Well I'm on my second week of the project and already reporting in a day late, whoops. Not a ton to report this week. We got very lucky with our LEOMM's and hit 2 mining rewards. I wasn't expecting any rewards just yet so it's a nice bonus this week and gets our first round of compounding started.
Alright let's dive into our hodling:
Token | Invested | Held | Profit | Weekly Earnings |
SPI | 12 | 5.13 | -11.9% | 0 |
M | 12 | 13.43 | -2.5% | 0 |
LEOMM | 12 | 2.11 | -29.7% | 0.29 |
WORKERBEE | 12 | 11.56 | -3.7% | 0 |
Profits increased across the board again this week. Since we are measuring off of instant sell prices, we are still climbing back to the break even marker on all of these projects. Slow steady gains are very promising so far and if we keep this up, everything should be looking pretty fancy in a month or so. We are playing the long term game here!
City 1:
City 2:
City | Invested | Bank | Profit | Weekly Earnings |
City 1 | 12 | 0.68 | 16.9% | 0.62 |
City 2 | 12 | 2.35 | 2.2% | 0.23 |
We are already seeing very solid dCity returns and I'm hopeuflly that will continue. It looks like the city taxes have dropped significantly this week so we could really start cruising on these projects. We came up just short of being able to buy another set of Immigrants and Wind Turbines in our second city which was a bit disappointing. Forest prices have really risen as well so I may need to rethink the strategy on city 1 if they continue to rise.
Everything increased in profit this week, so that is very good. We are still very much at the mercy of market prices so any sharp rise or fall for any of our projects is going to dramatically change our outlook. Fingers crossed we can continue to see good results and hopefully start to see some regular earnings on all of our projects soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance
Posted Using LeoFinance