Reaching a net worth of $1 million becomes more achievable over time as its value decreases, while owning a single Bitcoin becomes harder due to its increasing value. #Bitcoin #Wealth
O Santos anunciou nesta segunda-feira a contratação do meia Thaciano, que estava no Bahia. O jogador assinou um longo contrato, até dezembro de 2028, e chega para brigar por uma vaga no time titular de Pedro Caixinha.
Thaciano já apareceu no BID da CBF e está liberado para defender as cores do Santos na estreia na temporada, nesta quinta-feira, contra o Mirassol, na Vila Belmiro, pelo Paulistão. O jogador já faz a pré-temporada com o restante do grupo e está devidamente integrado ao elenco.
O meia atuou pelo Santos B em meados de 2016 e 2017 e fez apenas um jogo pelo time principal do clube à época. Pelo Bahia, seu ex-clube, foram 60 jogos, 15 gols e cinco assistências no ano passado.
A operação custará ao Santos, mas os valores não foram divulgados. O ge apurou que o Bahia vai descontar boa parte do valor da transação de dívidas referentes a bonificação na contratação de outros atletas na operação pela venda de Thaciano, restando um montante menor a ser pago.
O Santos já contratou os zagueiros Luisão e Zé Ivaldo, o lateral-direito Léo Godoy e o centroavante Tiquinho Soares. O argentino e ponta Álvaro Barreal deve chegar ao clube nos próximos dias. No total, portanto, são seis reforços confirmados até o momento.
Dudu usou as redes sociais na tarde desta segunda-feira para responder a presidente do Palmeiras, Leila Pereira, que fez críticas ao atacante dizendo que ele teria saído do clube pela "porta dos fundos" - em entrevista durante evento de anúncio do novo patrocinador máster do Verdão.
As palavras do atacante foram em referência às declarações da presidente do Palmeiras, que descartou comparações entre a situação de Rony e de Dudu ao ser perguntada se os casos eram semelhantes.
– É uma situação completamente diferente. Nós fomos muito claros com o Rony, mas se ele preferir ficar no Palmeiras, ele é atleta do clube – disse Leila.
– No meio do ano quando falei que o encerramento do ciclo dele estava encaminhado, eu estava certa. E esperou-se até o fim do ano para o atleta sair sem que o Palmeiras ganhasse absolutamente nada, gerando um prejuízo de milhões – completou.
Dudu está atualmente no Cruzeiro, desde que assinou a rescisão de contrato com o Palmeiras, em dezembro do ano passado. Esteve próximo, porém, de se transferir ao clube mineiro por quatro milhões de dólares ainda no meio ao ano.
O clima no clube, porém, nunca mais foi o mesmo. Lideranças externaram normalidade, mas pessoas próximas afirmam que ficou uma rusga depois do episódio. E o atacante viveu o restante da temporada sem voltar a ser uma real opção para o técnico Abel Ferreira.
De um lado, a diretoria do Palmeiras entendeu que ele criou um desgaste ao sinalizar o desejo de ir embora e recuar, enquanto de outro o jogador não sentia da cúpula do clube o carinho e respeito demonstrado pela torcida ao longo dos anos.
O imbróglio fez, inclusive, o clube desistir de um documentário que produzia para a TV Palmeiras, em que contaria a história de como o jogador que ajudou a reconstruir o Verdão e agora se reerguia com a ajuda do clube, na recuperação de lesão.
Example: a neighbor you don't know (or even like) needs one-time financial help.
If you can afford to, help them out.
Having a thriving neighbor means less poverty, crime, upheaval, etc. in your neighborhood. And they may (not guaranteed) help you out when you're in trouble.
Hive blockchain, which includes Inleo, operates on POB (Proof of Brain) mining. When you post original content, you are demonstrating to the community you have a brain. And you get rewarded. This is why:
plagiarism is downvoted
copying your own content from other platforms is not rewarded or downvoted
lame comments don't get rewards
If you were mining for gold, you wouldn't just grab handfuls of dirt (low effort). You'd grab some tools and put some real effort into mining.
