24 months on Splinterlands: My Financial Report + Advices For New Players
I became a Splinterlands player on October 18, 2019 when, after reading many Splinterlands-related posts published on the Hive blockchain, I decided to spend $10 and buy the Spellbook (30 delegated cards to start playing).
Splinterlands was my first blockchain-based game so it was my gateway to a decentralized gaming world where players are not only buyers and users of a game product but also owners of game assets.
Today out of curiosity I went to see the first Splinterlands-related posts I made and found an image of my first reward I received from Splinterlands as a prize for completing my first daily mission: the Creeping Ooze card.
In the image below you can see the value the Creeping Ooze card had on October 20, 2019.

Two years ago, the Creeping Ooze card cost $0.03.
Today, November 3, 2021, the lowest price ($/BCX) is $1.21 but to get this purchase price you need to buy Creeping Ooze level 10 which is the result of combining 506 single cards (total cost $614).

The lowest purchase price for a single Creeping Ooze card is higher and is $9.80.

This difference in value shows how successful the Splinterlands game has become in just two years.

The increase in value in percentage terms that the Creeping Ooze card (level 1) has had is truly exceptional: +32667%

I took the value of the Creeping Ooze card as an example because it was my first daily reward, but there are cards whose value had an even greater percentage increase.
When I completed my first Splinterlands daily quest there were only three tokenizable items in the game:
- the cards
- packs of cards
- DEC tokens
Today there are many more Splinterlands game assets:
- cards (NFT that can be used in in-game battles)
- packs of cards
- DEC tokens
- SPT tokens
- PLOT tokens
- TOTEM tokens
- SPS tokens
- VOUCHER tokens
- NFT tokens (not usable in game battles)
A blockchain-based game is never just a game, it is also an investment and as such it has a cost: time and/or money.
Since I became a Splinterlands player I have always published a monthly report in which I shared my financial results and in which I considered Splinterlands solely from a financial point of view and completely left out the game play and strategic aspects.
And here I am today, writing my 24th monthly report on Splinterlands.
Note: In the numbers of this report the comma "," and the dot "." are both decimal separators.
Below are the topics I will be covering in this my monthly report:
Report Topics
- Final Result Previous Report
- Evaluation of Splinterlands as Investment (after 24 months)
- Total Investment Cost
- Total Revenues
- Value of my card collection
- Value of accumulated DEC tokens
- Revenues from the sale of DEC tokens
- Value of the token PLOT
- Revenues from Farms DEC - BUSD LP (CubFinance)
- Value of Splintershards tokens (SPS)
- Value of purchased but unopened packs of cards
- Value of VOUCHER tokens not used and/or sold
- Profit/Loss calculation
- ROI calculation
- Report Results Considerations
- Month by month history of my investment in Splinterlands
- Advice for new players
- But do those who sign up today still have a chance to make a good profit?
Final Result Previous Report
The starting point for each of my monthly reports on Splinterlands is the result I recorded in my previous monthly report.

In the following image you can see the results in terms of ROI and Profit that I calculated and recorded on 13 October 2021 (previous report).
The results I have achieved after 23 months of playing/investing in Splinterlands are results that I wouldn't have even dreamed of a few months ago:
- Total profit: $36201.26
- ROI: 6906.79%
I will now proceed to evaluate my investment in Splinterlands by updating and calculating the value of the Splinterlands assets in my possession as of today and at the same time as writing this report.
Evaluation of Splinterlands as Investment
(after 24 months)

Total Investment Cost
Note: In calculating the total investment cost I only consider the costs I incurred by injecting external liquidity into the game.
From the date of my last report (13 October 2021) until today I have not injected any external cash into my Splinterlands investment and therefore my total investment cost remains unchanged from my previous report and is $524.14.

The total revenue earned from my investment on Splinterlands is the sum of the following values:
- the sum of the market value of the Cards that constitute my card collection
- the gain obtained from the sale of the cards and not reinvested in the game.
- the gain obtained from the rental of my cards to other players and not reinvested in the game.
- the value of the DEC tokens (Dark Energy Crystal) accumulated and not reinvested.
- the gain from the sale of DEC tokens.
- the market value of the plots that I have purchased.
- The gain from the sale of the Plots.
- The gain from using DEC tokens in a Farm.
- The value of the Splintershards (SPS) tokens I have obtained to date from the current airdrop.
- The value of card packs purchased but not opened.
- The gain from the sale of VOUCHER tokens
How much is my card collection worth?
At the heart of the Splinterlands game is a fun card and strategy game.

I consider cards to be one of the most important assets of the Splinterlands game.
To calculate the value of my card collection, I use the useful tool on the Peakmonsters website (https://peakmonsters.com/), which allows me to quickly find out the value of my card collection as well as the value of any other player's card collection.

