem means it is ‘doomed to fail’

The Guardian: Airbnb shares drop 12% as company flags weakening US demand

Today’s #WordOfTheDay is ‘indolent’.

As technology progresses and advances humans become more indolent.

That is true. We are seeing it become that way rapidly.

The gig economy, which includes companies like Uber, DoorDash, and Instacart, has shown strong performance and surpassed expectations in their earnings reports. This sector has been a bright spot amid the overall gloomy earnings season for the technology industry.

#gigeconomy #markets #technology

The problem is the gig economy is not good for the overall economy as workers tend to take home less pay (when benies are factored in).

So the companies might be on fire but the economy is not.

And hell if a Big Mac meal cost $18, might as well Doordash some Olive Garden or something.

It’s a vicious cycle

It’s a vicious cycle

Yes it is. Of course, with AI and robots, it is going even further. We are going to see the deflationary forces kick into over drive.

Is technology enhancing human brain or deprecating it?

If you mean adding more intelligence, we are being enhanced in a major way.

Consider all the information you have right at your finger tips with just your phone.

It is truly stunning.

From the earliest stone tools to the latest advances in artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchains and virtual reality, technology has continuously transformed our lives

Just look at what the internet did for humanity and society. Consider how much our work has changed.

It will only keep advancing.

Apple faces $20B risk as Google antitrust ruling looms


Yep. The regulators are going after Big Tech. Why are they doing that?

Is it because politicians see they are losing control to #technology firms.

thats the point, we are also suffering a part of it over here.

What do you mean?

For the past one week or there are about network has been very terrible.
It was rumored that the government instructed the telecommunication company to shut down the network.

Just saying tho

With the continuous progress and iteration of technology, the Tokyo Olympic Games three years ago and the Paris Olympic Games today are no longer the same. The integration of these innovations promises a more immersive and fair experience for athletes and audiences alike.

A very valid point.

Now consider where #technology will take us over the next 4 years.

It is mind blowing.

stylishly looking for a way to shut tech down.

Its another day for the technology threadcast 😊😊, let's get some updates..

Make it for Defense

#technology #defense

And it also helps with the DIY projects around the house.

I know you gonna love it. Do you care for one?

Take your favorite chatbot and start to have a conversation.

This is starting to tap into all knowledge that humanity has.

The value of labor is going to head towards zero as robots scale up. This is unavoidable.

What is up in the air is how quickly we move towards that. Do robots scale very rapidly.

When you think about it, generative #ai creates infinite knowledge.

We use to pay for knowledge. However, the question is going to be who owns and controls it?

idk about that. Right now it just takes opinions and human said knowledge and spits it out. It doesn't actully produce new knowledge yet.

What do you humans do?

How did you create this new, never seen before thread?

Rivian lost $1.46B in Q2 as it drives toward a VW-linked future

Rivian's financial losses have crept up as it pushed out the last of its first-generation R1 trucks and SUVs in favor of newer, more cost-efficient

Rivian’s financial losses have crept up as it pushed out the last of its first-generation R1 trucks and SUVs in favor of newer, more cost-efficient versions — a sign of just how much the company could use the $5 billion it could get as part of a recently announced deal with Volkswagen Group.

The company announced Tuesday that it lost $1.46 billion in the second quarter of 2024, up from a first-quarter loss of $1.45 billion. The loss was nearly $300 million worse than the second quarter last year.

#technolog #rivian

Automattic launches AI writing tool that aims to make WordPress blogs more readable and succinct

Automattic, the owner of, has launched a new AI tool designed to help bloggers write more clearly and succinctly.

Automattic, the owner of, has launched a new AI tool designed to help bloggers write more clearly and succinctly.

The tool joins a swathe of writing assistants launched over recent years by the likes of privacy app maker Proton as well as the mighty Google.

#technology #ai

EQT takes a majority stake in cybersecurity firm Acronis at $3.5B+ valuation

Cybersecurity remains a white-hot space for investors. In the latest example of that demand, EQT has bought a majority stake in Acronis

Cybersecurity remains a white-hot space for investors. In the latest example of that demand, EQT has bought a majority stake in Acronis, a security company that specializes in data protection, cloud and integrated security solutions for managed service providers (which resell services to consumers) and corporate IT teams.

