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SPS makes 2nd best reward fees $100,000 earned on the whole dex but DEC makes #1 with $125,126. We need swap.hive pools for sps and dec on leo dex!
This is the way....

The fees earned on tribaldex from #SPS and #DEC pools paired with swap.hive.

To this day I'm trying to understand why would anyone create Artificial Sun?

Bet they're planning for ice age on earth and than they'll launch this sun.

Tax $12 every month to get some sunshine per person on this world = #China on Top!

Any other #conspiracy theory around this?

heheh I'm not much for conspiracy theories but the real reason why would anyone create an artificial sun is because they would be able to generate pretty much an infinite amount of energy

that's what they are pursuing with nuclear fusion research

@llamathreads explain to me and the users above me How likely or unlikely that the news of China trying to create an Artificial Sun being true news?

Evaluating the News

The news of China creating an Artificial Sun is likely true, as China has been actively pursuing nuclear fusion research.
The project, known as the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), aims to achieve controlled nuclear fusion, a process that could provide a nearly limitless source of clean energy.

Verifiable Sources

China's progress in nuclear fusion research has been reported by reputable sources, including the South China Morning Post and Xinhua News Agency.
These sources indicate that China has made significant advancements in achieving high-temperature plasma states, a crucial step towards creating a functional Artificial Sun.

Conclusion and Implications

While the term "Artificial Sun" might be sensationalized, China's nuclear fusion research is genuine and has the potential to revolutionize energy production.
It's essential to separate the scientific facts from the hype and consider the potential implications of such a breakthrough on the global energy landscape.

I see you've built an amazing bot!!

Hats off man!

Ah haven't thought about that... Now this is an interesting take

Honestly think They're being "Greedy" if it's for infinite amount of energy...

unfortunately greed seems to be the moving force of the world

you're right, Greed is all over the world.

That's true... Solar Energy is really great, and we only get fractions of it on Earth!

Arooo. Good morning #inleo and #newlion community. What is good in the world today?

It's good night time here

I've done half of the laundry, tired but satisfying

DCA’ing into RUNE here will make you look like a genius in 6 months

Thanks for the tips

Hope so. I think it will if they refocus on the bread and butter they will be ok. Depends on how they appear to manage it. They need to thread the needle on this one.

JP actually is the one that needs to thread....somewhere between


I'm gonna ride to to glory or empty pockets. Also filled up some more $RUNE in the dip 🦁👏

What If the dip keeps getting dipper ?

maybe a next $Sol or may be $Luna. Invest what you can afford to loose

my wife who knows nothing of crypto or trading of any kind just hit me with....

"seems pretty easy, just buy low and sell high"


She felt it was very easy making money from crypto trading

I think so lol

And honestly it gets pretty easy until it gets complicated later

it's easy til it isn't

well pretty easy until it keeps getting

yeah it won't stop dipping lol

And anytime you told her price has risen she tells you to sell and cash out. LoL

literally. Every single time

Yeah, that's what she keeps telling me as well.

she has a point though 😅

Well, she's not wrong 😂

Hi, @l337m45732,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Complaining about bot accounts coming into hive via InLeo and farming rewards and Leo referral awards.

Who cares. TBH does it affect you that much ??

Work your plan. Build your stake.

Well, it does affect some of the new people that are trying to build something valuable here by investing in the Leo tokens, and seeing how the price tanked so suddenly is a bit off for them.

Don't vote them or downvote them if you want

They're feeding LeoAI with data. X is full of bots

The important thing is filtering for humans

Hive is also full of bots on the blogging layer on other UIs. I think people forget that some will always look for automation

The age old advice of "how you respond" to what others do applies

if you are here only for the price. You are here for the wrong reasons.

Anyone who invested money must be concerned about the value of their investment. No one invest and go to sleep. Even if it's not me, I believe no one invest and go to sleep. Everything is important.

how much capital did you bring into the Leo token from outside the chain?

Plus I talk about the all the time. That attitude of I am an investor keeps crypto adoption rates low.

I can’t stand it.

I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion and besides, nowhere did I mention about me as an investor. I only spoke in general.

you implied that the Leo price going down would drive investors away.

