20X more powerful than Corona, World Health Organization warns of a pendamic called "Disease X".
It is unclear whether it will be a virus or some other form of organism, but WHO emphasized on a strong communication and planning to overcome this pandemic. The Disease X may possibly transfer from animals to humans.
Disease X? Oh, it's Musk-ism. I knew he'd come up with something this year :)
Someone has to fill up the place left by Bill Gates, as he was known for his project about simulating a global pandemic.
Oh, I see.
this only came up because it is an election year.
Maybe, but regional escalations can never be profitable for any country.
the last one was super profitable for an elite part of the country.
So dont' discredit the odd timing.
That was a different case than this one, as Iran simultaneously targeted 3 countries, which it realized as a bad decision against Pak.