GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 735-741

in LeoFinance19 hours ago (edited)

GHAWG-- God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian-- LeoThreads Zapfic Entries 735-741

Read the Zapfic serial #GHAWG on LeoThreads to follow the transformation of a courier into a Harley-riding tool of God.

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Cover image is a screen capture of LeoThreads edited with MS Paint

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● What is GHAWG?

● Zapfic Entries 735-741

    7️⃣3️⃣5️⃣ ►[2025-February-23 15:47:06]◄[1]

    7️⃣3️⃣6️⃣ ►[2025-February-24 13:26:30]◄[2]

    7️⃣3️⃣7️⃣ ►[2025-February-25 00:11:09]◄[3]

    7️⃣3️⃣8️⃣ ►[2025-February-26 14:02:57]◄[4]

    7️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ ►[2025-February-27 00:03:33]◄[5]

    7️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ ►[2025-February-28 00:10:09]◄[6]

    7️⃣4️⃣1️⃣ ►[2025-March-01 00:15:00]◄[7]

● Story Arc So Far

🕸️ 0️⃣ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣ 🕸️

What Is GHAWG?

[8], a courier and ►business◄[9] owner from ►Bayonne, New Jersey◄[10], US moved into the next phase of his life after spending the final ten years of his ailing father's life helping him.#GHAWG is short for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian." This fictional story tells how ►David Guardia◄

More details can be found in the ►first post of this weekly recap◄[11].


Zapfic Entries 735-741

7️⃣3️⃣5️⃣ ►[2025-February-23 15:47:06]◄

VA-29 took us east of neighboring towns Timberlake, New London, and Wildwood. We rode nearly 10 miles past Yellow Branch before we reached neighboring towns of Altavista and Hurt. A short distance further was Motley and Sycamore.

🏍️ This may seem like just a travel entry showing ►Felix Legion◄[12] in motion. However, it features three place names of interest:

  • Altavista -- anyone familiar with search engine history prior to Google will remember the AltaVista search engine from the 1990s. While Google went on to achieve search engine primacy, AltaVista was acquired by Yahoo!.
  • Hurt -- this may seem like an unexpected name for a place, but it's a normal and boring name compared to ►Zzyzx, California◄[13], US.
  • Motley -- it reminded me of one of the major hair metal bands of the 1980s and 1990s, Mötley Crüe

7️⃣3️⃣6️⃣ ►[2025-February-24 13:26:30]◄

Further south on VA-29 we rode past Gretna, Galveston, and Whittles. Eldon Knolls was just beside the small population center of Chatham. Still on VA29 we rode past Tightsqueeze. Before reaching Dry Fork, we stopped in Bolivion.

🏍️ Every place name in this zapfic entry is real and present on digital maps, except for one: Bolivion, Virginia, US. This is the first time I use a totally fictional place in GHAWG. The reason for this will become apparent in the next zapfic entry.

7️⃣3️⃣7️⃣ ►[2025-February-25 00:11:09]◄

The Dogemart in Bolivion was attached to the gas station. The Twins, Rhonda, and Sanjay had paid for their gas. Lindsay, Lionel, and I were looking for snacks and drinks. Just as we were about to pay we heard gunshots and glass.

🏍️ A fictional town needs a fictional store. With ►Elon Road◄[14] being a short distance further north, and with 🕸️Elon Musk🕸️ owning enough $DOGE he decided to refer to himself as 🕸️The Dogefather🕸️, I thought it made sense to call this fictional store The Dogemart.

7️⃣3️⃣8️⃣ ►[2025-February-26 14:02:57]◄

A man near my age took a bullet to the temple. An older gentleman near Lindsay died from fright. Before Lionel could shoo away a young couple with their infant they were shot dead. We found ourselves involved in a mass shooting.

🏍️ A shooting crime is considered a mass shooting if it has a minimum of 4 shooting victims (usually fatalities). The last time guns were used in GHAWG was all the way back at ►STURGIS◄[15] when David Guardia (whom the ►uncanny Manny Rey◄[16] referred to in a different message as ►"The Courier"◄[17] had completed the delivery of the uncanny Manny Rey's message to former riding partner ►Harry Hoqualogue◄[18]. It was only by the grace of God that David came out of that fateful meeting alive. Sadly, others would find themselves dead during what should have been a routine visit at ►The Dogemart◄[19]

7️⃣3️⃣9️⃣ ►[2025-February-27 00:03:33]◄

"DAVID!" screamed Rhonda.

"He's OK," said Frank.

"They're OK," Hank added.

"Sadly," said Sanjay, "the others were killed." The bigger part of Felix Legion could see the gunmen survey their handiwork & approach their comrades.

