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adding a barkeep to our tavern

Hi, @simplegame,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.

We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates

Edition #70
September 4

Hello my friends sports lovers!

Estamos mais um dia de Threadcast.

O nosso espaço para compartilhar notícias do mundo dos esportes está on.

Pedro se lesiona e não joga mais em 2024.

Não acredito que Pedro, o único atacante que pode decidir atualmente o time se lesionou.

O Flamengo precisa urgentemente buscar outro atacante.

A janela de transferência encerrou dia 2. Agora a busca será de jogadores que estão livres no mercado.

Seleção Brasileira

Pedro sofre ruptura no ligamento do joelho e é cortado da seleção brasileira

O atacante Pedro foi cortado da seleção brasileira nesta quarta-feira por conta de uma lesão no joelho esquerdo. Ele sofreu uma ruptura do ligamento cruzado anterior.

Pedro se machucou no treino desta quarta num lance sozinho, sem contato com outro jogador, quando a imprensa já tinha deixado o CT do Caju.

Logo na sequência, o jogador realizou exame de ressonância magnética, que apontou a gravidade da lesão. O Flamengo foi comunicado do ocorrido e será responsável por cuidar do tratamento do atleta.

#newsonleo #sports #pt

O tempo de recuperação de lesões deste tipo costuma variar de nove a 12 meses. Este é o mesmo problema que afasta Neymar dos gramados desde outubro do ano passado.

A CBF ainda não anunciou quem será o substituto de Pedro nesta data Fifa.

Em 2018, o atacante sofreu a mesma lesão, mas no joelho direito. Na época ele jogava pelo Fluminense.

Sem Pedro, o técnico Dorival Júnior armou a Seleção no treino desta quarta com: Alisson, Danilo, Éder Militão, Gabriel Magalhães e Guilherme Arana; André, Bruno Guimarães e Lucas Paquetá; Rodrygo, Vini Júnior e Endrick.

O Brasil enfrenta o Equador na sexta-feira, às 22h, no Couto Pereira, em Curitiba, pela 7ª rodada das Eliminatórias.

A Seleção tenta se reabilitar nas Eliminatórias da Copa do Mundo após quatro rodadas sem vitórias – empate com a Venezuela e derrotas para Uruguai, Colômbia e Argentina. Com sete pontos em seis jogos, o time canarinho ocupa o sexto lugar da competição, o último que garante vaga direta no Mundial de 2026.


Comissão de clubes inicia debate para implementação do fair play financeiro no Brasil

A Comissão Nacional de Clubes iniciou um debate para a implementação do fair play no futebol brasileiro. Em reunião realizada na última segunda-feira, na sede da CBF, no Rio de Janeiro, o grupo teve uma discussão ainda embrionária para que medidas sejam tomadas para 2025.

Participaram do encontro representantes de: Fluminense, São Paulo, Fortaleza, Internacional, Vasco, Atlético-GO, Flamengo e Palmeiras, que representam os 60 clubes das Série A, B e C. Além de dois representantes da Série B e um da Série C.

#newsonleo #sports #futebol

Durante a reunião, que será realizada mensalmente na CBF, foram discutidos temas como calendário, arbitragem, e a possibilidade de uma análise para a implementação do fair play financeiro no Brasil.

Os clubes ficaram de marcar uma nova reunião, sem data prevista, para tentar avançar no modelo de implementação. Clubes como o Palmeiras se mostraram favoráveis ao fair play financeiro.

O tema surgiu pelos movimentos da janela de transferências e pela manutenção da competitividade. Também por clubes que estão devendo e não estão pagando.

Outro tema foi a questão dos times que fazem partes de grupos com donos, devido às transferências que feriram o fair play financeiro na Europa. Caso o debate avance, a ideia será levada para todos os clubes.

Alguns anos atrás, o economista Cesar Grafietti foi contratado pela CBF para desenhar um modelo de Fair Paly Financeiro para ser implantado no Brasil. Ele entregou o projeto, mas a CBF nunca o tirou do papel.