#newsonleo #technology

One BILLION Humanoid Robots and the OpenAI "Meltdown"

#robots #Technology #openai

Airbnb details plans to expand beyond short-term rentals, including co-hosting and relaunching 'experiences'

Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky suggested on Tuesday's Q2 earnings call with investors that the company will soon expand into new products and services

Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky suggested on Tuesday’s Q2 earnings call with investors that the company will soon expand into new products and services, including co-hosting, a relaunch of Airbnb’s “experiences,” guest services and more.

The company positioned the upcoming offerings as a way for Airbnb to grow its revenue by becoming known for doing more than just one thing — short-term vacation rentals.

#newsonleo #airbnb #technology

Ex-Clubhouse employees take another swing at a social networking startup

The ex-Clubhouse, Netflix employees raised $1.65M for an app that combines social media, networking, and dating.

Maya Watson and Lexi Nisita, cofounders of a new social app called why?!, met when they both worked at Netflix. They had one of those friendly co-worker relationships, where they laughed, and just vibed.

They were on the streaming giant’s brand and editorial teams and found that their skills complemented each other. “We are also both from Minnesota,” Watson said. “We just go together.”

#newsonleo #clubhouse #socialmedia #technology

The merging of LLMs and Robotics is becoming evident. It is easy to see how these are a form of convergence. Hence, the acceleration of LLMs over the next year will have an impact on robots.


Was GPT-5 Underwhelming? OpenAI Co-founder Leaves, Figure02 Arrives, Character.AI Gutted, GPT-5 2025

#technology #gpt5 #openai

Reuters: Microsoft blames Delta for its struggle to recover from global cyber outage

Listening to the SHorts launch party recording. Interesting stuff

NBCLA -- See this new AI technology that helps combat shoplifting

TED -- What Will Happen to Marketing in the Age of AI? | Jessica Apotheker | TED

TED -- 12 Predictions for the Future of Technology | Vinod Khosla | TED

AI Uncovered -- Apple’s New ‘4M’ AI Model: The Most Exciting Technology of the Year

Top Future Tech Trends to Watch in 2024


10 Things They're NOT Telling You About The New AI

#technology #ai

#ai is going to change society. If anyone thinks this is an overstatement, just consider what the internet did. That was really nothing more than a connecting of computers.

This is new compute.

The Future of Work: Raoul Pal on AI, Crypto, & the Great Resignation

#technology #ai #robotics #work

Elon Musk's X taken to court in Ireland for grabbing EU user data to train Grok without consent

Elon Musk's X is being taken to court in Ireland for using Europeans' data to train AI models without asking for their consent.

Elon Musk’s X is being taken to court in Ireland for using Europeans’ data to train AI models, RTE reported late on Tuesday. The development relates to the social media platform’s decision last month to process user data to train its “Grok” AI model without notifying or asking people if they’re okay with that.

#newsonleo #ireland #elonmusk #x #ai #technology

Learn to talk to these chatbots instead of trying to search them.

That is one of the major shifts people can make to improve their lives.

We are going to be split between the #technological adopters and non-adopters.

The adopters will be the ones who merge with the #technology.

Think about that for a few minutes. What does it do for the non-adopters.

Paris 2024 Olympics introduces cutting-edge technologies, including advanced AI-driven smart referee systems, digital twin models, and intelligent sports equipment, setting new standards for accuracy, efficiency, and performance


Can AI chatbots be reined in by a legal duty to tell the truth?

What do you think?

No. Why do people think they would be any different from what is out there and it is trained upon.

To address the problem of AIs generating inaccurate information, a team of ethicists says there should be legal obligations for companies to reduce the risk of errors, but there are doubts about whether it would work

People need to understand what it is.

Do people generate accurate information?

Modern Agriculture Machines That Are At Another Level

#technology #agriculture

This is the dangerous AI that got Sam Altman fired. Elon Musk, Ilya Sutskever.


Japan has Launched Next-Generation Transport SHOCKING Russia




Apple’s New Computer Will DESTROY The Entire Industry!


New open Ai model Search Gpt 2024 TECH UPDATES


Buzz Aldrin FINALLY Admits What We All Suspected About the Moon


Nvidia Will Get DESTROYED After This New Invention From Apple!


LOL I wouldnt go that far. Nvidia is advancing in many areas that most arent considering.