Crypto needs to stop talking about token prices. That keeps it niche.

Crypto is short for cryptocurrency. Price is always going to be a major component of the conversation. I don't think that is going to change.

yeah it has to for the technology to move forward.

Hi, @simplegame,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

Amen! I see the vision for this place and do whatever I can to help the platform reach it.

you are a true Lion.

Thank you! 🦁

how are they farming referral awards? Like self referring?

you would have to ask someone else. I don’t pay attention. Just responding to the people complaining about it

it just fucking annoying seeing these bullshit posts all over my feed. They aren’t getting paid much at all from what I see, I just hate unoriginal content.

agreed. That is why I mostly just use lists.

Guess I am going to have to start. I like to try and help out new people, but these bots or people posting this spam shit is just all over the feed.

100 percent.

I'm concerned because $LEO price has been tanking and will drive away real users. I would also like to bring it to the attention of everyone to be discerning with upvoting "new lions"

if the price drives away real users. They are not real users. If you are only here for the price. You are part of the problem not part of the solution

A lot of people also forget that these bots are actually feeding LeoAI with data

If you don't upvote them, they don't earn rewards. They are paying for AI Credits to feed LeoAI with massive quantities of real-time information

I say let them fire away and just give them no votes if you don't want to

Automation, AI and bots are not going anywhere. You can never ban them all. Find a way to use them to your own advantage

As @taskmaster4450le says all the time. Data is the game, so lets use all tools available to feed LeoAi

Maybe people will start to listen.

Have started to think that its actually not just crypto people that suck, but ppl in general.

Can only hope they catch on sooner or later :)

but if the data is bullshit, then the AI is going to be bullshit too.

Can you decided what is quality data? Or is it more important the amount of data?

Myself dont try to say I know what is quality. Its subjective and I mostly care about amount of data.

For me, I don’t give a flying fuck about feeding the AI. I care about being apart of a community that engages with others in the community. But most of the stuff I see is already AI generated crap data. Shows that people lack the capacity to be original. I want original content.

Cool then we are different and both might have a place here. I dont see any issue, just use the for you or and make your own feed with list if you have such a big problem with it.

I use threadcast to do my feeding of leoai.

that might be ok. But I see a bunch of accounts impersonating official X accounts which is bad. Just imagine the actul owner of the X account one day finding inleo and seeing that their posts from X have been copied and pasted here.
Feed LEO AI is ok I am just gonna ignore from now on. It is just not so much fun to scroll through the latest feed anymore.

You realize there like thousands of X accounts that impersonate other X accounts

I just think a fuss is being made about a whole lot of nothing. This is nothing new even for hive

The rewards farming is the only part. If you don’t like them, don’t give them rewards

AI content is not an issue that will go away

Hi, @solymi,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

but this content is the only crap flooding the feed and it’s annoying as hell! And most of the content is already AI generated nonsense. Is that what you really want feeding the AI?

Is this drama for the sake of drama?

No, this my opinion when I look at my feed and it's a bunch of trash AI generated content. But I will admit, the cortisol has been hitting hard this morning and I have been a bit combative, so my apologies on that. Been in a fucked up headspace since my dad passed.

As long as these are not being counted in the MAU metrics, then okay. But it seems like you guys are cheering it on just to feed the AI a bunch of data. I could care less about that, I care about community over data.

If these AI bot accounts are being counted in the MAU numbers, then we can’t trust those numbers for any metrics as these are not active accounts. They post bullshit content and don’t engage at all in the community.

So I’ll be the one to say it, FUCK THESE BOT ACCOUNTS! They are not and do not represent real active users.

A). they don't count because they don't post from INLEO
B). we're talking about less than 20 accounts AFAIK and as we see them, they get removed

You're upset about a whole lot of nothing.

If they don't post from Inleo, then how does it end up on the thread feed?

That’s where Elon stole the design! #meme #memes #leomemes #bbh

yup, I can definitely see it! lol

India being way ahead of time 😆

ha this is awesome. I bet Elon would laugh at this.

On week 196, the first winner got 3.85 $HBD and second winner got 1.65 $HBD!

