Nearly all inventions ever made came about as an attempt to solve a problem, so you are definitely right when you say that the way to make money is to solve a problem. As we solve problems we help people. If we solve enough problems-- or if we solve the big problems-- then the money will take care of itself because enough people will have been helped along the way.
Furthermore, the fact that our schools do not teach about money worsens the problem.
Schools handle the subject of money in 2 ways:
- They don't teach it at all;
- They teach it in a way which does a disservice to both students and their parents.
Word problems in math, short stories for literature, casual discussion in other courses; these are ways in which we are taught about money in ways which can undermine us in the long run.
Also, if we want to learn about money, we need to learn from people who have the money. This means small business proprietors or our friendly neighborhood millionaires rather than frustrated teachers and administrators.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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