GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 722-734

in LeoFinanceyesterday (edited)

GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 722-734

Read the Zapfic serial #GHAWG on LeoThreads to follow the transformation of a courier into a Harley-riding tool of God.

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● What is GHAWG?

● Zapfic Entries 722-734

    7️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ ►[2025-February-02 17:17:24]◄[1]

    7️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ ►[2025-February-03 11:56:09]◄[2]

    7️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ ►[2025-February-04 17:48:06]◄[3]

    7️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ ►[2025-February-05 12:20:21]◄[4]

    7️⃣2️⃣6️⃣ ►[2025-February-06 19:34:33]◄[5]

    7️⃣2️⃣7️⃣ ►[2025-February-07 19:38:18]◄[6]

    7️⃣2️⃣8️⃣ ►[2025-February-08 01:03:57]◄[7]

    [... Tech woes 2025-February-09 through 2025-February-16...]

    7️⃣2️⃣9️⃣ ►[2025-February-17 18:56:51]◄[8]

    7️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ ►[2025-February-18 14:41:21]◄[9]

    7️⃣3️⃣1️⃣ ►[2025-February-19 23:42:24]◄[10]

    7️⃣3️⃣2️⃣ ►[2025-February-20 15:58:12]◄[11]

    7️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ ►[2025-February-21 13:34:03]◄[12]

    7️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ ►[2025-February-22 00:12:27]◄[13]

● Story Arc So Far

0️⃣ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣

What Is GHAWG?

[14] owner from ►Bayonne, New Jersey◄[15], US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how David Guardia, a courier and ►business◄

More details can be found in the ►first post of this weekly recap◄[16].


Zapfic Entries 722-734

7️⃣2️⃣2️⃣ ►[2025-February-02 17:17:24]◄

Beyond Hugheston, we ride past London, Handley, Montgomery, Cannelton, Mt Olive, Dixie, Belva, Jodie, Swiss, Lockwood, Drennen, Zela, Gilboa, & Summerville. From there, we're about 60 mi. from our destination, Covington, VA.

🏍️ Felix Legion remains on the road, as shown by this travel entry. It also lets the ready know that more riding is to be expected.

7️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ ►[2025-February-03 11:56:09]◄

We break at Summersville for refueling and sustenance. Then we talk.

"Once we reach Covington," I tell everyone, "we're 180 miles from UNC. We can resume our ride at Covington, or we can ride more today to ride less tomorrow."

🏍️ The end of the ride is approaching for 2 members of ►Felix Legion◄[17]: ►The Kids◄[18]. By nightfall the next day, foreign exchange students ►Sanjay Rampersad◄[19] from India and ►Lionel Odunsi◄[20] from Nigeria set foot on campus at ►University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill◄[21] for the first time this semester after more than 2 months of the fall semester on the road accompanying ►David Guardia◄[22] on what has become-- for him, anyway-- his ►Epic Ride◄[23]. What needs to be determined is how to break up the remaining 180 miles of the ride.

7️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ ►[2025-February-04 17:48:06]◄

"Once we arrive on campus," said Lionel, "we're going to be busy just trying to catch up with getting settled down."

"He's right," said Sanjay. "We'll have to sort out 2 month's worth of developments we missed while riding."

🏍️ With at least 2 month's worth of correspondence and accumulated campus materials, Sanjay and Lionel are going to need a good chunk of time to deal with it all. It's not as bad as getting settled into a new home, but it can still be an overwhelming task if it's not handled properly.

7️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ ►[2025-February-05 12:20:21]◄

"Very well," I said. "We'll call it a night at Lynchburg. From there we ride about 105 miles."

"It'll be a short day on the road for us," said Frank.

"Much shorter than that day we had in Chicago," said Hank; I looked at them.

🏍️ Given The Kids' need for time just to get themselves settled in at ►UNC◄[24], Felix Legion opted for the short day. However, David Guardia seems to have a different opiinion of how the day will go. If his reaction to ►The Twins◄[25]' reaction to the day being short seems odd, consider it this way: As far as David is concerned, it's another case of "famous last words". There were people in September 1929 saying stock market meltdowns were a thing of the past. As late as 2023-October-06 government officials were declaring the Middle East free of strife. Although David hasn't indicated in any way how the short day was going to take place, he had a bad feeling about it.