AM so marveled on its moves..

This is very insightful: ignore the benchmarks.

Gemini 1.5 Pro Tested - Benchmarks Mean NOTHING

#technology #ai #llms #google

British Hedge Fund Gobbles Up Over $464,300,000 Worth of Shares in Two Bitcoin ETFs

A hedge fund based in the United Kingdom (UK) is investing hundreds of millions of dollars in the two largest spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by cumulative net inflows.

A hedge fund based in the United Kingdom (UK) is investing hundreds of millions of dollars in the two largest spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by cumulative net inflows.

According to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing, Capula Management is currently holding a combined $464,304,032 in the spot Bitcoin ETFs issued by BlackRock and Fidelity Investments.

#crypto #newsonleo #bitcoin

Sweden's Massive €4 Billion Gigafactory is Revolutionizing the Battery Industry

#newsonleo #gigafactory #battery


#science #technology #energy

🚴‍♂️ China is exploring hydrogen-powered transportation with bikes and trucks! While hydrogen bikes face efficiency challenges, hydrogen trucks show promise for long-distance travel. However, most hydrogen in China is still produced from fossil fuels. 🌱

#CleanEnergy #HydrogenTech #Technology

Lumen Technologies Debt Rallies After Stock Jump Demand, AI Demand

Lumen's shares shot higher in recent days, recordinga record one-day jump Tuesday and continuing their gains Wednesday.

The company late Monday said it secured $5 BILLION in new business and is in talks for another $7 BILLION in sales driven by AI demand.

Source: Bloomberg Television/TOP NEWS

Look at Lithium prices. Do you think battery prices will follow?

Facebook parent Meta seeks to raise $10.5 billion in bonds as borrowers tentatively return to market

Monday’s stock market rout and Treasury rally kept issuers on the sidelines

Meta Platforms Inc. launched a 5-part investment-grade bond offering on Wednesday that’s expected to include a 40-year maturity, taking advantage of the better tone in the markets after the recent meltdown.

The Facebook parent

was one of a crop of issuers looking to tap the corporate bond market, according to Informa Global Markets, and is planning to raise $10.5 billion.

The corporate bond market saw no debt issuance during Monday’s market carnage sparked by U.S. recession fears and the violent unwinding of the yen “carry trade.”

#newsonleo #meta #finance #technology, a generative AI startup, has raised $25M and inked deals with major media companies like Financial Times, The Atlantic, and Universal Music Group. Their innovative model ensures fair revenue sharing and accurate content attribution. A new era for AI and media collaboration! 🌟

#AI #Technology #MediaInnovation

There will be a lot of experimentation.

My guess is the end result is nothing. #technology is deflationary. This trend cannot be stopped.

Generative AI is an information creator. It is going to generate unlimited info about everything.

I’m on it. Hook! Line! and Sinker! lol

Me too. I think we are going to see a massive explosion over the next 5 years to the point where people, who are not expecting it, will be stunned.

[LINK] to read more about it

Just look at what we can do with images.

Think about what it use to take to get one of them designed.

So true. There will be more deals like this. Inevitably.

Yep. There is going to be nothing that these generative AIs cannot create.

We are moving towards the era of personalized entertainment.

So true. There will be more deals like this. Inevitably.

Videos today are created using a one to many model. I create the video, post it, and many can see it.

The future is going to ne one to one. Generative videos will be made for the individual.

1/ 🧵

I experienced an unexpected #kindness from someone recently. Her kindness left me amazed. #outreach #threadstorm #emotionsfeelings

2/ 🧵
Despite a disappointing setback, a kind act from someone I barely knew lifted my spirits. True kindness is rare.

3/ 🧵
Read my story of an unexpected encounter and the power of kindness. Full post on Hive Blockchain.


I had the same experience multiple times. When you see kindness you start to believe there is a chance for humanity. Also, kindness doesn't cost you anything. !BBH

Yes, kindness doesn't cost us anything, you just have to be willing to do it. Thank you for sharing yours.

@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/20)@princessbusayo! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.

(html comment removed: )

Peakd has a very interesting analysis section for our account, it seems that I am managing to get a return of 1 hp per day just with votes. If that is true, I am on the right track, a good number for helping my friends with my votes. #freecompliments #cent

Yeah, hope Inleo gets similar analytics later on as well :)

I believe that at some point they should add more cool tools, there are still a lot of basic things to improve here at Inleo. I prefer to have the basics working 200% before adding new things.