5.5 $HBD went to @papilloncharity

"Give to win" project on HIVE, by @combination

Week 197 is open for participation!



Would you like to know which end of a hot dog is the front? The front of a hot dog is the end you bite into first, which would usually be the tapered, thinner end

very important question
I will never look at a hot dog the same

😂😂😂😂 hahaha

I like paint

An evidence that investing on crypto remains profitable

So someone who invested on dogecoin by this time last year and kept it till this moment , the person would have made more than 300% profit on their investment. , nice

Quick gains for the believers and hoddlers.

History has been made.

Here on InLeo we have answers for all the biggest questions of life

Here's my daily #crypto #mining report for my $DOGE and $LTC miner for those that are interested! Still same difficulty level as yesterday, but looking down the pipe at a huge jump in the next few minutes! It's going to be a bit harder to mine the coin! That's why I need more miners! LOL

Now it's time to go fly drones and blow stuff up! Have a great Sunday all!


is good earnings or you should get more?

They are what the machine should be getting. It’s fine. I just want more miners, 🤣

are expensive the miners? how much do you spend per month in tax with one miner ? i would like have one

Taxes? 🤣 I don’t pay taxes on crypto! I am here for the freedom money, not the fiat dollar gains. Taxation is Theft!

Will never pay taxes on crypto. My big miner is about $900 and I run it on solar power, or will be in the next week or two. Just waiting on the last few pieces to that system.

What is the total cost of setting those miners up??

For the DOGE/LTC miner, it was around 950 after tax and shipping. Power supply was about $40. Solar system will be a total of $1650 when I am finished ordering next week, lol, just need one more panel to go to a full 24V setup. I was planning on 900W at 12V, but if I go up to 24V, I can expand to 1700W in the future with my current charge controller. I also have a Mac Mini plugged into this system that is mining Monero. The little Moonlander DOGE miner is plugged into an old Macbook pro that is controlling that mini USB ASIC miner as well as acting as my pool monitor. I can add one more of the Goldshell Mini Doge III miners to this set up and still get ample power from the panels to mine and store power for overnight usage and cloudy days. The batteries I got are 300ah, so they are monsters, lol.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Pretty soon you have a full bucket!

At the beach last summer

Great times. Enjoy it.

Hello all

Just now joined the platform
I am Gagan for #India Thanks tk @guurry123 for introducing to platform

welcome dear

welcome Gagan! Have fun and do not be afrid to ask questions!

Check out who's selling $LEO. #newlion joined over a week ago, posted once, collected their LEO upvotes and sold today.

#bbh #cent

Well, is their money, they can do whatever they want with it

The point is, these are suspected multi accts abusing not only the referral system but upvotes as well.

did you report to the team they are abusing the referral system

This is already known. Check out the guy with 300+ referrals.

I don’t read long form posts. My question is have you spoken to Khal about it this. Instead of just doing FUD.

If that is the case I am sure that the @inleo @leofinance team will solve that cutting them of the referral system. For the other hand, a few downvotes can taking them easy.

I'm a bit frustrated because we Leo price has been tanking this past days and now I see who is selling.

You also have to take into account that they might be $DASH users. Anyone who is getting their payouts in DASH or SPS has their LEO automatically sold and converted into DASH or SPS. In other words, this is not automatically a bad thing. It's a function, not a bug...

Check this out. Transferring hive they have sold to each other.

Most of new comers are not here for anything other than earnings and cashing out. You cannot blame them, it's what they are here for.

They are transfering hive to each other. You can follow the trail. For example

Are they buying low and selling high or what?

They or he, are farming upvote rewards pretending to be #newlion.

That means one person with multiple accounts.

This is not the act of a new user. It looks like a multi account farming rewards. That's why the transfers of hive.

i expect from most newbies but the smart ones will realize that the real earning potential comes from having a bigger stake...not to mention upside on $LEO token. I definitely wouldnt be selling right now

La poesía (incluso la mala) es para quien le haga sentir algo, se sienta identificado o le sirva el mensaje.

