Terrible take, as I said before. Ill just focus on this one, not to get off point.
The political machine demands that we take this atrocity seriously, out of the countless others that we do not.
No. Common sense demands that we take this seriously. This isnt Iraq, this isnt Syria, this isnt Palestine.
This is a nuclear super power entering a sovereign European nation with a force unseen since WW2 while other European nations are providing overwhelming military support and wrecking the superpower economy severely, entirely isolating it.
So see, this is a fucking big deal. And this isnt only about caring for victims, its caring about the future of the civilized world. This is a bigger deal than the cold war, its a bigger deal than anything the US has done the last 70 years.
We are 1 step from Armageddon. And anyone that thinks that this is just "some war, who cares" is not paying attention at all.
You mean like these guys? Like hundreds of other POWs captured by Ukraine forces that are 18,19,20 years old.
YES, GEN Z will fight and they will die. Just like they are in Ukraine.
Okay, you win.
Thus, the solution to this problem is to be outraged and completely ignore how we created it in the first place and just blame it all on one person. Sounds legit. Admit that neither one of us has said or done anything that could ever be interpreted as actually helping or hurting the situation. We are powerless, and we will continue being powerless until we forge a superior governance structure that competes with superpowers. That is a fact.
No one created this. This is a product of the failed Soviet Union and the remnants that still linger. Putin is one such remnant.
All those that said "something" on twitter, in the news, on youtube, in support of Ukraine have lead to Europe uniting and helping Ukraine. And if I am asked to help the refugees that come to Croatia, i will.
If everyone was cynical and did not care, no help would come.
And apparently, it seems that Putin intends to invade Moldova as well. His useful idiot Lukashenko apparently shared an invasion map during a speech with Moldova shown as a
He doesnt intend to stop with Ukraine.
(bottom left)
Lets say you dont care or wer equally not helping, why isnt your sense of self preservation kicking in? You know where this could lead.
You physically living in Croatia makes a huge difference.
You're a hop away from Ukraine.
I live in a country that is worse than Russia in terms of foreign policy.
This is guaranteed to be true simply because America has more power than Russia.
And I'm surrounded by ignorance and propaganda that supports it.
Nothing Russia has done is something that America wouldn't do.
In fact America is historically even more aggressive and shitty, because it can afford to be.
Yet everyone thinks Russia and China are the devil and America is #1.
It's tedious and ignorant.
This conflict has multiple sides.
It's a battle between superpowers with the unlucky man in the crossfire.
These events did not occur in some vacuum of "Russia bad" "freedom good".