The value of my card collection is displayed in the My Cards section of the Peakmonsters website (https://peakmonsters.com/@libertycrypto27/cards).
The Peakmonsters site calculates the value of Splinterlands card collections based on two different prices: Market Prices and List Prices.
To calculate the value of my card collection I always consider the lesser of:
- the total value using Market Prices.
- the total value using the List Prices.
Since I write a report every month I have been able to monitor the value of my card collection almost monthly.

On 16 September my card collection was worth $23249.22.

On 12 October, my card collection had a value of $25293.08.

Today, November 3rd, my card collection has a value of $32166.46.

My card collection has already temporarily exceeded $30,000 in the past, but this is the first time I have ever recorded such a high value in a monthly report.
I am very happy to see that since my previous report and in just under a month my card collection has grown by +7310.10$ with a percentage increase of +28.57%.

What is the value of the DEC tokens I have in my wallet?

The DEC (Dark Energy Crystal) tokens are the native Tokens of the Splinterlands game, are the main reward for battle victories in the game and can also be found inside chests.
Splinterlands players receive Chests as a reward for completing daily quests and as a reward for game achievements at the conclusion of the Splinterlands season (every 15 days).

DEC tokens are utility tokens because they have many use cases:
- they can be sold and bought on:
- Hive Engine (https://hive-engine.com/?p=market&t=DEC)
- LeoDex** (https://leodex.io/market/DEC)
- TribalDex** (https://tribaldex.com/trade/DEC)
- can be used to buy cards, potions, Spellbook (starter set)
- can be used in DeFi Platforms of CubFinance (https://cubdefi.com/), UniSwap and TribalDex pools (https://tribaldex.com/).
- can be used to pay for card rentals.
- count towards the current airdrop score to receive Splinterlands governance tokens (the SPS tokens): 1 DEC token = 1 Airdrop point.
In my in-game Splinterlands wallet I have accumulated a total of 135788 DEC tokens.

As you can see from the calculations in the image below, today November 3, 2021, 135788 DEC tokens have the value of 1480.31 $ (Highest Bid on LeoDex/HiveEngine/TribalDex)

Revenues from the sale of DEC tokens on Hive Engine
I have almost always used the DEC tokens earned from battle victories and the sale of my cards in the purchase of cards and card packs with the goal of upgrading and improving the battle strength of my card collection.
On one occasion (October 5, 2020) I sold 81000 DEC tokens to do a Power Up on Hive and thus increase my amount of Hive Power (HP).
From that sale I received 400.14 HIVE in return which, at the time of the sale, had a value of $64.8.
If you have a time machine lend it to me and let me go back to that day! :)
How much are my PLOT tokens worth?
On November 21, 2020 I purchased 3 Plots at a great price: 7500 DEC per plot.
So I spent a total of 22500 DEC whose $ value at the time of purchase was $19.66.
If I consider the current value of the DEC tokens, the 3 PLOTs cost me 245.24.

The Plots have all been sold and long since.

Today, anyone who wants to buy a PLOT can only purchase it from markets outside the Splinterlands game.
Today, November 3, 2021, the lowest sales order for a PLOT on the Hive Engine is 909 HIVE with a dollar value of 728.10.

Initially PLOTs could also be purchased in dollars ($20) from the Shop section of the Splinterlands website and if I had chosen this payment method I would now have made an even bigger profit.
A PLOT that could be bought for $20 at the end of 2020 is now worth $728.10!
880 HIVE.For the purposes of calculating the bottom line of my report I will consider the value of the Highest BID on https://hive-engine.com/?p=market&t=PLOT which is
The total value of the three PLOT tokens in my possession is: 880 HIVE * 3 plots = 2640 HIVE = 2114.64$ (previous report value: 1605.22$)

On CubFinance I have put 24000 DEC tokens to work within the DEC-BUSD LP (V1) Farm.
Some time ago I migrated to the DEC-BUSD LP (V2) farm.Leofinance (https://leofinance.io/) is one of the most active and well-known communities on Hive and has created and developed a decentralized finance platform (DeFi) called CubFinance (https://cubdefi.com/).

So far the cash injection into the DEC-BUSD farm has earned me: 13,242 CUB tokens (Farm V1) + 1.51 CUB tokens (Farm V2)= 14.75 CUB tokens = 14.75 * $0.672 = $9.91.
The value of Splintershards tokens (SPS) obtained from the current airdrop
The airdrop of Splintershards (SPS) tokens, the Splinterlands governance tokens, has contributed greatly to the increase in value of the Splinterlands game assets.
The SPS token airdrop is a different airdrop than the usual airdrop because it is an annual airdrop (365 days) and today November 3, 2021 is 100 days since the airdrop began.