Nas últimas semanas, o fair play financeiro ganhou repercussão após declarações do presidente do Flamengo, Rodolfo Landim, que viralizou em grupos de WhatsApp, e o do dono do Botafogo, John Textor.

Logo após a goleada sofrida pelo Flamengo para o Botafogo por 4 a 1, Rodolfo Landim fez um comentário em um grupo de WhatsApp e abordou o tema do fair play financeiro.

  • Acho que só neste ano eles já investiram 75 milhões de euros (cerca de R$ 450 milhões), ou seja, aproximadamente o número que você apresentou como sendo desde 2021. Isso para um clube que teve um faturamento de R$ 322 milhões no ano passado. Sejam bem-vindos aos tempos de SAF sem fair play financeiro - escreveu Landim, no grupo.

Na sequência, Textor disse que gosta do presidente do Flamengo e que também é favorável à ideia de trazer o fair play financeiro para o Brasil. O dono da SAF do Botafogo afirmou que, se as regras da Europa fossem aplicadas no futebol brasileiro, o Alvinegro estaria dentro das leis.

  • É sabido que gosto e respeito o Rodolfo (Landim), e é verdade que acredito na ideia de trazer o fair play financeiro para o Brasil, mas posso confirmar que nossas receitas aumentaram de forma tão significativa que nossos níveis salariais atuais estão em apenas 45% das receitas. Isso está bem abaixo do limite de 75% imposto pelo fair play financeiro. Portanto, está claro que essa versão do Botafogo ainda seria possível se as regras europeias do FFP fossem aplicadas no Brasil.

O que fica a dúvida é quem será o novo substituto para Pedro no ataque do Flamengo.

A diretoria precisa correr contra o tempo.


KICKOFF 🏈 2024 begins tomorrow!

#nfl #football #sports


Put in the books! The Mets win again. Unfortunately, the Braves win as well so the Mets remain 1/2 game out of the third Wild Card spot but they are are having an incredible run. Winker had a grand slam in the first inning to set the tone. Let's Go Mets!

#baseball #mlb #sports

All the WC teams ahead of the Mets won. They remain in the same place.

Day off before taking on the Reds.

Valuation of the NFL teams.

Rank Team Value Revenue EBITDA Debt as % of value Owner(s)

  1. Dallas Cowboys $11B $1.22B $550M 3% Jerry Jones
  2. Los Angeles Rams $8B $825M $243M 44% Stanley Kroenke
  3. New England Patriots $7.9B $740M $250M 3% Robert Kraft
  4. New York Giants $7.85B $723M $185M 6% John Mara, Steve Tisch
  5. Las Vegas Raiders $7.8B $780M $115M 18% Mark Davis
  6. San Francisco 49ers $7.4B $687M $138M 3% Denise DeBartolo York, John York
  7. New York Jets $7.35B $677M $145M 7% Woody Johnson, Christopher Johnson
  8. Miami Dolphins $7.1B $673M $160M 7% Stephen Ross
  9. Philadelphia Eagles $7B $669M $138M 3% Jeffrey Lurie
  10. Chicago Bears $6.4B $590M $103M 2% Virginia Halas McCaskey
  11. Houston Texans $6.35B $640M $122M 0% Cal McNair
  12. Green Bay Packers $6.3B $638M $128M 2% Publicly owned nonprofit
  13. Washington Commanders $6.25B $602M $137M 17% Josh Harris
  14. Denver Broncos $6.2B $613M $108M 3% Rob Walton

Rank Team Value Revenue EBITDA Debt as % of value Owner(s)

  1. Seattle Seahawks $6.11B $600M $82M 3% Paul G. Allen Trust
  2. Atlanta Falcons $6.1B $625M $101M 16% Arthur Blank
  3. Pittsburgh Steelers $6.08B $596M $105M 3% Arthur Rooney II, Daniel Rooney Trust
  4. Kansas City Chiefs $6.07B $590M $90M 1% Lamar Hunt family
  5. Minnesota Vikings $6.06B $587M $100M 9% Wilf family
  6. Tampa Bay Buccaneers $6.05B $640M $134M 3% Glazer family
  7. Baltimore Ravens $6.03B $584M $46M 4% Steve Bisciotti
  8. Cleveland Browns $6.02B $581M $95M 5% Jimmy Haslam, Dee Haslam
  9. Tennessee Titans $6.01B $559M $112M 8% Amy Adams Strunk
  10. Jacksonville Jaguars $6B $567M $139M 5% Shad Khan