🏍️ Normally, David and ►Rhonda Bella Guardia◄[20] are at each other's sides, ready to back each other up in any fight, battle, or confrontation. On this occasion-- at, of all places, The Dogemart-- they were apart long enough for one of them to be isolated and caught in a crime scene. This is not what ►Shieldmaiden◄[21] expected for herself and her husband, ►Templar◄[22] (an identity which will grow in importance for David in sequel zapfic serials ►Blue Lion[23] and ►The Bronze[24]).

🏍️ This zapfic entry also shows unusual pairings for the members of Felix Legion. Usually David and Rhonda are seen together, and ►Sanjay Rampersad◄[25] is seen with ►Lionel Odunsi◄[26]. ►Lindsay Etxeberria◄[27] used to be seen with Sanjay either by himself or together with Lionel, which is why for a while she was included in the grouping I call The Kids. Since the early stages of the ride along ►Route 66◄[28], Lindsay has been seen with ►Hank◄[29] and ►Frank◄[30], the ►Brothers Marchenko◄[31]. This is why-- for this set piece scene-- David, Lionel, and Lindsay are separated from their normal pairings.

7️⃣4️⃣0️⃣ ►[2025-February-28 00:10:09]◄

"We have to get them out!" said an angry Rhonda.

"They can kill everyone faster than we can reach them," said Frank; Hank nodded.

Sanjay looked at his elders & took a moment to think; he decided to act.

"I'm getting Lindsay."

🏍️ Rhonda Bella Guardia was angry not only because David Guardia, Lionel Odunsi, and Lindsay Etxeberria were caught in a life-and-death situation, but because she believes she should have been with husband David to protect him. While she knows that he can handle himself against all manner of foes, and he is ►under protection◄[32] of ►The Lord◄[33], she also knows that her role as ►shieldmaiden◄[34] is to have his back and to protect him even at the cost of her life. It's one reason he appeared to her in a ►dream◄[35] in his role as ►Templar◄[36].

7️⃣4️⃣1️⃣ ►[2025-March-01 00:15:00]◄

Sanjay's elders looked at him, and with no time to waste arguing against this reckless course of action they decided to assist him.

"We can't afford theatrics," said Hank.

"--so we will need some deception," Frank finished.

🏍️ Under other circumstances, Sanjay Rampersad would have been talked out of his fool-hardy decision to enter a live-fire situation as if he was playing some console game or watching some action movie. Time wasn't on their side, so the larger part of Felix Legion (the 4 people outside The Dogemart had to improvise a plan and to act.

🏍️ Back when ►The Newlyweds◄[37], ►The Twins◄[38], and ►The Kids◄[39] were riding along the path believed to be that of Route 66 (before it was overlaid by the Interstate Highway System starting in the 1950s), the soon-to-be-christened Felix Legion executed a ►daring display of theatricality◄[40] while exiting ►Santa Fe, New Mexico◄[41], US.

Fast-forward to this moment in ►Bolivion, Virginia◄[42], US, and talk is of using deception to gain a momentary advantage long enough to rescue Templar, ►Quartermaster◄[43], and ►Fonzie◄[44].

This combination of concepts-- theatricality and deception-- is best known from their appearances in 🕸️Christopher Nolan🕸️'s Dark Knight Trilogy (🕸️Batman Begins🕸️ (2005), 🕸️The Dark Knight🕸️ (2008), and 🕸️The Dark Knight Rises🕸️ (2012)). There are at least 3 occasions when the phrase "theatricality and deception: are mentioned:

"Theatricality and deception are powerful agents. You must become more than just a man in the mind of your opponent." -- Henri Ducard (🕸️Ra's al-Ghul🕸️), Batman Begins🕸️Bruce Wayne🕸️ first learned the lesson from his mentor Henri Ducard (who himself deceived Wayne by hiding his identity as Ra's al-Ghul).
" Theatricality and deception are powerful weapons, Alfred. It's a good start." -- Bruce Wayne, Batman BeginsWayne himself refers to "theatricality and deception" when he speaks with Alfred Pennyworth, chief domestic to the Wayne Family and his butler at Wayne Manor.
"Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated... but we are initiated, aren't we Bruce?" -- Bane, The Dark Knight RisesIn their first face-to-face meeting, 🕸️Bane🕸️ throws the concept back at Batman, whose true identity he knows.

How important are "theatricality and deception" in The Dark Knight Trilogy? Enough to be quoted in one form or another throughout the trilogy. How important is The Dark Knight Trilogy to GHAWG? GHAWG itself is a shorthand for "God's Hog: A Watchful Guardian"; the subtitle in GHAWG itself is the title of a recurring theme which was composed by Hans Zimmer for the 2nd and 3rd movies. I can truly say that without that piece of music, there would be no GHAWG at InLeo on Hive blockchain.