7️⃣2️⃣6️⃣ ►[2025-February-06 19:34:33]◄

We rode WV-19 from Summersville to Nettie, where we switched to County Road 20. It was after passing Rupert where we switched to WV-60. Before reaching Sam Black Church we switched to Interstate 64, passing near Covington, VA.

🏍️ It's during this portion of the day's ride that Felix Legion exits the state of West Virginia to ride east into the commonwealth of Virginia; that's the official name for the state of Virginia. It may be happening slowly, but Felix Legion is reaching its updated destination of Lynchburg.

7️⃣2️⃣7️⃣ ►[2025-February-07 19:38:18]◄

We continue on I-64 past Mallow, Low Moor, Selma, Clifton Forge, and Longdale Furnace before we reach Lexington. Then we pass the population centers of Buena Vista and Glasgow. We ride the Virginia Byway, also known as Elon Road.

🏍️ The most famous Elon in the world is the billionaire known as Elon-Musk. However, he's not the first person to bear the given name "Elon"; nor is Elon just a guy's name. Finding "Elon, Virginia" on the digital map was a stroke of pure dumb luck on my part. It also turns out that there's also an "Elon, North Carolina" (not to mention Elon University). While I'm pretty certain that all were named "Elon" before the South African-turned Canadian-turned American was born on 1971-June-28, it still seems surprising to see the name in contexts not concerning The Dogefather.

7️⃣2️⃣8️⃣ ►[2025-February-08 01:03:57]◄

Between Agricola and Elon we noticed a trio of men preparing to "abuse" someone. Lionel and I led the charge toward this trio, and they scattered like cockroaches. The man left behind mouthed "Thank you" to us as we rode away.

🏍️ Agricola is the Latin word for "farmer"; it is the basis for the word agriculture.

🏍️ The last time David Guardia-- or even Felix Legion in general-- encountered (to be very charitable) people of very questionable character was during the long day in ►Chicago, Illinois◄[26], US just after their ride along ►Route 66◄[27] came to an end. This time, they find people about to engage in the heinous act of rape (and not the kind some people fantasize about, either, since "rape fantasies" are a thing). No matter what the people-- not just the man about to be raped but also the members of Felix Legion as the unexpected saviors of that man-- think of each other had they known more about each other, this was a moment where both found themselves on the right side of the situation.

[... Tech woes 2025-February-09 through 2025-February-16...]

7️⃣2️⃣9️⃣ ►[2025-February-17 18:56:51]◄

We find lodging north of Lynchburg Regional Airport. This puts us about 2 hours away from UNC, which we will do tomorrow. Before we go to our respective rooms, I noticed that Sanjay was a bit agitated. I went to see what was up.

🏍️ Felix Legion is nearing the end of the ride to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It's also nearing the end as a group consisting of 7 members. Once The Kids (Sanjay Rampersad and Lionel Odunsi) reach UNC, Felix Legion drops to 5 members: the 4 native Iowans (►Rhonda Bella Guardia◄[28], the ►Brothers Marchenko◄[29], and ►Lindsay Etxeberria◄[30]) and the transplant from New Jersey (David Guardia).

7️⃣3️⃣0️⃣ ►[2025-February-18 14:41:21]◄

"You OK, Triumph?" I asked Sanjay. "You seem a bit off."

"I'm not sure what's happening, either, Templar," told me. "I've been feeling this way since my phone gave up on me."

"Those things are evil, aren't they?" He laughed.

🏍️ By this point in human history (the year we know as 2025 A. D.), we've become very experienced with mobile phones and the anxiety which results from their absence or uselessness. ►Triumph◄[^Triumph], the Felix Legion name for Sanjay Rampersad, had been experiencing device problems with his mobile phone. He has no idea ►what happened halfway around the world◄[31], so he doesn't know what happened with his own family and that of his betrothed, ►Rekha Ramakrishnan◄[32]. It reached a point where even ►Templar◄[33]-- David Guardia in his role as leader of Felix Legion-- noticed how it was affecting Sanjay.

7️⃣3️⃣1️⃣ ►[2025-February-19 23:42:24]◄

"Are you ready to update the HFBM logo, Hank?"

"You tell me when, Frank, I'll do it then."