Rank Team Value Revenue EBITDA Debt as % of value Owner(s)

  1. Carolina Panthers $5.9B $571M $84M 3% David Tepper
  2. Los Angeles Chargers $5.83B $564M $93M 14% Spanos family
  3. Indianapolis Colts $5.8B $564M $47M 9% James Irsay
  4. New Orleans Saints $5.5B $569M $83M 5% Gayle Benson
  5. Detroit Lions $5.4B $546M $75M 4% William Clay Ford family
  6. Buffalo Bills $5.35B $551M $29M 7% Terry Pegula, Kim Pegula
  7. Arizona Cardinals $5.3B $543M $85M 3% Michael Bidwill
  8. Cincinnati Bengals $5.25B $546M $42M 2% Mike Brown

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

I think if you are not joining in tap to earn airdrops, then you are missing many good opportunities for making money. I am very serious about the project that is building on ton blockchain. I am ready to grab each opportunity. Are you ready for it?

#tap2earn #earn #airdrop #cent

Beware as many are scams

I am doing strong projects and I am alert about it. Still, thank you for the reminder as scam is natural things but my past experience help me to avoid it.

Yes like anything in crypto we need to be careful about scams. Good luck with the tapping!


i am in too....made my first airdrop money last was amazing 😍

I got many. then left and then retuned a gain few month ago for hamster😅

Hahaha 😂😂
I am not going anywhere me and airdrop till further notice 😍

At what age should a child be allowed to start using smartphones ?



#cent #dailydook


I don't think they should be restricted. Parental control is necessary. But expose them to technology younger, they might be the next Mark Zukerberg

We need an active Hype Person on Threads throwing time sensitive contests and challenges during slow times to motivate owners to be active during these slow times. Small give-aways and medium to large votes will be that motivator. #feedback

do it

I don't have the funds to do it

That being said, I'd be glad to take a shift and help create a template that guarantees success. It needs to be backed up with votes and prizes though and a newer user like me hasn't earned the trust for that type of support yet

I think I might just have the perfect subject from today, that will turn into an actual post tomorrow

#pob #cent #health #scare

such a good story. one of my favorites so far. highly recommend checking out Creep Cast if you're a #horror fan

Link below

Hehe, my sis is a horror fan, I'll recommend it to her.

Great podcast for horror stories

This page is enough to convince anyone why you should read Books

What's In the book comes from Years of Experience

And You can improve by reading and applying irl.

#dailybook #inleobooks


It's Thursday - 5th September 2024

Todays #lbi asset backed price is:

1 LBI = $0.10 USD = 0.594 HIVE = 3.711 LEO

The $RUNE guessing game is out - you have got to be in it to win it.

That's it for now - Hopefully I'll have some fresh news to report tomorrow. 🤞

Have a great Thursday everyone, from #lbi

Well, I feel alseep petting the cat. lol

Better than falling asleep doing other things like driving.

true, or masterbaiting.
How ever that is spelt


"That's just only the oil we're talkng about," resumed Frank. "Cost increases are passed on at every step of the way until a good reaches the consumer. No one escapes-- not the refiners, the truckers, the wholesalers-- no one."

I invite to learn about one of the best superhero trilogies Marvel Studios has ever made.

#outreach #threadstorm


Find out why it's being called "the highest-grossing Spider-Man movie of all."


To learn more, I invite you to visit the following post shared on InLeo:



Hello foodie Lions 🦁! Happy Wednesday. Welcome to today's #foodtalk show. 🥗🍲🫕

Day 72 of the #foodtalk on Leo

DiscussionJoin the #threadcast for . It's time for some meal inspirations. Let's get into the discussion, learn and connect. Don't forget to use #foodtalk in your comments.

