Learn about Splinterlands

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Splinterlands, is a spectacular online collectible card game built on the Hive blockchain, which can be played from the cell phone or computer, where there are thousands of players trying to get rewards through the exchange, sale or purchase of digital assets, there are more than 283 cards that players can combine to increase the skills of their characters and become stronger in their fight and thus earn rewards.

In order to play you must enter the platform which is free, you will start as it is logical as a level one player, in this you will not be able to earn tokens or exchange them, that's later.

Let's focus first on how to get your account.

  • Enter the Splinterlands game through the browser of your choice and click on “Play Now”.

  • A pop-up window will be displayed where you can create your account by clicking on "create account".

  • Once created they will give you a random username.

Undoubtedly this is a game with a great popularity even higher than that of "Axie Infinity", it is a profitable alternative that can be used to generate profits for resources or digital assets, the cards can be exchanged or sold as if they were physical goods, another important element is that we have absolute control of our digital assets, besides it is a game whose investment cost is relatively low.

Once registered to start playing you need to create a deck or team from your collectible NFTs, your goal should be to form the best deck of cards that allows you to battle with your opponents to win. The game has a character design on the cards in the best "world of Warcraft" style with "Yu-Gi-Oh".

If what you want is to make your game profitable, you need to buy "the spell book“, which will allow you to unlock the missions and thus be able to win the cryptocurrency (DEC), it is not necessary for you to buy a pack, these are a kind of ”lottery" so you never know what will happen to you, it is recommended that you invest directly in the cards you need either by buying or renting them.

We also recommend that before you take a chance on the game, you learn all the dynamics in its starter tutorial. This way, you will be able to understand a little more how the cards are used and what strategies to apply. My advice is to look for Summoners (Summoners) who will help you reach higher ranks much faster, and they are the first ones who will increase their rank before the characters.

To make a profit you can sell various assets within them the cards in their Marketplace, you can also play the various activities to earn your DEC token, with which you can buy the assets you need such as power-ups and items. Its specifications will help you reach the first place, battles are the recommended activity for you to win DEC.

Award ceremony of the first edition of the Splinterland Cuba National Tournament, another way of obtaining profits is through potions that will allow you to obtain rare cards or chests and treasure chests that you can claim at the end of the seasons. These have a duration of 15 days. To win them, you will have to participate in various battles and move up to rank. With better positions, you will be able to get more cards between 5 and 150 per season.Another way is through the community tournaments, so you have an idea of the benefits of participating in a tournament and the profits you can get look at this post made by the #hivecuba community.....

  • 👉If you want to know about the DRAGONLING BOWMAN letters read this post from hivers @xpax120 titled SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenger DRAGONS.

  • 👉)If you want to know about the GUARDIAN MERDAALI and SCAVO SALARIED letters read this post @deicker4545

Once you get earnings you can withdraw it through Hive Engine.

It is an external Hive tool and it works as a Wallet or Wallet and Exchange, regardless of the amounts of token that are in it in relation to Hve, that is, what you have in your Hive user's wallet is not in Hive Engine and vice versa but you can easily take them to use it on either side......@temple

I finish today's post, sending greetings to everyone and wishing you an excellent week

Bibliographic reference

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Muchas gracias por el apoyo ♥