In 100 days since the start of the airdrop I have accumulated a total of 11131 SPS tokens which I have staked to receive more SPS tokens (APR 53.54%).
Today the value of the 11131 SPS tokens in my possession is $6433.78 (image below).

Since October 13, 2021, SPS tokens have lost value.
In fact, if you look at the calculations in the image below, even though I have increased the amount of SPS tokens I own, their total value has decreased.

Value of card packs purchased but not opened
A while ago I bought 100 packs of cards from the Untamed collection in bulk from the Shop section of the Splinterlands website and as a bonus I received 10 free packs of cards.
I have opened 90 packs of cards and still have 20 packs of cards to open or sell.

85.49 SWAP.HIVE = $69.24 (previous report: $54.55).Today the value of a pack of cards from the Untamed collection at https://hive-engine.com/?p=market&t=UNTAMED (Highest BID) is

The total value of the 20 packs of Untamed cards in my possession is $1384.8.

So far the decision to keep these packs of cards without opening or selling them has proven to be the right one because their value has increased by +26.93% in 21 days.
I have yet to decide whether to open, sell, or keep these 20 packs of Untamed cards...but I'm leaning more towards the option of selling and then reinvesting in Chaos Legion packs.
Value of VOUCHER tokens sold
Into this report of mine comes a new element of value: the VOUCHER token.
The VOUCHER token is a token needed to buy a pack of Chaos Legion cards during the current presale.
I have chosen to sell all of the VOUCHER tokens I have received to date and if their value remains above $4-8 I will continue to sell them.
With the proceeds of the sale I will buy Chaos Legion card packs when the Voucher tokens are no longer needed (after the sale of the first two million Chaos Legion card packs).
To date, I have sold a total of 37.29 VOUCHER tokens and have received 738.54 SWAP.HIVE tokens worth $598.21 in return.

A little bit of calculation...
Now that I've collected all the data I need (Total Costs and Total Revenues) it's time to do the sums and then I can calculate the Profit and ROI I got from my investment in Splinterlands after 24 months.
( Revenues - Costs )
As you can see from the calculations in the image below the Profit I got after 24 months on Splinterlands is $43728.46 (previous report 36725.40$)

From 18 October 2019 to date 24 months and 17 days have passed.
From October 13, 2021 to today November 3, 21 days have passed.
In 21 days my profit has increased by 7003$ (+19.07%) !

WOW :)
( Return On Investment )
In my previous report I recorded an ROI of 6906.79%.
After 21 days the ROI has increased and is now 8342.90%.

Month by month history of my investment in Splinterlands
Below you can see the history of my personal investment on Splinterlands from October 18, 2019 until today November 3, 2021.
The trend of PROFIT from the sixth month onwards was as follows:
- PROFIT after 6 months: 27.99 $
- PROFIT after 7 months: 82.346 $
- PROFIT after 8 months: 24.214 $
- PROFIT after 9 months: 78.902 $
- PROFIT after 10 months: 44.014 $
- PROFIT after 11 months: 149.437 $
- PROFIT after 12 months: 307.279 $
- PROFIT after 13 months: 316.13 $
- PROFIT after 14 months: 311.16 $
- PROFIT after 15 months: 338.02 $
- PROFIT after 16 months: 392.60 $
- PROFIT after 17 months: 687.68 $
- PROFIT after 18 months: 1046.56 $
- PROFIT after 19 months: 1239.77 $
- PROFIT after 20 months: 2232.06 $
- PROFIT after 21 months: 13310.82 $
- PROFIT after 22 months: 26764.87 $
- PROFIT after 23 months: 36201.26 $
- PROFIT after 24 months: 43728.46 $

In the following graph you can see the trend of the ROI from the sixth month onwards was as follows:

Splinterlands continues its run and so do the financial results of my investment in Splinterlands.
Since my last report all of Splinterlands assets have increased in value except for SPS tokens and DEC tokens which have declined slightly.

1000 DEC tokens that were worth $0.68 only 9 months ago (March 11, 2021) are now worth $11.04 while 21 days ago they were worth about $14.