Story Arc So Far

Felix Legion is hours away from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where foreign exchange students Sanjay Rampersad (Felix Legion name Triumph) and Lionel Odunsi (FL name Quartermaster) resume their studies on campus. Along the way, a short distance from Virginia-North Carolina state lines, Felix Legion stops at The Dogemart in Bolivion, Virginia, US for refueling and a quick bite to eat. Rhonda Bella Guardia (Shieldmaiden), Hank Marchenk (Nitrous), Frank Marchenko (Rothbard), and Triumph were outside ready to resume the ride south to UNC. David Guardia (Templar), Quartermaster, and Lindsay Etxeberria (Fonzie) were still inside The Dogemart when they find themselves in the middle of a mass shooting incident. The larger part of Felix Legion that's outside is caught off-guard, but quickly decides to execute a rescue mission to bring out their comrades.

AVAILABLE! -- ►The GHAWG Diaries◄[45] for those who want to witness the formation of The GHAWG Universe and how it's taking place. Published on Mondays when there is no GHAWG, Uninterrupted post (or, for that matter, any other post).

PLUS! -- ►GHAWG Behind the Scenes◄[46] to see how elements of The GHAWG Universe take shape, from graphics to spreadsheets and other research. Included is a subseries called "Fun with Maps" showing the interesting things I find as I map out the David Guardia's ride. "Fun with Maps" is at South Bend, Indiana, US.

Catch the latest zapfic entries for GHAWG at LeoThreads. Get caught up with GHAWG with these weekly summaries at InLeo.


GHAWG Navigation

To find other weekly summary posts such as this one-- or to read the serial without annotated commentary-- use the post ►GHAWGnav: Navigating The GHAWG Universe◄[47].


That's it for this Weekly Summary. I'm @magnacarta (graphic-signature made by @ahmadmanga)[!!]
Thanks for your time and for reading #GHAWG, LeoThreads at InLeo's first daily zapfic serial. Give the post an upvote or a reblog if you liked it. Feedback is welcome. Until next time!

[!!] -- signature graphic was made by @ahmadmanga

Posted Using INLEO

  1. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-23 15:47:06◄ @ 2025-February-23 15:47:06

  2. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-24 13:26:30◄ @ 2025-February-24 13:26:30

  3. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-25 00:11:09◄ @ 2025-February-25 00:11:09

  4. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-26 14:02:57◄ @ 2025-February-26 14:02:57

  5. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-27 00:03:33◄ @ 2025-February-27 00:03:33

  6. Zapfic entry published ►2025-February-28 00:10:09◄ @ 2025-February-28 00:10:09

  7. Zapfic entry published ►2025-March-01 00:15:00◄ @ 2025-March-01 00:15:00

  8. Main character; motorcycle courier from Bayonne, New Jersey, US who begins his Epic Ride by first traveling to STURGIS; first appearance of ►David Guardia◄ (unmentioned) is @ David Guardia

  9. LeoGlossary definition of ►business◄ @ business

  10. Bayonne, New Jersey, US; located south of Jersey City, NJ, US, which itself is located west of New York City on the west bank of the Hudson River; hometown of David Guardia; first mention ►Bayonne, New Jersey◄ is @ Bayonne, New Jersey

  11. First Weekly Summary post for this zapfic serial can be found at ►first post of this weekly recap◄ @ first post of this weekly recap

  12. The group consisting of Templar (David Guardia), Shieldmaiden (Rhonda Bella Guardia), Nitrous (Hank Marchenko), Rothbard (Frank Marchenko), Triumph (Sanjay Rampersad), Quartermaster (Lionel Odunsi), and Fonzie (Lindsay Etxeberria); the remainder of Our Heroes after The Mongols returned to their based in San Diego, California, US; first mention of ►Felix Legion◄ is @ Felix Legion

  13. More details about this particular town in the southeastern part of the state can be found in the post titled ►GHAWG Behind the Scenes: Fun With Maps 1◄ @ GHAWG Behind the Scenes: Fun With Maps 1

  14. A segment of the road known as the Virginia Byway, located near Buena Vista and Glasgow in the Commonwealth of Virginia; first mention of ►Elon Road◄ is @ Elon Road.

  15. The annual motorcycle rally held at Sturgis, South Dakota, US every August; the largest motorcycle rally in the world; first mention of ►STURGIS◄ is @ STURGIS

  16. The man David Guardia had saved with the Heimlich maneuver after an arm wrestling tournament in a town near Sandusky, Ohio, US; first mention of ►uncanny Manny Rey◄ (without the adjective) is @ uncanny Manny Rey

  17. The name the uncanny Manny Rey assigned to him when he wrote his "message to him long before they had ever met; first mention of ►The Courier◄ is @ The Courier

  18. Leader of the San Diego chapter of The Mongols as of the time David Guardia meets him at STURGIS; riding partner with Manny Rey in an earlier time; first mention of ►Harry Hoqualogue◄ is @ Harry Hoqualogue

  19. Fictional store located in the fictional town of Bolivion, Virginia, US; first mention of ►The Dogemart◄ is @ The Dogemart.

