AI has the potential to take global GDP and push it up by 10%, 20%, 30% per year. This is the impact that this technology can have. And people are ignoring it. People are just going about their business like it's just another year. I keep talking about this. Hopefully these videos will find eyeballs. Hopefully the message will get out to people. It's all right before us.
The increase in gross product should have a beneficial effect on the economy, but for those countries where the mentality and laws do not allow politicians to plunder the country's budget. !BEER
The Mets are on FIRE! Another win. Another Lindor homer, another Polar Bear home another Vientos homer and Petersen wins again with 11 strikeouts on his birthday. Mets are still hanging in there at 1/2 game out of the third Wild Card spot.
A campanha de Bia Haddad no US Open 2024 já tem efeitos na carreira da brasileira. Ao chegar às quartas de final do torneio e às oitavas nas duplas, Bia garantiu uma premiação de 561,5 mil dólares (cerca de R$ 3,1 milhões). Além disso, vai retornar ao top 20 do ranking da WTA.
A premiação de Bia Haddad pode aumentar se ela avançar ainda mais no US Open. Até o momento, ela soma 530 mil dólares pelas quartas de final de simples. Nas duplas, foi eliminada nas oitavas, o que lhe rendeu 31,5 mil dólares.
A derrota do Manchester United para o Liverpool por 3 a 0 gerou muitas críticas a Casemiro. O brasileiro esteve envolvido diretamente em dois lances capitais na partida. O volante cometeu erros nas jogadas que terminaram nos dois gols de Luis Díaz na primeira etapa da partida. A substituição no intervalo não foi suficiente para evitar os ataques de torcedores e comentaristas da imprensa inglesa.
Um deles foi Jamie Carragher, que atuou pelo Liverpool durante toda a sua carreira profissional. Um dos maiores símbolos da televisão esportiva do país afirmou que "Casemiro deve deixar o futebol, antes que o futebol o deixe".
Esta não é a primeira vez que Carragher fala sobre Casemiro. Em maio deste ano, o comentarista da Sky Sports sugeriu que o brasileiro deixasse o Manchester United e fosse para o futebol norte-americano para disputar a MLS. O 'conselho' foi dado após uma goleada sofrida pela equipe na Premier League. No jogo em questão, o volante atuou improvisado como zagueiro.
Aos 32 anos, Casemiro acumula 87 partidas em três temporadas pelo Manchester United. Na temporada 2024/25, o brasileiro disputou quatro jogos oficiais, sempre atuando como titular. O próximo compromisso do volante e da sua equipe acontece após a data Fifa, no dia 14 deste mês, às 08h30 (de Brasília).
As Paralimpíadas já passaram da metade, e o Brasil segue se mantendo em quarto lugar no quadro geral, no caminho para bater o recorde com tranquilidade. Nesta terça-feira foram dois ouros, duas pratas e seis bronzes, totalizando dez medalhas, com atletas das cinco regiões do país. No total são 48 medalhas, 14 ouros, 10 pratas e 24 bronzes.
O Brasil segue firme no caminho para bater o recorde de medalhas, que é de 22 ouros, obtidos em Tóquio 2021, e o de 72 medalhas no total, alcançados nas duas últimas edições das Paralimpíadas.
Do centro-oeste, Yeltsin Jacques, nascido em Campo Grande, no Mato Grosso do Sul, conquistou a medalha de ouro nos 1500m da classe T11, para atletas cegos. Na mesma prova, o paulista de Diadema Júlio Cesar Agripino foi bronze. Ainda na região sudeste, Mariana Gesteira, carioca de Itaboraí, foi bronze nos 100m livre na classe S9 e Mayara Petzold, mineira de Uberlândia, bronze nos 50m borboleta da classe S6.
Da região Norte, a que menos tem atletas na delegação, vieram duas medalhas. Mateus Evangelista, nascido em Porto Velho, Rondônia, o bronze na final do salto em distância T37 (paralisados cerebrais). De Rio Branco, no Acre, Jerusa Geber foi campeã nos 100m rasos da classe T11, para atletas cegos.
Nesta mesma prova, Lorena Spoladore, de Maringá, no Paraná, conquistou a medalha de bronze. Também da região Sul, Bruna Alexandre, da cidade Criciúma, em Santa Catarina, foi bronze na classe 10 do tênis de mesa.