Top #meme coins. What's up, #pepe? #cent #bbh

I can never understand why people "invest" in these meme tokens 😅😅

yeah, me neither. If it's cheap and just for fun, okay. But I would not consider it as investment.

Crypto exchange coin reserves are once again beginning to fall. This is a good sign, but never a guarantee there will not be a further correction. #Crypto #cent

A little up for $BTC $ETH $BNB and $SOL.
#cent #bbh #leo

Do you have a habit of hitting the like button before completing the video?


Haha sometimes maybe 😂

😀 /1
Sunny day to organize a party with "Fourplay - Elixir" instrumental smooth jazz

#musics #jazz #partytime

😀 /2
I love the style of these rhythms in my ears. Do you have a favorite song in this category of smooth jazz?

😀 /3
Smooth Party where you put together community members. You are welcome to join the event

Tomorrow could be interesting. It is the late wife's and mine 15th wedding anniversary. #grief.

Take care and try to look at your memories with joy ❤️
She would not want you to be sad

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(44/100)@anderssinho! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

I'm listening to Shorts launch party recording. Interesting how they worked around the issue of posting a long-form post when uploading a video

It was creative. We need to get everyone posting them. I am going to add a few more today.

#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for August 7th, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.

Mental Health Ambassador Team: @bitcoinman @caleb-marvel @ckole @crazyphantombr @fashtioluwa @FoneStreet @forkyishere @ibbtammy @ijelady @lightofhope @luchyl @pepetoken @thebighigg Answer this daily roll call to get curation! Check the comment above for our public flowsheet and pinned post, to which you can add suggestions/links.

I am here sorry for letting y'all down was gonna do the post yestrday but I forgot !DOOK !BBH

We'll survive - let's just ensure that we're more organized in the future. If one person misses it, another takes over. It's all teamwork.


How often should you tell chemistry jokes?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments



@bitcoinman, I sent you an

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/50)@bitcoinman! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

(html comment removed: )

Hello people. It's been a while here.

Good morning Luchyl! First today :D


You just got DUO from @freecompliments.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

How many stars are in the sky?
All of them.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@luchyl, I sent you an

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/50)@luchyl! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

(html comment removed: )

GM frens, guess I'll be around more than mi thought, for mi found a way. :) !BBH !DOOK

Amazing, glad to have you here, brother! 2nd today :D


You can tune a piano
But you can't piano a tuna.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@pepetoken, I sent you an

My usual. I won't have the time. Then see myself #1 on threads. Having no idea how that happened. LOL !BBH !DOOK

@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(23/100)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

(html comment removed: )

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/50)@pepetoken! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

(html comment removed: )

GoodMorning broskis, im back today few stuffs to talk out. !DOOK !WEED !LUV

@fonestreet, sorry! You need more $LUV to use this command.

The minimum requirement is 10.0 LUV in your liquid wallet.

More LUV is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex

Good morning Fred! What's up, man?


I wish I could clean mirrors for a living.
It's just something I can see myself doing.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@fonestreet, I sent you an

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(7/50)@fonestreet! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

(html comment removed: )

Right here!

What’s Scooby Doos’ favorite drink?
Mountain Dooby Doo

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg



@freecompliments, I sent you an

Glad to have you here! Please check out the link I put up as well - we can help out the guy.


About Shiftrox? Already responded!

@thebighigg likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/50)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @thebighigg.

(html comment removed: )

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(16/50)@thebighigg! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

(html comment removed: )

Hello everyone, I'm here 🥰

@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(6/100)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

(html comment removed: )

@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(6/50)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.

(html comment removed: )

Use this pinned post to post links in case the InLeo Ul isn't working well for you.

Google Docs action flowsheet:

Thank you Fren. !DOOK !BBH

@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/100)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

(html comment removed: )

Apparently #spacekaren has the #time between managing #tesla and #spacex to #interview #djt coming #monday #pepe But okay I find the #time for #threads but that's different LOL

@beststart Just placed an order at your store ;)

Thanks, Bradley.

I appreciate the business.


:) May be more to come my friend :) !BBH !DOOK

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(49/100)@beststart! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

@beststart likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/100)@bradleyarrow! to your account on behalf of @beststart.