On Hive, original content is mining Hive/LEO.
The Hive Police are patrolling to downvote plagiarism and low effort.
You can avoid them simply by posting original work.
Your work also includes curating good content with upvotes and downvoting poor effort.
Feel like life is kicking your ass today? Well, kick it right back! You own your life and you can make the decision to push it in the direction you desire. You are your own boss. Take the reigns and allow yourself to lead you where you need to go. #motivationalmondays #freecompliments
Good afternoon friends,I have been exploring,I am pretty sure exploring has just made me more confused as to what to post. I am hoping that once I get started and get in the groove it will get easier. #newlion
Don't panic, just post what you are passionate about. Or what interest you. Or just a simple question you want an answer to. Or a joke or a gif or a meme. Just go ahead and post ;) 👍
Did you know? Quasars, powered by supermassive black holes, are the brightest objects in the universe, outshining entire galaxies. Observing them lets us look billions of years into the past! 🌌✨#science #newlion # inleo
There's no maybe about it. She's 100% right. Trump has been calling them out since he got in office 8 years ago and nothing has changed. How do suppose those protected wildlife critters are enjoying their habitats now?
The game SPLINTERLANDS also has built-in pools to stake tokens for more APR%
I use the swap.hive-SPS pool pair because I like those tokens the best and it has a high APR% of 13.39 This is next generation technology to me because I get to own my assets and play SPLINTERLANDS while making profit. Like owning my own business or getting paid to be a professional gamer.
Great beginning to the year. Week 2 brought in $3,682 from options income, achieved using just a quarter of the portfolio while the rest was cash in 401k transfer. Planning to use the full account next week. 🔥 #InvestingSuccess
The dust/scratches are from the slides themselves. I normally also do another scan with post processing that removes dust/scratches and corrects colors. I usually post the raw scans though.
Conversing with myself on paper is another way I maintain creativity. Through journaling, I transform experiences, thoughts, and ideas into meaningful reflections and creative masterpieces. It's a great way to brainstorm innovative solutions to life's challenges.
Tether aka USDT has recently announced a bold step as they are relocating the headquarters and subsidiaries to the country of El Salvador. This great move follows Tether’s recent acquisition of a Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) license in the country.
Circle, the issuer of USD Coin (USDC) and Euro Coin (EURC), has partnered with Bison Digital Assets (BDA), a subsidiary of Portugal’s Bison Bank, in order to integrate regulated stablecoins into BDA’s platform.
Reaching a net worth of $1 million becomes more achievable over time as its value decreases, while owning a single Bitcoin becomes harder due to its increasing value. #Bitcoin #Wealth
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #184
January 13
Y'all watching the NFL playoff game right now? Should be a good one
Every game is now more exciting hahaha...
!summarize #nymets #rokisasaki #petealonso #mlb
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Santos anuncia contratação de Thaciano
O Santos anunciou nesta segunda-feira a contratação do meia Thaciano, que estava no Bahia. O jogador assinou um longo contrato, até dezembro de 2028, e chega para brigar por uma vaga no time titular de Pedro Caixinha.
#sports #santos
Thaciano já apareceu no BID da CBF e está liberado para defender as cores do Santos na estreia na temporada, nesta quinta-feira, contra o Mirassol, na Vila Belmiro, pelo Paulistão. O jogador já faz a pré-temporada com o restante do grupo e está devidamente integrado ao elenco.
O meia atuou pelo Santos B em meados de 2016 e 2017 e fez apenas um jogo pelo time principal do clube à época. Pelo Bahia, seu ex-clube, foram 60 jogos, 15 gols e cinco assistências no ano passado.
A operação custará ao Santos, mas os valores não foram divulgados. O ge apurou que o Bahia vai descontar boa parte do valor da transação de dívidas referentes a bonificação na contratação de outros atletas na operação pela venda de Thaciano, restando um montante menor a ser pago.