A delegação brasileira conta com 280 atletas de 23 estados, além do Distrito Federal. O estado com mais representantes é São Paulo, com 81, seguido de Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro com 22, e o Paraná com 20.
Até o momento, 14 estados já tiveram atletas no pódio, e a tendência é esse número crescer nos próximos dias: Rio de Janeiro, Paraíba, Acre, Bahia, Maranhão, São Paulo, Pará, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pernambuco, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, além do Distrito Federal.
O prefeito do Rio, Eduardo Paes, afirmou nesta terça-feira que será decretado ponto facultativo nos dias de 18 e 19 de setembro em razão dos jogos de Flamengo, Botafogo e Fluminense pela Libertadores, além de outros grandes eventos que ocorrerão na cidade ao longo dessa semana. A medida se estende ao estado do Rio e foi tomada junto ao governador Cláudio Castro, de acordo com o comunicado do prefeito publicado nas redes sociais. Leia:
"O Rio terá a partir da sexta-feira dia 13/09 um período de cerca de 10 dias com grandes eventos na cidade. Três importantes jogos da Libertadores (dias 18 e 19/09 com jogos às 19h) e os dias do Rock in Rio.
Em razão dos jogos de futebol decidimos, em conjunto com o Governo do Estado, decretar ponto facultativo a partir das 15hs no Município e Estado nos dias 18 e 19. Não custa lembrar também que o acesso ao Rock in Rio deve se dar por transporte público e não por carro", publicou Paes.
A realização desses jogos já exigia atenção redobrada das autoridades. Os jogos do Botafogo e do Fluminense ocorrerão no dia 18, em horários próximos, no estádio Nilton Santos e Maracanã, respectivamente. Ambos os jogos terão a presença de torcedores visitantes, que necessitam de acompanhamento das forças de segurança.
O Flamengo notificou dois clubes brasileiros por dívidas em relação a jogadores negociados na janela do início do ano. Tratam-se de Internacional e Corinthians, que contrataram Thiago Maia e Matheuzinho respectivamente.
O Inter de Porto Alegre recebe a notificação nesta terça-feira referente à compra de Thiago Maia, fechada em julho por 4 milhões de euros (R$ 24,1 milhões no câmbio da época). Os gaúchos não pagaram a primeira das 10 parcelas, cujo valor é de 250 mil euros (R$ 1,55 milhão). O vencimento da mesma aconteceu no último dia 20.
Com o Corinthians o atraso vem de um tempo maior. O Alvinegro já pagou as duas primeiras parcelas pela compra de Matheuzinho, também vendido por 4 milhões de euros. Vale destacar que a quitação só aconteceu mediante notificação. Ambas tinham o valor de R$ 4 milhões.
A terceira e mais cara das parcelas venceu no último dia 5. O valor a ser amortizado é de R$ 8 milhões. Depois disso, o Corinthians teria de pagar mais duas parcelas, ambas avaliadas em cerca de R$ 2,5 milhões. Por tal atraso, o Corinthians foi notificado pela terceira vez.
Vale destacar que o Corinthians pagou multa de R$ 500 mil para o goleiro Hugo Souza, emprestado pelo Flamengo, participar do jogo do último domingo.
Apesar de que o Flamengo ainda tinha 5 jogadores no departamento médico, a expectativa era de que a equipe pudesse jogar de igual por igual contra o Timão.
In Brazil, we still have X blocked, with many people using VPNs to access it. I honestly still have doubts about whether or not to access it via VPN... #cent #brazil
Yes, the crazy judge said the fine is R$50,000 and even those who access via VPN will be fined. As much as the VPN protects our location, I don't know, I'm afraid of that happening. Dark days.
It's complicated, I'm working hard on the meta threads, it's a place of fast dynamics, but even so it's difficult, I think people are thinking it's some kind of scam or joke.
What country do you live in, brother? This situation is complicated, everyone has the right to express themselves, whether they say stupid things or not, talk shit or not, we have the right to express ourselves...
Too tense, the rulers of some countries think they are above everything and everyone and they do this to us, we just want freedom to express ourselves! #freecompliments
Here in Brazil it is because of the crazy judge Alexandre de Moraes, he ordered the censorship of profiles on X and Elon Musk did not accept it. He imposed a fine of 50 thousand reais ($8857.87) on anyone who accesses X.
