Instead of the monetary cabal we currently have, which only benefits a small handful of elites at the expense of people and planet, why don't we have thousands of community currencies with liquidity between them all?

It's technically feasible to do so now, just have a look at Bancor 2.0 and the projects that it enables such as deWeb, not to mention EOSIO, and LiquidApps.
You can create your own token on deWeb right now via EOS Nation or EOSUSA!
Have you read the book 'Rethinking Money' by Bernard Lietaer & Jacqui Dunne? It's available to read, right now, via free .pdf download!
If you're in the blockchain space, or you've just never thought about the origin and design of money, you owe it to yourself to read this and go down the wonderful rabbit hole to discover, "how new currencies turn scarcity into prosperity"
Are you familiar with a new project called Seedbed? Also powered by the Bancor AMM algorithm, their goal is to make community currency as a service, and they are well on the way! Exciting stuff!
Hive communities are only missing SMT's now, for the perfect trifecta of token generation, arbitrary rewards, and moderated communities. What's the status on SMT's since the Hive fork?
What's the long term vision for the LEO token economy?
What happens when society at large realizes it can do better, and en masse, decouples from 'traditional' (or should I say 'parasitic') finance?
Let's find out!
Peace, and @lovejoy
No idea on the SMTs.
But I agree, it would be a great trifecta for Hive.
Thanks for the link to the book.
Posted Using LeoFinance
Hey Mr. Lovejoy!
My name is beth and I help the BRO's (@tuck-fheman says 'Hi!!') over at BROsino Poker with account verification, so I'm just checking in to make sure it was actually YOU who registered earlier!
If you don't mind just replying here and letting me know it was you, that would be awesome.
Thanks and have a wonderful day!
~ bethalea