Parents mated and you were born, more like a body was born and given a name.
However, before you conceptualized that this body & name is me, you knew that you existed. I exist, I AM.
Simple I AM becomes — I am this and that name & form.
Later, this individuality propagates itself into much more, I am having this relationships/feeling/thoughts/possessions, etc.
This I AM on which individuality depends on projects the universe.
Individuality, i.e, your mind which is verily the thought that you are this particular body and all it's experiences belong to you.
When one sleeps he has no idea of anything. However, upon waking up, he says, 'I slept happily'. you don't deny your existence in sleep.
No matter how much mental or physical pains one may be having in waking, all that disappears in sleep.
Doesn't this mean that body/world/universe/time and mind are interdependent but you exist without them?
What's your home then? Everything in this world belongs to mind, not to you. Who are you?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We don't lose ourselves in sleep, many of us just don't remember.
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