It's really crazy... dark days are upon us, many Brazilians continue to use X via VPN, but I'm worried... what if they actually manage to apply the fine? OMG ☹️
It's a possibility, but I don't know... so far people haven't done much. The 7th is now Brazil's independence day, apparently they're planning street demonstrations, let's see how it goes.
The second session came and I resumed with so much enthusiasm and motivation to push ahead and by this time my fees were not yet ready so my parents said the fees will be sent across in two weeks
She runs as fast as she can, but the tiger is catching up.
She comes to a cliff and sees some vines hanging over the edge, so she climbs down them, knowing that the tiger will not be able to follow.
She looks down and sees another tiger waiting for her if she falls. She looks up at the hungry tiger above and notices a small mouse gnawing away at the vine she is holding onto.
She looks ahead and sees a bunch of strawberries in front of her on the cliff face. She picks a strawberry, puts it in her mouth, and enjoys it thoroughly.
Nineteen year ago I had admission into the university after my high School graduation to study Medicine and Surgery in a private university called Madonna university
I don't know because I kept spending it but I'm going to say it was 2.5 months. I had no power in December and built up my mining in 2024. Im in 2992nd place in power
Yes, I was thinking about it - why a fast-moving fog is such a recognizable trope for immediate danger.. best I could come up with is Propane.. as in something like this -
When you are making money beyond your widest dream, you find yourself in situation where you don't know what exactly to use the money for. That was my situation.
Yes, sometimes. I have also found that the bigger my file size the longer it may take. Had to start downsizing some of my uploads but there can still be delays.
#moviesonleo #musiconleo #television #rip James Darren, singer and actor, best known for the role of Vic Fontaine in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, passed away at the age 88.
Give someone a compliment today and tell us how it goes by making a post in the #freecompliments community (hive-140084). We'll curate it and give you rewards for your kind deed! 😊
Oh wow that's awesome! I'd forgotten that you used to have to wait until the dial-up had completed before accessing the smut pictures! No videos back then! Lol!
Another successful day working on the #freecompliments community. Growing every day and hopefully changing some lives for the better! Time to go... good night Lions. 🌛
“I do not know how people do not like children, they have the complicated moments that give us stress, but we forget that they also have the greatest pure and beautiful love for us.”
AI Has The Potential To Push Up GDP By 10%-30%
We will hit another economic singularity.
by @taskmaster4450le#ai #technolgoy #gdp #growthI wanna have a piece of that. Lets keep feeding LeoAI
Without a doubt. There is a huge amount of economic productivity on the horizon.
AI has the potential to take global GDP and push it up by 10%, 20%, 30% per year. This is the impact that this technology can have. And people are ignoring it. People are just going about their business like it's just another year. I keep talking about this. Hopefully these videos will find eyeballs. Hopefully the message will get out to people. It's all right before us.
The increase in gross product should have a beneficial effect on the economy, but for those countries where the mentality and laws do not allow politicians to plunder the country's budget. !BEER
Hi, @taskmaster4450le,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #69
September 3
England have appointed Brendon McCullum as their new men's white-ball coach,
In 2024 Paralympics, Eniola Bolaji wins first medal for Nigeria in Paris.
deportes aquí vamos
The Mets are on FIRE! Another win. Another Lindor homer, another Polar Bear home another Vientos homer and Petersen wins again with 11 strikeouts on his birthday. Mets are still hanging in there at 1/2 game out of the third Wild Card spot.
#baseball #mlb #sports
It was an incredible victory!
Mets have game 2 tonight against the Red Sox.
It's hope that the Mets have the same commitment they had with yesterday's victory.
We will see. The Red Sox are a good team. Things are getting towards the end of the season.
There are about 24 games left.
I didn't know they were a good team. It's good to see the Mets beat a competitive team.
Mets at no score in the bottom of the 3rd.
Hi, @coyotelation,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Thanks for support.
Hello my friends sports lovers!
Vamos em busca dos 100 comentários.
Precisamos manter uma média boa de 100 comentários.
Outro dia de threadcast esportivo.
Vamos compartilhar as notícias do mundo dos esportes.
As Paralimpíadas estão acontecendo ainda.
Brasil estava em 4° lugar no quadro de medalhas.
Look at you posting a short as a thread. Great job. LOL
I hope I didn't do anything wrong here. 😅
Dios mío, Futuro Ronaldo
Bia Haddad volta ao top 20 e fatura R$ 3,1 milhões com campanha no US Open 2024
A campanha de Bia Haddad no US Open 2024 já tem efeitos na carreira da brasileira. Ao chegar às quartas de final do torneio e às oitavas nas duplas, Bia garantiu uma premiação de 561,5 mil dólares (cerca de R$ 3,1 milhões). Além disso, vai retornar ao top 20 do ranking da WTA.
