These are the 3 words no LeoThreads user wants to ever see:
not indexed yet
It's true that threads are on blockchain. However, replying to these threads-- made using LeoThreads-- isn't an option with LeoThreads.
not indexed yet
It's true that threads are on blockchain. However, replying to these threads-- made using LeoThreads-- isn't an option with LeoThreads.
Haha that's true.
A major pain in the ass. There is also a problem with some of the replies showing up and no way to find out what they are related to.
When someone says something like yes that is a great idea, if you dont know the thread or article..
Replies made 2 threads which R
not indexed yet
get transformed N2 top-level threads; then most people don't know which thread prompted that reply. Ironically, other front-ends will display these "unindexed" threads. That's embarrassing.Yeah a major fuck up if you ask me. The fact there is no edit button on long form posts is a joke too. How can you have no edit button to edits articles?
Insane. pertains to, that is a major problem.