  • Let's share some meal inspirations and healthy meals.
  • What do you think about cheatdays and cheat meals? Which is safer or would you prefer?
  • What suggestions do you have about healthy food? Which one do you add to your diet?
  • Share other food related content here. Let's engage.
    More about food with tips and tricks will be dropped in the threadcast.
    Upvote the comments you find interesting, engage and connect with others. Let's have fun. #foodie

I haven't tried chocolate cold coffee but this looks good. I love my coffee creamy. 😋

Pretty cool for the boys..

I will try this chocolate cold coffee, thanks for sharing.

I have saved it for later.

Welcome to Day 72 of #foodtalk on Leo. Let's talk about food and share some meal inspirations.

What do you think about cheat days and cheat meals? #foodtalk

Is it safer to have cheat days or cheat meals? Which one would you prefer?
#foodtalk #cheatdays #cheatmeals

What suggestions do you have about healthy food? Which one do you add to your diet? #foodtalk #healthyeating #healthyfood

The Cooking Doc- What Happens When You Start Eating Healthy?

#foodtalk #healthyeating #healthyfood

Manipal Hospitals- Top 5 Fruits And Vegetables For A Healthy Body | Healthy Diet.

#foodtalk #healthyeating #fruits #vegetables

Growingannanas- Healthy Food is Bomb, Not Boring.

#foodtalk #healthyfood #healthyeating

Smoothieflip- How To Make Protein Pancakes 🥞

This rich pancake recipe would be tasty 😋. #foodtalk #breakfast #pancakes #mealinspo

Joe Delaney- 4 Simple High Protein Breakfast Ideas (for building muscles).

#foodtalk #breakfastideas #breakfast #mealinspo

Joshua Weissman- Cheap And Healthy Meals For The Week, Done In 1 Hour.

There is a lot to learn from this video. Check it out. #foodtalk #mealprep #healthyfoods #healthyeating #mealinspo #food

Liezl Jayne Strydom- 3 Easy Meal Prep Salads (that stay fresh all week).

Would you try this out? This looks good. #foodtalk #mealprep #healthyeating #healthyfood #food #mealinspo

Eating healthy foods is appropriate because eating healthy makes us feel better physically and mentally. It doesn't have to be boring or have a bland taste you know? Would you embrace healthy eating? #foodtalk #healthyeating

Bayashi TV- How To Good Peel An Egg.

This is a good one to try. Would you try this? #foodtalk #lifehack #eggs

Joe Delaney- Simple High Protein Meal Prep On A Budget (Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner).

#foodtalk #breakfast #mealprep #mealinspo #lunch #dinner

Low Carb Love- 3 Ingredient Pizza Crust Made With A Secret Ingredient. Low Carb, High Protein, Keto.

This looks yummy. A recipe to try out. #foodtalk #pizza #food #foodie #lowcarb

You can have this healthy flavorful noodles for lunch or dinner.
Would you love to have it for breakfast with a glass of fresh juice or smoothie? #foodtalk #food #noodles #foodie #food #mealinspo

You just chose to make my day a noodle day abi? Waiting be this, waiting?

While didn't you show us your month as you feed from it? 🤔🤔🤔..

LOL. You guys won't see my mouth while I eat, it's not that important. Well, the day will come when I get to a whole process of cooking or baking to the tasting part of it.

The noodles was delicious and flavourful. 😋

LEts go!!!

Let's hit 100 comments on this threadcast...

10 Leo for all those that are participating, when we hit 100 comments am gonna divide the rewards and send to all the participants.

Let's gooo....


Spice Bites- Delicious Chocolate Brownie Dessert.

A portion of this desset could go for a cheat meal. What do you think? #foodtalk #dessert #brownie #chocolate

10 to hit my target on this threadcast...

We finally hit 100 comments as proposed and we have 2 participants excluding myself. The 10 Leo will be divided among them. Congratulations to @rhozolive and @winanda. Let's keep on engaging...