A premiação de Bia Haddad pode aumentar se ela avançar ainda mais no US Open. Até o momento, ela soma 530 mil dólares pelas quartas de final de simples. Nas duplas, foi eliminada nas oitavas, o que lhe rendeu 31,5 mil dólares.
#newsonleo #sports #tennis
Manchester United
Ídolo do United defende Casemiro de críticas após derrota para o Liverpool
A derrota do Manchester United para o Liverpool por 3 a 0 gerou muitas críticas a Casemiro. O brasileiro esteve envolvido diretamente em dois lances capitais na partida. O volante cometeu erros nas jogadas que terminaram nos dois gols de Luis Díaz na primeira etapa da partida. A substituição no intervalo não foi suficiente para evitar os ataques de torcedores e comentaristas da imprensa inglesa.
Um deles foi Jamie Carragher, que atuou pelo Liverpool durante toda a sua carreira profissional. Um dos maiores símbolos da televisão esportiva do país afirmou que "Casemiro deve deixar o futebol, antes que o futebol o deixe".
#newsonleo #sports
Esta não é a primeira vez que Carragher fala sobre Casemiro. Em maio deste ano, o comentarista da Sky Sports sugeriu que o brasileiro deixasse o Manchester United e fosse para o futebol norte-americano para disputar a MLS. O 'conselho' foi dado após uma goleada sofrida pela equipe na Premier League. No jogo em questão, o volante atuou improvisado como zagueiro.
Aos 32 anos, Casemiro acumula 87 partidas em três temporadas pelo Manchester United. Na temporada 2024/25, o brasileiro disputou quatro jogos oficiais, sempre atuando como titular. O próximo compromisso do volante e da sua equipe acontece após a data Fifa, no dia 14 deste mês, às 08h30 (de Brasília).
Corbin Carroll August 2024 highlights (NL Player of the Month)
Aaron Judge August 2024 highlights (His THIRD Player of the Month win THIS SEASON!)
Home Run Derby X took over Fort Wayne! Nick Swisher and other former MLB hitters were launching!
Bobby Witt Jr. August 2024 highlights (Royals continue their SHOCKING season!)
Highlights from ALL games on 9/2! (Shohei Ohtani steals 3 bags, Giancarlo Stanton smashes HR)
Yankees vs. Rangers Game Highlights (9/2/24) | MLB Highlights
Twins vs. Rays Game Highlights (9/2/24) | MLB Highlights
Pirates vs. Cubs Game Highlights (9/2/24) | MLB Highlights
Com medalhas das cinco regiões, Brasil se mantém em quarto no quadro geral
As Paralimpíadas já passaram da metade, e o Brasil segue se mantendo em quarto lugar no quadro geral, no caminho para bater o recorde com tranquilidade. Nesta terça-feira foram dois ouros, duas pratas e seis bronzes, totalizando dez medalhas, com atletas das cinco regiões do país. No total são 48 medalhas, 14 ouros, 10 pratas e 24 bronzes.
O Brasil segue firme no caminho para bater o recorde de medalhas, que é de 22 ouros, obtidos em Tóquio 2021, e o de 72 medalhas no total, alcançados nas duas últimas edições das Paralimpíadas.
#newsonleo #sports #paralympics
Do centro-oeste, Yeltsin Jacques, nascido em Campo Grande, no Mato Grosso do Sul, conquistou a medalha de ouro nos 1500m da classe T11, para atletas cegos. Na mesma prova, o paulista de Diadema Júlio Cesar Agripino foi bronze. Ainda na região sudeste, Mariana Gesteira, carioca de Itaboraí, foi bronze nos 100m livre na classe S9 e Mayara Petzold, mineira de Uberlândia, bronze nos 50m borboleta da classe S6.
Da região Norte, a que menos tem atletas na delegação, vieram duas medalhas. Mateus Evangelista, nascido em Porto Velho, Rondônia, o bronze na final do salto em distância T37 (paralisados cerebrais). De Rio Branco, no Acre, Jerusa Geber foi campeã nos 100m rasos da classe T11, para atletas cegos.