I'm really very pleased to have believed and invested in the Splinterlands game and I believe and hope that the best is yet to come...
Splinterlands is a concrete example of all that a blockchain-based game can offer to its players:
- fun
- exclusive digital ownership of the game assets (tokens and NFT)
- many different possibilities of gain and investment
Advices for new players
But do those who sign up today still have a chance to make a good profit?
In blockchain-based projects and especially in projects that have increased their success over time, the rule applies:
He who enters first is at an advantage and earn more rewards!
It is only fair to reward those who have believed from the start.
Those who entered Splinterlands a year before me have made much higher profits than me.
Whoever enters a successful project like Splinterlands today will logically grow less quickly than someone who built up a collection of cards when cards cost much less than today but, even if it is only my personal opinion, I am convinced that Splinterlands still has a lot of potential and still has a lot to offer to its players including new players.
I may be repetitive but the advice I always give to new players is to be "Smart" players and to look at the Splinterlands game not as an isolated and successful project but as a beautiful project created and developed within a great ecosystem that is the Hive blockchain.
Those who only play will grow more slowly in the game of Splinterlands especially if they have decided not to invest external liquidity in the game and especially now that to earn DEC tokens from battle victories it is necessary to get to Bronze II league.
The smarter player not only plays the game:
- publishes Splinterlands-related content on the Hive blockchain.
- participates in weekly contests organized by Splinterlands on the Hive blockchain
In addition, those who publish Splinterlands-related content on Hive have the opportunity to earn HIVE tokens and various second-level Hive tokens.
Here's a practical example
Whoever participates in the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge contest, publishes a post about the game, uses the tag splinterlands and shares his post on a blogging platform other than Hive.blog:
will receive a vote from the @steemmonsters account (the weight of the vote will depend on the quality of the content of the post and you can receive a maximum of two votes in 7 days on two published posts)
will have the chance to earn token HIVE.
HIVE tokens are one of the currency tokens on Hive's blockchain
Today November 3, 2021, 1 HIVE token has the value of $0.810.will have the opportunity to earn SPT
Today November 3, 2021, the value of 1 SPT token is 0.01069 SWAP.HIVE.
1000 SPT = 10.69 HIVE = $8.65. tokens from the Hive community: https://www.splintertalk.io/ SPT tokens are second-level tokens on the Hive blockchain and were created by the @splinterlands account.if you use the oneup tag you will also have the chance to receive ONEUP
Today November 3rd 1 ONEUP token has the value of 0.07 SWAP.HIVE.
100 ONEUP tokens = 7 HIVE = $5.67 tokens from Hive's beautiful new community of blockchain-based games: https://www.1up.zone/ tokens are tokens created by @flauwy, which is also the creator of the @monster-curator account.
- If you also write about the financial aspects of the Splinterlands game in your post like I did in this report and use the leofinance tag you will have the chance to earn LEO
Today, November 3, 2021, the value of 1 LEO token is 0.36 SWAP.HIVE = $0.29. tokens from the Leofinance community: https://leofinance.io/ tokens are second-level tokens of the Hive blockchain created by the @khaleelkazi account.
Up to 10 different tags can be used on a post published on the Hive blockchain, and there are many second-level Hive tokens that can be earned from publishing a post.
I will go into more detail on this topic in a future post ;)
A Smart player who not only sees the potential of a great game like Splinterlands but also the great potential of the Hive blockchain on which Splinterlands is built and developed, will grow much faster than a simple player and if he uses a part of the rewards from his content creation activity on Hive to buy cards and other Splinterlands assets his growth within the game will be very fast ;)
Are you not a Splinterlands player?

Any game that involves the purchase of cards and tokens is never a simple game but it is also an investment and should be considered as such.
I am not a financial consultant and if you decide to invest in the game of Splinterlands you do it for your own choice, after having made your personal evaluations and considered all possible risk factors.
My advice is to always invest only what you can afford to lose with a light heart.
HIVE ON and Splinterlands ON!

24 mesi su Splinterlands: ROI e considerazioni
+ Consigli per i nuovi giocatori

Sono diventato un giocatore di Splinterlands il 18 ottobre del 2019 quando ho deciso di spendere 10$ e ho comprato lo Spellbook (30 carte in delega per iniziare a giocare).
Splinterlands è stato il mio primo gioco basato su blockchain e quindi è stato la mia porta d'ingresso in un mondo decentralizzato in cui i giocatori non sono solo acquirenti e usufruitori di un prodotto ludico ma anche possessori di assets dei giochi.
Oggi per curiosità sono andato a vedere i primi post inerenti a Splinterlands che ho pubblicato e ho trovato l'immagine della mia prima ricompensa: la carta Creeping Ooze.

Due anni fa la carta Creeping Ooze costava 0.03$.
Oggi il prezzo più basso ($/BCX) è di 1.21$ ma per avere questo prezzo di acquisto è necessario comprare Creeping Ooze di livello 10 che è il risultato della combinazione di 506 carte singole (costo totale 614$).

Il prezzo di acquisto più basso relativo ad una singola carta Creeping Ooze è più alto ed è 9.80$

Questa differenza di valore mostra il percorso di successo che ha fatto il gioco di Splinterlands.

