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RE: Monday's rewards are out, Utopis Update

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Congratulations on the work you've landed offline. It's not as easy these days as it was in recent years, even if the official unemployment stats state otherwise.

I am still buying up Utopis on the market, I am still looking to shut it down some time in the future once I am able to pick the Utopis, till than Gig profits will still be sent out as divs coming Mondays.

(Emphasis added)

Please confirm that the quote indicates that Project UTOPIS is coming to an end. If so, thanks for all you've done to keep it going this long and this far.

If you're closing Project UTOPIS, by when do I have to sell them (roughly)? Are there any successors you recommend where I can divert funds going forward?

Please accept this slice of !PIZZA

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