O Santos já contratou os zagueiros Luisão e Zé Ivaldo, o lateral-direito Léo Godoy e o centroavante Tiquinho Soares. O argentino e ponta Álvaro Barreal deve chegar ao clube nos próximos dias. No total, portanto, são seis reforços confirmados até o momento.
Dudu responde crítica, xinga Leila Pereira e faz pedido à presidente do Palmeiras: "Me esquece"
Dudu usou as redes sociais na tarde desta segunda-feira para responder a presidente do Palmeiras, Leila Pereira, que fez críticas ao atacante dizendo que ele teria saído do clube pela "porta dos fundos" - em entrevista durante evento de anúncio do novo patrocinador máster do Verdão.
#sports #palmeiras #futebol
As palavras do atacante foram em referência às declarações da presidente do Palmeiras, que descartou comparações entre a situação de Rony e de Dudu ao ser perguntada se os casos eram semelhantes.
– É uma situação completamente diferente. Nós fomos muito claros com o Rony, mas se ele preferir ficar no Palmeiras, ele é atleta do clube – disse Leila.
– O Rony sairia pela porta da frente. O Dudu saiu pela porta dos fundos.
– No meio do ano quando falei que o encerramento do ciclo dele estava encaminhado, eu estava certa. E esperou-se até o fim do ano para o atleta sair sem que o Palmeiras ganhasse absolutamente nada, gerando um prejuízo de milhões – completou.
Dudu está atualmente no Cruzeiro, desde que assinou a rescisão de contrato com o Palmeiras, em dezembro do ano passado. Esteve próximo, porém, de se transferir ao clube mineiro por quatro milhões de dólares ainda no meio ao ano.
O clima no clube, porém, nunca mais foi o mesmo. Lideranças externaram normalidade, mas pessoas próximas afirmam que ficou uma rusga depois do episódio. E o atacante viveu o restante da temporada sem voltar a ser uma real opção para o técnico Abel Ferreira.
De um lado, a diretoria do Palmeiras entendeu que ele criou um desgaste ao sinalizar o desejo de ir embora e recuar, enquanto de outro o jogador não sentia da cúpula do clube o carinho e respeito demonstrado pela torcida ao longo dos anos.
O imbróglio fez, inclusive, o clube desistir de um documentário que produzia para a TV Palmeiras, em que contaria a história de como o jogador que ajudou a reconstruir o Verdão e agora se reerguia com a ajuda do clube, na recuperação de lesão.
!summarize #philadelphia #76ers #arena
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GM Bellscoin Lovers! ☀️🔔
I picked up some bitcoin under 91k. I’m still DCA into Bitcoin weekly.
very nice.
sub 90K is a good buy.
and that is super close to it.
91 is getting low.... $BTC now
Good price to pick it up at , you will make massive profits when btc achieves a new ATH again
That is a great buy if you ask me
New2threads 2.0 is coming:
This is important because it A) adds content to the database and B) brings news to Leo.
According to Khal it is already programmed for a future update when LeoAI goes live.
Are you guys building a sort of AI agent ?? Sounds awesome if you ask me
Hi, @taskmaster4450le,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Tons of stuff you've never even imagined will be coming Soon to this button
Lfg!! Can't wait
I was going to wait for Leo Power Up Day but Monday is just as good as any to power up some $LEO - I'll buy more for LPUD to push over 2,000.
Powering up 800 $LEO
Congratulations my friend, any day is a good day to bet.
Just did a new blog post for subscribers only about how your crypto can survive a fire like the California wildfires! 👀
The bitcoin atm I used last year burned up in the Palisades. The one in Brentwood Village is still standing so far.
Fun fact!
Can I find this in the dark web? I'm still too poor! jk
Only if a subscriber decides to leak it!
Here, for subscribers
Who wants to bet that Jamie Demon is buying BTC rn?