"That glitter will add the iridescence we've been discussing for a while."

"It wasn't easy getting that batch of glitter, either."

🏍️ It's not often I show the Brothers Marchenko, ►Hank◄[34] and ►Frank◄[35], by themselves, but the reason for this zapfic entry will be revealed 15 entries from this one. This zapfic entry is also a reminder that The Twins run their own business back home, ►HFBM Customs◄[36].

7️⃣3️⃣2️⃣ ►[2025-February-20 15:58:12]◄

"How's that Victory, Lindsay?"

"I've gotten used to it, Rhonda."

"I know the dimensions are a bit off for you. I'll talk to Hank and Frank to see if they can adjust things for you. At worst, they take care of it back in Iowa."

🏍️ When ►Rhonda Bella◄[37] met David Guardia, she was riding a ►Victory◄[38] motorcycle. After she married David to become Rhonda Bella Guardia, she gave Lindsay Etxeberria the Victory as a ►gift◄[39] since she was the only one of the group not to have a motorcycle (due to how they found her in ►Portland, Oregon◄[40], US). Given Rhonda's greater than average height-- 6 feet, 7 inches (2.00 meters)-- the Victory was customized to accommodate her frame. It will need to be customized again, this time to accommodate the closer-to-average height Lindsay has. It's very likely this will need to be down when she and The Twins end their part of David's Epic Ride in ►Cedar Rapids, Iowa◄[41], US.

7️⃣3️⃣3️⃣ ►[2025-February-21 13:34:03]◄

"Say, David, I've been wondering," Rhonda said.

"About what?"

"How'd you know that we would run into Richard & Gina in St Louis?"

"I didn't. I only knew we would score a fire sale room rate at the Ritz-Carlton."

"Oh, OK."

🏍️ Recall that on the day Felix Legion rolled out of ►St. Louis, Missouri◄[42], US to resume the ride on (what the riders believed to be was the route used for) ►Route 66◄[27], Rhonda Bella Guardia had a chance and serendipitous encounter with ►Richard & Gina◄[43], two dear friends of hers from long ago she hadn't ever expected to see again. They were such a major part of her life that when she saw them at the ►Ritz-Carlton◄[44] hotel in St. Louis she thought they had come back from the dead. Given her husband David's limited predictive abilities (which pale in comparison to those of the ►uncanny Manny Rey◄[45], his previous co-pilot before he and Rhonda introduced themselves to each other ►Davenport, Iowa◄[46], US), Rhonda was beginning to wonder if he knew they would be there for her to meet them. Rhonda felt let down when David revealed a more mundane reason for suggesting an overnight stay at the Ritz-Carlton (heavily discounted room rates).

7️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ ►[2025-February-22 00:12:27]◄

"Consider this, Rhonda," I said.


"If I don't suggest we stay at the Ritz-Carlton, we never would have run into Dick & Gina, and they would remain fading memories."

Rhonda perked up and planted a wet smooch on my cheek.

🏍️ Although husband David had another reason for suggesting an overnight layover at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in St. Louis, he needed to remind wife Rhonda that one thing leads to another and sometimes they end with pleasant surprises. In this case, important people from Rhonda's past came back into her life (if only briefly). Although they make a cameo appearance here, they will have a bigger part in the sequel zapfic serial Blue Lion; not a big part, but bigger than what we saw in Rat Bike.

Story Arc So Far

Felix Legion is riding through Virginia, and is one day away from reaching University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Before reaching Lynchburg, Virginia, US for an overnight layover, Felix Legion finds a group of men on the road about to "abuse"-- sexually assault-- another man. Once at the hotel, Sanjay Rampersad's recent unease prompted David Guardia to check on him; the unease is due to his mobile phone dying on him at an inconvenient time. Rhonda Bella Guardia asks Lindsay Etxeberria how she feels riding the Victory motorcycle she gave her after Rhonda married David and started riding with him on his Harley-Davidson tri-cycle. The Brothers Marchenko discuss a potential modification involving glitter to their company logo, HFBM Customs. Rhonda and David share some pillow talk regarding her long-lost friends, Richard & Gina.

AVAILABLE! -- ►The GHAWG Diaries◄[47] for those who want to witness the formation of The GHAWG Universe and how it's taking place. Published on Mondays when there is no GHAWG, Uninterrupted post (or, for that matter, any other post).