#spanish #hivecuba #santiagodecuba

Gamify your workouts🏋️‍♂️🎮 and earn rewards🏆 Level up your fitness💪and your wallet💰

#Hive #Actifit #Crypto #Blockchain

my phone keeps shutting actifit off. Apple watch is too expensive, fitbit doesn't work with my phone 😭

if you need any help you can go to help section on Discord👍

Leyendo la historia que publico @frankches de la comunidad de @galaxiavtuber del concurso semanal #vtuberstory

WTF, sounds like a good device , I hope it is affordable

what an innovation

more like lifetime battery

Chinese proactive, wow. Half our lives, no stressing about the battery 🔋

is it over yet 👀👀👀👀

At work...

Send some snow to Brazil.

1🧵. Targeting 50K Leo Power and 1K Hive Power#threadstorm #inleo #LP #HP

That's an epic goal, good luck man

Thank you man, I'm really gonna need it.

With long post and that is realizable, do it! 💪

I will try and do one a day.

wow Strong goal, wish to get there too someday

2🧵. 64 days to transform my HIVE journey

3🧵. Level up power, create value, inspire others. New blog explains everything!

It´s nice if people send tips for my content on Hive cause they like it and want to support it. Thank you so much!! ❤️

All these little supports mean alot to me, because I still believe they can bring me to a point where I can live from my music and Hive and make this full time! 😍

#tip #thankyou #earning #hive #hivecontent #post #raven #music

You Deserve it
Keep doing 👏

Thank you so much! =)

I've never read this book

But have seen this meme over and over again used by traders or #investors

Wonder if it's a good book to read or just time waste?

#bookonleo #dailybook

I liked it. It is dense and a bit hard to read, but the principles are still good today.

Thanks, I'll read it...

#newsoninleo #liotes

Poland Partners with Eden to Advance Blockchain Innovation

link in comment ⬇️

My car is orbiting Earth and Mars 🤷‍♂️ #elonmusk #cent #lolz

Astronomers hilariously mistook Elon’s Roadster for an asteroid this month.

Seven years after its Falcon Heavy launch, the car drifted past Mars into the asteroid belt.

69 !

As a German I have to laugh about this pic. Okay... 88 is the "funniest" number... Okay... Maybe the answer to "why?" is 42...

Poland, wtf? 😂👍 Well, I guess 88 isn't that funny there... 😬

Sounds interesting. 69 is more common.

Let's goooo


The “anyone I don’t like is Hitler” chorus should spend some quality time with this #meme

#elonmusk #trump #pepe #kekiusmaximus #cent

Yeah let's how long people can survive on ram noodles

Idk if this was on purpose but damn, this marketing intern should get promoted

Good evening guys! ❤️

How are you ? I was offline most of the day and did some workout, made some fresh orange/grapefruit juice, had a healthy meal and a walk with my dog. What did you do? 🤩

#weekend #sunday #healthy #juice #workout #walk

i relaxed almost the whole day, surfing around the street of inleo, later in the evening i went for a spendHBD workshop with other hivers .

Sounds great! I wish we had these workshops here. In what country are you living?

When i joined hive, we were only few hivers in the country, but with the spendHBD project we've been able to onboard lots of newbies, who are now hivers.

Oh that´s awesome!! Germans are a little behind in that sense. I hope there will be more projects like this here soon.
Is there a link to read about the spendHBD project somewhere?

$BTC is interesting holding strong above 100k$ for a long time now.
Is it building a new support level here ?

#crypto #bbh #cent

looks like accumulation...but many people are saying it's supply zone... Sellers exiting market here..

Will be exciting again once #bitcoin makes new ATH

many old buyers will exit at this price point for sure. Hope new people and institutes become long-time holders.

That price area is the supply zone and that is where alot of traders needs to buy more

I really don't care about the price of Leo and Hive any more. I'm more focused on the numbers rather than the value.

The value will do its thing, up down up down.

Yup, the numbers do go up!!!

Still, I do care about the prices to an extent...

Maybe I will care after 2 years, but for now I'm building it.

that's a good thing to keep in mind. Been that way before and only gets frustrated when prices dumps

frustrated when prices dumps


But the main reason why I'm doing it is to build stake to leverage instead of sell so I don't mind.