Nesta mesma prova, Lorena Spoladore, de Maringá, no Paraná, conquistou a medalha de bronze. Também da região Sul, Bruna Alexandre, da cidade Criciúma, em Santa Catarina, foi bronze na classe 10 do tênis de mesa.
A delegação brasileira conta com 280 atletas de 23 estados, além do Distrito Federal. O estado com mais representantes é São Paulo, com 81, seguido de Minas Gerais e Rio de Janeiro com 22, e o Paraná com 20.
Até o momento, 14 estados já tiveram atletas no pódio, e a tendência é esse número crescer nos próximos dias: Rio de Janeiro, Paraíba, Acre, Bahia, Maranhão, São Paulo, Pará, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pernambuco, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, além do Distrito Federal.
Rio terá ponto facultativo em dias de jogos de Botafogo, Flamengo e Fluminense na Libertadores, diz Paes
O prefeito do Rio, Eduardo Paes, afirmou nesta terça-feira que será decretado ponto facultativo nos dias de 18 e 19 de setembro em razão dos jogos de Flamengo, Botafogo e Fluminense pela Libertadores, além de outros grandes eventos que ocorrerão na cidade ao longo dessa semana. A medida se estende ao estado do Rio e foi tomada junto ao governador Cláudio Castro, de acordo com o comunicado do prefeito publicado nas redes sociais. Leia:
"O Rio terá a partir da sexta-feira dia 13/09 um período de cerca de 10 dias com grandes eventos na cidade. Três importantes jogos da Libertadores (dias 18 e 19/09 com jogos às 19h) e os dias do Rock in Rio.
#newsonleo #sports
Em razão dos jogos de futebol decidimos, em conjunto com o Governo do Estado, decretar ponto facultativo a partir das 15hs no Município e Estado nos dias 18 e 19. Não custa lembrar também que o acesso ao Rock in Rio deve se dar por transporte público e não por carro", publicou Paes.
A realização desses jogos já exigia atenção redobrada das autoridades. Os jogos do Botafogo e do Fluminense ocorrerão no dia 18, em horários próximos, no estádio Nilton Santos e Maracanã, respectivamente. Ambos os jogos terão a presença de torcedores visitantes, que necessitam de acompanhamento das forças de segurança.
Flamengo notifica Inter e Corinthians por dívidas referentes a Thiago Maia e Matheuzinho
O Flamengo notificou dois clubes brasileiros por dívidas em relação a jogadores negociados na janela do início do ano. Tratam-se de Internacional e Corinthians, que contrataram Thiago Maia e Matheuzinho respectivamente.
O Inter de Porto Alegre recebe a notificação nesta terça-feira referente à compra de Thiago Maia, fechada em julho por 4 milhões de euros (R$ 24,1 milhões no câmbio da época). Os gaúchos não pagaram a primeira das 10 parcelas, cujo valor é de 250 mil euros (R$ 1,55 milhão). O vencimento da mesma aconteceu no último dia 20.
#newsonleo #sports #flamengo
Com o Corinthians o atraso vem de um tempo maior. O Alvinegro já pagou as duas primeiras parcelas pela compra de Matheuzinho, também vendido por 4 milhões de euros. Vale destacar que a quitação só aconteceu mediante notificação. Ambas tinham o valor de R$ 4 milhões.
A terceira e mais cara das parcelas venceu no último dia 5. O valor a ser amortizado é de R$ 8 milhões. Depois disso, o Corinthians teria de pagar mais duas parcelas, ambas avaliadas em cerca de R$ 2,5 milhões. Por tal atraso, o Corinthians foi notificado pela terceira vez.
Vale destacar que o Corinthians pagou multa de R$ 500 mil para o goleiro Hugo Souza, emprestado pelo Flamengo, participar do jogo do último domingo.
Esse é o threadcast do Pós-Jogo de Corinthians x Flamengo.
A partida era de mais uma rodada do Brasileirão.
O Corinthians precisava de uma vitória para se distanciar da zona de rebaixamento.
Enquanto o Flamengo precisava da vitória para se aproximar do líder Botafogo.
Com um jogo a menos, o Flamengo se vencesse poderia estar apenas a 3 pontos do Botafogo.
Apesar de que o jogo fosse no estádio do Corinthians, o Flamengo sempre gostava de jogar lá pois o campo é sempre muito bem elogiado.