PLUS! -- ►GHAWG Behind the Scenes◄[48] to see how elements of The GHAWG Universe take shape, from graphics to spreadsheets and other research. Included is a subseries called "Fun with Maps" showing the interesting things I find as I map out the David Guardia's ride. "Fun with Maps" is at South Bend, Indiana, US.

Catch the latest zapfic entries for GHAWG at LeoThreads. Get caught up with GHAWG with these weekly summaries at InLeo.


GHAWG Navigation

To find other weekly summary posts such as this one-- or to read the serial without annotated commentary-- use the post ►GHAWGnav: Navigating The GHAWG Universe◄[49].


That's it for this Weekly Summary. I'm @magnacarta (graphic-signature made by @ahmadmanga)[!!]
Thanks for your time and for reading #GHAWG, LeoThreads at InLeo's first daily zapfic serial. Give the post an upvote or a reblog if you liked it. Feedback is welcome. Until next time!

[!!] -- signature graphic was made by @ahmadmanga

Posted Using INLEO

  1. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-02 17:17:24◄ @ 2025-February-02 17:17:24

  2. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-03 11:56:09◄ @ 2025-February-03 11:56:09

  3. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-04 17:48:06◄ @ 2025-February-04 17:48:06

  4. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-05 12:20:21◄ @ 2025-February-05 12:20:21

  5. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-06 19:34:33◄ @ 2025-February-06 19:34:33

  6. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-07 19:38:18◄ @ 2025-February-07 19:38:18

  7. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-08 01:03:57◄ @ 2025-February-08 01:03:57

  8. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-17 18:56:51◄ @ 2025-February-17 18:56:51

  9. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-18 14:41:21◄ @ 2025-February-18 14:41:21

  10. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-19 23:42:24◄ @ 2025-February-19 23:42:24

  11. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-20 15:58:12◄ @ 2025-February-20 15:58:12

  12. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-21 13:34:03◄ @ 2025-February-21 13:34:03

  13. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-22 00:12:27◄ @ 2025-February-22 00:12:27

  14. LeoGlossary definition of ►business◄ @ business

  15. Bayonne, New Jersey, US; located south of Jersey City, NJ, US, which itself is located west of New York City on the west bank of the Hudson River; hometown of David Guardia; first mention ►Bayonne, New Jersey◄ is @ Bayonne, New Jersey

  16. First Weekly Summary post for this zapfic serial can be found at ►first post of this weekly recap◄ @ first post of this weekly recap

  17. The group consisting of Templar (David Guardia), Shieldmaiden (Rhonda Bella Guardia), Nitrous (Hank Marchenko), Rothbard (Frank Marchenko), Triumph (Sanjay Rampersad), Quartermaster (Lionel Odunsi), and Fonzie (Lindsay Etxeberria); the remainder of Our Heroes after Harry Hoqualogue and The Mongols returned to their based in San Diego, Californiia, US; first mention of ►Felix Legion◄ is @ Felix Legion

  18. Sanjay Rampersad and Lionel Odunsi (sometimes with Lindsay Etxeberria included); first mention of ►The Kids◄ is @ The Kids

  19. Foreign exchange student from India at UNC; first mention of ►Sanjay Rampersad◄ is @ Sanjay Rampersad

  20. Foreign exchange student from Nigeria at UNC; first mention of ►Lionel Odunsi◄ is @ Lionel Odunsi

  21. University where foreign exchange students Sanjay Rampersad and Lionel Odunsi study; usually referred to as UNC; first mention of ►University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill◄ is @ University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  22. Main character; motorcycle courier from Bayonne, New Jersey, US who begins his Epic Ride by first traveling to STURGIS; first appearance of ►David Guardia◄ (unmentioned) is @ David Guardia

  23. Explanation of ►Epic Ride◄ is @ Epic Ride

  24. Alias for University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; see ►University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill◄ @ UNC

  25. Hank describing himself and Frank; first mention of ►The Twins◄ is @ The Twins

  26. Eastern terminus, at the Santa Monica Pier, of the iconic and legendary road known as Route 66 (of the US Highway System, predecessor of the Interstate Highway System); site of civil unrest on multiple occasions during David Guardia's Epic Ride; site of his prophecy regarding city government; first relevant mention of ►Chicago, Illinois◄ is @ Chicago, Illinois