L'incremento di valore in termini percentuali che ha avuto la carta Creeping Ooze è davvero un valore eccezionale: +32667%

Quando ho completato la mia prima missione giornaliera di Splinterlands gli elementi tokenizzabili erano solo tre:
- le carte (NFT)
- i pacchi di carte
- i token DEC
Oggi gli elementi tokenizzabili (assets) del gioco di Splinterlands sono molti di più e si sono aggiunti:
- i token SPT
- i token PLOT
- i token TOTEM
- i token SPS
- i token VOUCHER
- NFT (non utilizzabili nelle battaglia di gioco)
Fino ad oggi ho sempre pubblicato un report mensile nel quale ho condiviso i miei risultati finanziari e nel quale ho considerato Splinterlands unicamente dal punto di vista finanziario.
Ed eccomi arrivato al mio ventiquattresimo report finanziario su Splinterlands.
Argomenti del Report
- Risultato Finale Report Precedente
- Valutazione di Splinterlands come Investimento (dopo 24 mesi)
- Costo Totale Investimento
- Totale Ricavi
- Calcolo Profitto/Perdita
- Calcolo ROI
- Considerazioni sui risultati del report
- Storico mese per mese del mio investimento su Splinterlands
- Considerazioni varie
- Consigli per i nuovi giocatori
Risultato Finale Report Precedente
Il punto di partenza di questo mio report è il risultato che ho registrato nel mio report mensile precedente.

Nell'immagine seguente puoi vedere i risultati in termini di ROI e di Profitto che ho calcolato e registrato in data 13 ottobre 2021 (report precedente).

I risultati che ho ottenuto dopo 23 mesi di gioco/investimento su Splinterlands sono risultati che fino a qualche mese fa non mi sarei neanche sognato di poter ottenere:
- Profitto totale: 36201.26$
- ROI: 6906.79%
Adesso procederò a valutare il mio investimento su Splinterlands aggiornando e calcolando il valore degli assets di Splinterlands in mio possesso in data odierna.
Valutazione di Splinterlands come Investimento
(dopo 24 mesi)

Costo Totale Investimento
Nota: Nel calcolo del costo totale dell'investimento considero solo i costi che ho sostenuto immettendo liquidità esterna al gioco.
Dalla data del mio ultimo report (13 ottobre 2021) e fino ad oggi 3 novembre 2021 non ho immesso liquidità esterna nel mio investimento e per questo motivo il costo totale rimane invariato rispetto al mio report precedente: 524.14$.

I Ricavi
Il totale dei ricavi ottenuti dal mio investimento su Splinterlands è il risultato della somma dei seguenti valori:
- la somma del valore di mercato delle Carte che compongono la mia collezione di carte
- il guadagno ottenuto dalla vendita delle carte e non reinvestito nel gioco.
- il guadagno ottenuto dal nolleggio delle mie carte ad altri giocatori e non reinvestito nel gioco.
- il valore dei token DEC (Dark Energy Crystal) accumulati e non reinvestiti in acquisto di altri assets di Splinterlands.
- il guadagno ottenuto dalla vendita dei token DEC.
- il valore sul mercato dei token PLOT che ho acquistato.
- Il guadagno ottenuto dalla vendita dei token PLOT.
- Il guadagno ottenuto dall'utilizzo dei token DEC in una Farm.
- Il valore dei token Splintershards (SPS) che ho ottenuto fino ad oggi dall'airdrop attualmente in corso.
- il valore dei pacchi di carte che ho acquistato e che non ho aperto
- il guadagno ottenuto dalla vendita dei token VOUCHER
Quanto vale la mia collezione di carte?
Alla base del gioco di Splinterlands c'è un divertente gioco di carte e di strategia.

Considero le carte uno degli asset più importanti del gioco di Splinterlands.
Per calcolare il valore della mia collezione di carte utilizzo l'utile tool del sito di Peakmonsters (https://peakmonsters.com/) che permette di conoscere velocemente il valore della mia collezione di carte come anche il valore della collezione di carte di qualsiasi altro giocatore.

Il valore della mia collezione di carte è visualizzato all'interno della sezione My Cards del sito di Peakmonsters (https://peakmonsters.com/@libertycrypto27/cards)
Il sito di Peakmonsters calcola il valore delle collezioni di carte di Splinterlands in base a due prezzi diversi: Prezzi di mercato e Prezzi di Listino.
Per calcolare il valore della mia collezione di carte considero sempre il valore minore tra:
- il valore totale usando i Prezzi di Mercato.
- il valore totale usando i Prezzi di Listino.
Poichè scrivo ogni mese un report ho potuto monitorare il valore della mia collezione di carte con cadenza quasi mensile.

Il 16 settembre la mia collezione di carte aveva un valore di 23249.22$

Il giorno 12 Ottobre la mia collezione di carte aveva un valore di 25293.08$

Oggi 3 Novembre la mia collezione di carte ha un valore di 32166.46$

Questa è la prima volta che registro un valore così alto in un mio report mensile.
In poco meno di un mese il valore della mia collezione di carte è cresciuto di un valore di +7310.10$ (+28.57%).