Please confirm if received.From the #threadcastpatrolteam

thanks @calebmarvel01 I really appreciate

We appreciate you more...

thanks for the encouragement @calebmarvel01 I really appreciate

I sincerely appreciate your Thanksgiving 😄 😄 😄..

Quality productivity begins from the positive framework of the mind.#freecompliments #qualitylifestyle.

This is true, friend

Thank you, friend


Music has a great role to play in our lives with many impactful aspects attached to it.

#threadstorm #outreach #septemberinleo


From a very young age music gets to be a part of our lives and helps us gain concepts in a much better manner while also giving a great taste of the culture that we are involved in and the historic facts to it as well.


Today it is a great tool to be used for multiple aspects such as getting away from daily life mundane and relating to the emotions It is also a great way for students to gain concepts much more easily while boosting retention rate

End of🧵/4

Read this article to know more on the same,

Do Drop Your Thoughts below

Thanks for stopping by

Why do I get a notification that my short has been added yet it never shows on my profile? #feedback It's random but happens to me 70% of the time.

It's probably because you are using too many characters, since you aren't Premium. Anything more than a short sentence and a couple tags and it won't show on InLeo. There's not a character counter on shorts yet

I think that might be it. But they have to be really short! Not much to work with.

Patience grasshopper. It is there.

The notification is when it hits. But encoding could take some time.

like @alphahippie said, I believe you're using too many Characters

I'll work with the team to fix this. The UI shouldn't let you write too long of a description and should truncate it if you accidentally do

That would be awesome and she figured it out, because she's posted a few. Would've been nice of she said thanks though. Oh well

Regarding $HSBI, I have transferred 1 Hive. But, I would like to know how long should I wait before I can delegate to them.


Once your enrollment is in place, you can delegate whenever you want. Enrollments and delegations are processed by Hive SBI every 2.4 hours.

I generally recommend that you maintain enough HP that you can deliver 0.02 upvotes before you delegate out, but everyone is entitled to their own strategies.

Ever wondered why our teachers created rhymes to teach us some morals?
#music #threadstorm #outreach #septemberinleo


That's because Music has the power to touch the deepest part of our souls.

Do you recall any from childhood? I do and it's the magic word song.


The word "sorry, " Is truly a magic word as it has the power to heal and mend relationships.

Sadly, not many people are good with apology.


Wanna know why it's hard for some people to apologize and would you also love to find out how apology can restore your relationship?

Here's one for you!


Moar $LEO Needed!!!!

Please save some for everyone! LOL 😂

Hey Jongo!

How many Leo's you want to have ???

so someone asked me how can he publish his books on amazon

You can get started via

#books #askleo

#cent #info #dailydook

Yep. That is correct. Have you started publishing?

I need to find an easy, simple and effective way, how to support the owners/contributors on INLEO, not the users.

What do you mean by this?

There is also a border between those and those, or a combination of both :) !BEER

BEERHey @onealfa, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Manually. It's easy, simple, effective, maybe not as "efficient" as an automatic method, but it works for me.

I do manually too. 100% , and quite so long.
But I struggle to make a simple and accurate recognition, who is owner/contributor, and who is simple consumer, vote hunter

The next biggest breakthrough in tech is going to be a battery that's better than the lithium ion.

Either that, or a way to miniaturize the extraction of hydrogen from water molecules. If nuclear weapons could be miniaturized, why not this?

premium inleo members holding above 200. Love to see it!

I Know I'm not the only one who expected to see it 500+ by September


Hi, @dkid14,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Seems like those yearly orders have helped out a good amount.

Long days at work means less time on the chain. I should be bouncing back tomorrow I hope.

Who loves beer

Arguably Czech Republic

Yeah, Czech republic, go get some more!

PS: I am fromm The Czech republic... :-)

I don't really care what beer I marinate chicken in before a barbecue :) !ALIVE

Statistics for Croatia are interesting because Croatia has been traditionally wine rather than beer country.

