Je gebouwen produceren niet of nauwelijks omdat je veel te weinig bevolking hebt. Basic homes zijn op dit moment spotgoedkoop, dus ik zou gewoon een zwik basic homes kopen en je daarna op inkomen gaan richten.
Eigenlijk heb ik de kaarten al weggegeven, maar ik zal je een paar basic homes sturen.
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Yes, I know that, but I have 6 percent chance to bring some new citizens to my city. It's not a lot, but I could train enough workers and this way I will not really need to buy more cards for now if I am correct.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your basic homes, they were quite helpful!
It increased my SIM income by 20!
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I wouldn't wait for new citizens to arrive. You have to consider buying cards as an investment and Dcity gives a great ROI.
For example those 2 basic homes i sent you cost me 2.2 hive.
But they bring you an additional income of 20 SIM per day, 7300 SIM per year or 35 hive.
Thats 1600% apr. ;-) Ofcourse this is an extreme example, since your income buildings needed those workers, but you should be able to get 80%-100% apr on your Dcity investment in general.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Do you think it's smart to wait for the third edition collection?
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