I think you should price in the opportunity cost of not holding BTC.
Pricing everything in BTC
Instead of pricing Bitcoin in dollars, what if we price dollars in Bitcoins? The US dollar has gone from 142µBTC down to 35µBTC. This is a 75% drop denominated in Bitcoin. So, let's just price everything in BTC. New Found Gold has kept up with Bitcoin with about a 0% return rate (in BTC) over the year. Tesla has actually out performed Bitcoin.
Apples to Apples
On the other hand, you couldn't have bought Hive a year ago because Hive didn't exist a year ago! You have to take the Steem price of a year ago at 16.10 µBTC and then combine the Steem and Hive prices by adding them together to see where your Steem value would have gone. This is 5.31µ + 3.89µ, which is about 9 µBTC. Steem+Hive has gone down significantly in BTC but has done a lot better than the dollar. In other words:
even if you bought Steem on the last day of 2019 and sold today, and did nothing with the money, you would have done better than one holding dollars
Quit Hive and Steem?
Yes and no. Rather than posting on one or another, many people post on both chains (probably from copying and pasting) and get rewards from both chains. Posting costs almost nothing (as its only staking a minimal plankton account that is necessary). Use affiliate links, and begging addresses, and you may be earn more this way. Over-short terms, you can use Hive backed dollar and Steem dollar. I would avoid buying either of these when they are over the 90% of the value of the US dollar, however. Sell your Steem Dollars.
As a savings instrument Hive isn't the best thing but Steem and Hive can be a way to get others in to crypto that might never had gotten into it. It can be a gateway drug to Bitcoin and liberating us all from needing to store savings in fiat.