I never had any doubt what he does.
"Look what they do, not what they talk"
I have the genesis block on my tshirt.
that is super cool
Blockshirt it is then
One of the best inventions of all time.
so that means 16 year ago he sent 100K as 1 dollar 💔💔💔💔 if only I knew
Generous people are investors: they spend resources on things that don't yet pay off for them directly, but that they see as valuable more broadly.
Stingy people only do things that directly benefit them in the here and now.
Long-term, generous thinking makes you better off.
Example: a neighbor you don't know (or even like) needs one-time financial help.
If you can afford to, help them out.
Having a thriving neighbor means less poverty, crime, upheaval, etc. in your neighborhood. And they may (not guaranteed) help you out when you're in trouble.
So reading the comments from the "Hive" crowd on the InLeo proposal.
Clueless wound be an understatement.
I just can't even start with them.
Ignoring the Hive "bid-bot" fueled community is the best strategy.
Hi, @simplegame,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
been thinking about this. I wonder why inleo was funded just a few weeks ago and now not funded. What changed? I
it’s a new proposal and a bunch of Hive whales stopped supporting it.
Hi, @dkid14,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Testing threads. Will this appear on anyones feed? Let me know.
Nope I just checked, and you are only visible if I go to your profile.
I am still wondering why that may be. Anyways I just might be shifting back to another frontend for now.
That is a pity. The subscription model of inleo would perfectly fit into your profile.
Stake Based Curation
Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.
For more info check below ⬇️
Stake based curation parameters
Arcade Colony & Moon Karts
---> Lets Dig In
Thanks for your consideration
Hive blockchain, which includes Inleo, operates on POB (Proof of Brain) mining. When you post original content, you are demonstrating to the community you have a brain. And you get rewarded. This is why:
If you were mining for gold, you wouldn't just grab handfuls of dirt (low effort). You'd grab some tools and put some real effort into mining.
On Hive, original content is mining Hive/LEO.
The Hive Police are patrolling to downvote plagiarism and low effort.
You can avoid them simply by posting original work.
Your work also includes curating good content with upvotes and downvoting poor effort.
Feel like life is kicking your ass today? Well, kick it right back! You own your life and you can make the decision to push it in the direction you desire. You are your own boss. Take the reigns and allow yourself to lead you where you need to go. #motivationalmondays #freecompliments
🔥 JUST IN: Donald Trump 🇺🇸 Jr joins prediction-markets venue Kalshi as Adviser.
I'm back to premium MFK......S
Good day to my fellow Lions!
Time to ROAR!
#inleo #hive #cent
Good afternoon friends,I have been exploring,I am pretty sure exploring has just made me more confused as to what to post. I am hoping that once I get started and get in the groove it will get easier. #newlion
Don't panic, just post what you are passionate about. Or what interest you. Or just a simple question you want an answer to. Or a joke or a gif or a meme. Just go ahead and post ;) 👍
good afternoon
Did you know? Quasars, powered by supermassive black holes, are the brightest objects in the universe, outshining entire galaxies. Observing them lets us look billions of years into the past! 🌌✨#science #newlion # inleo
I dont know,...but...maybe she is right.
Link in comment
There's no maybe about it. She's 100% right. Trump has been calling them out since he got in office 8 years ago and nothing has changed. How do suppose those protected wildlife critters are enjoying their habitats now?
She can't be denied.
$ETH liquidation looks thrilling.
If we have had enough fun, let's go up 😅
#crypto #investment
You seem prepared , lol
buy the dip !
BTC is everywhere.
These sink holes are taking up the supply of BTC once the demand increases from where things are currently, we are going to see a solid upward trend.
The game SPLINTERLANDS also has built-in pools to stake tokens for more APR%
I use the swap.hive-SPS pool pair because I like those tokens the best and it has a high APR% of 13.39 This is next generation technology to me because I get to own my assets and play SPLINTERLANDS while making profit. Like owning my own business or getting paid to be a professional gamer.