(html comment removed: )

Remember to check your layer 2 wallet to see if you have #bbho to stake! We will help and support you as much as possible! #bbh

Thank you :) !BBH !DOOK !INDEED

You're welcome, I'm happy to help in any way. This token is indeed new to me, I'll look into it.

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(42/100)@shiftrox! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

Yes, thank you for the reminder. Have already staked some man. !DOOK !BBH

That's it, now it's time to increase the stake and distribute a lot to the community.


Where does a martial arts instructor in Bankok live?
In a Thai con-do.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@pepetoken, I sent you an

@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(49/100)@shiftrox! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

(html comment removed: )

@shiftrox likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/20)@pepetoken! to your account on behalf of @shiftrox.

(html comment removed: )

@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(25/100)@shiftrox! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

(html comment removed: )

Set your reminder for todays Town Hall episode at 12 eastern time.

Sorry, I cannot attend this time :/

That sucks. You always make the threadcasts fun.

I do my best ;)

Sorry, I cannot attend this time :/

I am barely 3 months old on inleo, but i have to work harder.@taskmaster4450le has been so consistent on inleo, for the past years.

We all had to start somewhere. And it's a difficult task to keep up with this guy lol

Eets weally is a challenge man. !BBH !DOOK !LOLZ

Want a new friend?
Tell a women you love her.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken



@mightpossibly, I sent you an

I think he has the highest amount of threads.

He spends all his time on inleo.

I think he has the highest amount of threads.

He spends all his time on inleo.

Each can do their own. There is a lot of data to add to inLeo. We all have a part in it.

@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(8/100)@mightpossibly! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

(html comment removed: )

⚡️ Turkey will become an active participant in the process against Israel at the UN International Court of Justice in the South African lawsuit," Erdogan said
#News #Newsonleo #freecompliments #politics #Turkiey

He looks like a german comedian who is disliked by Turkey - I know now why !LOLZ

The word queue is ironic.
It's just q with a bunch of silent letters waiting in line.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase



@vickvan, I sent you an

So have done some threads today and a post but still cant find my name in the daily leaderboard.#feedback

What is the point system again? I think I should have enough points

I checked twice and can't find my name. I have no idea how it works but that's probably good. So no one can trick the system.

My score is not updating either, since at least yesterday. I think I heard others were reporting the same issue yesterday

#wordofthedayonleo - reify

What It Means

Reifying is about considering or representing something abstract as a material or concrete thing. If you reify a concept or idea you somehow give it definite content and form.

//The tense personal dynamic between the two musicians was reified by the dissonant yet captivating music they made together.


AI-art gallery

Discover the power of AI-generated images! Let's share unique and fascinating artworks created with the help of artificial intelligence.

Join the #threadcast on a visual journey where technology meets creativity.

If you like the art, dont forget to leave a little upvote, comments and re-thread it on the latest feed.

#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo

A great one. I didnt see it until the threadcast was posted. Let me edit.

Okay edited the threadcast. Give it 5 and your creation will be there.

You were the one who created it.

yes, but if you hadn't used it, it would just have been forgotten in my threadcast

True. Now it is in lights as they say. LOL

The benefit of generative AI.

hehe who is the freeriding rat representating? :D

Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣, let's it read in your mind 😂😂 lol

Please, teach me how to prompt AI images as good as you do 🥺

#freecompliments !DOOK

Haha just practice, or even better ask chatgpt for advice :)

Oh! I will ask ChatGPT then. Maybe, I will share my creation next time 🥰

#freecompliments !DOOK

Really liking FLUX.1 it's becoming one of my favorites.

I just thought up of a prompt that honestly forgot what it was but had it generate this one on the fly.

#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo

Never tried Flux. Do you need to setup account? Do you get some free images?

This is nostalgic in so many ways.

If you're African, when did you last visit your hometown?
#aiart #aiimages #aiartonleo

what a beautiful ai images! :)

Aww. He looks cute 🥺🥰
How did you get this perfection?
#freecompliments !DOOK

This one did I actually not create. But over on Ideogram you can see what prompt was used to create it :)

It's super cute!