Apesar de que o Flamengo ainda tinha 5 jogadores no departamento médico, a expectativa era de que a equipe pudesse jogar de igual por igual contra o Timão.
Talles Magno faz o primeiro gol da partida.
Mas logo após o gol corintiano, Pedro marca de penalti.
Esse empate momentâneo dava um ar de competitividade para a partida em ambas as equipes.
In Brazil, we still have X blocked, with many people using VPNs to access it. I honestly still have doubts about whether or not to access it via VPN... #cent #brazil
I read they were going to fine people for doing that.
I dont know if that information was accurate.
Yes, the crazy judge said the fine is R$50,000 and even those who access via VPN will be fined. As much as the VPN protects our location, I don't know, I'm afraid of that happening. Dark days.
Yeah it is. That is why decentralization is the way to go. I am surprised the Brazilians on here arent appealing to others.
It's complicated, I'm working hard on the meta threads, it's a place of fast dynamics, but even so it's difficult, I think people are thinking it's some kind of scam or joke.
It's blocked here for a few months now. Not accessing, anymore.
What country do you live in, brother? This situation is complicated, everyone has the right to express themselves, whether they say stupid things or not, talk shit or not, we have the right to express ourselves...
Exactly bro, I am in Pakistan. The governments have the problems with the freedom of speech, sadly.
Too tense, the rulers of some countries think they are above everything and everyone and they do this to us, we just want freedom to express ourselves! #freecompliments
Its so crazy for me to hear X is being blocked in countries around the world.
Here in Brazil it is because of the crazy judge Alexandre de Moraes, he ordered the censorship of profiles on X and Elon Musk did not accept it. He imposed a fine of 50 thousand reais ($8857.87) on anyone who accesses X.
Sounds so crazy to me. We must protect our freedom to express ourself
It's really crazy... dark days are upon us, many Brazilians continue to use X via VPN, but I'm worried... what if they actually manage to apply the fine? OMG ☹️
Wont the population explode if they start to fine people?
It's a possibility, but I don't know... so far people haven't done much. The 7th is now Brazil's independence day, apparently they're planning street demonstrations, let's see how it goes.
The second session came and I resumed with so much enthusiasm and motivation to push ahead and by this time my fees were not yet ready so my parents said the fees will be sent across in two weeks
Good day, InLeo friends.
Stopping by for a little lunch-time curation
How is your week going?
#gmfrens, #bbh #silverbloggers #freecompliments, #cent, #ctp
Going good so far
Good to hear.
@beststart likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/100)@idksamad78699! to your account on behalf of @beststart.
(html comment removed:
Thanks to everyone who found my threads interesting, engaged with them and upvoted. Let's continue connecting, engaging, and spreading #freecompliments. #cent #dailydook
You are welcome Ma'am
You are welcome. Congrats 🎉
#freecompliments #cent #dailydook
Aww. It doesn't matter what we are facing, we got to live in the moment and enjoy it while we can 🥰
That's the real point.
Viking doing crypto
How about one of Viking doing Threading?
Good suggestion. Lets see what the AI spits out
I sit on the edge of my seat.
I think you will be dissapointed 🥲
Each time I take a leak but that is another story.
Not sure I follow the AI here
An interesting generation to say the least. I am not following it either.
Value of supporting a #game and NFT on the #hive blockchain. #pepe #cent
Nineteen year ago I had admission into the university after my high School graduation to study Medicine and Surgery in a private university called Madonna university
Do you want to say, you are a #crypto #surgeon Hell of #username
I hope you are still in the medical field today?
yes I am in forward e
I noticed that I mined another 400 Doge in Rollercoin. I'm an addict so I'll keep stacking I guess. #cent #play2earn
That's pretty impressive how long did it take for 400?
I don't know because I kept spending it but I'm going to say it was 2.5 months. I had no power in December and built up my mining in 2024. Im in 2992nd place in power
Unexpected visitor in my terace today.
Captured it so nicely.
The world is full of beautiful creatures,
An ordinary grasshopper, a beauty! :) !BEER
View or trade
Hey @onealfa, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.Fog is coming
That looks incredible and I'm sure the cold must be very cold.
It's not that cold yet, but it wouldn't be wise to let that dampness inside. This is the condensation on the OUTSIDE of the greenhouse..
Great, I hope you can enjoy it all.
Looks like the beginning of a good horror film. LOL
Yes, I was thinking about it - why a fast-moving fog is such a recognizable trope for immediate danger.. best I could come up with is Propane.. as in something like this -
Then have some Zombies come out of there. LOL
this is awesome!!
