Market making is a problem and the fact that all of crypto is basically a centralized clown show.
Cant get listed because youre actually decentralized is peak absurdity ready for a Monty Python skit.
Then again, more CEXes just means more risk. If the big guys fall, the small ones will follow. If the shift is towards DEX we should be looking there.
Yes, I recall Crimson Clad saying something about how the CEXs want to contract with an entity and get paid in order to have a listing, but clearly that makes zero sense outside of the CEXs having very little to do with actual decentralisation in any way whatsoever.
If anything comes out of all of this it needs to be the masses realising that what they have seen of crypto so far is mostly actually just centralised and wealthy groups of people trying to exploit them and calling it decentralisation, rather than actual decentralisation... However, as we know well on Hive, this doesn't seem probable any time soon.
It may be that full decentralisation, where each user runs a node on their own device (as @blocktrades plans for PeerVerity), is one of the steps needed to jolt people into the necessary understanding.
PeerVerity? I havent heard about that. Got a link for anything related to it?
Sure, I wrote a blog about it here.
Hmm. Interesting idea that could work in real life situations. The difficulty is applying it to Hive. How do we set the metrics that determine opinion value on various topics existing here?
Do the dapps do it? Well, that wouldnt be fair.
Do we have a system decided on by all of hive? Well, who then makes the call? Do we do it based on the staking system? Well, that wouldnt be fair either since whales can vote themselves up.
How do we apply it even? What problem would it fix on hive? This very much looks like something industry professionals in certain areas could use.
A good idea definitely... a good fit for Hive... Its hard to tell.
The planned use for Peer Verity, as I understand, is for individuals to use it to manage their own connections/networks - so while dapp operators could use it for their own purposes (as a kind of firewall, similar to systems used by big mainstream social networks), it's primarily intended to be a tool to empower users directly.
I think that ideally the dApp operators would add features that connect to a user's peer verity installation and that automatically allows the user to filter their experience in customisable ways, according to their own PV setup.
Yeah I didnt think of that but I dont think implementation effort would warrant what is basically a "follow" system improvement only more detailed and more customized.
Their plan is to empower users to filter and optimise their experience of the internet and social networks in a variety of ways. It would effectively solve the problem of having AI managed algorithms choosing what we see on large social networks by being able to identify content according to the user's own curation rules. This will also apply to searching new content and general feeds - it's pretty revolutionary and massively needed if we are to ever know freedom in communities online.
It's much more than just 'follows'.
I've always wondered if we couldn't do a development fund vote to pay whatever the fee is to get listed with Coinbase? Or are they problematic in ways I don't know about (I'm not techie at all, I'm afraid)?
AFAIK the problem is more that they won't start the process without a legal entity to contract with.
Oh, boo.