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RE: Giving up on Splinterlands

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Lol, I rent splinterlands cards, play a few games, and use the profits to buy packs in other games.

The cost of cards is way too much to enter for me, but the game is fun.

Usually, I play it while reading something on the other tab, or doing some non essential task.

I think the competitveness is way too high in gold and diamond ranks. I beat most of the people in lower ranks bronze and silver😅
I intend to keep it that way. Making more money but losing more is not fun😄


Usually, I play it while reading something on the other tab, or doing some non essential task.

I have been able to watch more TV - Yay! Two time wasting activities combined! :D

Making more money but losing more is not fun

Yeah - I am not in it for the DEC. I have to play far too many games to advance, so my collection rate is rubbish.