Hopefully he's a benevolent whale haha
How do you do the leoshort? I don't see any button to click to do a short.
I am only see others shorts.
It is the video button on a normal thread. Instead of adding an image for example click the video camera button...
You can find it here.
Here is a video with screenshots. Click on the original thread for the screenshots.
okay, thanks
You are welcome. I hope it helps.
We all produce data every day. Lets get something for it.
More importantly...where are you putting it.
Knowing me, its must be pure quality
Are we talking about data or cocaine?
I mean, never tried cocaine but ppl say its fun?
That is the claim. Of course, gambling addicts make a similar claim...for whatever that is worth.
So #data #plumber is a #thing !LOLZ
should burn in hello.
Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@anderssinho, I sent you an
Which is best?
I like #1.
Me to!
Only #legends can relate...
I remember those days well.
The screeching ringing sound was the worst.
lol yes, my first modem.
LOL yes, if they only knew.
I can hear this image..
Some AI is worse than others
Indeed. They are now all there but getting better in general.
Ideogram 2.0 is sensational with text now.
Yes noticed that as well!
Ever make a financial decision that you thought was a great idea only for it to end in regrets? My story might resonates with you.
#threadstorm #outreach
Yep. And usually a woman was involved somewhere.
How do you know about my story?
It is actually mine but it is fairly common.
When you are making money beyond your widest dream, you find yourself in situation where you don't know what exactly to use the money for. That was my situation.
To read the full story check the link below.
#septemberinleo #finance #decision
Yeah, I broke up the single Bitcoin I was holding because the price wasn't moving fast enough... it was worth $2,500...
Okay @taskmaster4450le actually posted 1 short now :)
That is impressive. You might want to rest up now.
Yeah gonna need some rest now 🤣
I've been trying to post from couple of days but none of my short is getting indexed on feed..
Is it same at your end?
Have not seen it yet. Just tried and got the pop up, lets hope it goes through
yea getting that pop up like "leoshort1 posted this short by @yourusername"
Same thing happened with me.
I uploaded a short more than 30 minutes ago, but still dont see it..
Has it happened to any of you;
UPDATE: It just took a little bit longer - I have just been notified it went up
Yes, sometimes. I have also found that the bigger my file size the longer it may take. Had to start downsizing some of my uploads but there can still be delays.
Yes. What are you using?
If on mobile, hivesigner is an issue. I use keychain and the browser in there. well.
Sometimes there are handshake issues and a short does get lost so I just reupload it.
It is there. Good job.
It always happens to me, that it is published in 3speak but when I want to see it here in inleo it does not come out.
Damn that last short goes duplicated =(
There is a first time for everything, glad there are no punishments or downvotes for common mistakes
#LovingLeo #threadingaround
It happens every now and then.
If this market dumps you know what to do...
#moviesonleo #musiconleo #television #rip James Darren, singer and actor, best known for the role of Vic Fontaine in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, passed away at the age 88.
If music is therapy , Who is your therapist ?
It is a group effort. LOL
haha ,, yes thats true .!! 😆
3 years on Hive today!
#tengocrypto #hive #birthday
Happy Hiveversary Ed!
Thanks very much John 😜
3 Amazing Years!!
Happy hive birthday.
Cheers bro 😁
@beststart likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/100)@tengolotodo! to your account on behalf of @beststart.
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@simplegame this time, the bot upvoted my long post. Not that I'd complain about it :)
it should upvote long posts.
Oh, good :)
In my free time I'm reading this #book reminisces of stock market
In chap 1, this part is full of lessons for most #traders
"The wall street fool who think he must trade all the time"
Onto chap Two now.
#dailybooks #booksonleo
I think you are reading pdf . Can you send me the copy of it. You can send me in discord also.
yea it's pdf, I'll send you in DM
Guess who is premium now
Ok now i dont know what to do with all that space
F when i try to edit
Let me know if this keeps happening. Try refreshing your browser since you are freshly premium
Just see the comment, it appears like 10 minutes ago! I refresh it ofc, but not big deal! Now i want to see the dashboard!