Great beginning to the year. Week 2 brought in $3,682 from options income, achieved using just a quarter of the portfolio while the rest was cash in 401k transfer. Planning to use the full account next week. 🔥 #InvestingSuccess
I had some big wins as an author last year and one big frustration. The link is in the comments below.
More vintage photos from Florida and Tennessee circa 1959. This one features a Motel on Cocoa Beach.
#filmphotography #vintage #photos #bbh #cent
Love the vintage look, you can even see the dust on the lens of the camera, or did that happen whilst scanning?
The dust/scratches are from the slides themselves. I normally also do another scan with post processing that removes dust/scratches and corrects colors. I usually post the raw scans though.
Check out the original post for more photos from this set:
Looks like that one land some grandpa ignored instead of buying which is definitely worth a tons now.
even from the color this is super vintage
In a world full of followers, this community chose to be leaders.
#Inleo #Hive #NewLion
Share your ideas and help the team build INLEO
"You use a glass mirror to see your face; you use works of art to see your soul." - George Bernard Shaw
#inspiration #life #leothreads #quote
#tipsonleo #thread2earn #creativity
Now #leoai can train itself on this, and figure out what it heck it means.
It's Tuesday 14 January 2025
Today's #lbi asset backed value per token is:
1 LBI = $0.204 USD = 0.426 HIVE = 3.908 LEO
Have a great day.
Predictability is a wonderful thing! However, if everyone starts noticing the pattern and acting upon it, it may break. We'll see next year...
Am thinking 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔
Will this be our new reality?
Predictability is a wonderful thing! However, if everyone starts noticing the pattern and acting upon it, it may break. We'll see next year...
Interesting! I´m excited to see if that will be the case.
Almost 10% of Evolution Masternodes, which run the Evolution chain, are run by Crowdnode, which combines funds from various small holders.
Dash isn't just a game of whales! 🐳
#dash #crypto
"Dash isn't just a game of whales! 🐳." Perfecto
I am doing
As @onealfa wrote
My dad has his birthday tomorrow 🎂
#birthday #cent
Happy bd!
Thank you
Hi, @lourica,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Hi, @lourica,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Qué bien se transita por la vida con la jersey blanco acuñado con el escudo del Barça!Hola #Hive! ¡Hasta #santiagodecuba a pie!
#fulldeportes #hivesports #sportstalksocial #waivio #inleo #cent #bbh #BBHO #PIMP
Tether apparently relocating to El Salvador.
And USDT would not exist if not for Ethereum.
The country appears to be expanding beyond Bitcoin.
Another $RUNE order just filled But I feel I'm very close to "Selling the dips" situation and Falling never stops 😵💫
this time is indeed different. never seen a cycle like this one
Tether aka USDT has recently announced a bold step as they are relocating the headquarters and subsidiaries to the country of El Salvador. This great move follows Tether’s recent acquisition of a Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) license in the country.
#threadstorm #outreach
Circle, the issuer of USD Coin (USDC) and Euro Coin (EURC), has partnered with Bison Digital Assets (BDA), a subsidiary of Portugal’s Bison Bank, in order to integrate regulated stablecoins into BDA’s platform.
If you are interested, Please read my full blog post below!
Link -
I am Catherine and a happy new start of the week to everyone , I wish you an awesome week
We will score goals’ - Chelle vows to transform Super Eagles 🇳🇬⚽🔥 is this a comeback for the Nigeria super eagles.

Saylor never disappoint. He has become the Bitcoin hero of this era.
He acts like pac-man, haha!
I feel the LEO token will be more powerful than the Hive token in the future.
I hope it will be.
Hi, @shebe,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
$DASH $LEO $HIVE are strong together!
The altcoin bull run will be fantastic 😉
looks like you are seeing well
The moment Toyota releases a fully electric Corolla, things are going to change dramatically. #ElectricVehicles #ToyotaCorolla