The idea that we all need money is what I have mostly disagreed with. This news has been preached for ages and in return it has coined humans mentally to be ever chasing money. How did it all begin? Should we go back to the theory of money? Don't need such an explanation right now, I have my facts right here. Thinking I am out of my mind? Maybe later you'll understand I'm out with my mind. Been looking at how, what, when and why we spend money and yes I came to this factual conclusion that man has no actual need for money but what is behind money. Still don't get it? Let me put it this way, when did you last make a purchase for something? Why did you do it? Why didn't you keep the money?, you know I thought it was valuable to you or should I say a need. You just gave it out and went away with the goods or services. Did you even think twice?. Lols, it's always funny when I think of all this, yet we keep pursuing money as if it is something we adore.
There is a need to differentiate between money and problems. Everybody wants their problem solved and if it is pegged to money then it's a means not a value.
Money is neither want nor need
Let me put it this way, Mr Smith wants to build a house because he feels the need for personal shelter. He has drawn out his strategy on how to meet up. To work and generate a certain amount of money let's say for about four years. Things have been going well and he has been saving up for the D-day to begin his construction. Six months to meeting his financial target, the government announces they will no longer be using currency for transactions rather cost will be pegged to a bag of sand, yes you heard me right. Do you think Mr. Smith will keep the money he so long worked for or will he exchange it for bags of sand. He never wanted nor needed the money, all he wanted was to solve his problem which is shelter. Definitely he will have to swap the money on time so that he may still have what to use and solve his problem.
We have problems that need solvings
Imagine you getting to the hospital to be diagnosed and the doctor said, he won't be needing cash, just go get me a shoe, wouldn't you go get it for him. The problem at hand is the health issue. Lols, it seems funny, just trying to be as raw as possible. The world is full of problems and whatever the system accepts as a means to solve problems will be the medium but not of actual value. This is so and will continue to be so. Am using this post to enlighten us that there is a need to rearrange our mentality and instead of becoming slaves to money we can just know it is just a means of exchange and that the main value is the daily problems we face. It can help us set limits and reduce our problems instead of lusting after money and increasing our problems.
If money is a need, why exchange it?
There is a saying, what you like you plug and what you love you grow. Money changes hands everyday for one reason; problems. We make money to spend on routine bases. From health to food to education and so on and so forth. Everyone wants to satisfy their emotions. The cinema you went to was a problem, that tour, the traveling and even the new shoes you bought. You exchanged money wholehearted for it. The day money is no longer in use in circulation you will also stop using it and adapt to the trending means or have we not heard of trade by barter. Some people may begin to ask, how about people that have money in excess and have to store it?
Greed is a problem
I pity anyone who would store money in the long run. Maybe he does not understand the concept of inflation and how it keeps biting the economy. Smart investors prefer to convert it into other valuable assets which is also a problem solved at this state. That said, we move, there are two reasons why people store or save money. First it is stored for reinvesting which can be termed investment problem or hoarded which also solves the greed problem. Don't be too surprised, greed is a problem, there are people who have to steal and hoard money away from others just to solve their unethical greed problem. They want to be the boss and keep the masses poor.
Don't know if you've been convinced enough about my view of money. Means will always be generated to solve man's problem. One needs to understand that this means does not hold the actual value but only a channel. What man values is his problem being solved. People pay millions of dollars to get things done. Any man with no problem has no concerns with money, take a look at infants and the dead. Because they have no problem to solve, they care not for it. Next time someone tells you he needs or wants money do well to enlighten him that he only has a problem that needs solving.
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