Update: Dashboard still blocked, the premium message pops up. Using Opera GX
Life is better in green
I perfer purple
Probably i will change it deppending on the mood hehe
Here's Chris P Bacon Folks
#Chrispbacon #meme #throwback #dailydook
Wait. I just realized his name could be pronounced as, Crispy Bacon 😂😂😂
hahaha,, yes .. thats the meme . 🥓 🐷 😆
Hi Chris. Its lovely to meet you 😍
Give someone a compliment today and tell us how it goes by making a post in the #freecompliments community (hive-140084). We'll curate it and give you rewards for your kind deed! 😊
learning new systems for my new role at work. transitioning from sales to support. feels good.
Is this the work with valutec or?
nah that's separate. this is for my main job
Good luck with that! How do you have time with your own business and also 2 jobs? 😅
it's a lot to juggle lol luckily my 2 jobs are remote.
My first computer Modem.
Mine ....

hahahahahaha, !BBH !DOOK
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(24/100)@tengolotodo! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
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We have come a far way since :)
Just a little! lol !BBH !DOOK
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(25/100)@anderssinho! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
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Oh wow that's awesome! I'd forgotten that you used to have to wait until the dial-up had completed before accessing the smut pictures! No videos back then! Lol!
Nope, and hours to download 1 nudy. lol
LOL!! You had to have a lot of patience back then.
Another successful day working on the #freecompliments community. Growing every day and hopefully changing some lives for the better! Time to go... good night Lions. 🌛
This is kind of wild
Is this real?
Elon Gonna make a Doge agency and do the audit to set an example.
Will Mr 200 IQ solve the #housing #crisis :^ )
This is kind of wild
Boomers Pick!
#progressive as fuck
Thank you very much for play testing. You've been rewarding some moar in game currency. @tydynrain @ironshield #pepe #game #pepegame #freecompliments #cent #bbh #dailydook
Is this where I say congratulations?
You just did(?).
Maybe you may like to come play game too?
@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(9/100)@sabrinah! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.
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Oh, wow, thank you so much! It's greatly appreciated! I've got to level up more golds! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
Maybe not the very best I've ever seen.

But so much better than the paper.
Simple, cheap, affordable, water proof, fire proof.
Far Far Better.
It's good that this is not a 19-mm bolt assembly of the navel, otherwise, if you have a 19-mm wrench, you can find unnecessary adventures :) !BEER
View or trade
Hey @onealfa, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use
I'm a lazy lion
Earning LEO's, while doing nothing.

"The easy way" would someone say who doesnt understand how much effort you put in your account
I must note one important thing here.
I do not call it "effort".
Important note!
I wish I were lazy, too.
Things that happens when your size is Size.
This is super cool to have more Leo.
Legend level!!!
What could one buy from 725 $LEO a day? #feeling #leoshort series coming up !LOLZ
Elongate could be really drawn out.
Credit: mrhuman88
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@onealfa, I sent you an
You are a roaring Lion.
That's the power of passive income.
Congratulations boss more wins ,I celebrate grace
This laziness was preceded by work... wasn't it? :) !LOLZ
This tastes a little funny.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of barski
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@onealfa, I sent you an
building out our graveyard level now for Portal Brawlers.
Grow the MAUs
Grow the Revenue
Grow the $LEO
If this does not people excited, I dont know what will 👏👏
Grow the engagement
Is shawarma the greatest food in the history of food?
we need that on the #iis and #mars.
I guess I have to learn to accept that Shawarma is the best from now on xP
I'm trying to be as unbiased as possible in my polls!!!
I don't think so
What's your pick?
I don't know but I do not think it's sharwama
I love it too so much.
the best!!
Imagine making a living out of stock market when you're just 15 and your mom not believing that #money is real
Dream of many of us.
#dailybooks #booksonleo
Cool, I've re-threaded in the BookCast. You can also tag #leobooks as that will post in the LeoBooks community too
ah, Is this Leobooks main tag on inLeo for books or dailybooks?
I tend to use #leobooks and #books and leobooks has the added benefit of posting to that community.
I also do a book threadcast every other day (I alternate with a TravelCast) and today's is at the top of the page
Also, I've never seen dailybooks used. Just dailydook, which is something else
What if God gave us Two kidneys to use one as a #startup budget
I'ma go sell one.
“I do not know how people do not like children, they have the complicated moments that give us stress, but we forget that they also have the greatest pure and beautiful love for us.”
#freecompliments #phrases
How is your afternoon going?
So far, so good, david.
And yours?
@beststart likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/100)@davidpena21! to your account on behalf of @beststart.
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