The future whales think this whale, I'll follow your passion

hoje tem corinthians X sao paulo.

Façam suas BETS.

A significant change is occurring with $RUNE and the community of supporters. Gaining a clear understanding of the debt situation is crucial before moving forward, or perhaps the moment has already arrived. It appears to be a pivotal time,

with essential adjustments about to be made to rise above previous challenges and realize the potential of becoming the DeFi powerhouse it was meant to

I'm a good player of chess

Go to the lobby and you'll be matched with an opponent 😁

waiting for you over

Just tested and we should be auto matched for a round thereCan you go to ?


I discovered 2 online

If you are still around, can you refresh the page ( and then log in?

Is the feed back?!

Seems like it!!

Let's gooooo !LOLZ

Did you hear about the lobster that got a job at pizza hut?
He's working in the crust station.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase



@ahmadmanga, I sent you an

Opening the $rune delegation process 👇

"I’m establishing new validators with my recently acquired $rune. If anyone has 25k+ and wishes to delegate, feel free to reach out!"

Welcome to The Ideation Vault Ep. 015 Jan-26-2025

Let's brainstorm for innovation with and for #inleo.

I'd like to see this #threadcast become a daily vault of ideas for:

  • Improving the platform
  • Finding new and innovative ways to use the Blockchain
  • Finding new ways to grow everyone's stack
  • Experimenting and creating new defi protocols whilst there are no government regulations

Have you all heard of @hivelist yet??? Sort of like Craig's List but on the Hive Blockchain

A marketplace using Hive assets would be pretty awesome, especially with leodex doing what it does. I think it could work!

Gamifying investing in $LEO
(More so than it already i

An on chain Casino with Leo or HBD payouts

#Splinterands is a thing.... why not black jack?

Automatic reinvestment for all and any Hive asset. Possible? I think so

I like that we have this in place in the world of centralized finance. It must be possible here too

Micro loans discussion... Go

Micro or macro really, doesn't matter. Somehow this could work for helping people grow their idea

I'm reading through this now and it's pretty cool!!!

An E-Commerce Solution For A Cryptocurrency Based Economy:

How about a Note taking dapp. I think that with the technology behind Leo Subs this note taking app could also be kept private.

Leo Notes

Not much action here but look this marketplace idea 💡 could be a thing:

@jongolson did you ever sell that domain?

Excellent domain name by the way

I would love to see a chart or at least number that shows what our DCA is on Leo or any other Hive assets.

What do you think?

How can we make an easy to navigate marketplace on inLeo?

Send your ideas into the ideation vault and let's discuss

Not quite like shark tank... but hey we can get ideas to grow here

Who's currently engaged?

Looking for the first 150 👀

Advice was given to purchase $DOGE when it was at $0.04.

Additionally, it was suggested to acquire $SOL at $34.

Currently, the recommendation is to invest in $KASTA at $0.022.

It was 1$ one day
Need to read more about
Seems promising

That's the strategy for LP holders!

But seriously, why aren't $RUNE holders seeing any returns? The reason is that artificial revenues don't exist on this platform, only genuine earnings, my friend.

No risk, no reward ¯_(ツ)_/¯


"It would be beneficial to implement effective revenue accumulation for $RUNE, making it more appealing to its holders. Currently, 90% of the revenue is vanishing into thin air, while $RUNE receives nothing, despite being fundamental to the

In my opinion, a person who looks to the news for opinions instead of facts is not being wise at all

Hey lions, want to hear my pizza rule 😁.

Never take the last slice of pizza unless you're the one who ordered it... or everyone else is too full to care.

hehe interesting rule! never had considered it before

yes man, that way there's no Pizza fight

Most awkward experience I have is when driving and realize myself and other driver stop at same red light, so we both pretend to look at something else. Otherwise forced to greet each other.

Just some basic etiquette for cookie lovers, I mean actual cookies not the one in your browser. The cookie you dip in your coffee should never touch the mug’s rim. We all know this. #CookieEtiquette

GM everyone!

It is a good day to code a dapp for #hivep2p

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