Yes, Hook is young and yet need a lot of gimmick training, he only looks good when silent with face impressions. Joe needs someone strong like him, as they threw MJF a bit early before Revolution, they should bring Swerve against him.
Overall, Dynamite has lost a lot of viewership and audience due to lack of drama and quality fights. However, Collision is maintaining some charm with quality matchups.
they are lacking clear and defined heels and faces which is why theres no drama or motive to why they are even in the ring lol they gotta start building up the mid card & use it as soil to grow the next superstars (for US audiences)
I wonder why main card wrestlers are unable to deliver a lasting promo like MJF, Cole, or Copeland can do in the ring and mesmerize the whole crowd. Sometimes, they even come before the mic without even knowing what they have to say. Shawn Spears has potential to be a next Randy Orton but they spoiled it and sent him home for nothing.