Economic hardships

in LeoFinance8 months ago

Financial Challenges that lead to struggles in meeting basic needs such as food, housing, healthcare and education are known as economic hardships. Unemployment, low wages and other factors can make one to be in financial constrain. A large population of youths in my country are going through economic hardship. This has caused a rise in crime and drug abuse because economic hardship affects or impact not only the economic firmness of persons but also their mental health, physical well being , social and relationships.

Yesterday a number of churches and para church organizations had a conference which I attended.

The conference was for two days and yesterday was the last day. Several topics were discussed, but the subject of economic difficulty among youths and how the gospel may be shared with them grabbed my interest the most. This is because am a young adult and a minster of the gospel.
Currently in my country there youths who are referred to as junkies. These are young people who are unemployment and are considered as worthless in the society. Substance abuse and crime is their day to day active because of economic hardships. A number of questions were asked around these particular grouping during the conference. The Church expressed it’s concerns over the growing numbers of the junkies in the community and it’s intentions to curb the numbers. However it was mentioned that the issue of junkies and economic hardships is a complex challenge that demands coordinate efforts from all sectors of society. I agreed with this view because for something to be achieved it needs the society to come together.