
It is Monday. You were nominated to be the thread creator.

Today is your day for 100 top line threads. Get busy.

How come I wasn't informed before now ?

Because if you knew, you wouldnt show up until Tuesday.

It is also why it is a double secret vote.

Is this really true or you just pulling my legs

Pulling your leg in a metaphoric way and not literally since, well, that would be impossible.

But if you want to do 100 top line threads, we welcome it.

I just knew it

Hmmmm, let's see how it goes

So which day is yours?

I guess everyday

Who do you think is doing the counting of the votes?

That way I can dictate who it is.

Leogrowth usually post the leaderboard, so I think it's him or her

Not these votes. Leogrowth takes it info off chain; not part of the double secret voting poll.

But you know nothing can take me away from threads except when my phone is off or extremely busy

I know. For a while I thought it was because you couldnt resist chatting with me but threads is bigger than me.

You addiction to threads is duly noted though.

Well, you are right about that. You encourage engagement, and yes threads is bigger than everyone. 😂


But what? Spit it out (something few men say to a woman). Lets hear it.