Week 1 - Hive Token Hodl Project

in LeoFinance5 years ago

Let’s HODL.jpg

One week has past and really we don't have much to report, our holdings are still too low for consistent returns but that's okay because we are just going to keep on hodling and stacking. Not much news to report on for any of our projects so let's get right into in

Alright let's dive into our hodling:

TokenInvestedHeldProfitWeekly Earnings

Our profit % increased on all four projects from last week so that's a good sign. Since we are measuring off of instant sell prices, things look pretty bad right now. Also we didn't receive any earnings off of any of the initial investments. Like I said before that will be inconsistent until we start getting larger stacks. Hopefully we continue to see slow growth each week as we march our way to profits!

City 1:


City 2:


CityInvestedBankProfitWeekly Earnings
City 17.560.5210.85%0.08
City 27.500.60-4.37%0.10

Definitely a big purchase week for out cities. We bought 2 forests for the letshodl city so that should boost our profits greatly. In the bwar-gg city I had enough for 2 set's of immigrants and wind turbines. Profits were very similar for each city seeing 18 and 22 SIM come in. It will be a while until we are able to utilize the SIM earnings on a regular basis but hopefully we can turn those SIM into more cards soon.

Pretty happy with our first week overall. I was hoping to see some earnings from our miners but we didn't get lucky on that front. We basically have double the mining odds for the coming week so fingers crossed we start to see some LEO and BEE come in!


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And just realized I didn't stake my miners last week...

Posted Using LeoFinance