You have the illusion of different choices a the grocery store. In reality, all of the brands are owned by a handful of big brands. To have REAL choice, shop local.

I saw this many years ago and was shocked. Local stores and farmers are the best to support. !BBH

@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(6/20)@gubbahomestead! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.

(html comment removed: )

I have seen this many, many times but it amazes me each and every time.

Tired of the ultra wealthy stealing from you?

Stop using debt-based fiat currencies.


A graph is worth 1000 words. 😀

It illustrates the problem quite clearly, doesn't it?

It does indeed. 😀

#septemberinleo Day 5! Being grateful is important. Hive Reachout invites you to reflect on this.

Have you been grateful when someone did something for you? Did you wish you noticed something good someone did for you but you didn't understand it at the moment?

Drop your links down below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Good Morning and here is my entry to Day 05

turns out that shorts posted using Hive Signer as the login method do post, but they post to a random shorts account with no link back to the poster. #feedback

yikes lol so many weird things going on.

Hive Signer is shit... But its so convenient

I need real feedback with screenshots and steps to reproduce to fix the weird things

We've fixed all the reported issues

Can you give me any links to this happening?

Random shorts account is how it's supposed to work. So I'm not sure if anything is actually wrong here

yeah, the difference was i was tagged by the random shorts account, but the short doesn't show up on my profile. when i posted after sigining in with Hive Keychain, i did it again and it showed under my profile after i was tagged by the shorts account. probably something with keys.

here's a link to the one i posted while signed in with Hive Signer that never showed on my profile

Lol 😂 😆 #


Double present 🙋

lol 😂 😂

Double present 🙋.

Lol, yes please... But we shouldn't look like what we are going through, don't you think?

lol 😂 😂 😆

Contributing to 125K threads for the month of September

Lets do it and break the previous record..

Let's get it!

That a lot of typing!

Well, the goal is 125K between all of us, not just me, lol.

Let's go then! I am almost ready for a full time forky for a couple days at least.

smol but honest

Just to be clear, my contribution will be like 100 of the 125,000 threads, not the whole thing.

Cool! Here's one from me :)

🧵 1. BREAKING: Russia launches ballistic missiles at military academy in Poltava, Ukraine, leaving 51 dead and 270+ injured in deadliest attack of ongoing conflict. #world

🧵 2. Ukrainian Defense Ministry reports short warning time before missiles struck, killing many on their way to shelter in Poltava military academy attack.

🧵 3. Ukrainian officials say the targeted military academy was holding classes during the strike, with cadets given only a 2-minute warning by air defense sirens.

🧵 4. President Zelensky urges Western support for strikes on Russia beyond border, emphasizing the need for capabilities to protect Ukraine and its people.

🧵 5. Ongoing search and rescue efforts continue in Poltava as officials vow that the aggressor country must be held accountable for the lives lost and the destruction caused.

Stop all these madness.

Ayayay! The rain's pouring hard today👀

It's been a bit of a wet season here as well

Stay dry :)

Tourism, planet Earth

Are the French the most inquisitive, or the most hospitable? :) !BEER

BEERHey @onealfa, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

People want to visit the USA 3rd? WHY?!

957 Hivers now own some BBHO (the native token for the BBH Project Tribe). Imagine if each one seen them in their wallet and each one included the bbh tag in one of their long form posts. GROWTH. #BBH #dreaming

Build and grow! If you keep being active it will keep drawing people in :)

You got no worries about that, if I can stay active though my wife's death, I can stay active till my death.

Yeah I have no doubt about that :)
There are a few users you know will be here 5 years from now :D

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(24/100)@anderssinho! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(22/100)@anderssinho! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

1k incoming soon. Great!

Absofrackinglutly :)

@chaosmagic23 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(7/20)@bradleyarrow! to your account on behalf of @chaosmagic23.

(html comment removed: )

Come say hi in the long-form posts area 🦁

I believe I may have just posted one of my best Motivational Long form posts in a long time. With the BBH account (@hive-11281)


Link in comment of course.

There are 5 pages