Quanto valgono i token DEC nel mio wallet?

I token DEC (Dark Energy Crystal) sono i Token nativi del gioco di Splinterlands, sono la ricompensa per le vittorie in battaglia e si possono trovare anche all'interno dei forzieri.
I giocatori ricevono i forzieri come ricompensa per il completamento delle missioni giornaliere e come ricompensa per i risultati di gioco ottenuti alla conclusione della stagione di Splinterlands (ogni 15 giorni).

I token DEC sono degli utility token perchè hanno tanti casi d'uso:
- possono essere venduti e comprati su:
- Hive Engine (https://hive-engine.com/?p=market&t=DEC)
- LeoDex (https://leodex.io/market/DEC)
- TribalDex (https://tribaldex.com/trade/DEC)
- possono essere utilizzati per comprare carte, pozioni, Spellbook (starter set)
- possono essere utilizzati nelle piattaforme DeFi di CubFinance (https://cubdefi.com/), UniSwap e nelle pools di TribalDex (https://tribaldex.com/).
- possono essere utilizzati per pagare il noleggio delle carte
- concorrono alla determinazione del punteggio dell'airdrop in corso per ricevere i token di governance di Splinterlands (i token SPS): 1 token DEC = 1 punto Airdrop.
Nel mio wallet interno al gioco di Splinterlands ho accumulato un totale di 135788 token DEC.

Oggi 135788 token DEC hanno il valore di 1480.31$ (Highest Bid su LeoDex/HiveEngine/TribalDex)

Ricavi dalla vendita dei token DEC su Hive Engine
Solo in un'occasione (5 ottobre 2020) ho venduto un quantitativo di 81000 token DEC per aumentare il mio quantitativo di Hive Power (HIVE staked).
Da quella vendita ho ricevuto 400,14 HIVE che avevano un valore di 64,8 $.
Se hai una macchina del tempo prestamela e fammi tornare indietro a quel giorno! :)
Quanto valgono i miei token PLOT?
Il 21 novembre 2020 ho acquistato 3 PLOTS ad un ottimo prezzo: 7500 DEC per plot.
Ho speso in totale 22500 DEC il cui valore in $ al momento dell'acquisto era di 19,66 $.
Se considero il valore attuale dei token DEC i 3 PLOT mi sono costati 245.24$.

I Plots sono stati venduti tutti e già da tempo.

Oggi chi vuole comprare un PLOT può acquistarlo esclusivamente dai mercati esterni al gioco di Splinterlands.
Oggi 3 novembre 2021, l'ordine di vendita più basso per un PLOT su Hive Engine è di 909 HIVE il cui valore in dollari è di 728.10$.

Un PLOT che poteva essere acquistato a 20$ a fine anno 2020 oggi vale 728.10$!
880 HIVE.Ai fini dei calcoli del risultato economico del mio report considererò il valore della migliore offerta di acquisto (Highest BID) su https://hive-engine.com/?p=market&t=PLOT che è di
Il valore totale dei tre token PLOT in mio possesso è di: 880 HIVE * 3 plots = 2640 HIVE = 2114.64$ (valore report precedente: 1605.22$)

Su CubFinance utilizzo la Farm DEC-BUSD LP (V2). (https://leofinance.io/) è una delle comunità più attive di Hive e ha creato e sviluppato una piattaforma di finanza decentralizzata (DeFi) che si chiama (https://cubdefi.com/).

Fino ad oggi ho guadagnato: 13.242 token CUB (Farm V1) + 1.51 token CUB (Farm V2)= 14.75 token CUB = 14.75 * 0.672$ = 9.91$.
Il valore dei token Splintershards (SPS)
E' in corso l'airdrop dei token Splintershards (SPS): i token di governance di Splinterlands.
L'airdrop dei token SPS è un airdrop di durata annuale e oggi 3 novembre 2021 sono trascorsi 100 giorni dall'inizio dell'airdrop.

In 100 giorni ho accumulato un totale di 11131 token SPS il cui valore attuale è di 6433.78$ (immagine seguente).

Rispetto al 13 ottobre 2021 i token SPS hanno perso valore.
Infatti nonostante ho incrementato il quantitativo di token SPS in mio possesso il loro valore totale è diminuito.

Valore dei pacchi di carte acquistati ma non aperti
Tempo fa ho comprato 110 pacchi di carte della collezione Untamed dalla sezione Shop del sito di Splinterlands.
Ho aperto 90 pacchi di carte e ho ancora 20 pacchi di carte da aprire.

Oggi il valore di un pacco di carte della collezione Untamed su Hive Engine (Highest BID) è di 85.49 SWAP.HIVE = 69.24$.

