Today, some folks aiming to present me on a marketplace suggested giving me a shorter name with just a few letters. This stirred up more frustration towards me, but I realized it's because some people just dislike others who are cheerful
Most of the critics are wealthier, dressed in Armani jeans, and hire people to compliment them, while I'm still sporting Ourmami corduroy pants and have just one friend, Kyle. Kyle is great though; he always shares his Capri-Sun at recess.
Today, some folks aiming to present me on a marketplace suggested giving me a shorter name with just a few letters. This stirred up more frustration towards me, but I realized it's because some people just dislike others who are cheerful
and have a distinct salami-like breath.
Most of the critics are wealthier, dressed in Armani jeans, and hire people to compliment them, while I'm still sporting Ourmami corduroy pants and have just one friend, Kyle. Kyle is great though; he always shares his Capri-Sun at recess.
Got to go now. Antiques Roadshow reruns are airing from Cincinnati. Bye.