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RE: England In A Recession...No Really

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I am right in saying that for an economy to be in a recession there needs to be 'two quarters of economic downturn'. So, yes, according to this definition and the data we in the UK are in a recession.

Although true, this seems that it won't hold any weight untill the news comes out and says that we are in a recession. I feel like we won't hear about this on the BBC for a while simply to BS the population. We don't have the unemployment of the US as the moment, because a lot of people are on furlough. However, I sense that there will be a time when the furlough ends (October I think) that these people won't have jobs to go to. Plus, when it hits winter there is likely going to be a '2nd wave' of COVID. Meaning perhaps more social distancing and job losses. I think the UK may even go into a depression. Am I right in saying that a depression is '4 quarters of economic downturn'?

You mention BREXIT has had a part to play in why we were in bad knick prior to COVID. The whole thing has been a total shambles.

Nice post though! Upvoted 100%!

Posted Using LeoFinance


The news of the recession was published in the papers and on the BBC website today:

Responding to fears that the economic turmoil could trigger mass unemployment, the chancellor said the government should not pretend that "absolutely everybody can and will be able to go back to the job they had".

However, he added there would be support for creating jobs in new areas.

I agree, though, poorly handled by the UK government.

Posted Using LeoFinance

GDP never went lower than -2.1% in 2008. We are currently at -20.4%. Good lord...

Your definition of a recession is correct, you are also correct in saying it's a lagging indicator. Yeah I came across an article talking about will England go into a 2nd depression, but didn't read it for purposes of this post. Yes, it appears that England is having a rougher time than Germany...which I didn't expect.

Posted Using LeoFinance