Il valore totale dei 20 pacchi di carte Untamed in mio possesso è di 1384.8$

In 21 giorni il valore è aumentato del +26.93%.
Valore dei token VOUCHER
In questo mio report entra per la prima volta un nuovo elemento: il token VOUCHER.
Il token VOUCHER è un token distribuito tramite airdrop agli stakeholders dei token SPS e serve per acquistare 1 pacco di carte durante la prevendita in corso.
Ho venduto tutti i token VOUCHER che ho ricevuto fino ad oggi: 37.29 token VOUCHER.
Ho ottenuto dalla vendita 738.54 token SWAP.HIVE = 598.21$.

Un pò di calcoli...
Adesso ho tutti i dati che mi servono (costi e ricavi) è posso calcolare il Profitto e il ROI che ho ottenuto dal mio investimento su Splinterlands dopo 24 mesi.
( Ricavi - Costi )
Come puoi vedere dai calcoli presenti nell'immagine seguente il Profitto che ho ottenuto dopo 24 mesi su Splinterlands è di 44252.60$ (report precedente 36725.40$)

Dal 18 ottobre 2019 ad oggi sono passati 24 mesi e 17 giorni.
Dal 13 ottobre 2021 ad oggi 3 novembre sono passati 21 giorni.
In 21 giorni il mio profitto è aumentato di 7003$ (+19.07%)!

WOW :)
( Return On Investment )
Nel mio report precedente avevo registrato un ROI del 6906.79%.
Dopo 21 giorni il ROI è aumentato ed è ora del 8342.90%

Storico mese per mese del mio investimento su Splinterlands
Dal grafico seguente puoi vedere l'andamento del PROFITTO dal sesto mese in poi.

Dal grafico seguente puoi vedere l'andamento del ROI dal sesto mese in poi.

Dal mio ultimo report tutti gli assets di Splinterlands hanno incrementato il loro valore tranne i token SPS e i token DEC che hanno avuto una leggera flessione.

1000 token DEC che solo 9 mesi fa (11 marzo 2021) valevano 0.68$ oggi valgono 11.04$ mentre 21 giorni fa valevano 14$ circa.

Consigli per i nuovi giocatori
Sarò ripetitivo ma il consiglio che dò sempre ai nuovi giocatori è di essere giocatori "Smart" e di guardare al gioco di Splinterlands non come ad un progetto isolato e di successo ma come ad un bel progetto creato e sviluppato all'interno di un grande ecosistema che è la blockchain di Hive.
Un nuovo giocatore crescerà più lentamente soprattutto adesso che per guadagnare token DEC dalle vittorie in battaglia è necessario arrivare in lega Bronze II.
Il giocatore più "smart" oltre a giocare pubblica contenuti inerenti a Splinterlands sulla blockchain di Hive e partecipa ai contest settimanali organizzati da Splinterlands.
Inoltre chi pubblica contenuti su Hive inerenti a Splinterlands ha la possibilità di guadagnare i token HIVE e diversi token di secondo livello di Hive.
Faccio un esempio pratico
Chi partecipa al contest Social Media Challenge di Splinterlands, pubblica un post, usa il tag splinterlands e condivide il suo post su una piattaforma di blogging diversa da Hive.blog:
riceverà un voto dall'account @steemmonsters
avrà la possibilità di guadagnare i token HIVE
Oggi 3 novembre 2021, 1 token HIVE ha il valore di 0.810$avrà la possibilità di guadagnare i token SPT
Oggi 3 novembre 2021 il valore di 1 token SPT è di 0.01069 SWAP.HIVE
1000 SPT = 10.69 HIVE = 8.65$ della comunità di Hive: https://www.splintertalk.io/ I token SPT sono token di secondo livello della blockchain di Hive creati dall'account @splinterlandsse userà il tag oneup avrà la possibilità di ricevere anche i token ONEUP
I token ONEUP
Oggi 3 novembre 1 token ONEUP ha il valore di 0.07 SWAP.HIVE
100 token ONEUP = 7 HIVE = 5.67$ della nuova e bella comunità di Hive dedicata ai giochi basati su blockchain: https://www.1up.zone/ sono i token creati dall'account @flauwy che è anche il creatore dell'account @monster-curatorse nel post scriverà anche degli aspetti finanziari del gioco di Splinterlands e userà il tag leofinance avrà la possibilità di guadagnare i token LEO
I token LEO
Oggi 3 novembre 2021 il valore di 1 token LEO è di 0.36 SWAP.HIVE = 0.29$ della comunità di Leofinance: https://leofinance.io/ sono token di secondo livello della blockchain di Hive creati dall'account @khaleelkazi
Un giocatore Smart che oltre a vedere il potenziale di un bel gioco come Splinterlands vede anche il grande potenziale della blockchain di Hive su cui Splinterlands è costruito e sviluppato, crescerà molto più velocemente ;)
Splinterlands = Play 2 Earn!
Non sei un giocatore di Splinterlands?