  27. Iconic and legendary road known as Route 66 (of the US Highway System, predecessor of the Interstate Highway System); road made famous by numerous television series, movies, and songs; path taken by Felix Legion prior to its christening from Los Angeles to Chicago believed to be used by Route 66; first mention of ►Route 66◄ is @ Route 66

  28. Rhonda Bella, after marrying David Guardia; first mention of ►Rhonda Bella Guardia◄ is @ Rhonda Bella Guardia

  29. Hank & Frank; first mention of ►Brothers Marchenko◄ is @ Brothers Marchenko

  30. One-time far-left activist who abandoned the far left life when she was encountered by David Guardia (and the rest of Our Heroes) in Portland, Oregon, US; first mention of ►Lindsay Etxeberria◄ is @ Lindsay Etxeberria

  31. News report from Zee News in India; more details about ►what happened halfway around the world◄ @ what happened halfway around the world

  32. Betrothed to Sanjay Rampsersad back in India; first mention of ►Rekha Ramakrishnan◄ is @ Rekha Ramakrishnan

  33. David Guardia as leader of Felix Legion; first mention of ►Templar◄ (in relation to Felix Legion) is @ Templar

  34. Hank Marchenko, Frank's twin brother; the more free-wheeling of the Brothers Marchenko; first appearance of ►Hank◄ (unmentioned) is @ Hank

  35. Frank Marchenko, Hank's twin brother; the more cerebral of the Brothers Marchenko; first appearance of ►Frank◄ (unmentioned) is @ Frank

  36. The motorcycle customization business founded by Hank & Frank right out of high school; first mention of ►HFBM Customs◄ is @ HFBM Customs

  37. Co-pilot for David Guardia who replaced the uncanny Manny Rey; first mention of ►Rhonda Bella◄ is @ Rhonda Bella

  38. Manufacturer of Rhonda Bella's motorcycle; first mention of ►Victory◄ is @ Victory

  39. Rhonda Bella Guardia giving her Victory motorcycle to Lindsay Etxeberria after she becomes Rhonda Bella Guardia; first mention of this ►gift (Victory)◄ is @ gift (Victory)

  40. Place where Our Heroes discover Lindsay Etxeberria; Destination where David Guardia, in his capacity as "The Courier", fulfills the orders given to him by the uncanny Manny Rey in a message embedded within the delivery he had for Harry Hoqualogue; first mention of ►Portland, Oregon◄ is @ Portland, Oregon

  41. Hometown of the Brothers Marchenko; first mention of ►Cedar Rapids, Iowa◄ is @ Cedar Rapids, Iowa

  42. First mention of ►St. Louis, Missouri◄ is @ St. Louis, Missouri

  43. Dear friends of Rhonda Bella Guardia from a period so long ago in her life that she thought they were gone forever; first mention of ►Richard & Gina◄ is @ Richard & Gina

  44. Five-star hotel where Felix Legion stayed overnight that's to room rates discounted at 90%; first mention of ►Ritz-Carlton◄ is @ Ritz-Carlton

  45. The man David Guardia had saved with the Heimlich maneuver after an arm wrestling tournament in a town near Sandusky, Ohio, US; first mention of ►uncanny Manny Rey◄ (without the adjective) is @ uncanny Manny Rey

  46. Hometown of Rhonda Bella and place where she and David Guardia formally introduce themselves to each other; first mention ►Davenport, Iowa◄ is @ Davenport, Iowa

  47. Weekly series of posts showing the various ways in which I work on GHAWG-related content. More details can be found at ►The GHAWG Diaries◄ @ The GHAWG Diaries

  48. Recurring series of posts which focus on a particular activity concerning the creation of GHAWG content. More details can be found at ►GHAWG Behind the Scenes◄ @ GHAWG Behind the Scenes

  49. Post containing links to various forms of GHAWG content: Weekly Summaries, zapfic entries in a continuous format (Uninterrupted or Re-mastered), GHAWG Diaries, and GHAWG Behind the Scenes. This navigation tool can be found at ►GHAWGnav: Navigating The GHAWG Universe◄ @GHAWGnav: Navigating The GHAWG Universe


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