Yeah? Alright. I will sign up soon enough. I couldn't get my eyes off them 😍
#freecompliments !DOOK

I think I'm going into sad mode again, yesterday wasn't easy, too much for one head. I know it takes resilience, but I'm not a robot to just ignore everything. #freecompliments #cent

Fight to stay out of it. If I can do it with my grief, you can do it. I have to get through what would be my wedding aniverery tommorow

It's all complicated, but I know I'll get through this. It's a bit of a bad phase, but it's just a phase. I can't even imagine your pain and sadness. An important date for you will now remind you of something...

Thanks my friend. I am trying to use what I am going through to also help others that are not feeling mentally well.

This is a good thing to do, trying to share the experience and the pain so that at the same time we can also help. You become more special for wanting to help others.

Thank you :)

But be well, try to remember the good times, I don't really know what to say to you, but I wish you all the strength and resilience possible at this moment.

It is not what is said, it is the fact that you engage. That is the important part :)

What's going on, brother? What caused this overwhelming feeling of sadness?

These are everyday things, a complicated day at work yesterday, I couldn't finish some things and the old worry about bills to pay, if my money will be enough to pay everything this month... silly things, but I'm already feeling better.

Certainly important things. I hope that you'll be able to find all the means you need to support yourself. Furthermore, I hope that you'll be able to focus on the things that bring you joy, which can sometimes be difficult during times of stress, but also can also serve to alleviate the stress! After all, work is work... but it is not life.

You'll make it. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. 💪

Thank you very much for these words, they are truly powerful in helping me and I am very happy to read them. I am already feeling better, challenges will always come and I need to be stronger every day to face them and that is how it works. Work is work and there is no way to escape it. Thank you for everything!

You and about 2 other people commented and asked how I am, that for me is the best, just this simple gesture of caring about someone else's bad moment already cheers me up, it shows that the world and people still have hope, a spark of kindness that we have to keep alive.

As above, so below, happy to sad, sad to happy. Think one, and write about the sad, and happiness. Not being easy is growth. Nothing s too much, for this too shall pass. You know it takes resilience, so find this another time soon. You're not a robot for you will be happy again. Don't ignore, choose what to think about, as you have that choice. Choose happy. Sad is a sign of processing, keep going through. !BBH !DOOK

Life is a cycle, a giant wheel, one hour we are at the bottom and the next at the top, that's it, work hard, seek knowledge, improvements, investments and passive income for the future, things will get better and we will fight for this to really happen, right? Thank you for these words, I'm better now!

Yes. Skip da fite man. Gud to hear. !BBH !DOOK Welcome. #freecompliments

@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(50/100)@shiftrox! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

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Isso ai irmão, dias bons e dias ruins. Tome teu tempo para digerir tudo e coloque as coisas em seu lugar. Algumas vezes acontece umas coisas que forçam a gente a ter alguma mudança. Pensa bem antes!

E tamo junto!


Exatamente, já to bem melhor, cada dia é uma nova chance de fazer tudo diferente, novos desafios e novas vitorias. Cada dia que passa vai ficando mais complicado, então temos que ficar cada dia mais forte para enfrentar o batidão! Valeu pelo apoio mano!


@shiftrox likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/20)@crazyphantombr! to your account on behalf of @shiftrox.

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I know the feeling, no one's a machine. Hang in there! If I can help let me know, even if it is just to vent.

Exactly... nobody is a robot or a machine, but I'm better here, I was worried about some things, but your support and that of other people here at Hive has already helped me a lot. Sometimes all we need is that, friendly words and support.

It helps, and I'm glad we can help you out. Howa are things going today?

Now they are much better, I had to focus on some things here at work but I'm almost done for work, so I'm going to finish my post for today and go home.

Stay strong ❤️ and it doesn't have to be one head we are here for you

Hello, thank you very much for your support! It's really inspiring that people give their support here at hive in our most complicated and sad moments, I'm much better now! Big hug!

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@crazyphantombr likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/5)@shiftrox! to your account on behalf of @crazyphantombr.

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#newsonleo #unitedstates #politics Cori Bush, US Democratic congresswoman from Missouri, known as member of "the Squad" for her progressive views and criticism of Israel, loses primary against Wesley Bell, candidate financed by AIPAC.

Good morning friends! May your Wednesday be amazing!

Have you had your coffee today?

Good morning! Got my second cup of coffee. Have a great day!

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