Io non sono un consulente finanziario e se decidi di investire nel gioco di Splinterlands lo fai per tua scelta, dopo aver fatto le tue personali valutazioni e considerato tutti i possibili fattori di rischio.
Il mio consiglio è di investire sempre e solo quello che puoi permetterti di perdere a cuor leggero.

I love to see all your financial analysis on your Splinterlands account. I keep similar records, though not as detailed and clear and easy to understand as yours. Splinterlands is truly the ultimate play to earn game and everyone who got in early is glad they did. I entered the game January 2019 and have reinvested all earned DEC into purchasing cards, plus invested additional funds of just over $3000 in leveling up certain cards. But here is my card worth as of today, so it was truly a great investment:

I'm so sorry for the delay in responding but I've had a really busy few days.
Wow 173k! Your collection is worth much more than mine! I started in October 2019 and you don't know how I wish I had done it earlier :)
Hopefully Splinterlands will continue to give us great satisfaction in the future and maybe make us add a zero to the value of our card collections ;)
!LUVHi @blueeyes8960 thank you for your comment and I'm very pleased you liked my report.
@blueeyes8960, you've been given LUV from @libertycrypto27.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (4/5)
Thanks for the LUV @libertycrypto27!
I think great things are coming for Splinterlands and we are lucky to have gotten in early. Good luck to you in your continued progress!
Reminded of old days. I got those chickens and handed it free to new players and now I wish I had kept some singles, lol.
Wonderful report. Splinterlands has helped a lot in changing the game for Hive even.
Hi @sayee thanks a lot for the comment and for the support :)
Luckily, at the beginning I gave them away, then I preferred to delegate them and I have several cards delegated to other players, but if I need them I can always sell them ;)
A big hug
@sayee, you've been given LUV from @libertycrypto27.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (5/5)
welcome :)
Meglio.@tipu curate 2 splinterland è il meglio del meglio. Meglio di una cosa migliore.
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 13/73) Liquid rewards.
Come non essere d'accordo con te e speriamo di continuare a sognare ;)
Discord Server.This post has been manually curated by @sayee from Indiaunited community. Join us on our
Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share 80 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.
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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.
thanks a lot!
Great post.
Splinterlands is a great success story.
I am sure there will be many more.
Great ROI over the last 24 months.
Hopefully the next 24 months will be just as lucrative for you.
Thank you very much @mickvir and I'm glad you liked my post
Let's hope so, if Splinterlands continues to become more and more successful the whole Hive community will benefit ;)
@mickvir, you've been given LUV from @libertycrypto27.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/5)
Wow, that's some massive profit. Very well-deserved for being an active player for 2+ years.
Indeed, it's more than just a game. Splinterlands has a thriving economy and a growing demand. I was recently exploring the rental market, and just realized the huge earning potential there.
That's a sage advice for new players who may not have large funds to invest in the game. There's a whole lot of avenues to earn in the Hive blockchain. I like that I'm seeing more players now, writing thoughful posts about Splinterlands, such as cryptokungfu's post I read earlier about the rental markets.
Completely agree with you, the rental market is a further chance for new players to get over the Bronze league hurdle and is a further chance to make money for those with lots of cards in their collection.
Thanks also for linking me of cryptokungfu's post which I read, voted on and enjoyed.
!PIZZAHi @jazzhero thanks for your comment and sorry for the delay in replying but I've had a busy few days.
Hi, no worries at all. You don't have to apologize :)
And thanks for checking out the link. cryptokungfu just joined Hive through Splinterlands a month ago. I don't know the author but his recent blogs made me want to promote him that one time haha.
@jazzhero, you've been given LUV from @libertycrypto27.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/5)
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Thanks a lot for the support
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Ne dovevo comprare una tonnellata lo sapevo
Dovevamo fittare un tir e metterne almeno 10 di tonnellate 😂😂😂😂
@zottone444, you've been given LUV from @libertycrypto27.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/5)
Davvero un bel , post , un consiglio non sprecare uno slot di tag per mettere Splinterlands e ONEUP , metti solo splinterlands quando parli del gioco finirà comunque 1upzone
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@libertycrypto27, you've been given LUV from @zottone444.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/3)
Si in effetti è un tag sprecato ;)
meglio metterlo nei post di giochi diversi da Splinterlands
Hei complimenti per essere diventato curatore 1up
@zottone444, you've been given LUV from @libertycrypto27.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (4/5)
Si si senno si perdono risorse e grazie mille dei complimenti (ps ti ho scritto su discord)
Splinterlands makes it easy to earn on a daily .
Completely agree
Thanks for your comment
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