  20. Rhonda Bella, after marrying David Guardia; first mention of ►Rhonda Bella Guardia◄ is @ Rhonda Bella Guardia

  21. Member of Felix Legion, founded by David Guardia during the group's ride along Route 66; first mention of ►Shieldmaiden◄ (in relation to Felix Legion) is @ Shieldmaiden

  22. David Guardia as leader of Felix Legion; first mention of ►Templar◄ (in relation to Felix Legion) is @ Templar

  23. Explanation of ►Blue Lion◄ is @ Blue Lion

  24. Explanation of ►The Bronze◄ is @ The Bronze

  25. Foreign exchange student from India at UNC; first mention of ►Sanjay Rampersad◄ is @ Sanjay Rampersad

  26. Foreign exchange student from Nigeria at UNC; first mention of ►Lionel Odunsi◄ is @ Lionel Odunsi

  27. One-time far-left activist who abandoned the far left life when she was encountered by David Guardia (and the rest of Our Heroes) in Portland, Oregon, US; first mention of ►Lindsay Etxeberria◄ is @ Lindsay Etxeberria

  28. Iconic and legendary road known as Route 66 (of the US Highway System, predecessor of the Interstate Highway System); road made famous by numerous television series, movies, and songs; path taken by Felix Legion prior to its christening from Los Angeles to Chicago believed to be used by Route 66; first mention of ►Route 66◄ is @ Route 66

  29. Hank Marchenko, Frank's twin brother; the more free-wheeling of the Brothers Marchenko; first appearance of ►Hank◄ (unmentioned) is @ Hank

  30. Frank Marchenko, Hank's twin brother; the more cerebral of the Brothers Marchenko; first appearance of ►Frank◄ (unmentioned) is @ Frank

  31. Hank & Frank from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, US; founded HFBM Customs right out of high school; first mention of ►Brothers Marchenko◄ is @ Brothers Marchenko

  32. David Guardia telling Rhonda Bella about the promise The Lord made to protect him; first reference of being ►under protection◄ is @ under protection

  33. First mention of ►The Lord◄ is @ The Lord

  34. First use of the word ►shieldmaiden◄ to describe Rhonda Bella is @ shieldmaiden

  35. Rhonda Bella had a dream about meeting someone known as "The Templar"; David Guardia fit that description; first reference of this ►dream◄ is @ dream

  36. Identity David Guardia acquired because of his use of the Templar's Cross as part of the Guardia Courier Services logo; this identity will be further developed in Blue Lion and The Bronze; first mention of ►Templar◄ is @ Templar

  37. David and Rhonda, after getting married in Riverside, California, US; first mention of ►The Newlyweds◄ is @ The Newlyweds

  38. Hank describing himself and Frank; first mention of ►The Twins◄ is @ The Twins

  39. Sanjay Rampersad and Lionel Odunsi (sometimes with Lindsay Etxeberria included); first mention of ►The Kids◄ is @ The Kids

  40. With exit out of Santa Fe, New Mexico, US blocked by environmental protesters, the only way past them involved an empty auto hauler; each member of Felix Legion jumped over the mob of environmental protesters by using that auto hauler as a ramp; this moment is referred to as a ►daring display of theatricality◄, and it can be found @ daring display of theatricality

  41. First mention of ►Santa Fe, New Mexico◄ is @ Santa Fe, New Mexico

  42. fictional town created for the purpose of leaving real towns untainted by the horrific acts taking place in that town; Bolivion is a short distance from North Carolina to the south and is located near the corner of southwestern Virginia, between Tightsqueeze and Dry Fork; first mention of ►Bolivion, Virginia◄ is @ Bolivion, Virginia

  43. Lionel Odunsi; first mention of ►Quartermaster◄ (as a member of Felix Legion) is @ Quartermaster

  44. Lindsay Etxeberria; first mention of ►Fonzie◄ (as a member of Felix Legion) is @ Fonzie

  45. Weekly series of posts showing the various ways in which I work on GHAWG-related content. More details can be found at ►The GHAWG Diaries◄ @ The GHAWG Diaries

  46. Recurring series of posts which focus on a particular activity concerning the creation of GHAWG content. More details can be found at ►GHAWG Behind the Scenes◄ @ GHAWG Behind the Scenes

  47. Post containing links to various forms of GHAWG content: Weekly Summaries, zapfic entries in a continuous format (Uninterrupted or Re-mastered), GHAWG Diaries, and GHAWG Behind the Scenes. This navigation tool can be found at ►GHAWGnav: Navigating The GHAWG Universe◄ @GHAWGnav: Navigating The GHAWG Universe